

名称 人教版(2019)必修一Unit1-5词汇语法练习(含答案)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-16 21:55:15


Unit1 Teenage Life基础训练
1.        n.行为;举止→        vi. 表现;举止
2.        adj. 十几岁的(指13至19岁);青少年的→teenager n.(13至19岁之间的)青少年
3.        n.动作;运动;活动→move vt. 使感动 vi.移动; 搬家
4.        vt.较喜欢→        n.偏爱; 偏爱的事物
5.        vt. 使糊涂;使迷惑→        adj. 感到糊涂的;感到迷惑的→        adj. 难以理解的;不清楚的→        n.混乱;混淆;困惑
6.        adj.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的→        adv.流利地,流畅地
7.        vt. & vi. 毕业;获得学位 n. 毕业生→        n.毕业;毕业典礼
8.        vt. 建议;推荐;介绍→recommendation n.推荐;介绍信
9.      n.前进;发展 vi. 前进;发展 vt. 发展;促进→        adj. 高级的;高等的;先进的
10.        adv.显然;明显地→        adj.明显的;显著的
11.        vi. & vt. 改进;改善→       n. 提高;改进,改善
12.        adj.负责的;有责任的→      n.责任;义务
13.        n.解决办法;答案→        vt. 解决;解答
14.        n.主编;编辑;编者→        vt.编辑;校订
15.     vt. 吸引→attraction n.吸引;有吸引力的地方/事物→attractive adj. 迷人的;引人注目的
16.        n.对……入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人→        adj. 有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的
Next time you visit Bob, remember to give him a call ________ advance.
The designer volunteered ________ (design) the logo for the organization.
The experiment is scheduled ________ (do) tomorrow afternoon.
Minimalism(极简主义) is an art________ (move) believing in "Less is more".
Nowadays many children prefer ________ (stay) at home to doing exercise outdoors.
The boy is ________(addict) to the computer and hopes to be a programmer one day.
You are the only person who can find the solution ________ the problem of your life.
The tourist ________ that I want to recommend to you is the West Lake whose scenery is ________ to people from the whole world. (attract)
Your teachers and friends can ________ (actual) help you out when you are in trouble.
From the teacher's ________ look, we could see that he had raised such a ________ question. (confuse)
As his health became worse and worse, he finally decided to quit________(smoke).
One has to learn to think by himself and solve problems ________his own.
Drawing a picture book is a ________(challenge) task for me.
This area is suitable ________ growing flowers, for the weather here is warm.
After ________ (graduate), she worked to help her sisters and brothers pay for their schooling.
I recommend ________ (organize) an English party to improve students' spoken English.
The ________ (advance) 5G technology will bring a lot of changes to our daily life.
The summer camp is specially designed for ________ (teenage) of your age.
Having stayed in China for many years, he can speak Chinese ________(fluent).
The famous designer is expert ________ designing cheap but popular clothes.
She never knows that I have a ________(prefer) for the country life.
For students studying abroad, cooking is a basic________(survive) skill.
When setting out on a long walk, always wear________(suit) shoes.
What is the main ________(responsible) of volunteer managers
I prefer staying at home ________ going out because the weather is so bad.
In the film, a beautiful girl fell in love________ a beast.
I spent the whole weekend ________(revise) for my coming exam.
Remember to dress ________ (formal) for the evening party tonight.
Either you or Tom ________(organize) the class meeting and buys the prizes today.
I'm very annoyed ________(see) many people waste food in the restaurant.
After preparations, he took the examination with full ________(confident).
The tennis players need total ________(concentrate) during play.
His help and kindness made an ________(impress) on me and my English has improved too.
When I asked his ________(nation), he said Italian.
Going to hospital can be very ________(frighten) for a child.
Filled with ________(curious), the artist packed his bags and left.
She dropped her purse and the________(content) fell out on the floor.
Passage one
Let's look back 1.________the adolescence you've gone through.How have you handled your life Are you spending your time wisely in making you deserve your life Neal Wu shared some ways we should do to make our short time of life meaningful.Find out 2.________ you need to do next.
Insist on 3.________ (learn) as much as you can and find out the things you are curious about.Find something 4.________ you enjoy and practice the skills you want to develop.If you are hard-working and achieve good knowledge then it will be easy to make audience tend to learn from you.
Volunteer 5.________ (help) out those less fortunate than you.In the course you 6.________ (get) a ton of new views and better understand other people's real problems. 7.________(normal), in a society that always looks upward, these people are being forgotten easily.
