学科 英语 年级 七年级 学期 春季
课题 Module 2 What can you do Unit 2 I can run really fast.
教科书 书 名:外研版(新标准)七年级下册教材 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 出版日期:2020年6月
语言能力: 掌握一些单词和短语,如:monitor, ready, promise, everyone等词汇和get on well with, be ready to等短语。 能熟练运用句型Can you... Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.谈论能力。 通过创设实际情景,让学生学会用Can you...?来询问他人能力,并会作出回答。 学习能力: 1. 学会小组合作、讨论并发表自己的观点。 2. 提高略读和扫读段落以捕捉信息的能力。
课前对词汇进行预习: monitor, ready, promise, everyone等词汇和get on well with, be ready to
【学习任务一】两人一组,提问并回答问题。 你想成为班里哪一个班委? 班长/体育委员/卫生委员 【学习任务二】 读文章,在正确的句子后打√。 本文以竞选班委的为话题,三位同学在陈述了自己要参选的职务后,从哪几个方面来阐述竞选原因的?用到了哪些词汇和句型?它们在文章中有什么作用? 【学习任务三】在正确的单词下划线。 Everybody 2. likes 3. fit 4. basketball 5. team 6. score 7. good 8. just 【学习任务四】将所给的词用适当的形式填空。 Ready to 2. gets ib well with 3. good at 【学习任务五】写作。 两人一组,选出你们班里最适合的人做活动1中的班委,说一说: 他们是谁,他们能做什么工作 他们为什么能做这项工作 写一篇有关活动5中一位班委的文章。用活动2中的文章来帮助你。 Sam would like to be the class monitor. He works hard and does well at school. He is kind and gets on well with everyone. He is always ready to help others. He promises to help his classmates and he can even help the teachers.
外研版七年级下册 Module 2 What can you do 单元教学设计
模块主题(Topic) Module 2 What can you do
模块内容分析(Analysis of the learning materials) 模块内容分析(Analysis of the learning materials) 单元整体分析(Unit integral analysis): 单元主题:What you can you do 本模块以个人能力为话题,谈论人们会做和不会做的事情。谈论该话题主要通过情态动词Can来表达或询问个人的能力,交流日常生活中的活动,阐述各自的喜好和意愿,这也是平时测试和中考中常见的话题作文之一。 模块内容分析: 本模块内容围绕“你会做什么”这一主题展开,由三个单元构成,分别是: Unit 1 I can play the piano.(引入) Unit 2 I can run really fast.(正文) Unit 3 Language in use.(知识归纳) 本模块以你会做什么为话题,介绍了关于can的用法,这内容是学生小学也学过的,虽然是旧知识,但在考试中却经常涉及到,本模块也重点学习和掌握它们的用法 。 第一单元的对话内容是谈论并选择自己喜欢的社团,由此导出目标语言 I can... / Can you... 等本课时教材设计贴近学生生活实际。本课时的基本句型,单词及内容为后面的学习作了铺垫,起着引领左右。 第二单元的话题是竞选班长,是中国学生非常熟悉的一个话题。在我们的班级里有大大小小的班干部:班长,学习委员,组织委员,劳动委员......每个班委都有一定的职责,为同学们的学习和生活提供服务和便利。课文形式是学生的班委竞选词,每个人选出自己的职务和自己的优势。 第三单元所涉及的语篇为拓展阅读,着重谈论个人的能力。最能体现本模块话题及语言运用能力的就是招聘海报。能正确运用情态动词can表示能力的肯定,否定与疑问形式。 本模块“询问和谈论彼此能力”,这一话题很好地银河此时此刻学生们希望进一步增强了解和彰显个性的心理需求,教学内容与学生们的生活息息相关。 以此为契机,营造宽松和谐的学习氛围,在教学中始终体现学生的主题地位,发挥教师的指导作用,以学生的活动为主线,激励学生主动参与,主动实践,主动探索,主动创造。注重话题,交际功能和语言结构三个方面的结合,以具体任务为载体,把知识的学习和技能的培养融为一体,通过听,说,读,写等活动,让学生真正学会运用所学的语言去做事情。 核心语言知识分析:本模块主要语法情态动词can表示能力的肯定,否定与疑问形式的用法,学习can / can’t 的重读与弱读,元音字母e在单词中的读音。使学生能够准确表达,达到自如运用的程度。
学情分析(Analysis of the students) 1.知识储备: 所教授的七年级学生能够积极参与课堂活动,善于在小组中合作完成任务。学生对“谈论并选择自己喜欢的社团”这个话题比较感兴趣,但对个人能力的描述能力欠缺,对于解构、重组语篇信息的能力仍需要教师提供帮助。 2.学情分析(Analysis ofthe students) 学生已经学过can情态动词的用法,对于本模块要学习的由can表示能力的对话应该容易掌握。 3.话题熟悉度 学生对话题不是很熟悉,对情态动词can表示能力的肯定,否定与疑问形式表述能力仍欠缺。 可能面临的问题: 1.学生对于更深一层理解和能正确运用情态动词can的肯定句,否定句及一般疑问句的运用仍欠缺。 2. 学生信息收集整理以及有逻辑的写作输出能力有待提高。 解决方案: 1. 设置各难度系数的问题,引导学生反复深入研读语篇,多任务设计提升阅读能力,强化学生的阅读策略。 2. 教师在课堂中要侧重帮助学生寻找归纳信息,尝试用自己的话来进行总结、归纳,并指导写作模式的构建。
模块教学目标 本模块学习后,学生能够: 1.通过对话谈论,不同的阅读策略获取文章的基本信息(如:参加学校社团,交流各自会干什么与不会干什么等),理解语篇主题和细节,借助可视化图形呈现结构化知识;梳理、概括并能制作相关的招聘海报。(学习理解) 2.基于结构化知识,理解并能够运用所学的知识用正确的语言来进行描述和简单介绍。(应用实践) 3.学生能够将所学的关于个人能力方面的知识,结合第三单元中自己的喜好和特长确定自己的发展目标与其他文化进行比较,以展示其批判性思维能力和跨文化理解能力。(迁移创新)
模块学习总任务(Module task) Making a poster about a photo competition.
各课时教学设计(Teaching plan for lessons)
