Unit 3 The environment第2课时Listening & Speaking课件+单元整体分析+课时教学设计(沪教牛津九下)


名称 Unit 3 The environment第2课时Listening & Speaking课件+单元整体分析+课时教学设计(沪教牛津九下)
格式 zip
文件大小 176.5MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-02 17:51:56


单 元 整 体 教 学 设 计
学科 英语 年级 九年级下册
使用教材 沪教牛津版(深圳·广州·沈阳)
单元名称 Unit 3 The environment
单元主题分析: 本单元的主题是“保护环境”,对应课标中的“人与自然”这一范畴以及“环境污染及原因,环保意识和行为”这一主题群。主题目的是使学生具有一定的环境保护意识,重视环境问题,积极应对环境问题。 单元内容分析: 本单元的主题是人与自然,涉及的话题与“环境污染及原因,环保意识和行为”相关,通过多模态形式的语篇,如《世界处于危险中》说明文、日常对话、爱护环境、表达担忧或关注、《Gary Green的一天生活》、《一个塑料瓶的旅行》记叙文、《你的碳足迹》等预测阅读文本的内容,呈现了环境污染的现状、原因,引起学生对环境保护的思考,重视环境问题,积极应对环境问题。 整个单元分为Reading、Listening、Grammar、Speaking、Writing、More practice、Study skills、Culture corner八个部分。每部分的内容都有兼顾学生“听、说、读、看、写”等技能的内容编排,关注语言的理解性技能和表达性技能的协调发展。教材的语言材料涉及的具体语言知识有:(1)温室效应;(2)《世界处于危险中》;(3)爱护环境;(4)the same 和different的用法和区别;like,the same as 和 different from的区别和用法;the same ...as与名词或短语连用;(5)表达担忧或关注;(6)《Gary Green的一天生活》;(7)《一个塑料瓶的旅行》;(8) 分析调查问卷的结果; (9) 《你的碳足迹》。通过单元话题的学习,引发对环境污染和环境保护的进一步认知和了解,激发学生的求知欲和好奇心,树立保护环境、爱护环境的意识,能够表达自己的担忧或关注问题,从而形成热爱自然,重视环境问题,表达自我,有积极参与环境保护行为的意识。 以下是单元语篇内容分析图和基于单元主题和语篇内容分析形成的单元结构图: 表一:单元教学内容 语篇语篇类型(技能)语篇内容语篇主题一 What do you know about 看图看文字排序(读)温室效应学习什么温室效应二 The World is in danger应用文(读)温室效应学习环境的三个主要问题:温室效应、砍伐森林、陋习三 Caring for the environment看图排序(听)两个女士打电话给广播节目并谈论环境问题,完成排序,填写表格中的问题和解决方法。通过排序谈论环境问题和解决方法。四 Caring for the environment对话(说)表达担忧和关注,小组讨论城市环境的问题。形成热爱生活,增强表达担忧和关注的意识。五 A day in the life of Gray Green应用文(写)介绍Gary Green作为模范生一天的环保生活。通过每一段的写作大纲和问题的提示,写一篇Gary Green的一天生活的文章。六 The journey of a plastic bottle记叙文(读)从一个塑料瓶的角度展开的环境问题。了解环境问题,增强环境保护、重视环境污染的意识。
核心素养的综合表现: 学完本单元后,学生能够掌握用目标语言理解与环境问题和环境保护相关的词汇,同时,能用句子表达担忧和关注。正确使用the same 和different; like, the same as和different from;the same...as 与名词和短语结合的固定搭配。运用圈画关键词等策略理解关键信息回答问题; 运用本单元所学,增强学生对环境保护、重视环境问题、建立环保行为的意识。
