

名称 湖北省十堰市2023-2024学年高一上学期元月期末调研考试英语试卷(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-18 09:30:21


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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
What is the woman doing
A. Daydreaming.
B. Making a travel plan.
C. Describing her dream job.
【原文】W: I want the kind of luck that lets me win lots of money. I could do many things I want to do.
M: Wake up from your dream now. The floor hasn’t been cleaned yet. Let’s get down to work.
Whose spirit is worth learning according to the man’s words
A. The woman’s. B. The man’s. C. Sam’s.
【原文】W: Sam has been studying hard, but he didn’t get a good grade again. What a pity!
M: His spirit is well worth learning. After all, it’s hard to keep trying when we’re faced with failure.
What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The man’s uncle. B. An animal. C. Good luck.
【原文】M: If we’re lucky, we’ll see the dolphins jump out of the water.
W: Really I’ve never seen them with my own eyes.
M: My uncle saw them and took a picture of them. I’ll show it to you.
What does the woman dislike
A. The dumplings made by her father.
B. The fried rice made by her mother.
C. The soup made by her mother.
【原文】W: The soup my mother cooks is too oily for my taste, but the dumplings she makes are so delicious that I can eat a lot in one sitting.
M: I have a preference for my father’s fried rice and my mother’s is too salty.
What does the man want Lily to do
A. Prepare for an exam. B. Make a card for Mary. C. Finish an art assignment.
【原文】M: Lily, what are you busy with Is this an art assignment from the teacher
W: No. Mary’s birthday is coming up. So I’m making a beautiful card for her.
M: Well, don’t you know there’s a test tomorrow You need to prepare for it.
6. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a car. B. At the cinema. C. On the phone.
7. What kind of movie do the speakers decide to see
A. A comedy. B. A cartoon movie. C. An action movie.
【答案】6. C 7. A
【原文】M: Hi Alice, it’s John speaking. How are you I was wondering if you’d like to go to a movie tonight.
W: Sure, I’d love to. What’s playing
M: I was considering the new comedy or the new action movie. What do you think
W: Hmm… I prefer the comedy.
M: OK, I’ll pick you up around 7:30. The movie starts at 8:00.
W: Bye!See you then.
8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Brother and sister. B. Aunt and nephew. C. Mother and son.
9. When is Aunt Mary’s birthday
A. On May 2nd. B. On May 14th. C. On September 2nd.
【答案】8. A 9. B
【原文】W: I’m really excited about Aunt Mary’s birthday party this afternoon! Aren’t you
M: Yeah! How old is she
W: She’ll be 55 on May 14th.
M: Wow! I didn’t know that Aunt Mary was younger than our mom. Mom is going to be 57 on September 2nd. Anyway, Aunt Mary is going to be so surprised to see us all here!
W: I know! But we still have to get all the food ready before she gets here.
10. Why does the woman do the present job
A. She lives near her workplace.
B. Her company pays very well.
C. She can learn some skills.
11. Which strange job does the woman prefer
A. A hotel test sleeper. B. An ice cream taster. C. A dog food taster.
12. How many strange jobs does the man mention
A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.
【答案】10. C 11. A 12. B
【原文】W: My current workplace is too far away from home and the salary doesn’t meet my expectations. I really don’t know how to hold on.
M: But you chose it to learn some skills to prepare for the future, didn’t you
W: Yes, that’s why I do that.
M: I heard that there are many strange jobs in the world, such as dog food tasters, hotel test sleepers, wedding guests…
W: Wait. Dog food tasters Does that job really exist That’s really hard to accept. But working as a sleeper sounds great. I’m eager to do that.
M: There’s no such thing as an easy job.
W: I know, I know. Anything else
M: Ice cream tasters. That’s my dream job, because I love eating and making dessert so much. And professional stand-in-liners, they wait in long lines for other people.
W: Sounds tiring but interesting.
M: Maybe one day when I stop being a salesman, I’ll choose one of them.
W: Really
13. What did the woman do with the thief
A. She did as he asked. B. She fought with him. C. She pretended not to see him.
14. What did the thief steal
A. A necklace. B. Some money. C. Nothing.
15. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Keep a dog. B. Call the police. C. Fit a home alarm system.
16. What does the man say about the woman
A. She is puzzled. B. She is brave. C. She is frightened.
【答案】13. A 14. C 15. C 16. B
【原文】W: You never know what happened at my house last night.
M: What’s wrong
W: A thief stole into my house!
M: Poor you. How did you deal with him Did you fight with him
W: Are you crazy How dare I do that I was drinking water in the living room. And then we found each other. I had to do what he asked me to do, because I was so scared.
M: OK. What did he take
W: Well, he was about to take my necklace and some money away when my neighbor’s fierce dog suddenly barked. He probably thought someone was coming, so he ran away, leaving behind what he was trying to steal.
M: That was dramatic, wasn’t it Did you call the police
W: Yes.
M: You’d better take some security measures at your house, like fitting an alarm.
W: I will.
M: I have to say you have a lot of courage. Other people would be so frightened that they might cry at that time, but you didn’t.
W: Thank you.
17. Where did George park his car
A. On a narrow street. B. At a parking lot. C. At a square.
18. What was the time when he got out of his car
A. At 5:00 pm. B. At 4:40 pm. C. At 4:20 pm.
19. Where did George put his keys
A. In his pocket. B. In his car. C. On the bench.
20. Why was George unable to see his car at first
A. Someone stole it. B. It was behind another car. C. He went to a wrong place.
【答案】17. A 18. C 19. B 20. B
【原文】It took George quite a while to find a parking place for his car, and in the end he had to leave it on a narrow street, some way from the dentist’s. As he got out, he looked at his watch. His appointment was at five and he still had forty minutes to spare. He crossed into the square and sat down on a bench, enjoying the afternoon sun. As he sat there, watching the children at play, he suddenly saw a red sports car like his pulling out of the street where he had parked. The car sped away and was soon out of his sight. George felt in his pocket, but he couldn’t find his keys. “My car!” he cried in a loud voice, which made several people stare at him. He got up and ran across the square, then down the narrow street. He found that his car was hidden behind a large one. He was relieved to find his keys still in his car.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Frosty Ridge Resort (FRR) is a popular tourist attraction with a long history. Do you want to join the proud tradition of service at FRR Welcome to join us!
Parking Host
The responsibility of a parking host is to help guests properly park their vehicles (交通工具), informing guests of parking steps and answering questions. You must be at least 18 years of age. A driver’s license (执照) is required. It’s necessary to have a team player attitude and be able to work with people of diverse cultures. The ability to work with different groups of people in a calm and professional manner is also a must.
Child Care Provider
Previous child care experience is preferred. You should provide quality child care, by meeting the needs of various age groups and guest demands in a positive way. Show positive communication skills, and offer children funny activities. Climb stairs to work space and work at a desk or computer work station for one or two hours.
