

名称 河北省石家庄市辛集市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末教学质量监测英语试题(PDF版含答案,有听力音频有听力原文)
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文件大小 14.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-05 22:13:43


1.What are the speakers mainly taiking about
A.How to take exercise.B.How to lose weight.C.How to keep a healthy diet.
2.Where docs the conversation probably take place
A.At home.
B.In an office.
(In a restaurant.
3.How docs the man feel about the speech
1.Who is the man probably talking to
A.A tailor
B.A shop assistant.
C.A designer.
5.When will the man probably meet Dr.Banks
听下面5段对活或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的4、B( 三个选项
6.What does the man do
A.He's a shop assistant.B.He's a waiter.
('He's a hotel clerk.
7.What will the woman get
A.A cake.
B.A soft drink.
(A cup of hot chocolate.
8.Why does the woman want to open a checking account
A.To save more money,B.To get a dcbit card.
C.To earn interest.
9.When will the new hank card be probably mailed
A.This Wednesday.
B.This Friday.
C.This Saturday.
10.What is the man probably doing at first
A.Watching TV.
B.Cooking the meal,C.Using the computer.
11.What is the woman prohably going to do next
A.'I'urn to Allen.
B.Go to a repair shop.
C.Repair her computer by herself.
12.What is the probabie relationship between Arthur and Ailen'
13.What can we learn from the conversation
A.The speakers graduated iast year.
B.T'he woman sat in the wrong seat,
C.All the classmates went to the rcunion.
14.Why did the man fail to atrend the reunion
A.He was buried in work.
B.He didn't want to see David.
C.He was going on a honeymoon.
15.Where are the speakers
A.At the cale.
B.()n the plane.
('At the parly.
第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
1-5 BCABC 6-10 CABAA 11-15 ABBAB 16-20 ACCBC
第二部分 阅读理解(共16小题,每小题2.5分,满分40分)
21-23 ABD 24-27 DDCD 28-31 BACB 32-36 GACDF
第三部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分40分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
37-41 DDCCD 42-46 CBCDA 47-51 DDDCD
第二节 将下列句子翻译成汉语。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
52. 从初中升到高中真的是一个很大的挑战。
53. 冬季奥运会不仅仅是运动员为自己的国家赢得奖牌和荣誉的机会。
54. 那个应用已经从我的智能手机上删除了。
55. 只有当我们学会与自然和谐相处,我们才能停止对野生动物和我们的星球构成威胁。
56. 在接下来的三天里,您可以在当地导游的陪同下深入雨林进行探索,欣赏雨林特有的动植物。
第三节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
57.its 58.where 59.and 60.that/which 61.built
62.a 63.helped 64.enemies 65.with 66.unusual
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
Staying Safe on the Internet
Our lives have been changed by the Internet,and we can get in touch with each other much easier. However,it has brought to us dangers as well. So it is very important to stay safe on the internet. Here are some tips I'd like to share.
First,protect our privacy. Don’t give out our address or the phone number. Someone might use the information to steal our identity. Second,avoid questionable websites. If you see or read something that makes you feel uncomfortable, leave the site immediately. Don’t click on anything. Third, be polite when you post comments.
Online safety has become a matter of great concern. Let's think before click.
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
Just then Laura suggested all eight girls working together,and though I hesitated,I eventually agreed.We?Was she kidding?I just wanted to hate her and she kept making it harder and harder for me to do that.It wasn't just that she showed interest in me—her interest was warm and genuine.Laura always made sure to include me when discussing changes in our routine and eventually I overcame myself and we grew to be very close friends.
Paragraph 2:
At the award ceremony,Laura won her captain's award,and then came the final "Cheerleading Spirit Award".Later in the evening we arrived and listened as the various trophies were awarded to the most valuable player of each sports team.Just as Laura walked off the stage,Coach Williams stepped up to the microphone again and announced that there was one final trophy to be awarded.The cheerleading "Spirit Award" would now be presented to the girl who showed the most dedicated effort.When I heard my name announced I imagined I was as shocked Laura was coming toward me.We hugged each other,and Laura whispered, "Nobody deserves this more than you."
【原文1】W: You have thinned down a lot. How did you do it
M: Well, I just try to drive less, walk more and force myself to climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator.
W: Sounds great. Eating right can also help keep our weight down.
