

名称 上海市育才中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-17 09:43:07


英 语(2024.1)
I. Listening Comprehension 25%(1-10每题1分,11-20,每题1.5分)
Section A Short Conversations
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1.A. $1.50 B. $2 C. $3 D. $4.50
2.A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. At a police station. D. In a restaurant.
3.A. She had a headache. B. She had to stay in bed.
C. She went to look after Jane. D. She went to the dancing party.
4.A. Jack is clever. B. Tom is reliable.
C. Tom is honest. D. Jack is dependable.
5.A. To enjoy the nice weather. B. To put off the meeting.
C. To take up their study together. D. To start a project on weather change
6.A. Her car is in good condition. B. She is willing to lend them her car.
C. She would take them if she can. D. She prefers to go to the game on foot.
7.A. Try to find it in the house. B. Repair the roof.
C. Lend his friend a pen. D. Become extremely angry.
8.A. She works part-time this term.
B. She wants to become a scholar.
C. She needn't work part-time this term.
D. Her grades were not good enough for a scholarship.
9.A. The woman has temporarily forgotten the name of the record.
B. The name of the record is difficult to pronounce.
C. The record has been left somewhere.
D. The record is very popular nowadays.
10.A. Ile will continue his work on vacation. B. Papers will pile while he is on vacation.
C. He has too much work to do. D. He has made his vacation plans.
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
11.A. In 1815. B. In 1848. C. In 1850. D. In 1885.
12.A. To enjoy warm sunshine. B. To look for gold.
C. To hunt for good jobs. D. To spend holidays at the beach.
13.A. It has the most state colleges and universities in America.
B. It is a large city with more than four million people.
C. It is the largest state in land area throughout America.
D. It has a few high-technology companies.
14.A. ID card and passport-sized photo. B. Passport, ID card and the fee.
C. Passport and ID card. D. Passport-sized photo, ID card and the fee.
15.A. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. B. 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
C. 9 a.m. to 12 noon. D. 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
16.A. They should book the facilities over the phone.
B. They should use the facilities on weekends.
C. They should come in the morning on weekdays.
D. They should bring their membership cards with them.
17.A. Relaxing at the seashore. B. Visiting her parents.
C. Reading in the library. D. Going out hiking.
18.A. She was really tired out. B. The weather was too cold.
C. She had an appointment. D. She had schoolwork to do.
19.A. She was no longer interested. B. She was too tired to continue.
C. She had to finish her schoolwork. D. She had to go swimming.
20.A. She didn't want to take a risk. B. The water was too deep.
C. The water was too cold. D. She preferred doing something interesting.
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A 10%
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
The TERM “killjoy parents” has been trending on Chinese social media platforms as many young pcople complain that their parents would rather criticize than praise them for their accomplishments. One poster, for example, remarked that his parents said his high score in math wasn't good enough ____1____ several other students had scored higher. ____2____ complained that, after ____3____ (accept) into a “second-tier” university, the response he got for his father was “Congratulations. You got admitted to a garbage university.”
It’s a terrible feeling to have someone “burst your bubble” when you think they should be sharing your joy. And your parents, after all, are probably the people with ____4____ you most want to share the best moments in your life. But why do some parents seem to be so hard ____5____ (please)
I think a lot of it has to do with Chinese society. Parents know that life ____6____ be full of hardship and dificulties, and they want their children to be “hardened” to these realities. Another reason can probably be found deep in Chinese culture.
When I asked a Chinese friend why Chinese parents don’t praise their children, he said it’s because they don't want to bring their children bad luck. He told me the story of two women sitting in a park and watching their children play. One of the mothers said to the other, “Your boy is so handsome and healthy.” That other mother replied, “No, he’s very ugly and he’s a very sickly child.” The mother, my friend explained, didn't want her son praised in case the “gods” heard and punished him. It's an old superstition (迷信), but it does have some basis in fact.
American parents, at the other extreme, are taught to ever criticize their children because it may hurt their feelings—their self-esteem. Instead, they ____7____ (tell) to always praise their children, even for failure. Psychologists now believe this is a bad idea. According to one study, too much praise can result in negative effects. ____8____ kids with low self-esteem felt even worse about themselves, kids with high self-esteem became narcissistic or self-centered. Moreover, children who got too much praise were ____9____ (likely) to take risks, were unable to deal with failure and tended to give up when faced with challenges.
Stacey and Toby aren’t the only people to be welcoming Mariella’s app. It’s now got thousands of users, and she’s working long days to balance it with her A-level studies. The time difference from New York to her school in Rugby, Warwickshire, means she sets her alarm for 5am.
_____10_____ (have) “killjoy parents” may not be enjoyable, but it’s important to recognize that their seemingly critical nature doesn't negate the love they have for you. In their hearts, they genuinely share in your joy.
Section B 20%
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.
A. attractive B. conclude C. different D. described E. replace F. experience G. appropriate H. displayed I. imagination J. create K. expand
Game Designer Tries to Reinvent the Classics
Scottish game designer Simon Meek’s idea of “playing through” literary classics seems ridiculous (荒谬的). In practice, however, his work of transforming the world’s greatest literature into something on a gaming device is quite ___11___ from developing a new game.
Meek and his company are actually creating digital adaptations, works that put readers inside the scenes of a classic and ask them to ___12___ the story from inside out. They want to do for the video game generation what public broadcast television did for the television generation, adapting great works of literature into something that could ___13___ their reach.
“We use a combination of original art and game engines to ___14___ some truly stunning (极具吸引力的) environments. Add to that audio design, and the world of a book is brought to life, explains Meek, “On this stage, we let the player actively absorb the story.” Sections of the book’s original text will also be occasionally ___15___ on the screen “when words are best placed to tell the story,” he adds.
In one scene in Wuthering Heights (《呼啸山庄)》), for example, players will find themselves in Catherine Linton’s room. They can see everything that is ___16___ in the book, such as the furniture consisting of a chair, a wardrobe and a large wooden case. Words taken directly form the book float into view at the ___17___ time, like “In vapid listlessness, I leant my head against the window.” Players can hear the wind outside, described in the book as howling (怒者的).
Where a book leans on a reader’s ___18___ to fill in the gaps between the words on a page, these digital adaptations paint a complete picture. Does that mean a player won’t feel the need to go and read the original text
“We’re not looking at digital adaptation as a way to ___19___ books,” says Meek. “It would be great if they inspired people to read the original text. We want our adaptations to make classic stories more ___20___ to a modern audience and eventually open them up to new readers.”
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.
A. concern B. beneficial C. original D. striking E. deliver F. positive G. initial H. converted I. master J. ties K. put
AMERICAN SINGER-SONGWRITER Lauv has released a new Korean version of his single “Love U Like That,” created with the help of AI voice technology. He enlisted the help of the Korean singer Kevin Woo, who aided with the translation of the song and recorded vocals.
Kevin’s voice singing the translation was recorded first. It was then arranged to match the sound ___21___. AI voice technology was then used to match Lauv’s voice, and Kevin’s Korean version was ___22___ into Lauv’s voice.
“To help them build the model of my voice, I sent over a bunch of raw vocals that were just me singing in different registers (声区),” Lauv said. “It was very interesting to hear my voice like that. I gave a couple of notes-very minor things-after hearing the ___23___ version. And then they went back and made some modifications (修改).”
Lauv is the first major Western artist to jump on the AI translation bandwagon (加入潮流). He wants the new translated version of “Love U Like That” to be a way of showing his love to his Korean fan base. Although large numbers of fans around the world listen to English music musicians have noticed that some international audiences are increasingly turning their interest back to music in their local language - a trend they have nicknamed “Glocalization.” As a result, some AI voice synthesis (合成) companies are working to ___24___ translation. English-speaking artists can now join this growing movement and establish closer ___25___ with international fans.
It is an important moment for the music business. A series of deepfake (深度伪造) songs that mimic the vocals of real stars have caused a stir. The most ___26___ example is the one claimed to be sung by two major artists, Drake and The Weekend. At the same time, it is also becoming very clear that not all uses of AI in music are a cause for ___27___. An artist’s “voiceprint” can also be used in a/an ___28___ way. Earlier this month, we saw The Beatles release their final song “Now and Then” (an instant No.1 chart hit, unsurprisingly), an AI-assisted salvage (抢救) of the voice from a 40-year-old cassette recording. AI tech can indeed enhance musicians’ work and ___29___ a positive contribution to the future of music.