Ski Instructor
Teach ski lessons to guests with the specific focus on students’ goals while emphasizing (强调) safety, fun and learning. You should be able to ski or snowboard. Great customer service skills and good adaptability are required. In particular, unlike the two positions above, you must work during the Christmas week.
21. What should people in the parking host position do
A. Teach ski lessons to guests.
B. Help guests park their cars.
C. Look after guests’ children.
D. Answer questions from FRR director.
22. What is specially required for a ski instructor
A. Being communicative. B. Providing fun for guests.
C. Working during Christmas week. D. Having related working experience.
23. Who is the text intended for
A. Job hunters. B. Project managers. C. Local visitors. D. College students.
【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A
细节理解题。根据第二段“The responsibility of a parking host is to help guests properly park their vehicles (交通工具), informing guests of parking steps and answering questions. (停车辅助员的责任是帮助客人停车,告知停车步骤以及回答相关问题)”可知,停车辅助员的工作是帮客人停车,B选项(帮客人停车)符合题意,故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第四段“In particular, unlike the two positions above, you must work during the Christmas week. (另外,和上面两个岗位不同的是,你需要在圣诞周工作)”可知,滑雪指导员这个岗位需要在圣诞节期间工作,C选项(在圣诞周工作)符合题意,故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第一段“Do you want to join the proud tradition of service at FRR Welcome to join us! (你想成为FRR自豪的一员吗?快来加入我们吧)”可知,这篇文章是一篇招聘启事。由此推知,这篇文章是写给求职者的。A. 求职者;B. 项目经理;C. 当地游客;D. 大学生。故选A项。
Zhang Zening, a hanfu supporter and lover in Nanjing, East China’s Jiangsu Province, started a surprising journey eight years ago to restore (使复原) this traditional Chinese clothing. Inspired by ancient murals (壁画), Zhang, 41, studied the artistry of hanfu in various museums, changing paintings into touchable and wearable pieces.
Upon graduating from college, Zhang first worked in material research, burying herself in the laboratory, conducting chemical experiments for the study of raw materials. At the time, she was one of the earliest lovers of hanfu in China, frequently organizing various hanfu activities in her spare time. Now as the owner of a hanfu studio, Zhang has worked with women’s re-employment organizations, looking for full-time stay-at-home women with sewing (缝纫) skills. This matched with her need for the production of hanfu.
Around 2015, Zhang began to focus independently on the process of hanfu restoration. In that year, she visited Dunhuang, Northwest China’s Gansu Province where she was attracted by the beautiful murals there, wondering how she could possibly change them into beautiful costumes.
In the past years, she has traveled to more than 10 cities across China, constantly studying murals and conducting research to restore hanfu from different dynasties. She managed to restore more than 50 sets. She referred to different materials including various murals, other cultural relics and literature to make sure that the restoration is as correct as possible. Thanks to her work, many young people wear restored hanfu when they visit museums, and Zhang is excited to see more of them doing so.
24. What can we learn about Zhang Zening according to paragraph 1
A. She longed to be a scientist.
B. She was addicted to traveling widely.
C. She was fond of Chinese traditional art.
D. She enjoyed watching museum visitors.
25. Why does Zhang work with some organizations
A. To recover traditional Chinese clothing.
B. To reduce employment pressure.
C. To increase her business influence.
D. To help the companies in trouble.
26. What is the author’s purpose in mentioning Dunhuang
A. To explain how hard Zhang works.
B. To show the start of Zhang’s independent hanfu restoration work.
C. To promote various Dunhuang’s artworks.
D. To introduce Zhang’s rich travel experiences.
27. Which of the following best describes Zhang’s restoration work
A. Effective. B. Short-lasting. C. Dangerous. D. Costly.
【答案】24. C 25. A 26. B 27. A
细节理解题。根据第一段“Zhang Zening, a hanfu supporter and lover in Nanjing, East China’s Jiangsu Province, started a surprising journey eight years ago to restore (使复原) this traditional Chinese clothing.(来自中国东部江苏省南京市的汉服支持者和爱好者张泽宁,八年前开始了一段令人惊讶的旅程,以修复这种中国传统服装)”可知,张泽宁喜欢中国传统艺术。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Now as the owner of a hanfu studio, Zhang has worked with women’s re-employment organizations, looking for full-time stay-at-home women with sewing (缝纫) skills. This matched with her need for the production of hanfu.(现在,作为一家汉服工作室的老板,张与女性再就业组织合作,寻找会缝纫的全职在家妇女。这符合她对汉服生产的需求)”可知,因为她需要大量人手来复原汉服,所以才会和这些组织合作寻找人手。由此可知,张泽宁与一些组织合作的目的是恢复中国传统服装。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第三段“Around 2015, Zhang began to focus independently on the process of hanfu restoration. In that year, she visited Dunhuang, Northwest China’s Gansu Province where she was attracted by the beautiful murals there, wondering how she could possibly change them into beautiful costumes.(2015年前后,张开始独立关注汉服修复的过程。那一年,她去了中国西北部甘肃省的敦煌,那里美丽的壁画吸引了她,她想知道如何才能把它们变成美丽的服装)”可知,她是在2015年到访了敦煌,并从中受到启发,从而开始了她的汉服复原事业。由此推知,作者提到敦煌是为了说明她的独立汉服复原事业的开端。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第四段“Thanks to her work, many young people wear restored hanfu when they visit museums, and Zhang is excited to see more of them doing so. (多亏了她的努力,越来越多的年轻人开始穿着复原过的汉服参观博物馆,而她也很开心能看到越来越多的人这么做)”可知,很多人都能穿上她复原过的汉服,说明她的效率很高,不然不会这么普及。故选A项。
When 62-year-old fisherman Kpana Charlie finished the day’s catch, he liked to settle into a wooden chair, thinking about his childhood. Back then, his life on Sierra Leone’s Nyangai Island seemed excellent. He spent endless hours playing with his friends on the island’s white beaches. Whenever he wanted to avoid having to do. his housework, he could simply disappear into the forest that covered much of the island. He remembers as recently as ten years ago, it still measured some 2, 300 feet from end to end.
Today, Nyangai is disappearing before his very eyes, covered by the endless sea. The forests are gone. And the land on which Charlie’s family home once stood, has long since disappeared beneath the waves.
In fact, the local government has responded to the sharp increase of sea level by building a concrete (混凝土制的) seawall along the length of the town. But in the many smaller coastal towns and villages in the area, there simply aren’t the resources. Then, the government made a project to protect some of the settlements by planting trees, but this has had limited success. With the population relying on woods for building and smoking-fish, few trees lived longer than the project, which ended in 2021.
