Unit 6 Caring for your health
Period 2 Listening & Speaking
牛津深圳·广州版 九年级下
Learning objectives
Talk time
Speak up
Learning objectives
After learning this lesson, you can:
1. learn somw ways to protect our eyes by listening to the lecture.
2. learn and master the expressions about asking about illnesses and health.
3. learn to ask doctors for help and follow doctors’ advice to keep healthy.
Guessing game
Lead in
Lead in
Bad habits for eyes
How to take care of your eys
Dos Don’ts
Take a ________ from using your eyes. Relax your eyes and do ________________. Be careful when you are doing _________. Eat a lot of __________. Don’t spend too much time staring at your _________.
Don’t read when you do not have __________.
Don’t look into a _________, such as the sun.
do eye exercises
n. phrase
n. phrase
n. phrase
n. phrase
n. phrase
n. phrase
How to take care of your eyes
Predict with the help of the picture, some key words and background knowledge.
Dos Don’ts
Take a ________ from using your eyes. Relax your eyes and do ________________. Be careful when you are doing _________________. Eat a lot of _____________. Don’t spend too much time staring at your __________________.
Don’t read when you do not have ________ ____________.
Don’t look into a ___________, such as the sun.
eye exercises
science experiments
green vegetables
How to take care of your eyes
A You are going to listen to an eye doctor’s lecture on how to take care of your plete the notes below. Write one word in each blank.
Because + sentence./ Because of + n.
Because + sentence./ Because of + n.
A time phrase./ A time clause.
A noun (phrase)
Do sth.
Think and predict the answers to the questions below.
B Listen to the recording again and give short answers to the following questions.
When we have used our eyes for a long time.
Because of accidents when they are doing science experiments.
Wash our eyes gently with water.
Because it is one of the most valuable things we have.
Eye doctor: As an eye doctor, I often see students with poor eyesight or eye problems. They always ask me how to take care of their eyes. In fact, many eye problems can be avoided if you will only take some simple steps. For example, don’t spend too much time staring at your computer screen. It can hurt your eyes. When you’ve used your eyes for a long time, for example, working on the computer, watching TV or reading a book, you need to take a break. You need to relax your eyes and do eye exercises.
Tape script
Always make sure that you have enough light when you’re reading. At the same time, you should never look into a bright light, such as the sun. And, if you’re going to be out in the sun for a long time, you need to wear sunglasses. Now many students’ eyesight is damaged and some students even go blind because of accidents, so you should be careful when you’re doing science experiments. If harmful chemicals get into your eyes, be sure to wash your eyes gently with water. Finally, eating a lot of green vegetables can help protect your eyesight. One of the most valuable things you have is your eyesight, so start to protect your eyes now.
Tape script
Post listening
Can you give him some advice to protect his eyes
Talking about illness and health
Talk time
Talk Time
1. What’s the matter with Ben
2. What did he eat yesterday
3. What adice does Doctor Li give to Ben
Listen to the conversation between Docor Li and Ben and answer the questions.
He has a bad stomach ache.
He ate two hamburgers, a large piece of chocolate cake, a big box of sweets and drank two big bottles of cola.
Take pills three times a day and get some rest.
Remember to eat more healthy food!
Read the conversation below and practise it in pairs. Pay attention to the words in blue.
Talk time
Talk time
Talking about illness and health
What seems to be the problem
What can I help you with
What brings you to the hospital
What’s the matter/problem with you
What happened to you
I feel terribel.
I don’t feel well.
I have a stomach ache.
I have a headache.
Talk time
have a stomach ache
have a toothache
have a fever
have a headache
have a cough
have the flu
In pairs, make a conversation. One student acts as the doctor and the other the patient.
Talk time
Group work
Task 1: Work in pairs. Take turns to survey your classmate. Discuss whether you are healthy or not.
Task 2: According to your survey to write a repoter and give your advice to him/ her.
Health and fitness quiz
1. How far do you walk every day
a Over 3 kilometres. c Under 1 kilometre.
b Between 1 and 3 kilometres.
