山东省菏泽市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末教学质量检测英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)


名称 山东省菏泽市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末教学质量检测英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)
格式 docx
文件大小 33.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-03 19:56:04



2024. 01
1. 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
2. 答题前,考生务必将姓名、班级等个人信息填写在答题卡指定位置。
3. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答。超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
1. How did Mr. Winner come to school
A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot.
2. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Hobbies. B. Sports. C. Families.
3. How many books does the man want to borrow
A. 4. B. 5. C. 6.
4. Where was Ann born
A. In London. B. In Canada. C. In America.
5. What sport does the woman like most
A. Tennis. B. Golf. C. Baseball.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
6. What does the man probably think of the party
A. Boring. B. Great. C. Just so-so.
7. What will Mike do during his summer holiday
A. He'll come back to see Jenny. B. He'll teach in China. C. He'll travel in China.
8. What day is it today
A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.
9. Where will the woman swim
A. In a lake. B. In a swimming pool. C. In a river.
10. How did the woman probably look
A. Angry. B. Puzzled. C. Worried.
11. What is Ann doing
A. Watching a fashion show. B. Watching a football match. C. Quarreling with her husband.
12. What does the woman suggest to the man
A. Making friends with Charles. B. Never quarreling with his wife.
C. Watching the football match at her home.
13. Where are the two speakers now
A. In Paris. B. In New York. C. In Beijing.
14. What is the woman doing in the city
A. She is visiting her husband. B. She is sightseeing. C. She is working.
15. How long have the two speakers been out of touch
A. For three months. B. For one year. C. For two years.
16. What will the man do in one year
A. Go to work in Beijing. B. Go back to New York. C. Travel with his parents.
17. What is being held in the new sports stadium
A. A match. B. A conference. C. A concert.
18. What do we know about the City Theatre
A. It seldom hosts big shows. B. It has poor air condition. C. It lacks enough seats.
19. Which place is normally not on the route of the tour
A. The park. B. The theatre. C. The market.
20. What does the speaker advise tourists to do in the end
A. See some animals. B. Watch a movie. C. Visit some shops.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
National Parks are the best places to see raw nature in protected areas, where the wildlife is free and the history is kept alive properly, such is the case of all national parks in Australia.
The Booderee National Park
It offers a protected habitat (栖息地) for native wildlife against high cliffs and white beaches. While summer is good for visiting due to the excellent weather, a special event takes place in June and July when whales come back with their babies. Educational tours are fit for school groups to get close to nature. There are a range of activities such as camping, diving and nature walks.
The Norfolk Island National Park
The history of the Park is eye-catching, so you might want to check out how Captain James Cook got here and why. You can picnic and have a nice barbecue around the highest point on the island, Mount Bates. Another tourist attraction is Phillip Island, six kilometers away from Norfolk, home to many seabirds.
The Uluru National Park
If you're into learning more about Aboriginals (土著居民) and their influence on the world, you mustn't miss it, where Tjukurpa stories come from about native songs and dances. The rocks here are extremely loved because they seem to change color during sunrise and sunset. So the spot is also great for walking, considering the knowledge and stories on the rocks' shapes and purpose for humans.
The Kakadu National Park
It has the longest historical records of Aboriginal people living there, which have been carved in the rock art made by Indigenous civilizations over the years. The Park has remarkable rivers and floodplains that go through the rich ecosystem. With more than 280 species of birds, 117 reptile species and 74 mammals, the park is a joy to the eye of the traveler.
21. What makes Booderee National Park special
A. Whales' return. B. Nature walks. C. Wildlife habitat. D. Educational tours.
22. Where can you learn about Captain James Cook
A. The Uluru National Park. B. The Kakadu National Park.
C. The Booderee National Park. D. The Norfolk Island National Park.
23. What do the Uluru National Park and the Kakadu National Park have in common
A. Rock colors. B. Rock shapes. C. Native culture. D. Rich wildlife.
When Stanford University student Ellen Xu, now 18, was a five-year-old in San Diego, Califormia, she clearly remembers that her parents rushed her little sister to the hospital. Three-year-old Kate had fallen seriously ill; she had a fever, reddened eyes, and some swelling (肿胀) in her hands and tongue.
