人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid 课件(共57张PPT+学案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid 课件(共57张PPT+学案)
格式 zip
文件大小 1.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-03 19:57:38


1._____ household incidents 轻微的家庭事故
2.get the ______ to the hospital将患者送到医院
3.a _____ clean cloth 一块松散干净的布
4.____ discomfort 缓解不适
5.____ the burnt area 包扎烧伤或烫伤的地方
6.____ and fall on the floor 滑倒在地板上
7.an _______ woman 一位老妇人
8.fall over onto the ______ 摔倒在地毯上
9.send an _________ 派一辆救护车
10.without _____ 立即,毫不迟疑地
11.sprained _____ 扭伤的踝关节
12.hear someone _________ 听到有人尖叫
13.a ______ diner at the restaurant 餐厅同来的用餐者
14.make a ____ with one hand 用一只手握拳
15.____ your fist with your other hand _______ 用另一只手紧紧抓住你的拳头
1.___________, her voice isn't brilliant, but she has been practising hard to improve her _________ skills in music and I'm sure through her efforts she will become a successful singer with excellent singing __________.(technique)
2.It is certain that the __________ engineer has a good knowledge of ___________.(electric)
3.We have realised the _______ in helping the flooded area that needs food, water and medicine ________ and decided to take ______ action to lend a hand.(urgent)
4.The doctor has just ________ on the girl and the _________ is quite successful.(operate)
5.His finger cut by the knife was ________ and he lost much _____.(blood)
6.If you _________ others' conversation abruptly, you will be to blame for your ____________.(interrupt)
7.She becomes more and more _________ in the days of ___________, but she still saves the situation ___________.(desperate)
8.As a basketball player, he knows ________ makes perfect, so he ________ very hard every day to improve his _______ skills.(practical)
1.It is said that modern robots are also gaining ________________ (触觉).
2.There will be ____________________ (各种各样的) exhibits in the exhibition in Italy.
3.The circle _______________ (被分成) sections, and each section represents a fraction of the data.
4.When she saw an old man fall down, she went up to ____________________ (帮助他站起身来).
a sense of touch
a variety of/varieties of
is divided into
help him to his feet
5.The little boy is sleeping in his own bedroom, ___________ (面朝下).
6.The young man is so lazy that he always _________ (睡懒觉) every day.
7.Increasing numbers of children are overweight and ____________ (健康状况不好).
8.They ___________ (遭受) health problems and fear the long-term effects of radiation.
9.During the summer vacation, I ________ (担任,充当) a volunteer to offer help to an old man.
facing down
sleeps in
out of shape
suffer from
acted as
1.政府有必要控制房价。(There is a need ...)
_____________________________________ housing prices.
___________________, “Where there is a will,there is a way.”
3.为了确保安全,你最好定期检查一下你的电器。(have sth.done)
You'd better __________________________ regularly to ensure safety.
There is a need for the government to control
As an old saying goes
have your appliances examined
I won't attend the party ___________________.
I strongly suggest that ________________________________________.
unless (I am) invited
you (should) read more books on Chinese history
重点 练透
微点 练全
高考 对接
1.ease n.容易;舒适;自在 vi.& vt.(使)宽慰;减轻;缓解;使安心
[素养佳句] Playing basketball serves as the best way to ease our great study pressure and find some pleasure at the same time.
(1)at ease舒适;快活;自由自在
put sb.at ease使某人放松
take one's ease休息;轻松一下
with ease轻易地;毫不费力地
(2)ease sb.of ...减轻某人的……(痛苦、负担等)
ease one's mind使某人安心
①As we expected,he settled the minor problem with ease. _______
②I was not entirely at ease with the fellow diner who liked making jokes. _______
③I eased her mind by telling her that her skin was slightly swollen. _________
④I gave him some medicine to ease the pain. _____________
When you feel nervous, you'd better listen to some light music to relax yourself.
⑤When you feel nervous, you'd better listen to some light music to ____________________.
put yourself at ease
2.delay vi.& vt.推迟;延期(做某事) vt.耽误;耽搁 n.延误;耽搁(的时间);推迟
[素养佳句] Never delay doing something you should finish today.
(1)delay doing sth.推迟做某事
(2)without delay毫不延迟地;迅速地
①We've decided to delay _______(hold) the sports meeting because of the bad weather.