Sierra Leone has been identified as one of the world’s most weak countries to the effects of climate change, despite having little influence on global CO2 emissions (排放). “Weak countries should be getting some support from wealthy nations to strengthen their climate defenses (防御),” says Gabriel Kpaka, the head of the country’s Meteorological Agency. “But we’re not really seeing that.”
With global sea level expected to rise by anywhere between 1 and 3 feet by the end of the century, along with an increase in extreme weather events, the experience of this West African island offers an understanding of the possible future of countless other low-lying areas around the world.
28. Why does the author tell Charlie’s story in paragraph 1
A. To describe his wonderful life at present. B. To offer-readers-background information
C. To call on local people to protect the seen D. To attract more visitors to Nyangai Island.
29 What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A. The reasons for the changes on the island. B. The rich natural species in coastal areas.
C. The measures taken to deal with rising sea level. D. The way to build a concrete seawall on the island.
30. What can be done to help Nyangai Island according to Kpaka
A. Local government should build a stronger seawall.
B. Local people on the island limit their CO2 emissions.
C. Countries in low-lying areas work together for their rights.
D. Rich countries should offer support about climate defenses.
31. What is the author’s attitude towards the future of other low-lying areas
A. Concerned. B. Doubtful. C. Uncertain. D. Positive.
【答案】28. B 29. C 30. D 31. A
推理判断题。根据第一段“When 62-year-old fisherman Kpana Charlie finished the day’s catch, he liked to settle into a wooden chair, thinking about his childhood. Back then, his life on Sierra Leone’s Nyangai Island seemed excellent. He spent endless hours playing with his friends on the island’s white beaches. Whenever he wanted to avoid having to do. his housework, he could simply disappear into the forest that covered much of the island. He remembers as recently as ten years ago, it still measured some 2, 300 feet from end to end. (当62岁的渔夫Kpana Charlie钓完了一天的鱼,他喜欢坐在木椅上,回忆他的童年。当时,他在塞拉利昂尼扬盖岛的生活似乎很美好。他和朋友们在岛上白色的沙滩上玩了无数个小时。每当他想要避免的时候。他的家务,他可以简单地消失在覆盖了大部分岛屿的森林里。他记得,就在十年前,它的首尾距离还在2300英尺左右。)”可推知,作者在第一段讲述查理的故事是为读者提供背景信息。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据第三段“In fact, the local government has responded to the sharp increase of sea level by building a concrete (混凝土制的) seawall along the length of the town. But in the many smaller coastal towns and villages in the area, there simply aren’t the resources. Then, the government made a project to protect some of the settlements by planting trees, but this has had limited success. With the population relying on woods for building and smoking-fish, few trees lived longer than the project, which ended in 2021. (事实上,为了应对海平面的急剧上升,当地政府沿着整个城镇修建了一座混凝土海堤。但在该地区的许多较小的沿海城镇和村庄,根本没有资源。然后,政府制定了一个项目,通过植树来保护一些定居点,但收效甚微。由于人们依赖木材建筑和熏鱼,很少有树木的寿命比该项目更长,该项目于2021年结束。)”可知,第三段的主要内容是应对海平面上升所采取的措施。故选C。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段““Weak countries should be getting some support from wealthy nations to strengthen their climate defenses (防御),” says Gabriel Kpaka, the head of the country’s Meteorological Agency. (“弱国应该从富裕国家那里得到一些支持,以加强他们的气候防御,”该国气象局局长加布里埃尔·卡帕卡说。)”可知,Kpaka认为富裕国家应该提供气候防御方面的支持来帮助Nyangai岛。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“With global sea level expected to rise by anywhere between 1 and 3 feet by the end of the century, along with an increase in extreme weather events, the experience of this West African island offers an understanding of the possible future of countless other low-lying areas around the world. (到本世纪末,全球海平面预计将上升1到3英尺,同时极端天气事件也会增加,这个西非岛屿的经历让我们了解了世界上无数其他低洼地区可能的未来。)”可推知,作者对其他低洼地区的未来持担忧态度。故选A。
Not all birds sing, but those that do—some several thousand species—do it a lot.
Iris Adam, a scientist at the University of Southern Denmark says, birds have “a drive to sing”. This means hours every day for some species, and that takes a lot of energy. However, singing can be dangerous. “As soon as you sing, you show yourself, for example, where you are and that you even exist—all of that immediately is out in the open for predators (捕食性动物) , for everybody,” she says.
In a new study published in the journal Nature Communications, Adam and her colleagues offer a new explanation for why birds take that risk and whether the muscles (肌肉) that produce birdsong require daily exercise. Adam designed an experiment on zebra finches—little Australian songbirds. Her experiment included keeping male birds in the dark to sever the connection between their brains and-their singing muscles, which prevented them from singing.
After a week, the birds’ singing muscles lost half of their strength. Three weeks later, they were back to the same level when they were juveniles (幼鸟) and never had sung before. When Adam played one of the male’s songs for: a group of female birds, six out of nine preferred the song that came from a male who had been using his singing muscles daily.
Adam’s conclusion (结论) is that songbirds need to exercise their singing muscles to produce top-performance song. If they don’t sing, they lose performance, and their songs get less attractive to females, which is bad.
“What they stress is that you need a lot of practice to improve what you’re doing,” says Ana Amador, a scientist at the University of Buenos Aires. It’s a good rule to live by, whether you’re a bird or a human—practice makes perfect, at least when it comes to singing one’s heart out.
32. Why can singing be dangerous for birds
A. They can drive predators to sing. B. They never protect their areas.
C. Their singing can attract predators. D. Singing does damage to their muscles.
33. What does the underlined word “sever” probably mean in paragraph 3
A. Remember. B. End. C. Risk. D. Keep.
34. What do we know about Adam’s experiment
A. It mainly focused on male birds and juveniles.
B. It aimed to protect zebra finches from possible risks.
C. It strengthened birds’ singing muscles in four weeks.
D. It proved exercising singing muscles matters to birds.
35. Which is the most suitable title for the text
A. Iris Adam’s work is a big success B. Singing can be dangerous for birds
C. Birds sing to keep muscles in shape D. Birds and human beings need practice
【答案】32. C 33. B 34. D 35. C
细节理解题。根据第二段““As soon as you sing, you show yourself, for example, where you are and that you even exist—all of that immediately is out in the open for predators (捕食性动物) , for everybody,” she says. (她说:“只要你一唱歌,你就展示了你自己,例如,你在哪里,你甚至存在——所有这些都立即暴露在捕食者面前,暴露在所有人面前。”)”可知,歌唱对鸟类来说是危险的因为它们的歌声可以吸引捕食者。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“the connection between their brains and-their singing muscles, which prevented them from singing”可知,实验把雄鸟关在黑暗中,结束它们大脑和唱歌肌肉之间的联系,这阻止了它们唱歌。故划线词意思是“结束”。故选B。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Adam’s conclusion (结论) is that songbirds need to exercise their singing muscles to produce top-performance song. (亚当的结论是,鸣禽需要锻炼它们的歌唱肌肉,才能唱出最好的歌曲。”可知,亚当的实验证明锻炼歌唱肌肉对鸟类很重要。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据倒数第二段“Adam’s conclusion (结论) is that songbirds need to exercise their singing muscles to produce top-performance song. If they don’t sing, they lose performance, and their songs get less attractive to females, which is bad. (亚当的结论是,鸣禽需要锻炼它们的歌唱肌肉,才能唱出最好的歌曲。如果他们不唱歌,他们就会失去表演能力,他们的歌曲对女性的吸引力就会下降,这很糟糕。)”结合文章主要介绍了神经学家艾瑞斯·亚当对于为什么鸟唱得这么多歌的研究。可知,C选项“鸟唱歌是为了保持肌肉的形状”最符合文章标题。故选C。
These four good habits will improve some aspects of your life.
