人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists 一轮复习单词复测练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists 一轮复习单词复测练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 42.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-01-31 18:18:46



Unit 1 Science and Scientists
单词 音标 含义 例句
cholera / k l. .r / 霍乱 Cholera is a serious disease that can cause severe diarrhea and dehydration.
severe /s v / 严重的;严重的 The storm caused severe damage to the city.
diarrhoea /da ri / 腹泻 The child had diarrhea for several days.
dehydration / di .h dr te n/ 脱水 The patient was suffering from dehydration.
frustrated / fru .str .et d/ 沮丧的;烦恼的 The student was frustrated by his inability to understand the material.
once and for all / w ns n f r l/ 一次就好;彻底解决 The government has decided to once and for all solve the problem of poverty.
contradictory / k n.tr d k.t .ri/ 矛盾的;相互抵触的 His statements were contradictory.
infection / n fek n/ 感染 The patient had an infection that caused a fever.
infect / n fekt/ 感染;传染 The virus can infect humans.
germ /d m/ 细菌;病菌 The germ theory of disease states that diseases are caused by germs.
subscribe /s b skra b/ 订阅;赞助 I subscribe to the magazine.
subscribe to /s b skra b t / 赞同;支持 I subscribe to the idea that education is important.
proof /pru f/ 证据;证明 There is no proof that the vaccine is effective.
multiple / m l.t .pl/ 多重的;多个的 The patient had multiple fractures.
pump /p mp/ 泵;抽水机 The water pump is broken.
water pump / w .t p mp/ 水泵 The water pump is used to pump water.
household / ha s.h ld/ 家庭;家务 The household includes the parents, children, and pets.
suspect / s s.pekt/ 嫌疑人;可疑的人 The police suspect the man of the crime.
blame /ble m/ 责怪;归咎于 The accident was blamed on the driver.
handle / h nd.l/ 处理;应付 The government has to handle the problem of poverty.
intervention / n.t ven. n/ 干预;介入 The government intervened to stop the conflict.
link /l k/ 链接;联系 There is a link between smoking and lung cancer.
raw /r / 生的;未加工的 The meat is still raw.
pure /pju / 纯净的;纯粹的 The water is pure.
substantial /s b st n. l/ 实质性的;重大的 The increase in the cost of living is substantial.
decrease /d kri s/ 减少;下降 The number of cases of the disease has decreased.
thanks to / θ ks t / 多亏;由于 Thanks to the efforts of the doctors, the patient recovered.
statistic /st t s.t k/ 统计数据 The statistics show that the crime rate is increasing.
transform /tr n s fm/ 转变;改变 The company transformed from a small business into a multinational corporation.
epidemiology / p .d m . .l .d i/ 流行病学 Epidemiology is the study of the occurrence, distribution, and determinants of diseases in populations.
microscope / ma .kr .sk p/ 显微镜 The microscope is used to magnify small objects.
thinking / θ .k / 思考;想法 The thinking of the philosophers has influenced the development of science.
protein / pr .t n/ 蛋白质 Proteins are essential for life.
cell /sel/ 细胞 Cells are the basic units of life.
virus / v .r s/ 病毒 Viruses can cause diseases.
finding / fa n.d / 发现;发现 The scientists made a new finding about the virus.
initial / n . l/ 最初的;初步的 The initial results of the study were promising.
vaccine / v k.s n/ 疫苗 Vaccines can help to prevent diseases.
framework / fre .mw k/ 框架;结构 The framework of the theory is sound.
theoretical framework /θ r .t .k l fre .mw k/ 理论框架 The theoretical framework of the theory provides a useful way of thinking about the problem.
solid / s l. d/ 固体的;坚固的 The metal is a solid.
cast /k st/ 铸造;投射 The statue was cast in bronze.
shadow / .d / 阴影 The shadow of the tree fell on the ground.
rainbow / re n.b / 彩虹 The rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain.
pour /p / 倒;倾泻 The rain poured down.
concrete / k n.kri t/ 混凝土 The house was built with concrete.
plasma / pl z.m / 等离子体 Plasma is the fourth state of matter.
aerospace / e .s p s/ 航空航天 The aerospace industry is growing rapidly.
patriotic /p t.r t. k/ 爱国的;热爱祖国的 The patriotic people were willing to fight for their country.
mechanical /m k n. .k l/ 机械的;机械化的 The mechanical parts of the machine were worn out.
mechanic /m k n. k/ 技工;机械师 The mechanic fixed the car.
break out /bre k a t/ 爆发;逃脱 The fire broke out in the building.
aviation /e .vi e . n/ 航空 Aviation has revolutionized transportation.
defend /d fend/ 防卫;辩护 The army defended the country from invasion.
jet /d et/ 喷气式飞机 The jet took off from the airport.
assistant / s st. nt/ 助手 The assistant helped the teacher.
in charge of / n t ɑ rd v/ 负责 The manager is in charge of the department.
missile / m s. l/ 导弹 The missile was fired at the target.
leadership / li .d p/ 领导力 The leader showed great leadership in the crisis.
trace /tre s/ 追踪;寻找 The police traced the suspect to his home.
outstanding /a t st nd. / 杰出的;出色的 The student is an outstanding athlete.
gifted / ɡ f.t d/ 有天赋的;有才华的 The child is a gifted musician.
come down /k m da n/ 降落;下降 The plane came down safely.
abstract / b.str kt/ 抽象的;概括的 The abstract of the paper provides a summary of the main points.
steady / sted.i/ 稳定的;不变的 The patient's condition is steady.
