人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 3 Food and Culture一轮复习单词复测练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 3 Food and Culture一轮复习单词复测练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 37.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-31 18:16:02



Unit 3 Food and culture
单词 音标 含义 例句
cuisine / kw .zi n/ 烹饪方式;菜系 French cuisine is known for its use of fresh ingredients and complex sauces.
prior / pra . / 先前的;以前的 He had prior experience working in a restaurant.
prior to / pra . tu / 在…之前 Prior to the invention of the microwave, cooking took much longer.
consist /k n s st/ 由…组成;包含 The dish consists of chicken, rice, and vegetables.
consist of /k n s st v/ 由…组成 The dish consists of chicken, rice, and vegetables.
pepper / pep. / 胡椒;辣椒 He added a pinch of pepper to the soup.
recipe / res. .pi/ 食谱;菜谱 She followed a recipe to make the cake.
bold /bo ld/ 大胆的;勇敢的 He used bold flavors in his cooking.
chef / ef/ 厨师;主厨 The chef prepared a delicious meal.
peppercorn / pep. .k n/ 胡椒粒 He added a few peppercorns to the sauce.
vinegar / v n. .g / 醋 He added vinegar to the salad dressing.
stuff /st f/ 填充;塞满 He stuffed the turkey with bread crumbs and herbs.
slice /sla s/ 切片;薄片 He sliced the bread into thin slices.
slice … off /sla s … f/ 从…切下 He sliced a piece of cake off the cake.
onion / n.j n/ 洋葱 He chopped an onion for the soup.
lamb /l m/ 羊羔;羊肉 He roasted a lamb for dinner.
lamb kebab /l m k b b/ 羊肉串 He ordered a lamb kebab from the grill.
elegant / el. .g nt/ 优雅的;精致的 The restaurant had an elegant atmosphere.
dim sum /d m s m/ 点心 He went to a dim sum restaurant for breakfast.
exceptional / k sep. n. l/ 异常的;出色的 The food was exceptional.
minimum / m n. .m m/ 最小的;最低的 The minimum age for entry is 18.
consume /k n sju m/ 消费;消耗 He consumes a lot of junk food.
temper / tem.p / 脾气;性格 He has a hot temper.
vegetarian / ved . te .ri. n/ 素食主义者;素食的 She is a vegetarian.
junk /d k/ 垃圾;废物 He threw away the junk food.
junk food /d k fu d/ 垃圾食品 He eats too much junk food.
garlic / ɡɑ .l k/ 大蒜 He added garlic to the sauce.
bacon / be .k n/ 培根 He had bacon and eggs for breakfast.
ham /h m/ 火腿 He had a ham sandwich for lunch.
sausage / s .s d / 香肠 He had sausage and eggs for breakfast.
cabbage / k b. d / 卷心菜 He made a cabbage salad.
bean curd / bi n k d/ 豆腐 He made a tofu stir-fry.
brand /br nd/ 品牌;商标 He bought a well-known brand of cereal.
olive / l. v/ 橄榄 He added olives to the salad.
fig /f ɡ/ 无花果 He ate a fig for dessert.
ingredient / n ɡri .di. nt/ 成分;材料 The cake is made with fresh ingredients.
dessert /d z t/ 甜点 He had a chocolate cake for dessert.
dough /do / 面团 She made bread dough from scratch.
stable / ste .b l/ 稳定的;牢固的 The table is stable.
haggis / h .g s/ 羊肚杂 Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish made with sheep's pluck, minced onion, oatmeal, spices, and salt.
canteen /k n ti n/ 食堂;餐厅 He ate lunch in the school canteen.
cafeteria / k f. t .ri. / 餐厅;自助餐厅 He ate lunch in the school cafeteria.
bun /b n/ 面包;圆面包 He had a hamburger bun with his meal.
chilli / t l.i/ 辣椒;辣椒酱 He added chilli to the soup.
pork /p k/ 猪肉 He had pork chops for dinner.
red braised pork /red bre zd p k/ 红烧肉 Red braised pork is a traditional Chinese dish made with pork belly, soy sauce, sugar, and spices.
pearl /p l/ 珍珠 She wore a pearl necklace.
somewhat / s m.w t/ 有些;稍微 He is somewhat shy.
madam / m d. m/ 女士;夫人 Madam, can I help you
calorie / k l. .ri/ 卡路里 The cake is high in calories.
association / .s .si e . n/ 协会;联系 He is a member of the American Medical Association.
regardless /r ɡɑ d.l s/ 不管;无论 He will go to the party, regardless of the weather.