Do one thing at a time
____36____. In truth, it’s not the best way to get things done. Instead of jumping from one thing to the next like a ping-pong ball, stick with one task as long as you can. That concentrated time you spend on one thing will be far more productive. ____37____.
Create a place for everything
Imagine all things in your home have a place where they live. For example, toys go into a basket when they’re not in use. ____38____. If you regularly (定期的) have lots of things that have nowhere to go, it may be time to make some hard choices about what you really want to keep.
Get up at the same time every day, preferably all seven days a week. A consistent (一致的) sleep schedule helps form your body’s circadian rhythm (昼夜节律). Sleeping late on the weekends is not bad. But it feels better to get regular rests every day.
Learn how to say no
Saying yes to everything can be a difficult habit to break for most of us. But learning how to draw a line is one of the best things you can do for yourself. You have the power not to agree to help everyone else with their problems. ____40____. Your time is just as valuable as everyone else’s.
A. Set a realistic goal
B. Keep a consistent sleep schedule
C. In this way you spare lots of time for yourself
D. If so, tidying up your home gets a whole lot quicker
E. Most of us sometimes do several things at the same time
F. Being efficient with the time you have is crucial for productivity
G. Instead, you will easily feel tired when trying to finish three things meantime
【答案】36. E 37. G 38. D 39. B 40. C
下文“In truth, it’s not the best way to get things done.(事实上,这不是完成事情的最佳方式)”,空处应对应本段标题“Do one thing at a time(一次做一件事)”,并且指出下文it指代的内容,E项“我们大多数人有时同时做几件事”符合语境。故选E项。
上文“That concentrated time you spend on one thing will be far more productive.(把时间集中在一件事上会更有效率)”表明一个时间只做一件事会效率更高,空处承接上文,G项“相反,当你试图同时完成三件事时,你会很容易感到疲惫”跟上文相对照,表明另外一种结果,符合题意。故选G项。
上文“Imagine all things in your home have a place where they live. For example, toys go into a basket when they’re not in use. (想象一下,你家里的所有东西都有一个他们居住的地方。例如,玩具不用时会放进篮子里)”指出所有东西要有自己的地方,空处承接上文,D项“如果是这样的话,整理你的家会更快”是对前面句子的顺承,符合语境。故选D项。
空处作为小标题,应概括本段内容,下文第一句“Get up at the same time every day, preferably all seven days a week.A consistent (一致的) sleep schedule helps form your body’s circadian rhythm (昼夜节律). (每天在同一时间起床,最好一周七天都一样。一致的睡眠时间表有助于形成你身体的昼夜节律。)”是对小标题的进一步解释,B项“保持一致的睡眠时间表”跟主题内容一致,符合语境,同时a consistent sleep schedule是同词复现。故选B项。
上文“You have the power not to agree to help everyone else with their problems.(你有权不同意帮助其他人解决他们的问题)”表明你可以向别人说“不”,空处承上启下,下文“Your time is just as valuable as everyone else’s.(你的时间和其他人的时间一样宝贵)”表明你自己的时间也很重要,要留给自己时间,C项“这样你就为自己腾出了很多时间”符合语境。故选C项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
After the doctor’s examination little Lucy was diagnosed (诊断) with a serious disease. Doctors had to perform an operation on her to save her life. Facing a year of treatment, Lucy ____41____ her mother for a puppy (小狗). Then, the lovely puppy Lucy named Bobby ____42____ left her side, keeping her company and sitting beside her as she ____43____ her life after the operation. “I get along well with Bobby, which ____44____ me that animals can think, feel and suffer as much as we do,” says Lucy.
In 1994, Lucy graduated from college and began a ____45____ in film. During her free time, she ____46____ as a photographer for animal rights groups in 2002.
A year later she ____47____ her film career. Then she worked full-time as an animal caregiver at Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, New York. “Farm ____48____ are typically very shy,” says Lucy. “But in a loving environment, you begin to see how ____49____ and lovely they are.”
Lucy learned farm life and with her partner, Doug Abel, a film editor, set up the Woodstock Farm Sanctuary, a nonprofit organization aimed at ____50____ farm animals. Through their website, they ____51____ the backstory and personality of each of the more than 350 animals living at the farm, ____52____ them and protected them from being sold.
To help more animals, Lucy and Doug ____53____ the sanctuary to a 150-acre farm in High Falls, New York, which has a fully equipped kitchen and a dining hall in addition to a barn. The new space has ____54____ their team of 17 members, to host meaningful classes and a kids’ camp.
“People who came here ____55____ spending time with the animals. It’s therapy (治疗) for them,” says Lucy.
