黑龙江省哈尔滨市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)


名称 黑龙江省哈尔滨市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)
格式 docx
文件大小 28.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-01 18:54:48



2.答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再涂其它答案。非选择题的答案必须使用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔写在答题卡上相应的区域内,写在本试卷上无效。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What marks did Sarah get m h e I exam
A.95. B.92. C.89.
2. Why did the girl give up the photography club
A. Because she has no interest.
B. Because she has no money.
C. Because she is quite busy.
3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Teammates. B. Mum and son. C. Teacher and student.
4. Who thinks grammar is more difficult
A. The woman. B. The man. C. Lily.
5. Who might the woman be
A. The man's wife. B. The man's friend. C. A waitress.
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Family members. B. Friends C. Tour guide and tourist.
7. What attracts the woman about the tower
A. The height. B. The design. C. The location.
8. What is the woman going to do this summer
A. Preview her lessons. B. Have a tour of Trance C. Visit the Pearl of the East.
9. Which subject is difficult for the girl
A. History. B. Maths. C. Music.
10. Which subject does the boy probably have on Wednesday
A. Maths. B. Physics. C. Chinese.
11. What day is it today
A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Wednesday.
12. What are the two speakers talking about
A. Their plans about Christmas holidays.
B. Their feelings about Christmas holidays.
C. Their suggestions about Christmas holidays.
13. Who will the man stay with for his Christmas holidays
A. His parents. B. A host family. C. His friends.
14. What is the woman eager to do
A. Travel by plane. B. Enjoy the warm weather. C. See the koalas.
15. What does the woman think of the park
A. It is not far away. B. It's not easy to get there. C. It's not worth visiting.
16. When can you enjoy a music festival in the park
A. On Sunday. B. On Saturday. C. On Friday.
17. Who could be the visitors to the park
A. Climbing winners. B. Young people. C. Football players.
18. What is the requirement for the applicants
A. They have to be over 20 years old.
B. They should be able to speak English.
C. They should spend more than half a year there.
19. How can people apply to be volunteers
A. By letter. B. By e -mail. C. By phone.
20. What is the main purpose of the talk
A. To seek volunteers.
B. To ask for financial help.
C. To introduce an organization.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
My Father, the Family Man
This year, my seasonal depression took me deeperssion the past, and a new portrait of my father came into my mind. He was a sometimes difficult, always determined man.
In my early memories, I was sitting at the kitchen table listening to my father yelling(叫嚷)about his challenges as an Italian immigrant. Back then, I couldn't have known his pain as he struggled to find his footing in this new land.
"We left Italy to give you three girls more opportunities for a better life," he said. "But we'd had a shaky start. The apartment your aunt had secured for us fell through at the last minute. It went to someone without children. So the five of us moved into your aunt's living room."
Bills mounted up. "And then I saw your mother's face was as white as a sheet." He said bitterly but soon stared down at the table to compose himself. "And the baby was crying. I worried that the houseowner would come knocking on the door."
Dad jumped to the end of his story, "What more can I say I went looking for a job. I found one."
Armed with a few English phrases and determination, he'd walked for miles in a city he didn't know, stopping at every hair salon, asking for a chance to show his skills as a hair stylist, his pro-fession and passion. That's what he'd been doing all day, supporting for his family.
Forty years later in Toronto, he sat at the table, asking if I thought he'd provided well for his family. I answered. His eyes watered. Mine did, too.
21. What did the author think of her father in the early years
A. The father left Italy for a better job.
B. He was moved by his father's story.
C. The father's early struggle was in vain.
D. He didn't realize his father's difficulties.
22. What does the underlined word "compose" probably mean in paragraph.4
A. Show off. B. Cheer up. C. Calm down. D. Make up.
23. What can we learn from the passage
A. The father had a big family to support.
B. The author's eyes watered for her childhood.
C. The father and daughter misunderstood each other.
D. The father learned to be a hair stylist in Toronto.
The career of food editor Liu Dahua has been built on good taste and described as a recipe for success. The 83 -year- old has visited thousands of restaurants and catering(餐饮) companies, talking to hundreds of chefs. Since 1998, as well as writing food articles, he has also been taking food photos.
In October, Liu published a book, a selection of articles about food companies and chefs in China. Five months later, on March 21, his second book, illustrating food through the lens, was released.
"If the first book is based on my eating experience, the new one is based on my photo shoots," Liu says. The book collects 136 dishes from more than 50 chefs. What is striking is that it not only collects dishes from master chefs, but also selects the cooking offerings of the profession's rising young stars.
