Unit 9 Learning
单词 音标 含义 例句
approach / pro t / 接近;方法 He approached the house cautiously.
geometry /d i m. .tri/ 几何学 He is studying geometry in school.
partner / pɑ t.n / 伙伴;合伙人 He is my partner in the project.
brush up (on) /br p ( n)/ 复习;温习 He brushed up on his Spanish before his trip to Mexico.
reflect /r flekt/ 反射;思考 The light reflected off the water.
reflect on /r flekt n/ 思考;反省 He reflected on his life experiences.
argue / ɑ .ɡju / 争论;辩论 They argued about the best way to solve the problem.
argue with / ɑ .ɡju w / 与…争论 He argued with his parents about his curfew.
assume / sju m/ 假设;认为 He assumed that she would be there.
automatic / .t m t. k/ 自动的 The door opened automatically.
inner / n. / 内在的;内部的 He has an inner strength that helps him overcome challenges.
outer / a .t / 外在的;外部的 The outer layer of the Earth is called the crust.
flexible / flek.s .b l/ 灵活的;可变通的 He is a flexible person who is able to adapt to change.
end up doing sth /end p du . s m.θ / 最终做某事 He ended up going to the party after all.
promote /pr mo t/ 促进;提升 He was promoted to manager.
work out /w k a t/ 锻炼;计算 He works out at the gym every day.
in short / n t/ 简而言之 In short, we need to take action to protect the environment.
attempt to / tempt tu / 尝试;试图 He attempted to climb the mountain.
at the heart of … / t hɑ t v …/ 是…的核心 The problem is at the heart of the conflict.
unlikely / n la k.li/ 不可能的;不太可能的 It is unlikely that he will win the lottery.
be based on /bi be sd n/ 基于;根据 The movie is based on a true story.
dinosaur / da .n .s / 恐龙 Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago.
exist / g z st/ 存在 The universe has existed for billions of years.
data / de .t / 数据 He analyzed the data to find a trend.
ignore / g n / 忽略;忽视 He ignored her calls.
impression / m pre . n/ 印象;感觉 He made a good impression on his new boss.
simplified / s m.pl .fa d/ 简化的 The instructions are simplified for easy understanding.
classic / kl s. k/ 经典的;典型的 The movie is a classic.
unfamiliar / n.f m l.j / 不熟悉的 He is unfamiliar with the software.
memorise / mem. .ra z/ 记忆;背诵 He memorised the poem for the test.
strategy / str t. .d i/ 策略;战略 He developed a strategy to win the game.
effectively / fek.t v.li/ 有效地;实质上 He is an effective leader.
beyond /b j nd/ 超越;在…之外 The problem is beyond my understanding.
recommend / rek. mend/ 推荐;建议 I recommend this book to you.
novel / n v. l/ 新颖的;小说的 He wrote a novel about his life experiences.
sufficient /s f . nt/ 足够的 He has sufficient money to buy a house.
input / n.p t/ 输入;投入 He provided valuable input to the project.
normally / n .m .li/ 通常;一般来说 He normally goes to work at 9 am.
context / k n.tekst/ 语境;上下文 The word has different meanings depending on the context.
chunk /t k/ 块;大块 He broke the chocolate bar into chunks.
acquire / kwa / 获得;获取 He acquired a new skill.
be honoured to do sth /bi n. d tu du s m.θ / 很荣幸做某事 I would be honoured to speak at your event.
odd / d/ 奇怪的;奇数的 He is an odd person.
soccer / s k. / 足球 He plays soccer for his school team.
subway / s b.we / 地铁 He took the subway to work.
in one way or another / n w n we n / 不管怎样 He will find a way to succeed, in one way or another.
worldwide / w ld.wa d/ 全球的;世界性的 The company has offices worldwide.
arrangement / re n .m nt/ 安排;布置 He made arrangements for the party.
childhood / t a ld.h d/ 童年 He had a happy childhood.
emotional / mo . n. l/ 情绪化的;情感的 He is an emotional person.
as a result / z r z lt/ 因此;结果 As a result, he was fired from his job.
photographic /f .t ɡr f. k/ 摄影的;照片的 He has a photographic memory.
digit / d d . t/ 数字 He entered the wrong digit in his PIN number.
pi /pa / 圆周率 Pi is a mathematical constant.
helicopter / hel. .k p.t / 直升机 He took a helicopter ride over the city.
publish / p b.l / 出版;发布 The book was published in 2023.
curve /k v/ 曲线;弯曲 The road curves around the mountain.
sharp / ɑ p/ 锋利的;尖锐的 He cut himself with a sharp knife.
timely / ta m.li/ 及时的;合时的 He arrived just in time for the meeting.
cell /sel/ 细胞;电池 He studied cells in biology class.