concept / k n.s pt/ 概念;观念 The concept of the universe is difficult to grasp.
astronomer / str n. .m .t r/ 天文学家 The astronomer studied the stars and planets.
astronomy / str n. .mi/ 天文学 Astronomy is the study of the universe.
telescope / tel. .sk p/ 望远镜 The telescope is used to observe objects in space.
besides / b s dz/ 除此之外;此外 Besides, I don't have time to do it.
brilliant / br l. nt/ 聪明的;才华横溢的 The student is a brilliant mathematician.
furthermore /f θ .w d/ 此外;而且 Furthermore, the evidence is overwhelming.
above all / b v l/ 最重要的是;最重要的 Above all, we must be safe.
fault /f lt/ 错误;过错 The fault lies with the driver.
shift / ft/ 移动;变化 The shift in the tectonic plates caused the earthquake.
vivid / v v. d/ 生动的;鲜明的 The vivid images of the war were burned into my memory.
Queen Victoria / kwi n v k.t .r / 维多利亚女王 Queen Victoria reigned for over 60 years.
Cambridge / k m.b d / 剑桥 Cambridge is a city in England that is home to the University of Cambridge.
non-Newtonian fluid / n n nju .t n.i. n flu d/ 非牛顿流体 Non-Newtonian fluids have unusual properties, such as shear thickening or shear thinning.
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory / d t pr p . n l b .r .t ri/ 喷气推进实验室 The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is a research center that develops spacecraft and other technologies for space exploration.
Stephen Hawking / st f. n h k / 史蒂芬·霍金 Stephen Hawking was a British physicist who made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe.
the big bang theory / b ɡ b k θ .ri/ 大爆炸理论 The big bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model for the universe.
Fred Hoyle /fred h l/ 弗雷德·霍伊尔 Fred Hoyle was an English astronomer who proposed the steady-state theory of the universe.
Unit 1 Science and Scientists
* 根据中文及音标提示,写出对应英文单词,并用该词造一个英文句子。
单词 音标 含义 例句
/ k l. .r / 霍乱
/s v / 严重的;严重的
/da ri / 腹泻
/ di .h dr te n/ 脱水
/ fru .str .et d/ 沮丧的;烦恼的
/ w ns n f r l/ 一次就好;彻底解决
/ k n.tr d k.t .ri/ 矛盾的;相互抵触的
/ n fek n/ 感染
/ n fekt/ 感染;传染
/d m/ 细菌;病菌
/s b skra b/ 订阅;赞助
/s b skra b t / 赞同;支持
/pru f/ 证据;证明
/ m l.t .pl/ 多重的;多个的
/p mp/ 泵;抽水机
/ w .t p mp/ 水泵
/ ha s.h ld/ 家庭;家务
/ s s.pekt/ 嫌疑人;可疑的人
/ble m/ 责怪;归咎于
/ h nd.l/ 处理;应付
/ n.t ven. n/ 干预;介入
/l k/ 链接;联系
/r / 生的;未加工的
/pju / 纯净的;纯粹的
/s b st n. l/ 实质性的;重大的
/d kri s/ 减少;下降
/ θ ks t / 多亏;由于
/st t s.t k/ 统计数据
/tr n s fm/ 转变;改变
/ p .d m . .l .d i/ 流行病学
/ ma .kr .sk p/ 显微镜
/ θ .k / 思考;想法
/ pr .t n/ 蛋白质
/sel/ 细胞
/ v .r s/ 病毒
/ fa n.d / 发现;发现
/ n . l/ 最初的;初步的
/ v k.s n/ 疫苗
/ fre .mw k/ 框架;结构
/θ r .t .k l fre .mw k/ 理论框架
/ s l. d/ 固体的;坚固的
/k st/ 铸造;投射
/ .d / 阴影
/ re n.b / 彩虹
/p / 倒;倾泻
/ k n.kri t/ 混凝土
/ pl z.m / 等离子体
/ e .s p s/ 航空航天
/p t.r t. k/ 爱国的;热爱祖国的
/m k n. .k l/ 机械的;机械化的
/m k n. k/ 技工;机械师
/bre k a t/ 爆发;逃脱
/e .vi e . n/ 航空
/d fend/ 防卫;辩护
/d et/ 喷气式飞机
/ s st. nt/ 助手
/ n t ɑ rd v/ 负责
/ m s. l/ 导弹
/ li .d p/ 领导力
/tre s/ 追踪;寻找
/a t st nd. / 杰出的;出色的
/ ɡ f.t d/ 有天赋的;有才华的
/k m da n/ 降落;下降
/ b.str kt/ 抽象的;概括的
/ sted.i/ 稳定的;不变的
/ k n.s pt/ 概念;观念
/ str n. .m .t r/ 天文学家
/ str n. .mi/ 天文学
/ tel. .sk p/ 望远镜
/ b s dz/ 除此之外;此外
/ br l. nt/ 聪明的;才华横溢的
/f θ .w d/ 此外;而且
/ b v l/ 最重要的是;最重要的
/f lt/ 错误;过错
/ ft/ 移动;变化
/ v v. d/ 生动的;鲜明的
/ kwi n v k.t .r / 维多利亚女王
/ k m.b d / 剑桥
/ n n nju .t n.i. n flu d/ 非牛顿流体
/ d t pr p . n l b .r .t ri/ 喷气推进实验室
/ st f. n h k / 史蒂芬·霍金
/ b ɡ b k θ .ri/ 大爆炸理论
/fred h l/ 弗雷德·霍伊尔