人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness学习任务单(5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness学习任务单(5份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-12 17:13:20


Unit3 Sports and Fitness Listening and Talking-任务单
1. collect information about sportsmanship through listening; 2. identify the specific language to express agreement and disagreement; 3. give reasons to show agreement and disagreement in specific situations.
【学习任务一】 Review Can you use the words and phrases to talk about Lang Ping and Michael Jordan 【学习任务二】 Warming up What is sportsmanship
【学习任务三】 Listening 1. Listen and answer the questions. (1) What happened to one of the girls in the race (2) What was the result of the race 2. Match each opinion with the right speaker. (Page41, Activity 1) 3. Circle the expressions that you hear in the conversation. (Page41, Activity 2) 【学习任务四】 Talking 1. Read the conversation and underline the expressions to show agreement or disagreement. (Page41, Activity 3)
2. Make a list of reasons for agreement and disagreement. 【学习任务五】 Homework Choose one of the situations below and make a conversation. (Page41, Activity 3)
无课题 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Discovering Useful Structures
1. 在语境中辨识附加疑问句的意义、形式和功能; 2. 准确掌握附加疑问句的正确结构; 3. 得体地使用附加疑问句开展有关体育话题的对话。
【学习任务一】 Activity 1: Read the conversations below and underline the tag questions and their answers. 1. Amy: It’s not a real sport, is it Shen Qi: Yes, it is. 2. Adam: That sounds interesting, doesn’tit Julie: Sure, it does. 3. Lin Tao: Hi! It’s a beautiful day, isn’tit Han Jing: Yes, it is. I’m going to play soccer. Can you come along and join us Lin Tao: Sorry, I can’t. I’ve got to meet my adviser. By the way, our school soccer team won at last, didn’t they Han Jing: No, they didn’t. It’s too bad.
【学习任务二】 Activity 2: Complete the conversations with appropriate tag questions or correct answers. 1. A: It’s not going to rain, is it B: . It’s a good day for sports. A: Then we can play football, B: . We don’t have a ball. 2. A: It’s Sports Day next Thursday, B: You’re right, it is. Let’s ask Xia Lei if she wants to join a team. A: She likes soccer, B: . But she loves volleyball. She could be in the volleyball team. 3. A: It’s time for badminton class. Where is the coach He’s late, B: It’s been 10 minutes already. He isn’t coming, A: Cool! We can have a good time. That’s great! B: Shh! A: Ohno, he’s right behind me, C: Yes, I am! 4. Tom: Mum, I can have one more burger, Mum: No, you can’t. You’ve already had two! You’re going to get sick… Oh, what’s that noise Dad: It isn’ta storm coming, Tom:Yes, it is! But it’s on TV! Dad, come and see, Dad: What movie are you watching Tom: The Day after Tomorrow. Mum: Let’swatch it together, Family time! Dad: Good idea! 【学习任务三】 Activity 3: Use tag questions to role-play one of the situations below.
EXAMPLE A: The Sports Day is coming soon, isn’tit B: Yes, it is. …
无Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Listening and Speaking 任务单
1. 提取对话中的细节信息来回答问题,并对所听信息进行计算; 2. 提取对话的主旨; 3. 识别对话中被强调的单词或词组; 4. 设计对话,谈论邀请同伴去观看哪项体育赛事或参与哪个运动项目。
【学习任务一】 Lead-in: 1. What can you see in the picture
2. How do you understand the quotation “All sports for all people” 【学习任务二】 Activity 1: What sports events do you like to watch Which sport would you like to try 【学习任务三】 Activity 2: Listen to Conversation 1. What is Shen Qi’s main purpose for talking to Amy A. To invite Amy to ane-sports event. B. To invite Amy to a soccer match. C. To explain an e-sports event. 【学习任务四】 Activity 3: Listen to Conversation 1 again and circle the words that the speaker stresses. 1. Did you hear that there ’s ane-sports event this weekend 2. Would you like to come along
3. Really I’d love to! 4. Why don’t you join us this Saturday afternoon 5. Oh, sorry. I can’t. 【学习任务五】 Activity 4: Listen to Conversation 2 and answer the questions. 1. When will the event happen The event will happen . 2. What ’s a “Blue Paint” run A “Blue Paint” run is a fun run that . 3. Why is it called a “Blue Paint” run Because people can buy water balloons filled with and the runners. 4. If 200 people take part in the run and 400 balloons are sold, how much money will they collect . 【学习任务六】 Activity 5: What event or activity would you like to invite your friend to Make a conversation with a partner. 【学习任务七】 Pronunciation:
. 【学习任务八】 Homework 1. Write down the conversation students made in activity 5. 2. Practice the conversation on Page 37, paying attention to the intonation of the tag questions. Write down a conversation on choosing a club.
无Unit3 Sports and Fitness Reading and Thinking 任务单
1. 通过标题和插图预测文本内容; 2. 理解文本信息和结构,分析郎平和乔丹获得的成就和具备的品质; 3. 掌握和运用描述优秀运动员品质的词汇,描述其他优秀运动员。
【学习任务一】 Warming-up Look at the pictures and titles below. What do you think the text is about
【学习任务二】 Pre-reading Fill in the form about what you already know and what you want to know about Lang Ping and Michael Jordan. 【学习任务三】 While-reading 1. Read the text and fill in the form about what you have learnt about Lang Ping and Michael Jordan. 2. Read the text and decide what is stated in the text (S), what can be inferred (I), and what you know to be true from the experience (E). (Page39, Activity2) 3. Read the text again and answer the questions. (Page39, Activity3) . How was Lang Ping's determination tested in the 2015 World Cup . What examples does the writer use to describe Lang Ping
. What does the first sentence in the paragraph introducing Michael Jordan mean . Why does the writer mention “the final seconds of a game ” 4. Read after the tape and fill in the form about the main idea and language feature of each part. 【学习任务四】 Post-reading 1. Think and answer the questions. . What reasons does the writer give for choosing Lang Ping and Michael Jordan as “living legends” . Why are Lang Ping and Michael Jordan masters in their fields What good examples did they set for us . What can we learn from successful athletes 2. Read after the tape and pay attention to the new words. 3. Use the words and phrases to talk about Lang Ping and Michael Jordan. ( Page39, Activity5)
无Unit3Sports and Fitness Reading for Writing 任务单
教学目标: In this class, you will 1. collect information about the positive changes of Kayla; 2. list the words and phrases that show similarities and differences; 3. write a short paragraph to describe and explain your positive changes.
【学习任务一】 While-reading 1st Reading .Write down the main idea of each paragraph. 2nd Reading .Read what Kayla wrote and answer the questions. 1. What problem did Kayla have in the past 2. What does the sentence “I almost went bananas” mean 3. What made her change her thinking
3rd plete the outline with the words and phrases from the text. 4th Reading .Underline the words and phrases used in the text to show similarities and differences. 【学习任务二】 Writing .Think about the questions below. .Use the ideas from the answers to list some positive changes. .Write a short paragraph to describe and explain your changes.
.Use the checklist to find out how to revise your draft. 1) Do you explain why you want to change 2) Do you tell how the changes have improved your life 3) Is the text well-organised 4) Do you use words and expressions to show similarities and differences 5) Are there any grammar or spelling mistakes 6) Do you use correct punctuation