2. How many hours a week do you spend doing sport or exercise
a Over 4 hours. c Under 2 hours.
b Between 2 and 4 hours.
3. At the weekend or on holidays, do you do any sport
a Yes, often. c Not usually.
b Yes, sometimes.
4. How often do you brush your teeth
a Twice or more a day. c When I remember to.
b Once a day.
B1 In pairs, take turns to survey your classmate. Discuss whether you are healthy or not.
Speak up
5. How often do you visit the dentist
a Twice or more a year. c Less than once a year.
b Once a year.
6. How long do you sleep every night
a Between 8 and 10 hours. c Less than 6 hours.
b Between 6 and 8 hours.
7. How long do you watch TV or play computer games every day
a Less than 1 hour. c More than 3 hours.
b Between 1 and 3 hours.
8. What kinds of food do you eat most
a Rice, vegetables and fruit. c Ice cream and sweets.
b Meat and fish.
Speak up
Key phrases:
in fact, poor eyesight, make sure, go blind, do science experiments, take a break,
How well do you know about this lesson Tick the boxes.
① I can listen to a lecture on how to take care of your eyes. 口 口 口
② I can talk about illness and health. 口 口 口
③ I can conduct a survey about a healthy lifestyle . 口 口 口
基础题: 整理课堂笔记
Unit6 Caring for your health课时教学设计
本单元第2课时 Listening & Speaking 课型 听说课
What---语篇主题和主要内容 Listening 板块听一段眼科医生关于保护视力的讲座,了解保护视力的正确方法,巩固获取和记录关键信息的听力技能;在口语(speaking)板块的功能意念(Talk time)部分学习就医时医生询问和病人描述病痛的表达方式。然后在会话(speak up)部分学生要通过轮流提问完成调查问卷的内容,然后讨论双方的生活方式是否健康。 Why---语篇传递的主题意义 Listening板块主要通过眼科医生讲座,让学生了解在日常生活中如何保护眼睛,关注学生视力健康;Speaking板块创设日常就医的情景,让学生学习就医时医生如何询问和如何描述病痛的表达;通过调查问卷的形式,了解学生日常的生活习惯,并引领学生健康生活。 How---文体结构、语言特点及功能 Listening板块的听力材料是一篇演讲稿,语言比较正式;Speaking 板块中talk time 日常对话,涉及就医时医生如何询问和病人如何表述身体的病痛,贴近学生的生活实际;Speak up 部分是调查问卷,问题涉及各个方面,比较详细。
【已知】 经过本单元前面学习,学生对这个单元的话题“关注健康”已有初步了解,而且话题贴近学生生活,学生们较为熟悉。九年级的学生应已具备一定的听说基本技能,如听取关键信息和复述的能力。 【未知】 虽然学生对本节课的话题比较感兴趣,但是学生对于如何在日常生活中保护眼睛的知识相对匮乏;同时对就医的话题如何表达身体的病症和听懂医生的询问还是有很大的障碍。 【能知】 通过本节课的学习,学生能够学会如何在日常生活中保护眼睛,注重视力健康;同时学生如何正确表达身体的病痛和听懂医生的询问。
通过本课学习,学生能够: 1.学习理解:理解眼科医生关于保护视力讲座的内容,学会保护视力的方法。 2.应用实践:运用就医时医生询问和病人描述病痛的常见表达方式。 3.迁移创新:.懂得寻求医生帮助,听从医生建议,以改善自我的健康状况。
教学重点: 在听的过程中获取并记录关键信息; 教学难点: 就医情景下,听懂医生的询问和表达身体的病痛。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
学习理解: 理解眼科医生关于保护视力讲座的内容,学会保护视力的方法。 任务一: Lead in Guessing game. Show some pictures of bad habits for eyes. 任务二: Listening Pre listening Before listening, go through the listening material and guess what you are going to listen to. While-listening Let Ss listen to an eye doctor’s lecture on how to take care of eyes twice and then finish the exercise on P86. Check the answers. Post-listening 创设情景: a boy who has poor eyesight is asking for help. ① Listen to the lecture again and repeat the sentences one by one. ② Give some advice to the boy. 任务一: 猜谜游戏,观察学生是否能猜出正确答案。 任务二: 听前预测,观察学生是否能猜出所填空的词性,评价学生的语言能力与预测能力;听中,巡视观察学生能否听出问题的答案。
设计意图 猜谜游戏导入,激发学生的兴趣,激活学生已知;通过预测任务引发学生思考,培养学生利用情境线索推断预测的能力;帮助学生整体感知演讲内容,并培养学生准确获取、梳理记录关键信息的能力。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
应用实践: 运用就医时医生询问和病人描述病痛的常见表达方式。 创设情景:创设Bob去就医的情景,学习医生和病人如何表达 任务三: Talk Time Listen to the conversation between Doctor Li and Ben and answer the questions.
