

名称 浙江省丽水市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月教学质量监控(期末)英语试题(含答案,有听力音频有听力原文)
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文件大小 10.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-04 02:44:39


本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)。第I卷1至8页, 第II卷9至10页。
1. 答第I卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卷上。
2. 选出每小题答案后, 用铅笔把答题卷上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上, 否则无效。
第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What is the man doing
A. Complaining. B. Giving suggestions. C. Asking advice.
2. Where is Mr. Smith now
A. In Paris. B. In London. C. In New York.
3. How many books did the man borrow
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
4. What does the woman think of her boss
A. Boring. B. Kind. C. Rude.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Reading a newspaper.
B. Setting up a bank account.
C. Spreading the message on social media.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
6. What is the woman paying for
A. Drinks. B. Food. C. Clothes.
7. How does the man usually pay for things
A. By cash. B. By card. C. By phone.
听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。
8. What does the man want to be
A. A writer. B. A musician. C. A painter.
9. What does the woman suggest the man do
A. See a doctor. B. Follow his heart. C. Talk with family members.
10. Where did the man get his hat
A. From Russia. B. From Korea. C. From Japan.
11. How does the woman feel
A. Cold. B. Pleased. C. Tired.
12. What do we know about Liz's trip
A. She found it exciting.
B. She went mainly on business.
C. She had no time for sightseeing.
听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。
13. What does the woman think is the biggest issue for young people now
A. The risks of drug use.
B. The dangers of violent crime.
C. The increasing pressure on them.
14. What do the speakers recommend everyone to do
A. Organize a community meeting.
B. Write an e-mail to their teachers.
C. Know more information about their programs.
15. Why did the woman first get into her career
A. From the man's advice.
B. Due to issues that her daughter had.
C. Because of a suggestion from her teacher.
16. Where do the speakers probably work
A. At a doctor's office. B. At a school. C. At a factory.
听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。
17. What are passengers for Flight 582 doing
A. Getting on the plane.
B. Waiting for an arrival.
C. Checking in their luggage.
18. Which boarding gate should passengers for Flight 644 go to
A. E-3. B. E-4. C. G-3.
19. What does the speaker ask listeners to do
A. Wear their seat belts.
B. Eat dinner in the food court.
C. Have their boarding passes ready.
20. What would happen to bags that are not being attended to
A. They'd be removed.
B. They'd be left where they are.
C. They'd be put in the area between the A and B gates.
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。
Do you love literature and travel Then your travels can be an opportunity to visit some of the most beautiful libraries in the world.
The Library of Admont Abbey
The library is located in Austria. Inside this extraordinary place is a superb room housing a rich collection of great works. The ornaments(装饰品)above the shelves, as well as the statues, ceilings, are splendid. The library also has the first edition of The Encyclopedia by Diderot and d'Alembert. This place was once repaired for four years from 2000 to 2004.
The Library of Congress, Washington
This library was founded in 1800 and was one of the largest libraries in the world. The building is breathtakingly beautiful, with the octagonal Reading Room surrounded by an elevated gallery from which readers can gaze up at the stunning ceilings. The well-carved statues in the Great Hall are another feature not to be missed.
Binhai Library, Tianjin
The Tianjin library is a pure architectural masterpiece. The building is nicknamed "The Eye" because the eye is a recognizable feature of the design visible from inside and outside. This immaculate space has been designed so that visitors can easily move around, stop to read, but also meet and chat. The number of shelves and the height are impressive.
The Library of George Peabody
This is one of the most remarkable university libraries in the world and is named after a famous American philanthropist. The heart of the library is a superb long hall for books, all on five floors. With its 18m high central hall, no wonder the place was called the "cathedral of books". It has a catalogue of 300,000 books, including the first edition of Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species.