The dishes are divided into three types: time-honored and classic, new and creative, and the exotic(异域的). Unlike most food books, which usually provide the recipe of each dish, in Liu's book, he simply records when and where he took the photo, who the chef was, and his comments on the dish.
The photos are selected from tens of thousands that Liu has taken over the years, but ones taken before 2000 were all captured on film and were not saved in any electronic form. The earliest photo selected for the book is a "duck pyramid(金字塔)" taken in 2003 in Beijing. The dish was created by Li Fengxin, who had, at the time, just been named chef at a Beijing branch of Quanjude, one of China's best-known roast duck chain restaurants.
24. From which section on a website should the passage probably be selected
A. Life Style. B. Science Research. C. Reading Club. D. Overseas Culture.
25. What can you probably find Liu's first book
A. Images about food. B. Articles about many chefs.
C. Cooking skills about food. D. Recipes of dishes.
26. What's the main idea of the fourth paragraph
A. The popularity of the second book.
B. The design style of the second book.
C. The comments on the second book.
D. The uniqueness of Liu's second book.
27. What impresses readers most in the second book
A. The valuable old photos. B. The young star chefs.
C. The varieties of classic dishes D. The author's eating experiences.
It's a few weeks since both the United States and the European Union confirmed the hottest average global temperature ever recorded. Intense and unusual heat waves, along with fires, storms, and other extreme weather events, seemed to make 2023 the year when climate change became more disturbing.
Of course, climate change is more complicated than things simply getting hotter, but the overall warming of the earth is perhaps the most direct consequence of the carbon dioxide we have released (释放) into the atmosphere since the 19th century. What to do about this problem is the subject of this month's cover story, in which writer Sam Howe Verhovek and photographer Davide Monteleone take a closer look at carbon removal.
Ideas for how to remove carbon from the atmosphere and store or use it in some way have been around for a long time, but we've made little progress. Now we may be at the point where urgency, combined with technological advances, market demands, and creative vision, is making carbon removal a better choice for helping us manage the climate crisis.
Many environmentalists argue that carbon removal is a red herring(鲱鱼) that take our attention away from the need to dramatically reduce our emissions(排放). The first industrial revolution got us into this mess; maybe a second one can assist us with getting out of it.
28. What makes the year of 2023 more disturbing
A. The wildfire led to heavy forest loss.
B. Various types of climate disaters occured frequently.
C. The global temperature broke the historical record.
D. Extreme weather caused a large number of death .
29. What directly causes the warming of the earth
A. The rise of average global temperature.
B. The technology of global carbon removal.
C. The emission of carbon dioxide for a long time.
D. The changes of complicate c climate in the late years.
30. What's the author's attitude toward the progress of carbon removal
A. Unsatisfied. B. Unclear. C. Thrilled. D. Approving.
31. Which of the following are some environmentalists most likely to support
A. Making carbon removal. B. Reducing carbon emission.
C. Slowing down the industrial development. D. Enhancing the second industrial revolution.
Lifelong L earning is Good for You
Lifelong learning isn't just an economic necessity but a physical, emotional, and social one. 32 Once you catch them, you will get rewarded in your life. The following points are reasons why you should stick to lifelong learning.
33 In 2014 a report said that 50% of jobs would become unnecessary by 2025 due to technological development. 34 We need continuous learning and personal growth to adapt ourselves to the changes.
Open–mindedness and curiosity are beneficial to your career. People who enjoy learning are more active at work than those who don't. 35 Do they seem open - minded and intellectually energetic Those you admire most are ones who seem most devoted to learning and personal growth.
Our ability to learn is a keystone of human motivation. Have you ever sat in a quiet place and finished a great novel 36 Education would obviously contribute to the special qualities and uniqueness of each one.
A. New technology changes the nature of work.
B. We live in an age full of opportunities for learning.
C. Educational input determines your competitiveness.
D. Now think of the most admirable colleagues you know.
E. Lifelong learning is a personal choice based on interest.
F. It is impossible for everyone to have access to additional formal education.
G. Have you managed to conduct difficult experiments or create something new
第一节完形填空( 共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
It was a hot, sticky Saturday afternoon. Hundreds of us set together, side by side, in rows of wooden folding chairs on the main 37 lawn. We word blue nylon robes(礼袍). We listened 38 to long speeches and some students almost stood up . When the 39 was over, we threw our caps in the air, and we were 40 graduated ú cm college. For many of us, the curtain had just come down on 41 .
Afterward, I found Morrie Schwartz, my 42 professor, and introduced him to my parents. He was a small man who took small steps, 43 a strong wind could, at any time, blow him up into the clouds. In his graduation day robe, he looked like a Christmas elf(精灵).