In an interview, Lauv also touched on his openness about the use of AI in music. “I truly believe that the only way forward is to embrace what is possible now, no matter what. I think being able to embrace a tool like this is ___30___. And being able to get artists paid is great,” he said.
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A 15%
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Pasta: Loved the World Over
What is the world’s favorite when it comes to food According to a global survey by the U.K. based charity Oxfam, pasta is number one, ahead of meat, rice and pizza. ___31___ being popular in European countries, pasta is one of the favorites in countries such as the Philippines, Brazil and South Africa.
Global sales figures also ___32___ the world’s love afrair with pasta — they have risen from U.S. $13bn in 2003 to U.S. $16bn in 2010. Analysts predict sales will hit U.S.$19bn by 2015, ___33___ rising wheat costs.
So how did the dish so closely ___34___ ltaly become a staple of so many tables around the globe
It’s because it is cheap versatile and convenient, says Jim Winship from the U.K.-based Pizza, Pasta and ltalian Food Association. A sauce to go with it can be made from simple ___35___.
“You can create lots of ___36___ dishes with it. It tastes good and it’s filling. It also has a long shelf life, so you can keep it in the larder (食品储藏室) ___37___ you need to put a meal together.”
But that’s only part of its success. Pasta is also relatively easy to ___38___ and transport around the world, making it a popular product with ___39___ as well.
“It’s always been a(n) ____40____ product,” says John Dickie, professor in Italian Studies at University College London and author of Delizia! A History of the ltalians and Their Food. “It is ____41____ one of the things that have contributed to its success — it’s easy to transport and has a long shelf life. It has ____42____ genes.”
Tim Lang, professor of food policy at City University London, says technological advances in the 19 century ____43____ pasta to be produced on a big scale. But the Industrial Revolution did that for everything else, he adds, and the reason pasta had been ____44____ successful was because people liked it and the ltalian way of life.
“It’s a(n) ____45____ phenomenon, not an industrial phenomenon,” he says. “People like the ltalian way of life and their simple staple foods.”
A. Instead of B. In case of C. As well as D. In terms of
A. detect B. reflect C. predict D. analyze
A. despite B. given C. as a result of D. in addition to
A. involving B. surrounding C. fixed in D. associated with
A. choices B. kitchens C. ingredients D. ideas
A. delicate B. different C. Italian D. challenging
A. if B. until C. as soon as D. whenever
A. cook B. recycle C. mass produce D. grow
A. food companies B. housewives C. children D. office workers
A. agricultural B. industrial C. eco-friendly D. healthy
A. definitely B. unlikely C. by no means D. merely
A. commercial B. cultural C. delicious D. artistic
A. urged B. advised C. allowed D. required
A. less B. particularly C. exclusively D. barely
A. economic B. regional C. cultural D. accidental
Section B 22%
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinjshed statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
Yes, I admit it. I’m a true, incurable book abuser (施虐人). I like to fold dog ears. I like to break my books open so that their backs crack.
I had a friend, who loved rubbing all the pages. I have another friend who is the exact opposite. She needs to keep her books completely new. I understand her. But once I get to know the book, I can’t help but show it some tough love. Because, believe me, although it sounds like I’m an abuser without a heart, that’s what it’s all about. Not hidden aggressions, or a lack of respect; not at all. Let me explain.
I have one book by my favourite author Diana Gabaldon that looks like rubbish. It’s completely wrinkled up from rain, and on its way to falling apart. I brought it like that to have her sign it. I hope she’s realised what an honour it is to her as a writer. It means, basically, that I’ve read the book to bits. I wouldn’t bother to mistreat books that don’t mean anything to me. Only the best books get read well, carried everywhere, worth intense reading where I’m so caught up with words that I will spill coffee over it.
For my further defense, I would like to call in a witness. I have a cook book. Like almost all my other cook books, it’s worn, and there are dirty marks of food in it. The book is called Tex-Mex-Food, Music and the Joy of Life from Texas. Just as the title suggests, this is more than a cook book.
These are the words on the very first page:
Tex-Mex hasn’t been trendy for over 30 years. Considering it’s anything but cheap in calories, it probably never will be, either. Tacos(墨西哥卷) are instead all about such an untrendy things as a love for life. It’s something you enjoy while spending time with your loved ones ...
We hope, therefore, that this cook book will soon be as dirty as a really old and used cook book should be.
Oh, how true! How wonderfully put! And it’s the same thing for books: whether you’re a book preserver or a book abuser, the approach is based on love and a joy for life. Because I believe all who are passionate about books, are passionate people.
46. According to the passage, the writer often does the following to his book except _________.
A. have it dog-eared
B. carry it everywhere
C. keep it tidy
D. have dirty marks in it
47. Why does the writer treat his favourite books badly
A. To cover up his disrespect for its author.
B. To conceal his aggressions to things around.
C. To express his objection to the book preserver.
D. To show his strong affection for the book.
48. The book Tex-Mex-Food, Music and the Joy of Life from Texas is mentioned by the writer to show that _________.
A. it is really common to have dirty marks in the cook book
B. Tex-Mex is not popular mainly because it’s low in calories
C. the writer is not alone with the view that books should be abused
D. one must try some food like Tex-Mex to experience the love for life
49 What’s the main idea of the passage
A. The defense of one who treats books badly.
B. The reasons why a certain book is preferred.
C. The book lovers’ different habits of reading.
D. The different ways to treat different books.
When is the best time to...
You might think you’re in control of your schedule, but your body evolved to follow a natural rhythm. Sticking closer to that routine can help keep you in tiptoe shape.
①Drink coffee
Sipping caffeine is best early in the day. Consumed later, it can reset your body’s clock and prevent sleep. If you’re sure you can take a shot of espresso at 8 p.m. and be snoring by 10, try skipping the caffeine for a few weeks to see what a night of truly good rest feels like.
It’s best to eat your biggest meal carly, contrary to a typical American day. Insulin – the hormone that regulates metabolism – peaks in the first half of the day, then steadily drops. So your blood sugar is less likely to skyrocket after a big breakfast than after a comparable dinner.
Around 8 or 9 p.m. our bodies start to cool down, and we sleep better when we have a low core body temperature. But how much shut-eye is ideal Studies show that those who get six and a half to eight hours are less likely to die prematurely. Eight hours seems to be perfect.
Some people prefer early-morning jogs. But muscle tone is highest around 5 p.m. It is even the same with professional ones: West Coast NFL teams won more often and by a higher margin in matches after 8 p.m. on the East Coast. Still on Pacific time, their bodies were prepared to play.
⑤Be creative
The evolution of language, religion, and philosophy all started with late-night talks. So save that short story you’ve been meaning to write for a dark and restless night.
⑥Do math
Scientists think we reach maximum alertness between l0 a.m. and 2 p.m., with a peak around noon. For the first few hours after we wake, organs with more basic functions take priority. Once they get activated, our brains have a chance to obtain more energy.
50. The author suggests people who drink coffee late in the day _____.
A. go to bed without drinking coffee
B. break their habit and go to bed early
C. stick to their habit to have a truly good sleep
D. go to bed just two hours after drinking coffee
51. Joanna is a promising young writer whose microblog enjoys one million followers. What is probably the best time for her to writer inspiring stories for her fans
A. 8 a.m. B. 10 a.m. C. 6 p.m. D. 11 p.m.
52. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage
A. Having a higher body temperature helps people sleep better.
B. Students should work on their math tasks as soon as they get up because their brain works best at the time.
C. Professional athletes are likely to achieve better results when training in the late afternoon than in the early morning.
D. Americans usually have their biggest meal in the morning.
They say the average person makes 35,000 decisions a day. Yet in her new book, How Woman Decide, Therese Huston explores a widespread phenomenon that many women fail to notice. “There’s a huge double standard when it comes to how men and women are viewed as decision-makers,” explains Therese, a psychologist from Seattle University. Therese decided to write the book after looking at her bookshelf: At one end, there were bestselling books about how to be a clever decision-maker — all written by men and featuring interviews with men like athletes. At the other end were books aimed at women on gaining leadership skills and confidence.
“Once those women are at the table, will their decisions be taken as seriously as men’s ” Therese wondered. “Men are respected as decision-makers more than women, especially in the workplace, largely because there’s this cultural belief that women are unable to make smart choices at work.”
So, Therese set out to pick apart the stereotypes to see what scientific research had found. “Scientific research shows that men and women struggle with decision-making equally. The only disadvantage I found was that during the teenage years — teenage girls are more indecisive than teenage boys. Otherwise, there’s little difference between the genders.”