Read the conversation below and practise it in pairs. Pay attention to the words in blue.
3. Summary the words Show some pictures about illness. Pair work. In pairs, make a conversation. One student acts as the doctor and the other the patient. 任务三:
通过观察学生回答情况,判断其获取并记录信息的全面和准度; 两人对话,观察学生的对话,学生能否在就医情境下准备表达身体的病痛;
设计意图 引导学生听对话,获取对话中主要内容,梳理、学习就医场景下医生如何询问和病人如何描述病痛的表达,并创设情境,在真实情境中运用所学。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价
懂得寻求医生帮助,听从医生建议,以改善自我的健康状况。 任务四:Speak up Task 1: Work in pairs. Take turns to survey your classmate. Discuss whether you are healthy or not. Task 2: According to your survey to write a reporter and give your advice to him/ her. Task 3 : Share 任务四:
设计意图 两人合作进行问卷调查,培养学生的合作意识;针对调查结果,完成调查报告,培养学生根据问卷结果进行信息转述的能力。
Unit 6 Caring for your health How to protect our eyes: do eye exercise .....
作业内容 作业目标 设计意图
基础题: 整理课堂笔记 掌握最基本的语言知识;培养学生借助工具书进行自主学习的能力。 查漏补缺,复习和巩固本节课所学内容。
提高题: 小组表演对话,录视频。 学习归纳总结的能力,开动脑筋,掌握高效的学习方法 加深对本节课内容的理解和消化
拓展题: 搜集资料,学习更多保护眼睛方式。 学习判断信息的异同与关联,学会举一反三 培养学生的求知欲和好奇心,以及在日常情境中的英语思维。
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
单 元 整 体 教 学 设 计
学科 英语 年级 九年级
使用教材 沪教牛津版(深圳·广州·沈阳) 教材页数 P81-95
单元名称 Unit 6 Caring for your health
主题范畴: 人与自我 主题群: 生活与学习 子主题:身心健康,抗挫能力,珍爱生命的意识。 单元话题:关注心理健康和精神健康 主题意义:关注学生的心理健康和精神健康,学习缓解压力的方式,培养健康的生活方式。 以下是单元语篇内容分析图和基于单元主题和语篇内容分析形成的单元结构图: 表一:单元教学内容 语篇语篇类型语篇内容语篇主题意义一 How to lead a balanced life 说明文介绍了学生们存在精神压力的原因、精神压力的危害以及各种缓解精神压力的方法。 学会如何健康生活,缓解精神压力。二 How to take care of your eyes 讲座眼科医生关于保护视力的讲座 学习保护视力的正确方法三 Talking about illness and health对话 医生和病人的对话 学习就医时医生询问和病人描述病痛的表达方式四 An email to a sick classmate邮件 写给生病同学的慰问信 学习慰问类信件的写作格式,学会给出合理建议,表达对同学的关心。五 Growing up 说明文详细介绍了青春期。了解青春期的心理行为变化,学习如何积极应对青春期。六 The new medicine that is old --TCM 说明文介绍了中医学习了解关于中医的知识,增强文化自信。
