人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Travelling around学习任务单(6份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Travelling around学习任务单(6份打包)
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文件大小 163.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-12 17:09:54


必修第一册第二单元 Travelling around Listening and Talking 学习任务单
1. 获取电话录音的对话大意并推测对话双方的身份。 2. 通过精听细节梳理电话预定用语及询问意愿的委婉表达。 3. 通过角色扮演根据不同的模拟预定场景选择合适的交际语言。
1. 预习单词, 跟录音朗读词汇表 2. 复习前一课所学,跟录音朗读课文。
【学习任务一】 听前准备: (1)讨论在制定旅行计划时需要提前预定哪些项目 (2)头脑风暴激活与话题有关的词汇。 【学习任务二】 听力理解: (1)先浏览活动 1 中的两个问题,然后听录音,根据所听到的内容回答问题。关 注如何判断对话人物间关系的听力策略。 (2)思考电话预订机票是都要包含哪些方面的信息,然后听录音并记录具体相关 信息。 (3)快速浏览活动 2 中的表格, 看是否能够基于之前的三边听力完成表格。听第 四遍录音完成表格填写,先自查所填内容,然后再次听录音确定答案。 注意 除了关注内容表达还要关注有些表达的精准用词。 (4)关注打电话用语及问询时较为正式和礼貌的用语。
(5)根据表格信息归纳电话预订机票的要点: 发起对话 -- 确定预订信息(起止 地点、时间等) -- 确定航班需求-- 确定乘客姓名-- 确定付款方式。 (6)建议利用 mind map 形式总结所学。 【学习任务三】 口语表达: (1)与同学结对或自己模拟听力材料的对话内容。 (2)根据活动 3 所提供的信息及教师提供的提示创编对话,建议录音并分享到班 级群。
Sample Conversation: A: Happy Hotel. How can I help you B: I’d like to book a room. A: Certainly, sir. On what dates would you like to stay B: From the 4th to the 7th of November. A: We have rooms with 2 single beds, double bed, and king bed available. Which do you prefer B: I’d like a king bed, please. Oh, and could I have anon-smoking room A: All of our rooms are non-smoking. Do you have any other special requests B: Yes, I’d like to have a room with a view. Oh, and a quiet room. I’ll really need to get some rest. A: That can certainly be arranged. B: And does your hotel have Internet A: There is free WiFi throughout the hotel for guests, and we also have computers and Internet in our business centre where you can use at no extra charge. May I have your name, sir B: John Peters. A: Thankyou, Mr. Peters. So, I have you down for a room with a view and a king-size bed from the 4th to the 7th of November. Check-in time is after 12:30 p.m., and check-out time is before 11:00 a.m. All of our rooms come with a complimentary breakfast. May I ask how you would like to pay
B: By credit card. A: OK, wait just a second, please ...Unit2 Travelling Around Listening and Speaking(第一课时)任务单
1.获取听力文本中关于旅行计划的关键信息; 2.用课上所学的表达和语言结构谈论自己的旅行计划。
【学习任务一】 Pre-listening 1. If you have the chance to travel anywhere in the world, where will you go 2. What do you need to do to prepare for the trip 【学习任务二】 Listening 1. (Page24, Activity 2)
.Circle the two places Meilin is going to for holiday. A. Germany. B. England. C. Iceland. D. France. .How is she going to get there A. By sea. B. By air. C. By train. .How is she planning to get around after she arrives A. By car. B. By train. C. On foot. 2. (Page24, Activity 3) .Where is Paul’s family going over the holiday .Why are they going there 3. (Page24, Activity 4) 【学习任务三】 Language learning Listen and complete the conversation. Focus on the tense in the conversation. Conversation 1 Paul: Hey, Meilin! So what for the coming holiday Meilin: I around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle. Paul: Europe Oh, I’ve always wanted to go there! Meilin: Yes, me, too. I’m so excited. I to visit France and Germany. Paul: That’s wonderful! Do you have your passport and visa already Meilin: I already have my passport, and I for my visa tomorrow. Once I get the visa, we’ll book flight tickets online. Paul: So how do you plan to travel around Meilin: We a car and driving! My uncle has always wanted to drive around Europe! Conversation 2 Meilin: So what about you, Paul Do you have any travel plans Paul: Yes, actually! My parents me to Yunnan Province in China to visit Lijiang!
Meilin: Oh, that’s nice! So what’s the weather like there Paul: It should be pleasant during the day, but it might be cold at night, so I a few light sweaters and a coat. Meilin: What to see there Paul: Well, I know I’m definitely going to see the Old Town of Lijiang and Yulong Snow Mountain. Other than that, I’m not sure. I Lijiang guidebook today, actually. 【学习任务四】 Speaking Choose a travel destination and think about what you would do to prepare to travel there. Refer to the mind map in your Workbook on Page 78. (Page25, Activity 5) 【学习任务五】 Homework 1. Write down the conversation you have created about your travelling plan. 2. Practise the pronunciation as much as possible.
无Unit 2 Travelling Around Discovering Useful Structures 任务单
1. 掌握现在进行时 is/am/are + doing 表示将来计划的用法; 2. 运用这一表达制定个人周末计划。
【学习任务一】 Activity 1: Read and observe the sentences below, understand the use of the present continuous tense to express a future meaning. 1. I am travelling around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle. 2. We’re renting a car and driving! 3. My parents are taking me to Hong Kong during the October holiday.
【学习任务二】 Activity 2: Read the conversation and underline the structures to express future plans. Amy: Hello! Jeremy! What are you doing this weekend Jeremy: Hi, Amy! Some friends and I are going to that new waterpark on Saturday. Do you want to join us Amy: Sure, I’d love to! What time and where Jeremy: We’re meeting at 10:00 a.m. at the bus stop near our school. Amy: How about lunch Are you eating at the waterpark Jeremy: Well, I’m bringing my own lunch. I think some of the others are eating at the park, but the food there is really expensive. 【学习任务三】 Activity 3: Read the sentences and tick those that express future plans. Rewrite them in the present continuous tense. 1. I’ve just booked my air ticket! I’m visiting my grandparents in December. 2. Gary might visit China next year, but he’s still not sure. 3. Kate has been invited to a meeting in Iceland. 4. She’s applying for a visa soon. 5. Could you help me with this box, please I’mafraid I’m going to drop it. 6. A: Hey, are you free for dinner tonight B: I’m sorry, no. I’m having dinner with my cousins tonight. 【学习任务四】 Activity 4: Decide whether will door the present continuous tense is better and fill in the blanks. 1. I (always, love) you. 2. My parents and I (visit) the Architecture Museum this weekend. 3. I think you (find) this guidebook useful. 4. We (take) a trip to Hubei next month to see my grandmother. 5. (you, contact) the travel agent this Friday 6. If you ask him, I’msure he (give) you a ride to the airport.
【学习任务五】 Activity 5: Make a weekend plan, based on the weather report below. EXAMPLE A: What are you doing on Saturday morning B: Well, it’s going to be sunny in the morning and not very windy, so I’m having a picnic with my friends.
1 . 2 .Unit2 Travelling Around Reading for Writing 任务单
1. 获取 Richard 邮件和兵马俑的宣传页的主要信息; 2. 梳理旅游计划的写作结构; 3. 获取表达情感的语言结构; 4. 写一封回信谈论自己的旅游计划;
【学习任务一】 Warming-up 1. For foreign visitors, which city in China may attract them the most 2. What do you think is special about Xi'an 【学习任务二】 While-reading 1. Read the page about the Terracotta Army from a travel brochure and talk about what amazes you the most
2. Read Richard's email to his friend and figure out what aspects are mentioned in the travel plan. 3. Read Richard's email and summarize the email in the table(Page 31, Activity 2 - 1). 4. Read Richard's email and underline the words and phrases to express emotion in the email. Finish Page 31, Activity 2-2 【学习任务三】 1. Write an email to Richard to introduce your travel plan using the following sample outline. Paragraph 1: going to London to see the Tower of London Paragraph 2: Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, London Eye, Millennium Bridge Paragraph 3: by train, short trip Paragraph 4: buy some souvenirs 2. Write an email to Richard to introduce your travel plan. .Brainstorm what aspects to mention in your travel plan. .Draw the outline of your email according to the two tables (Page 31, Activity 2) and add
details to the outline. .Finish the first draft. 【学习任务四】 1. Revise your email according to the evaluation lists. 2. Share with your partner and evaluate each other ’s email according to the evaluation lists.
无Unit 2 Travelling Around Reading and Thinking 学习任务单
1. 区分百科全书词条和旅游宣传册的不同之处; 2. 简要介绍秘鲁; 3. 用恰当的语言, 为想去秘鲁的几位游客推荐与他们的性格爱好相匹配的行程。