②(2019·天津卷) _______ delay, I called to thank her.
③__________________________, waiting for the right moment.
④__________________________, waiting for the right moment.
(put off)
⑤______________________________, waiting for the right moment.
He delayed telling her the news
He put off telling her the news
He postponed telling her the news
表示“延缓做某事,推迟做某事”的短语还有:put off doing sth., postpone doing sth.等。
3.panic vi.& vt.(使)惊慌 n.惊恐;恐慌
[素养佳句] After hearing his description, all the people got into a panic.
(1)panic sb.into doing sth.使某人因惊慌而做某事
(2)get into a panic 惊慌失措(表示动作)
be in (a) panic 惊慌失措(表示状态)
①(2021·浙江卷1月)I got into _ panic as I pressed firmly against the table and moved my head around trying to find the right angle, but it was no use.
②When people heard the urgent news, they fled the village __ panic.
③The big fire panicked the operator into _______(jump) from the third floor to the ground.
④She really ______________ when she thought she'd lost her homework.(panic n.)
⑤She was really ____________ when she thought she'd lost her homework.(panic n.)
⑥She really _____________________ that she'd lost her homework.
(panic v.)
got into a panic
in (a) panic
panicked at the thought
4.desperate adj.绝望的;孤注一掷的;非常需要的
[素养佳句] Doctors were fighting a desperate battle to save the little girl's life.
(1)be desperate for sth.渴望某物
be desperate to do sth.渴望做某事
(2)desperately adv.绝望地;拼命地;极严重地;非常需要
(3)desperation n.绝望;拼命,不顾一切
①The paramedic says this would be the final, desperate approach. __________
②He was so desperate for a job that he would have done anything. __________
③I decided to hug Tom tightly when he was in such a desperate position. ______
I am desperate for the chance to be a volunteer.I do hope you can offer me the precious opportunity.
④___________________________________, I do hope you can offer me the precious opportunity.(形容词短语作状语)
Desperate for the chance to be a volunteer
be eager for sth./to do sth.
be anxious for sth./to do sth.
long for sth./to do sth.
desire for sth./to do sth.
starve for sth./to do sth.
be dying for sth./to do sth.
5.help sb.to one's feet帮助某人站起身来
[素养佳句] Seeing the boy fall down, I rushed to help him to his feet.
struggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来
rise to one's feet 站起来;起身
jump to one's feet 跳起来
drag one's feet 拖着脚
stamp one's feet 跺脚
①It's good manners to rise __ your feet when the visitors come in.
②While playing basketball,the boy's leg got injured.However,he _________ (struggle) to his feet.
③The rolling boy _______________ as soon as he heard his father's footsteps.
④Anna saw an old man fall down by accident, so she ___________________.
jumped to his feet
helped him to his
6.out of shape健康状况不好;变形
[素养佳句] If someone is out of shape, you can suggest that he get some exercise.
in good/bad shape 健康状况良好/不佳
keep/be in shape 保持健康
in the shape of 以……的形状/形式
take shape 形成;成形
①(2020·天津卷7月)For my fifth birthday, my mother baked me a cake in the shape __ a monkey.
②Although my grandfather is over eighty years old, he feels he is still __ good shape.
③You have been sitting on my cap.Now it is ____________!
④I like to do some walking every day to _____________.
⑤Some boxes on the table were _______________ fruits.
out of shape
keep in shape
in the shape of
[素养佳句] As the old saying goes, “When in Rome, do as Romans do.”
as is known to us all/as we all know众所周知
as is/was reported正如所报道的那样
as is often the case情况常常如此
as often happens这种情况常常发生
as we expect 正如我们预料的那样
as is/was expected正如预料的那样
as I can remember 正如我所记得的
as you can see正如你所看到的
as you can imagine正如你所想象的那样
as has been said before如前所述
①___ is said above, he has overcome the difficulty.
②He did not finish the work on time, _____ made his boss very angry.
③As ____________ (report), over twenty people were killed in the terrible accident.
was reported
④_______________________________, interest is the best teacher.(as引导的非限制性定语从句)
⑤_________________________ interest is the best teacher.(what引导的主语从句)
⑥______________________ interest is the best teacher.(it作形式主语)
As is known to us all/As we all know
What is known to us all is that
It is known to us all that
1.We all knew we were going to _______ to things we didn't want to face.