21. What do the Library of Admont Abbey and the Library of Congress have in common
A. They both have been rebuilt. B. They are both private libraries.
C. They each have impressive statues. D. They are both located in a university.
22. Which library offers a great place for readers to communicate
A. The library of Admont Abbey. B. The Library of Congress, Washington.
C. Binhai Library, Tianjin. D. The library of George Peabody.
23. Where is the text probably from
A. A science article. B. A book review.
C. A news report. D. A travel guide.
Eleven-year-old Ruby has a unique hobby—making wishes come true for nursing home residents in Harrison, Arkansas. Inspired by her mother's work as a nurse, Ruby accompanied her mother to the nursing homes during the summer and has developed a close bond with the elderly residents.
One day, Ruby noticed a resident named Pearl looking sad while staring out of a window. When she asked what was wrong, Pearl explained that she had seen her dog being taken away, and she didn't know when she would see her beloved pet again. It broke Ruby's heart, and she decided to take action. She began asking the residents what three things they wanted most in the world. To her surprise, their requests were simple—chocolate bars, McDonald's fries, and pants that fit properly.
Ruby and her mother used their own money to achieve the wishes of around 100 residents within three months. Soon, they started receiving donations from the kind-hearted people of Harrison. Encouraged by the overwhelming response, they set up a GoFundMe page called "Three Wishes for Ruby's Residents" to collect $5,000. They reached their goal within a month.
When GoFundMe recognized Ruby as a Kid Hero and shared her story worldwide, donations poured in. In just 24 hours, they raised $20,000, and within five months, the total surpassed $250,000. With these funds, they were able to grant(准予)more creative wishes, such as creating a man cave for one resident with a Walkman and snacks, and providing financial assistance for another resident to attend an out-of-state wedding.
Motivated by their success, Three Wishes for Ruby's Residents became a nonprofit organization and expanded nationwide. Their new goal is to set up a shared laptop in at least one nursing home in each state. Ruby's passion for kindness drives her to continue her efforts, and her acts of kindness serve as a reminder that even small gestures can make a big difference in someone's life.
24. What inspired Ruby to achieve nursing home residents' wishes
A. Her affection for dogs. B. Her enthusiasm for fundraising.
C. Pearl's request for three wishes. D. Pearl's story about her pet dog.
25. How did Ruby and her mother firstly get the money to satisfy the residents' desires
A. They got the fund.
B. They sold their belongings.
C. They used their personal money.
D. They got donations from the nursing home.
26. What was one of the creative wishes granted by the project
A. Building a new nursing home.
B. Providing financial assistance for weddings
C. Setting up shared laptops in nursing homes across the country.
D. Establishing a comfortable room for a resident with a music player and snacks.
27. Which word can best describe Ruby's behavior
A. Creative. B. Caring. C. Confusing. D. Courageous.
A group of researchers has come up with a way to make it easier to drive in the snow: by designing tyres(轮胎)based on polar bear paws.
"We had an ongoing project for many years focused on ice," said Ali Dhinojwala, who took part in the research. "We were looking at the friction(摩擦力)of materials because our national partners need to develop tyres with a strong grip on the road in ice and snow conditions." The team turned to nature for inspiration, thinking that evolution might have already solved the problem in a way that could be copied with technology. The obvious place to look was polar bears—specifically the tiny bumps(凸块)on the surface of their paw pads—to find out what effect they have on the animals' ability to move quickly across icy and snowy area.
To do this, the team gathered samples(样本)of polar bear paw pads, as well as samples from brown bears and American black bears(two species closely related to polar bears)and sun bears(a distantly related species, typically found in Asia).
The team imaged the samples using a scanning electron microscope, produced 3D-printed copies and then tested them in snow in the lab. They found that the tiny structures on the polar bear paw pads were taller, which gave them better friction on the snow, even though polar bears have smaller pads compared to other bears.
The team now wants to look into other factors that may have an effect, such as the patterns and shapes of the tiny structures. "If you look at snow tyres you'll see that they do have some deeper treads(外胎花纹), but this research could also show various ways to design them that could have a larger impact," said Dhinojwala.
28. What does the underlined word "they" in paragraph 2 refer to
A. Polar bears. B. Tiny bumps.
C. Paw pads. D. Snowy roads.
29. What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A. The background of the research. B. The finding of the research.