However, there are some differences. “Women are more collaborative,” says Therese. “A female boss is more likely to ask the opinions of those around her when making a choice. Women ask for input, which helps make better decisions. However, this is often seen as a weakness rather than a strength.”
Therese also found that during times of stress, men and women make different choices, and the outcomes are often better when women are involved.
Study after study backs this view up. Neuroscientists Mara Mather and Nicole Lighthall from the University of Southern California studied the way men and women make decisions and found that in times of stress, they react very differently.
During their study, which involved playing a virtual gambling game, they found that when the females became stressed, they made smart decisions — quitting while they were ahead or taking safe bets. But when the men became stressed, they did the opposite, risking everything for a slim chance of a big win.
53 Therese Huston wrote the book How women Decide because she finds that ____________.
A. Women are less respected as decision makers.
B. Women are not equally treated in workplaces.
C. Women are unable to make smart choices.
D. Women are poor at making big decisions.
54. According to Therese Huston, what is women’s weakness in decision-making
A. Men can make quicker decisions than women.
B. Women easily get stressed when making decisions.
C. Women are likely to ask for input when making decisions.
D. Teenage girls are less able to make decisions than teenage boys.
55. What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. Women show less confidence in times of stress.
B. Men tend to make risky decisions in times of stress.
C. Men demonstrate great bravery in times of stress.
D. Women quit making decisions when ahead in games.
56. What’s the main idea of the passage
A. Women are brilliant as decision makers.
B. Men are weaker in making smart decisions.
C. We should give up all cultural beliefs about gender.
D. Great difference exists between the two genders in decision-making.
Section C 8%
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences in the box. Each sentence can only be used once. Note that there are two sentences more than you need.
Soaps are still big business today. A television soap such as The Bold and the Beautiful (an American television soap opera created by William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell for CBS) airs in nearly 100 countries with more than 350 million viewers daily.
People need to be able to identify with the characters and situations in a soap and relate what they see to their own lives Everything needs to be exaggerated slightly to make the people and their lives more exciting than real life.
A good soap needs friction, with characters of different ages involved in dramatic situations.
According to the editor of Inside Soap magazine, all successful soaps use the same six or seven character types. ___57___.
Soaps need a way to make sure that people will watch the next episode (a television or radio program that is one of series of programs in which the same story is continued each week). An episode always needs to end with a dramatic moment that won’t be resolved until the next episode. ___58___. Will the couple get together Will the hero be rescued This is called a cliff-hanger.
We are all interested in other people’s lives, and soaps are an entertaining way to see into the lives of ordinary people. ___59___. We can talk about soaps at school or at work with friends, sharing predictions and opinions.
They are usually on at the same time of day, so they become part of our daily routine. Families often watch soaps together at mealtimes so they can talk about what’s happening to the characters.
___60___. When people become addicted to soaps, they often can’t distinguish between fact and fiction. Soaps make life seem exciting, so they can depress people who think their own lives are boring in comparison.
Soaps help us survive in the world by showing us situations that we might have to deal with. They inform their audience about a range of issues. Talking about your own problems can be difficult, so it’s often easier to talk about your own problems by talking about soap opera problems.
A. What will happen next
B. Soaps are also something that can be shared
C. Gossiping about soaps is popular and very healthy
D. They’re usually extreme examples of people we see every day
E. Soaps can be addictive and can have a negative effect on people
F. Soaps also help viewers communicate with people around them
IV. Directions: Fill in the blank with a proper connective. 5%
61. Friends, which ran for ten seasons from 1994 to 2004, has not become any less popular ________ it went off the air. (用适当的词填空)
62. There are birds which kick their young out at an early stage ________ ________ they can produce new chicks. (用适当的词填空)
63. You have to let us struggle for ourselves, ________ ________ we must die in the process. (用适当的词填空)
64. Other animals can do whatever they feel like ________ ________ ________ they don’t hurt the capybaras. (用适当的词填空)
65. There is no better place to get delicious, filling, fun and glorious food ________ in one of the many wet markets in Shanghai. (用适当的词填空)
V. Translation: 15%(3+3+4+5)
66. 这项测试的目的就是看看学生们是否能够应用已学的知识。(capable)(汉译英)
67. 你怎么能把自己犯的错误怪罪到别人身上?(blame) (汉译英)
68. 尽管医生劝他卧床休息,他还是去上班了,因为他渴望成功。(despite) (汉译英)
69. 他一进入高中就决定努力学习,不再玩游戏了。(determine) (汉译英)
position: 20%
70. 学校举行作文比赛以你身边敬爱或爱戴的人为题,写一篇短文参赛。(字数150)
英 语(2024.1)
I. Listening Comprehension 25%(1-10每题1分,11-20,每题1.5分)
Section A Short Conversations
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1.A. $1.50 B. $2 C. $3 D. $4.50
2.A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. At a police station. D. In a restaurant.
3.A. She had a headache. B. She had to stay in bed.
C. She went to look after Jane. D. She went to the dancing party.
4.A. Jack is clever. B. Tom is reliable.
C. Tom is honest. D. Jack is dependable.
5.A. To enjoy the nice weather. B. To put off the meeting.
C. To take up their study together. D. To start a project on weather change
6.A. Her car is in good condition. B. She is willing to lend them her car.
C. She would take them if she can. D. She prefers to go to the game on foot.
7.A. Try to find it in the house. B. Repair the roof.
C Lend his friend a pen. D. Become extremely angry.
8.A. She works part-time this term.
B. She wants to become a scholar.
C. She needn't work part-time this term.
D. Her grades were not good enough for a scholarship.
9.A. The woman has temporarily forgotten the name of the record.
B. The name of the record is difficult to pronounce.
C. The record has been left somewhere.
D. The record is very popular nowadays.
10.A. Ile will continue his work on vacation. B. Papers will pile while he is on vacation.
C. He has too much work to do. D. He has made his vacation plans.
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
11.A. In 1815. B. In 1848. C. In 1850. D. In 1885.
12.A. To enjoy warm sunshine. B. To look for gold.
C. To hunt for good jobs. D. To spend holidays at the beach.
13.A. It has the most state colleges and universities in America.
B. It is a large city with more than four million people.
C. It is the largest state in land area throughout America.
D. It has a few high-technology companies.
14.A. ID card and passport-sized photo. B. Passport, ID card and the fee.
C. Passport and ID card. D. Passport-sized photo, ID card and the fee.
15.A. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. B. 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
C. 9 a.m. to 12 noon. D. 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
16.A. They should book the facilities over the phone.
B. They should use the facilities on weekends.
C. They should come in the morning on weekdays.
D. They should bring their membership cards with them.
17.A. Relaxing at the seashore. B. Visiting her parents.
C. Reading in the library. D. Going out hiking.
18.A. She was really tired out. B. The weather was too cold.
C She had an appointment. D. She had schoolwork to do.
19.A. She was no longer interested. B. She was too tired to continue.
C. She had to finish her schoolwork. D. She had to go swimming.
20.A. She didn't want to take a risk. B. The water was too deep.
C. The water was too cold. D. She preferred doing something interesting.
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A 10%
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
The TERM “killjoy parents” has been trending on Chinese social media platforms as many young pcople complain that their parents would rather criticize than praise them for their accomplishments. One poster, for example, remarked that his parents said his high score in math wasn't good enough ____1____ several other students had scored higher. ____2____ complained that, after ____3____ (accept) into a “second-tier” university, the response he got for his father was “Congratulations. You got admitted to a garbage university.”
It’s a terrible feeling to have someone “burst your bubble” when you think they should be sharing your joy. And your parents, after all, are probably the people with ____4____ you most want to share the best moments in your life. But why do some parents seem to be so hard ____5____ (please)
I think a lot of it has to do with Chinese society. Parents know that life ____6____ be full of hardship and dificulties, and they want their children to be “hardened” to these realities. Another reason can probably be found deep in Chinese culture.
When I asked a Chinese friend why Chinese parents don’t praise their children, he said it’s because they don't want to bring their children bad luck. He told me the story of two women sitting in a park and watching their children play. One of the mothers said to the other, “Your boy is so handsome and healthy.” That other mother replied, “No, he’s very ugly and he’s a very sickly child.” The mother, my friend explained, didn't want her son praised in case the “gods” heard and punished him. It's an old superstition (迷信), but it does have some basis in fact.
