Module 6 Why do we need dictionaries 模块教学详案


名称 Module 6 Why do we need dictionaries 模块教学详案
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2015-07-23 11:31:15



Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries?
I. 模块教学目标
Read about the first real English dictionary published in BritainLearn to use the words why, do/does, want, by, or, ifLearn to write a dictionary entry
Ⅱ. 目标语言
功 能 句 式 Making an announcement to hear Ask for attention: Hey! Listen up! Can I have everyone’s attention, please Ladie ( http: / / )s and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please Say what your announcement is about: I have a short / long announcement to make. I have a long list of announcements. Give details: The … will take place in … (on… at …)Show you have finished:That’s all, folks!Thanks for listening. Thank you for your attention.
词 汇 1. 四会词汇 bio ( http: / / )grapher, compile ( http: / / ), revise, contract, quotation, playwright, fault, publication, comprehensive, slip, obsolete, enlarge, prolific, poplar, forbidding, mansion, solemn, rehearse, momentary, embarrassment, tick, muffled, criminally, insane, arguable, assist, sort, motive, actuate, accessibility, electronic, computerize, complexity, navigate, apparatus, encyclopedic, entry, multimedia, audio, synonym, organically, devise, faculty, abstract, entitle, considerable, bulky, voluminous, ample, massive, alphabetical, relevant, buzzword, broadband, alternative, linguistic, browse2. 认读词汇lexicographer, landau ( http: / / ), coachman, clip-clop, immense, mutual, clank, asylum, thesaurus3. 词组 of all time, make sb’s acquaintance, see the light (of day), draw up, be made up of
语 法 1.Review the uses of why, do/does, wantWhy argue about it Do you know him I want a cup of tea.2.Review the uses of by, or, if There’s a sports c ( http: / / )enter by the school. Has anyone got a pen or a pencil I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
重 点 句 子 1. Dictionaries a ( http: / / )re like watches: the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true. P722. Samuel Johnson ( http: / / ) was one of Britain’s greatest literary figures of all time. P723. …they were all unha ( http: / / )ppy with existing dictionaries, including Samuel Johnson’s. P734. He sent th ( http: / / )ousands of quotation slips to the editor James Murray, and Murray was extremely grateful for the work he did. P785. It is an ( http: / / )honour and a pleasure to at long last make your acquaintance, for you must be Dr W. C. Minor P78
III. 教材分析与教材重组
1. 教材分析
本模块以讨论、阅读、回顾、总结等各种方 ( http: / / )式从多方面向学生介绍了英语词典的诞生和它们的创作者,如塞缪尔·约翰逊,詹姆斯·默里等著名文人和词典编撰家,使学生对英语词典的功能、作用、知识的涵盖、引文来源、用法、编撰思路和编写方法以及在学习语言中的重要指导意义等各方面有较全面地的认识和了解,并能运用已有的知识和在本模块中所了解到的编写方法以及所学到的语言技能,讨论和总结英语词典的功能、用法等,学会为英语词典编写词条及详解。通过课文和语言点的学习和讨论,不但能使学生学到有关英语词典方面的知识,而且能使他们在讨论、回顾和总结中体会到英语语言的奇妙和精深、语言学家们的博学和敬业,词典编撰工作的艰辛历程;使他们在学习为英语词典编写词条过程中自觉培养严谨认真的学习态度,勤奋刻苦的钻研精神,精诚协作的团队意识;使他们在获得编写成果的同时品尝到成功的喜悦,意识到今天“只要手指在电脑上轻点一个键就可以使用《牛津英语词典》”是无数人历经百年共同奋斗的成果,从而更加感激前人的劳动创造和珍惜今天的学习机会。
1.1 INTRODUCTION 包 ( http: / / )括两个部分。第一部分是一组关于英语词典功能的小问题,通过对这些问题的回答和完成添加例子的任务,使学生对词典的功能有一个较清晰、全面的了解,其深层意义是使学生在潜意识中学会在英语学习中正确使用和充分利用英语词典。第二部分设计了描述词典功能的填词练习,使学生对英语词典功能有一个全面的认识。这两部分内容编排有一定梯度;既呈现了本单元的中心话题,又为下一步学习English Dictionaries的有关知识提供语言基础。
1.2 READING AND V ( http: / / )OCABULARY (1) 包括两篇阅读课文和五项活动。其中Activity 1设计了三个准备性问题,目的是让学生在阅读前根据图片预测阅读材料大意。Activity 2的任务是让学生在阅读第一篇课文之后按照已给出的词义解释找出相应的词汇。这项任务的设计紧扣本模块的中心内容,使学生得到用英语解释英语的技巧练习。Activity3要求学生在阅读第二篇课文之后回答问题,旨在检测学生的阅读效果。Activity 4和5要求学生根据英语解释选词填空,目的是为达到本模块的学能目标——给英语词典编写词条——打下基础。供阅读的课文 “Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary” 和 “The Oxford English Dictionary”的两篇文章介绍了最早的英文词典编撰的过程、作者以及其他情况。文章具有较强的知识性、历史性和教育意义,是很好的语言学习材料。
1.3 SPEAKING 设计了一组关于 ( http: / / )怎样使用、何时使用、使用什么样的英语词典等问题,要求学生以小组活动的形式回答并讨论。该活动的设计贴近学生生活,可操作性强,既能达到口语训练的目的又突出了本模块的中心内容:了解英语词典的历史和功能,掌握词典的使用方法,学习编写词典中的词条。教师可指导学生以采访和问卷调查的方式进行这项活动。
1.4 LANGUAGE IN US ( http: / / )E (1) 的主要任务是复习Why, Do / Does 和Want的用法。其中设计了①该词与其句法功能连线,②回答问题以复习该词的常用结构,③选词填空等活动来复习和总结这些词的用法。
1.5 LISTENING AND V ( http: / / )OCABULARY 包括五项活动。Activities 1 & 2要求学生听完短文后回答问题并填补两个词语解释中所缺的词。Activity 3要求学生写出四个含capture一词的词语搭配,并用英文给出解释。Activity 4要求将所给词条与其英文释义连线的双人活动。Activity 5要求学生为本模块某一生词写出注释。这五项活动的设计目的明确、重点突出、有明显的梯度,能有效训练学生的英语思维习惯,提高用英语释义的能力。
1.6 LANGUAGE IN ( http: / / ) USE (2) 设计了四项活动,分别以回答问题、简化句子、连线、填词等方式复习By, Or 和If的用法。加强对学生用英语思考、用英语理解词义、区别词义等方面能力的培养和训练。
1.7 READING AND VOC ( http: / / )ABULARY 共设计了六个活动。Activity 1是一篇关于词典编辑默里先生拜见志愿作者W·C·迈纳医生的阅读短文。文章生动有趣,语言点集中;随后的Activity 2 是根据短文回答问题。Activities 3、4、5分别以连线、回答问题、在文中找出某种特定意义的词等不同练习方式来突出训练学生英—英释义的能力。Activity 6 则设计了两道关于文章中某处隐含意义的讨论题,题目设置富有弹性,适用于各层次的学生。
1.8 PRESENTATION SKIL ( http: / / )LS 是写作练习,其目标是使学生学会陈述技巧,能正确流畅地写作通知、公告类短文。Activity 1提供了一篇口头通知,并设计了几个小问题,要求学生阅读后回答,为下一步的写作做准备;Activities 2、3要求学生写一篇口头通知并在班上宣读;任务中给出了详细的写作指导和参考词汇、短句及短语,为学生的写作训练扫清了障碍。最后一项任务要求学生回读Activity 1中的口头通知,并将其改写成书面通知,将这一部分的训练提升了一个高度。
  1.9 READING ( http: / / )PRACTICE以一篇阅读材料“From Quotation Slips to Online Dictionaries” 为中心,设计了“阅读前预设问题、根据课文题目确定文章中心、根据文章完成表格内容并推测原因、选择最佳答案、讨论怎样使用英文词典的问题”等七项任务。该练习设计全面完整、灵活多样,并且再一次突出了本模块的主题——了解和学会使用英文词典。
1.10 CULTURAL CORNE ( http: / / )R 介绍了由彼得·罗热编辑出版的第一部近义词词典和现代更加轻便、简易、实用的词典,可使学生在选择和使用分类词典方面获得很大收益。
1.11 TASK的主要任务是让学生从 ( http: / / )所给的词汇中任选一个,按列出的项目查词典写出详解,也就是说,要利用工具书为词典写一个词条。这是一个设计新颖、有很强的挑战性和趣味性的特殊的书面表达练习,学生可以通过活动获得高聚合知识,品尝成功的喜悦。