第一单元(Unit 2) 听说实践 (Listening & speaking practice)
课题 (Lesson title) Unit 2 I can run really fast . 教材分析 (Analysis of the learning material ) What: 本单元话题是竞选班委,这是学生非常熟悉和感兴趣的话题,在班级中有大大小小的班干部,他们都有一定的职责,为同学和老师服务。课文形式是学生的班委竞选,在竞选词中每个人都写出了自己要参选的职务和自己的优势,号召大家选自己。有助于学生认识并肯定自己的能力,增强自信心,培养竞争意识为班集体服务的意识。 How: 全文共 3 段。 三位同学从自己的优势和对大家的承诺这两个方面进行阐述。文中用到了get on well with , work very hard, kind, be ready to help others, be good at等词汇来表达自己的能力,爱好和优秀品质,用到了I promise to... you can get the best score, I am sure...等句型来表达承诺。这些词汇和句式使其他同学对三位同学了解得更全面,有利于他们成功竞选班委。我们还可以用I like...best, If I am chosen, I will...等句式来表达。 Why: 本单元的主题是你会做什么。属于 "人与社会 "的范畴。学生通过实践,参与有意义的各种形式活动,体验与他人合作,共同完成学习任务的乐趣。在本课中帮助学生认识并肯定自己的能力。增强自信心,培养竞争意识和为班集体服务的意识,培养了乐观向上的精神。 教学目标 (Teaching objectives) 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 语言能力: 掌握一些单词和短语,如:monitor, ready, promise, everyone等词汇和get on well with, be rady to等短语。 2. 能熟练运用句型Can you... Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.谈论能力。 3. 通过创设实际情景,让学生学会用Can you...?来询问他人能力,并会作出回答。 学习能力: 1. 学会小组合作、讨论并发表自己的观点。 2. 提高略读和扫读段落以捕捉信息的能力。 文化意识: 培养学生的竞争意识,营造良好的学习氛围,使学生乐于参与课堂活动,大胆展示自己的能力。 思维品质:通过猜测活动提高他们的发散性思维。 教学重、难点 (Key & difficult points) 1. 掌握及运用词汇run fast, jump high, jump far, ride fast和句型Can you... Yes, I can./ No, I can’t. 2. 掌握各种关于运动的单词,并能够正确搭配。 教学方法(teaching methods) 情景教学法(the Situational Method)、交际法(the Communicative Approach)
教学过程 (Learning procedures)
教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 效果评价(Assessment) 设计意图(Purpose)
1. 通过师生问候、复习在第一课中学到的内容,为本课的阅读打好背景基础。 1. Greeting。 2.Organize the students to have a chat. Free talk about “ what would like to be in your class 3.New words learning: Show some pictures and get the students say like this: class monitor, study monitor, PE monitor, cleaning monitor 根据学生的互动回答情况,评价学生对所学知识的掌握程度,根据需要给出必要的指导。 通过复习让学生熟悉上节课的内容,引出本课内容。 通过观察和谈论,让学生能够对主题进行谈论,为下文做好准备。
教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 效果评价(Assessment) 设计意图(Purpose)
2. 通过略读、精读等方式完成相应的阅读任务,多策略锻炼学生的阅读能力,提高阅读素养(应用实践 4. Work in pairs (1)which monitor would you like to be for your class Class monitor PE monitor Cleaning monitor(2)what do these monitors do Activity 1. 5. Listen and answer (1)Without opening their books, Listen to the tape part 2 quickly and find the answers : which does Lingling / Daming / Tony want to be for her class.(2)Read each passage together, then freely, at last, ask some of them to read each. (3) Check the true sentences in part 2 and check answers one by one. 6. Underline the correct words. Read the passage in part 3 and underline the correct words on their own. Check answers and read it plete the plete the sentences in part 4, check answers. Writing. Work in pairs to choose the best people in your class to be the monitor, then write a passage about one of the monitors. 观察学生回答问题的表现,根据说出的具体信息了解学生阅读方法和策略的掌握程度。 观察学生阅读获取信息的情况(是否正确获取相关信息),判断学生阅读策略的使用,根据需要给出必要指导与反馈。 观察学生的表现,把握学生对语言和信息的内化情况。 1.学生在阅读的过程中要用到一些阅读策略,泛读、精读策略的形成会让学生更准确地获取信息。有助于学生对于自己的学习建立元认知水平上的认识。 2.引导学生反复研读语篇,根据不同的问题来进行阅读能力的培养。培养学生准确获取、梳理和记录关键信息的能力。 3.引导学生内化知识,尝试进行更进一步的提升。。
