人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet学习任务单(6份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet学习任务单(6份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-12 17:14:57


Unit3 The Internet Listening and Speaking 任务单
1. 理解他人如何描述上网习惯,掌握听定义的听力策略; 2. 区分实义词和功能词,并在口语表达中重读实义词,提升表达能力; 3. 掌握和运用有关上网行为习惯的词汇和表达,描述自己的上网行为习惯。

【学习任务一】 Warming-up 1. Look at the online activities in the box and match them with the pictures. 2. What else do you like to do online in daily life
【学习任务二】 Pre-listening 1. Are you going to listen to a conversation or a monologue 2. What will the survey questions be 3. What online activities might be mentioned 【学习任务三】 While-listening 1. Listen to the conversation and take notes. Then check if they match your predictions. 2. Listen to the conversation and complete the table. (Page26, Activity2) .Listen andfocus on the time they spend online each day.. .Listen andfocus on their online activities and reasons for using the Internet. 3. Listen and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. (Page26, Activity3) 【学习任务四】 Post-listening 1. Think and answer the questions. .What do you think the words in the blanks can do for us when we communicate .How exactly do they help us 2. Look at Activity 3 again. How are the words in italics defined Write them in the correct brackets.
3. Read the listening textaloud. 【学习任务五】 Pronunciation 1. Read the sentence and notice which words are stressed. The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. 2. Read the poem about online safety and mark the words that should be stressed. 3. Listen to the poem and see if you got the stressed words right. 【学习任务六】
1. Think about questions you may want to ask other people about their online habits and make a list. 2. Then ask yourself these questions and try answering them.
无Unit 3 The Internet Discovering Useful Structures 任务单
1. 识别现在完成时被动语态并归纳其功能; 2. 对比、区分、转换现在完成时的主动和被动语态,掌握现在完成时被动语态的意义; 3. 练习用现在完成时被动语态解读报刊标题; 4. 运用现在完成时被动语态创作小诗。