He told my parents how I took every class he taught, "You have a special boy here." 44 ,I looked at my feet. Before we left, I 45 my professor a present, a brown 46 with his initials(首字母) on the front. I bought this the day before at the shopping mall. I didn't want to forget him. Maybe I didn't want him to forget 47 .
"Mlitch, you are one of the good ones," he said, 48 the briefcase. Then he 49 me. I felt his thin arms around my back. I was taller, and when he held me, I felt awkward, older, as if he were the 50 .
He asked if I would 51 , and without hesitation I replied "Of course."
37. A. campus B. park C. track D. court
38. A. excitedly B. impatiently C. alarmingly D. mindfully
39. A. class B. ceremony C. conference D. party
40. A. individually B. bitterly C. obviously D. officially
41. A. career B. opportunity C. youth D. mystery
42. A. previous B. strict C. unique D. favorite
43. A. as if B. even if C. now that D. so that
44. A. Inspired B. Amazed C. Embarrassed D Frightened
45. A. handed B. acquired C. selected D. delivered
46. A. textbook B. briefcase C. medal D. image
47. A. the present B. the class C. the ceremony D. the student
48. A. admiring B. seeking C. measuring D. searching
49. A. ignored B. hugged C. dragged D. comforted
50. A. parent B. graduate C. headmaster D. child
51. A. interact around B. update on C. catch up D. pick up
Due to the improvement of ecological and environmental 52 (protect) in recent years, the western part of Northeast China's Jilin province has seen 53 (many) rare migratory birds than other places, searching for food in spring and autumn.
With 54 (it) favorable geographical location and wetlands, Jilin is 55 important stop for migratory waterfowl, including large numbers of rare species, such as white cranes(鹤), red-crowned cranes, white storks and Chinese merganser ducks(秋沙鸭).
Western Jilin 56 (focus) on water management and started major projects such as river and lake connectivity in the past decade to improve the ecological conditions.
57 (locate) on the border of Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces and the Inner Mongolia(蒙古)autonomous region, the Momoge National Nature Reserve in Baicheng city has rich natural 58 (resource) and is a key habitat 59 migratory birds in China settle. It is one of the nine major global bird migration routes, 60 more than 5 million migratory birds passing through every year.
The number of white cranes 61 ( stop) in the reserve in spring and autumn has risen to around 3,500, with a resting period of about 100 days every year.
假定你是李华,期待已久的寒假将至,你的外国好友 Andy发邮件询问你将如何制定假期计划。请你回复邮件。
1.写作词数应为80 左右;
Dear Andy,
Yours sincerely
Li Hua
1.续写词数应为 150左右;
As an only child, I often felt lonely in my youth. But that all changed when I turned ten. For my birthday, my grandmother surprised me with a lovely gray dog named Chloe. From the very start, we were inseparable(分不开的). I regarded her as my best friend. Every time a little love I gave, the little dog returned tenfold(十倍). She was such a sweet dog and she'd lick my face forever if I didn't stop her. Once Chloe was injured, leaving a scar on her head. I cried for a long time and promised to protect her forever.
However, when I was 14, my father got a new job that came with a terrible warning: He'd be working from home, so the house neede a to be absolutely quiet and couldn't be disturbed by any sound. But Chloe was very yappy(喜欢叫的). With no easier choice, the whole family finally sent Chloe to a pet organization. Though we were optimistic that the dog would find a new home with people who loved her, we ouldn't know for sure.
I called the pet organ. zation to try to find out what happened to her, but they couldn't tell me anything. So I never knew. As time went by, I grew up and got a good job. But my life didn't feel quite complete. Remembering the joy that having a dog had brought me as a kid, I wanted to experience the same again. I had it in my mind that I would adopt a dog, but then one day I saw a post on the Internet about a senior dog that needed a new home. The dog in the photograph looked a lot like Chloe and it was even named Chloe.
I immediately decided that I would adopt this old dog._______________________________________________
But my mom suddenly realized there was a way to test my guess. _____________________________________
听力 1-5 ACBCC 6-10 ABCAC 11-15 BAACB 16-20 CBBAA
阅读 12 21-23 DCA 24-27ABDA 28-31BCAB 32-36 BCADG
52. protection 53. more 54. its 55. an 56. has focused
57. Located 58. resources 59. where 60. with 61. s topping
62. I'll seek more chances to practice my spoken English in the future.
63. I've stayed in touch with those junior high classmates who share the same interest.
64. These terraces cover these tall mountains, from the bottom to the very top.
65. I've enjoyed varieties of delicious food since I was able to hold the knife and fork.
66. Yesterday the couple must have been to their friend's house to celebrate the festival.