C. The differences of samples in the lab. D. The comparison of different bear pads.
30. What can we infer from Dhinojwala's words in the last paragraph
A. Different treads might be designed on the snow tyres.
B. Snow tyres that have deeper treads can be safe enough.
C. The design of snow tyres requires no further improvement.
D. The researchers should have turned to other bears for inspiration.
31. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage
A. An easier way to drive in the snow B. An ongoing project focused on ice
C. Snow tyres based on polar bear paws D. A new research on polar bear paw pads
Everywhere you go, it seems like people are using something to reduce the noise in their lives. They wear over-ear headphones on public transportation, during long flights, or in open-plan offices, or use colored earplugs(耳塞)at concerts. Silence is now big business, with the global market for noise-cancelling headphones bringing $13.1 billion in 2021. Experts predict that this figure will triple by 2031. While these market-based solutions are becoming popular, they raise a question: Are there physical and social effects to shutting out the world around us
Noise-cancelling technology was first developed in the 1950s to reduce cockpit noise for pilots. The headphones today use technology known as active noise control. However, too much of a good thing also has its downsides. Many studies have shown that constant earplug wearing, day and night, over just one week can lead to a condition known as tinnitus(耳鸣). "When you stop listening to outside sounds, your brain starts to turn up its "internal volume" so that it can still pick up on things." McAlpine says. "If you stop the sound going into your ears, it's like messing with how your brain is supposed to work naturally.”
When it comes to distraction(干扰), the type of noise may matter as much as volume. Moderate(适中的)background noise, around 70dB, has been found to advance performance on creative tasks, for example. "Some people can work really effectively in buzzy cafes and even airports, and yet they can't focus in the same way in an office. Even if it isn't as noisy," McAlpine says. "Your brain in the office is automatically paying attention to all those other conversations—because they might be about something you need to know."
How, then, can we deal with all the loud distractions in our modern lives An over-dependence on noise-cancelling technology is not necessarily the solution, says McAlpine. "We have given more control to outside sources over our sound environment compared to our visual environment," he says. If people started wearing AR/VR goggles and living in their own virtual worlds instead of focusing on improving the physical environment, "…that's problematic.”
32. What is the purpose of noise-cancelling headphones
A. To pick up the sounds.
B. To reduce the rate of tinnitus.
C. To improve performance on creative tasks.
D. To create a sense of silence in noisy environments.
33. Which statement is TRUE according to the article
A. Wearing noise-cancelling headphones has no physical or social costs.
B. Creative task performance can be improved by the moderate background noise.
C. Noise-cancelling technology was first developed in the 1950s for concertgoers.
D. The global market for noise-cancelling headphones is believed to drop by 2031.
34. What does the underlined word "buzzy" mean in the fourth paragraph
A. Lively. B. Advanced. C. Interesting. D. Quiet.
35. What attitude does McAlpine hold towards the over-dependence on the technology
A. Negative. B. Objective. C. Optimistic. D. Indifferent.
第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Self-discipline(自律)is a term that everyone understands. However, few people appreciate it. Discipline happens to even the most famous people. It is necessary for all living beings, because without it there would be disorder around us. 36 .
Improves your self-esteem
Nothing is more enjoyable than developing new habits, quitting old ones, and achieving your goals. 37 . Stick to a routine, manage your time, and fight delay. High self-esteem carries with it the rest of your life and your relationship. High self-esteem also helps you face challenges with greater confidence in difficult situations.
Helps you achieve goals
We all have goals in life. Work goals are very common, but they can also include things like learning a new language, improving a hobby or fitness goal. 38 . It won't happen overnight.
Not all great heads are born, most of whom follow a very busy schedule and keep the discipline in their lives to become good leaders. Good discipline creates a positive attitude towards society, confidence and a desire to do something great. Discipline helps people develop attitudes that are the key to success. They can serve as great role models for others in society.