At first, the puzzled doctors thought she had flu, but when her condition didn't improve, the Xus returned to the clinic room, where a doctor by chance had a similar earlier experience with such symptoms (症状) in the blood known as Kawasaki disease. Though rare (罕见的) , it's the leading cause of the heart disease in babies and young children, and its causes remain unknown.
The doctor knew how to treat it: He ordered some medicine for Kate, and finally she shook off the illness without suffering damage to her heart.
Xu remembers being curious about her sister's illness condition and was amazed that the grown-ups couldn't answer her questions about why it was so hard to check. “In my mind, it was this puzzle I wanted to solve, ” she says.
Ten years later, wanting to enter a high school science fair, she had an idea. What if we had a doctor in our pocket So she created just that: Using AI, Xu designed a program that uses visual facts to check the disease based on five physical symptoms.
The technology works the same way as apps that can identify birds and plants with photos you've taken on your cellphone. Worried parents can upload a photo that they have taken of their child, and the technology will scan the picture for symptoms of the disease, which often have a strong visual factors, such as a swollen tongue.
Xu's invention has been applied as a web app on the website. “The technology could also be developed for recognizing some other diseases,” she says, “It means a lot to me. I want to use AI to help people live happier and healthier lives.”
Xu says that her sister Kate, now in her third year of high school with dreams of becoming an environmental engineer, is strong and healthy.
24. Why did the author mention Kate's illness
A. To explain who treated Kate's illness.
B. To prove how serious Kate's illness was.
C. To show how much Ellen loved her sister.
D. To tell why Ellen solved the puzzle in her mind.
25. Why did Ellen design the program
A. To save her sister. B. To earn a prize.
C. To check a rare disease. D. To identify birds and plants.
26. What can best describe Ellen according to the passage
A. Determined and careful. B. Creative and helpful.
C. Diligent and selfless. D. Active and easygoing.
27. What is the best title for the text
A. A Girl's Road to Invention. B. An Invention Helping Doctors.
C. A Girl Recovering from a Disease. D. A New Method to Treat a Disease.
A compost (堆肥) program at the Wesley School in Los Angeles is helping kindergarten through eighth grade students to teach them ways to solve human-driven climate change. For the past year, 5, 200 pounds of food waste from the school has gone into compost containers rather than a landfill where it would just break down and produce planet-warming gases.
The school workers could have easily thrown the food waste into a city-provided green bin (垃圾箱) . But taking it out of sight, which would have been easier, would have missed the point, says science teacher Johnna Hampton. “When it's invisible like that, they don't see it, but they know it doesn't sink in (心安) .”
When sixth grader Finn saw the finished compost pile, it sank in. “That's my orange chicken in there,” he says. “That's not just like any food. Somewhere in there is my food.”
The school will use the compost on plants around campus. Some will be offered to families that want to use it at home, and whatever is left will be donated.
Fifth grader Sloan felt so encouraged by the school's compost program she decided to take climate action outside of school. Along with several other fifth graders, Sloane says, “We did a lemonade stand at our friend's house and we made over $200, and we donated it.” They also helped create a petition (请愿) to replace the plastic forks and spoons in the school cafeteria with compostable ones.
Fifth grader Kingston was excited to learn his food waste will help grow new food on campus. “It feels good that you're doing something that helps the planet, instead of just sitting and watching it get destroyed,” he says.
Jennifer Silverstein, an expert on climate, says the school's compost program checks a lot of the boxes for effective, positive climate education to help youth understand the crisis of human-caused climate change.
28. What is the purpose of the compost program
A. To prevent wasting food. B. To deal with climate change.
C. To raise money for the school. D. To keep friendship among kids.
29. How did the school deal with the food waste before
A. By selling to families as compost. B. By putting into compost containers.
C. By turning into new food again. D. By throwing into dustbins.
30. How has the program affected Sloan
A. She has taken climate action. B. She has gained a sense of achievement.
C. She has got a part-time job in the school. D. She has developed a new way to donate.
31. What can we learn about the program from the last two paragraphs
A. It is well received. B. It is highly profitable.
C. It needs to be more effective. D. It takes time to watch the result.
A walking school bus (WSB) project can help reduce air pollution, increase the number of students walking and bicycling, and offer children and parents an opportunity to exercise and socialize, while getting to school on time!
