2024届高三英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Face values 一轮复习单词复测练习(含答案)


名称 2024届高三英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Face values 一轮复习单词复测练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 38.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-16 10:36:30



Unit 1 Face values
单词 音标 含义 例句
self-critical / self kr t. .k l/ 自我批评的 He is very self-critical and always finds fault with himself.
freckle / frek. l/ 雀斑 She has freckles on her nose.
enlarge / n lɑ .d / 扩大; 放大 The company is enlarging its factory.
jawline / d .la n/ 下巴线 He has a strong jawline.
boost /bu st/ 提高; 促进 The new drug boosted his energy levels.
boost one’s confidence /bu st w nz k n.f .d ns/ 增强自信心 Winning the competition boosted his confidence.
narcissist / nɑ .s .s st/ 自恋狂 He is a narcissist who only cares about himself.
obsessive / b ses. v/ 强迫性的; 痴迷的 He has an obsessive fear of spiders.
pretend /pr tend/ 假装; 伪装 He pretended to be sick so he could stay home from school.
misjudge /m s d d / 误判; 错误判断 He misjudged the distance and jumped too far.
lipstick / l p.st k/ 口红 She applied lipstick before going out.
identical /a den.t .k l/ 完全相同的 The twins are identical.
dormitory / d .m .t .ri/ 宿舍 He lives in a dormitory on campus.
roommate / ru m.me t/ 室友 He shares a room with two roommates.
bizarre /b zɑ r/ 奇怪的; 离奇的 It was a bizarre story that I didn't believe.
from head to toe /fr m hed t to / 从头到脚 He was covered in mud from head to toe.
makeover / me k.o .v r/ 改造; 翻新 She got a complete makeover and looks amazing.
overlook / .v l k/ 忽略; 遗漏 He overlooked the small details in the contract.
bother / b . / 烦恼; 打扰 The noise from the construction site bothers me.
pill /p l/ 药丸 He took a pill to relieve his headache.
stereotype / ste r.i. .ta p/ 刻板印象 He doesn't fit the stereotype of a nerd.
skinny / sk n.i/ 瘦的; 骨瘦如柴的 He is very skinny and needs to eat more.
acknowledge / k n l. d / 承认; 认可 He acknowledged his mistake and apologized.
assumption / s mp. n/ 假设; 认定 He made an assumption without checking the facts.
saving / se .v / 储蓄; 节省 He is saving money for a new car.
welfare / wel.fe / 福利; 社会福利 The government provides welfare to those in need.
psychology /sa k .l .d i/ 心理学 She is studying psychology at university.
finding / fa n.d / 发现; 结果 The founding of the study shows that exercise improves mental health.
frightful / fra t.f l/ 可怕的; 令人恐惧的 It was a frightful experience that I will never forget.
monstrous / m n.str s/ 巨大的; 可怕的 He committed a monstrous crime.
righteous / ra .t s/ 正义的; 公正的 He is a righteous man who always stands up for what is right.
outward / a t.w d/ 向外的; 外部的 He has a calm outward appearance, but he is nervous inside.
beast /bi st/ 野兽; 畜生 He is a beast on the field and always scores goals.
timid / t m. d/ 胆怯的; 害羞的 She is a timid girl who doesn't like to speak in public.
coward / ka . d/ 懦夫; 胆小鬼 He is a coward who ran away from the fight.
bookish / b k. / 爱读书的; 书呆子气的 He is a bookish person who spends most of his time reading.
loyal / l . l/ 忠诚的; 可靠的 He is a loyal friend who will always be there for you.
novelist / n v. l. st/ 小说家 She is a famous novelist who has written many bestsellers.
kidnap / k d.n p/ 绑架 He was kidnapped by a group of men.
torture / t .t / 折磨; 拷打 He was tortured by the police.
execution / k.s kju . n/ 执行; 处决 The execution of the prisoner was carried out at dawn.
predicament /pr d k. .m nt/ 困境; 窘境 He is in a difficult predicament and doesn't know what to do.
graceful / gre s.f l/ 优雅的; 优美的 She is a graceful dancer who moves with ease.
repulsive /r p l.s v/ 令人厌恶的; 反感的 The smell of the food was repulsive.
defect / di .fekt/ 缺陷; 缺点 The product has a manufacturing defect.
hunched /h nt t/ 驼背的; 弓腰的 He sat hunched over his computer all day.
comprehension / k m.pri hen. n/ 理解; 领悟 He has a good comprehension of the material.
melancholy / mel. n.k .li/ 忧郁的; 悲伤的 She felt a sense of melancholy after her breakup.
wretch /ret / 可怜虫; 卑鄙的人 He is a wretched man who has done nothing but hurt others.
exclaim / k skle m/ 惊呼; 大声说 He exclaimed in surprise when he saw the news.
heartfelt / hɑ t.felt/ 真诚的; 发自内心的 He gave a heartfelt speech that moved everyone to tears.
compassion /k m p . n/ 怜悯; 同情 She has a great compassion for others.
exquisite / eks.kw .z t/ 精致的; 美妙的 The painting is an exquisite work of art.
