Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 单元整体教学设计
单元主题意义 本单元的主题属于“人与社会 ”范畴,涉及“多彩、有意义的学校生活和自我管理、自我认识、自我提升”。
单元教学目标 通过本单元的学习,学生能够: 目标a:运用于能力、爱好和课后俱乐部相关的表达方式介绍自己于他人的爱好与才能,谈论积极参加喜欢的俱乐部,培养积极向上的品质。 目标b: 获取个人的基本的信息,匹配自己擅长的事情,形成利用才能去帮助他人的人生观和价值观。 目标c: 设计一个关于中国特色的课外活动海报并写一篇招聘广告或海报,培养创新能力,为他人和社会做一份贡献。 与核心素养的关系: 学完本单元后,单元的语篇从不同人物视角谈论能力、能力与学校生活以及能力与人的关系,在主题和内容之间存在“认识能力-表达能力-展现能力”的隐性关联;几个学生咨询了解自己想参加的俱乐部,几个对话活动引导学生认识自己与他人的爱好与才能,从中找到兴趣和伙伴,积极参加喜欢的俱乐部,引导学生能够自信的表达自己的能力,并欣赏他人的能力,培养积极向上的品质;初步学会怎样写广告,引导学生联系实际用自己擅长的事帮助他人;介绍课外活动和俱乐部的差异,引导学生开阔眼界,提高兴趣及才能。
整体教学思路及教学结构图 1.来源& 内容: 本单元是《新目标英语》系列教材之一Go for it !七年级下册的第一单元。教材内容主要围绕“假如俱乐部”这一话题,以谈论自己或他人的能力为功能,引导学生学习含有情态动词can的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。通过学习使学生能够描述自己在某一方面所具备的才能,能够谈论自己的喜好与意愿,能够为自己成立的各种俱乐部制作海报,能招募广告。 2.纵向知识关联: 功能: 谈论自己或他人的能力。 话题: Develop abilities . 语言知识: 描述能力和俱乐部相关的词汇和表达方式,如sing,swim ,dance ,draw ,chess, club ,drum,violin 等; 描述能力的语篇并体会描述能力的词汇和表达方式,如be good with ,make friends ,teach music ,speak English ..等; 语法而言,主要学习情态动词can的一般疑问句、Yes/No的简要回答和以what引导的问句的语用功能,能够初步运用学习情态动词can对能力的行为进行描述。 按照海报的基本要素来描述他人和自己的才能,为活动设计创意海报或广告。 3.横向知识关联: (1 )复习七年级上相关词汇; (2 )本单元反复出现情态动词can的用法,为八年级can的其它用法打基础。 教学结构图:
语篇 课型 课时 课时目标 评价任务
Section A 1a-2c 听说课 第一课时 通过情景对话,运用本单元目标语言谈论自己和他人能力并加入适当的俱乐部,提升语言运用能力。 通过听前审题,能够大致预测听力内容,提高听力理解能力。 通过Pair-work的形式自我能力谈论,评价学生的对目标句型的认知;通过可视化思维工具整理重点短语,评价学生对课堂内容的理解与整合;通过听力联系,评价学生准确使用本单元功能性语言。
Section A 2d-3c 语法课 第二课时 通过正确使用情态动词can开展提问及回答;正确使用what引导的疑问句询问他人能力; 通过读课文找出描述能力的句子,评价学生对目标句型的认知;通过提取描述能力的关键信息,并完成问题,评价学生的信息提取和整合能力;在图片和文字提示下,复述课文,评价学生对语言结构和词汇的理解;通过编写对话和角色表演进行口头输出,评价学生的英语思维和语言表达能力。
Section B 1a-1f 听说课 第三课时 通过速记的方式,能够完成听力填词任务,提高听力填词的能力。 同过小组调查活动,运用所学短语和语言结构,表述自己在音乐方面具备和不具备的能力。 通过问题启发式评价引导学生,评价学生对语篇主题的理解;通过个人思考和合作交流,评价学生主动参与到学习中的能力。
Section B 2a-2e 读写课 第四课时 通过快速阅读,能够抓住关键词并获取文章大意; 同过细读文章,能够梳理文章的具体信息; 通过分析文章结构,能够学会写招聘广告。 通过问题启发式评价引导学生从整体到具体的认识,评价学生对文本的理解和信息提取能力;通过读文章,定位、获取、整合信息,评价学生对文章的理解和信息整合的能力;通过对话编写和角色表演进行口头输出,并通过书面表达的形式,评价学生对句型的掌握
Section B 3a-Self check 写作课 第五课时 能够布局谋篇,运用写作策略构思,起草海报; 通过小组讨论,能够乐于与同伴分享,接纳建议并修改作文,提高写作的自我效能感。 通过书面表达的形式,评价学生写作的能力。
第4课时 教学设计
课型 听说课口 语法课口 阅读课√ 写作课口 其它课__________
教材(语篇)分析: 【what】 本节课是一节阅读课。 【why】 阅读篇幅由简单的俱乐部招募广告拓展到某些大型活动的人才招募海报。通过阅读进一步巩固所学语言,为下节课输出性写作活动作铺垫。 【how】 2a-2c是一个于都任务链活动。首先通过2a读前活动,引导学生对自己的能力进行自我介绍,这三个短小片段与2b阅读文章紧密相关。2b是三则招募广告,阅读活动渗透了概括篇章大意的阅读策略。2c活动将读前活动与阅读文章练习起来,让学生为招募广澳选择合适的招募对象。
学情分析: 自然情况 通过前三节课听、说、读等形式的训练学习,学生对实用情态动词can询问和谈论能力,已经有了一定的语言基础。 (二)已有基础 学生在之前的学习过程中已经对情态动词can 的用法和句式有了一定的了解。
初一学生语言基础薄弱,已有词汇量较小,缺乏阅读策略,加之本课新词汇较多,因此在新语境中综合运用已有知识来获取新知识,对学生来说存在一定的难度。 (四)解决措施 教师应该根据学生特点和本课具体内容精心设置学习任务,引导学生运用阅读策略,层层深入理解语篇,获取所需信息,为本节课的学习也为下一届教学任务打好基础。
教学目标: 通过本课学习,学生能够: 学生能掌握本课重点和短语also,people,help sb with sth, center ,home , today , be godo with ,make ,make friends ,on weekend/on the weekend ,teach .(学习理解) 学生能进一步巩固并熟练运用情态动词can的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。 (应用实践) 学生能读懂招募各种不同人才的招募广告,掌握通过快速阅读,抓关键词了解文章的阅读策略,在老师的引导下完成阅读任务,通过阅读分析,了解招募广告文体结构,能够清楚地表达自己的需求和要求。 (迁移创新)