2. 教材重组
2.1第一部分INTRODUCTION和 ( http: / / )第三部分SPEAKING主要训练学生答问、谈话、讨论等形式的口语能力;第五部分LISTENING AND VOCABULARY和WorkbookP125的Listening 是本模块的主要听力训练部分;可将这几部分整合为一节任务型 "听说课"。
2.2 READING AND VOCABU ( http: / / )LARY中的五项活动和课文的两篇阅读材料是一个整体,设计成一节"阅读课"。再将第七部分的READING AND VOCABULIARY作为补充阅读和练习(其中的阅读短文是与课文有关的一个小故事)。
2.3 LANGUAGE IN U ( http: / / )SE (1) & (2) ,Workbook 中的Language in use和 Vocabulary是词汇学习和练习内容,可整合为一节"语言实践课"。Workbook 中的Reading and writing 可以作为本课时的作业,使课堂上的语言操练有所归宿。
2.4 根据本模块的特点, 可以把READING PRACTICE与CULTURAL CORNER整合在一起,上一节"泛读课"。
2.5 可将PRECENTATION ( http: / / )SKILLS, TASK和Workbook中的 Writing and speaking整合为一节"写作课"。
3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用5课时教完)
1st period Speaking & Listening
2nd period Reading
3rd period Language in use
4th period Extensive Reading
5th period Writing
Ⅳ. 分课时教案
The First Period Speaking & Listening
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target language目标语言
commonly, correctly, ( http: / / ) explanation, expression, history, main, monolingual, bilingual, notes, abbreviation, definition, capture, essence, example, headword, idiom, part of speech, sense, style label
b. 交际用语
1. What part of speech is the word
2. Is the plural form irregular
3. Does it usually have a capital letter
4. Does the word have more than one meaning
5. Everyone in this group uses a dictionary.
6. 75 percent use an electronic dictionary.
2. Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to talk about dictionaries.
3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
Help the students learn how to talk about dictionaries.
Teaching important & difficult points教学重难点
How to talk about dictionaries.
Teaching methods教学方法
Discussion and cooperation.
Teaching aids教具准备
A recorder, a computer and a projector.
Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
Step I Lead in
Talk about English dictionaries.
T: Do you have any English dictionaries and do you use them
S: Yes. We each h ( http: / / )ave one or more dictionaries and we often use them because we have to learn English everyday.
T: Right. What kinds of dictionaries do you use
S: (Show their dic ( http: / / )tionaries to the teacher) The Oxford / Wenquxing/ Longman / Haojixing …
T: Good! But what p ( http: / / )roblems can you settled by using your dictionaries
S: When I don’ ( http: / / )t know what the meaning of an English word is, I’ll look it up in my dictionary.
S: Sometimes ( http: / / )I don’t know how to use an English word, for example, the form, the collocations and the part of speech and so on, I’ll consult my dictionary.
S: When I don’t know ( http: / / )how to pronounce an English word, I’ll refer my dictionary.

T: It seems that your ( http: / / )dictionaries are used limitedly. Today, we’ll learn more about our English dictionaries, and you’ll know that the use of a dictionary is much more than what you mentioned just know.
Step II Introduction
Activities 1-2: P71
T: Let’s have a contes ( http: / / )t. Please read the questions and the example answers given in Activity 1 on Page 71, then work in pairs and try to add four extra examples for each question in turn as quickly as possible. When you finish the job, you can put up your hands at once. The first three pairs will be the winners and will show your work to the class. Certainly, you’ll get a reward for your wonderful job, too. Let’s see which three pairs do it more quickly. Are you clear
Possible Answers to activity 1:
Q1 1. discove ( http: / / )r: verb 2.beautiful: adj. 3. slowly: adv. 4. between: prep
Q2: 1. mouse -- ( http: / / )- mice 2.child --- children 3.medium --- media 4.sheep ---sheep
Q3: 1. September 2.the United States 3.Christmas 4.Beijing
Q4: 1. part --- noun: a role; verb: to put or keep apart
2. exercise -- ( http: / / )- noun: a task to develop fitness; verb: to put into play operation
3.well --- adj.: right or proper; noun: a deep hole to obtain water
4.down --- adv.: from a higher to a lower place; adj.: moving downward
Q5: 1. think --- consider (v.) 2. foolish ---stupid (adj.) ---word (n.) 4. everybody ---everyone (prep.)
Q6: 1. reply /ri ( http: / / )’plai/ 2. whose /hu:z/ 3. main /mein/ 4. speak /spi:k/
T: Next let’s comp ( http: / / )lete the sentences in part 2 with the words in the box. Just one minute later, I’ll ask you to read aloud the sentences about the functions of a good dictionary in class.
Then the students w ( http: / / )ill do the job quickly. One minute later, check the answers by asking some to
read the sentences one by one and check the answers.
Step III Speaking
T: Wonderful ( http: / / ) job! Here are some questions about using a dictionary. Please turn to P74 and look at the part of SPEAKING. Work in groups of four to make a dialogue. Imagine one of you is a reporter; the other three are the interviewees. In your talking, you’ll have to answer the questions and have a discussion about them. Then, make a survey of your group’s answers and tell the class the results. Are you clear
When the students ( http: / / ) make their dialogues and surveys, give them some necessary help.
Possible Dialogue:
Sa: I’m a reporter. Would you mind answering some questions
Ss: Certainly not.
Sa: Do you use a dictionary
Sb: Yes, I do.