Makes you more trustworthy
40 . For example, if you don't know how to manage your time, you may have problems meeting deadlines at work, arriving on time for events and meetings, or spending enough time with your loved ones. You can earn a reputation for being untrustworthy.
Discipline can help you develop new habits, and manage your time effectively. With time and discipline, you will see improvements and success.
A. Makes you a leader
B. Helps people build confidence
C. You need discipline to get what you want
D. Lack of discipline can make a big difference in your life
E. Therefore, the importance of discipline in life cannot be ignored
F. Trustworthy people are more likely to be liked and respected by others
G. These victories give you a sense of happiness, making it easier to keep discipline
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。
As I walked to the market this morning, I saw an old man in dirty and shabby clothes sitting in front of a shop. I thought he was a beggar and made a 41 that on my way back, I should give him whatever 42 I had.
A few feet away was a young man 43 down on the sidewalk, obviously in a drunken state and nobody took any notice. I thought it was some good-for-nothing drunkard who had 44 all his money on alcohol. Soon I finished all my shopping, and walked back along the same road. 45 I reached the point where I saw the beggar, I took out all the 46 change I had. When I got close to him and asked him to take it, he 47 looked into my eyes, but still looked ahead and shook his head, saying he did not need it. I insisted and 48 it into his hand.
As I stood there, proud of my great 49 of charity, the man slowly walked up to the young man and 50 him awake. I stood there watching with 51 as he walked to the tea shop and asked for something for which he paid with the money I gave, and 52 a bun and a cup of hot tea. He then went back to the young man, helped him to sit, and helped him to eat and drink.
The old man noticed that I was still standing there so he 53 and said that young boy had not eaten for two days and that was why he fell down on the sidewalk. Suddenly I felt so 54 and admired the 55 of a man who has so little compared to me. He was truly generous.
41. A. difference B. choice C. request D. decision
42. A. help B. advice C. change D. money
43. A. lying B. sitting C. walking D. pacing
44. A. used B. wasted C. donated D. saved
45. A. Before B. Because C. If D. Although
46. A. major B. great C. left D. plain
47. A. angrily B. directly C. calmly D. hardly
48. A. pushed B. brought C. checked D. kept
49. A. goal B. issue C. job D. act
50. A. shook B. touched C. kicked D. frightened
51. A. delight B. anxiety C. annoyance D. amazement
52. A. exchanged B. supplied C. collected D. demanded
53. A. sat up B. looked up C. woke up D. showed up
54. A. great B. small C. proud D. confused
55. A. responsibility B. wisdom C. generosity D. positivity
注意: 将答案写在答题卷上。写在本试卷上无效。
第二节(共 10小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分15分)
阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
With full preparation from both China and the US, the giant panda family Mei Xiang, Tian Tian, and their 3-year-old son Xiao Qiji arrived safely in China on Thursday due to the ending of the agreement between the two 56 (country). After returning, they 57 (transport)to the Wolong National Nature Reserve, according to China Daily. The news immediately became 58 hot topic on China's social media platform, with nearly 43 million netizens 59 (express)their joy and excitement.
60 (prepare)for their returning, China selected senior workers to travel to the US 61 advance to take part in the panda's feeding and help US experts in conducting behavior training and daily check-ups. What's more, indoor animal houses, feed processing rooms and outdoor exercise areas were set up in the reserve for their isolation(隔离).
Giant pandas are rare and endangered wild animals, 62 are beloved by people around the world, and they also serve as ambassadors for 63 (culture)exchange between China and other nations. In the future, China 64 (continue)to strengthen cooperation with others, to 65 (active)contribute to the protection of endangered species such as giant pandas and the promotion of friendship between Chinese and the rest of the world.
66. 损失两名主力是个重大的挑战, 但郎平没有灰心。
Losing two important players was a big__________, but Lang Ping did not lose heart.
67. 英勇的战士们赢得了永恒的荣誉。
The brave soldiers earned everlasting__________.
68. 工人们为家园被毁的幸存者们搭建了避难所。
Workers built shelters for__________ whose home had been destroyed.