Become as 8.________(depend) as possible.Even 9.________ you work in a big company, you should constantly make small steps to reduce your dependence on your job.Write a book, build 10.________ app, or start a small company on the side.
Passage two
On the 41.________(one) day of my senior high school life in the USA,I showed a great interest in one of the 42.________ (lecture),marketing lecture. My teacher, Mrs. Tolman, 43.________(recommend) that I should register a 44.________ (nation) marketing club called DECA which attracts many students with interest in business. So I did,
The first challenge was 45.________ (collect) money for the marketing competition later in the year by selling candles. Mrs. Tolman said the competition was due (到期的) in a week and that 40 percent of the income (收入) would go into my personal ac-count, 46.________ made me 47.________(addict) to the selling.
At 48.________ beginning, I tried to sell some candles to my host mom. She said that if I could show the candles 49.________(confident) and do a wonderful sales presentation, she would certainly buy some. I started my topic with a firm handshake. Then I focused 50.________ all the different kinds of candles and the special sales I could offer and convinced(说服) her that our candles were the best choices for gifts and home decorations. Finally she bought three candles.
Unit 2 Travelling Around基础训练
1.      vi. & vt. 申请; vt. 应用;涂(油漆等)→      n.申请人→     n.应用;申请书
2.     adj. 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的→      adj.感到惊奇的;→      n.惊讶,吃惊
3.        n.安排;筹备→        vi. & vt.安排;准备;筹划
4.       n.类型;种类 vi. & vt. 打字→typist n.打字员→        adj.典型的;一贯的
5.       adj.强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的→      n.力量; 动力;功率;权力 vt.驱动
6.        n.帝国→        n.皇帝
7.        adj.官方的;正式的;公务的 n. 官员;要员→(形近词)officer n.军官,警官
8.        vt. 辨别出;承认;认可→       n.认出;认识
9.      n.航行;航班→      (     -      ) vi.飞; 飞行 vt.驾驶(飞机等)
10.        n.住处;停留处;膳宿→accommodate vt.容纳;向……提供住处
11.        vt.钦佩;赞赏→        n.钦佩;羡慕→admiring adj. 钦佩的;赞赏的
12.        n.建筑设计;建筑学→        n.建筑设计师
13.        n.经济;节约→        adj. 经济(上)的;经济学的
We were so __________ (amaze) that they could stay underwater much longer than us local islanders.
_________ is reported that the house price has been falling in recent years.
We are looking forward to _________(receive) acceptance in the meeting to be held next week.
Many a new house _________ (build) at present in the disaster area.
We haven't yet been told _________ (official) about the advanced course.
All_________(apply) forms will be sent to the decision center for further research.
We can keep _________ contact with our family and friends with the help of the Internet.
Poppy jumped with joy_________ the sight of the little dog.
If you want to do well in the final exam, you should spend more time _________ (prepare) for it.
—You are wanted on the phone, Ann! —OK, I _________ (come).
It was when I got back to my apartment _________ I first came across my new neighbors.
Guests must check_________ before noon, or they have to pay for the next day.
China's efforts in the _________ (economy) growth impressed other countries in the world.
There is no doubt that she _________ (view) as a responsible adult now by many people.
Dr. Blount described the whole process of how he escaped from the burning building _________detail.
The final score of the basketball match was 93:94. We were only beaten _________ (narrow).
The meeting has lasted for three days, but we haven't heard the _________(office) decision.
They are making _________(arrange) for their daughter's wedding.
When I began my senior high school, I found it _________ (extreme) difficult to learn English well.
She won the _________ (admire) of many people in her battle against cancer.
He worked hard at his lessons _________ that he gained good grades in the exams.
The expert's research findings received popular_________(recognize).
As we all know, the ancient garden is unique _________ China.
Apart _________ its low price, the advantage of this car lies in its good quality.
The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without _________(recognize).
Her class teacher made an _________(arrange) with her parents to discuss her progress at school once a month.
I _________ (attack) by a dog when I was a child.
The photos reminded me_________ the days that we spent together in the summer camp.
I can work _________ pressure and get along with my colleagues.
It took him a while to adapt himself _________ his new surroundings.
The managers are having a meeting so I guess the project is still _________discussion.
My watch doesn't work. It _________ (repair) in the factory now.
_________ is surprising that your brother can pick up Russian so quickly.
_________ (work) in the factory, I learned a lot from the workers.
He is sure _________ (come). I've persuaded him to join in our conversation.
They put _________a tent when they got there.