Sc: We are s ( http: / / )tudents and English is our compulsory class, so an English dictionary is the necessary tool for us to learn English well.
Sa: What about you, D
Sd: I have severa ( http: / / )l different English dictionaries and I often use them.
Sa: Do you use an electronic dictionary or a book
Sb: Both. The el ( http: / / )ectronic one is easy to carry and the book one give you a better feeling to study.
Sc: I think the b ( http: / / )ook dictionary is more direct and systemic, so I’d rather use a book.
Sd: I’d like ( http: / / )to use both of them. The electronic dictionary is light and convenient and the book is regular and comfortable to look up. Which one you use depends on where and when you need them.
Sa: Wonderful s ( http: / / )peaking! And do you use a monolingual or bilingual dictionary, or both If you use both, which one do you prefer
Sb: I often use a mono ( http: / / )lingual one. Once in a way, I also use a bilingual.
Sc: I use both. Bu ( http: / / )t most of time I use a bilingual one because I’d like to compare the differences of the two languages.
Sd: Bilingua ( http: / / )l one can give you a clear and complete explanation about a new word or a phrase with more examples, so I prefer a bilingual one.
Sa: Do you u ( http: / / )nderstand the notes and abbreviations in the definitions of the words
Ss: Yes. Almost ev ( http: / / )ery time we look something up in the dictionary, we can get great help.
Sa: When do you use your dictionary
Sb: When I’m readin ( http: / / )g in class, I use an electronic one and when at home, I use a book.
Sc: I use my diction ( http: / / )ary when I meet with new words both when I’m reading and writing in class.
Sd: Whenever and wherever I need to use a dictionary, I’ll refer it.
Sa: Very good! Thank you very much.
Possible survey form:
Q1 Everyone in this group uses a dictionary.
Q2 2/3 students use an electronic dictionary.
Q3 All of the students ( http: / / ) in this group use both of the monolingual and bilingual dictionaries.
Q4 75 percent prefer a bilingual one.
Q5 Everyone in this group ( http: / / ) understands the notes and abbreviations in the definitions of the words
Q6 1/3 of them use dictionaries when they read both in class and at home1/3 use dictionaries when they meet new words in reading and writing1/3 use dictionaries whenever and wherever they need
Step IV Listening and vocabulary
Deal with activities 1- 5 on page 76.
T: You’ve done ( http: / / )a very good job. Now come to P76, we’ll listen to a passage about the experience of using the dictionary and answer questions. Go through the questions quickly first.
Play the tape for ( http: / / ) the students to listen and do their work. When they have finished the first listening, check their work and then make them listen again and complete the dictionary definitions in activity 2, checking them by asking someone to answer the questions one by one in class.
T: Very good! ( http: / / )Just now you must have heard some collocations for the word “capture”. Now write down the four other ones and write a sentence for each one showing the meanings. You can use your dictionaries to do the job for help and five minutes later, I’ll ask some of you to show your work to the class. Let’s do that carefully.
Five minutes later, ch ( http: / / )eck their jobs. (The following may not the ones they heard.)
Possible writing work
Capture: 1.capture sb﹕to hold the interest of sb
2.captured river﹕ a river which is cut off
3. What a capture!: one that has been seized, caught, or won
4.capture a prize﹕to gain a reward
T: Very good and wond ( http: / / )erful job! Now work in pairs. Match the words in a dictionary entry with the meanings in Activity 4, one minute for you to do that. (After checking the answers with the class) Just now we did enough listening work and exercises. Now we’ll do a guessing-word game for fun. (Come to Activity 5 naturally) Each of you choose a new word in this module and write a dictionary definition for it, then read your writing without the word in the class and the one behind you will guess the new word out. If the one makes right, the game will go on without stop. But if the one guesses wrong, he will make up a short part English song with the right word and sing for you. What about the idea
S: That’s great!
T: Now let’s begin the game in a dragon line!
After looking up the n ( http: / / )ew words in the dictionaries and writing the definitions, the game begins like this:
Sa: To gather into a single book
Sb: compile. An agreement between two or more parties
Sc: contract. To make larger
Sd: enlarge. An ( http: / / ) issue of printed material offered for sale or distribution.
Se: publication. One who writes, composes, or produces biography.
Sf: lexicographer.
Ss: Oh, you are wrong! ( http: / / ) It’s “biographer”. Don’t you notice the same word root “biograph-” Sing a song with the right word “biographer” for us!
Sf: Ok. “I’ll ( http: / / ) work hard everyday. I’ll be a biographer when I’m up.” (Using the music of Little Stars)
Ss: Hooray! (With clapping)
Sf: Let me go on with the game: To give help or support to
Sg: assist. Unpleasant or disagreeable
Sh: forbiddin ( http: / / )g. The use of several mass media, such as television, radio, and print
Si: multimedia. An ( http: / / ) emotion, desire, physiological needs acting as an excitant to action
Sj: motive. …
This kind of game ca ( http: / / )n be continued like this for any longer time, so the teacher should control the time accordingly.
Step V Listening (Workbook: P125 Exx 11 ~14)
T: Now turn to P1 ( http: / / )25. Skim the three descriptions about a programme called The Word Quiz quickly and guess what you will hear in it. (A short time later) Tell me the result, please. (All of the three may be guessed) Don’t argue about that. Now listen to the programme and check your answers.
Play the tape and ask students to do Ex 12.
T: Now read the s ( http: / / )entences in Ex 13 quickly before I play the tape for you to listen again. While you are listening, please check the true sentences.
After listenin ( http: / / )g twice, check the answers with the class and lead them to Ex 14.
T: Yes. You’ve l ( http: / / )istened The Word Quiz twice. But here are some sentences from the quiz with some mistakes. Cross out the extra word in each line, please.
S: In the first se ( http: / / )ntence, the “to” after “must” should be crossed out and the sentence should be“ …you must tell me if…”
S: The two words “ ( http: / / )gave me” at the end of the sentence should be crossed in the second one.
S: The third one ( http: / / )should be “…in my answer”, without“the” in front of the word “answer”.
S: Cross out the last word “is”.
S: The new word “r ( http: / / )ehearse” is a transitive verb, and we should say“rehearse a new play”. So the“to” after “rehearse” should be crossed out.
T: Very good!
Step VI Homework
T: You have done ( http: / / )very well in the class. That’s all for this period. Homework for today: P167, please
tick out these new words and phrases in your word- list:
of all time, ( http: / / ) compile, revise, contract, quotation, publication, comprehensive, slip, obsolete, enlarge
Learn them wi ( http: / / )th your English dictionaries, writing out their main meanings and making a sentence for each one in your homework-books. Next period, I’ll check your homework. Goodbye everyone!
S: Goodbye, sir/madam.
The Second Period Reading
Teaching goals教学目标
1. Target language目标语言:
a. 重点词汇和短语
of all time, com ( http: / / )pile, revise, contract, quotation, publication, comprehensive, slip, obsolete, enlarge, basis, critic, illustrate, obscure, omit, simplified, based on, filing system
b. 重点句子
1. Samuel Johnso ( http: / / )n was one of Britain’s greatest literary figures of all time.
2. He signed a co ( http: / / )ntract in June 1746 but the dictionary did not appear until 1755.
3. … they were al ( http: / / )l unhappy with existing dictionaries, including Samuel Johnson’s.
2. Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to talk about the first English dictionaries.
3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
Help the students to talk about the first English dictionaries.
Teaching important points 教学重点
Learn about English dictionaries and how to use a dictionary.
Teaching difficult point 教学难点
Learn to think in English.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Task-based activities.
Teaching aid 教具准备
A recorder, a projector and some slides.
Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
Step I Revision and Lead-in
Greet the students and check their homework.
T: Now I’ll check y ( http: / / )our homework this way: write the ticked words or phrases with the meanings and examples on the Bb, making necessary explanations. Who’d like to show your work to the class
Possible answers:
1. Of all time: always, beyond the memory of men
Example: Tom is ( http: / / )a top student in our class of all time during the three years.
2. compile: to gather into a single book
Example: Ou ( http: / / )r teachers are compiling learning resources for us to prepare for the entrance examination.
3. revise: to prepare a newly edited version of a book
Example: The Oxford English Dictionary has been revised many times.
4. contract: an agreement between two or more parties
Example: It is nece ( http: / / )ssary to sign a contract before you rent a house.
5. quotation: a passage quoted
Example: In his speech, he used many quotations from Shakespeare.
6. publication: ( http: / / )an issue of printed material offered for sale or distribution
Example: The publication of the encyclopedia is a great success.
7. comprehensive: so large in scope or content as to include much
Example: We lov ( http: / / )e our English teacher because he has a comprehensive knowledge.
8. slip: a small piece of paper
Example: The ( http: / / )y didn’t listen to the teacher carefully in class and handed slips around for fun.
9. obsolete: no longer in use
Example: He has an obsolete car and now he’s fattened for it.
10. enlarge: to make larger or add to
Example: Our school will be enlarged in three years.
T: Wonderful jo ( http: / / )b! Now please look at these photos of the two men on P72 and 73, When do you think they lived (Come to Reading, Activity1 naturally)
S: From the hai ( http: / / )r and the trappings they should be in the 18 or 19 centuries.
T: That’s reasonable. What nationality do you think they were
Ss: Maybe Britain.
T: En. What do you think their occupations were
S: They were work ( http: / / )ing with a lot of books, so they must be litterateurs or scientists.
T: Yes, I think what ( http: / / ) you said makes sense. If you want to get the right information about them, please read the first passage fast and get the general idea about it
Step II Reading (1)
T: Are you Ok What do you know in the passage
S: It tells us t ( http: / / )he story about Samuel Johnson, who compiled the first English dictionary, making us
know how the dictio ( http: / / )nary came out and what the first dictionary was like.
T: Very good! Now, l ( http: / / )et’s read the text again carefully to learn more about the passage. I’ll give you some questions on the screen, read the passage with them. When you finish your reading, you can have a short dissection about them. After that, I will check your answers.
Show the following.
1. Who is Samuel Johnson
2. What did he do from 1746 to 1755
3. What were c ( http: / / )onditions about the dictionaries in England at the time
4. How many ( http: / / )words were contained in Johnson’s dictionary and how many did he omit
5. Does Johnson’s di ( http: / / )ctionary have any faults and does it a good one at that time
After a few minutes.
T: Do you have any ideas about the questions
S: To the first que ( http: / / )stions: Samuel Johnson was one of Britain’s greatest literary figures of all time. He was critic, poet, biographer and lexicographer.
S: The second: From ( http: / / ) 1746-1755, Samuel Johnson compiled the first real dictionary of the English language published in Britain.
S: The third: A ( http: / / )t the time in England, dictionaries were usually written by one person, usually a writer, and were often just lists of difficult or obscure words. Some definitions were embarrassingly.
S: To the fou ( http: / / )rth one: Johnson’s dictionary contained 40,000 words and he omitted 8,000 words because he thought there were too many foreign words.
S: To the last on ( http: / / )e: Yes, Johnson’s dictionary had many faults. For example, it was old-fashioned, had on help with pronunciation and was used older spellings. But his dictionary was the best one at that time and was available for nearly 150 years.
T: Very good! ( http: / / )Ok, after answering these questions, I think you have known clearly about the text, so now let’s go through the word’s meanings given in Activity 2, read the passage again and find these words. Three or four minutes later, I’ll check your work.
Possible answers:
1. spell 2.gene ( http: / / )ration 3.biographer 4.revise 5.contract 6.poet
Step III Reading (2)
T: Do you know how th ( http: / / )e Oxford English Dictionary came out Well now, please read the next passage. Before reading, go through the questions.
After a few minutes.
T: Who were originally responsible for the concept of the OED
S: Richard C ( http: / / )henevix Trench, Herbert Coleridge and Frederick Furnivall, all of whom were numbers of the London Philological Society.
T: How did the editor ( http: / / )James Murray improve the production of the dictionary
S: He asked the ( http: / / ) readers to report as many quotations as they can for ordinary words as well as words that seemed rare, obsolete, old fashioned, new, strange or used in a strange way.
T: How long did it take before the first part was published
S: 27 years after th ( http: / / )e original conversation between the three men, in 1884 the first part of the dictionary was published.
T: Why does the ( http: / / )writer say that the project was clearly too big for one person to take on
S: Murray rec ( http: / / )eived 1,000 quotation slips a day and by 1882, there were three and a half million of them. The first part of the dictionary was 352 pages long but only covered words from A to Ant.
T: How have things ( http: / / ) advanced since the publication of the first dictionary
S: Now, over 1 ( http: / / )20 years after the publication of the first dictionary, the OED is available at the touch of a computer key.
T: Great job! It seem ( http: / / )s that you’ve read the passage very carefully and clearly. Can you think it over and get the main idea of the passage
S: Certainly. ( http: / / )The passage tells us a 150-year history of the OED’s compiling and development from the originally idea in1857 to using it at the touch of a computer key now.
T: A wonderful ( http: / / )summary! Now you’ve read both of the passages, let’s turn to P74. There are two parts of exercises waiting us to plete the sentences with words in the boxes in activities 4 & 5. Do it quickly and then I’ll check your job in the class.
Check the answers with the class.
Step IV Reading and Vocabulary
Ask the students to read the parts about Dr W. C. Minor.
T: Let’s come to P ( http: / / )78. Read the two parts of the short passage, you can make an astonishing discovery. Read quickly and tell me what discover you make.
A short time later.
T: What did you find
S: Dr Minor, the ( http: / / )most prolific volunteer contributors to the OED turned out to be an insane patient. It’s amazing!
T: You know in the wo ( http: / / )rld, things being sure often become impossible, while those impossible often happen. This is society and this is life. Now, read the questions in activity 2 and make answers. The first one, why did James Murray want to visit Dr W.C. Minor
S: Because Dr W.C ( http: / / ). Minor sent thousands of quotation slips to Murray and Murray was extremely grateful for the work he did.
T: What kind of man do you think he imagined Dr W.C. Minor to be
S: He must think Dr ( http: / / ) W.C. Minor was a profound gentleman or litterateur with very good manners.
