Unit 8 Green living
单词 音标 含义 例句
tap /t p/ 轻敲;打开 He tapped the door to get her attention.
tissue / t .u / 组织;纸巾 He used a tissue to wipe his nose.
ocean / o . n/ 海洋 The ocean is a vast and mysterious place.
smog /sm g/ 烟雾 The city was covered in smog.
desert / dez. rt/ 沙漠;荒芜的地方 He crossed the desert on a camel.
global / glo .b l/ 全球的;世界性的 The problem of climate change is a global issue.
industrial / n d s.tri. l/ 工业的;产业的 The city is an industrial center.
extinction / k st k. n/ 灭绝 The species is facing extinction.
solution /s lu . n/ 溶液;解决方案 He found a solution to the problem.
electricity / lek.tr .s .ti/ 电力 The city lost power during the storm.
transport / tr n.sp t/ 运输;交通 He takes the bus to work.
recycle / ri .sa .k l/ 回收利用 We should recycle paper and plastic.
battery / b t. .ri/ 电池 He put new batteries in his flashlight.
carbon / kɑ .b n/ 碳 Carbon is a chemical element.
balance / b l. ns/ 平衡;平衡 He lost his balance and fell.
do my part for sth /du ma pɑ t f s m.θ / 为某事尽一份力 We all need to do our part to protect the environment.
flat /fl t/ 扁平的;平坦的 He lives in a flat.
root /ru t/ 根;根源 The tree has deep roots.
shoot / u t/ 射击;拍摄 He shot the gun into the air.
bother / b . / 烦恼;打扰 He doesn't want to be bothered.
can’t be bothered to do sth /kɑ nt bi b . d tu du s m.θ / 懒得做某事 He can't be bothered to go to the gym.
just-me-ism / d st mi . z. m/ 个人主义 He is accused of just-me-ism.
gallon / g l. n/ 加仑 (单位) He bought a gallon of milk.
take action /te k k. n/ 采取行动 We need to take action to protect the environment.
institute / n.st .tu t/ 设立;建立 He instituted a new policy.
chimpanzee / t m.p n.zi / 黑猩猩 The chimpanzee is a highly intelligent animal.
firm /f m/ 坚定的;牢固的 He has a firm grip on the rope.
foundation /fa n de . n/ 基础;基金会 The building has a strong foundation.
brick /br k/ 砖 The house is made of brick.
all around the world / l ra nd w ld/ 全世界 He has traveled all around the world.
wag /w g/ 摇晃;摆动 He wagged his tail happily.
involve / n v lv/ 涉及;包含 He was involved in a car accident.
poster / po .st / 海报 He put up a poster of his favorite band.
founder / fa n.d / 创始人;创办人 He is the founder of the company.
profit / pr f. t/ 利润;收益 The company made a large profit last year.
pm /pi em/ 下午 The meeting will be held at 2 pm.
organizer / .g .na .z / 组织者;策划者 She is the organizer of the event.
union / ju .ni. n/ 联合;工会 The two companies formed a union.
contented /k n ten.t d/ 心满意足的;满足的 He is a contented man.
occur / k / 发生;出现 The accident occurred at 10 am.
make sb’s dream come true /me k s m.b .diz dri m k m tru / 实现某人的梦想 He helped her make her dream come true.
agriculture / ɡ.r .k l.t / 农业 He works in the agriculture industry.
proposal /pr po .z l/ 提议;建议 He made a proposal to the board of directors.
region / ri .d n/ 地区;区域 He lives in a remote region.
slim /sl m/ 苗条的;纤细的 She is a slim woman.
survival /s va .v l/ 生存;存活 The survival of the species is at risk.
rate /re t/ 速度;比率 He drives at a rate of 60 miles per hour.
quote /kw t/ 引用;报价 He quoted a line from the poem.
headstone / hed.sto n/ 墓碑 The headstone marks the grave of his beloved wife.
overcome / o .v k m/ 克服;战胜 He overcame his fear of heights.
determination /d .t .m ne . n/ 决心;毅力 He has a strong determination to succeed.
work through /w k θru / 完成;解决 He worked through the problem.
former / f .m / 以前的;前任的 He is the former president of the company.
current / k r. nt/ 现在的;当前的 The current time is 10 am.
county / ka n.ti/ 县 He lives in a rural county.
ordinary / .d .n .ri/ 普通的;平凡的 He is an ordinary person.
parking / pɑ .k / 停车;停车场 He found a parking spot near the store.
therefore / .f / 因此;所以 He didn't study, therefore he failed the exam.
path /p θ/ 路径;道路 He followed the path through the woods.
come up with /k m p w / 想出;提出 He came up with a new idea.
disappear /d .s pi / 消失;失踪 The dog disappeared into the woods.
tracking / tr k. / 跟踪;追踪 He is tracking the animal's footprints.
destination /des.t ne . n/ 目的地;终点站 He is traveling to a new destination.
pedal / ped. l/ 踏板 He rode his bike to work.
resident / rez. .d nt/ 居民;常住户 He is a resident of the city.
official / f . l/ 官方的;正式的 He made an official announcement.
attitude / t. .tju d/ 态度;观点 He has a positive attitude towards life.
diagram / da . .gr m/ 图表;示意图 He drew a diagram of the experiment.
percentage /p s n.t d / 百分比 The success rate is 80%.
take part in /te k pɑ t n/ 参与;参加 He took part in the competition.
cut back on /k t b k n/ 减少;节制 He is cutting back on his spending.
disposable /d spo .z .b l/ 一次性的;可抛弃的 He used a disposable cup.