2.Unfortunately, I ________ because my alarm didn't go off.
face up; organ; sense of touch;victim; a variety of; grab; justify; electric; sleep in; wrap
face up
slept in
3.He gave me ____________ examples to confirm that his prediction was correct.
4.She _______ it up in pretty paper and brought it to her mother on her birthday.
5.It is said that the blind men trust their own ______________ very much.
6.The heart is one of the most important ______ for human beings.
7.To avoid ________ shocks or injuries, cut off power before checking and repairing.
a variety of
sense of touch
8.Her success had _________ the faith her teachers had put in her.
9.To her parents' satisfaction,she _______ the chance of a job interview.
10.The flood _______ have received both sympathy and assistance from all over the country during the flood season.
1.(2021·全国乙卷)Annoyed by the level of distraction (干扰) in his open office, he said, “That's why I have a membership at the co-working space across the street — so I can focus.” ___________
2.(2020·新高考Ⅰ卷) So, don't stop speaking when you make a mistake unless it's a truly serious one.You don't need to apologize for a minor slip. _______
3.(2019·北京卷)Although the programme asks the members only to drive students to and from their classes, Wilson often goes beyond to ensure the welfare and safety of the students. _______
1.(2021·天津卷3月)In addition to practical skills, Pruitt's lessons teach teamwork, encourage self-worth, and promote feelings of community. __
2.(2020·新高考Ⅰ卷)If this fellow participant is going to eat more, so will I. __
1.(2022·浙江卷6月写作)I wanted to know what they were going through and I _____________________ what I could do for them.
2.(2021·新高考Ⅰ卷写作)The children said loudly, “Happy Mother's Day!” Mother ___________________ and kissed them again and again.
was desperate to know
hugged them tightly
3.(2019·江苏卷写作)We ____________ in our school uniforms every day.
4.(2019·北京卷写作)Last week I took part in a farm work programme ______________.
feel at ease
in the suburbs
1.(2020·新高考Ⅰ卷)An actor hired by the researchers _______ (取) her food first.
2.In the last decade, the project has expanded its _______ (福利) to support 12,000 poor students.
3.She _______ (滑倒) over on the ice and broke her leg.
4.People were _________ (尖叫) because some of the houses near the bridge were on fire.
5.When eating breakfast in a hurry, he ______ (噎住) on a piece of toast.
6.Faced with so many angry people,he had to _______ (为……辩护) himself for his behaviour.
7.If a tooth feels very _____ (松的), your dentist may recommend that it be taken out.
8.Over the years, there have been a number of different __________ (technique) to help designers approach this important point.
9.The Red Cross supervised the distribution of food and clothing to the flood _______ (受害者).
10.“I am still scared today,” he said, adding that his arm grew hugely _______ (肿胀的) after the bite.
1.Being a bad-tempered man, he would not tolerate having his lectures ___________ (interrupt).
2.Be careful when crossing the bridge or you will fall into the water and get _______ (drown).
3.The service offers young people _________ (practice) advice on finding a job.
4.When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers, small, _______ (tight) knit (联系) groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other.
5.The woman tried ___________ (desperate) to push the man away when he tried to snatch (抢走) the bag from her.
6.Everyone should be aware of the importance and _______ (urgent) of protecting the environment.
7.They had delayed ______ (have) children, for the usual reason, to establish their careers.
8.All the people ________ (panic) when they saw smoke coming out of the engine.
9.He _______ (wrap) his arms around me and whispered, “Everything will be OK.”
10.The old are in the majority in our town while the young in the ________ (minor).
1.他每天都按时交家庭作业。(have sth.done)
Every day he ________________________ on time.
I suggest you __________________________________ heart to heart.
The misunderstanding between you won't be settled ___________________________________________________.
has his homework handed in
(should) have a talk with your parents
unless both of you
communicate with each other face to face
4.有必要使讨论的焦点更加集中。(There be a need to do sth.)
______________________ the focus of the discussion.
We are, __________________, badly in need of help.