T: Why did he th ( http: / / )ink the man behind the desk was the man he had come to visit
S: Because he came ( http: / / ) into a book-lined study with the large desk and the man behind the desk looked very important. The condition, the atmosphere and the man, all are the same as he imagined.
T: Was the man behind the desk someone important after all
S: I think he ( http: / / ) was important in this Asylum but to Murray, the editor of the OED, he wasn’t important at all.
T: But the speaker sai ( http: / / )d, “It is not at all as you suppose.” What did he mean
S: He suggested tha ( http: / / )t Dr W.C. Minor was not the kind of man he thought.
Then ask the students to deal with the exercises as follows:
P78 Activity3: Ask th ( http: / / )e students to match the words in the box with their meanings. After they have done it, ask them to read aloud one by one in class.
P79 Activity 4: Ask th ( http: / / )e students to choose the right meanings according to the bold words and check them.
P79 Activity 5: Ask ( http: / / ) the Ss to read the passage again and find some words according to the request. The teacher can make a form and let the Ss fill in the words found and also can ask them to add some more words in it with the help of dictionaries. For example:
Request In the passage Some more words
three words about sounds clip-clop, tick, clank snap, boom, crack, clap…
two words as enormous huge, immense gigantic, tremendous, big…
three words to a person in an asylum forbidding, insane, patient babbling, horselaugh, mad, crazy,noisy, troubled…
Then ask the ( http: / / ) students to read the passage again and discuss the questions in activity 6.
T: OK, all of you h ( http: / / )ave done well. Let’s work in pairs and answer the questions in activity 6. You can
do your job ac ( http: / / )cording to the text. Four or five minutes later, I’ll check the result.
After four or five minutes.
T: Are you ready The first question.
Sa: I think ( http: / / )before James Murray arrived at the house, the writer had implied the place that James was going to visit would make him impressed. Look at this part in the passage: “…a long drive lined with tall poplars, drawing up eventually outside a huge and rather forbidding red-brick mansion.” “A long drive, drawing up eventually…” mean the place was far away from people; “lined with tall poplars” implies the place was very covert and stood outside of the world, adding the words “huge, rather forbidding, mansion”, this place was sure to impress people greatly.
Sb: Yes. Aft ( http: / / )er he arrived at the house, “solemn servant, an immense desk, a man of undoubted importance” and after his brief speech, “a brief pause, an air of momentary mutual embarrassment, a clock ticked loudly, muffled footsteps, clank of keys” and so on, all of these imply that the house James Murray was visiting impressed him greatly. Here we have a list of these words and phrases.
Show the slip of paper to the teacher:
Outside Inside
a long drive lined with tall poplarsdrawing up eventuallyhugerather forbiddingmansion solemn servantan immense deska man of undoubted importancea brief pausean air of momentary mutual embarrassmenta clock ticked loudlymuffled footstepsclank of keys
T: How well and carefully you’ve done! What about the second topic
Sc: I find it shocking ( http: / / ) that the contributor of so many quotations slips was criminally insane. How it is possible that a kind of man like that had so comprehensive English knowledge! I cannot believe!
Sd: I don’t think i ( http: / / )t is so surprise. As far as I know, if one gets deep into some field, he may become almost crazy and in the eyes of common people, they are really mad. You see, Vincent van Gogh, one of the greatest artists, was an insane patient.
T: Very good! Your dis ( http: / / )cussion is very interesting and reasonable. Ok, so much for this period.
Step V Homework
T: We’ve done ( http: / / ) much reading in this period but have no time to deal with the language points. I think you can do that by yourself because you’ve learned how to use your dictionaries. Homework for today: please turn to P72 & 73. Draw out these language points: at the time, signed a contract, too many, be unhappy with, consist of. Then turn to P78. Draw out: be grateful to sb for sth, or so, draw up, launch into, at long last, make one’s acquaintance. Learn them by yourselves, using your dictionaries. You can explain the usage, give examples, and find out the similar forms, and so on. Write them in your homework books and tomorrow, I will ask some of you to teach them to the class. That’s all for today. Good-bye everyone!
Ss: Good-bye, Sir/ Madam!
The Third Period Language in Use
Teaching Goals教学目标
1. Target language 目标语言
complicated, ( http: / / )argue about sth, give advice, make suggestions, do with, find out, send out, start the fire, or else, add …to, attract attention, fade out of, beseem, wherefore, fain
1. There’s a sports center by the school.
2. Has anyone got a pen or has anyone got a pencil
3. I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
2. Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to ( http: / / ) use the words why, do / does, want, by, or, if correctly.
3. Learning ability goals学能目标:
Help the students lea ( http: / / )rn how to use the words why, do / does, want, by, or, if correctly.
Teaching important & difficult points 教学重难点
Learn the words why, do / does, want, by, or, if correctly.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Analyzing and practicing.
Teaching aids 教具准备
A projector and a computer.
Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
T: Good morning /afternoon everyone!
Ss: Good morning /afternoon, Sir/ Madam!
T: Yesterday I asked ( http: / / )you to learn some language points on P72, P73, and 78 by yourselves with your dictionaries as the homework, yes I think you’ve done it very well. Who’d like to come to the blackboard and report your studying result to the class You can write some important part on the Bb just like what the teacher often do.
Let the students come ( http: / / ) to the Bb to report his/her homework one by one; each will write one point’s
explanation with the example and so on, on the Bb:
1. at the time: in that period of time
e.g. She was onl ( http: / / )y a little girl at the time, but now she is a sixty-year-old woman.
The phrases with “at…time” in common use:
at a time 一次; 同时; 一下子; 每次
at all times 不论什么时候, 老是
at any time 随时; 无论何时
at one time (过去)有个时期; 曾经, 一度
2. sign a contract ( http: / / ): write down names on an agreement between two or more parties
e.g. You sho ( http: / / )uld sign a contract with your boss before you work for him.
The phrases about “contract”: break the contract 撕毁合同
draw up a contract 草拟合同
keep a contract 遵守/履行合同
3. too many: more than enough
e.g. Tom had too ( http: / / )many books so that he couldn’t carry them back by himself.
Compare: too much: more than enough
e.g. Tom had too much ( http: / / ) food in the evening, so he got stomachache at night.
4. be unhappy with: not satisfied with
e.g. He is unhappy ( http: / / )with his result in the entrance examination, so he went to school to review lessons again.
5. consist of : be made up of
e.g. Our group consists of ten students and two teachers.
6. be grateful to sb for sth: thanks a lot to sb because of sth
e.g. She was very ( http: / / ) grateful to her teacher for giving her so much help.
7. or so: about
e.g. Fifty years or so has gone and the city has greatly changed.
Compare: About ( http: / / ) fifty years has gone and the city has greatly changed.
Attention: “or so ( http: / / )” should be put after the word it decorates, while “about” in front.
8. draw up: (1) come to a stop when arriving (2) write out
e.g. A car d ( http: / / )rew up in front of the school gate and came out a tall man.
e.g. Please draw up a list.
