人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures一轮复习单词复测练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures一轮复习单词复测练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 40.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-31 18:17:53



Unit 2 Bridging Cultures
单词 音标 含义 例句
complex / k m.pleks/ 复杂的;复合的 The human brain is a complex organ.
recall /r k l/ 回忆;记起 Can you recall what happened last night
qualification / kw l f ke n/ 资格;资质 You need to have the necessary qualifications to apply for this job.
qualify / kw l f / 使合格;具备资格 She qualified for the Olympic Games.
ambition / m b n/ 雄心壮志;抱负 She has big ambitions for her career.
ambitious / m b s/ 有雄心壮志的;有抱负的 He is an ambitious young man.
adaptation / d p te n/ 适应;适应性 The company has made some adaptations to the new market conditions.
comfort / k mf.t/ 舒适;安慰 I felt comforted by her words.
tutor / tju .t r/ 家教;辅导员 I hired a tutor to help me with my math homework.
cite /sa t/ 引用;举例 The essay cites several sources to support its argument.
participate /pɑ t .s .pe t/ 参加;参与 She participated in the protest.
participate in /pɑ t .s .pe t n/ 参加;参与 She participated in the protest against the government.
presentation /p zen te n/ 演讲;展示 He gave a presentation on the company's new products.
speak up /spi k p/ 大声说话;发言 Don't be afraid to speak up in class.
feel at home /fi l t h m/ 感到自在;感到舒适 I feel at home in this city.
engage / n ɡe / 参与;从事 He is engaged in research on artificial intelligence.
engage in / n ɡe n/ 参与;从事 He is engaged in research on artificial intelligence.
involve / n v lv/ 牵涉;涉及 The project involves many different departments.
get involved in /ɡet n v lvd n/ 参与;介入 He got involved in the protest against the government.
messenger / mes. . / 信使;使者 The messenger brought good news.
edition / d . n/ 版本;发行 This is the latest edition of the dictionary.
culture shock / k l.t k/ 文化冲击 He experienced culture shock when he first arrived in the United States.
zone /z n/ 区域;地带 The city is divided into several zones.
comfort zone / k mf.t z n/ 舒适区 She is afraid to step outside of her comfort zone.
overwhelming / w l.m . / 压倒性的;令人不知所措的 The task was overwhelming.
homesickness / h m.s k.n s/ 乡愁 He was suffering from homesickness.
motivated / m .t .ve .t d/ 有动力的;积极的 He is motivated to succeed.
motivation / m .t ve . n/ 动力;激励 His motivation is to help others.
motivate / m .t .ve t/ 激励;鼓舞 Her words motivated me to work harder.
advisor / d va .z / 顾问;顾问 She is an advisor to the president.
reasonable / ri .z n. .b l/ 合理的;合适的 The price is reasonable.
expectation / k spekt. . n/ 期望;预期 His expectations were not met.
applicant / pli.k nt/ 申请人 There were many applicants for the job.
firm /f m/ 坚定的;坚决的 He is a firm believer in democracy.
exposure / k sp . / 曝光;接触 The children had little exposure to the arts.
insight / n.sa t/ 洞察力;见解 He has a deep insight into human nature.
departure /d pɑ .t r/ 离开;出发 The plane departed on time.
setting / set. / 背景;设置 The story is set in the 19th century.
grasp /ɡr sp/ 理解;掌握 She has a good grasp of the material.
dramatic /dr m .t k/ 戏剧性的;激烈的 The scene was dramatic.
expense / k sp ns/ 费用;开支 The trip was expensive.
cost an arm and a leg /k st n ɑ m n leɡ/ 非常昂贵 The car cost an arm and a leg.
tremendous /tr men.d s/ 巨大的;惊人的 The earthquake was tremendous.
behave /b he v/ 表现;行为 How should I behave in this situation
surroundings /s ra nd. z/ 周围环境 The surroundings were beautiful.
mature /m t / 成熟的;成年 She is a mature woman.
depressed /d prest/ 沮丧的;消沉的 He was depressed by the news.
depress /d pres/ 使沮丧;使消沉 The news depressed him.
boom /bu m/ 繁荣;增长 The economy is booming.
strengthen / str .θ n/ 加强;强化 The government strengthened its military.
deny /d na / 否认;拒绝 He denied the allegations.
optimistic / p.t m s.t k/ 乐观的;乐观主义的 He is an optimistic person.
gain /ge n/ 获得;得到 He gained a lot of weight.
perspective /p sp k.t v/ 观点;视角 He has a different perspective on the issue.
competence / k m.p .t ns/ 能力;才能 He has the competence to do the job.
competent / k m.p .t nt/ 有能力的;有才能的 He is a competent engineer.
envoy / en.v / 使节;代表 The envoy arrived in the country.
cooperate /k .p .re t/ 合作;协作 The two countries cooperated on the project.