A. asked B. punished C. paid D. praised
A. surprisingly B. secretly C. hardly D. immediately
A. belonged to B. led to C. adapted to D. referred to
A. warns B. confirms C. cures D. orders
A. relationship B. job C. lesson D. novel
A regarded B. revised C. recognised D. volunteered
A. quit B. investigated C. checked D. tracked
A. plants B. workers C. animals D. environment
A. friendly B. terrible C. ugly D. stupid
A. trading B. damaging C. controlling D. rescuing
A. invented B. described C. believed D. protected
A. shot B. protested C. threatened D. helped
A. ruined B. moved C. donated D. sold
A. pretended B. forced C. allowed D. hated
A. imagined B. loved C. refused D. admitted
【答案】41. A 42. C 43. C 44. B 45. B 46. D 47. A 48. C 49. A 50. D 51. B 52. D 53. B 54. C 55. B
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Lucy患病时,她的小狗一直陪伴着她,给予她很大的安慰,她毕业后开始就在动物权益保护机构从事志愿者工作,随着对动物了解的加深,她和她的伙伴开办了Woodstock Farm Sanctuary,旨在援救帮助农场动物。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:面对一年的治疗,露西向母亲要了一只小狗。A. asked要求;B. punished惩罚;C. paid支付;D. praised赞扬。ask sb. for sth.“向某人索要某物”为固定搭配。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后,这只可爱的小狗,露西叫它鲍比,几乎没有离开她的身边,陪伴着她,坐在她身边,陪她适应手术后的生活。A. surprisingly令人惊讶地;B. secretly秘密地;C. hardly几乎不;D. immediately立即。根据下文“keeping her company and sitting beside her ”可知,小狗陪着她,坐在她身边,故它几乎不离开她。故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:然后,这只可爱的小狗,露西叫它鲍比,几乎没有离开她的身边,陪伴着她,坐在她身边,陪她适应手术后的生活。A. belonged to属于;B. led to导致;C. adapted to适应;D. referred to参考。根据下文“her life after the operation”可知,她要适应手术后的生活。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:露西说:“我和鲍比相处得很好,这证实了动物和我们一样能思考、感受和受苦。”A. warns警告;B. confirms确认;证实;C. cures治愈;D. orders命令。根据上文“I get along well with Bobby”及下文“animals can think, feel and suffer as much as we do”可知,露西和小狗相处得好,由此证实动物和我们一样能思考、感受和受苦。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:1994年,露西大学毕业,开始从事电影工作。A. relationship关系;B. job工作;C.lesson课程;D. novel小说。根据下文“A year later she ___7____ her film career. ”可知,露西大学毕业后,得到了一份电影方面的工作。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:2002年,在空闲时间,她自愿成为动物权利组织的摄影师。A. regarded把……视为;B. revised修改;C. recognised识别;D. volunteered志愿;自愿。根据上文“During her free time”可知,在她的空闲时间,她自愿去给动物权利组织当摄影师。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一年后,她退出了电影事业。A. quit离开;停止;B. investigated调查;C. checked检查;D. tracked跟踪。根据下文“Then she worked full-time as an animal caregiver at Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, New York.”可知,她在纽约沃特金斯格伦的农场保护区全职担任动物护理员,故她离开了以前的工作。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:露西说:“农场里的动物通常都很害羞。但在一个充满爱的环境中,你会看到它们是多么友好可爱。”A. plants植物;B. workers工人;C. animals动物;D. environment环境。根据上文“Then she worked full-time as an animal caregiver at Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, New York.”可知,她在纽约沃特金斯格伦的农场保护区全职担任动物护理员,故这里说农场里的动物很害羞。故选C。
考查形容词词词义辨析。句意:露西说:“农场里的动物通常都很害羞。但在一个充满爱的环境中,你会看到它们是多么友好可爱。”A. friendly友好的;B. terrible糟糕的;C. ugly丑陋的;D. stupid愚蠢的。根据上文“But in a loving environment”及下文“lovely they are”可知,这里说这些动物非常的友好,可爱。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:露西学习了农场生活,并与她的伴侣、电影编辑道格·阿贝尔一起成立了Woodstock Farm Sanctuary,这是一个旨在拯救农场动物的非营利组织。A. trading交易;B. damaging破坏;C. controlling控制;D. rescuing营救。根据下文“and protected them from being sold”可知,他们建立Woodstock Farm Sanctuary是为了营救农场的动物。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过她们的网站,她们描述了生活在农场的350多只动物的背景故事和个性,帮助它们并保护它们不被出售。A. invented发明;B. described描述;C. believed相信;D. protected保护。根据下文“the backstory and personality”可知,她们在网上描述生活在农场的350多只动物的背景故事和个性。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过她们的网站,她们描述了生活在农场的350多只动物的背景故事和个性,帮助它们并保护它们不被出售。A. shot射击;B.protested抗议;C. threatened威胁;D. helped帮助。根据下文“To help more animals”可知,她们在帮助农场的动物。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了帮助更多的动物,露西和道格将保护区搬到了纽约海福尔斯的一个150英亩的农场,除了一个谷仓外,农场还有一个设备齐全的厨房和一个餐厅。A. ruined毁坏;B. moved移动;搬家;C. donated捐赠;D. sold卖。根据下文“the sanctuary to a 150-acre farm in High Falls”可知,露西和道格把保护区搬到了纽约州海福尔斯一个150英亩的农场。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:新的空间让她们的17名成员组成的团队能够举办有意义的课程和儿童夏令营。A. pretended假装;B. forced强迫;C. allowed允许;D. hated讨厌。根据上文“a 150-acre farm in High Falls”可知,农场很大,允许她们的团队举办有意义的课程和儿童夏令营。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:露西说:“来这里的人喜欢和动物呆在一起。这对他们来说是一种治疗。”A. imagined想象;B. loved喜爱;C. refused拒绝;D. admitted承认。根据下文“It’s therapy for them”可知,对来这里的人来说这是一种治疗,故他们喜欢和动物呆在一起。故选B。
After four days of wonderful performances, the 7th China Quanzhou International Puppet Festival ____56____ (come) to an end on December 12 in 2023 in Quanzhou, south China’s Fujian Province. The festival, ____57____ was held in the hometown of Chinese string (线) puppetry (木偶制作艺术), showed the high-level skills of Quanzhou’s puppetry artists, leaving audiences ____58____ (amaze).
In China, string puppetry is ____59____ important form of traditional theater that originated in Quanzhou during the Han Dynasty. ____60____ (actual), having been passed down over thousands of years, more than 700 traditional plays about folk beliefs and customs have been protected.
Each puppet is equipped with 8 to 16 strings, while more complex performances may require up to 36 strings. The strings ____61____ (divide) into several groups according to human movements, and all the actions are controlled by the hands of the puppetry artists.
To master string puppetry, skilled ____62____ (way) to perform puppets are not enough. Puppeteers also need to have rich life experiences ____63____ (understand) the emotional world of the characters to help bring the puppets to life.
On May 20, 2006, Quanzhou string puppetry was added ____64____ the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list (非物质文化遗产名录).
As the hometown of string puppetry, Quanzhou was also the first city in China to hold an international puppet festival and succeeded in ____65____ (host) six sessions in 1986, 1990, 2000, 2015, 2017 and 2019.