The phrases about “draw” in common use : draw away 超过对手
draw back退后
draw down耗尽(消费或花费)
draw on临近
9. launch (out) into: take up
e.g. He launched (out) into art while at school.
Attention: launch out: go to sea
e.g. The old fisherman had to launched out in dirty weather.
10. at (long) last: finally
e.g. At long last I finished the hard work.
The simil ( http: / / )ar words and phrases: eventually, finally, lastly, in the end, in course of time
11. make one’s acquaintance: get to know sb
e.g. I’m very glad to make your acquaintance.
Step II Language in use (1)
Lead the students to do the exercises.
T: Now, please turn to ( http: / / ) page 75 and match the sentences with the use of why in activity 1. After you have done, tell the result to the class.
After checking the answers.
T: In this part, ( http: / / ) you should pay attention to the summary of the use of “why” in the right-side box, study and remember them, yes Now read the example sentences and match each to the functions of do in Activity 2.
After dealing with the exercise.
T: In this part, th ( http: / / )e important point is to understand the functions of do in the sentences, and the summary in the right-side box should be mastered, clear
S: Yes!
T: That’s right! ( http: / / ) Now let’s come to activity 3, read the example sentences and answer the questions, and then we have to make a summary about the use of want by ourselves.
After a few minut ( http: / / )es, ask someone to make a summary about the directions of the word “want” on the Bb as follows:
In the first sentence, the form is “want sth”
In the second sentence, the form is “want to do sth”
In the third sentence, the form is “want sb to do sth”
In the fourth sentence, the form is “want + object-clause”
T: It’s a very good ( http: / / ) summary. When you learn a verb in future, you should use the same way to find the rules and sum up directions, and in this way, you can work half and get double.
Then manage the st ( http: / / )udents to complete the dialogue with why, do, want in Activity 4 in pairs, checking their jobs by reading their dialogues aloud in the class.
Step III Language in use (II)
T: Page77 pleas ( http: / / )e, activity 1. In this part we’ll get a clear idea about “by” in the way of comparing and analyzing. Pleas read the explanations carefully and answer the questions.
While the Ss r ( http: / / )ead the explanations about the differences between “by” and some other prepositions,
guide them to analyze ( http: / / ) the meanings and functions in the sentences and make a summary about “by”.
After a few minutes.
T: In the first group ( http: / / ) of the sentences, the method to start the fire is…and with what tool
S: By blowing on two sticks with a match.
T: So “by” shows “me ( http: / / )thod”, while “with” shows “tool”. Good. In the second group of the sentences, which place is nearer to the school The sports center is by… The library is near…
S: The sports center is nearer.
T: Right. From ( http: / / ) this part we can know that “by” means “just next to”, while “near” means “not far away”. From the third one, we can know that “by” can show the meaning “at or before a time” but doesn’t show continuing time. Right
S: Yes. It’ ( http: / / )s clear. But what word can show a continue time There is no sentence here.
T: Think it ( http: / / )over. When we talk about “ a long time”, what word we put in the front
S: “For!”
T: Quite right! Make a sentence using “for” to show continuing time.
S: He has stayed at home for three hours.
T: Very good! So “by” ( http: / / ) can show “at or before a time”, while “for” can show “continuing time”.
Show the following.
method → by just next to → by at or before a time → by
tool → with not far away → near continuing time → for
T: In activity 2 we’l ( http: / / )l learn the word “or”. Go through the sentences to see which words or phrases can be left out.
After this, ask students to make a summary about “or” as follows.
1. n. + or + n. (the first and second sentence )
2. to do + or + to (the third sentence)
3. or + sentence (the fourth sentence)
4. v. + or + v. (the fifth sentence)
T: Good! Let’s s ( http: / / )ee “if” in Activity 3, match the sentence with the use of if. Pay attention to the summary about “if” in the right-side box, make them clear and learn by heart.
After that, ask the s ( http: / / )tudents to finish activity 4, completing the short passage with by, or, if.
Check the answers.
Step IV Practice (Workbook: P121-122)
Deal with these exercises like this:
P121 Activity 1: Ask ( http: / / ) the students to choose the correct words to compete the conversation and then ask a pair to read the dialogue with the filled words in class.
P121 Activity 2: As ( http: / / )k the students to complete the sentences with the correct words and check them.
P122 Activity 3 -5: Ask the students to complete the sentences and the passages with the words in the boxes.
Check the work ( http: / / )in different ways such as asking them to read the sentences one by one, doing pair work, reading the passages in class or just checking all the answers together and ask them to review the exercises by themselves and give help if necessary.
Step V Homework
T: Homework for ( http: / / )today: P123 Reading and writing. You’ll read a very interesting story about an English phrasebook. After reading, please finish Exx 6-10.
The Fourth Period Extensive Reading
Teaching goals教学目标
Target language 目标语言
arguable, assist, ( http: / / )sort, motive, actuate, electronic, computerise, complexity, navigate, entry,
multimedia, audio ( http: / / ), synonym, organically, devise, faculty, abstract, entitle, considerable, bulky,
voluminous, relevant, ( http: / / )buzzword, broadband, be made up of, see the light of day
1. It is arguable that ( http: / / ) had not James Murray’s 11 children assisted in the work, the Oxford English Dictionary would never have seen the light of day.
2. But the general i ( http: / / )dea if a dictionary — a resource that provides explanations of words and how they are used — will remain the same.
2. Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to ( http: / / ) talk about the OCD in the past, present, and future, and Roget’s Thesaurus.
3. Learning ability goals学能目标:
Help the students lea ( http: / / )rn how to talk about the OCD in the past, present, and future, and Roget’s Thesaurus.
Teaching important points 教学重点
Learn about the OCD in the past, present, and future.
Teaching difficult point教学难点
Learn about Roget’s Thesaurus.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Reading and discussing.
Teaching aids 教具准备
A recorder, a projector and a computer.
Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
T: Good morning /afternoon everyone!
S: Good morning /afternoon, Sir/ Madam!
T: Yesterday ( http: / / )I asked you to read the passage on P123 and do Exx 6-10, yes So, Ex 6, the best title for the passage may be…
S: Spoken English.
T: Tell me something listed in Ex 7, please.
S: The authors of the ( http: / / )book are Portuguese and the contents of the three parts are Eating, Familiar Phrases and Familiar Dialogues.
T: Ex 8: Where was the phrasebook published
S: France.
T: And why does the passage say “According to the cover…”
S: Because it may ( http: / / )not be really written by Jose da Fonseca, a talented, multi-linguist.
T: What did the two Frenchmen use to writ the book
S: They wrote the book ( http: / / ) based on Portuguese-French and French –English dictionaries.
T: The first section of the book is about …
S: Food. But they used a wrong word “Eatings”.
T: Why did Alexander MacBride write an article about the book
S: He cast doubt on the story of the book.
T: What made him feel surprised about the story
S: Because Jose da Fon ( http: / / )seca was a talented, multi-linguist, and he was fluent in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. He mustn’t make those kinds of mistakes in his dictionary.