【学习任务一】 Leading-in 1. What’s this country 2. What did you see in the video 3. What are other sources from which we can find more information about Peru 【学习任务二】 While-reading 1. What types of text are they: encyclopedia or brochure How did you recognize text type 2. What information about Peru is covered in this text 3. Read the encyclopedia entry and fill in the table.
4.What information do we usually get from a brochure 5. Read the brochure and fill in the table. (Page 27, Activity 4) 6. Which words and expressions in the brochure are so powerful, expressive, and impressive that they make you interested in the tours Please read after the audio and underline these words and expressions in your textbook. 【学习任务三】 Post-reading 1. If you were the brochure designer, could you make a better one How 2. Arrange tours to Peru and give reasons.
无Unit 2 Travelling Around Video Time 任务单
1. Collect key information about Machu Picchu through the video; 2. Introduce Machu Picchu to tourists in your own words; 3. State your opinions on whether tourism should be stopped in places like Machu Picchu.

【学习任务一】 Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the expressions below. magnetic centre Inca civilisation outside world stalls business and money ruins
1. Machu Picchu was once part of the . 2. For many years, Machu Picchu was lost to the . 3. Machu Picchu is now made up of . 4. People believe that Machu Picchu is a(n) , attracting many tourists each year. 5. Apart from being a magical place, Machu Picchu also brings a lot of to Peru. 6. Local people sell things at to tourists. 【学习任务二】
Activity 2: Choose the correct answers. 1. Another name for Machu Picchu is . A. Aguas Calientes B. one of the magnetic centres of the ancient world C. the Lost City of the Inca 2. Machu Picchu was built . A. in 1911 B. more than 500 years ago C. 500 years ago 3. Some people worry that too many tourists going to Machu Picchu . A. will be bad for the environment B. will be bad for business C. will be too noisy 4. The people in the town live completely . A. on the money from tourism B. by selling art C. by driving buses 5. Machu Picchu maybe changed forever by . A. the weather B. poverty C. tourism 【学习任务三】 Activity 3: Answer the following questions. 1. What does Machu Picchu look like 2. Who found the city again and when was it found 3. Can you compare the past and the present of the city 4. There are two different voices about the tourism in Machu Picchu. What are they 【学习任务四】 Activity 4: Role-play. Suppose you were a popular tour guild in Machu Picchu, would you please introduce the city to tourists
【学习任务五】 Activity 5: Answer the following questions. 1. Are there any places like Machu Picchu in China In what ways are they alike 2. Should tourism be stopped in places like Machu Picchu Why or why not
1. 2.