We learn a language in order _________(communicate) better.
I can't wait _________(get) out of these wet clothes.
The final score of the basketball match was 93 : 94. We were only beaten_________ (narrow).
Whose songs have become popular_________ young people in China now.
Passage one
How do you usually spend your holiday When it comes to ways to take holidays, different people often have different preferences. However, taking a trip is one of the most popular 41._________(choice) for people from all over the world. As to who travels the most, a study that 42._________(publish) last month online found that those from America topped the list. Americans are the world's 43.________(large) group of home travelers. People from Norway travel the most 44._________(international).
As for the travelling habits, Russians prefer 45._________( explore) historical places, 46._________many Chinese travelers would love to spend much time and energy 47._________ (shop) during their visits. Chinese tourists enjoy posting their trips online 48._________ they tour around. Americans often arrive at a destination with a list of famous sites to see in a hurry. People from Italy 49._________ always plan their daily schedule over breakfast time travel a little more casually.
With types of travelling ways, people have their own favorite destinations. Anyway, travelling can make an 50._________(impress) holiday.
Passage two
The Great Wall of China 1._________(list) in the World Cultural Heritage(世界文化遗产)by UNESCO in 1987. Just 2._________ a huge dragon, it winds up and down across deserts, grasslands and mountains, 3._________(cover) thousands of kilometers from the east to the west of China.
In ancient China, many people built walls around their states to protect their land. It was Emperor Qinshihuang who had the walls 4._________(join) up. The project cost much money and hundreds of thousands of people worked on 5._________wall. On top of it, it is wide enough for five horses or ten men 6._________ (walk) side by side. Along the wall are watchtowers, in 7._________soldiers used to keep watch. With a history of more than 2, 000 years, some of the sections of the Great Wall are now in ruins or even disappeared. However, it is still one of the most8._________ (attract) spots around the world because of its wonderful buildings and historical 9._________ (important). Many of the tourists have come to know the famous Chinese saying — “He who does not reach the Great Wall 10._________(be) not a true man.”
Unit 3 Sports and fitness 基础练习
___________n.健康;健壮;适合→_____________ adj.健康的;适合的
__________ n.健身房;体育馆→____________ n.体操(训练)
__________n.运动员;运动健儿→__________ adj.健壮的;体育运动的
__________n.荣誉;尊敬;荣幸→__________ adj.可敬的;值得钦佩的
__________n.决心;决定→ ____________v.决定;确定;查明→________adj.坚决的;坚定的
__________vt.使受伤;损害→___________ adj.受伤的;有伤的→ _________n.伤害;损伤
__________n.力量;体力→______________ v.加强;巩固→__________adj.强壮的;坚固的
__________ n.失败;失败的人(或事物)→____________ v.失败;不及格
___________ vi.竞争;对抗→_____________ n.竞争者;参赛者→___________n.竞赛;竞争→_____________ adj.竞争的;有竞争力的
______________ vi.&n.慢跑→_____________ n.慢跑锻炼者
___________n.压力;紧张;重音vt.强调;重读;使焦虑不安vi.焦虑不安→__________ adj.压力重的→_____________ adj.焦虑不安的;重读的
The little boy__________ (pretend) to be doing his homework when his mother came into his room.
Stop doing it, or you’ll do yourself an __________ .(injure)
__________ (compare) with Suyee, I have a long way to go.
Knowing your__________ (strength) and weaknesses will help you achieve your dreams.
The three leaders had worked __________ a peace plan.
Our school won’t tolerate __________ (cheat) in exams. If caught, you will get severely punished.
Hannah is one of the many young people who are making__________ difference in the world.
Here are some ideas to help people to give__________smoking.
The more you think __________ , the more likely your brain structure is going to change and the more naturally__________thoughts will come to you. (positive)
When we are shopping online, we should keep wise to prevent ourselves from__________(cheat).
Whatever the weather is like, my younger sister works__________in the gym every day.
The surgeon cut __________all the diseased tissue.
The bike is equipped with a computer__________(track) system to record their every move!
Comparing yourself__________those homeless children, you’ll find you are fortunate and happy.
As long as you have a dream ,keep trying and you'll make__________ .
The___ (fail) was a big blow to him, but he wasn’t discouraged and soon got as enthusiastic as ever.
When his mother came into his room, Jimmy pretended__________(read) an English article.
The accident left Sang Lan seriously__________ (injure), but she never loses heart.
She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the__________ (strong) of her muscles.
The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the __________ (determine) to achieve it.
