人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle一轮复习单词复习讲义


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle一轮复习单词复习讲义
格式 docx
文件大小 27.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-12 20:12:38



Unit 2 Healthy lifestyle
单词 音标 含义 例句
tobacco /t b .ko / 烟草 He smokes tobacco.
alcohol / l.k .h l/ 酒精 He drinks alcohol.
abuse / bju s/ 虐待; 滥用 He abused his children.
physical / f z. .k l/ 体力 的; 身体 的 He is very physical.
dominate / d m. .ne t/ 统治; 支配 He dominates the market.
repeatedly /r pi .t d.li/ 反复 地; 一再 地 He repeatedly asked me the same question.
psychology /sa k .l .d i/ 心理学 He is studying psychology.
cue /kju / 信号; 提示 He gave me a cue to start speaking.
in response to / n r sp ns tu/ 作为回应 He spoke in response to my question.
reward /r w d/ 奖励; 回报 He was rewarded for his hard work.
rely /r la / 依赖; 依靠 He relies on his friends for help.
rely on /r la n/ 依靠; 依赖 He relies on his parents for financial support.
facilitate /f s l. .te t/ 促进; 协助 He facilitated the negotiations between the two parties.
examine / g z m. n/ 检验; 检查 He examined the patient carefully.
negative / ne.ɡ .t v/ 否定的; 消极 的 He has a negative attitude towards life.
escalator / sk .l .t / 自动扶梯 He took the escalator to the top floor.
straight away /stre t we / 马上; 立刻 I will do it straight away.
pessimistic /pe s m. st k/ 悲观的 He is a pessimistic person who always sees the worst in things.
discipline / d s. .pl n/ 纪律; 学科 He is a good student with strong discipline.
pill /p l/ 药片 He took a pill for his headache.
delete /d li t/ 删除; 抹除 He deleted the file from his computer.
decide on /d sa d n/ 决定 He decided on a new strategy.
make up one’s mind /me k p w nz ma nd/ 决定; 下定决心 He made up his mind to quit smoking.
compose /k m po z/ 创作; 作曲 He composed a beautiful symphony.
be composed of /bi k m po zd v/ 由 … 组成 The team is composed of experienced professionals.
surgeon / s .d n/ 外科医生 He is a brain surgeon.
surgery / s .d .ri/ 手术 He had surgery on his knee.
liberation / l b. re . n/ 解放; 自由 The liberation of the country was a joyous occasion.
shave / e v/ 刮胡子; 剃光 He shaves every morning.
shave off / e v f/ 刮掉; 剃掉 He shaved off his beard.
beard /b d/ 胡子 He has a long beard.
disturb /d st b/ 打扰; 干扰 He was disturbed by the noise.
cigarette / s g. .r t/ 香烟 He smokes cigarettes.
specialist / spe . .lst/ 专家; 专科医生 He is a heart specialist.
consultant /k n s l.t nt/ 顾问; 咨询师 He is a business consultant.
drug /dr g/ 药物; 毒品 He takes drugs for his pain.
skip /sk p/ 跳过; 省略 He skipped breakfast.
dizzy / d z.i/ 头晕 的; 目眩 的 He felt dizzy after standing up too quickly.
flu /flu / 流感 He has the flu.
stimulate / st m.j .le t/ 刺激; 激励 He stimulated the economy with tax cuts.
dentist / den.t st/ 牙医 He went to the dentist to get a filling.
sugary / ɡ. .ri/ 含糖 的; 甜 的 He drinks sugary drinks.
nut /n t/ 坚果; 螺母 He ate a handful of nuts.
skateboard / ske t.bo d/ 滑板 He rides a skateboard.
dynamic /da n m. k/ 动态 的; 充满活力 的 He is a dynamic speaker.
stressed out /strest a t/ 压力 大 的; 焦虑 的 He is stressed out about his job.
worn out /w n a t/ 疲惫 的; 耗尽 的 He is worn out after a long day of work.
bowling / bo .l / 保龄球 He went bowling with his friends.
comedy / k m. .di/ 喜剧; 滑稽 He watched a comedy movie.
monthly / m nθ.li/ 每月的; 按月的 He pays his rent monthly.
enhance / n h ns/ 提高; 增强 He enhanced his skills with training.
refresh /r fre / 刷新; 更新 He refreshed the page to see the latest news.
absorb / b z b/ 吸收; 容纳 He absorbed the information quickly.
Aristotle / r. .st .t l/ 亚里士多德 Aristotle was a Greek philosopher.
People’s Liberation Army (PLA) / pi .p lz l b. re . n ɑ .mi (PLA)/ 中国人民解放军 The People's Liberation Army is the military force of China.
Lao Zi / la dzi / 老子 Lao Zi early gave us the answers.
Unit 2 Healthy lifestyle
* 根据中文及音标提示,写出对应英文单词,并用该词造一个英文句子。
单词 音标 含义 例句
/t b .ko / 烟草
/ l.k .h l/ 酒精
/ bju s/ 虐待; 滥用
/ f z. .k l/ 体力 的; 身体 的
/ d m. .ne t/ 统治; 支配
/r pi .t d.li/ 反复 地; 一再 地
/sa k .l .d i/ 心理学
/kju / 信号; 提示
/ n r sp ns tu/ 作为回应
/r w d/ 奖励; 回报
/r la / 依赖; 依靠
/r la n/ 依靠; 依赖
/f s l. .te t/ 促进; 协助
/ g z m. n/ 检验; 检查
/ ne.ɡ .t v/ 否定的; 消极 的
/ sk .l .t / 自动扶梯
/stre t we / 马上; 立刻
/pe s m. st k/ 悲观的
/ d s. .pl n/ 纪律; 学科
/p l/ 药片
/d li t/ 删除; 抹除
/d sa d n/ 决定
/me k p w nz ma nd/ 决定; 下定决心
/k m po z/ 创作; 作曲
/bi k m po zd v/ 由 … 组成
/ s .d n/ 外科医生
/ s .d .ri/ 手术
/ l b. re . n/ 解放; 自由
/ e v/ 刮胡子; 剃光
/ e v f/ 刮掉; 剃掉
/b d/ 胡子
/d st b/ 打扰; 干扰
/ s g. .r t/ 香烟
/ spe . .lst/ 专家; 专科医生
/k n s l.t nt/ 顾问; 咨询师
/dr g/ 药物; 毒品
/sk p/ 跳过; 省略
/ d z.i/ 头晕 的; 目眩 的
/flu / 流感
/ st m.j .le t/ 刺激; 激励
/ den.t st/ 牙医
/ ɡ. .ri/ 含糖 的; 甜 的
/n t/ 坚果; 螺母
/ ske t.bo d/ 滑板
/da n m. k/ 动态 的; 充满活力 的
/strest a t/ 压力 大 的; 焦虑 的
/w n a t/ 疲惫 的; 耗尽 的
/ bo .l / 保龄球
/ k m. .di/ 喜剧; 滑稽
/ m nθ.li/ 每月的; 按月的
/ n h ns/ 提高; 增强
/r fre / 刷新; 更新
/ b z b/ 吸收; 容纳
/ r. .st .t l/ 亚里士多德
/ pi .p lz l b. re . n ɑ .mi (PLA)/ 中国人民解放军
/ la dzi / 老子