【原文2】M: Anne, our order hasn’t come yet.
W: Yes. I guess the waiter forgot our order. Actually I was going to order takeout at home.
【原文3】W: Peter, what do you think of the speech I think it’s inspiring.
M: I don’t find it inspiring at all. Quite the contrary, I just want it to be over with.
【原文4】M: Good morning, I bought the sweater yesterday. But it doesn’t fit.
W: Oh, I know. Do you want to change it for another size
M: No. I found the sweater was faulty. So can I get my money back
【原文5】W: Please give me a second. I’ll see whether Dr. Banks is available.
M: OK.
W: Sorry, he’s with a patient right now. It’s probably going to be about another 30 minutes. Would you mind waiting a little longer
M: I’ve been waiting since 8:20 and it’s been half an hour.
【原文6】M: Good evening, what can I do for you
W: Hello, this is Anna in Room 102. I’d like to order some food.
M: Sure, what would you like to order
W: Could you please bring me pasta and a chocolate cake
M: OK. Would you like something to drink
W: Yes, a bottle of wine, please.
M: Sorry, ma’am. We only serve soft drinks from the kitchen. You can find alcohol drinks from the mini bar in your room.
W: Great. I’ll get it. Thanks.
【原文7】W: Good morning, I’d like to open a bank account.
M: OK. What kind of account would you like to open
W: Could you please introduce the different types of accounts to me
M: Sure. We have checking accounts and saving accounts. Checking accounts are for everyday transactions, such as purchases, bill payments. Saving accounts are for saving money and earning interest over time.
W: Actually I’d like to apply for a debit card (借记卡). Does that mean I need to open a checking account
M: Yes, you’re right. And there is a minimum deposit of 25 dollars.
W: I know. Here you are.
M: OK. Just fill in the form and I’ll give you a temporary card. Today is Monday. New bank card will be mailed within three days.
W: Thank you.
【原文8】W: Arthur, stop staring at the TV screen. There’s something wrong with my e and help me with it.
M: Just a moment. The chicken looks so delicious. I think I need to make a note of this recipe.
W: Come on. I’m in a hurry to use my computer. I’ll take it to a shop and have it repaired professionally if you can’t fix it.
M: Okay, okay. Let me see... Oh, the problem is beyond my ability.
W: What should I do I’ve got work to do.
M: Why not turn to Allen I’m sure he will solve the problem soon. Moreover, he actually lives next door.
W: Good idea.
【原文9】M: Excuse me, ma’am. But I think you’re in my seat.
W: Oh, I’m sorry. Hey! Ian! What a surprise! It’s me, Alice. We were classmates in high school.
M: Alice! Fancy meeting you here. Long time no see.
W: Yeah, it’s been ages. I haven’t seen you since graduation. You look very different now. I almost didn’t recognize you.
M: Really Well, you haven’t changed a lot, but you look more elegant than before.
W: Thanks. By the way, you didn’t show up at our 10-year high school reunion last year. We all thought it was a pity.
M: I was abroad on a business trip and couldn’t make it. Was I the only one absent from the party
W: No. Actually Mark and Helen didn’t attend the party, either. They were on their honeymoon.
M: What I can’t believe they got married.
W: Yes. Ian, would you like to see our monitor David after we get off the plane He lives in Paris now. I’ve arranged to meet him at the coffee shop. I’m sure he’ll be glad to see you.
M: OK.
【原文10】W: I have a question for all of us. Is all winning success Winning is really, really fun. But I am here to share my idea: Winning does not always equal success. All around the world, we have created the win-at-all-costs culture. We have become so focused on that end result instead of the process, and particularly when the end result is a win. Real success is developing champions in life for our world, win or lose. We may be able to plan our way to a win, but we can’t plan our way to success. Back to 1990, when I was first made the head coach of the UCLA Women’s Gymnastics Team. I acted like a head coach whose only thought was to figure out how to win. So I became tough-talking and mean. Our team asked me for a team meeting for over two hours. They gave me examples of how my arrogance was hurtful. Then I chose to change. It is so much easier to give orders than to figure out how to motivate someone to be better. We all know this motivation takes a really long time to take root. The key to promote motivation is to develop trust through patience and honesty. We are all coaches in some ways. We all have the responsibility to develop champions in life for our world. This is what real success looks like, and that is what we call a win-win.