教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 效果评价(Assessment) 设计意图(Purpose)
3.对课文内容进行再次呈现,能够根据提示词来完成表达。并思考旅行的意义。 (迁移创新) Get some students to sum up the language points. T: What have we learned today Let the students choose the best group in this lesson. 观察学生是否能准确运用所学到的新词,引导学生进行表达。 通过引导学生思考,促进学生逻辑思维和辩证思维的发展 2.通过写作,引导学生对所学知识进行迁移与运用创新,解决学习中的问题,达到学以致用的目的。针对不同学生水平与需求,延后完成写作。 (评价、想象与创造)
板书设计(Board Plan):
Module 2 What can you do
Unit 2 I can run really fast.
Contents 目录
Learning objectives
Lead - in
Learning objectives
1.掌握一些单词和短语,如:monitor, ready, promise, everyone等词汇和get on well with, be rady to等短语。
2. 能熟练运用句型 Can you... Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.谈论能力。
3. 通过创设实际情景,让学生学会用 Can you...?来询问他人能力,并会作出回答。
1. 学会小组合作、讨论并发表自己的观点。
2. 提高略读和扫读段落以捕捉信息的能力。
Lead - in : Enjoy a video
What would like to be ....... in class
Presentation : What kind of monitors do we have in our class
class monitor
PE monitor
studies monitor
cleaning monitor
Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
① Which monitor would you like to be for your class
class monitor
PE monitor
cleaning monitor
To be class monitor, I can get on well with everyone...
②What do these monitors do
To be class monitor, I can make our classroom clean and tidy...
What does this passage mainly talk about
Watch Para. 1 & 2 and answer the questions.
1. What are they doing in the start of the new term
They are choosing the new class monitor.
2. What does Lingling want to be
She wants to be the class monitor.
Language points:
1. get on well with ... 与……相处融洽
eg:He gets on well with his sister .
get on with sb . =get along with sb .与某人相处
eg:I’m getting along/on well with my friends .
How about you?
Language points:
2. be ready to do sth . 乐于做某事;准备好做某事
eg: He is ready to play football. 他准备好去踢足球。
get ready for与be ready for
Language points:
3. Choose…as…选择……作为……
Choose me as your class monitor.
4. promise/'pr m s/ v .承诺;保证
eg: He never promises anything to others .
Watch Para. 3 and answer the questions.
1. What does Daming want to be
He wants to be the PE monitor.
2. What is Daming good at
He is good at football.
3. What does Daming play football in the school team
He plays basketball in the school team.
Language points:
5. between/b 'twi n/ prep . 在两者之间
eg: He sits between the two chairs .
6. between为介词,指在两者之间。between...and... 意为“在……和……之间”。
eg:I don’t want to stand between you and her .
Watch Para. 4 and answer the questions.
1. What does Tony often do at home
He often helps his mother do cleaning at home.
2. What kinds of house does Tony like
He likes a clean and tidy house.
3. What is Tony sure
He is sure everybody would like a clean classroom, just like home.
Read the passage and check (√) the true sentences.
Underline the correct words .
How to choose your monitors
A good class monitor gets on well with (1) classmates / everybody and (2) promises / likes to help you.
A good PE monitor enjoys sport and is usually (3) fit / tidy. They often play (4) basketball / the piano or other sports in the school (5) team / class. They always try to get the best (6) score / help in a match.
