Unit 4 Journey across a vast land
单词 音标 含义 例句
airline / e .la n/ 航空公司 He flew to New York on an American airline.
bay /be / 海湾;港湾 The boat sailed into the bay.
craft /krɑ ft/ 工艺;手艺 He is skilled in many crafts.
antique / n ti k/ 古董的;古老的 He bought an antique vase at the auction.
pleasant / plez. nt/ 愉快的;高兴的 He had a pleasant day at the beach.
arise / ra z/ 起来;发生 The sun arises in the east.
massive / m s. v/ 巨大的;大量的 The building is a massive structure.
literally / l t. .r .li/ 确实地;真正地 He was literally speechless with surprise.
breath /breθ/ 呼吸;气息 He took a deep breath.
take sb’s breath away /te k s m.b .diz breθ we / 令某人惊叹不已 The view from the top of the mountain took my breath away.
bound /ba nd/ 决心;注定 He was bound to succeed.
scenery / si .n .ri/ 景色;风景 The scenery in the mountains is breathtaking.
awesome / .s m/ 令人敬畏的;极好的 The movie was awesome.
spectacular /spek t k.j .l / 壮观的;精彩的 The fireworks display was spectacular.
peak /pi k/ 山峰;顶峰 He reached the peak of the mountain.
highlight / ha .la t/ 突出点;亮点 The highlight of the trip was the visit to the Grand Canyon.
goat /ɡo t/ 山羊 He saw a goat on the mountain.
grizzly bear / gr z.li be / 灰熊 He saw a grizzly bear in the forest.
drill /dr l/ 钻;训练 He drilled a hole in the wall.
freezing / fri .z / 结冰的;极冷的 The weather was freezing.
freezing cold / fri .z k ld/ 极冷的 It was freezing cold outside.
freeze /fri z/ 冻结;冷冻 He froze the water into ice.
mall /m l/ 购物中心 He went to the mall to buy some clothes.
prairie / pre .ri/ 草原 He saw a herd of bison on the prairie.
anticipate / n t .s .pe t/ 预期;期待 He is anticipating a good harvest this year.
bunch /b nt / 一束;一堆 He bought a bunch of flowers.
a bunch of / b nt v/ 一群;一堆 He saw a bunch of people standing outside the store.
thunder / θ n.d / 雷声 He heard thunder in the distance.
frost /fr st/ 霜冻 The ground was covered in frost.
curtain / k .t n/ 窗帘;幕布 She closed the curtains to block out the light.
border / b .d / 边界;边境 The border between the two countries is heavily guarded.
duration /dj re . n/ 持续时间;时间长短 The duration of the project was two years.
harbour / hɑ .b / 港口;庇护所 The ship sailed into the harbour.
enroll / n ro l/ 登记;注册 He enrolled in the university.
quarry / kw .ri/ 采石场;猎物 The hunters chased the quarry into the woods.
idiom / d.i. m/ 习语;成语 He used an idiom in his speech.
contrary / k n.tr .ri/ 相反的;违背的 His opinion is contrary to mine.
contrary to / k n.tr .ri tu / 违背;与…相反 Contrary to popular belief, the earth is not flat.
anyhow / en.i.ha / 无论如何;反正 He will come, anyhow.
alongside / l .sa d/ 旁边;并列 He walked alongside the river.
proceed /pr si d/ 进行;继续 The meeting proceeded without him.
proceed to sth /pr si d tu s m.θ / 开始做某事 He proceeded to open the door.
shore / / 海岸;岸边 The boat sailed to the shore.
astonish / st n. / 惊讶;使惊奇 He was astonished by the news.
misty / m s.ti/ 雾蒙蒙的;模糊的 The morning air was misty.
mist /m st/ 雾;薄雾 There was a mist on the mountain.
steel /sti l/ 钢;钢铁 The building is made of steel.
dusk /d sk/ 黄昏;暮色 The sun set at dusk.
advertisement / d v .t s.m nt/ 广告 He saw an advertisement for a new car.
accent / k.s nt/ 口音;强调 He has a British accent.
photographer /f t g.r .f / 摄影师 He is a professional photographer.
owe /o / 欠;亏欠 He owes me money.
owe sth to sb /o s m.θ tu s m.b .di/ 亏欠某人某事 He owes his success to his hard work.
toast /to st/ 烤面包;祝酒 He made toast for breakfast.
cobblestone / k b. l.sto n/ 鹅卵石 The street was paved with cobblestones.
coherent /ko h .r nt/ 连贯的;一致的 His story was coherent and believable.
Halifax / h .l .f ks/ 哈利法克斯 Halifax is the capital of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Vancouver /v n ku .v / 温哥华 Vancouver is a city in British Columbia, Canada.
Lake Louise /le k lu . s/ 路易斯湖 Lake Louise is a lake in Alberta, Canada.