American parents, at the other extreme, are taught to ever criticize their children because it may hurt their feelings—their self-esteem. Instead, they ____7____ (tell) to always praise their children, even for failure. Psychologists now believe this is a bad idea. According to one study, too much praise can result in negative effects. ____8____ kids with low self-esteem felt even worse about themselves, kids with high self-esteem became narcissistic or self-centered. Moreover, children who got too much praise were ____9____ (likely) to take risks, were unable to deal with failure and tended to give up when faced with challenges.
Stacey and Toby aren’t the only people to be welcoming Mariella’s app. It’s now got thousands of users, and she’s working long days to balance it with her A-level studies. The time difference from New York to her school in Rugby, Warwickshire, means she sets her alarm for 5am.
_____10_____ (have) “killjoy parents” may not be enjoyable, but it’s important to recognize that their seemingly critical nature doesn't negate the love they have for you. In their hearts, they genuinely share in your joy.
【答案】1. because
2. Another 3. being accepted
4. whom 5. to please
6. can##may##might
7. are told
8. While##Though##Although
9. less likely
10. Having
考查非谓语动词。句意同上。分析句子可知,after是介词,后接动名词作宾语,accept与逻辑主语he是被动关系,故用动名词的被动式,故填being accepted。
考查定语从句。句意:毕竟,你的父母很可能是你最想与之分享生命中最美好的时刻的人。分析句子结构可知,此处为关系词引导的定语从句,先行词为the people,指人,作介词with的宾语,用关系代词whom,所以此处应使用“with whom”引导定语从句。故填whom。
考查不定式。句意:但为什么有些父母似乎很难取悦 分析句子可知,形容词后用不定式作状语,不定式与主语是动名词关系,用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义,故填to please。
考查情态动词。句意:父母知道生活可能充满艰辛和困难,他们希望自己的孩子能够坚强地面对这些现实。分析句子结构可知,此空后为动词原形,所以此处应使用情态动词,结合句意以及下文的can probably可知,此处表示的是“可能”且表示的是现在的情况,应使用情态动词can或may或might。故填can/may/might。
考查时态语态。句意:相反,他们被告知要永远表扬他们的孩子,即使是失败的。分析句子可知,tell是谓语动词,与主语they(指代前文的their children)是被动关系,文章讲述现在的事实用一般现在时,主语they是复数,谓语动词用复数,故填are told。
考查形容词比较级。句意:此外,得到太多表扬的孩子不太可能冒险,无法应对失败,面对挑战时往往会放弃。分析句子结构可知,此处为形容词作表语,根据句意以及“kids with low self-esteem felt even worse about themselves”可知,此处应使用形容词的比较级,结合下文中的“were unable to deal with failure”可知,此处表示的是“不太可能”应为less likely。故填less likely。
考查非谓语动词。句意:拥有“扫兴的父母”可能并不令人愉快,但重要的是要认识到,他们看似挑剔的本性并不能否定他们对你的爱。分析句子可知,“(have) “killjoy parents””是主语,用动名词形式,故填Having。
Section B 20%
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.
A. attractive B. conclude C. different D. described E. replace F. experience G. appropriate H. displayed I. imagination J. create K. expand
Game Designer Tries to Reinvent the Classics
Scottish game designer Simon Meek’s idea of “playing through” literary classics seems ridiculous (荒谬的). In practice, however, his work of transforming the world’s greatest literature into something on a gaming device is quite ___11___ from developing a new game.
Meek and his company are actually creating digital adaptations, works that put readers inside the scenes of a classic and ask them to ___12___ the story from inside out. They want to do for the video game generation what public broadcast television did for the television generation, adapting great works of literature into something that could ___13___ their reach.
“We use a combination of original art and game engines to ___14___ some truly stunning (极具吸引力的) environments. Add to that audio design, and the world of a book is brought to life, explains Meek, “On this stage, we let the player actively absorb the story.” Sections of the book’s original text will also be occasionally ___15___ on the screen “when words are best placed to tell the story,” he adds.
In one scene in Wuthering Heights (《呼啸山庄)》), for example, players will find themselves in Catherine Linton’s room. They can see everything that is ___16___ in the book, such as the furniture consisting of a chair, a wardrobe and a large wooden case. Words taken directly form the book float into view at the ___17___ time, like “In vapid listlessness, I leant my head against the window.” Players can hear the wind outside, described in the book as howling (怒者的).
Where a book leans on a reader’s ___18___ to fill in the gaps between the words on a page, these digital adaptations paint a complete picture. Does that mean a player won’t feel the need to go and read the original text
“We’re not looking at digital adaptation as a way to ___19___ books,” says Meek. “It would be great if they inspired people to read the original text. We want our adaptations to make classic stories more ___20___ to a modern audience and eventually open them up to new readers.”
【答案】11. C 12. F
13. K 14. J
15. H 16. D
17. G 18. I
19. E 20. A
【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了苏格兰游戏设计师Simon Meek将世界上最伟大的文学作品转化为游戏设备上的内容的目的和意义。
考查形容词。句意:然而在实践中,他将世界上最伟大的文学作品转化为游戏设备上的内容与开发一款新游戏是完全不同的。结合上下文可知,该空处意思为“不同的”,故用形容词different ,be different form“与……不同”。故选C。
考查动词语态。句意:他补充说,“当文字最适合讲述故事的时候”,书中的部分原文也会偶尔在屏幕上显示出来。结合上下文可知,该空处意思为“显示”,且与主语Sections of the book’s original text为被动关系,需用动词display的过去分词形式,与空前的will和be构成一般将来时的被动语态。故选H。
考查名词。句意:当一本书依靠读者的想象力来填补书页上文字之间的空白时,这些数字改编作品描绘了一幅完整的画面。结合上下文可知,该空处意思为“想象力”,需用名词imagination,作leans on的宾语。故选I。
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.
A. concern B. beneficial C. original D. striking E. deliver F. positive G. initial H. converted I. master J. ties K. put
AMERICAN SINGER-SONGWRITER Lauv has released a new Korean version of his single “Love U Like That,” created with the help of AI voice technology. He enlisted the help of the Korean singer Kevin Woo, who aided with the translation of the song and recorded vocals.
Kevin’s voice singing the translation was recorded first. It was then arranged to match the sound ___21___. AI voice technology was then used to match Lauv’s voice, and Kevin’s Korean version was ___22___ into Lauv’s voice.
“To help them build the model of my voice, I sent over a bunch of raw vocals that were just me singing in different registers (声区),” Lauv said. “It was very interesting to hear my voice like that. I gave a couple of notes-very minor things-after hearing the ___23___ version. And then they went back and made some modifications (修改).”
Lauv is the first major Western artist to jump on the AI translation bandwagon (加入潮流). He wants the new translated version of “Love U Like That” to be a way of showing his love to his Korean fan base. Although large numbers of fans around the world listen to English music musicians have noticed that some international audiences are increasingly turning their interest back to music in their local language - a trend they have nicknamed “Glocalization.” As a result, some AI voice synthesis (合成) companies are working to ___24___ translation. English-speaking artists can now join this growing movement and establish closer ___25___ with international fans.
It is an important moment for the music business. A series of deepfake (深度伪造) songs that mimic the vocals of real stars have caused a stir. The most ___26___ example is the one claimed to be sung by two major artists, Drake and The Weekend. At the same time, it is also becoming very clear that not all uses of AI in music are a cause for ___27___. An artist’s “voiceprint” can also be used in a/an ___28___ way. Earlier this month, we saw The Beatles release their final song “Now and Then” (an instant No.1 chart hit, unsurprisingly), an AI-assisted salvage (抢救) of the voice from a 40-year-old cassette recording. AI tech can indeed enhance musicians’ work and ___29___ a positive contribution to the future of music.
In an interview, Lauv also touched on his openness about the use of AI in music. “I truly believe that the only way forward is to embrace what is possible now, no matter what. I think being able to embrace a tool like this is ___30___. And being able to get artists paid is great,” he said.