A good cleaning monitor is (7) bad / good at cleaning. They make the classroom (8) just / best like home .
Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expression from the box.
ready to
1 Lingling is a kind girl and she is always __________ help others.
2 Everybody likes her because she _______________________ others.
3 Daming plays football and is ________________ sports.
good at
gets on well with
Work in pairs. Choose the best classmates to be the monitors in Activity 1. Say:
Who they are and what job they can do
why they can do it
She is Linda.
She can be the art monitor.
Because she can paint very well.
Who they are and what job they can do
why they can do it
He is David.
He can be the PE monitor.
Because he can play football and play basketball.
Write a passage about your monitor. Use the passage in Activity 2 to help you.
Write a passage about your monitor. Use the passage in Activity 2 to help you.
For example:
I want to be the study monitor because I am ___________________.I am good at/do well in ______________. I like _______________. I can _____________. I can also _______________. I always . Choose me as the class monitor and I promise to______________________________.
Practice 翻译下列句子
1. 我想当生活委员。
2. 他擅长踢足球。
3. 我的卧室干净、整洁。
I would like to be the cleaning monitor.
He is good at playing football.
My bedroom is clean and tidy.
Must do
1. You must read the passage for three times, and recite the words.
Choose to do
2. Write a passage about one of the monitor.
学科 英语 年级 七年级下册
课题 Module 2 What can you do Unit 2 I can run really fast.
使用教材 外研版(新标准)七年级下册教材 出版日期 2020年6月
语言能力:掌握一些单词和短语,如:monitor, ready, promise, everyone等词汇和get on well with, be ready to等短语。能熟练运用句型Can you... Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.谈论能力。通过创设实际情景,让学生学会用Can you...?来询问他人能力,并会作出回答。学习能力:1. 学会小组合作、讨论并发表自己的观点。2. 提高略读和扫读段落以捕捉信息的能力。
一、将常用词组翻译成英文。...的开始 (英文)2. 新学期 (英文)3.与某人相处融洽 (英文)4.努力学习 (英文)5.在...方面做得好 (英文)6.乐意做某事 (英文)7.选择...作为... (英文)8. 保证做某事 (英文)9.体育委员 (英文) 10. 强健而健康的 (英文)11.在课间 (英文)12. 在操场上 (英文)13.擅长于... (英文)14. 在校队 (英文)15.得到最佳成绩 (英文)16.帮助某人做某事 (英文)17.卫生委员 (英文)18.打扫卫生 (英文)19.确信,确定 (英文)20.就像... (英文)21.使某人/某物... (英文) 22.对...友善 (英文)23.班长 (英文) 24. 想要做某人做某事 (英文)25.努力做某事 (英文) 26.放风筝 (英文)27.骑自行车 (英文) 28.说英语 (英文)29.官方语言 (英文) 30.联合国 (英文)31....的标题 (英文) 32.邀请某人做某事 (英文)根据句意及中文提示完成句子,每空一词。I’m (友好的)and I’m always ready to help others Choose me as your class monitor and I (保证)to help you!I often help my mother (到扫卫生)at home.I’m sure everybody would like a clean classroom, (就像)home. (选择)me and we can make our classroom beautiful.三、用所给词语的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。 get on well ride game tidy likeLily is good at tennis, just me.Tom always to school and it is good for his health.Lucy is very kind and she can with others. We do some cleaning to keep our classroom clean and .There are many kinds of ball , such as basketball, football and so on. 四、用所给的适当形式填空。1. Li Feng is always ready (help)others.2.Betty promises (send)me a nice postcard when she comes back to England.3. I’d like (be)a PE monitor because I enjoy sports.4. They boy often help his mother do (clean)at home.5. Please tell me how (learn)English well.6. Mike can’t speak Chinese (good)at home.7. Mr Li us maths. He is a good (teach).8. I can run (real)fast.
一、1. the start of 2. the new term 3. get on well with sb 4. work hard 5. do well in 6. be ready to do sth 7. choose...as... 8. promise to do sth 9. the PE monitor 10. be fit and healthy 11. between lessons 12. in the playground 13. be good at 14. in the school team 15. get the best score 16. help sb do sth 17. the cleaning monitor 18. do cleaning 19.be sure 20. just like 21. make sb/sth+adj. 22. be kind to 23. class monitor 24. want sb to do sth 25. try to do sth 26. fly a kite 27. ride a bike 28. speak English 29. official language 30. the United Nations 31. the tile of 32. invite sb to do sth
二、1.kind 2. promise 3. do cleaning 4. just like 5. Choose
三、1. like 2. rides 3. get on well 4. tidy 5. games
四、1. to help 2. to send 3. to be 4. cleaning 5. to learn 6. well 7. teaches,teacher 8. really
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