WSB is a safe and fun way for children to get physical activity as they travel to and from school. Each “bus” walks along a way with one or more parents leading it, picking children up at stops along a way designed ahead of time and walking them to school. Then it runs back in the afternoons on the way home from school under adults supervision (监管) . It is that easy. You may find that families are already doing this with their children and would be glad to help more students get to school in this healthy, safe and fun way!
Planning WSB seems not to be simple. But the key is to make sure you know the steps. This guide will walk you through how to plan a WSB and help to tailor (定制) your project to your school, community and students. First, get started and plan the route, and then recruit (招募) students and leaders. Finally, run and perfect your project. You may or may not choose to perform these steps in order, depending on your project.
As you work through some steps in order, the WSB Planning Worksheet and Timeline will help you organize your project. Each section of the worksheet helps you record the progress: who is responsible for each task, when things need to start, and the date due to finish. These planning documents will help you organize ideas, people and time in order to improve your WSB as easily as possible.
For more information, explore the references at the end of this guide.
32. What does the WSB mainly aim to do
A. Advertise road safety rules. B. Help children get exercise.
C. Improve student performance. D. Make transportation convenient.
33. What does the underlined word bus in paragraph 2 refer to
A. A school bus. B. A project. C. Parents. D. Students.
34. What do paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly talk about
A. Who to join in the WSB. B. How to arrange a project.
C. When to record progress. D. Where to make a worksheet.
35. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A news report. B. A science magazine. C. A guide. D. A book review.
How to Be a Better Person
Life can be a whirlwind (旋风) of responsibilities and stress, but with the right focus, you can start becoming a person you want to be. From honoring yourself to doing small acts of kindness, there's something you can do every day to improve yourself. 36
Set goals.
Positive and practical goals can give you something to struggle for. Everyone needs something to live for.
37 Not only can wanting something make you a happier and better person, but it can also help you find your purpose.
Be patient.
38 That doesn't matter. Rather than getting upset when things don't go your way, take a deep breath and remember to have patience. Try enjoying these slow moments and recognizing the positives in the situation.
Be grateful.
Practicing gratitude (感激) every day can help you be more positive. Gratitude is more than a feeling.
39 No matter where you are, be grateful and love your family. Take a moment to recognize that every smile or simple favor is a gift.
Practice forgiveness.
Forgiving yourself and others can help you improve relationships. On your journey to becoming a better person, it's important to let go of any dissatisfaction you're holding. 40 It's time to move forward. Allow yourself time to forgive your past mistakes and recognize what they've taught you. Then, forgive those who have hurt you.
A. It's an active practice.
B. The past is in the past.
C. Try to set a long-term goal.
D. Think about what you want in life.
E. Here are some tips to be a better person.
F. Things don't always happen the way you'd like.
G. You may not be able to forget what they've done.
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
A change of heart
Joe woke up in a bad mood. He didn't want to go to the International Museum of Pottery with his 41 today. The class had voted (投票) on their spring field trip, and his 42 did not win. Joe had wanted to do something outdoors, like visit a horse farm. Joe thought pottery is boring! But he had no 43 .
When they reached the 44 , Joe listened to the guide's introduction halfheartedly. “You might 45 pottery is just something your teacher paints in a weekly class. but the 46 reaches much further than that. You will learn about its importance from ancient times. It tells us a lot about the 47 they came from.” Joe didn't know pottery was an ancient art.
As they 48 the Native American pottery of the Southwest, the guide explained the dry climate helped the pottery 49 faster. The guide showed a video of a woman 50 a vase (花瓶) . Joe was 51 by how skillful she was. When seeing the beautiful modern works, Joe laughed at the funny shapes of Picasso's pottery
52 .
By the end of the day, Joe's mood had completely 53 . He was glad he had come to the museum. He saw the 54 of learning about a variety of cultures through pottery works. He would definitely be 55 to visit the museum again.