(一)自然情况 本单元围绕“环境问题”这一话题,开展教学活动,学习环境问题中的温室效应、环境三大问题、表达担忧、Gary Green的一天生活、《一个瓶子的旅行》等,初步了解环境污染问题。符合Module 2 Environmental problems这个话题的内容探究,以及九年级学生对知识的汲取需求。 (二)已有基础 (1)学生对“环境污染”的话题比较熟悉,对自己和他人的碳足迹也比较感兴趣,并愿意分享。 (2)学生已经基本掌握了课内词汇并能理解介词的基本位置和用法。约有70%的学生可以准确表达含有 the same 和different; like, the same as和different from;the same...as 与名词和短语结合的固定搭配。 存在问题
环境问题属于Environmental problems这个话题,涉及的知识面非常广,学生虽然在小学和七年级、八年级涉猎了一些,但是比较浅显,涉及的知识面也不够广泛。本单元的教学内容应该站在一个更高更宽广的角度去理解。 解决措施 鼓励学生在课堂上积极踊跃发言,尊重每个学生的想法,并给予客观公正的评价,而不是期待唯一的标准答案。2. 培养学生思考我们现在正在面临着哪些环境问题。3. 在教学过程中,以学生为中心。创设让学生合作交流的学习情境,一起探讨、讨论,共同完成学习任务。并鼓励学生将所学内容与家长进行分享。4. 教学方式灵活多样,根据学生随堂掌握情况,及时做出调整和改进。5. 从多角度多维度对学生进行多方位评价。
通过本单元的学习,学生能够: 1. 能够用目标语言准确我们面临的三个主要环境问题,运用阅读技巧阅读文章,理解文章细节并回答问题。 2. 能够正确使用the same 和different; like, the same as和different from;the same...as 与名词和短语结合的固定搭配,提高用短语正确表达的能力。 3. 掌握通过图片和提供的表格信息对篇章内容的整体推测,及抓住关键信息的听力技能;通过对话,表达自己的担忧或关注;小组讨论我们城市中的环境问题。 4. 通过图片和关键问题纲要的提示,运用写作方法和技巧,完成写一篇短文《Gary Green 的一天生活》,提高学生的写作能力。 5. 通过阅读题干和观察图片,能够预测文章内容,读懂文章,了解记叙文《一个瓶子的旅行》的相关内容;通过图片和提问等方式帮助学生提取关键信息,理解文章,增强学生运用策略的意识。同时,通过《你的碳足迹》了解自己的生活对环境的影响,从而增强环保生活的意识。
语篇 课型 第*课时 课时对应的单元教学目标
Reading 阅读课 第一课时 能够用目标语言理解和描述三个主要的环境问题。
Listening& Speaking 听力 对话课 第二课时 掌握通过图片和提供的表格信息对篇章内容的整体推测,及抓住关键信息的听力技能;通过对话,表达自己的担忧或关注;小组讨论我们城市中的环境问题。
Grammar 语法课 第三课时 能够正确使用the same 和different; like, the same as和different from;the same...as 与名词和短语结合的固定搭配,提高用短语正确表达的能力。
Writing & Study skills 写作 技巧课 第四课时 通过图片和关键问题纲要的提示,展开合理想象,用所学词汇、句式、语法等表达自己的担忧。同时,学会分析调查问卷的结果。
More practice & Culture corner 阅读 拓展课 第五课时 能够用目标语言,理解短文《一个塑料品的旅行》,掌握故事背后涉及的环境问题和回收问题的思考;通过对《你的碳足迹》的认识,了解碳足迹对环境和地球的影响,增强学生对环境问题和环境保护、低碳生活的思考和认知。
通过略读回答问题链,精读应用文《世界处于危险中》的内容,完成我们现在面临的三个主要环境问题的认知。评价学生对于用目标语言介绍城市里有哪些环境问题;通过对话,表达担忧;通过图片和提示纲要等关键信息,写一篇《Gary Green的一天生活》的文章,评价是否掌握介绍自己和他人的一天生活的语言能力;通过图片和提供的信息对篇章内容的整体推测,及抓住关键信息的听力技能。 通过看图说话,评价是否掌握正确使用the same 和different; like, the same as和different from;the same...as 与名词和短语结合的固定搭配。 通过思维导图和已给的关键词信息,评价用所学词汇、句式、语法等写Gray Green的一天生活,展开合理想象,培养热爱自然、低碳生活的意识。 通过短篇小说《世界处于危险中》的精读,完成P36-37的填空题,来评价掌握略读和扫读的阅读技巧,同时用合适的目标语言和句式表达;通过完成P38 Caring the environment 这篇文章的填空,来评价掌握有效听力,获取关键信息的能力;通过P48 Your carbon footprint了解你的碳足迹是否影响了环境,树立低碳生活的环保意识。