【答案】56. came
57. which 58. amazed
59. an 60. Actually
61. are divided
62. ways 63. to understand
64. to 65. hosting
考查动词时态。句意:经过四天的精彩演出,第七届中国泉州国际木偶节于2023年12月12日在中国南部福建省泉州落下帷幕。come to an end“结束”。根据时间状语on December 12 in 2023可知,事情发生在过去,故时态用一般过去时,用come的过去式。故填came。
考查定语从句。句意:这个在中国木偶戏之乡举行的节日展示了泉州木偶戏艺术家的高水平技艺,令观众惊叹不已。分析句子结构可知,本空引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是The festival,指物,关系词代替先行词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which引导。故填which。
考查动词语态。句意:木偶的琴弦根据人的动作分为几组,所有的动作都由木偶艺术家的手控制。结合语境和空后的are可知,本句陈述事实,故时态用一般现在时,且主语The strings与divide“分,分成”为被动关系,故句子用一般现在时的被动语态,且主语为复数,be动词用are。故填are divided。
考查非谓语动词。句意:木偶操纵者还需要有丰富生活经验,以了解人物的情感世界,帮助把木偶的生活。本句谓语为need,此处为非谓语动词,应用understand“了解”的不定式形式,作目的状语。故填to understand。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 请根据所给标题“How I benefit from English writing lessons”完成英语老师布置的作文,内容包括:
1. 你得到的益处:
2. 你对该课程的建议。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
How I benefit from English writing lessons
How I benefit from English writing lessons
English writing lessons have greatly benefited me in several ways. Firstly, these lessons have helped me improve my overall writing skills. Through the practice and guidance provided by my English teacher, I have learned how to construct well-organized essays, allowing me to effectively convey my ideas. Secondly, these lessons have expanded my vocabulary and enhanced my grammar. Furthermore, these lessons have boosted my critical thinking abilities, enabling me to think more critically and express my opinions more effectively.
Certainly, I have some advice. I hope that my English teacher can provide more opportunities for us to practice writing independently.
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生根据所给标题“How I benefit from English writing lessons”完成英语老师布置的作文。
几个:several→ a few
帮助:help→ assist
改善:improve→ upgrade
指导:guidance→ instruction
原句:Through the practice and guidance provided by my English teacher, I have learned how to construct well-organized essays, allowing me to effectively convey my ideas.
拓展句:Because my English teacher have provided me the practice and guidance, I have learned how to construct well-organized essays, allowing me to effectively convey my ideas.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Furthermore, these lessons have boosted my critical thinking abilities, enabling me to think more critically and express my opinions more effectively.(运用了现在分词enabling作状语)
【高分句型2】I hope that my English teacher can provide more opportunities for us to practice writing independently.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
In a small town, there lived a girl named Lily and her older brother, Alex. Lily had a dream to become a professional dancer, a dream which filled her life with both excitement and challenges. Alex, who had always been her role model, understood her passion more than anyone else.
While, growing up, Lily looked up to Alex. He was the star athlete of his high school, admired by many. But to Lily, he was more than that; he was her support system, always encouraging her to pursue (追求) her dream. However, Lily’s path to becoming a dancer was filled with difficulties. Financial limits and lack of resources in their small town were constant challenges.
As Lily entered high school, Alex noticed his sister’s struggles and knew he had to step in. He started by organizing dance workshops and fundraising events in their community. He spent his evenings helping Lily practice, turning their garage into a dance studio. His efforts brought the community together, and soon, Lily had a small but devoted group of supporters cheering her on.
With Alex’s help, Lily started to gain confidence. She improved her skills and began to participate in local dance competitions. Each time she performed, Alex was there in the front row, cheering the loudest. His strong belief in her fueled Lily’s determination to succeed.
As Lily’s senior year approached, a significant opportunity arose — a chance to compete in a national dance competition, with the prize being an entry into a famous dance academy. Lily signed up for it and practiced day and night for the competition. The night before the event, Lily felt extremely anxious. Alex stayed up with her, talking through her routines and reminding her of the strength and beauty in her movements. His words calmed Lily down and filled her with newfound confidence.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The day of the competition arrived.
Thanks to Alex, Lily’s dream was coming true.
The day of the competition arrived. Lily, filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement, stepped onto the grand stage, the lights casting a spotlight on her. As Lily took the stage, she could see Alex in the audience and his face filled with pride. As the music started, Lily let the rhythm guide her, each move flowing gracefully and effortlessly. Her dance told a story of struggle and success, mirroring her own journey. The audience were attracted, hanging onto her every move. When her performance ended, the room erupted in applause.
Thanks to Alex, Lily’s dream was coming true. She not only won the competition but also got access to a top dance academy. Her hard work paid off. Lily knew that without Alex, her journey would have been much harder. Alex had sacrificed his time and energy to help his sister reach her potential. He had been her protector, her mentor, and her biggest fan. As they celebrated the hard-won victory, they both realized that their strong relationship was their greatest strength.
①充满:filled with/full of
②踏上:step onto/set foot on
【点睛】【高分句型1】Lily let the rhythm guide her, each move flowing gracefully and effortlessly.(运用了独立主格结构)
【高分句型2】As they celebrated the hard-won victory, they both realized that their strong relationship was their greatest strength.(运用了as引导的时间状语从句和that引导的宾语从句)十堰市2023—2024学年度上学期期末调研考试
1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上,并将考号条形码贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。
3. 非选择题用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将答案直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。答在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。
4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,只交答题卡。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
What is the woman doing
A. Daydreaming.
B. Making a travel plan.
C. Describing her dream job.
Whose spirit is worth learning according to the man’s words
A. The woman’s. B. The man’s. C. Sam’s.
What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The man’s uncle. B. An animal. C. Good luck.
What does the woman dislike
A. The dumplings made by her father.
B. The fried rice made by her mother.
C. The soup made by her mother.
What does the man want Lily to do
A. Prepare for an exam. B. Make a card for Mary. C. Finish an art assignment.
6. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a car. B. At the cinema. C. On the phone.
7. What kind of movie do the speakers decide to see
A. A comedy. B. A cartoon movie. C. An action movie.
8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Brother and sister. B. Aunt and nephew. C. Mother and son.
9. When is Aunt Mary’s birthday
A. On May 2nd. B. On May 14th. C. On September 2nd.
10. Why does the woman do the present job
A She lives near her workplace.
B. Her company pays very well.
C. She can learn some skills.
11. Which strange job does the woman prefer
A. A hotel test sleeper. B. An ice cream taster. C. A dog food taster.
12. How many strange jobs does the man mention
A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.
13. What did the woman do with the thief
A. She did as he asked. B. She fought with him. C. She pretended not to see him.
14. What did the thief steal
A. A necklace. B. Some money. C. Nothing.
15. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Keep a dog. B. Call the police. C. Fit a home alarm system.
16. What does the man say about the woman
A. She is puzzled. B. She is brave. C. She is frightened.
17. Where did George park his car
A. On a narrow street. B. At a parking lot. C. At a square.
18. What was the time when he got out of his car
A. At 5:00 pm. B. At 4:40 pm. C. At 4:20 pm.
19. Where did George put his keys
A. In his pocket. B. In his car. C. On the bench.
20. Why was George unable to see his car at first
A. Someone stole it. B. It was behind another car. C. He went to a wrong place.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
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Parking Host
The responsibility of a parking host is to help guests properly park their vehicles (交通工具), informing guests of parking steps and answering questions. You must be at least 18 years of age. A driver’s license (执照) is required. It’s necessary to have a team player attitude and be able to work with people of diverse cultures. The ability to work with different groups of people in a calm and professional manner is also a must.