【答案】21. C 22. H 23. G 24. I 25. J 26. D 27. A 28. F 29. K 30. B
【导语】本文是新闻报道。美国创作歌手Lauv利用人工智能语音技术制作的歌曲《Love U Like That》的韩国版正式发行。制作音乐加入人工智能引起了轰动。
考查名词。句意:然后,它被安排与原版匹配。根据“the translation was recorded first”可知,先录制翻译版再匹配原版。名词original“原件,原稿”符合题意,作宾语,此处特指这首歌的原版,应用单数形式,故选C。
考查动词。句意:然后使用人工智能语音技术来匹配Lauv的声音,并将Kevin的韩语版本转换成Lauv的声音。根据“into Lauv’s voice.”可知,将Kevin的韩语版本转换成Lauv的声音。convert“转换”,和主语version构成被动关系,空处填过去分词和was构成一般过去时的被动语态,故选H。
考查形容词。句意:在听到最初的版本后,我给出了一些备注——非常小的事情。根据“I sent over a bunch of raw vocals”可知,此处是指最初的版本。名词version前用形容词作定语,initial“最初的”符合题意,故选G。
考查动词。句意:因此,一些人工智能语音合成公司正在努力掌握翻译。动词不定式后用动词原形,根据“ establish closer 5 with international fans.”可知,掌握翻译就能和国际粉丝有跟紧密联系,master表示“掌握”,空处填动词原形和to构成不定式作目的状语,故选I。
考查名词。句意:说英语的艺术家现在可以加入这个不断发展的运动,并与国际粉丝建立更紧密的联系。根据“with international fans.”可知,此处是指和国际粉丝建立联系,名词tie“联系”符合题意,根据主语artists可知联系不止一个,应用tie的复数形式。故选J。
考查形容词。句意:最引人注目的例子是由两位著名艺人德雷克和周末演唱的那首歌。根据“A series of deepfake(深度伪造) songs that mimic the vocals of real stars have caused a stir.”可知,模仿明星声音的深度伪造系列歌曲引起了轰动,下面举出两个引人注目的例子。名词example前用形容词作定语,striking“引人注目的”符合题意,故选D。
考查名词。句意:与此同时,也越来越清楚的是,并不是所有在音乐中使用人工智能都是令人担忧的。根据“A series of deepfake (深度伪造) songs that mimic the vocals of real stars have caused a stir.”和at the same time推知,空处陈述内容与上文相反,即不是所有在音乐中使用人工智能都是令人担忧的。名词concern“担忧”作宾语,符合题意。故选A。
考查形容词。句意:艺术家的“声纹”也可以以积极的方式被使用。根据“an AI-assisted salvage (抢救) of the voice from a 40-year-old cassette recording.”可知,这是积极的方面。形容词positive“积极的”符合题意,作定语修饰名词way,故选F。
考查动词。句意:人工智能技术确实可以提高音乐家的工作水平,并对音乐的未来做出积极贡献。根据“enhance musicians’ work ”可知,人工智能技术的优点是对音乐未来做出贡献。put a contribution to表示“对……作出贡献”,情态动词can后用动词原形。故选K。
考查形容词。句意:我认为能够接受这样的工具是有益的。根据“I truly believe that the only way forward is to embrace what is possible now, no matter what.”可知,音乐中接受使用人工智能技术是有益的。beneficial“有益的”作表语,符合题意,故选B。
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A 15%
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Pasta: Loved the World Over
What is the world’s favorite when it comes to food According to a global survey by the U.K. based charity Oxfam, pasta is number one, ahead of meat, rice and pizza. ___31___ being popular in European countries, pasta is one of the favorites in countries such as the Philippines, Brazil and South Africa.
Global sales figures also ___32___ the world’s love afrair with pasta — they have risen from U.S. $13bn in 2003 to U.S. $16bn in 2010. Analysts predict sales will hit U.S.$19bn by 2015, ___33___ rising wheat costs.
So how did the dish so closely ___34___ ltaly become a staple of so many tables around the globe
It’s because it is cheap, versatile and convenient, says Jim Winship from the U.K.-based Pizza, Pasta and ltalian Food Association. A sauce to go with it can be made from simple ___35___.
“You can create lots of ___36___ dishes with it. It tastes good and it’s filling. It also has a long shelf life, so you can keep it in the larder (食品储藏室) ___37___ you need to put a meal together.”
But that’s only part of its success. Pasta is also relatively easy to ___38___ and transport around the world, making it a popular product with ___39___ as well.
“It’s always been a(n) ____40____ product,” says John Dickie, professor in Italian Studies at University College London and author of Delizia! A History of the ltalians and Their Food. “It is ____41____ one of the things that have contributed to its success — it’s easy to transport and has a long shelf life. It has ____42____ genes.”
Tim Lang, professor of food policy at City University London, says technological advances in the 19 century ____43____ pasta to be produced on a big scale. But the Industrial Revolution did that for everything else, he adds, and the reason pasta had been ____44____ successful was because people liked it and the ltalian way of life.
“It’s a(n) ____45____ phenomenon, not an industrial phenomenon,” he says. “People like the ltalian way of life and their simple staple foods.”
A. Instead of B. In case of C. As well as D. In terms of
A. detect B. reflect C. predict D. analyze
A. despite B. given C. as a result of D. in addition to
A. involving B. surrounding C. fixed in D. associated with
A. choices B. kitchens C. ingredients D. ideas
A. delicate B. different C. Italian D. challenging
A. if B. until C. as soon as D. whenever
A. cook B. recycle C. mass produce D. grow
A. food companies B. housewives C. children D. office workers
A. agricultural B. industrial C. eco-friendly D. healthy
A. definitely B. unlikely C. by no means D. merely
A. commercial B. cultural C. delicious D. artistic
A. urged B. advised C. allowed D. required
A. less B. particularly C. exclusively D. barely
A. economic B. regional C. cultural D. accidental
【答案】31. C 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. C 36. B 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. B 41. A 42. A 43. C 44. B 45. C
考查固定短语辨析。句意:意面不仅在欧洲国家很受欢迎,在菲律宾、巴西和南非等国家也很受欢迎。A. Instead of而不是;B. In case of以防;C. As well as除……之外还;D. In terms of就……而言。根据前文“being popular in European countries”及后文“pasta is one of the favorites in countries such as the Philippines, Brazil and South Africa”可知,意面除了在欧洲国家很受欢迎,在其他地区也受欢迎。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:全球销售数据也反映了全世界对意面的喜爱。A. detect查明;B. reflect反映;C. predict预测;D. analyze分析。根据前文“According to a global survey by the U.K.”及“Global sales figures also”可知,除了全球调查,全球销售数据也反映了全世界对意面的喜爱。故选B项。
考查介词及短语辨析。句意:分析师预测,尽管小麦价格上涨,但到2015年,销售额将达到190亿美元。A. despite尽管;B. given鉴于;C. as a result of作为……的结果;D. in addition to除了……之外。根据前文“sales will hit U.S.$19bn by 2015”及后文“rising wheat costs”可知,前后构成让步关系,尽管小麦价格上涨,但意面销售额不降反增。故选A项。
考查动词及短语辨析。句意:那么,这道与意大利联系如此紧密的菜肴是如何成为全球众多餐桌上的主食的呢 A. involving涉及;B. surrounding包围;C. fixed in安装,适应;D. associated with与……有关。根据前文“pasta is number one”及后文“ltaly”可知,意面是与意大利紧密相关的菜肴。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:用简单的食材就可以制作出配酱。A. choices选择;B. kitchens厨房;C. ingredients原料;D. ideas想法。根据前文“A sauce to go with it can be made”及常识可知,意面蘸酱是用各种食材制作而成。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你可以用它做很多不同的菜。A. delicate精致的;B. different不同的;C. Italian意大利的;D. challenging有挑战性的。根据前文“ lots of”及后文“dishes”可知,可以用它做多种菜肴。故选B项。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:它的保质期也很长,所以你可以把它放在储藏室里,直到你需要做饭的时候再拿出来。A. if如果;B. until直到;C. as soon as一……就;D. whenever无论何时。根据前文“It also has a long shelf life”及后文“you need to put a meal together”可知,它保质期长,可以随用随取。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:意面也相对容易大规模生产和在世界各地运输,这也使它成为食品公司的热门产品。A. cook烹饪;B. recycle回收利用;C. mass produce大规模生产;D. grow生长。根据后文“transport around the world, making it a popular product with ___9 _”及“pasta to be produced on a big scale”可知,意面容易保存和运输,也可以批量生产,使得它受到食品公司的青睐。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:意大利面也相对容易大规模生产和在世界各地运输,这也使它成为食品公司的热门产品。A. food companies食品公司;B. housewives家庭主妇;C. children儿童;D. office workers办公室职员。根据前文“Pasta is also relatively easy to __8___ and transport around the world”可知,意面因其易生产和易运输的特点受到食品公司的青睐。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它一直是一种工业产品。A. agricultural农业的;B. industrial工业的;C. eco-friendly环境友好的;D. healthy健康的。根据前文“It also has a long shelf life”及“Pasta is also relatively easy to __8___ and transport around the world”可知,意面易批量生产,易运输,保质期长,这是工业产品的特征。故选B项。
考查副词及短语辨析。句意:这绝对是它成功的原因之一——运输方便,保质期长。它有商业基因。A. definitely肯定地,无疑地;B. unlikely未必;C. by no means绝不;D. merely仅仅。根据后文“it’s easy to transport and has a long shelf life”可知,运输方便,保质期长绝对是意面成功的原因之一。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这绝对是它成功的原因之一——运输方便,保质期长。它有商业基因。A. commercial商业的;B. cultural文化的;C. delicious美味的;D. artistic艺术的。根据前文“Pasta is also relatively easy to __8___ and transport around the world”及“it’s easy to transport and has a long shelf life”可知,意面易批量生产,易运输,保质期长,这是商业产品的特征。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:19世纪的技术进步使得意面得以大规模生产。A. urged敦促;B. advised建议;C. allowed允许,使有可能;D. required要求。根据前文“technological advances”及后文“pasta to be produced on a big scale”可知,科技进步使得意面批量生产成为可能。故选C项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:但工业革命改变了其他一切,他补充说,意面之所以特别成功,是因为人们喜欢它和意大利的生活方式。A. less更少;B. particularly尤其;C. exclusively唯一地;D. barely几乎不。根据后文“because people liked it and the ltalian way of life”可知,人们的喜爱是意大利面尤其成功的深层原因。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一种文化现象,而不是工业现象。A. economic经济的;B. regional地区的;C. cultural文化的;D. accidental偶然的。根据后文“People like the ltalian way of life and their simple staple foods.”可知,意面成功的深层原因是人们对意大利生活方式的追求,所以意面的成功代表了一种文化现象。故选C项。
Section B 22%
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinjshed statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
Yes, I admit it. I’m a true, incurable book abuser (施虐人). I like to fold dog ears. I like to break my books open so that their backs crack.
