Unit 3 War and peace
单词 音标 含义 例句
violent / va . .l nt/ 暴力的; 激烈的 The war resulted in many violent deaths.
landing / l n.d / 着陆; 登陆 The plane made a successful landing.
allied /a la d/ 盟友的; 联合的 The allied forces won the war.
troop /tru p/ 士兵; 部队 The troops marched down the street.
code-name / ko d ne m/ 代号 The operation had a code-name of "Red Eagle".
tide /ta d/ 潮汐; 趋势 The tide is turning in favor of the environmental movement.
supreme /su pri m/ 最高; 最高的 The president has supreme power.
commander /k m n.d r/ 指挥官; 司令官 The general is the commander of the army.
parachute / p r. u t/ 降落伞 He jumped out of the plane with a parachute.
objective / b d k.t v/ 目标; 目的 The objective of the mission is to capture the enemy leader.
coastline / ko st.la n/ 海岸线 The ship followed the coastline.
violence / va . .l ns/ 暴力; 暴力行为 Violence is never the answer.
horror / h r. r/ 恐怖; 恐惧 The film was full of horror scenes.
drown /dra n/ 淹死 He drowned in the river.
gunfire / g n.fa r/ 枪声 The soldiers exchanged gunfire with the enemy.
amongst / m st/ 在...之中 He was amongst the first to arrive.
tank /t k/ 坦克 The tanks rolled through the city streets.
recall /r k l/ 回忆; 召回 I can't recall his name.
barely / be r.li/ 仅仅; 勉强 He barely escaped with his life.
liberate / l b. r.e t/ 解放; 释放 The troops liberated the country from oppression.
memorial /m m .ri. l/ 纪念碑; 纪念物 The war memorial stands in the center of the town.
solemn / s l. m/ 庄重的; 严肃的 The ceremony was very solemn.
weary / wi .ri/ 疲倦的; 乏力的 After a long day's work, he was weary.
condemn /k n dem/ 谴责; 判罪 The government condemned the attack.
outstanding /a t st n.d / 出色的; 杰出的 She is an outstanding student.
uniform / ju .n .f rm/ 制服; 统一的 The soldiers wore military uniforms.
bomb /b m/ 炸弹; 爆炸 The building was destroyed by a bomb.
peacekeeping / pi s.ki .p / 维和 The UN is involved in peacekeeping operations around the world.
peacekeeper / pi s.ki .p r/ 维和人员 The peacekeepers patrolled the streets to keep the peace.
friction / fr k. n/ 摩擦; 冲突 There is friction between the two countries.
disarm /d zɑ m/ 解除武装 The government agreed to disarm its troops.
combatant /k m b t. nt/ 战士; 战斗人员 The soldiers were brave combatants.
weapon / wep. n/ 武器 The army has a variety of weapons.
ammunition / mju .n . n/ 弹药 The soldiers ran out of ammunition.
stability /st b l. .ti/ 稳定; 稳定性 The government is working to bring stability to the region.
on standby / n st nd.ba / 待命 The troops are on standby in case of an emergency.
professionalism /pr fe . .n .l z. m/ 专业精神 The company has a high level of professionalism.
academic / k d. .m k/ 学术的; 学术界的 He is an academic researcher at the university.
aggression / ɡres. n/ 侵略; 攻击性 The country's aggression towards its neighbors is a cause for concern.
intellectual / n.t lek.t u. l/ 知识分子; 聪明的 He is a brilliant intellectual with a wide range of knowledge.
associated / so . i.e t. d/ 相关的; 联系在一起的 The company is associated with a number of charities.
rough /r f/ 粗糙的; 艰难的 He had a rough childhood.
sardine / sɑ .di n/ 沙丁鱼 Sardines are a type of small fish.
dire /da r/ 严重的; 可怕的 The situation is dire and needs urgent attention.
disrupt /d s r pt/ 打断; 扰乱 The strike disrupted the transportation system.
daunting / d n.t / 艰巨的; 令人生畏的 The task seemed daunting, but he was determined to succeed.
fortify / f .t .fa / 加固; 强化 The army fortified its position against attack.
emerge / m d / 出现; 现身 He emerged from the shadows.
shirk / k/ 逃避; 躲避 He shirked his responsibilities.
invader / n ve .d r/ 侵略者; 入侵者 The invaders were defeated by the defenders.
depict /d p kt/ 描绘; 描述 The painting depicts a scene from the war.
peer /p r/ 同行; 同等的人 She is a respected peer in her field.