regardless of /r ɡɑ d.l s v/ 不管;无论 He will go to the party, regardless of the weather.
category / k t. .ɡo.ri/ 类别;种类 The book is in the category of fiction.
vitamin / va .t .m n/ 维生素 Vitamin C is important for good health.
fibre / fa .b / 纤维 Fibre is important for good health.
quantity / kw n.t .ti/ 数量;多少 He bought a large quantity of food.
dairy / de .ri/ 乳制品;奶制品 He bought some dairy products at the store.
moderation / m .d re . n/ 适度;节制 He eats in moderation.
ideal /a di . l/ 理想的;完美的 She is the ideal candidate for the job.
fundamental / f n.d men.t l/ 基本的;根本的 Education is a fundamental human right.
chew /t u / 咀嚼 He chewed his food slowly.
consistent /k n s s.t nt/ 一致的;前后一致的 His story is consistent with the other witnesses.
modest / m d. st/ 谦虚的;朴素的 She wore a modest dress.
trick /tr k/ 技巧;诡计 He taught his dog a new trick.
overall / o .v r l/ 总的来说;总体而言 Overall, the project was a success.
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin / ɑ n ɑ .telm bri.ja s .vɑ . / 让·安泰尔姆·布里亚-萨瓦兰 Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin was a French lawyer and gastronome.
Kazak /k z k/ 哈萨克族的;哈萨克斯坦的 He is a Kazak national.
St Andrews /se nt n.dru z/ 圣安德鲁斯 St Andrews is a town in Fife, Scotland.
Unit 3 Food and culture
* 根据中文及音标提示,写出对应英文单词,并用该词造一个英文句子。
单词 音标 含义 例句
/ kw .zi n/ 烹饪方式;菜系
/ pra . / 先前的;以前的
/ pra . tu / 在…之前
/k n s st/ 由…组成;包含
/k n s st v/ 由…组成
/ pep. / 胡椒;辣椒
/ res. .pi/ 食谱;菜谱
/bo ld/ 大胆的;勇敢的
/ ef/ 厨师;主厨
/ pep. .k n/ 胡椒粒
/ v n. .g / 醋
/st f/ 填充;塞满
/sla s/ 切片;薄片
/sla s … f/ 从…切下
/ n.j n/ 洋葱
/l m/ 羊羔;羊肉
/l m k b b/ 羊肉串
/ el. .g nt/ 优雅的;精致的
/d m s m/ 点心
/ k sep. n. l/ 异常的;出色的
/ m n. .m m/ 最小的;最低的
/k n sju m/ 消费;消耗
/ tem.p / 脾气;性格
/ ved . te .ri. n/ 素食主义者;素食的
/d k/ 垃圾;废物
/d k fu d/ 垃圾食品
/ ɡɑ .l k/ 大蒜
/ be .k n/ 培根
/h m/ 火腿
/ s .s d / 香肠
/ k b. d / 卷心菜
/ bi n k d/ 豆腐
/br nd/ 品牌;商标
/ l. v/ 橄榄
/f ɡ/ 无花果
/ n ɡri .di. nt/ 成分;材料
/d z t/ 甜点
/do / 面团
/ ste .b l/ 稳定的;牢固的
/ h .g s/ 羊肚杂
/k n ti n/ 食堂;餐厅
/ k f. t .ri. / 餐厅;自助餐厅
/b n/ 面包;圆面包
/ t l.i/ 辣椒;辣椒酱
/p k/ 猪肉
/red bre zd p k/ 红烧肉
/p l/ 珍珠
/ s m.w t/ 有些;稍微
/ m d. m/ 女士;夫人
/ k l. .ri/ 卡路里
/ .s .si e . n/ 协会;联系
/r ɡɑ d.l s/ 不管;无论
/r ɡɑ d.l s v/ 不管;无论
/ k t. .ɡo.ri/ 类别;种类
/ va .t .m n/ 维生素
/ fa .b / 纤维
/ kw n.t .ti/ 数量;多少
/ de .ri/ 乳制品;奶制品
/ m .d re . n/ 适度;节制
/a di . l/ 理想的;完美的
/ f n.d men.t l/ 基本的;根本的
/t u / 咀嚼
/k n s s.t nt/ 一致的;前后一致的
/ m d. st/ 谦虚的;朴素的
/tr k/ 技巧;诡计
/ o .v r l/ 总的来说;总体而言
/ ɑ n ɑ .telm bri.ja s .vɑ . / 让·安泰尔姆·布里亚-萨瓦兰
/k z k/ 哈萨克族的;哈萨克斯坦的
/se nt n.dru z/ 圣安德鲁斯