Jasper / d s.p / 贾斯珀 Jasper is a town in Alberta, Canada.
Toronto /t r n.to / 多伦多 Toronto is a city in Ontario, Canada.
Edmonton / d.m n.t n/ 埃德蒙顿 Edmonton is the capital of Alberta, Canada.
Winnipeg / w n. .p g/ 温尼伯 Winnipeg is the capital of Manitoba, Canada.
Ontario / n te .ri.o / 安大略 Ontario is a province in Canada.
Butchart Gardens / b t . rt ɡɑ .dn z/ 布查特花园 Butchart Gardens is a botanical garden in British Columbia, Canada.
Lake Huron /le k hj r. n/ 休伦湖 Lake Huron is one of the Great Lakes in North America.
Quebec City /kwe b k s .ti/ 魁北克市 Quebec City is the capital of Quebec, Canada.
Montreal /m n tri . l/ 蒙特利尔 Montreal is a city in Quebec, Canada.
Niagara Falls /na ɡ. .r f lz/ 尼亚加拉瀑布 Niagara Falls is a waterfall located on the border between the United States and Canada.
St Lawrence River /se nt l .r ns r v. / 圣劳伦斯河 The St Lawrence River is a river that flows from Lake Ontario to the Atlantic Ocean.
Jean-Philippe / ɑ fi lip/ 让-菲利普 Jean-Philippe is a French-Canadian singer-songwriter.
Nove Scotia /no v sko . / 新斯科舍 Nova Scotia is a province in Canada.
Unit 4 Journey across a vast land
* 根据中文及音标提示,写出对应英文单词,并用该词造一个英文句子。
单词 音标 含义 例句
/ e .la n/ 航空公司
/be / 海湾;港湾
/krɑ ft/ 工艺;手艺
/ n ti k/ 古董的;古老的
/ plez. nt/ 愉快的;高兴的
/ ra z/ 起来;发生
/ m s. v/ 巨大的;大量的
/ l t. .r .li/ 确实地;真正地
/breθ/ 呼吸;气息
/te k s m.b .diz breθ we / 令某人惊叹不已
/ba nd/ 决心;注定
/ si .n .ri/ 景色;风景
/ .s m/ 令人敬畏的;极好的
/spek t k.j .l / 壮观的;精彩的
/pi k/ 山峰;顶峰
/ ha .la t/ 突出点;亮点
/ɡo t/ 山羊
/ gr z.li be / 灰熊
/dr l/ 钻;训练
/ fri .z / 结冰的;极冷的
/ fri .z k ld/ 极冷的
/fri z/ 冻结;冷冻
/m l/ 购物中心
/ pre .ri/ 草原
/ n t .s .pe t/ 预期;期待
/b nt / 一束;一堆
/ b nt v/ 一群;一堆
/ θ n.d / 雷声
/fr st/ 霜冻
/ k .t n/ 窗帘;幕布
/ b .d / 边界;边境
/dj re . n/ 持续时间;时间长短
/ hɑ .b / 港口;庇护所
/ n ro l/ 登记;注册
/ kw .ri/ 采石场;猎物
/ d.i. m/ 习语;成语
/ k n.tr .ri/ 相反的;违背的
/ k n.tr .ri tu / 违背;与…相反
/ en.i.ha / 无论如何;反正
/ l .sa d/ 旁边;并列
/pr si d/ 进行;继续
/pr si d tu s m.θ / 开始做某事
/ / 海岸;岸边
/ st n. / 惊讶;使惊奇
/ m s.ti/ 雾蒙蒙的;模糊的
/m st/ 雾;薄雾
/sti l/ 钢;钢铁
/d sk/ 黄昏;暮色
/ d v .t s.m nt/ 广告
/ k.s nt/ 口音;强调
/f t g.r .f / 摄影师
/o / 欠;亏欠
/o s m.θ tu s m.b .di/ 亏欠某人某事
/to st/ 烤面包;祝酒
/ k b. l.sto n/ 鹅卵石
/ko h .r nt/ 连贯的;一致的
/ h .l .f ks/ 哈利法克斯
/v n ku .v / 温哥华
/le k lu . s/ 路易斯湖
/ d s.p / 贾斯珀
/t r n.to / 多伦多
/ d.m n.t n/ 埃德蒙顿
/ w n. .p g/ 温尼伯
/ n te .ri.o / 安大略
/ b t . rt ɡɑ .dn z/ 布查特花园
/le k hj r. n/ 休伦湖
/kwe b k s .ti/ 魁北克市
/m n tri . l/ 蒙特利尔
/na ɡ. .r f lz/ 尼亚加拉瀑布
/se nt l .r ns r v. / 圣劳伦斯河
/ ɑ fi lip/ 让-菲利普
/no v sko . / 新斯科舍