angle / .ɡ l/ 角度;观点 The two sides have different angles on the issue.
outlook / a t.l k/ 看法;观点 He has a positive outlook on the future.
belt /belt/ 带子;地区 The earthquake hit the belt along the coast.
initiative / n . . .t v/ 主动性;倡议 The company took the initiative to launch a new product.
sincerely /s n s r. .li/ 真诚地;诚挚地 I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
budget / bju .d t/ 预算 The government has a budget for education.
side with /sa d w / 站在某一方 He sided with the government.
logical / l d . .k l/ 合乎逻辑的;合理的 His argument is logical.
as far as I know / z fɑ r z a n / 就我所知 As far as I know, he is still in the country.
as far as I am concerned / z fɑ r z a m k n s nd/ 就我而言 As far as I am concerned, the matter is closed.
in summary / n s m. .r.i/ 总而言之 In summary, the meeting was a success.
generally speaking / d en. .r. .li s.pi .k / 一般来说 Generally speaking, the weather is good in the spring.
outcome / a t.k m/ 结果;结局 The outcome of the election is still uncertain.
Rome /r m/ 罗马 Rome is the capital of Italy.
Aisha / i / 阿伊莎 Aisha is a Muslim woman.
the Belt and Road Initiative / b lt n r d n. . . .t v/ 一带一路倡议 The Belt and Road Initiative is a Chinese initiative to promote economic cooperation between Asia, Europe, and Africa.
Unit 2 Bridging Cultures
* 根据中文及音标提示,写出对应英文单词,并用该词造一个英文句子。
单词 音标 含义 例句
/ k m.pleks/ 复杂的;复合的
/r k l/ 回忆;记起
/ kw l f ke n/ 资格;资质
/ kw l f / 使合格;具备资格
/ m b n/ 雄心壮志;抱负
/ m b s/ 有雄心壮志的;有抱负的
/ d p te n/ 适应;适应性
/ k mf.t/ 舒适;安慰
/ tju .t r/ 家教;辅导员
/sa t/ 引用;举例
/pɑ t .s .pe t/ 参加;参与
/pɑ t .s .pe t n/ 参加;参与
/p zen te n/ 演讲;展示
/spi k p/ 大声说话;发言
/fi l t h m/ 感到自在;感到舒适
/ n ɡe / 参与;从事
/ n ɡe n/ 参与;从事
/ n v lv/ 牵涉;涉及
/ɡet n v lvd n/ 参与;介入
/ mes. . / 信使;使者
/ d . n/ 版本;发行
/ k l.t k/ 文化冲击
/z n/ 区域;地带
/ k mf.t z n/ 舒适区
/ w l.m . / 压倒性的;令人不知所措的
/ h m.s k.n s/ 乡愁
/ m .t .ve .t d/ 有动力的;积极的
/ m .t ve . n/ 动力;激励
/ m .t .ve t/ 激励;鼓舞
/ d va .z / 顾问;顾问
/ ri .z n. .b l/ 合理的;合适的
/ k spekt. . n/ 期望;预期
/ pli.k nt/ 申请人
/f m/ 坚定的;坚决的
/ k sp . / 曝光;接触
/ n.sa t/ 洞察力;见解
/d pɑ .t r/ 离开;出发
/ set. / 背景;设置
/ɡr sp/ 理解;掌握
/dr m .t k/ 戏剧性的;激烈的
/ k sp ns/ 费用;开支
/k st n ɑ m n leɡ/ 非常昂贵
/tr men.d s/ 巨大的;惊人的
/b he v/ 表现;行为
/s ra nd. z/ 周围环境
/m t / 成熟的;成年
/d prest/ 沮丧的;消沉的
/d pres/ 使沮丧;使消沉
/bu m/ 繁荣;增长
/ str .θ n/ 加强;强化
/d na / 否认;拒绝
/ p.t m s.t k/ 乐观的;乐观主义的
/ge n/ 获得;得到
/p sp k.t v/ 观点;视角
/ k m.p .t ns/ 能力;才能
/ k m.p .t nt/ 有能力的;有才能的
/ en.v / 使节;代表
/k .p .re t/ 合作;协作
/ .ɡ l/ 角度;观点
/ a t.l k/ 看法;观点
/belt/ 带子;地区
/ n . . .t v/ 主动性;倡议
/s n s r. .li/ 真诚地;诚挚地
/ bju .d t/ 预算
/sa d w / 站在某一方
/ l d . .k l/ 合乎逻辑的;合理的
/ z fɑ r z a n / 就我所知
/ z fɑ r z a m k n s nd/ 就我而言
/ n s m. .r.i/ 总而言之
/ d en. .r. .li s.pi .k / 一般来说
/ a t.k m/ 结果;结局
/r m/ 罗马
/ i / 阿伊莎
/ b lt n r d n. . . .t v/ 一带一路倡议