periodically /p .ri d. .k .li/ 定期的;周期性的 He exercises periodically.
take it easy /te k t i .zi/ 放松;别紧张 Take it easy, you're doing great.
memorization / mem. .ra ze . n/ 记忆;背诵 Memorization is an important skill for students.
technique /tek ni k/ 技术;技巧 He used a new technique to solve the problem.
reflection /r flek. n/ 反射;思考 He spent some time in reflection after the argument.
reflective /r flek.t v/ 反射的;思考的 He is a reflective person who always considers his actions.
journal / d .n l/ 日记;期刊 He writes in his journal every day.
moreover /m r o .v / 此外;而且 He is a talented artist, moreover, he is a kind person.
surfing / s .f / 冲浪 He loves surfing in the ocean.
seafood / si .fu d/ 海鲜 He loves eating seafood.
gap /ɡ p/ 间隙;差距 There is a gap between the two generations.
gender / d en.d / 性别 He identifies as male.
identical /a den.t .k l/ 相同的;一模一样的 The twins are identical.
comic / k m. k/ 漫画的;滑稽的 He read a comic book.
fiction / f k. n/ 虚构的;小说 He enjoys reading fiction.
evidence / ev. .d ns/ 证据;证明 The police found evidence of the crime.
expose / k spo z/ 暴露;揭露 He exposed the corruption in the government.
outcome / a t.k m/ 结果;后果 The outcome of the election is uncertain.
Unit 9 Learning
* 根据中文及音标提示,写出对应英文单词,并用该词造一个英文句子。
单词 音标 含义 例句
/ pro t / 接近;方法
/d i m. .tri/ 几何学
/ pɑ t.n / 伙伴;合伙人
/br p ( n)/ 复习;温习
/r flekt/ 反射;思考
/r flekt n/ 思考;反省
/ ɑ .ɡju / 争论;辩论
/ ɑ .ɡju w / 与…争论
/ sju m/ 假设;认为
/ .t m t. k/ 自动的
/ n. / 内在的;内部的
/ a .t / 外在的;外部的
/ flek.s .b l/ 灵活的;可变通的
/end p du . s m.θ / 最终做某事
/pr mo t/ 促进;提升
/w k a t/ 锻炼;计算
/ n t/ 简而言之
/ tempt tu / 尝试;试图
/ t hɑ t v …/ 是…的核心
/ n la k.li/ 不可能的;不太可能的
/bi be sd n/ 基于;根据
/ da .n .s / 恐龙
/ g z st/ 存在
/ de .t / 数据
/ g n / 忽略;忽视
/ m pre . n/ 印象;感觉
/ s m.pl .fa d/ 简化的
/ kl s. k/ 经典的;典型的
/ n.f m l.j / 不熟悉的
/ mem. .ra z/ 记忆;背诵
/ str t. .d i/ 策略;战略
/ fek.t v.li/ 有效地;实质上
/b j nd/ 超越;在…之外
/ rek. mend/ 推荐;建议
/ n v. l/ 新颖的;小说的
/s f . nt/ 足够的
/ n.p t/ 输入;投入
/ n .m .li/ 通常;一般来说
/ k n.tekst/ 语境;上下文
/t k/ 块;大块
/ kwa / 获得;获取
/bi n. d tu du s m.θ / 很荣幸做某事
/ d/ 奇怪的;奇数的
/ s k. / 足球
/ s b.we / 地铁
/ n w n we n / 不管怎样
/ w ld.wa d/ 全球的;世界性的
/ re n .m nt/ 安排;布置
/ t a ld.h d/ 童年
/ mo . n. l/ 情绪化的;情感的
/ z r z lt/ 因此;结果
/f .t ɡr f. k/ 摄影的;照片的
/ d d . t/ 数字
/pa / 圆周率
/ hel. .k p.t / 直升机
/ p b.l / 出版;发布
/k v/ 曲线;弯曲
/ ɑ p/ 锋利的;尖锐的
/ ta m.li/ 及时的;合时的
/sel/ 细胞;电池
/p .ri d. .k .li/ 定期的;周期性的
/te k t i .zi/ 放松;别紧张
/ mem. .ra ze . n/ 记忆;背诵
/tek ni k/ 技术;技巧
/r flek. n/ 反射;思考
/r flek.t v/ 反射的;思考的
/ d .n l/ 日记;期刊
/m r o .v / 此外;而且
/ s .f / 冲浪
/ si .fu d/ 海鲜
/ɡ p/ 间隙;差距
/ d en.d / 性别
/a den.t .k l/ 相同的;一模一样的
/ k m. k/ 漫画的;滑稽的
/ f k. n/ 虚构的;小说
/ ev. .d ns/ 证据;证明
/ k spo z/ 暴露;揭露
/ a t.k m/ 结果;后果