课件29张PPT。八年级下册英语教学课件系列Reading Unit 3
Online toursDaniel found a good website for learning about places of interest around the world.TaskWrite an introduction to a country with the help of the Internet or libraries.The world in computersDo you know which city is called
“the Big Apple”?New YorkFamous places in New York city. Wall Street 华尔街Christmas eve in Wall StreetWall StreetTime square 时代广场Central Park 中央公园Broadway
百老汇 What else?Empire State Building
帝国大厦 UN Headquarters
联合国总部Rockefeller Center
洛克菲勒中心Daniel is looking at a website called "Around the World in Eight Hours ". Here is what the website's guide says.A Around the World in Eight hoursWelcome to “Around the World in Eight Hours". I’m your tour guide, Robin. Have you noticed the “Tour” icon at the top of the page? Just click on it, and you can visit Asia, Africa, Europe, America and more in only eight hours!Here we are in "the Big Apple”— New York, the biggest city in the USA.Wall Street, the world-famous trade centre, is here at the southern end of Manhattan Island. There are many big companies and international banks here.Further on is Times Square. Every year, thousands of people gather here on New Year's
Eve. It's exciting to see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness!
In the centre of the island is Central Park. With several lakes, hills and a large green lawn, it’s a good place to relax after a hard day's work.
When you visit New York, don't miss Broadway. It has been famous for its theatres since the earlytwentieth century. Have you ever heard of the song "Memory"? It comes from the famous Broadway musical Cats.
OK, so much for New York. There's a "Back〃 icon at the bottom of the page. Click on it, pick another city and then start your new tour!据传,大约在一百多年前,美国一群爵士乐师们(jazz musicians)经常到各地巡回演出赚钱(make money)。乐师们常常把所要去的城镇比喻成树上的苹果。他们去该城镇演出赚钱,就好像是去摘树上的苹果,由于纽约是他们演出赚钱最多的城市,自然被称为“the Big Apple”。不久,纽约一家俱乐部和一种流行舞蹈也取名为“the Big Apple”。后来,精明的纽约市官员们为了招揽游客(tourist),发展旅游业(tourism),索性把“the Big Apple”作为该城市的象征物(symbol)。从此,越来越多的游客被吸引到纽约去参观旅游,纽约的别名也就随之传开了。 B A fun way to travelB1 Daniel does not know the meanings of some words on the web page. Help him match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.a. a play filled with many songs
b. rest after work
c. come together
d. a period of 100 years
e. more than two
f. the activity of buying and selling
g. two or more countries taking part
h. very large1. trade (line 7)___
2.international (line 10)___
3.gather (line 11)___
4.huge (line 12)___
5.several (line 14)___
6.relax (line 15)____
7.century (line 19)____
8.musical (line 21)____fgchebdaB2 Daniel is introducing the website to Millie. Millie is trying to find out what people can see in New York. Help her fill in the blanks below.New YorkBroadwayA world–famous
(3)______________People gather together
on (4)______________lakes, hills and a large green (5)______famous for its
(6)________(1)_____________trade centreNew Year’s EvelawntheatresWall Street(2)_____________Central ParkTime squareB3 Amy is also interested in travelling around the world. She is telling her mum about the website. Check whether what she says is correct or not? Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.The website helps people buy tickets to
different places.____
2. There is a "Tour" icon at the bottom of the
3. New York is also called "the Big Apple”. ___ FFT4. Wall Street is at the northern end of
Manhattan Island._____
5. A big apple falls from the sky on New Year's
Eve at Times Square._____
6. There are no hills or lakes in Central Park. __ 7. The song “Memory” comes from the musical
8. Click on the "Back" icon and you can start a
new online tour. _____ FFFTTB4 Kitty also wants to know about the website. She is asking Daniel about it. Complete their conversation below.Kitty: Daniel, what's the website called?
Daniel: It’s called "(1) ____________________
Kitty: It gives people (2)________tours, right?
Daniel: Yes. It can show you cities in (3) ______,
Around the Worldin Eight HoursonlineAsia Africa, (4)________, America and
other places.
Kitty: Can we find more information about a
Daniel: Of course. Look, here's New York, and
here's Wall Street.
Kitty: I see. Wall Street is on Manhattan Island.
There are many big (5)____________and
(6)____________________there.Europecompaniesinternational backsDaniel: Yes, and Times Square is another
great place to visit. Every year, many
people gather there to welcome the
Kitty: That sounds great. Look! That's
Central Park. People like to (8) ______
there after work.
Daniel: Yes, and don't miss Broadway. It has
been famous for its theatres since the
early (9)__________________.new yearrelaxtwentieth centuryHomework Search more information about
“Around the World in Eight hours”.Thank you!