(一)自然情况 本单元围绕“关注健康”这一话题,开展教学活动。在九年级上册第六单元已经学习过关于身体健康的话题,在本单元重点关注学生的心理健康和精神健康,贴近学生的生活,有助于学生面临中考调整身心状态。符合Module 3 Sport and health 这个话题的内容探究,以及九年级学生对知识的汲取需求。 已有基础 本单元涉及“健康”话题,学生比较感兴趣,目前本身面临中考的压力,对本单元的话题中的文章都感同身受。 存在问题 虽然学生目前面临很多问题,但是很多学生不能准确地表达面临的困难和问题,同时不知道如何去解决这些问题。 (四)解决措施 鼓励学生在课堂上积极踊跃发言,尊重每个学生的想法,并给予客观公正的评价,而不是期待唯一的标准答案。 培养学生利用现代科学技术检索信息,查阅资料的能力。 在教学过程中,以学生为中心。创设让学生合作交流的学习情境,一起探讨、讨论,共同完成学习任务。并鼓励学生将所学内容与家长进行分享。 教学方式灵活多样,根据学生随堂掌握情况,及时做出调整和改进。 5. 从多角度多维度对学生进行多方位评价。
【单元课标要求】 能够认识学习生活中造成压力的原因,并学会如何缓解压力,学会自我减压,学会合理安排学习和生活,平衡两者之间的关系,健康生活;能够学习保护视力的方法,关注视力健康;就医时能够理解医生的询问并学会如何表达自己的病痛;能够学会运用be adjective that -clauses 表达自己的情感;能够准确运用宾语从句;能够正确认识青春期所面对的问题,积极应对;能积极使用英语进行交流,遇到问题主动请教,勇于克服困难;能在学习活动中积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;能通过简短语篇获取、归纳中外文化信息,认识到不同文化,尊重文化的多样性和差异性,并在理解和比较的基础上做出自己的判断。 【单元学习目标】学习本单元后,能够: 语言能力:掌握关于表达学生生活中压力的各种表达;掌握如何平衡生活的方法;掌握保护视力的方法;掌握be +adjective that-clauses 和 宾语从句的用法; 学习能力:能够读文章获取相关缓解压力的表达;能够学会如何就医; 在教师的指导下,积极参与课堂活动,大胆尝试用英语进行交流;能在学习活动中与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 思维品质:在阅读文本过程,学习分析文章的结构;在学习语法时,能仔细观察语境,选择正确的形容词表达自己的情感;在写作板块,学习宽慰建议类邮件的写作方法,具备理清写作思路的能力,并根据具体的问题,给出合理的建议。 文化意识:关注学生心理健康和精神健康,在project部分,学生小组合作,形成健康生活指南。
课时及教材板块 课型 课时对应的单元教学目标 评价的手段与方式
第一课时 Reading 阅读课 运用略读策略,了解文章结构;运用图表,归纳文章主要内容。 通过略读回答问题链,精读复述阅读篇章,评价学生能否掌握说明文阅读技巧;通过角色扮演和报告,评价学生是否掌握本课目标词汇;
第二课时 Listening&Speaking 听说课 巩固记录关键信息的技能。 通过对子活动,进行角色扮演;评价学生能否口头介绍保护眼睛的方法。通过图片和提供的信息对篇章内容的整体推测,及抓住关键信息的听力技能;
第三课时 Grammar 语法课 掌握be+adjective that-clauses 和宾语从句的用法。 通过小组活动、完成句子等,评价学生能否掌握宾语从句的结构和用法;
第四课时 Writing & project 写作课 掌握慰问建议类信件的写作结构,并根据提示给生病的同学写一封邮件。搜集健康生活的方式,班级汇总形成健康生活指南。 通过写作展示,评价学生是否能够抓住通告文本语言特点;通过学生的作品,评价学生能否创造性地表达自己的观点。
第五课时 More practice & Culture corner 阅读拓展课 认识青春期,学会积极面对青春期中的问题;了解中医的相关知识。 通过回答问题链,评价学生能够获取梳理文章关键信息;通过学生小组展示,评价学生搜集信息的能力。