There is a need to sharpen
as you can imagineⅠ.词块记单词
1.minor household incidents 轻微的家庭事故
2.get the victim to the hospital将患者送到医院
3.a loose clean cloth 一块松散干净的布
4.ease discomfort 缓解不适
5.wrap the burnt area 包扎烧伤或烫伤的地方
6.slip and fall on the floor 滑倒在地板上
7.an elderly woman 一位老妇人
8.fall over onto the carpet 摔倒在地毯上
9.send an ambulance 派一辆救护车
10.without delay 立即,毫不迟疑地
11.sprained ankle 扭伤的踝关节
12.hear someone screaming 听到有人尖叫
13.a fellow diner at the restaurant 餐厅同来的用餐者
14.make a fist with one hand 用一只手握拳
15.grab your fist with your other hand tightly 用另一只手紧紧抓住你的拳头
1.Technically, her voice isn't brilliant, but she has been practising hard to improve her technical skills in music and I'm sure through her efforts she will become a successful singer with excellent singing techniques.(technique)
2.It is certain that the electrical engineer has a good knowledge of electricity.(electric)
3.We have realised the urgency in helping the flooded area that needs food, water and medicine urgently and decided to take urgent action to lend a hand.(urgent)
4.The doctor has just operated on the girl and the operation is quite successful.(operate)
5.His finger cut by the knife was bleeding and he lost much blood.(blood)
6.If you interrupt others' conversation abruptly, you will be to blame for your interruption.(interrupt)
7.She becomes more and more desperate in the days of desperation, but she still saves the situation desperately.(desperate)
8.As a basketball player, he knows practice makes perfect, so he practises very hard every day to improve his practical skills.(practical)
1.It is said that modern robots are also gaining a sense of touch (触觉).
2.There will be a variety of/varieties of (各种各样的) exhibits in the exhibition in Italy.
3.The circle is divided into (被分成) sections, and each section represents a fraction of the data.
4.When she saw an old man fall down, she went up to help him to his feet (帮助他站起身来).
5.The little boy is sleeping in his own bedroom, facing down (面朝下).
6.The young man is so lazy that he always sleeps in (睡懒觉) every day.
7.Increasing numbers of children are overweight and out of shape (健康状况不好).
8.They suffer from (遭受) health problems and fear the long-term effects of radiation.
9.During the summer vacation, I acted as (担任,充当) a volunteer to offer help to an old man.
1.政府有必要控制房价。(There is a need ...)
There is a need for the government to control housing prices.
As an old saying goes, “Where there is a will,there is a way.”
3.为了确保安全,你最好定期检查一下你的电器。(have sth.done)
You'd better have your appliances examined regularly to ensure safety.
I won't attend the party unless (I am) invited.
I strongly suggest that you (should) read more books on Chinese history.
1.ease n.容易;舒适;自在 vi.& vt.(使)宽慰;减轻;缓解;使安心
[素养佳句] Playing basketball serves as the best way to ease our great study pressure and find some pleasure at the same time.
(1)at ease舒适;快活;自由自在
put sb.at ease使某人放松
take one's ease休息;轻松一下
with ease轻易地;毫不费力地
(2)ease sb.of ...减轻某人的……(痛苦、负担等)
ease one's mind使某人安心
①As we expected,he settled the minor problem with ease.n.容易
②I was not entirely at ease with the fellow diner who liked making jokes.n.自在
③I eased her mind by telling her that her skin was slightly swollen.v.使安心
④I gave him some medicine to ease the pain.v.减轻;缓解
When you feel nervous, you'd better listen to some light music to relax yourself.
⑤When you feel nervous, you'd better listen to some light music to put yourself at ease.
2.delay vi.& vt.推迟;延期(做某事) vt.耽误;耽搁 n.延误;耽搁(的时间);推迟
[素养佳句] Never delay doing something you should finish today.
(1)delay doing sth.推迟做某事
(2)without delay毫不延迟地;迅速地
①We've decided to delay holding(hold) the sports meeting because of the bad weather.
②(2019·天津卷) Without delay, I called to thank her.
③He delayed telling her the news, waiting for the right moment.(delay)
④He put off telling her the news, waiting for the right moment.(put off)
⑤He postponed telling her the news, waiting for the right moment.(postpone)
表示“延缓做某事,推迟做某事”的短语还有:put off doing sth., postpone doing sth.等。
3.panic vi.& vt.(使)惊慌 n.惊恐;恐慌
[素养佳句] After hearing his description, all the people got into a panic.