I started thinking about fitness rather__________weight, things began to change.
It is snowing rather than__________(rain)outside.
It is important that one __________(master) the skills of operating computers.
Stephon Marbury __________(honour) to live permanentlyin China.
We have won a __________ (glory) victory over our opponents by not giving up.
It’s good to see that you look much__________ (slim) these days.
She decided to go on __________ diet every day to keep fit.
A great deal of bitter experience had taught him how to lose __________(graceful).
You should be positive __________your work.
There’s a lot of __________ (compete) between computer companies.
Their prices are lower than any of their __________(compete).
When__________stress, even a most gentle person can get angry easily.
I have the honour __________(make) a speech to welcome the respected guests .
When choosing a city__________(host) the Olympic Games, we need to consider many things.
I don’t think I am__________failure because I believe__________ (fail) is the mother of success.
Every athlete is__________(compete) for his/her country.
Doing exercises can help you keep __________ (fitness).
__________ (jog) is a good way to exercise for a heart patient.
I am working on my __________ (fit) and I will be ready in a couple of weeks.
A great many athletes at home and abroad will compete __________ the 2024 Olympic Games.
Passage one:
Sports are the base of my life, next to my mother 1._________ raised me when my dad left us. I 2._________(be) into sports since I was six years old. I have known many 3._________(coach) and heard hundreds of their tips, but they usually 4._________(focus) on drills (训练) to develop my skills and reach the next level of play.
When I was in Senior Two, I met the new school basketball coach. Brian Pawlowski, I thought I was certain to 5._________(select) for the school team since I had been in it the year before. I showed up to the tryouts(选拔赛)and put out about 90% effort since I thought I’d make 6._________with no problem. That was a big mistake.
Brian Pawlowski is the 7._________ (strict) coach I have ever met. He didn’t expect 100% effort, but he expected 200% effort Some think this is crazy, 8._________ it isn’t. After training we were getting a cup of cold water to drink, I said, “Mr Pawlowski, your lesson was the I ever had.” I was 9._________(complete) sincere. He expects us to be excellent 10._________ just on the court but in the classroom. If I am not working on basketball, I am reading a book that he thinks will help us better understand life’s challenges.
Passage two:
There are countless basketball stars from all over the world,but my favorite basketball celebrity is YaoMing. He is well known in China and almost everyone is proud ___1___ him.
When he was a child, his parents had achieved many basketball cups in their basketball career. It ____2____(seem) that he would become a national basketball player in the future. However, things are totally different from ____3____ he thought. Although he had height advantage in the basketball court, he didn't develop his basketball gift completely. Therefore, his first basketball coach left him after six months of basketball ____4____(train). In this circumstance, he was still maintaining self-discipline ____5___ (practice) basketball in sports school in Shanghai after he graduated from primary school. Despite the difficulties in his basketball training tasks , he never complained ___6___ tried his great efforts to finish all the training class. Throughout his hardwork, he landed in NBA in 2002. Since then, he became a world basketball superstar and made a cultural communication bridge ____7____ China and USA.
Although he was awarded different kinds of prizes in his basketball life career, the reason ___8____ I admire him as my personal mental tutor is that when he met hinders in his lifetime, he will persist until succeed. Even though he became a world basketball superstar, he never feels arrogant and keeps his best shot to improve ___9___ (he) systematically. His successful story inspired me ___10___ (pursue) my dream until I achieved one day.
Unit 4 Natural Disasters 基础训练
1. _________n.死;死亡→ ___________v.死亡;凋谢;消亡→_________adj.死的;枯萎的
2. _________ n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克vi.(使)震惊→_______________adj.令人震惊的→ ____________adj.感到震惊的
3. __________vi.& vt.呼吸→ _____________n.呼吸
4. __________vt.& vi.复活;(使)苏醒→ _____________n.振兴;复苏
5. __________n.智慧;才智→______________ adj.明智的;聪明的
6. __________vi.遭受;蒙受vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦→ ___________n.苦难;痛苦
7. __________vi.& vt.(火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出→_____________n.爆发;喷发
8.__________ vi.生存;存活v.幸存;艰难度过→___________ n.生存,幸存;残存物→________ n.幸存者;生还者
9. __________n.电力供应;能量;力量;控制力→__________ adj.力量大的;强有力的
10. _________n.影响;结果;效果→_____________ adj.有效的
11._________ n.长;长度→ ______________adj.长的;长期的→____________vi.&vi.(使)变长
I am deeply________ (strike) by the beautiful scenery of Mount Tai.