69. 事实上, 音乐教育对于所有的学生都是有益而且重要的。
In fact, music education is__________ and important for all students.
70. 那位外国专家已经申请了那家公司的一个职位, 并决心在中国生活。
The foreign expert has__________ __________a position in the company and is determined to live in China.
71. 只要你有梦想并不断努力, 你就一定能够成功。
As long as you have a dream and keep trying, you will__________ __________.
72. 信不信由你, 你刚才说的话严重伤害了他的自尊心, 他都崩溃了。
Believe it or not, what you said just now hurt his pride seriously, which made him__________ __________.
73. 听众被深深地打动了, 掌声经久不息。
The audience were deeply__________, and they warmly applauded for a long time.
74. 朋友就是那些陪伴我们经历风雨的人。
Friends are those who__________ __________ __________through thick and thin.
75. 丽水的自然美景难以形容, 山川秀美, 风景如画。
The natural beauty of Lishui is__________ __________, with its lush mountains and clear rivers painting a breathtaking landscape.
76. 尽管病得很严重, 他依然积极乐观。
He still keeps positive__________ his serious illness.
77. 在这两个观点中, 我更喜欢前者。
Of the two opinions, I prefer the__________ to the latter.
78. 这个熟悉的画面勾起了她童年美好的回忆。
The__________ picture brought back her cherished memories of childhood.
79. 只有当学会和大自然和谐共处, 我们才不会成为野生生物和地球的威胁。
__________ __________ we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.
80. 不到一分钟时间, 一座大城市就变成了废墟。
In less than one minute, a large city lay in__________.
Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one 81 country where the Chinese writing system began to develop 82 one direction. That writing system was of great 83 in uniting the Chinese people and culture. Even today, no matter where Chinese people live or 84 dialect they speak, they can all still communicate in writing.
Written Chinese has also become an important 85 by which China's present is connected with its past. People in modern times can read the 86 works which were written by Chinese in ancient times. The high regard for the Chinese writing system can be 87 in the development of Chinese characters as an art form, known as Chinese 88 . which has become an important part of Chinese culture.
89 China plays a greater role in global affairs, an increasing number of international students are beginning to 90 China's culture and history through this amazing language.
第三节 应用文写作(满分15分)
假定你是校学生会主席李华, 你校将要举办体育运动周活动, 请你在校英语报上写一封倡议书, 呼吁同学们加强体育锻炼, 增强体质。内容包括:
1. 运动重要性;
2. 提出倡议。
1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。
Dear fellow schoolmates, Student Union
一、听力(共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)
1-5 BCABC 6-10 ABCCA 11-15 ABCCB 16-20 AABCA
二、阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
21-23 CCD 24-27 DCDB 28-31 BBAC 32-35 DBAA
第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
36-40 EGCAD
三、语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节: 完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
41-45 DCABA 46-50 CDADA 51-55 DCBBC
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
56. countries 57. were transported 58. a 59. expressing 60. To prepare 61. in
62. which 63. cultural 64. will continue 65. actively
四、写作(共两节, 满分 40 分)
第一节: 句子翻译(满分15分)
66. challenge 67. glory 68. survivors 69. beneficial 70. applied for 71. make it
72. fall apart 73. affected/impressed/struck 74. keep us company 75. beyond description
76. despite 77. former 78. familiar 79. Only when 80. ruins
第二节: 课文填空(满分10分)
81. unified 82. in 83. importance 84. what 85. means 86. classic 87. seen
88. calligraphy 89. As 90. appreciate
第三节: 应用文写作(满分15分)
Dear fellow schoolmates,
In order to enrich campus life and stir up our enthusiasm for sports, our school is scheduled to hold Sports Week.
Physical activity is essential for our overall well-being. It not only strengthens our bodies but also enhances our mental and emotional health. Engaging in sports or exercise can improve concentration, release pressure, and boost our immune system, which will definitely better our academic performance and contribute to long-term health.
I strongly encourage all of you to participate in Sports Week. Let's treasure this chance to develop a habit of regular exercise. See you on the field!