(1)panic sb.into doing sth.使某人因惊慌而做某事
(2)get into a panic 惊慌失措(表示动作)
be in (a) panic 惊慌失措(表示状态)
①(2021·浙江卷1月)I got into a panic as I pressed firmly against the table and moved my head around trying to find the right angle, but it was no use.
②When people heard the urgent news, they fled the village in panic.
③The big fire panicked the operator into jumping(jump) from the third floor to the ground.
④She really got into a panic when she thought she'd lost her homework.(panic n.)
⑤She was really in (a) panic when she thought she'd lost her homework.(panic n.)
⑥She really panicked at the thought that she'd lost her homework.(panic v.)
4.desperate adj.绝望的;孤注一掷的;非常需要的
[素养佳句] Doctors were fighting a desperate battle to save the little girl's life.
(1)be desperate for sth.渴望某物
be desperate to do sth.渴望做某事
(2)desperately adv.绝望地;拼命地;极严重地;非常需要
(3)desperation n.绝望;拼命,不顾一切
①The paramedic says this would be the final, desperate approach.孤注一掷的
②He was so desperate for a job that he would have done anything.非常需要的
③I decided to hug Tom tightly when he was in such a desperate position.绝望的
I am desperate for the chance to be a volunteer.I do hope you can offer me the precious opportunity.
④Desperate for the chance to be a volunteer, I do hope you can offer me the precious opportunity.(形容词短语作状语)
be eager for sth./to do sth.
be anxious for sth./to do sth.
long for sth./to do sth.
desire for sth./to do sth.
starve for sth./to do sth.
be dying for sth./to do sth.
5.help sb.to one's feet帮助某人站起身来
[素养佳句] Seeing the boy fall down, I rushed to help him to his feet.
struggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来
rise to one's feet 站起来;起身
jump to one's feet 跳起来
drag one's feet 拖着脚
stamp one's feet 跺脚
①It's good manners to rise to your feet when the visitors come in.
②While playing basketball,the boy's leg got injured.However,he struggled (struggle) to his feet.
③The rolling boy jumped to his feet as soon as he heard his father's footsteps.
④Anna saw an old man fall down by accident, so she helped him to his feet.
6.out of shape健康状况不好;变形
[素养佳句] If someone is out of shape, you can suggest that he get some exercise.
in good/bad shape 健康状况良好/不佳
keep/be in shape 保持健康
in the shape of 以……的形状/形式
take shape 形成;成形
①(2020·天津卷7月)For my fifth birthday, my mother baked me a cake in the shape of a monkey.
②Although my grandfather is over eighty years old, he feels he is still in good shape.
③You have been sitting on my cap.Now it is out of shape!
④I like to do some walking every day to keep in shape.
⑤Some boxes on the table were in the shape of fruits.
[素养佳句] As the old saying goes, “When in Rome, do as Romans do.”
as is known to us all/as we all know众所周知
as is/was reported正如所报道的那样
as is often the case情况常常如此
as often happens这种情况常常发生
as we expect 正如我们预料的那样
as is/was expected正如预料的那样
as I can remember 正如我所记得的
as you can see正如你所看到的
as you can imagine正如你所想象的那样
as has been said before如前所述
①As is said above, he has overcome the difficulty.
②He did not finish the work on time, which made his boss very angry.
③As was reported (report), over twenty people were killed in the terrible accident.
④As is known to us all/As we all know, interest is the best teacher.(as引导的非限制性定语从句)
⑤What is known to us all is that interest is the best teacher.(what引导的主语从句)
⑥It is known to us all that interest is the best teacher.(it作形式主语)
face up; organ; sense of touch;victim; a variety of; grab; justify; electric; sleep in; wrap
1.We all knew we were going to face up to things we didn't want to face.
2.Unfortunately, I slept in because my alarm didn't go off.
3.He gave me a variety of examples to confirm that his prediction was correct.
4.She wrapped it up in pretty paper and brought it to her mother on her birthday.
5.It is said that the blind men trust their own sense of touch very much.
6.The heart is one of the most important organs for human beings.
7.To avoid electric shocks or injuries, cut off power before checking and repairing.