I had a friend, who loved rubbing all the pages. I have another friend who is the exact opposite. She needs to keep her books completely new. I understand her. But once I get to know the book, I can’t help but show it some tough love. Because, believe me, although it sounds like I’m an abuser without a heart, that’s what it’s all about. Not hidden aggressions, or a lack of respect; not at all. Let me explain.
I have one book by my favourite author Diana Gabaldon that looks like rubbish. It’s completely wrinkled up from rain and on its way to falling apart. I brought it like that to have her sign it. I hope she’s realised what an honour it is to her as a writer. It means, basically, that I’ve read the book to bits. I wouldn’t bother to mistreat books that don’t mean anything to me. Only the best books get read well, carried everywhere, worth intense reading where I’m so caught up with words that I will spill coffee over it.
For my further defense, I would like to call in a witness. I have a cook book. Like almost all my other cook books, it’s worn, and there are dirty marks of food in it. The book is called Tex-Mex-Food, Music and the Joy of Life from Texas. Just as the title suggests, this is more than a cook book.
These are the words on the very first page:
Tex-Mex hasn’t been trendy for over 30 years. Considering it’s anything but cheap in calories, it probably never will be, either. Tacos(墨西哥卷) are instead all about such an untrendy things as a love for life. It’s something you enjoy while spending time with your loved ones ...
We hope, therefore, that this cook book will soon be as dirty as a really old and used cook book should be.
Oh, how true! How wonderfully put! And it’s the same thing for books: whether you’re a book preserver or a book abuser, the approach is based on love and a joy for life. Because I believe all who are passionate about books, are passionate people.
46. According to the passage, the writer often does the following to his book except _________.
A. have it dog-eared
B. carry it everywhere
C. keep it tidy
D. have dirty marks in it
47. Why does the writer treat his favourite books badly
A. To cover up his disrespect for its author.
B. To conceal his aggressions to things around.
C. To express his objection to the book preserver.
D. To show his strong affection for the book.
48. The book Tex-Mex-Food, Music and the Joy of Life from Texas is mentioned by the writer to show that _________.
A. it is really common to have dirty marks in the cook book
B. Tex-Mex is not popular mainly because it’s low in calories
C. the writer is not alone with the view that books should be abused
D. one must try some food like Tex-Mex to experience the love for life
49. What’s the main idea of the passage
A. The defense of one who treats books badly.
B. The reasons why a certain book is preferred.
C. The book lovers’ different habits of reading.
D. The different ways to treat different books.
【答案】46. C 47. D 48. C 49. A
细节理解题。根据第一段“I’m a true, incurable book abuser (施虐人). I like to fold dog ears. I like to break my books open so that their backs crack.(我是一个真正的、无可救药的虐书狂。我喜欢折角。我喜欢把书打开,让它们的背裂开)”,第三段“Only the best books get read well, carried everywhere, worth intense reading where I’m so caught up with words that I will spill coffee over it.(只有最好的书才能读得很好,随身携带,值得一读,我被文字迷住了,以至于我会把咖啡洒在上面)”和第四段“Like almost all my other cook books, it’s worn, and there are dirty marks of food in it. (就像我几乎所有的其他烹饪书籍一样,它已经破旧不堪,里面有食物的脏痕迹)”可知,作者是一个虐书狂,作者会将书折角,随身携带和弄脏书,不可能将书保持得干净整洁。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第二段“But once I get to know the book, I can’t help but show it some tough love.(但一旦我了解了这本书,我就忍不住对它表现出一些严厉的爱)”以及第三段作者用具体实例介绍自己是如何做的,可推断,貌似虐书的行为,是作者爱不释手的具体表现。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第四段“For my further defense, I would like to call in a witness.(为了进一步辩护,我想传召一名证人)”可知,作者提到这本书的目的是为了说明自己并不是唯一持有书应该被滥用观点的人。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据最后一段“whether you’re a book preserver or a book abuser, the approach is based on love and a joy for life. Because I believe all who are passionate about books, are passionate people.(无论你是一个爱书的人还是一个滥用书的人,这种方法都是基于对生活的热爱和快乐。因为我相信所有对书充满热情的人都是充满激情的人)”及全文可知,文章主要介绍许多人虐书是因为爱书,是值得提倡的,即文章的主旨是对书不好的人的辩护。故选A。
When is the best time to...
You might think you’re in control of your schedule, but your body evolved to follow a natural rhythm. Sticking closer to that routine can help keep you in tiptoe shape.
①Drink coffee
Sipping caffeine is best early in the day. Consumed later, it can reset your body’s clock and prevent sleep. If you’re sure you can take a shot of espresso at 8 p.m. and be snoring by 10, try skipping the caffeine for a few weeks to see what a night of truly good rest feels like.
It’s best to eat your biggest meal carly, contrary to a typical American day. Insulin – the hormone that regulates metabolism – peaks in the first half of the day, then steadily drops. So your blood sugar is less likely to skyrocket after a big breakfast than after a comparable dinner.
Around 8 or 9 p.m., our bodies start to cool down, and we sleep better when we have a low core body temperature. But how much shut-eye is ideal Studies show that those who get six and a half to eight hours are less likely to die prematurely. Eight hours seems to be perfect.
Some people prefer early-morning jogs. But muscle tone is highest around 5 p.m. It is even the same with professional ones: West Coast NFL teams won more often and by a higher margin in matches after 8 p.m. on the East Coast. Still on Pacific time, their bodies were prepared to play.
⑤Be creative
The evolution of language, religion, and philosophy all started with late-night talks. So save that short story you’ve been meaning to write for a dark and restless night.
⑥Do math
Scientists think we reach maximum alertness between l0 a.m. and 2 p.m., with a peak around noon. For the first few hours after we wake, organs with more basic functions take priority. Once they get activated, our brains have a chance to obtain more energy.
50. The author suggests people who drink coffee late in the day _____.
A. go to bed without drinking coffee
B. break their habit and go to bed early
C. stick to their habit to have a truly good sleep
D. go to bed just two hours after drinking coffee
51. Joanna is a promising young writer whose microblog enjoys one million followers. What is probably the best time for her to writer inspiring stories for her fans
A. 8 a.m. B. 10 a.m. C. 6 p.m. D. 11 p.m.
52. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage
A. Having a higher body temperature helps people sleep better.
B. Students should work on their math tasks as soon as they get up because their brain works best at the time.
C. Professional athletes are likely to achieve better results when training in the late afternoon than in the early morning.