Later, he worked in Africa, where many people suffered________blindness for lack of proper treatment.
It is hard to imagine the pain and ________ (suffer) these poor people went through during the winter months.
Best of all, humor raises your energy, and that can have an effect________ everything you do at
school, at work, or in your personal life.
I feel much________ (affect) for my mum, whose words and actions have a positive effect me
There was the calm________(wise) in this old man’s words that impressed me when I was confused about my future life.
It is________ shock to learn that the ancient town was affected by the typhoon.
The organization set________by the athlete has helped many poor families in the past years.
She is one of the girls________ have passed the exam.
The whole city fell________ ruin in the fire during the war.
Fortunately, the long and boring lecture is coming to________end.
________(effect) measures have been taken to rescue those trapped under the damaged building.
Up to now enough food and water ________(deliver) to the disaster-hit area.
You will be shocked at the________ (long) of the amazing river.
The two strangers talked happily as if they________ (be) friends for years.
________ (bury) in her study, she paid no attention to what was happening.
The terrible storm flooded the area, which also________ (ruin) our trip.
I’d like you all to share your________ (wise) and experience with us.
The Ten-year-old girl was one of the only three children who________ (survive) the disaster.
Those________ (disaster), compared with this one, are much more frightening.
The city which________(affect) by the flood last night is now in need of water supply.
It is reported that the________ (die) of the missing boy has not been proved yet.
She________ (rescue) from the burning building, but her leg was injured.
It is a great honor________ (deliver) a speech to share with you my opinions.
It’s great that all the visitors who________(trap) on the island were saved.
Were you just trying to trap her________ making a mistaken decision
Martin Luther King gave a famous and inspiring speech______started with the words “I have a dream” .
What followed was a________ (summarize)of the day filled with a strong feeling such as love or hate.
We have set up early warning systems for frosts and ________(shelter) for animals.
The air in the factory is seriously polluted. If______ (breathe) in, it may result in illness or even death.
She has driven through 55 mph winds in Wyoming, heavy________(flood) and storms in Alabama and total whiteout conditions in Kansas.
The volcano________ (erupt), raining hot ash over a wide area.
The rescue teams attempted to rescue the people________were trapped in the ruins and dust.
Natural ________may cause damage mainly include floods, droughts, hurricanes, landslides and volcanic eruptions.
Fortunately, all people escaped from the scene and there was no________ (dead)in the scary disaster.
We were________(shock) to learn that his brother was lost in the volcanic eruption.
About 70 percent of the surface of the earth________ (be)covered by water.
Not that I do not want to help you, but that it is________my power to do so.
Firefighters finally put out the big fire, which left the kitchen slightly________ (damage)and the oven
completely________ (destroy).
The morning air in the mountain is so good________ (breathe).
On hearing the news, her eyes opened wide ________ shock.
I will never forget the day________I spent in Chongqing.
The scene that huge________ (wave) broke on the shore was very terrifying.
The old temple ________(damage) in the earthquake is being rebuilt.
The cheque ________ (deliver)to the bank by a private courier firm the other day.
passage one
Cultural TV programs have experienced a come-back at 1.________ start of the Chinese New year in 2017. Since its broadcast, the program, Readers, 2.________(become) a hit. Broadcast on China Central Television(CCTV) over the weekend, it is bringing fresh 3.________(enthusiastic) for literature in China. Readers sets out to interpret the power and values behind 4.________(tradition) Chinese culture. The weekly talk show, produced and hosted by the famous TV personality Dong Qing, invites people from all walks of life 5.________ (read) poems,essays and books they like 6.________wrote. Readers has brought the almost-lost habit of reading aloud back into the public spotlight, which makes the audience 7.________(appreciate) the beauty of language. The participants also 8.________(active) share stories from their own life, explaining reasons 9.________particular pieces touched their hearts or shaped their lives. In the show, poems can 10._____ (adapt) into songs. So far this program has been considered one of the most popular shows in China.
passage two:
Beauty is usually seen as a blessing. But for some people, it seems that it can be 1.________curse. Laura Femee says her good look is so 2.________ (power) that it is ruining her life. She was even forced to quit her job.
The 33-year-old graduate said that her slim figure and pretty face 3._____ (attract) unwanted attention from her male colleagues.Male colleagues were interested in her only for how she looked.She wanted them to recognize her achievements and professionalism,but 4.________they saw were her face and body.Men left romantic gifts on her desk.Besides ,5.________ often asked her out, which she found crazy.She also claimed that she was hated by other women in the workplace 6.________ were jealous of her beauty.