8.Her success had justified the faith her teachers had put in her.
9.To her parents' satisfaction,she grabbed the chance of a job interview.
10.The flood victims have received both sympathy and assistance from all over the country during the flood season.
1.(2021·全国乙卷)Annoyed by the level of distraction (干扰) in his open office, he said, “That's why I have a membership at the co-working space across the street — so I can focus.”n.会员身份
2.(2020·新高考Ⅰ卷) So, don't stop speaking when you make a mistake unless it's a truly serious one.You don't need to apologize for a minor slip.n.失误
3.(2019·北京卷)Although the programme asks the members only to drive students to and from their classes, Wilson often goes beyond to ensure the welfare and safety of the students.n.安康
1.(2021·天津卷3月)In addition to practical skills, Pruitt's lessons teach teamwork, encourage self-worth, and promote feelings of community.B
2.(2020·新高考Ⅰ卷)If this fellow participant is going to eat more, so will I.D
1.(2022·浙江卷6月写作)I wanted to know what they were going through and I was desperate to know what I could do for them.
2.(2021·新高考Ⅰ卷写作)The children said loudly, “Happy Mother's Day!” Mother hugged them tightly and kissed them again and again.
3.(2019·江苏卷写作)We feel at ease in our school uniforms every day.
4.(2019·北京卷写作)Last week I took part in a farm work programme in the suburbs.
1.(2020·新高考Ⅰ卷)An actor hired by the researchers grabbed (取) her food first.
2.In the last decade, the project has expanded its welfare (福利) to support 12,000 poor students.
3.She slipped (滑倒) over on the ice and broke her leg.
4.People were screaming (尖叫) because some of the houses near the bridge were on fire.
5.When eating breakfast in a hurry, he choked (噎住) on a piece of toast.
6.Faced with so many angry people,he had to justify (为……辩护) himself for his behaviour.
7.If a tooth feels very loose (松的), your dentist may recommend that it be taken out.
8.Over the years, there have been a number of different techniques (technique) to help designers approach this important point.
9.The Red Cross supervised the distribution of food and clothing to the flood victims (受害者).
10.“I am still scared today,” he said, adding that his arm grew hugely swollen (肿胀的) after the bite.
1.Being a bad-tempered man, he would not tolerate having his lectures interrupted (interrupt).
2.Be careful when crossing the bridge or you will fall into the water and get drowned (drown).
3.The service offers young people practical (practice) advice on finding a job.
4.When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers, small, tightly (tight) knit (联系) groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other.
5.The woman tried desperately (desperate) to push the man away when he tried to snatch (抢走) the bag from her.
6.Everyone should be aware of the importance and urgency (urgent) of protecting the environment.
7.They had delayed having (have) children, for the usual reason, to establish their careers.
8.All the people panicked (panic) when they saw smoke coming out of the engine.
9.He wrapped (wrap) his arms around me and whispered, “Everything will be OK.”
10.The old are in the majority in our town while the young in the minority (minor).
1.他每天都按时交家庭作业。(have sth.done)
Every day he has his homework handed in on time.
I suggest you (should) have a talk with your parents heart to heart.
The misunderstanding between you won't be settled unless both of you communicate with each other face to face.
4.有必要使讨论的焦点更加集中。(There be a need to do sth.)
There is a need to sharpen the focus of the discussion.
We are, as you can imagine, badly in need of help.
选择性必修第二册 UNIT 5
(2022·南京模拟)A medical emergency can happen anywhere at any time.Taking a brief moment to seek help is often the best first response.But before an ambulance can get to the scene, the immediate first aid attendance to anyone who is injured seriously makes a difference between life and death.LifeSaver Team has been providing CPR (心肺复苏术) and first aid training since 2009.Here are a few of their most popular courses:
It is a classroom, video-based, instructor-led course that teaches the basic techniques of CPR and the use of an AED (自动体外除颤器), as well as how to relieve choking.This course teaches skills with research-proven techniques.
·Course length: 2 hours
·Initial course: $50 (Enroll in a first aid course for an additional $30)
Upon completion of this course, students will receive an American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid Course Completion Card that is valid (有效的) for two years.
Basic Life Support
This is a classroom course designed to provide a wide variety of healthcare professionals with the ability to recognise several life-threatening emergencies, provide CPR, use an AED, and relieve choking in a timely and effective manner.