packaging / p k. .d / 包装 The product comes in recyclable packaging.
plastic / pl s.t k/ 塑料 He is trying to reduce his use of plastic.
honey / h n.i/ 蜂蜜 He put honey on his toast.
butter / b t. / 黄油 He spread butter on his bread.
yoghurt / jo .g rt/ 酸奶 He ate yoghurt for breakfast.
container /k n te .n / 容器;集装箱 He put the food in a container.
majority /m d r. .ti/ 大多数;多数 The majority of people voted for the new president.
air conditioning /e k n d . n. / 空调 He turned on the air conditioning.
sum /s m/ 总和;金额 The sum of the two numbers is 10.
to sum up /tu s m p/ 总结;概括 To sum up, we need to take action to protect the environment.
indicate / n.d .ke t/ 指示;表明 The arrow indicates the direction.
landfill / l nd.f l/ 垃圾填埋场 The city is running out of landfill space.
clean-burning /kli n b .n / 燃烧充分的 He uses clean-burning fuel in his car.
waste-to-energy /we st tu en. .d i/ 垃圾发电 The city is building a waste-to-energy plant.
footwear / f t.we / 鞋子 He bought a new pair of footwear.
annually / nju . .li/ 每年;年度的 The company holds an annual meeting.
near-surface /n s fe s/ 近地表 The near-surface temperature of the Earth is rising.
build-up / b ld. p/ 积聚;增加 The build-up of snow caused the roof to collapse.
pollutant /p lu .t nt/ 污染物 The factory is releasing pollutants into the air.
flooding / fl d. / 洪水;泛滥 The city is experiencing flooding.
overflow / o .v flo / 溢出;泛滥 The river overflowed its banks.
Unit 8 Green living
* 根据中文及音标提示,写出对应英文单词,并用该词造一个英文句子。
单词 音标 含义 例句
/t p/ 轻敲;打开
/ t .u / 组织;纸巾
/ o . n/ 海洋
/sm g/ 烟雾
/ dez. rt/ 沙漠;荒芜的地方
/ glo .b l/ 全球的;世界性的
/ n d s.tri. l/ 工业的;产业的
/ k st k. n/ 灭绝
/s lu . n/ 溶液;解决方案
/ lek.tr .s .ti/ 电力
/ tr n.sp t/ 运输;交通
/ ri .sa .k l/ 回收利用
/ b t. .ri/ 电池
/ kɑ .b n/ 碳
/ b l. ns/ 平衡;平衡
/du ma pɑ t f s m.θ / 为某事尽一份力
/fl t/ 扁平的;平坦的
/ru t/ 根;根源
/ u t/ 射击;拍摄
/ b . / 烦恼;打扰
/kɑ nt bi b . d tu du s m.θ / 懒得做某事
/ d st mi . z. m/ 个人主义
/ g l. n/ 加仑 (单位)
/te k k. n/ 采取行动
/ n.st .tu t/ 设立;建立
/ t m.p n.zi / 黑猩猩
/f m/ 坚定的;牢固的
/fa n de . n/ 基础;基金会
/br k/ 砖
/ l ra nd w ld/ 全世界
/w g/ 摇晃;摆动
/ n v lv/ 涉及;包含
/ po .st / 海报
/ fa n.d / 创始人;创办人
/ pr f. t/ 利润;收益
/pi em/ 下午
/ .g .na .z / 组织者;策划者
/ ju .ni. n/ 联合;工会
/k n ten.t d/ 心满意足的;满足的
/ k / 发生;出现
/me k s m.b .diz dri m k m tru / 实现某人的梦想
/ ɡ.r .k l.t / 农业
/pr po .z l/ 提议;建议
/ ri .d n/ 地区;区域
/sl m/ 苗条的;纤细的
/s va .v l/ 生存;存活
/re t/ 速度;比率
/kw t/ 引用;报价
/ hed.sto n/ 墓碑
/ o .v k m/ 克服;战胜
/d .t .m ne . n/ 决心;毅力
/w k θru / 完成;解决
/ f .m / 以前的;前任的
/ k r. nt/ 现在的;当前的
/ ka n.ti/ 县
/ .d .n .ri/ 普通的;平凡的
/ pɑ .k / 停车;停车场
/ .f / 因此;所以
/p θ/ 路径;道路
/k m p w / 想出;提出
/d .s pi / 消失;失踪
/ tr k. / 跟踪;追踪
/des.t ne . n/ 目的地;终点站
/ ped. l/ 踏板
/ rez. .d nt/ 居民;常住户
/ f . l/ 官方的;正式的
/ t. .tju d/ 态度;观点
/ da . .gr m/ 图表;示意图
/p s n.t d / 百分比
/te k pɑ t n/ 参与;参加
/k t b k n/ 减少;节制
/d spo .z .b l/ 一次性的;可抛弃的
/ p k. .d / 包装
/ pl s.t k/ 塑料
/ h n.i/ 蜂蜜
/ b t. / 黄油
/ jo .g rt/ 酸奶
/k n te .n / 容器;集装箱
/m d r. .ti/ 大多数;多数
/e k n d . n. / 空调
/s m/ 总和;金额
/tu s m p/ 总结;概括
/ n.d .ke t/ 指示;表明
/ l nd.f l/ 垃圾填埋场
/kli n b .n / 燃烧充分的
/we st tu en. .d i/ 垃圾发电
/ f t.we / 鞋子
/ nju . .li/ 每年;年度的
/n s fe s/ 近地表
/ b ld. p/ 积聚;增加
/p lu .t nt/ 污染物
/ fl d. / 洪水;泛滥
/ o .v flo / 溢出;泛滥