人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music学习任务单(6份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music学习任务单(6份打包)
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文件大小 264.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-12 17:23:42


Unit5MusicDiscovering Useful Structures 任务单
教学目标: In this class, you will 1. identify the past participle as the adverbial; 2. use the past participle as the adverbial to rewrite sentences.

【学习任务一】 Warming-up 1. When and where was Eric Whitacre born 2. What did he say when he was inspired by Mozart’smusic 3. Why did he ask his fans to make videos 【学习任务二】 Preparation Read and translate the sentences. .Born in the USA on 2 January 1970, Whitacre began studying music at the University of Nevada in 1988. .Moved by Mozart’s music, he said, “It was like seeing color for the first time.” .Inspired, he asked his fans to make videos. .
【学习任务三】 .Join the sentences by using past participles. 1. I am given the opportunity to perform alone on video. I will enjoy the experience. 2. He was presented with the Player of the Year Award. Sam completed the final year of his career with great satisfaction. 3. Whitacre was inspired by his fans. He continued with his original compositions. 4. These videos were uploaded onto the Internet. They soon became popular. 5. They were invited to be volunteers at the music festival. They are learning a lot from this opportunity. 6. They are connected by virtual music. They often perform and write musical compositions together online. .Rewrite the story using past participles as the adverbial. 1. Henry was highly interested in music and began to write original compositions when he was in high school. 2. They were pleased with his music and songs and finally invited him to perform in the Silver Hall. 3. Though he was affected by gradual blindness soon after the performance, Henry was still capable of writing compositions and he found that creating music was a relief and cure for his illness. 4. When he got absorbed in his world of music, he felt as if he could “see” the beauty of the world around him, like he had in his previous life. 【学习任务四】 Production Linda: Hi George! How was the music festival George: It was interesting. We were (amaze) to hear so many types of music! Linda: Did it take you long to get to the festival George: No, it was OK. We were (worry) about heavy traffic, so we left a little earlier, and the roads were clear.
无Unit 5 Music Reading and Thinking(1) 任务单
1. 获取并梳理组成虚拟合唱团的关键要素; 2. 获取并梳理 Eric Whitacre 创立虚拟合唱团的故事的关键细节信息; 3. 复述 Eric Whitacre 创立虚拟合唱团的故事。

【学习任务一】 Warming-up: 1. What are the ways for people to experience music 2. How can computers and the Internet help us experience music differently 【学习任务二】 Pre-reading: Look at the picture and the title and predict what the text will be about. 【学习任务三】 While-reading: 1. Read the text quickly to check your prediction and get the main idea of the text.|
2. Listen to the text. Scan and circle the information in the text. 1. The man who came up with the idea for a virtual choir. 2. The place where he studied musical composition. 3. The name of his song. 3. Read the text again and answer the questions. 1. How is a virtual choir different from other choirs Who can take part in Virtual Choir Reality Choir Form Place Identity of singers Number of singers Influence on singers
2. What caused Eric Whitacre to fall in love with classical music What gave him the inspiration to make his first virtual choir 4. Find the numbers and dates to fill in the timeline.
【学习任务四】 Post-reading:Retell the whole timeline of Eric Whitacre.
无Unit 5 Music Listening and Speaking 任务单
1. 积累与音乐相关的词汇和表达; 2. 练习听取主要信息的能力; 3. 用所学语言表达自己对于音乐的喜好; 4. 练习爆破音。

【学习任务一】听前活动 What type of music do you know What are the people doing in the pictures
Match the pictures with the correct types of music. 【学习任务二】听力理解 A reporter from the school newspaper is interviewing students about music. Listen to the interviews. Draw lines between the words to make complete sentences. Some words will not be
used. 1. The first student likes to 2. The second student likes to 3. The third student likes to
) Chinese traditional songs. classical music. hip-hop music. country music.
The reporter paraphrased some of the answers the students gave him. Listen to the interviews again and complete the sentences with the words you hear. A: Country music touches my heart. B: So you like music that’s of A: When I listen to hip-hop, I just have to move! B: So it makes you want to A: Classical music makes me feel like I’m sitting beside a quiet stream and enjoying nature. B: So to you, it’s and
【学习任务三】听后活动 Discuss these questions with your classmates. 1. Do these types of music make you feel the same as the students Why or why not 2. What type of music do you not like, and how does it make you feel 【学习任务四】语音学习—爆破音 Read the lyrics below from “Blowin’ in the Wind” by Bob Dylan. Notice how the plosives are pronounced.
无。Unit 5 Music Reading for Writing 任务单
1. 阅读获取演讲文本的基本信息; 2. 归纳演讲文本的结构特点和语言特点; 3. 联系自身,创作、检查并修改有关音乐改变人生的演讲稿。

Activity 1: Read for the main idea. What is the main idea of the text Activity 2: Read for the details. . What was Sarah’sproblem . How did she overcome the problem . What is her advice to others
Activity 3: Read for the outline of a speech. . How many parts are there in a speech What are they Activity 4: Listen/Read for the language features of a speech. . Match the names of rhetorical devices to the lettered sentences in the speech. . Circle the phrases Sarah used to talk about how music can make us feel. Activity 5: Think about how music can change a person’s life. . In what ways do people experience music, and how can music help them Activity 6: Relate music to the life experience. . Think about your experience with music and how it has changed your life. / Think about how the life of someone you know has been changed by his/her experience with music. Activity 7: Think about the outline and rhetorical devices.
Activity 8: Write a speech about how music can change a person’s life.
推荐的学习资源Unit 5 Music Video Time 任务单
1.获取视频中有关世界音乐、艺术和舞蹈节的事实性信息。 2. 表达自己对世界音乐的理解。
1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions below.
. What is the video about . What is WOMAD
2. Read the introduction. WOMAD is an international festival that celebrates world music, arts, and dance. It is held in different places around the world, including the UK. 3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
3. Watch the video and answer the questions below. . What does the video talk about . How many voices do you hear and who are they . Did we make correct choices for the five sentences just now 4. Check the answers in BEFORE YOU WATCH part. 5. Read the statements and decide whether they are true or false.
6. Watch the video with the subtitle and answer the following questions. Questions about Peter Gabriel: . Why do you think Gabriel would co-found WOMAD . What does Gabriel love most about WOMAD Questions about Marcello Collasurdo: . What kind of music does Marcello’s band play . What’s the feature of Tamurrita music . Where does Marcello get the inspiration for his music 7. Discuss the two questions below. (1). Would you like togo to the WOMAD festival Why or why not (2). Why is it important to celebrate music, arts and world cultures
课本配套视频Unit 5 Music Reading and Thinking(2) 任务单
1. 运用思维导图梳理文章篇章结构; 2. 分析作者对于虚拟合唱团的态度; 3. 在语境中学习和掌握新的词汇和表达法,完成一个以音乐话题为核心的思维导图。

【学习任务一】 Homework Check: Why did the writer mention the numbers and dates in the text 思考: .What will you write when you write about a person .Are those numbers important Why .Why are these years important for Eric 【学习任务二】 While-reading: 1. Read the text and find out how the text is organized by making a mind map. 2. Retell the text according to the mind map. 3. Listen to and read the text, finding out the writer ’s attitude towards the virtual choir. Find evidence from the text to support your idea. 【学习任务三】 Post-reading: 1. Learn more about music by completing the sentences with the correct forms of the words and phrase. Then draw a mind map about what music means to you. 2. Discuss the questions in groups: .What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a member of a virtual choir .Does a virtual choir really bring people together Why or why not