Child Care Provider
Previous child care experience is preferred. You should provide quality child care, by meeting the needs of various age groups and guest demands in a positive way. Show positive communication skills, and offer children funny activities. Climb stairs to work space and work at a desk or computer work station for one or two hours.
Ski Instructor
Teach ski lessons to guests with the specific focus on students’ goals while emphasizing (强调) safety, fun and learning. You should be able to ski or snowboard. Great customer service skills and good adaptability are required. In particular, unlike the two positions above, you must work during the Christmas week.
21. What should people in the parking host position do
A. Teach ski lessons to guests.
B. Help guests park their cars.
C. Look after guests’ children.
D. Answer questions from FRR director.
22. What is specially required for a ski instructor
A. Being communicative. B. Providing fun for guests.
C. Working during Christmas week. D. Having related working experience.
23. Who is the text intended for
A. Job hunters. B. Project managers. C. Local visitors. D. College students.
Zhang Zening, a hanfu supporter and lover in Nanjing, East China’s Jiangsu Province, started a surprising journey eight years ago to restore (使复原) this traditional Chinese clothing. Inspired by ancient murals (壁画), Zhang, 41, studied the artistry of hanfu in various museums, changing paintings into touchable and wearable pieces.
Upon graduating from college, Zhang first worked in material research, burying herself in the laboratory, conducting chemical experiments for the study of raw materials. At the time, she was one of the earliest lovers of hanfu in China, frequently organizing various hanfu activities in her spare time. Now as the owner of a hanfu studio, Zhang has worked with women’s re-employment organizations, looking for full-time stay-at-home women with sewing (缝纫) skills. This matched with her need for the production of hanfu.
Around 2015, Zhang began to focus independently on the process of hanfu restoration. In that year, she visited Dunhuang, Northwest China’s Gansu Province where she was attracted by the beautiful murals there, wondering how she could possibly change them into beautiful costumes.
In the past years, she has traveled to more than 10 cities across China, constantly studying murals and conducting research to restore hanfu from different dynasties. She managed to restore more than 50 sets. She referred to different materials including various murals, other cultural relics and literature to make sure that the restoration is as correct as possible. Thanks to her work, many young people wear restored hanfu when they visit museums, and Zhang is excited to see more of them doing so.
24. What can we learn about Zhang Zening according to paragraph 1
A. She longed to be a scientist.
B. She was addicted to traveling widely.
C. She was fond of Chinese traditional art.
D. She enjoyed watching museum visitors.
25. Why does Zhang work with some organizations
A. To recover traditional Chinese clothing.
B. To reduce employment pressure.
C. To increase her business influence.
D. To help the companies in trouble.
26. What is the author’s purpose in mentioning Dunhuang
A. To explain how hard Zhang works.
B To show the start of Zhang’s independent hanfu restoration work.
C. To promote various Dunhuang’s artworks.
D. To introduce Zhang’s rich travel experiences.
27. Which of the following best describes Zhang’s restoration work
A. Effective. B. Short-lasting. C. Dangerous. D. Costly.
When 62-year-old fisherman Kpana Charlie finished the day’s catch, he liked to settle into a wooden chair, thinking about his childhood. Back then, his life on Sierra Leone’s Nyangai Island seemed excellent. He spent endless hours playing with his friends on the island’s white beaches. Whenever he wanted to avoid having to do. his housework, he could simply disappear into the forest that covered much of the island. He remembers as recently as ten years ago, it still measured some 2, 300 feet from end to end.
Today, Nyangai is disappearing before his very eyes, covered by the endless sea. The forests are gone. And the land on which Charlie’s family home once stood, has long since disappeared beneath the waves.
In fact, the local government has responded to the sharp increase of sea level by building a concrete (混凝土制的) seawall along the length of the town. But in the many smaller coastal towns and villages in the area, there simply aren’t the resources. Then, the government made a project to protect some of the settlements by planting trees, but this has had limited success. With the population relying on woods for building and smoking-fish, few trees lived longer than the project, which ended in 2021.
Sierra Leone has been identified as one of the world’s most weak countries to the effects of climate change, despite having little influence on global CO2 emissions (排放). “Weak countries should be getting some support from wealthy nations to strengthen their climate defenses (防御),” says Gabriel Kpaka, the head of the country’s Meteorological Agency. “But we’re not really seeing that.”
With global sea level expected to rise by anywhere between 1 and 3 feet by the end of the century, along with an increase in extreme weather events, the experience of this West African island offers an understanding of the possible future of countless other low-lying areas around the world.
28. Why does the author tell Charlie’s story in paragraph 1
A. To describe his wonderful life at present. B. To offer-readers-background information
C. To call on local people to protect the seen D. To attract more visitors to Nyangai Island.
29. What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A. The reasons for the changes on the island. B. The rich natural species in coastal areas.
C. The measures taken to deal with rising sea level. D. The way to build a concrete seawall on the island.
30. What can be done to help Nyangai Island according to Kpaka
A. Local government should build a stronger seawall.
B. Local people on the island limit their CO2 emissions.
C. Countries in low-lying areas work together for their rights.
D. Rich countries should offer support about climate defenses.
31. What is the author’s attitude towards the future of other low-lying areas
A. Concerned. B. Doubtful. C. Uncertain. D. Positive.
Not all birds sing, but those that do—some several thousand species—do it a lot.
Iris Adam, a scientist at the University of Southern Denmark says, birds have “a drive to sing”. This means hours every day for some species, and that takes a lot of energy. However, singing can be dangerous. “As soon as you sing, you show yourself, for example, where you are and that you even exist—all of that immediately is out in the open for predators (捕食性动物) , for everybody,” she says.
In a new study published in the journal Nature Communications, Adam and her colleagues offer a new explanation for why birds take that risk and whether the muscles (肌肉) that produce birdsong require daily exercise. Adam designed an experiment on zebra finches—little Australian songbirds. Her experiment included keeping male birds in the dark to sever the connection between their brains and-their singing muscles, which prevented them from singing.
After a week, the birds’ singing muscles lost half of their strength. Three weeks later, they were back to the same level when they were juveniles (幼鸟) and never had sung before. When Adam played one of the male’s songs for: a group of female birds, six out of nine preferred the song that came from a male who had been using his singing muscles daily.
Adam’s conclusion (结论) is that songbirds need to exercise their singing muscles to produce top-performance song. If they don’t sing, they lose performance, and their songs get less attractive to females, which is bad.
“What they stress is that you need a lot of practice to improve what you’re doing,” says Ana Amador, a scientist at the University of Buenos Aires. It’s a good rule to live by, whether you’re a bird or a human—practice makes perfect, at least when it comes to singing one’s heart out.