Activity One:Underline more sentences in the same usage. Activity Two: Change the sentences into the present perfect passive voice. 1. I have downloaded the software to help my phone battery last longer. 2. Someone has lost an identity card. 3. Have you confirmed the Wi-Fi password 4. Have you pressed the button yet to copy the file 5. Has anyone made a comment about the online database Activity Three: Change the newspaper headlines into complete sentences as the example. 1. Boy’s Video Streamed over Two Million Times 2. 2.5 Records Broken Today 3. Intelligent Search Engine Designed for Teenagers 4. Theft of Large Amount of Cash from Small Bank 5. STUDENT: 30% Discount on Smartphones Activity Four: Write a similar poem.
1.课本 workbook P74-P54 Using Structures 2.课本附录 P98-P99 语法部分 Passive Voice(被动语态)课题 Unit 3 The Internet Reading and Thinking(1)
1. 获取并梳理文中作者有关互联网的观点以及所提供的事实性信息; 2. 概括整合互联网改变 Jan 的生活的细节内容。
【学习任务一】 Think and share. 1. What do you usually do online 2. Have you experienced anything interesting while surfing the Internet If so, share it with others. 【学习任务二】 Look at the title and predict. 1. What do you think the text will say 2. How do you think the writer feels about the topic 【学习任务三】 Read to get the main idea. What does the text mainly tell us
【学习任务四】 Read and find. 1. Why did Jan quit her job 2. How did the people in the online community help her 3. Why did she start the IT club 4. What is the “digital divide” 5. What’s Jan’s next goal 【学习任务五】 Read again and find. What can we learn from Jan’s experiences
无Unit3 The Internet Video Time 任务单
1.获取视频中以 Blackburn College 为例有关社交媒体的使用和青少年健康的事实 性信息; 2.谈论使用社交媒体的利与弊并采取措施合理利用。
【学习任务一】 Before watching What are the researchers there worried about What do you expect to see in the video Complete the sentences. (课本 36 页 Before watching 活动) selfies social media profile 24/7 1. Jill is concerned about having a good , so she always posts things that will make other people smile. 2. Everyone was excited to see photos from Andy’s trip, but they were disappointed when they saw that he had only posted . 3. It seems that Nancy is online . She posts all the time, no matter what hour it is in the day or the night. 【学习任务二】
While watching (课本 36 页 While watching 活动) 1. Choose the best answers according to the video. (1) What is NOT a negative effect of using social media 24/7 A. It can hurt your confidence in yourself. B. It can hurt your ability to make friends in the real world. C. It causes a lack of sleep, and that can harm your health. (2) How is Blackburn College dealing with social media A. They make students turnoff social media at certain times. B. They have decided to forbid social media use. C. They try to encourage students to use it responsibly. 2. Complete the quotes below with words you hear in the video. (1) “… it’s very easy to become too invested in having to keep and pictures, and to people online.” (2) “They want to be online . And as that need , then we also saw that had an impact on their . ” (3) “What we try to do here is to develop some self-regulation skills in young people so they understand when to , when to . ” 【学习任务三】 After watching (课本 36 页 After watching 活动) Answer the questions. .What are some of the benefits and dangers of social media use .What steps can you take to control your social media use 【学习任务四】 Homework Report the information you have got from the video and what steps you would like to take to control your social media use to your friends.
无课题 Unit 3 The Internet Reading and Thinking(2)
1. 总结互联网如何改变人们的生活并分析作者的态度; 2. 结合生活谈论使用互联网的好处和弊端; 3. 分析互联网给乌镇带来的好处。
【学习任务一】 Read and find. List the ways in which the Internet has changed people’s lives. Try to add more examples.
Examples from the text More examples you know
【学习任务二】 Think and share. What’s the writer’s attitude towards the Internet Find evidence from the text to support your idea. 【学习任务三】 Think and share. 1. Do you think your life has been changed by the Internet If so, how How do you like such changes 2. The writer mentions many advantages of using the Internet. Do you think there are any disadvantages If so, what are they 【学习任务四】 Complete the passage about Wuzhen with the correct forms of the words in the box. access convenient surf inspire distance network download cash update benefit
The Internet has brought great to Wuzhen, a small waterside town in Zhejiang Province. For the past few years, Wuzhen has hosted the World Internet Conference (WIC), which makes life in this ancient town much more than it has been. Residents here can online as easily as in large modern cities. Plus they can movies and music at high speeds. The Internet has even changed Wuzhen’s transport! For short , both residents and tourists can use the public bike system. Bikes can be rented by using online apps — no need for paperwork or payment. In 2016, the parking system for Wuzhen’s WIC centre was to be fully Internet-based. Wuzhen’s entering the world of the Internet should other small towns around the world. No matter how small a town is, everyone should be able to join the global and the world of the Internet. 【学习任务五】 Read and find out. 1. What benefits has the Internet brought to Wuzhen 2. What can we learn from the story of Wuzhen
无Unit3 The Internet Listening and Talking-任务单
【学习任务一】 Warming-up What can you do with your smartphone What kinds of apps do you usually use 【学习任务二】 Listening 1. Listen to their conversation and find out what apps they want. (Page31, Activity 1)
2. Read the sentences and underline the key words in each sentence. (Page31, Activity 2) 3. Listen again and decide whether the sentences are true [T] or false [F]. (Page31, Activity 2) 4. Listen once more and tick the sentences you hear. Underline the words used to express predictions, guesses and beliefs. (Page31, Activity 3) 【学习任务三】 Post-listening Can you think of more words or phrases to express predictions, guesses, and beliefs 【学习任务四】 Talking Choose an app that you like and talk about the reasons why you prefer this app.
What is the app What is the function of it What are the strengths … 【学习任务五】 Homework Choose an app and introduce it to your partner, including its function and your reasons.