经过本单元的学习,大部分学生对the same 和different; like, the same as和different from;the same...as 与名词和短语结合的固定搭配有了比较好的理解和掌握,并能在日常生活情境中灵活地去运用。有些学生能够用目标语言讨论自己在城市生活中发现的环境问题,掌握日常对话的逻辑思维和框架。但是还有一部分学生对于展开合理想象,用所学词汇、句式、语法等介绍Gary Green的一天生活。话题是同学们比较熟悉的内容,因此对于本单元的内容,理解和吸收起来,相对是比较容易的。
作业设计 这份作业是在学生学完了Unit 3 The environment布置完成的。在教学过程中,针对此话题对学生进行了听、说、读、看、写五个方面的技能训练,因此这份作业的主要目标是对本单元进行综合复习。通过三个任务,达成复习目标。
作业内容 作业目标 设计意图
基础题: 一套本单元基础知识复习题 掌握本单元的重点单词,短语和句式表达 查漏补缺,复习和巩固对本单元基础知识的掌握
提高题: 整理本单元的学习笔记,用思维导图归纳五个课时的语言点 增强自主学习的能力 能清楚了解自身对于知识的把握上,哪些真正掌握,哪些需要加强复习巩固
拓展题: 全班组织一场关于分享介绍我的低碳生活的活动,让学习联系实际生活,把语言的学习和保护环境在生活中运用起来 在情境中更加深入地消化和吸收本单元的主题观念和语言观念 将本单元的主题观念和语言观念进行迁移创新
Unit 3 The environment课时教学设计
本单元第二课时 Listening & Speaking 课型 听力&对话课
What 本节课学习课本38页和42页的内容,本节课的主要内容是表达发现与环境有关的问题和解决办法,增强关爱环境的意识。同时,学会表达担忧的句型。 Why 通过图片和提供的表格信息对篇章内容的整体推测,及抓住关键信息的听力技能;通过对话,表达自己的担忧或关注;小组讨论我们城市中的环境问题。 How 本节课的对话内容多样,但都围绕同一个核心主题“保护环境”展开。Speaking部分列出了多种表达担忧的句式,并进行了适当的拓展。
Knowledge objectives: 1)To listen to a text about caring for the environment. 2)To learn the expressions about expressions concern. Skill objectives: 1)To catch a different idea about caring for the environment while listening. 2)To grasp the problems and the solutions of two people after listening. 3)To master the expressions about expressing concern. Cultural awareness: Enhance the awareness of caring for the environment. Thinking quality objectives: To think combining with reality and then discuss with classmates.
教学重点: To catch a different idea about caring for the environment while listening. To master the expressions about expressing concern. 教学难点: Be able to express opinions on the environmental problems.