41. A. cousins B. teachers C. parents D. classmates
42. A. debates B. proposals C. opinions D. comments
43. A. choice B. accommodation C. adventure D. demand
44. A. farm B. school C. museum D. cinema
45. A. consider B. explore C. remind D. intend
46. A. painting B. detail C. emotion D. art
47. A. characters B. cultures C. documents D. legends
48. A. gave up B. get off C. came upon D. put on
49. A. cool B. dirty C. warm D. dry
50. A. shaping B. drawing C. coloring D. decorating
51. A. concerned B. frightened C. attracted D. admired
52. A. lessons B. lectures C. reports D. creations
53. A. worsened B. changed C. appeared D. happened
54. A. benefit B. effort C. goal D. schedule
55. A. unique B. angry C. happy D. serious
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications (防御工事) built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China.
In 221 BC, Emperor Qin Shihuang 56 (order) the walls of the Qin, Zhao and Yan kingdoms in the north to be joined after he united China. The new wall stretched (延伸) from Lintao to Liaodong, with a total 57 (long) of over 20, 000 li.
With the rise of the Tang Dynasty, the Great Wall lost 58 (important) as a fortification. During the Song Dynasty, the Chinese 59 (force) to withdraw (撤退) under threat from the Liao and Jin peoples in the north, 60 took over many areas on both sides of the Great Wall. The powerful Yuan Dynasty 61 (establish) by Genghis Khan finally controlled all of China.
The Great Wall became again a military fortification for Mongolians. It was during the Ming Dynasty that the Wall took on 62 (it) present form. At that time, it stretched some 6, 300 kilometers from the Yalujiang River in the east to Jiayuguan Pass in the west, and is known 63 the Ten Thousand Li Wall.
Today, the Great Wall is 64 (general) recognized as one of the most impressive 65 (wonder) in the world. It is the only man-made structure that is visible from space.
第三节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
66. There is a lot to __________ (探索) in my senior high life.
67. I hope I can speak Chinese __________ (流利地) when graduating.
68. The mental __________ (力量) made Jordan impressive.
69. The army dug out those who were __________ (陷入困境) in ruins.
70. We must show the __________ (智慧) to stay positive and rebuild for a brighter future.
71. The undersea quake __________ (袭击) the west coast of Sumatra Island last week.
72. One main __________ (因素) is that we lack a strong will.
73. For me, __________ (词汇) is my biggest problem.
74. The antelope population has __________ (恢复) since 2015.
75. It has been __________ (去除) from the endangered species list.
第四节 翻译(共6小题;76-80每小题3分,81题10分;满分25分)
76. 这些措施是有效的。
77. 突然,村中井水上下起伏。
78. 惊奇的是,有8000多座雕塑。
79. 我们社区应该提出一个合理的解决方案。
80. 我花费了一周时间读完这本经典小说。
81. 尽管中国历史跌岩起伏,汉字书写体系仍然是中国文化的一个重要组成部分。随着中国在全球事务中扮演着更为重要的角色,越来越多的国际学生开始通过汉语这一奇妙的语言来欣赏中国的文化和历史。
第四部分 写作(满分15分)
1. 建议理由;
2. 社团名称;
3. 活动计划。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Alex,
Li Hua
1-5 CAABA 6-10 BCABA 11-15 ACACC 16-20BBCAC
21-25ADCDC 26-30BABDA 31-35ABDBC
36-40 EDFAB 41-45DBACA 46-50DBCDA 51-55CDBAC
56. ordered 57. length 58. importance 59 . were forced 60. who/which 61. established 62. its 63. as 64. generally 65. wonders
66. explore 67. fluently 68. strength 69. trapped 70. wisdom 71. struck 72. factor 73. vocabulary 74. recovered 75. removed
76. The measures were effective.
77. Suddenly, the water in the village wells rose and fell.
78. It’s amazing that there are more than 8, 000 statues.
79. Our community should provide a reasonable solution.
80. I spent a whole week (in) finishing reading the classic novel. 或者It took me a whole week to finish reading the classic novel.
81. Though there are many ups and downs in Chinese history, the Chinese writing system is still an important part of Chinese culture. As China plays a greater role in global affairs, an increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate China’s culture and history through this amazing language.