misty / m s.ti/ 雾蒙蒙的; 模糊的 The misty mountains were shrouded in fog.
breeze /bri z/ 微风 A gentle breeze blew through the trees.
crowning / kra .n / 加冕的; 巅峰的 He achieved the crowning glory of his career.
glory / ɡl .ri/ 荣耀; 光彩 He died in glory on the battlefield.
prominent / pr m. .n nt/ 突出的; 重要的 He is a prominent figure in the business world.
dedication / ded. ke . n/ 奉献; 决心 He showed great dedication to his work.
representative / rep.r zen.t .t v/ 代表; 代表性的 He is a representative of the company.
commemorate /k mem. .re t/ 纪念; 庆祝 The ceremony commemorated the 100th anniversary of the war.
anniversary / n .v .s .ri/ 周年纪念日 They celebrated their wedding anniversary.
reaffirm /ri . f m/ 重申; 确认 He reaffirmed his commitment to the project.
collective /k lek.t v/ 集体的; 总体的 The collective effort of the team led to success.
blueprint / blu .pr nt/ 蓝图; 计划 The government has a blueprint for economic growth.
sum /s m/ 总和; 总结 The sum of the two numbers is 10.
grain /ɡre n/ 谷物; 纹理 The wood has a beautiful grain.
relevant / rel. .v nt/ 相关的; 有意义的 The information is relevant to the topic.
Unit 3 War and peace
* 根据中文及音标提示,写出对应英文单词,并用该词造一个英文句子。
单词 音标 含义 例句
/ va . .l nt/ 暴力的; 激烈的
/ l n.d / 着陆; 登陆
/a la d/ 盟友的; 联合的
/tru p/ 士兵; 部队
/ ko d ne m/ 代号
/ta d/ 潮汐; 趋势
/su pri m/ 最高; 最高的
/k m n.d r/ 指挥官; 司令官
/ p r. u t/ 降落伞
/ b d k.t v/ 目标; 目的
/ ko st.la n/ 海岸线
/ va . .l ns/ 暴力; 暴力行为
/ h r. r/ 恐怖; 恐惧
/dra n/ 淹死
/ g n.fa r/ 枪声
/ m st/ 在...之中
/t k/ 坦克
/r k l/ 回忆; 召回
/ be r.li/ 仅仅; 勉强
/ l b. r.e t/ 解放; 释放
/m m .ri. l/ 纪念碑; 纪念物
/ s l. m/ 庄重的; 严肃的
/ wi .ri/ 疲倦的; 乏力的
/k n dem/ 谴责; 判罪
/a t st n.d / 出色的; 杰出的
/ ju .n .f rm/ 制服; 统一的
/b m/ 炸弹; 爆炸
/ pi s.ki .p / 维和
/ pi s.ki .p r/ 维和人员
/ fr k. n/ 摩擦; 冲突
/d zɑ m/ 解除武装
/k m b t. nt/ 战士; 战斗人员
/ wep. n/ 武器
/ mju .n . n/ 弹药
/st b l. .ti/ 稳定; 稳定性
/ n st nd.ba / 待命
/pr fe . .n .l z. m/ 专业精神
/ k d. .m k/ 学术的; 学术界的
/ ɡres. n/ 侵略; 攻击性
/ n.t lek.t u. l/ 知识分子; 聪明的
/ so . i.e t. d/ 相关的; 联系在一起的
/r f/ 粗糙的; 艰难的
/ sɑ .di n/ 沙丁鱼
/da r/ 严重的; 可怕的
/d s r pt/ 打断; 扰乱
/ d n.t / 艰巨的; 令人生畏的
/ f .t .fa / 加固; 强化
/ m d / 出现; 现身
/ k/ 逃避; 躲避
/ n ve .d r/ 侵略者; 入侵者
/d p kt/ 描绘; 描述
/p r/ 同行; 同等的人
/ m s.ti/ 雾蒙蒙的; 模糊的
/bri z/ 微风
/ kra .n / 加冕的; 巅峰的
/ ɡl .ri/ 荣耀; 光彩
/ pr m. .n nt/ 突出的; 重要的
/ ded. ke . n/ 奉献; 决心
/ rep.r zen.t .t v/ 代表; 代表性的
/k mem. .re t/ 纪念; 庆祝
/ n .v .s .ri/ 周年纪念日
/ri . f m/ 重申; 确认
/k lek.t v/ 集体的; 总体的
/ blu .pr nt/ 蓝图; 计划
/s m/ 总和; 总结
/ɡre n/ 谷物; 纹理
/ rel. .v nt/ 相关的; 有意义的