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
通过图片和表格,使学生关注环境问题并思考解决办法,增强关爱环境的意识;同时,学会用目标语言表达担忧。(学习理解) 创设情景:观看视频,了解本节课的主题,引出主题“关爱环境”。 任务一:Lead in T:What is pollution What should we do 任务二: Pre-listening T:What are the environment problems in the picture 任务一:观察学生互动表现,判断学生能否清晰理解本节课的教学主题,鼓励学生积极参与本节课。 任务二:观察学生参与课堂的表现,判断学生能否真正地进入课堂,学习本节课是否有难度,及时给予指导和反馈。
设计意图 1.通过导入的内容,引出这节课的学习内容,为后面的教学做铺垫,同时让学生能够对本堂课的教学感兴趣。 2.通过图片和表格,学会发现环境问题和思考解决方法
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
通过对话内容和练习,能够讨论城市中常见的环境问题和解决方法。(应用实践) 创设情景:观察图片和表格,思考听力材料可能会涉及到的环境问题和解决方法。 任务三:While-listening A Listen to two women calling into a radio programme to talk about environmental problems. Arrange the pictures below in the correct order by writing the numbers 1-3 in the boxes. B Listen to the recording again and fill in the table below. Write one word in each blank. 任务四: Post-listening Read after the tape one sentence by one sentence. Listen again and answer the questions. 任务三:鼓励学生参与课堂,观察图片、表格和已知信息,结合题目要求进行对话和表达,只要能表达相关内容,及时给予肯定和赞许。 任务四: 从学生回答问题的情况来看,判断学生对所教授的内容的掌握程度,并进行客观的评价和引导,及时调整教学。
设计意图 通过问题,思考听力材料中涉及的环境问题,并根据问题思考恰当的解决方法。同时,思考自己身边存在的环境问题。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
通过观察对话内容,培养学生的发现、解决问题和发散思维能力。能够根据不同语境用新学的句型进行对话。(迁移创新) 任务五:Talk time Read the conversation below and practise it in pairs. Pay attention to the words in blue. 任务六:Speak up In groups, talk about environmental problems in your city. Follow the example. 任务五: 从学生对话的完成情况,判断学生对所教授的内容的掌握程度,并进行客观的评价和引导,及时调整教学。 任务六: 从学生对话的完成情况,判断学生对所教授的内容的掌握程度,并进行客观的评价和引导,及时调整教学
设计意图 根据对话示范,学会和他人讨论自己所在城市的环境问题,并思考可实践的解决方法。
Listening and Speaking Assessments
How well do you learn Great (★★★) Not bad (★★) Try harder (★)
I can listen for the sequence of events about two environmental problems. I can express concern.
I can discuss environmental problems in our city with m classmates.
Group Speaking Assessment
Group ________ Great (5分) Just OK (4分) Try harder (3分)
Content: closely related to the topic (紧扣话题)
Speaking: pronunciation & intonation (语音语调)
Confidence (自信)
Intotal (总分)
作业内容 作业目标 设计意图
基础题: Listen the record again and retell the problems and solutions. Master the most basic language knowledge; Cultivate students' ability of independent learning. Check and fill in the gaps, review and consolidate the content of this lesson.
提高题: Do a report of the problems and solutions you find in your city to the class. Learn to observe environmental problems in your life, think about solutions, and report in the target language. Deepen the understanding and digestion of the content of this lesson.
拓展题: Discuss environmental problems in our city with your classmates. Relate to the reality, use the right language to express environmental problems. Strengthen the practical operation and transfer ability of this lesson.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Unit 3 The environment
Period 2 Listening & Speaking
牛津深圳版 九年级下册
Learning objectives
Talk time
Speak up
Learning objects
Knowledge objectives:
1)To listen to a text about caring for the environment.
2)To learn the expressions about expressions concern.
Skill objectives:
1)To catch a different idea about caring for the environment while listening.
2)To grasp the problems and the solutions of two people after listening.
3)To master the expressions about expressing concern.
Cultural awareness:
Enhance the awareness of caring for the environment.
Thinking quality objectives:
To think combining with reality and then discuss with classmates.
After learning this lesson, you can:
Lead in
What is pollution What should we do
We should care for the evrionment.
What are the environment problems in the picture
noise pollution
air pollution
water pollution
litter pollution
[d z t f ke n]
n. 沙漠化
A Listen to two women calling into a radio programme to talk about
environmental problems. Arrange the pictures below in the correct
order by writing the numbers 1-3 in the boxes.
Listen to two women calling into a radio programme to talk about environmental problems. Arrange the pictures below in the correct order by writing the numbers 1-3 in the boxes.
B Listen to the recording again and fill in the table below. Write one word in each blank.
Problems Solutions
Litter on the ground outside the ____________ ________ ·Go out with friends and help ______ ______ the litter.