32. Why can singing be dangerous for birds
A. They can drive predators to sing. B. They never protect their areas.
C. Their singing can attract predators. D. Singing does damage to their muscles.
33. What does the underlined word “sever” probably mean in paragraph 3
A. Remember. B. End. C. Risk. D. Keep.
34. What do we know about Adam’s experiment
A. It mainly focused on male birds and juveniles.
B. It aimed to protect zebra finches from possible risks.
C. It strengthened birds’ singing muscles in four weeks.
D. It proved exercising singing muscles matters to birds.
35. Which is the most suitable title for the text
A. Iris Adam’s work is a big success B. Singing can be dangerous for birds
C. Birds sing to keep muscles in shape D. Birds and human beings need practice
These four good habits will improve some aspects of your life.
Do one thing at a time
____36____. In truth it’s not the best way to get things done. Instead of jumping from one thing to the next like a ping-pong ball, stick with one task as long as you can. That concentrated time you spend on one thing will be far more productive. ____37____.
Create a place for everything
Imagine all things in your home have a place where they live. For example, toys go into a basket when they’re not in use. ____38____. If you regularly (定期的) have lots of things that have nowhere to go, it may be time to make some hard choices about what you really want to keep.
Get up at the same time every day, preferably all seven days a week. A consistent (一致的) sleep schedule helps form your body’s circadian rhythm (昼夜节律). Sleeping late on the weekends is not bad. But it feels better to get regular rests every day.
Learn how to say no
Saying yes to everything can be a difficult habit to break for most of us. But learning how to draw a line is one of the best things you can do for yourself. You have the power not to agree to help everyone else with their problems. ____40____. Your time is just as valuable as everyone else’s.
A. Set a realistic goal
B. Keep a consistent sleep schedule
C. In this way you spare lots of time for yourself
D. If so, tidying up your home gets a whole lot quicker
E. Most of us sometimes do several things at the same time
F. Being efficient with the time you have is crucial for productivity
G. Instead, you will easily feel tired when trying to finish three things meantime
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
After the doctor’s examination little Lucy was diagnosed (诊断) with a serious disease. Doctors had to perform an operation on her to save her life. Facing a year of treatment, Lucy ____41____ her mother for a puppy (小狗). Then, the lovely puppy Lucy named Bobby ____42____ left her side, keeping her company and sitting beside her as she ____43____ her life after the operation. “I get along well with Bobby, which ____44____ me that animals can think, feel and suffer as much as we do,” says Lucy.
In 1994, Lucy graduated from college and began a ____45____ in film. During her free time, she ____46____ as a photographer for animal rights groups in 2002.
A year later she ____47____ her film career. Then she worked full-time as an animal caregiver at Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, New York. “Farm ____48____ are typically very shy,” says Lucy. “But in a loving environment, you begin to see how ____49____ and lovely they are.”
Lucy learned farm life and with her partner, Doug Abel, a film editor, set up the Woodstock Farm Sanctuary, a nonprofit organization aimed at ____50____ farm animals. Through their website, they ____51____ the backstory and personality of each of the more than 350 animals living at the farm, ____52____ them and protected them from being sold.
To help more animals, Lucy and Doug ____53____ the sanctuary to a 150-acre farm in High Falls, New York, which has a fully equipped kitchen and a dining hall in addition to a barn. The new space has ____54____ their team of 17 members, to host meaningful classes and a kids’ camp.
“People who came here ____55____ spending time with the animals. It’s therapy (治疗) for them,” says Lucy.
A. asked B. punished C. paid D. praised
A. surprisingly B. secretly C. hardly D. immediately
A. belonged to B. led to C. adapted to D. referred to
A. warns B. confirms C. cures D. orders
A. relationship B. job C. lesson D. novel
A. regarded B. revised C. recognised D. volunteered
A. quit B. investigated C. checked D. tracked
A. plants B. workers C. animals D. environment
A. friendly B. terrible C. ugly D. stupid
A. trading B. damaging C. controlling D. rescuing
A. invented B. described C. believed D. protected
A. shot B. protested C. threatened D. helped
A. ruined B. moved C. donated D. sold
A. pretended B. forced C. allowed D. hated
A. imagined B. loved C. refused D. admitted
After four days of wonderful performances, the 7th China Quanzhou International Puppet Festival ____56____ (come) to an end on December 12 in 2023 in Quanzhou, south China’s Fujian Province. The festival, ____57____ was held in the hometown of Chinese string (线) puppetry (木偶制作艺术), showed the high-level skills of Quanzhou’s puppetry artists, leaving audiences ____58____ (amaze).
In China, string puppetry is ____59____ important form of traditional theater that originated in Quanzhou during the Han Dynasty. ____60____ (actual), having been passed down over thousands of years, more than 700 traditional plays about folk beliefs and customs have been protected.
Each puppet is equipped with 8 to 16 strings, while more complex performances may require up to 36 strings. The strings ____61____ (divide) into several groups according to human movements, and all the actions are controlled by the hands of the puppetry artists.
To master string puppetry, skilled ____62____ (way) to perform puppets are not enough. Puppeteers also need to have rich life experiences ____63____ (understand) the emotional world of the characters to help bring the puppets to life.
On May 20, 2006, Quanzhou string puppetry was added ____64____ the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list (非物质文化遗产名录).
As the hometown of string puppetry, Quanzhou was also the first city in China to hold an international puppet festival and succeeded in ____65____ (host) six sessions in 1986, 1990, 2000, 2015, 2017 and 2019.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 请根据所给标题“How I benefit from English writing lessons”完成英语老师布置的作文,内容包括:
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2. 你对该课程的建议。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
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How I benefit from English writing lessons
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
In a small town, there lived a girl named Lily and her older brother, Alex. Lily had a dream to become a professional dancer, a dream which filled her life with both excitement and challenges. Alex, who had always been her role model, understood her passion more than anyone else.
While, growing up, Lily looked up to Alex. He was the star athlete of his high school, admired by many. But to Lily, he was more than that; he was her support system, always encouraging her to pursue (追求) her dream. However, Lily’s path to becoming a dancer was filled with difficulties. Financial limits and lack of resources in their small town were constant challenges.
As Lily entered high school, Alex noticed his sister’s struggles and knew he had to step in. He started by organizing dance workshops and fundraising events in their community. He spent his evenings helping Lily practice, turning their garage into a dance studio. His efforts brought the community together, and soon, Lily had a small but devoted group of supporters cheering her on.
With Alex’s help, Lily started to gain confidence. She improved her skills and began to participate in local dance competitions. Each time she performed, Alex was there in the front row, cheering the loudest. His strong belief in her fueled Lily’s determination to succeed.
As Lily’s senior year approached, a significant opportunity arose — a chance to compete in a national dance competition, with the prize being an entry into a famous dance academy. Lily signed up for it and practiced day and night for the competition. The night before the event, Lily felt extremely anxious. Alex stayed up with her, talking through her routines and reminding her of the strength and beauty in her movements. His words calmed Lily down and filled her with newfound confidence.
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The day of the competition arrived.
Thanks to Alex, Lily’s dream was coming true.