D. Americans usually have their biggest meal in the morning.
【答案】50. A 51. D 52. C
细节理解题。根据①Drink coffee部分最后一句“If you’re sure you can take a shot of espresso at 8 p.m. and be snoring by 10, try skipping the caffeine for a few weeks to see what a night of truly good rest feels like. (如果你确信你可以在晚上8点喝一杯浓缩咖啡,到10点就会打鼾,那就试着在几周内不喝咖啡因,看看晚上真正的好休息是什么感觉。)”可知,作者劝告晚上喝咖啡的人们尝试别喝咖啡,然后就能改善睡眠。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据⑤Be creative部分“The evolution of language, religion, and philosophy all started with late-night talks. So save that short story you’ve been meaning to write for a dark and restless night. (语言、宗教和哲学的演变都始于深夜的谈话。所以,把你一直想写的短篇小说留到一个黑暗而不安的夜晚吧。)”可知,人在晚上有着不同的思维模式,适合进行创作、构思创意。题目中Joanna要给粉丝写故事,最佳的时间也应该选在晚上。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据④Exercise部分中“But muscle tone is highest around 5 p.m. It is even the same with professional ones: West Coast NFL teams won more often and by a higher margin in matches after 8 p.m. on the East Coast. (但是肌肉张力在下午5点左右是最高的。甚至职业球队也是如此:西海岸的NFL球队在东海岸晚上8点之后的比赛中获胜的几率更高,优势也更大。)”可知,下午五点时人的肌肉张力达到峰值,后面举出了例子证实运动员在傍晚取得的成绩更佳,D选项“专业运动员在傍晚训练比在早上更有可能取得好成绩”符合文意。故选C项。
They say the average person makes 35,000 decisions a day. Yet in her new book, How Woman Decide, Therese Huston explores a widespread phenomenon that many women fail to notice. “There’s a huge double standard when it comes to how men and women are viewed as decision-makers,” explains Therese, a psychologist from Seattle University. Therese decided to write the book after looking at her bookshelf: At one end, there were bestselling books about how to be a clever decision-maker — all written by men and featuring interviews with men like athletes. At the other end were books aimed at women on gaining leadership skills and confidence.
“Once those women are at the table, will their decisions be taken as seriously as men’s ” Therese wondered. “Men are respected as decision-makers more than women, especially in the workplace, largely because there’s this cultural belief that women are unable to make smart choices at work.”
So, Therese set out to pick apart the stereotypes to see what scientific research had found. “Scientific research shows that men and women struggle with decision-making equally. The only disadvantage I found was that during the teenage years — teenage girls are more indecisive than teenage boys. Otherwise, there’s little difference between the genders.”
However, there are some differences. “Women are more collaborative,” says Therese. “A female boss is more likely to ask the opinions of those around her when making a choice. Women ask for input, which helps make better decisions. However, this is often seen as a weakness rather than a strength.”
Therese also found that during times of stress, men and women make different choices, and the outcomes are often better when women are involved.
Study after study backs this view up. Neuroscientists Mara Mather and Nicole Lighthall from the University of Southern California studied the way men and women make decisions and found that in times of stress, they react very differently.
During their study, which involved playing a virtual gambling game, they found that when the females became stressed, they made smart decisions — quitting while they were ahead or taking safe bets. But when the men became stressed, they did the opposite, risking everything for a slim chance of a big win.
53. Therese Huston wrote the book How women Decide because she finds that ____________.
A. Women are less respected as decision makers.
B. Women are not equally treated in workplaces.
C. Women are unable to make smart choices.
D. Women are poor at making big decisions.
54. According to Therese Huston, what is women’s weakness in decision-making
A. Men can make quicker decisions than women.
B. Women easily get stressed when making decisions.
C. Women are likely to ask for input when making decisions.
D. Teenage girls are less able to make decisions than teenage boys.
55. What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. Women show less confidence in times of stress.
B. Men tend to make risky decisions in times of stress.
C. Men demonstrate great bravery in times of stress.
D. Women quit making decisions when ahead in games.
56. What’s the main idea of the passage
A. Women are brilliant as decision makers.
B. Men are weaker in making smart decisions.
C. We should give up all cultural beliefs about gender.
D. Great difference exists between the two genders in decision-making.
【答案】53. A 54. D 55. B 56. A
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了Therese Huston的新书《女性怎样决定》中对两性的决策能力的相关研究。
细节理解题。根据第二段中Therese Huston的话“Men are respected as decision-makers more than women, especially in the workplace, largely because there’s this cultural belief that women are unable to make smart choices at work.”(作为决策者,男性比女性更受尊重,尤其是在工作场所,很大程度上是因为有一种文化观念认为女性无法在工作中做出明智的选择。)和第三段“So, Therese set out to pick apart the stereotypes to see what scientific research had found.”(因此,Therese开始对这些刻板印象进行分析,看看科学研究有什么发现。)可知,Therese Huston写这本书是因为她发现女性作为决策者受到的尊重较少。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第三段中Therese Huston的话“The only disadvantage I found was that during the teenage years — teenage girls are more indecisive than teenage boys. Otherwise, there’s little difference between the genders.”(我发现唯一的缺点是,在青少年时期,女孩比男孩更优柔寡断。除此之外,性别之间的差异很小。)可知,Therese Huston认为女性在决策方面的弱点是十几岁的女孩做决定的能力不如十几岁的男孩。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“But when the men became stressed, they did the opposite, risking everything for a slim chance of a big win.”(但当男性感到压力大时,他们就会反其道而行,冒着一切风险去争取一个微小的大赢机会。)可知,男性在压力下往往会做出冒险的决定。故选B。
主旨大意题。通读全文,文章第二段中“Men are respected as decision-makers more than women, especially in the workplace, largely because there’s this cultural belief that women are unable to make smart choices at work.”(作为决策者,男性比女性更受尊重,尤其是在工作场所,很大程度上是因为有一种文化观念认为女性无法在工作中做出明智的选择。)提出女性无法在工作中做出明智的选择这一普遍观点,但在第三段中“Scientific research shows that men and women struggle with decision-making equally. The only disadvantage I found was that during the teenage years — teenage girls are more indecisive than teenage boys. Otherwise, there’s little difference between the genders.”(科学研究表明,男性和女性在决策方面面对的困难是一样的。我发现唯一的缺点是,在青少年时期,女孩比男孩更优柔寡断。除此之外,在决策中性别之间的差异很小。)、第五段中“Therese also found that during times of stress, men and women make different choices, and the outcomes are often better when women are involved.”(Therese还发现,在面临压力时,男性和女性会做出不同的选择,而有女性参与的结果往往更好。)和最后一段中“During their study, which involved playing a virtual gambling game, they found that when the females became stressed, they made smart decisions — quitting while they were ahead or taking safe bets. But when the men became stressed, they did the opposite, risking everything for a slim chance of a big win.”(在他们的研究中,他们玩了一个虚拟的赌博游戏,他们发现,当女性感到压力时,它们会做出明智的决定——在领先的时候退出,或者选择安全的赌注。但当男性感到压力大时,他们就会反其道而行,冒着一切风险去争取一个微小的大赢机会。)驳斥了这一观点,用实验证明女性也可以做出明智的选择,也是杰出的决策者,这也是本文要表达的主要意思。故选A。
Section C 8%
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences in the box. Each sentence can only be used once. Note that there are two sentences more than you need.
Soaps are still big business today. A television soap such as The Bold and the Beautiful (an American television soap opera created by William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell for CBS) airs in nearly 100 countries with more than 350 million viewers daily.
People need to be able to identify with the characters and situations in a soap and relate what they see to their own lives. Everything needs to be exaggerated slightly to make the people and their lives more exciting than real life.
A good soap needs friction, with characters of different ages involved in dramatic situations.
According to the editor of Inside Soap magazine, all successful soaps use the same six or seven character types. ___57___.
Soaps need a way to make sure that people will watch the next episode (a television or radio program that is one of series of programs in which the same story is continued each week). An episode always needs to end with a dramatic moment that won’t be resolved until the next episode. ___58___. Will the couple get together Will the hero be rescued This is called a cliff-hanger.
We are all interested in other people’s lives, and soaps are an entertaining way to see into the lives of ordinary people. ___59___. We can talk about soaps at school or at work with friends, sharing predictions and opinions.
They are usually on at the same time of day, so they become part of our daily routine. Families often watch soaps together at mealtimes so they can talk about what’s happening to the characters.
___60___. When people become addicted to soaps, they often can’t distinguish between fact and fiction. Soaps make life seem exciting, so they can depress people who think their own lives are boring in comparison.
Soaps help us survive in the world by showing us situations that we might have to deal with. They inform their audience about a range of issues. Talking about your own problems can be difficult, so it’s often easier to talk about your own problems by talking about soap opera problems.