教学重难点 重点:掌握本课重点词汇,读懂招募广告,会用英语介绍自己的爱好与特长。 难点:弄清招募广告文体结构。
学习活动设计 教师活动学生活动环节一:Activity 1 教师活动1 Greetings Enjoy the song Can you fly Free talk . A:What can you do B: I can .. A: What club do you want to join B: I wan to join the ...club . 学生活动1 Enjoy the song students answer the questions quickly 活动意图说明: 用复习的方法导入新课,教师可以检查学生对学过知识的掌握情况,学生也课在对话练习过程轻松进入新课的学习。英语歌曲的选择达到了寓教于乐的目的,符合(课标》中要求的即从学生的兴趣出发,又具备易操作的特点。 环节二:Activity 2 教师活动2 Presentation Show some pictures to the students to learn the new words . Can you read them Can you understand them T:Today let’s meet three new friends. Who are they Can you find their names ? Yes , they are Peter , Alan and Ma Huan . What can they do Now read the descriptions and underline what they can do . 学生活动2 Learn the new words . Students discuss and answer . 活动意图说明: 结合图片教授新词,形象、直观,便于学生理解。使用情态动词can的问句导入新课既可以巩固目标语言,又可以自然地把学生引入学习任务中。 环节三:Activity 3 教的活动3 Work on 2a Fast reading Read the three descriptions about Peter ,Alan and Ma Huan . Answer the answers . Check the answers 学的活动3 Ask and answer . 活动意图说明: 学生通过快速阅读课文,找出三人名字。教师渗透快速阅读策略,先读问题,在读文章,锁定关键词 环节四:Activity 4 教的活动4 Careful reading Read 2a again and answer the questions Check the answers. Let some students read and what Peter can do Then let students aloud what Mahuan and Alan can do . Let students work in pairs to ask and answer questions about what they can do . 学的活动4 Read aloud . Ask and answer . 学的活动3 1. Ss observe the images and understand the situation. 2. Ss complete the questions and answers using past future tense. 活动意图说明: 这是一个巩固性活动,通过朗读和对话形式使学生对语篇加深理解,也为下一环节的阅读做好准备。 环节五:Activity 5 教的活动5 Work on 2b Fast reading Read and match the activities with the pictures. Help to teach music Talk to old people and play games with them. Help with sports for English-speaking students. 学的活动5 Read e and finish the task . Ask and answer . 活动意图说明: 学生快速阅读活动,抓关键词,教师渗透快速阅读策略:通过理解关键词理解活动大意,锁定关键词,为下一步阅读2b做好学法指导。 环节六:Activity 6 教的活动6 careful reading Read the text and find the key words . Teacher gives an example . Have students finish the other two . Read 2b again .Finish the task Check the answers with the class . 学的活动6 Read the text and explain . 活动意图说明: 学生快速阅读课文,找出关键词。教师渗透快速阅读策略;通过理解关键词理解文章大意,从而判断合适的题目。 环节七:Activity 7 教的活动7 Detailed reading Read the ads and answer the questions . If you want to help the old people , what can you do If you want to help with sports for English-speaking students , who can you call If you want to be a music teacher , what telephone number can you call 学的活动7 Discuss 活动意图说明: 短文阅读,一般通过“wh-”问题来掌握文章细节,引导学生在语篇情境中加深对语法功能的理解,完成阅读任务,提高阅读能力,突破can的特殊疑问。 环节八:activity 8教的活动:Read loudly Read the ads after the teacher . Read the ads together . Read the ads by yourself . 学的活动: Group work 活动意图说明: 阅读理解较简单,流利的朗读又助于培养学生的预感,同时使学生更加熟练地掌握语言结构,为写作准备。
板书设计 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section B 2a-2c help sb with sth =help sb do sth be good with also 与too also用于句子中间;而too常用于句子末尾。 on the weekend =on weekends.