·Course length: 4 hours
·Initial course: $60 (Enroll in a first aid course for an additional $30)
The American Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Provider Course Completion Card is valid for two years.
First Aid
It is a classroom, video-based, instructor-led course that teaches students critical skills to manage an emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services arrive.Students learn skills such as how to treat bleeding, broken bones and other first aid emergencies.
·Course length: 2 hours
·Initial course: $45
Upon completion of this course, students will receive an American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR AED Course Completion Card that is valid for two years.
【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了由LifeSaver Team 提供的三种不同类型的急救课程。
1.What should be often done first in a medical emergency
A.Calling for help at once.
B.Providing immediate first aid.
C.Taking the injured to the hospital.
D.Leaving the scene as soon as possible.
A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Taking a brief moment to seek help is often the best first response.”可知,在医疗紧急情况发生时,迅速寻求帮助通常是最好的第一反应。故选A。
2.How much does it cost if an average person wants to learn about first aid, CPR and AED use
A.$80.  B.$90.
C.$95. D. $105.
A 细节理解题。根据CPR AED部分中的“It is a classroom, video-based, instructor-led course that teaches the basic techniques of CPR and the use of an AED (自动体外除颤器), as well as how to relieve choking.”以及“Initial course: $50 (Enroll in a first aid course for an additional $30)”可知,该课程教授CPR的基本技巧和AED的使用,学习CPR和AED外加急救课程的费用是50+30=80美元。故选A。
3.What do the listed courses have in common
A.They are available online.
B.They are for all individuals.
C.They take the same amount of time.
D.They include a two-year AHA certificate.
D 细节理解题。根据CPR AED部分中的“Upon completion of this course, students will receive an American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid Course Completion Card that is valid (有效的) for two years.”,Basic Life Support部分中的“The American Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Provider Course Completion Card is valid for two years.”以及First Aid部分中的“Upon completion of this course, students will receive an American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR AED Course Completion Card that is valid for two years.”可知,学习完三种课程都可获得由美国心脏协会(American Heart Association)颁发的有效期为两年的证书。故选D。
Tim Robinson, a former junior officer of the British Army, was on holiday in Bridport, Dorset, a town in England.While enjoying a walk down the beach, Tim slipped on a piece of seaweed lying in the sand and fell, breaking his leg.
Unfortunately, Tim did not bring his cellphone with him when he left for his walk.No one was in site, but as Tim lay helpless he remembered his military training and tried to think about what was around to help him.After struggling around on the beach, the pain became too much to handle.He stopped and thought about what to do.
With no phone and no one around, and with his leg hurting greatly, Tim had a decision to make.He could either continue this way in pain and hope that someone happened to see him, or he could try something else.It didn't matter that his leg had made him partially immobile.Tim still had the ability to crawl (爬行), and so he did.
The choice was easy, but the crawl was tough.Tim told the Daily Mail, “After I crawled to about a mile-and-a-quarter away from the car park, I started flashing my torch in SOS and spinning it over my head to create a Buzz-Saw signal which is a way of attracting helicopters in the armed forces.”
No one seemed to be around.At least, no one could read Tim's signals for help.Once again, he had to either stay where he was and wait for help or get moving.In his mind he had no choice.There was no response to begin with, so he crawled for five minutes and covered about 50 metres before making the same signal three times.Most people couldn't imagine crawling for any distance with a broken leg, but Tim wasn't about to give up.
Tim finally got a response from the distance.
Tim's condition was worse than Mrs Robinson thought.
Tim finally got a response from the distance.He was excited to see a torch flashing back.It was his wife shining the torch in response to his signal.Thankfully his wife knew something must have been wrong and went looking for her husband.She kept moving towards her husband, shining her light.All the while, Mrs Robinson called for help.As they got closer to each other, she waited anxiously for help to arrive.She had no idea how hurt her husband actually was.
Tim's condition was worse than Mrs Robinson thought.Tim's broken leg hurt increasingly worse and was at risk of infection.He needed medical care immediately.Luckily, the ambulance finally showed up.After checking his leg, the medical workers couldn't believe what he had put himself through.This man had crawled such a long distance after suffering such a wound.If it hadn't been for his training in the army, he might not have made it.