Miss Femee now lives off her wealthy parents after 7.________ (quit) her job in scientific research two years ago.Yesterday,she said,“I'm neither lazy 8.________ stupid.The truth is that my good look has caused me many problems when it comes to employment.” She also added her appearance meant she was teased and bullied 9.________ (constant),so she thought that work was not appropriate 10.________ her.
From Facebook I got to know the Cajun Navy.And there,thousands of selfless volunteers piloted 1 into flooded areas,assisting emergency responders.So I download the app Zello And 2 the Cajun Navy channel.A couple of women who had been taking 3 from victims came on the line at 11:00 am and asked whether anyone could 4 through the night.I said,"I can.”
I got two-minute "training"and a"Good luck!".Then I began to answer calls.The first call was from Chad.He was 5 in his house with water up to his chests.He was about to go to his attic(阁楼).I told him to go to his roof 6 ,so he wouldn't become trapped by the rising water.
I took request after request.Around 4:30 am,I got a request from Saundra whose grandfather lived 7 She was worried because without anyone around, he could not 8 to 911.I assured her that someone would get to him.
But later I learned the Cajun Navy had no boats on the water to help,with the flood so severe.It's no wonder that we had so many people desperately begging for rescue.It looked as if I'd been 9 Seven hours after the calls, we got word that the Cajun Navy was finally . 10 to go onto the water.Every 30 minutes,I'd 11 the rescuers of Saundra's grandfather.
At 3:00 pm,Saundra told me that her grandfather was on his way to a rescue center.I let out a huge sigh of 12 I texted Chad at 5:30 pm to see whether he was 13 I got his word“We are safe now".
I'd been awake for 20 hours but wasn't 14 ,There was no way I could have 15 right then.I didn't know how police officers, firefighters, 911 workers and EMT s did this every day, but I did know I was grateful beyond measures that they did it.
1.A.trucks B.planes C.boats D.cars
2.A.found B.changed C.adjusted D.deleted
3.A.pictures B.risks C.orders D.calls
4.A.read B.work C.write D.travel
5.A.stuck B.shot C.hidden D.locked
6.A.frequently B.again C.slightly D.instead
7.A.abroad B.plainly C.separately D.together
8.A.break through B.get through C.point out D.burst out
9.A.wandering B.apologizing C.lying D.fighting
10.A.dropped B.lost C.located D.allowed
11.A.accuse B.approve C.remind D.warn
12.A.pain B.shame C.relief D.regret
13.A.safe B.sick C.sleepy D.terrified
14.A.anxious B.shocked C.conscious D.tired
15.A.attained B.slept C.bothered D.negotiated
Unit 5 Languages around the world基础练习
一: 词性转换:
________vi.提到;参考;查阅 vt.查询;叫……求助于→________n.指称关系;参考
________以……为据点;以……为基础n.底部;根据→________→adj.以(某事)为基础的;以……为重要部分(或特征)的→________ adj.基本的
________n.(植物、语言等的)变体;异体;多样化→_________adj.各种各样的→________ vi.变化;相异;有别
________n.同等的人;相等物adj.相同的;同样的→________adv.同样地;平等地→ ________n.平等
________n.要求;需求 vi.强烈要求;需要 vi.查问→_________adj.要求高的
________vi.联系;讲述→ ________n.关系;联系→________n.(人、团体、国家之间的)关系;联系→
\________adj.相关的;有联系的→ ________n.亲戚adj.相对的;相比较而言的
Planes struggle ________ (land) at Manchester Airport during strong winds.
I compared my handwriting ________ hers and then realized that I needed to practice more.
You are saying that everyone should be ________ (equal) paid,and this is where I disagree.
Strike workers demanded ________ (see) the manager.
Education levels are strongly related________ income.
With so much work to do,he can’t help but________ (ask) his friends for help.
It is________(obviously) that most of them are aware of the importance to protect the environment.
I have a composition________(write),so I can’t go out with you.
I really don’t know whether________(accept) her invitation or not.
The majority of people________(seem) to prefer TV to radio.
The book is very popular because it was________(base) on a real film star’s story.
I’m not feeling well today,so I’ll have him________ (finish) my work.
I had my watch________(repair) yesterday.
He had me________(wait) for him for two hours. I couldn’t bear it any more!
Many people don’t know how________(deal) with the haze.
What________(do) next hasn’t been told to us.
I think it possible________(send) a letter to someone anywhere in the world without putting a stamp on the envelope.