A. What will happen next
B. Soaps are also something that can be shared
C. Gossiping about soaps is popular and very healthy
D. They’re usually extreme examples of people we see every day
E. Soaps can be addictive and can have a negative effect on people
F. Soaps also help viewers communicate with people around them
【答案】57 D 58. A 59. B 60. E
上文“According to the editor of Inside Soap magazine, all successful soaps use the same six or seven character types.”(根据Inside Soap杂志编辑的说法,所有成功的肥皂剧都使用相同的六到七种角色类型。)对成功的肥皂剧的类型角色进行了总结,D项“They’re usually extreme examples of people we see every day”(他们通常是我们每天都能见到的极端例子。)进一步说明这些类型角色的形象,其中“They”照应上文“six or seven character types”,衔接恰当。故选D项。
上文“An episode always needs to end with a dramatic moment that won’t be resolved until the next episode.”(一集总是需要以一个戏剧性的时刻结束,直到下一集才能解决。)说明肥皂剧需要有戏剧性的冲突和悬念,并结合下文“Will the couple get together Will the hero be rescued This is called a cliff-hanger.”(这对新人会在一起吗 英雄会被拯救吗 这就是所谓的扣人心弦。)解释了剧情要有悬念,让观众思考,A项“What will happen next ”(接下来会发生什么 )与下文的设问并列,句式一致,衔接恰当。故选A项。
下文“We can talk about soaps at school or at work with friends, sharing predictions and opinions.”(我们可以在学校或工作中与朋友谈论肥皂剧,分享预测和观点。)说明肥皂剧可以被讨论和分享,B项“Soaps are also something that can be shared”(肥皂剧也是可以共享的东西),衔接恰当。故选B项。
下文“When people become addicted to soaps, they often can’t distinguish between fact and fiction. Soaps make life seem exciting, so they can depress people who think their own lives are boring in comparison.”(当人们沉迷于肥皂剧时,他们往往分不清事实和虚构。肥皂剧使生活看起来令人兴奋,因此它们可以使那些认为自己的生活相比之下很无聊的人感到沮丧。)说明沉迷于肥皂剧有坏处,E项“Soaps can be addictive and can have a negative effect on people”(肥皂剧会让人上瘾,对人有负面影响。)可总结下文内容。故选E项。
IV. Directions: Fill in the blank with a proper connective. 5%
61. Friends, which ran for ten seasons from 1994 to 2004, has not become any less popular ________ it went off the air. (用适当的词填空)
62. There are birds which kick their young out at an early stage ________ ________ they can produce new chicks. (用适当的词填空)
【答案】 ①. at ②. which
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:有些鸟在早期阶段就把它们的幼鸟踢出去,这样它们就可以孵新的小鸟。分析句子可知,空处引导定语从句,修饰stage,指物,at...stage,是固定短语,表示“在……阶段”,从句中作抽象地点状语,用关系副词where或者at which,有两空,故填at which。
63. You have to let us struggle for ourselves, ________ ________ we must die in the process. (用适当的词填空)
【答案】 ①. even ②. if##though
【详解】考查让步状语从句。句意:你得让我们为自己拼搏,哪怕我们会在这个过程中死去。分析句子,结合句意可知,空格处引导让步状语从句,连接副词even if或even though,引导从句,意为“即使”,符合句意。故填even if或even though。
64. Other animals can do whatever they feel like ________ ________ ________ they don’t hurt the capybaras. (用适当的词填空)
【答案】 ①. as ②. long ③. as
【详解】考查状语从句。句意:其他动物可以做任何他们想做的事情,只要他们不伤害水豚。根据句意可知,空处表示“只要”,需用as long as,引导条件状语从句。故填①as;②long;③as。
65. There is no better place to get delicious, filling, fun and glorious food ________ in one of the many wet markets in Shanghai. (用适当的词填空)
【详解】考查介词。句意:在上海众多的湿货市场中,没有比这更好的地方可以买到美味、饱腹、有趣和美味的食物了。根据空前的There is no better place和句意可知,此处使用介词than“(用以引出比较的第二部分)比”。故填than。
V. Translation: 15%(3+3+4+5)
66. 这项测试的目的就是看看学生们是否能够应用已学的知识。(capable)(汉译英)
【答案】The purpose of this test is to see if students are capable of applying what they have learned.
【详解】考查不定式,宾语从句,时态和主谓一致。句子描述客观事实,时态用一般现在时,“这项测试”是this test,“……的目的”是the purpose of...,“就是”是be动词,主语purpose是单数,因此be动词用is,“看看”是to see,是不定式作表语,“学生们是否能够应用已学的知识”用if引导的宾语从句,“学生们”是students,“能够做某事”是be capable of doing sth.,主语students是复数,因此be动词用are,“应用”是apply,用动名词作宾语,“已学的知识”也就是他们已经学到的东西,用what引导的宾语从句,时态用现在完成时,表示在现在之前已经学会的东西,“他们”是they,现在完成时中的助动词用have,“学”是learn,故答案为The purpose of this test is to see if students are capable of applying what they have learned.
67. 你怎么能把自己犯的错误怪罪到别人身上?(blame) (汉译英)
【答案】How can you blame someone else for your own mistake ##How can you blame someone else for your own mistakes
【详解】考查特殊疑问句、情态动词、名词。结合句子意思可知,句子用特殊疑问句形式,即“特殊疑问词+一般疑问句”形式。表示“怎么”用特殊疑问词How,位于句首,首字母大写;表示“你”用you,作主语;blame sb. for sth.“因某事责备某人”;表示“能”用情态动词can,故动词blame用动词原形。表示“别人”用someone else,作blame的宾语;mistake“错误”为可数名词,结合句意可知,错误可能一个也可能是多个,所以表示“自己犯的错误”用your own mistake或your own mistakes,作for的宾语。故翻译为How can you blame someone else for your own mistake 或How can you blame someone else for your own mistakes
68. 尽管医生劝他卧床休息,他还是去上班了,因为他渴望成功。(despite) (汉译英)
【答案】Despite the doctor’s advice to stay in bed, he still went to work because he longed for success.
【详解】考查介词、动词时态、原因状语从句、非谓语动词、固定短语。表示“尽管”用介词despite,位于句首,首字母大写。表示“医生劝他卧床休息”用the doctor’s advice to stay in bed,其中to stay为不定式作定语,修饰名词advice。表示“他”用he,作主语。表示“还是去上班了”用still go to work,根据语境可知事情发生在过去,故时态用一般过去时,谓语用过去式went。表示“因为他渴望成功”用because he longed for success,其中because“因为”为原因状语从句的引导词,long for“渴望”为固定短语。故翻译为Despite the doctor’s advice to stay in bed, he still went to work because he longed for success.
69. 他一进入高中就决定努力学习,不再玩游戏了。(determine) (汉译英)
【答案】As soon as he entered high school, he determined to study hard and stop playing games.
【详解】考查名词,动词和从句。“一……就”用as soon as引导时间状语从句,“他”用人称代词he作主语,“进入高中”表示为enter high school,描述过去的事情用一般过去时,“决定做某事”表示为determine to do sth,“努力学习”表示为study hard,“不再做某事”即“停止做某事”,表示为stop doing sth,“努力学习”和“不再玩游戏”是并列关系,用and连接,“玩游戏”表示为play games,用动名词形式作stop的宾语。故译为As soon as he entered high school, he determined to study hard and stop playing games。
position: 20%
70. 学校举行作文比赛以你身边敬爱或爱戴的人为题,写一篇短文参赛。(字数150)
The person I respect
There are a lot of people around us, who are respectable. They may be our teachers, parents or one of our elders. As for me, my father is the person who I respect most in my heart. My father is a teacher, who loves his work and his students very much and devotes himself to his work and students. He works very hard every day but he will also spare some time to keep me company and share many funny things with me about his work. When I come across the problems of learning in my study, my father will listen to me patiently and encourage me to overcome the difficulties bravely. With his help and encouragement, I do well in my lessons. He achieved a lot in his work, and thus was respected by his students. So, in my mind my father is the person who I respect most and I love him deeply.
很多:a lot of → a great many of
值得尊敬的:respectable→ venerable
尊敬:respect→ honour
陪伴某人:keep pany→ accompany sb.
原句:He achieved a lot in his work, and thus was respected by his students.
拓展句:Because he achieved a lot in his work, he was respected by his students.
【点睛】【高分句型1】There are a lot of people around us, who are respectable. (运用了who引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】When I come across the problems of learning in my study, my father will listen to me patiently and encourage me to overcome the difficulties bravely.(运用了When引导的时间状语从句)