人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection学习任务单(5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection学习任务单(5份打包)
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文件大小 196.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-12 17:11:32


Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Listening and Speaking 学习任务单
1. 在听前,能够利用图片等视觉资源预测听力内容; 2. 听并谈论关于野生动物保护的事实与观点; 3. 能够正确拼读所学多音节词并准确辨音。
【学习任务一】 Pre-listening 1. Look at the theme picture on page 13. .What can you see .What do you think of when you see this photo .Do you think that elephants are an endangered species .What other wild animals are in danger 2. Look at the slogan on page 13. .What does the slogan tellus 3. Look at the posters. .What message do these posters share
.Which one moves you the most Why 4. Look at Activity 2 on page 14. .Use visuals to predict content before listening. .Read the text and make predictions of the words in the blanks. 【学习任务二】 Listening 1. Listen to the first part and fill in the blanks. (Page 14, Activity 2) 2. Read the text (Page 14, Activity 2) and answer the questions. .How many species die out every day How do you feel .Why are so many species dying 3. Listen to the second part and answer the questions. (Page 14, Activity 3) 4. Read after the audio of the second part and answer the questions. .What does “Change begins with you” mean .What should we do about endangered animals 【学习任务三】 Speaking 1. Look at the photos. (Page 15) .What do you know about the animals in the photos .What is being done to help them 2. Please talk about the following questions using some useful expressions. .Do you know any endangered animals What do you know about them
.What is being done to help them .What can you do to help them 【学习任务三】 Pronunciation 1. Write the following polysyllabic words in the correct columns. 2. Read the words aloud and put them into the correct groups. (Page 15, Activity 1) 3. Read the conversation in Activity 5, paying attention to the stress patterns of the polysyllabic words and put them into the correct groups.
无Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Reading and Thinking (1) 任务单
1. 阅读关于保护藏羚羊的文章; 2. 围绕保护藏羚羊的话题完成思维导图。

【学习任务一】读前活动 1. 看图并说出关键词。 2. 回答问题: What do you know about the Tibetan antelope and the Changtang National Nature Reserve 【学习任务二】读中活动 1. Read the text, and summarize the main idea of each paragraph. 2. Listen to the recording, read the text again, and answer the questions below. . Why did the writer visit Tibet . What happened to the Tibetan antelope in the 1980s and 1990s . What did people do to help protect the Tibetan antelope 3. Read the text for another time, and try to finish the table.
Things the author seesThings the author hearsHow the author feels or thinks
4. Read the text again, and try your best to draw a mind map on protecting the Tibetan antelope.
Protecting the Tibetan Antelope
无。Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Listening and Talking 任务单
1. 在图片帮助下识别观鸟器具相关词汇及表达法的语义; 2. 获取有关观鸟俱乐部的听力材料中的关键信息; 3. 归纳总结表目的和意图的语言表达形式; 4. 运用表目的的语言表达形式谈论如何帮助身边需要帮助的野生动物。
【学习任务一】 Warming-up: 1. Do you still remember the animals in the pictures below 2. What other animals are also in danger 【学习任务二】 Pre-listening: 1. Match the words with the pictures. 2. Sum up the expressions to show purposes. 3. Choose the right ending for each sentence.
【学习任务三】 While-listening: 1. Listen and answer the questions. 1. Who are the teenagers 2. Where are they 3. What are they doing 4. Why are they doing it 2. Listen again and use the phrases you hearto fill in the blanks.
3. Listen and read aloud, paying attention to the expressions to show purposes. 【学习任务四】 Post-listening: Discuss in groups: 1. What wildlife will you help in your neighbourhood 2. What are their possible needs 3. What can you do to care for them
无Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Reading and Thinking (2) 任务单
1. 探究文本的写作目的; 2. 培养学生区分字面意义和隐含意义的阅读策略; 3. 掌握文本中的新词汇。

【学习任务一】通过思维导图回顾文本。 【学习任务二】再读文本,探究文本写作目的。 What’s the purpose of this text 【学习任务三】 回答问题 How does the writer feel about modern life How do you know 【学习任务四】区分字面意义和隐含意义 Read the sentences below, and decide if each idea is the literal meaning (L) of the text or only implied (I) by the text.
【学习任务四】读后讨论活动 The writer says that we must change our way of life and learn to live in harmony with nature in order to save our planet. Do you agree What do you think we should do or change
无。Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Reading for Writing 任务单
1. Write a one-sentence summary for each poster. 2. Identify the features of the poster. 3. Make an effective poster about an endangered animal.

Activity 1: Look at the posters. Which emotions do the photos communicate
Activity 2: Read the posters and find out what information the posters involve. Activity 3: Write a one-sentence summary for each poster. Activity 4: Read the posters and answer the questions. 1. Who do you think is the intended audience for each poster Why do you think so 2. What does each poster use to stir up emotions 3. In your opinion, which poster is more effective Why Activity 5: What are the features of an effective poster Activity 6: Can you think of some expressions of the wildlife protection
Activity 7: Make aposter about an endangered animal (Page 21/Activity 4) . 1. Choose one of the animals below or one of your own. Do some research to add to the animal fact sheet. 2. Follow these steps to organise your poster.
【学习任务七】 Activity 7: Use the checklist to revise your poster. Does the poster include key information about the animal Does the poster explain why it is endangered Does the poster support its information with facts Is the message of the poster clear, i.e. can you tell clearly what the designer wants the reader to think or do 推荐的学习资源Workbook Page70/Reading and Writing.
Is the image on the poster effective