accent / k.s nt/ 口音; 强调 He has a British accent.
utter / t. / 发出; 说出 He uttered a cry of pain.
syllable / s l. .b l/ 音节 The word "water" has two syllables.
immense / mens/ 巨大的; 无穷的 The ocean is immense.
monster / m n.st / 怪物; 巨兽 He is a monster of a man.
resemble /r zem.b l/ 相似; 类似 He resembles his father.
savage / s v. d / 野蛮的; 凶猛的 The attack was savage.
dew /dju / 露水 The grass was covered in dew.
whilst /wa lst/ 同时; 当…的时候 He was working whilst listening to music.
coarse /k s/ 粗糙的; 粗俗的 He has a coarse manner.
downtrodden / da n.tr .d n/ 受压迫的; 卑微的 The downtrodden people of the country rose up in revolt.
pebble / peb. l/ 鹅卵石; 小石子 He threw a pebble at the window.
heartbreaking / hɑ t.bre .k / 令人心碎的; 悲惨的 It was a heartbreaking story.
expression / k spre . n/ 表情; 表达 He had a look of surprise on his expression.
intently / n tent.li/ 专心地; 聚精会神地 He listened intently to the lecture.
repay /r pe / 偿还; 报答 He repaid the loan with interest.
profound /pr fa nd/ 深刻的; 渊博的 He has a profound knowledge of the subject.
tenderness / ten.d .n s/ 温柔; 体贴 He showed her great tenderness.
motive / mo .t v/ 动机; 原因 He had a good motive for doing what he did.
Unit 1 Face values
* 根据中文及音标提示,写出对应英文单词,并用该词造一个英文句子。
单词 音标 含义 例句
/ self kr t. .k l/ 自我批评的
/ frek. l/ 雀斑
/ n lɑ .d / 扩大; 放大
/ d .la n/ 下巴线
/bu st/ 提高; 促进
/bu st w nz k n.f .d ns/ 增强自信心
/ nɑ .s .s st/ 自恋狂
/ b ses. v/ 强迫性的; 痴迷的
/pr tend/ 假装; 伪装
/m s d d / 误判; 错误判断
/ l p.st k/ 口红
/a den.t .k l/ 完全相同的
/ d .m .t .ri/ 宿舍
/ ru m.me t/ 室友
/b zɑ r/ 奇怪的; 离奇的
/fr m hed t to / 从头到脚
/ me k.o .v r/ 改造; 翻新
/ .v l k/ 忽略; 遗漏
/ b . / 烦恼; 打扰
/p l/ 药丸
/ ste r.i. .ta p/ 刻板印象
/ sk n.i/ 瘦的; 骨瘦如柴的
/ k n l. d / 承认; 认可
/ s mp. n/ 假设; 认定
/ se .v / 储蓄; 节省
/ wel.fe / 福利; 社会福利
/sa k .l .d i/ 心理学
/ fa n.d / 发现; 结果
/ fra t.f l/ 可怕的; 令人恐惧的
/ m n.str s/ 巨大的; 可怕的
/ ra .t s/ 正义的; 公正的
/ a t.w d/ 向外的; 外部的
/bi st/ 野兽; 畜生
/ t m. d/ 胆怯的; 害羞的
/ ka . d/ 懦夫; 胆小鬼
/ b k. / 爱读书的; 书呆子气的
/ l . l/ 忠诚的; 可靠的
/ n v. l. st/ 小说家
/ k d.n p/ 绑架
/ t .t / 折磨; 拷打
/ k.s kju . n/ 执行; 处决
/pr d k. .m nt/ 困境; 窘境
/ gre s.f l/ 优雅的; 优美的
/r p l.s v/ 令人厌恶的; 反感的
/ di .fekt/ 缺陷; 缺点
/h nt t/ 驼背的; 弓腰的
/ k m.pri hen. n/ 理解; 领悟
/ mel. n.k .li/ 忧郁的; 悲伤的
/ret / 可怜虫; 卑鄙的人
/ k skle m/ 惊呼; 大声说
/ hɑ t.felt/ 真诚的; 发自内心的
/k m p . n/ 怜悯; 同情
/ eks.kw .z t/ 精致的; 美妙的
/ k.s nt/ 口音; 强调
/ t. / 发出; 说出
/ s l. .b l/ 音节
/ mens/ 巨大的; 无穷的
/ m n.st / 怪物; 巨兽
/r zem.b l/ 相似; 类似
/ s v. d / 野蛮的; 凶猛的
/dju / 露水
/wa lst/ 同时; 当…的时候
/k s/ 粗糙的; 粗俗的
/ da n.tr .d n/ 受压迫的; 卑微的
/ peb. l/ 鹅卵石; 小石子
/ hɑ t.bre .k / 令人心碎的; 悲惨的
/ k spre . n/ 表情; 表达
/ n tent.li/ 专心地; 聚精会神地
/r pe / 偿还; 报答
/pr fa nd/ 深刻的; 渊博的
/ ten.d .n s/ 温柔; 体贴
/ mo .t v/ 动机; 原因