When Peter speaks in public, he always has trouble________(think) of the right things to say.
The matter________(relate) to your fate can not be taken for granted.
________time went by, the boy came to realize his mistakes.
No matter________happens, we will not change our mind.
It is high time that we________(take) some measures to deal with environmental pollution.
There________(exist) a slight chance to win the lottery.
The man________(refer) to at the meeting was from a small village in Africa.
I really appreciate________(have) time to relax with you on this nice island.
The majority of the damage________(be) easy to repair.
At first she was not________(know) as a scientist.
He________(major) in finance at Claremont Men’s College in California ten years ago.
Those who________(want) to take part in the game write down your names.
I found it very difficult________(breath) with the smell of petrol in the air.
He realized that the whole thing was a total________(fail) from start to finish.
Unfortunately, one of the players________(injure) his knee and had to be carried off.
I finally managed________(track) down the book you wanted in a shop near the station.
I will find out the person________(trap) my mother into buying so many false goods.
It is________(shock) that the experts are working in such a bad environment.
When she finally arrived at the lecture hall,the lecture had already come to________end.
Now that we are all part of the________(globe) village, everyone becomes a neighbor.
There are many websites online,on which different________(variety) of games can be played.
The________(major) of the experts at the meeting were against him,which made him very annoyed.
He referred________my name several times at the meeting,which annoyed me greatly.
He finally made it home before the New Year’s Eve________means of taking a truck.
Keeping calm when trapped in an emergency is regarded________one important ability.
The young host majored________Chinese while he was at college.
You can put the new dictionary beside your desk for ________(refer) anytime.
I disliked his attitude________his parents,so I refused to exchange words with him.
The annoyed designer entered the hall and demanded________(tell) the truth.
We all admire the young man________(struggle) to enter a key university.
In summary,the beauty of the old castle was really beyond _________(describe).
The old tower dating from 1898 lay________ruins after the terrible explosion.
The________(die) are related to the hurricane which happened yesterday.
I’d like to show my________(appreciate) for your timely rescue.
Mark Twain wrote some novels which were based________his childhood experience.
________(connect) with Mr Smith,she is familiar with all his family members.
Beach stone tablet tea has a long history,________(date) back 1, 300 years.
The floor is made up of the bricks________(carve) with calligraphy.
________(bury) in practicing calligraphy,the teenager didn’t notice it was getting dark.
The heavy rain lasted for three days,________(cause) floods in that area.
The tower________(date) from the Warring States is well worth visiting.
passage one:
Many English language learners believe that the 1________(great) difficulty with listening comprehension(理解) is that the listener cannot control how quickly a speaker speaks. They feel that what the speaker says disappears 2________ they can follow. This frequently means that students 3_______are learning to listen cannot keep up. They are so busy 4________ (work) out the meaning of one part of what they hear that they miss the next part. Or they 5_______ (simple) ignore a whole section because they fail to catch it quickly enough. Another difficulty is that the listener is not always in a position to get the speaker to repeat what has been said. And,of course,repeats cannot 6________ (ask) for when listening to the radio or watching TV.
Besides, 7________ (choose) of vocabulary is in the hands of the speaker,not the listener. Very often,for people listening to a foreign language,an unknown word can be like a suddenly 8________ (drop) stone making them stop and think about the meaning of the word,9________ (cause) them to miss the next part of the speech. In listening,it really is a case of “He who 10 ________ (stop) to work out the meaning is lost”.
I am writing to express my appreciation to those________lent me a hand in the earthquake.
Do you still remember the day________we came to the city
I don’t know the reason________he failed to attend the party.
This is the house________his brother was born ten years ago.
I’ll remember the day on ________I was admitted to the college forever.
I’ll never forget the day________ I spent with my cousins in the mountains.
They are cleaning the windows, some of ________are very dirty.
The reason________he explained at the meeting was not reasonable.
This is the theatre________we’ll visit a well-known pianist.
I still remember the cold night ________my friend left his hometown.
The scientist about ________we are talking has gone abroad.
We went to visit the village________our father grew up.
There was a time________I hated walking the dog.
I often have the case________I can’t recognize my friends’ voice on the phone.
Let me think of a proper situation ________this sentence can be used.
The village has developed a lot ________we learned farming two years ago.
We are living in an age ________many things are done on computer.
After graduation she reached a point in her career ________she needed to decide what to do.
I will never forget the days________we spent together.
I will never forget the days________we stayed together.
The reason ________he was late was that he missed his train.
