人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions学习任务单(5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions学习任务单(5份打包)
格式 zip
文件大小 169.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-12 17:17:16


Unit4 History and Traditions Reading and Thinking(1)- 学习任务单
教学目标: 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 获取梳理文中有关英国的事实性信息并进行概括整合; 2. 根据时间轴介绍英国的历史。 教学重点: 获取梳理文中有关英国的事实性信息并进行概括整合。 教学难点: 根据时间轴介绍英国的历史。

【学习任务一】 Warming-up 1. What does the map show 2. What do the different symbols and colors stand for 口
3. How many parts can you see that makeup the UK 【学习任务二】 Prediction What will the passage talk about 【学习任务三】 While-reading Read and check What is the massage mainly about Think and share 1. What is the full name of the UK 2. What message does its name convey Read and find out 1. What are the countries that makeup the UK 2. What are the similarities and differences between these countries Read again and sort out the information according to the time line.
【学习任务四】 Post-reading Introduce the history of the UK according to the time line.
无Unit4History and Traditions Discovering Useful Structures 任务单
教学目标: In this class, you will 1. identify the past participle as the attribute and the object complement; 2. use the past participle as the attribute and the object complement to complete sentences.

【学习任务一】 Warming-up .How do most people call the UK .What are the flags of these four countries .What did the Normans do after they conquered England 【学习任务二】 Preparation .How to translate the past participle in each sentence
【学习任务三】 Presentation & Practice Step 1 Past participle as the pre-modifier .How to translate the phrases
abroken plate the spoken language a newly-built house afallen leaf a retired teacher a man-made satellite
.Use proper words to fill in the blanks. Soldiers that are trained well are soldiers. A card that is made by hand is a card. A company that is developed quickly is a company. Step 2 Past participle as the post-modifier .Rewrite the sentences using the past participle. The flowers which are planted along the road are beautiful. The flowers are beautiful. The fountain which is designed by our teacher is famous. The fountain is plete the phrases in the right column by using the past participle in the left column. tired visitors visitors of the long wait a well-organised trip a trip well by my workplace beautifully dressed stars stars beautifully at the event
【学习任务四】 plete the sentences using the past participles of the verbs as the attribute. 1. The first engine (drive) by steam was invented by James Walt, an inventor, engineer and chemist. 2. It's dangerous for the villagers to drink from wells (pollute) with poisonous chemicals. 3. Rosemary shares her (pack) lunch with two friends everyday. 4. Westminster Abby is atypical Gothic church, (complete) in the 10th century. 5. These are English textbooks specially (design) for primary school students. 6. In the carpark of the National Museum there are parking spaces (reserve) for people with disabilities. 【学习任务五】 Presentation & Practice Past participles as the object complement .Read the sentence and underline the –ed form as the object complement. 1. Judy and I had our car parked in an underground carpark near Trafalgar Square, where we could get our car battery charged. 2. When we finally reached the service desk to ask for audio guides, we heard it announced that there were no audio guides left. 3. We found ourselves very surprised by the large number of visitors and the amount of noise at the entrance of the National Gallery. 4. Judy had her eyes fixed on Van Gogh’s Sunflowers. It was hard to approach the painting as there were so many people around. 5. She had a copy of the painting boxed to ensure that it was delivered safely.
【学习任务六】 plete the sentences using the past participles of the verbs or phrases as the object complement. 1. His gaining admission to Peking University made his parents very (please). 2. If you want to make the food tastier, you could have more spices (add) to the dishes. 3. She found herself (impress) by the beauty of the landscape in Australia. 4. Getting back from her business tip, Judy was happy to see her puppies well (take care of) by her friend.
无Unit4 History and Traditions Reading and Thinking(2)- 学习任务单
教学目标: 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 学习关键词组的用法; 2. 概括整合学习英国历史的好处; 3. 讨论学习国家历史及文化的重要性。 教学重点: 概括整合学习英国历史的好处。 教学难点: 讨论学习国家历史及文化的重要性。

【学习任务一】 Review 1. Reading strategies. 2. Organize the key information according to the time line.
口 【学习任务二】 Read and find out Read the text again and find out the following phrases. 【学习任务三】 Think and share 1. What are the advantages of studying the history of a country 2. Why is it important to study the history and culture of a country before visiting it 3. What important things should visitors know about before they come to China 【学习任务四】 Post-reading Write a paragraph, expressing your ideas on the significance of studying a country’s history and traditions
无Unit 4 History and Traditions Video Time 任务单
1. 通过视频获取伦敦历史古迹的重要信息; 2. 了解历史对于伦敦的重要性; 3. 从历史和传统的角度介绍家乡。

Activity 1: Match the place names with the photos and take notes to record their information.
Activity 2: Answer the questions about London. What did Samuel Johnson say about the London What makes London a great city to walk in Activity 3: Talk about your preference. What historic places in London would you like to visit Why
Activity 4: Talk about your preference. What historic places in your local city would visitors probably like to see most What could you tell visitors about those places and the traditions of the local city
课本配套视频Unit4 History and Traditions Listening and Speaking-学习任务单
教学目标: 在本课学习结束时, 学生能够: 1. 获取梳理对话中有关孔子及其教育理念的事实性信息并进行概括整合; 2. 分享自己对孔子教育理念的了解及看法; 3. 获取对话中说话人用到的英语俚语及相应的解释。 教学重点: 1. 获取梳理基本信息; 2. 获取对话中说话人用到的英语俚语及相应的解释。 教学难点: 分享自己对孔子教育理念的了解及看法。

【学习任务一】 Warming-up 1. Who is this person What do you know about this person
2. Do you know Qufu Have you ever been there What do you know about it 【学习任务二】 Prediction What will the conversation be mainly about 【学习任务三】 Listening 1. Listen to the conversation again and write down what they say about Confucius. 2. Listen again and decide whether these statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).
【学习任务四】 Strategy learning 1. What is an idiom 2. Listen again, write down the English idioms in the conversation, explain meanings and think about Chinese equivalents. 【学习任务五】 Speaking 1. What do you know about Confucius’ ideas on education Think of two or three examples. 2. What else do you know about Confucius and his philosophy