Dear Alex,
I hope this email finds you well. I would like to put forward the idea of setting up a spoken English club.
The primary purpose is to increase the chance to use English in daily conversations. Not only does it improve our oral English, but it also increases our confidence in speaking English. As for the ideal name, “English Conversation Club” may be perfect, which is interesting and attractive. Regarding the activities, above all, inviting foreign teachers to join is necessary, which can help us practice oral English. At the same time, some theme activities, such as role-playing and English speech, would be highly appealing and helpful.
Your support and participation would be greatly appreciated. I am looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
(Text 1)
W: Why are you so late, Mr. Winner
M: My car is out of order. I had to walk to school.
(Text 2)
W: Do you have a hobby
M: I suppose tennis is the closest thing to a bobby that I have.
W: How about the rest of your family
M: Well, my son likes collecting stamps and my wife has a garden. She spends an hour or so every day working out there.
(Text 3)
W: What can I do for you
M: I want to borrow two short stories and two textbooks.
(Text 4)
M: Were you born in America, Ann
W: No, I was born in Canada. What about you, Gary
M: I was born in London.
(Text 5)
M: What's your favorite sport
W: Hmm . . . it's hard to say. I like golf and baseball a lot, but I think I like tennis best.
(Text 6)
W: It's a great party, isn't it
M: Yes. Everybody is having fun.
W: Everybody but Jenny. She looks a little upset. Mike is leaving for China next week.
M: That's why Jenny is upset. Mike is her boyfriend.
W: You are right. Mike will stay in China for at least one year. He has found a teaching job there.
M: He can come back during the summer holiday.
W: I don't think he will. He has told me he'll travel in China during his holiday.
(Text 7)
M: Jean, it’s Saturday tomorrow. How about going fishing in the river nearby with me
W: I'd like to, but I've promised Linda I would go swimming with her tomorrow.
M: Where will you swim In the lake
W: No. The lake is too deep. We'll swim in the swimming pool in Linda's garden.
M: Who else will go
W: Tom and Ted. They both like swimming.
M: May I join you I also like swimming.
W: But don't you want to go fishing tomorrow
M: I can go the day after tomorrow.
(Text 8)
M: What made you so mad
W: I just had a quarrel with Charles.
M: Was it because of the football match
W: How did you know
M: Well, I came out for the same reason. I wanted to
watch the football match while Ann wanted to watch a fashion show.
W: Ann is lucky. At least she can watch the fashion show. Charles never gives in.
M: What else can I do then Ann is having a baby
now. I can't make her angry. But I do want to watch the football match.
W: I have a good idea. Why don't you go to my home
and watch the football match with Charles I can watch the fashion show with Ann.
M: That's great!
(Text 9)
M: Alice, what a surprise to run into you here! When did you come to Paris
W: Three months ago.
M: What I thought you were just sight seeing here. So are you working here now
W: That's right. Now I'm teaching English in a middle school.
M: Why did you want to find a teaching job here
W: Well, my husband Mark didn't want to live in New York. He wanted to move to Paris, so I came with him.
M: What When did you get married
W: Last year.
M: Congratulations! We've been out of touch for
two years. Many things have happened in the past
two years.
W: That's right. So are you also working here
M: No. I'm just traveling here with my parents. I still work in Beijing.
W: Do you want to settle down there
M: No. My parents don't want to leave America.
I'll work there for one more year. Then I'll go back to New York.
(Text 10)
M: Welcome to this tour bus. The bus is now turning into Queens Road. From this road we can see a very modern building. This is the town's new sports stadium. All the big matches happen there but at the moment, a company is using it for a conference.
Now look to your left. We're now passing the City Theatre. It's very pretty, but it doesn't have enough seats for big shows. We've got a new entertainment centre in Victoria Park. We don't pass it on the bus, but you may be interested to know it's got a cinema and a concert hall. Most people prefer it because it's got air-conditioning. Now, on your right, is the High Street. This bus normally goes along the High Street into Market Place. But now some musicians are practicing for an outdoor concert there. We're driving round a different route. The market was an important local trade centre before. Farmers bought and sold their cows and sheep there. However, we don't see animals here these days. The market area's got some good shops. Why don't you have a walk round there later on