T: Yes. What kind of book did Jose da Fonseca write by himself
S: He wrote a Portugu ( http: / / )ese-French phrase book and the title in English was “The New Conversation Guide in French and Portuguese”.
T: A possible ex ( http: / / )planation for the publication of the book “English as She Is Spoke” may be…
S: An French pub ( http: / / )lisher asked Pedro Carolino to write a version of “The New Conversation Guide in French and Portuguese”, but Pedro Carolino didn’t know English.
T: Very good! Now, let’s come to Exx 9 & 10.
Check the answers to Exx 9 and 10.
Possible writings:
1. Five expressio ( http: / / )ns for section “Food and drink” of a phrase book in English and Chinese:
Would you care for a drink 你想要一杯饮料吗?
A bottle of beer, please. 一瓶啤酒。
How would you like your eggs 你要哪一种蛋呢?
Fried eggs with baked ham. 炸荷包蛋加烤火腿肉。
I’ll take fried chicken with some vegetables. 请给我炸鸡和一些蔬菜。
2. Five expressions ( http: / / )for section “Sport” of a phrase book in English and Chinese:
What's your favorite sport 你最喜欢什么体育活动?
I like swimming best. 我最喜欢游泳。
Are you interested in wrestling 你对摔跤感兴趣吗?
Which do you prefer, badminton or football
I prefer football to badminton
3. Five expres ( http: / / )sions for section “Finding accommodation” of a phrase book in English and Chinese:
Do you have a room available for tonight 今晚有可住的房间吗?
Could you check wh ( http: / / )ether you have a reservation for Mr. Lee from today
I’m sorry. We have no vacancy for tonight. 对不起,今晚没有空房。
I’d like to stay for two nights. 我想住两个晚上。
What is my room number 我的房间是几号?
StepⅡReading (1)
T: Now P80. In this ( http: / / )period we’ll do some reading practice. Look at Activities 1 & 2. Work in pairs to have a short discussion with the questions. Can you remember the information
S: Yes. There are 500,000 words in the Oxford English Dictionary.
S: And James Murray was the editor of the OED
T: Yes. But when w ( http: / / )as it first repaired and how many books does it contain today
S: In 1857 it was first repaired.
S: Now it has 20 books altogether.
T: Good! Look at the ( http: / / )title of the passage on P81 and pick the most likely main idea according to it.
S: “From Quotation Sl ( http: / / )ips to Online Dictionaries”…the first one: Past, present and future of the OED.
T: OK. Let’s read the passage fast to see if your choice is right.
Ask students to skim ( http: / / ) the passage. After they finish, ask them to analyze the passage by answering the following questions.
T: What is the passage about
S: The passage is mainly about the past, present, and future of OED.
T: Very good! A ( http: / / )nd the passage can be easily divided into three parts: Past, Present and Future. Now, read it carefully again to get the main idea for each part and prepare to do the Exx 4-7. You can have some discussion when you’ve finished your reading. Let’s begin!
After a few minutes.
T: Who’d like to tell us your idea about the three parts
S: Let me try. In ( http: / / ) the first part, the writer tells us how James Murray and his 11 children worked hard for the Oxford English Dictionary, making it see the light of day at last.
S: The second part ( http: / / )of the passage describes today’s Oxford English Dictionary Online, and how the present situation of the OED comes into being.
S: The last part expec ( http: / / )ts that the dictionaries in the future may be all in electronic form, encyclopedic, audio, illustrative, video and so on.
T: Wonderful work ( http: / / )! The 1st and 2nd paragraphs tell us the past of the dictionary, and from the 3rd to the 6th paragraph, the writer talks about the present situation, and in the last paragraph, the key sentence “how will a dictionary look in 2050 ” tells us clearly that this part expects the future of the dictionary. Now look at the summary of the passage on the screen to check your idea of each part, writing them down in your note-books.
Show the following to the class.
Parts Time Main idea
1(Paras.1-2) Past James Murray an ( http: / / )d his 11 children work hard for the Oxford English Dictionary, making it see the light of day at last.
2(Paras.3-6) Present Oxford English Dictionary Online becomes available.How the present situation of the OED comes into being.
3(Para.7) Future The dictionari ( http: / / )es in the future may be all in electronic form, encyclopedic, audio, illustrative, video and so on.
The teacher then manag ( http: / / )es the students to do the exercises in activities 4 & 6, completing the table and choose the best answers according to the passage, and then check them one by one. After that, ask the students to work in pairs, discussing the questions in activities 5 & 8. When they finish, ask some pairs to report their dialogues in class.
Possible dialogue:
Sa: How often do you use a Chinese dictionary
Sb: Very often. Almost use it every day.
Sa: What kind of information are you usually looking for
Sb: All kinds of, for ( http: / / ) example, writing, meaning, origin and so on. The less often one is pronunciation, the most often one is the origin of an idiom.
Sa: How often do you use a Chinese- English dictionary
Sb: No less than use a Chinese dictionary, or more often than that.
Sa: Is the info ( http: / / )rmation you are looking for different from the information you need from a Chinese dictionary
Sb: Yes, I often meet ( http: / / )with this kind of problems. For example, when I use a Chinese-English dictionary to look for a Chinese phrase “为人民服务”,the English phrase is “to serve the people” without the Chinese word “为”. Because of the differences between the two languages, we students often make mistakes, using the phrase in the wrong way as “to serve for the people”.
Sa: There are 750,000 ( http: / / )terms of English in the OED. How many words or terms in English do you think you know How many do you think you need to know to use English well enough
Sb: I can use ( http: / / ) about 3,000 English words, but I think I need to know at lest over 8,000 that I can use English well. Of cause the more, I think, the better.
Sa: Now it is convenie ( http: / / )nt for us to use the OED online. Can you infer which procedures and features in the table dictionaries had, have or will have
Sb: Maybe in the ( http: / / )past, a table dictionary may took up a large area and very heavy with many volumes containing less terms. It would take one much time and energy to use it. Now we have many kinds of table dictionaries such as electronic ones, smaller books, dictionaries online, as well as the traditional books, and so on. We can use them easier and quicker. As for the future, I’m not sure. Perhaps they will become more thin, light and small to take less room. And they may be controlled by sound with video, audio, and more schemes. They may also become more interesting for Ss to use to learn English happily.
Sa: Wonderful imagination! Thank you very much!
Step Ⅲ Reading(II)
T: Do you know what ( http: / / ) a Thesaurus is Do you know about Roget’s Thesaurus
S: Yes. A thesaurus is ( http: / / ) a book of synonyms, often including related and contrasting words and antonyms.
T: Quite right! Rog ( http: / / )et’s Thesaurus is a dictionary of this kind. If you want to know about the earliest
dictionary of ( http: / / ) synonyms, turn to page 83, read the passage “Roget’s Thesaurus”, then you will satisfy your curiosity. Go through the questions at the top of the passage first.
After a few minutes.
T: Are you ready What about the first question
S: I think I’d ( http: / / ) prefer to use Roget’s Thesaurus according to what the passage describes if I learn English as a profession. On the other hand, most of the dictionaries we use nowadays are A—Z ones, they are used easily and quickly and suit us students better. I think if we learn English as a language tool, not for study and enjoying, I’d prefer to use an A—Z Thesaurus.