分层作业设计 基础巩固: Finish some exercises . 设计意图:熟记本课重点单词和短语。 能力提升: 我们班想办个人风采专栏,请大家介绍一下自己喜欢做的事情,以及自己的特长。 句型提示:I like … I can … 设计意图:在语境中填写单词,提高学生对目标语言的运用能力。
教学反思与改进 本节课我们重点学习了解了招募各种不同人才的招募广告,同学们学会了通过快速阅读,抓关键词了解文章大意的阅读策略并在老师的引导下顺利完成了阅读任务。我们通过对比分析、讲练结合,掌握了本课大量的语言知识,对语篇结构的分析使大家明白,招募广告包括招募对象,技能要求,练习方式三个方面的内容。
Unit 1
Can you play the guitar
Section B
Enjoy the song
Can you fly
old people’s home
Students’ Sports Center
make friends
Read the three descriptions about Peter, Alan and Ma Huan. Underline what they can do.
1. Who likes to play basketball
2. Who likes to talk and play games with people
3. Who is in the school music club
Ma Huan.
1. What can Peter do
2. What can Ma Huan do
3. What can Alan do
He can speak English and play soccer.
Read 2a again and answer the questions.
She can play ping-pong and chess.
He can play the guitar and the piano.
Step1 Pre-reading Free talk
There are three ads. Asking for your help.
What can you do
Think, Which ad. are you interested in it
If every share a little love,
the world will be better.
Step2 While-reading
Read 2b again. Circle the key words and match the titles with the ad.
A. Help for Old People
B. Music Teacher Wanted
C. Help with Sports in English
We need help at the old people’s home. Are you free in July Are you good with old people Can you talk to them and play games with them They can tell you stories, and you can make friends. It is interesting and fun! Please call us at 689-7729 today!
Are you busy after school No Can you speak English Yes Then we need you to help with sports for English-speaking students. It is relaxing and easy! Please come to the Students’ Sports Center. Call Mr. Brown at 293-7742.
Can you play the piano or the violin Do you have time on the weekend The school needs help to teach music. It is not difficult! Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721.
Read 2a and 2b again. Match a person in 2a with an ad in 2b.
Peter _______
Alan _______
Ma Huan _______
Step3 While-reading
detail reading
Pay attention to the details
Read this ad. again then answer the questions below.
A. Help for Old People
We need help at the old people’s home. Are you free in July Are you good with old people Can you talk to them and play games with them They can tell you stories, and you can make friends. It is interesting and fun! Please call us at 689-7729 today!
1.Where do they need help
2. When do they need help
3. What do you need to do
At the old people's home.
In July
To talk with the old people and play games with them.
C. Help with Sports in English
Are you busy after school No Can you
speak English Yes Then we need you
to help with sports for English-speaking
students. It is relaxing and easy! Please
come to the Students’ Sports Center. Call
Mr. Brown at 293-7742.
T or F
1.Helping with sports is interesting and fun! ( )
2.You can call Mrs. Brown at 293-7742 if you want to help with sports in Chinese. ( )
relaxing and easy
B.Music Teacher Wanted
Can you play the piano or the violin
Do you have time on the weekend
The school needs help to teach music.
It is not difficult. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721.
Language points
1. also 的用法。
also 意为“也;而且”,与too意思相同。
also 在句子中常放在句子的中间。
too 常放在句子的末尾,并用逗号与前句分开。
2. help (sb.) with sth. 在某方面帮某助某人
Can you help me with my English
也可以说help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事
Can you help me learn English
He wants to help the English-speaking students with sports.
3. be good with 擅于;对于……有办法
Ms. Brown is good with students.
Jack is not good with people.
4. make friends 交朋友
You can join a club and make friends.
make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友
Linda wants to make friends with them.
1.Are you_______children
2.I want _______the music club.
3.Cab you _______my English
4.Let's go to the park ________.
5.He often _______his mother________the housework.
6.They are friendly and I want to ________them.
make friends with
to join
help me with
good with
on the weekend
My name is Mike.
I like … I can …
句型提示:I like … I can …