Student Union
Text 1
W: I always get sleepy around 2:00 p. m. How do you remain so energetic after lunch
M: I always have a cup of coffee. But I've heard a bit of exercise and drinking plenty of water can fix that problem, too. (1)
Text 2
M: Hello. This is Jack speaking. May I speak to Mr. Smith, please
W: I'm sorry. He is on holiday in New York this week. (2)And he is going to Paris next week. He will be back in London at the end of this month.
Text 3
W: Did you return those books to the library today
M: I took a science book and a history book,(3)but I haven't finished reading the history book.
W: Don't forget to take it back when you've finished.
Text 4
W: I'm bored with my job, but my boss is nice. (4)I can't decide if I should leave or not.
M: Maybe you should look for something more interesting.
Text 5
M: I need more customers for my business. But I don't know whether to spread the message in the newspaper or on the radio.
W: You need to use social media! Nobody reads newspapers anymore. I can help you set up an account. (5)
Text 6
M: How much for the tea and coffee (6)
W: It's OK. I will pay. (6)
M: Oh, you're paying with your phone. That's clever.
W: Yes, food, drink, clothes…in China, many people pay with their phones these days. Less and less cash is being used.
M: Don't you use cards That's what we do in the West. (7)
W: Not so often. Paying with a phone is very convenient.
M: If you can afford a phone—and if your phone is working.
W: If not, we can always use cash
Text 7
W: Do you think that is a wise choice
M: It's what I want to do, Mom. If I am going to do a job all my life, I want it to be one I love.
W: But it is very hard to earn a good living as a painter. (8)
M: Even if you are good
W: Painters, musicians, writers. . . many of them struggle to survive.
M: At least I would be happy.
W: But your brother is happy working at the bank. Both your sisters are happy as doctors. Ask them about it. (9)
Text 8
M: Hi Margaret.
W: Hi Frank, I like your hat.(10)
M: Yes, I get a lot of comments about it. Everyone wears them in Russia. (10)
W: It's just the thing for this type of weather. I can't feel my hands today. (11)Did Liz bring it back for you (12)
M: Yes, she bought one for herself as well. She's really pleased with it.
W: Did she enjoy her trip (12)
M: Well, it was mostly business but she did get to see a few sights on the way. (12)She stopped over in Japan and Korea as well.
W: Wow—she's a real jet-setter.
M: I said that, but she found the trip very tiring. She was glad to get back home.
W: I can understand that.
Text 9
W: I'm Dr. Petersen, and this is Dr. Thompson. We' re happy to be today's guest speakers at the Tinham's School for Girls.
M: Dr. Petersen and I work with young women like you by offering support and advice.
W: For previous generations, there were many issues with crime and drugs. But now, although society is safer, there's much more pressure for young people. (13)
M: Especially girls. Judging others' physical appearance online is very common. We've found that these pressures have led to decreased confidence and issues with eating.
W: That's right. Some regional studies show that around 8% of girls have eating issues due to the fear of gaining weight. That's why we' re here to help.
M: So, we encourage everyone to receive our e-mail newsletters about new programs. (14)Plus, for anyone currently needing help, we will support you.
W: I saw my own daughter go through these problems, and then I gave the rest of my life to help young girls. (15)At our doctor's office, we provide free plans for health, diet, and exercise, as well as community meetings. (16)
Text 10
Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please Eagle Airlines Flight 582 for New Orleans is now boarding at gate G-3. Boarding is for business class and special passengers at this time. (17)This is the final boarding call for Eagle Air Flight 644 to Philadelphia, boarding at gate E-4. (18)All passengers please have your boarding passes ready, and make sure that you have collected all your carry-on bags. (19)Please make sure that no bags are left in areas where they are not being attended to. If such bags are found, they could be removed for safety reasons. (20)If you are still waiting for your plane and looking for a bite to eat, you can find something for everyone in our food court, which is located between the A and B gates in the main terminal. Thank you for your attention and we wish you all a pleasant flight.