·Ask the workers at the station to ______ ______ a sign saying, “_________ ________ ________.”
_________ pollution ·Talk to the ________ ________.
·________ the city government.
underground station
pick up
put up
building manager
Do not litter
Radio host: Our next caller is Tammy. Tammy, you’re on the air.
Tammy : I live near an underground station. This morning, the ground
outside the station was clean. But in the afternoon, some people
started giving out advertisements outside the station.
Many people threw these advertisements on the ground. Now
the road is full of litter. What can we do
Radio host: Well, you can go out with your friends and help pick up the
litter. You can also ask the workers at the underground station
to put up a sign saying, “Do not litter.”
Tammy : Thanks. That sounds great.
Tape script:
give out: 散发
advertisement: n. 广告
put up a sign:贴出告示
Read after the tape one sentence by one sentence.
Radio host: I’m glad to help. Now we have Louise. How can we help you,
Louise : My family has a lot of problem with noise pollution. First, our
neighbour plays the drums and we cannot sleep at night! Next
is the awful noise from cars. That goes on all day. Finally, next
year, there’ll be a building site nearby. It’ll be noisy. What can
we do
Radio host: Well, when you have a noisy neighbour, you need to talk to the
building manager. As for the cars and building site, you can
contact the city government and see if that helps.
Tape script:
a building site: 建筑工地
Read after the tape one sentence by one sentence.
Listen again and answer the questions.
1. Where does Tammy live
Near an underground station.
2. What problem did Tammy find in the afternoon
The ground outside the underground station was full of litter.
Listen again and answer the questions.
3. What problems did Louise talk about
The problems with noise pollution.
4. How many factors did Louise mention that
cause noise pollution
Let’s play
Choose and talk
the problems and solutions
litter pollution
water pollution
air pollution
water pollution
litter pollution
air pollution
noise pollution
water pollution
air pollution
Talk time
Express concern
I’m worried about the weather. It’s too rainy.
I'm concerned too.
There might be a flood.
How to express concern
Read the conversation below and practise it in pairs. Pay attention to the words in blue.
Talk time
Amy: Have you noticed that the air in the city is very dirty recently
Kevin: Yes, I have. I’m worried about that because the smoke
makes it difficult for many people to breathe.
Amy: I’m concerned that the dirty air might make some young
children ill.
it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是to breathe.
Read the conversation below and practise it in pairs. Pay attention to the words in blue.
Talk time
Amy: I agree.
Kevin: Me too. I think we should ask people to use public
transport more often.
Speak up
What environmental problems are there in our city
There is more and more rubbish in our city.
What can we do to solve this problem
I think we should ask people to recycles as many things as possible.
In groups, talk about environmental problems in your city. Follow the example.
Let’s play
Select and talk the situation you choose and make a conversation with your partner!
Let’s play
You have just heard that your aunt is seriously ill. You plan to see him/her. You and your mother are having a conversation about it.
Let’s play
You have heard the news that there was a traffic accident, resulting in the deaths of one people and the injury of ten people. You and your friend are talking about this news.
1. solution
2. government
3. flood
3. throw away
4. pick up
Key words and Key phrases
Have you noticed…
I’m worried about…
I’m concerned that…
It may do a lot of harm to…
We need to take action to …
We need to do something about it.
We should …
I can’t believe …
Why don’t you …
Useful sentences
Listening and Speaking Assessments How well do you learn Great ( ) Not bad( ) Try harder( )
I can listen for the sequence of events about two environmental problems.
I can express concern.
I can discuss environmental problems in our city with m classmates.
Group Speaking Assessment Group ________ Great (5分) Just OK (4分) Try harder (3分)
Content: closely related to the topic (紧扣话题)
Speaking: pronunciation & intonation (语音语调)
Confidence (自信)
Intotal (总分) Homework
1. Listen the record again and retell the problems and solutions.
2. Do a report of the problems and solutions you find in your city to
the class.
3. Discuss environmental problems in our city with your classmates.