Unit 3 Where did you go
Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk教学设计
单元 Unit 3 课时 第 2课时
学习 目标 1.学生能够听、说、认读单词:fell off, look like, Turpan, mule, could, till;能够听、说、认读句型:What happened Are you all right It looks like a mule. 2.学生能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能角色表演。 3.学生能够在情景中恰当的运用由Where和What引导的一般过去时特殊疑问句。 4.能够通过对话学习了解新疆的风土人情。
教学 重难点 1.学生能够听、说、认读单词:fell off, look like, Turpan, mule, could, till;能够听、说、认读句型:What happened Are you all right It looks like a mule. 2.学生能够在情景中恰当的运用由Where和What引导的一般过去时特殊疑问句。
学情 分析 本课时与第一课时紧密相连,围绕“John在新疆旅游”展开话题。本节课主要是通过谈话的情景理解单词或词组:fell off, look like, Turpan, mule, could, till, 以及巩固第一课时所学的句型Where did you go… I went to… What did you do I…引导学生了解新疆的风土人情,激发学习英语的热情,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。在第一课时中句型Where did you go… I went to… What did you do I…的学习,为本课时奠定了基础。但是学生对于去过哪里的问答句型掌握的不是非常熟练。本课时的重点是能在情景中恰当的运用由Where和What引导的一般过去时特殊疑问句及能够借助图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。 本课时出现的词汇中,有很多的生词和词组,fell off, mule, could, till, 这些单词和词组的读音,语义对于学生都有一定的困难,教师要借助于图片、一定的语境,肢体语言等方法帮助学生学习和理解。 本课时出现的话题很多。我先采用游戏、句型问答等方式复习,帮助学生回忆和巩固上节课的知识。接着与学生一起分享教师旅游的照片,学习新授词汇和句子。再结合教材插图、语境理解整篇对话。最后运用调查、设计黄金路线等方法,帮助学生更好的使用语言。教学设计要遵循以学生为主的原则,培养学生独立思考的能力、自主学习的能力。
教学 工具 PPT,课文视频,音频
教学 方法 情境教学法,直观教学法,拓展训练法
学习任务 教学活动 设计意图
Part 1: Lead in Step I: Lead in 1.Sing a song. 2.Let’s say T:Boys and girl, look at the calendar and tell me what the date is. Ss: ... . T: It is May 1st. It’s the Labour Day holiday. John had a trip on May 1st. Look at the pictures and answer :What did he do 3.Listen and choose T: John had a phone call with Amy. Why did Amy give a phone call to John Let’s listen carefully and choose the right answer for each question. Look and learn T: Now look at the pictures and try to answer :What happened Ss: ... . 歌曲导入,学生跟着视频学唱简单的英文歌曲;呈现日历,导入Labour Day这个短语,为下文学习对话做情景铺垫。借助课本情境图进行问答练习,巩固本单元重点句型:What did ...do 借助课本情境图和听力完成Let’s try部分的练习。 根据图片信息回答问题,帮助学生理解本节课难点句子What happened 所表达的含义。
Part 2 : Presentation Step II: Let’s learn: 1.Let’s talk T: John had a trip on Labour Day holiday. Where did he go and what did he do Let’s learn about them in the talk. Ss: ... . 2.Watch and answer T:Let’s watch a short video and find out the answers to the questions. Ss: ... . 3.Listen and order T:Now look at the pictures and the phrases, then please order them after you listen to the recording. Ss: ... . 4.Watch and repeat T: This time, let’s watch the conversation again and repeat it aloud. Ss: ... 5.Listen and imitate T: Now listen to the recording and try to imitate vividly. Ss: ... . 6.Fill in the blanks T: Read the short passage, and fill in the blanks according to the conversation. Ss: ... . 7.Good to know T: Watch the short videos and get to know about Turpan. Ss: ... . 8.Let’s retell T: Now let’s challenge ourselves. Let’s retell the conversation in our own words. I will show you some pictures, you can get some help from them. Ss: ... . Read and choose T: After learning the conversation, let’s have a small test. Ss: ... . Language points T: Let’s summarize the key points of this period. Please take some notes in your textbooks. Ss: ... Let’s enjoy. 呈现课本情景图片,提出问题,让学生带着问题观看视频,找出问题的答案。采用任务型教学法让学生有针对性地进行学习。 呈现课本主情境图和对话重点短语,让学生听录音,排序,训练学生捕捉关键信息的能力。 听录音,模仿朗读对话,培养学生的语音语感。 通过补全短文、复数对话等方式帮助学生再次巩固和熟悉课文内容。 根据文本内容设计了句子翻译和情景应答练习,训练学生灵活运用文本所学内容解题的方法。
Part 3: Let’s practice。 Step III:Let’s practice: Present different exercises to students. 通过练习,检测当堂学习效果。
Part 4: Summary。 Step V:Summary T:Now let’s summarize key words and key sentences we have learned this period. 总结本节课词汇或者句型。
Part 5: Homework。 Step VI:Homework 1. Listen and read P24 for three times. 2. Write a short passage to tell us where you went and what you did during your holiday. (4-5 sentences) 通过作业,帮助学生养成及时巩固当天所学知识的习惯。同时训练学生模仿文本叙述自己假期经历的能力。
板书设计: Unit 3 Where did you go 第二课时 1. What happened to John 2. Where did he go 3. What did he do in Xinjiang A. He went fishing. B. He rode a horse. C. He rode a bike. D. He saw lots of grapes.
教学反思:通过本节对话课的教学,学生掌握并会运用Where did you go What did you do 等用语。过去时第二单元学生已接触过了,学生已经能简单地运用,就是生词过多,教学中通过导学,生生、师生相互解决生词,充分体现自主学习、合作学习、探究学习、体验与感悟学习。留给学生合理的思维和探究空间。适时运用多媒体,引导学生主动学习,注重能力培养。通过多次听录音、观看动画的形式学习和操练主要句型,在掌握了该部分之后,学生再进行小组练习和角色扮演。本课时充分发挥了学生的自主性和主动性,学习效果较好。本节课也存在一些不足,对学困生关注不多,课堂中激情产生不多。