Keep the book in a place ________you can find it easily.
This is the house ________was built by my grandfather forty years ago.
The days ________they travelled together meant a lot to him.
Nobody knows the reason ________she didn’t go to the party.
They are looking for a dog________fur is brown by means of advertising on TV.
The town around________I will show you is very beautiful.
I can’t believe the reason ________she explained to me.
Miss Liu is an excellent teacher from ________I have learned a lot.
The lab________the chemist often does experiments is not far from here.
We visited the house________the famous scientist once lived.
The car________window got broken in the accident belongs to Mr Brown.
The Smiths have two children, both of________work in New York.
We have come to a point________everyone has different opinions and it is difficult to reach an agreement.
The reason________he gave up his well-paid job isn’t known to us.
Have you visited the park________was named after a hero
Air, ________which man can’t live, is really important.
The witness ________whom the policemen referred was killed.
I don’t know the reason________which he was late for school.
This is the farm________which my father grows fruit.
This is our English teacher________whom we have learnt a lot.
Mathematics is the subject________which I am most interested.
The ice________which you skate must be very hard.
The young girl, ________whom her parents are proud,is very helpful.人教版必修一Unit1-5词汇语法练习
Unit 1
Behave; behavior
Prefer; preference
Confuse; confused; confusing
Fluent; fluently
Graduate; graduation
Recommend; recommendation
Advance; advanced
Obviously; obvious
Improve; improvement
Responsible; responsibility
Solution; solve
Editor; edit
Addict; addicted
To do
Attraction; attractive
Confused; Confusing
To see
Passage one:
On 2. what 3. learning 4. that 5. to help 6. will get
Normally 8. independent 9. though/ if 10. an
Passage two:
First 2. lectures 3. recommended 4. national 5. to collect
Which 7. addicted 8. the 9. confidently 10. on
Unit 2
Supply; supplicant; supplication
Amazing; amazed; amazement
Arrangement; arrange
Type; typical
Powerful; power
Empire; emperor
Recognize; recognition
Flight; fly; flew; flown
Admire; admiration
Architecture; architect
Economy; economic
Are being built
Am coming
Is viewed
Being recognized
Was attacked
Is being repaired
To become
To communicate
To get
Passage one:
Choice 2. was published 3. largest 4. internationally 5. exploring 6. but
Shopping 8. as/ when 9. who/ that 10. impressive
Passage two:
Was listed 2. like 3. covering 4. joined 5. the
6. to walk 7. which 8. attractive 9. importance 10. is
Unit 3
Fitness; fit
Host; hostess
Gym; gymnastics
Athlete; athletic
Glory; glorious
Determination; determine; determined
Injure; injured; injury
Strength; strengthen; strengthened
Failure; fail
Compete; competitor; competition; competitive
Jog; jogger
Stress; stressful; stressed
positively; positive
being cheated
to be reading
was honored
to make
to host
a; failure
Passage one:
Who/ that 2. have been 3. coaches 4. focused 5. be selected
It 7. strictest 8. but 9. completely 10. not
Passage two:
of 2. seemed 3. what 4. training 5. to practice
6. but 7. between 8. why 9. himself 10. to pursue
Unit 4
Death; die; dead
Shock; shocking; shocked
Breathe; breath
Revive; revival
Wisdom; wise
Suffer; suffering
Erupt; eruption
Survive; survival; survivor
Power; powerful
Effect; effective
Length; long; lengthen
who/ that
have been delivered
had been
was affected
was rescued
to deliver
had been trapped
that/ which
That/ which
damaged; destroyed
to breathe
which/ that
were delivered
Passage one:
the 2. has become 3. enthusiasm 4. traditional 5. to read 6. or
Appreciate 8. actively 9. why 10. be adapted
Passage two:
a 2. powerful 3. attracted 4. what 5. they 6. who/ that 7. quitting
Nor 9. constantly 10. for
1-5:CADBA 6-10:DCBCD 11-15:CCADB
Unit 5
Refer; reference
Base; based; basic
Variety; various; vary
Major; majority
Appreciate; appreciation
Equal; equally
Demand; demanding
Relate; relation; relationship; related; relative
To land
To see
To write
To accept
To deal
To do
To send
Took/ (should) take
To breathe
To track
To tell
greatest 2. before 3. who/ that 4. working 5. simply 6. be asked
Choice 8. dropped 9. causing 10. stops
Who/ that
Which/ that
That/ which
Who/ whom
That/ which
Which/ that
Which/ that
Which/ that