T: Your idea sound re ( http: / / )asonable. And what Chinese language reference books do you know
S: So many, like Chi ( http: / / )nese Idiom Dictionary, Modern Chinese Dictionary, Chinese Detailed Thesaurus, Straightforward History Affairs Thesaurus, Geography Words Thesaurus, Colorful-diagram Idiom Dictionary … and so on.
T: Well done! Y ( http: / / )ou see, there are five paragraphs altogether in the passage. Now read the passage again and answer the following questions.
Show the following.
What’s the main idea for each paragraph
What’s the main idea of the passage
Paragraph Main idea
Para.1 In 1852,Peter Roget p ( http: / / )ublished his Roget’s Thesaurus for the use of finding synonyms.
Para. 2 He devised a ( http: / / )system of thinking about the world containing six classes of meanings with over 1,000 sections of abstract concepts in it.
Para. 3 An essential part ( http: / / ) of Roget’s Thesaurus is the alphabetical index of all the words listed in the book.
Para.4 Newer dictionar ( http: / / )ies of synonyms are quicker and easier to use because the words are arranged alphabetically, but it won’t give you any Roget type cross-references.
Para. 5 If you want quick ( http: / / ) help with your writing at school, an A— Z thesaurus is an easier way of choosing an alternative word.
The passage It is an introduction ( http: / / )of Roget’s Thesaurus and a comparison of Roget’s and an A— Z Thesaurus nowadays.
Step IV Homework
T: Till today ( http: / / ) we’ve learned much about English dictionaries, knowing their history, the way they were compiled, the functions and the importance in our English study. Also you’ve used your dictionaries to learn some new words and language points by yourselves. But how can you buy a good and suitable dictionary Here are some tips for you to read as your homework (give out the paper cards prepared before class): Read through the terms and add a simple and clear title or brief to each term in Chinese. Well, see you next class!
S: See you!
The homework paper card:
How to Buy an English Dictionary
1. Read the introdu ( http: / / )ctory or front matter of the dictionary. You'll understand the various features and how they're set off using typefaces (bold, italic), numbering, lettering and punctuation.
2. Pick an en ( http: / / )try or two to review, referring back to the introduction. Find the parts of speech and related words, and look up the abbreviations used.
3. Find several e ( http: / / )tymologies (word histories) and use the list of abbreviations to decipher them.
4. Check the pronunci ( http: / / )ations of some words you know, using the pronunciation key to become familiar with the conventions used in your dictionary. Then look up a word that you do not know how to pronounce and see whether you can figure it out.
5. Consult your ( http: / / )dictionary about finding words if you don't know the spelling. Often, good suggestions are offered in the explanatory material.
6. Note special feat ( http: / / )ures such as quotations or examples of use. These are intended to help you find the exact meaning you're seeking. Try substituting the word in a sentence to test it.
7. Look up abbrev ( http: / / )iated labels in the table for them. They can indicate that a word is used in a certain region, for a specific subject, or that it has a special usage ' slang, informal, nonstandard, archaic, obsolete, vulgar and so on.
8. Use the dictio ( http: / / )nary to hunt around for synonyms of words. Although it's not as handy as a thesaurus, you will find plenty of related words by doing multiple lookups using the words in definitions.
The Fifth Period Writing
Teaching goals 教学目标
1.Target Language 目标语言
a. 重点词汇
drama, chemistry, squash, skin, physics, science, nation, feast
b. 重点句子
1. Can I have everyone’s attention, please
2. I have a long list of announcements.
3. Thank you for your attention.
2. Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to make an announcement step by step.
Enable the students to write a dictionary entry.
3. Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the students lear ( http: / / )n how to make an announcement step by step and how to write a dictionary entry.
Teaching important points教学重点
How to make an announcement step by step.
Teaching difficult points教学难点
How to write a dictionary entry.
Teaching methods教学方法
Demonstration and cooperation.
Teaching aids教具准备
A projector and a computer.
Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
Step I Revision
Greet the students and check the homework.
Possible title or brief to each term:
1. 读介绍或前言,了解版式、字体等
2. 选一两个词条看看下面的解释
3. 查几个词源
4. 看音标试几个你会发音的单词,再查一个你不会发音的词,读一下
5. 考虑到不会拼写的词怎样查(看一下说明)
6. 注意引语例句的选用
7. 查表格里的小标注,了解一个词是否是俚语,古语、俗语等
8. 查同义词
StepⅡPresentation skills: Making an announcement
Reading (P79: activity 1)
T: Look at P79, h ( http: / / )ere is an announcement for you to read, and after reading, answer the questions given.
After reading.
T: Do you think whether it is an announcement to read or hear
S: It’s an announc ( http: / / )ement to hear because its first sentence is “Could you have your attention, please ”
It’s a typic ( http: / / )al oral language. Otherwise, the last sentence “Thank you for listening.” makes it clearer.
T: Quite right. Who wrote it, and for whom
S: It must b ( http: / / )e written by the storekeeper, I mean this is a bookstore, and the announcement must be written to the customers here. I know this because of the words in the announcement “…the editor of the best-selling English Dictionary for School will be visiting this store …” and “Professor Yu will be signing copies of the new dictionary…”
T: What style is it in — informal or formal How can you tell
S: It’s written in a ( http: / / ) formal style, I think. You see, every sentence is full in structure without anything omitted. And the language is formal, tactful and polite.
T: Where else do y ( http: / / )ou read or hear announcements What do they usually say
S: Just in our ( http: / / ) classroom, we often hear announcements from our monitor. Whenever he has something to inform us, he will say like this: “Hey! Listen up! A thorough cleaning this afternoon. Group one, the area outside belongs to our class. Group Two and Three, the classroom, clean the windows and sweep the floor. Group Four, carry water and clean the desks and chairs. Remember to take tools. That’s all, folks!”
T: A very good performance. Anywhere else
S: And in front of the ( http: / / ) gate, we often see announcements to read. They are often about concerts, sports matches, parties, meetings and so on.
T: What differences a ( http: / / )re there between written and spoken announcements You can have a short discussion about the question. Then I’ll help you to make a summary so that you can learn to write.
Show the following.
The differences between written and spoken announcements
A written announcement:
1. It has a titl ( http: / / )e like "Notice” or “Announcement”. As for a poster, it often uses the matter it will announce as the title such as “Football Match”, “English Lecture” and so on. Put the title in the middle of the first line with a bigger font.
2. Sometimes ( http: / / )it has the name of the department that puts out the notice, such as “Students Union Notice”, “English Department Announcement”.
3. There are times ( http: / / )of coming out and inscribe under the notice, time at the left corner and inscribe at the right one, or both at the right.
4. It’s often writte ( http: / / )n in the third person, and makes the important information clear without any comment.
A spoken announcement:
1. It has no title, no coming-out time or inscribe.
2. At the be ( http: / / )ginning of the announcement, there may be appellative like “Ladies and gentlemen”,