

名称 人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册单元素养评价(一)~(六)(共6份含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-19 08:29:31


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.How will the woman get to the airport
A.By bus. B.By taxi. C.By car.
2.What's the man's plan for tonight
A.To go out for dinner. B.To write a work report. C.To cook some chicken.
3.What's the most probable relationship between the speakers
A.Classmates. B.Workmates. C.Teacher and student.
4.How does the woman most probably feel now
A.Relaxed. B.Surprised. C.Worried.
5.What are the speakers most probably talking about
A.A book. B.A newspaper. C.An experience.
6.What does the man like doing
A.Playing ping pong and listening to music.
B.Listening to music and reading.
C.Reading and playing basketball.
7.How often does the woman play ping pong
A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week.
8.How long has the man been learning English
A.For about half a year. B.For about one year. C.For about two years.
9.Where does the conversation most probably take place
A.At a bus stop. B.In a school. C.On a bus.
10.Where did the man's family go last year
A.To Egypt. B.To Spain. C.To France.
11.How many people are there in the man's family
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.
12.What's the relationship between the speakers
A.Friends. B.Strangers. C.Workmates.
13.What day is it today
A.Friday. B.Thursday. C.Wednesday.
14.Who forgot the words during the play
A.Peter. B.Harry. C.Mark.
15.What was Fred's problem
A.He fell over a chair.
B.He caused lights to be off.
C.He gave up the play midway.
16.How does the woman feel about the situation on the man's first night
A.It's normal. B.It's funny. C.It's surprising.
17.Where is Kate now
A.In London. B.In Edinburgh. C.In Paris.
18.What was the weather like when the speaker was camping
A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Cloudy.
19.What did the speaker do on the fourth day of the holiday
A.She visited a village school.
B.She sailed on the lake.
C.She went to a museum.
20.Where does Kate work now
A.At a library. B.At a gym. C.At a supermarket.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Don't ignore (忽视) the difference teenagers can make.
John Michael Thomas, 14, Florida
When John Michael Thomas decided to honour his friend and classmate Elizabeth Buckley, who died from cancer, he remembered how much she loved peacocks (孔雀).
He wanted to build a life sized peacock fountain (喷泉) in Elizabeth's favourite park in the city. He thought it could be a place for people to relax and be inspired.
John Michael raised $52,000 to build the fountain.
Barrett England, 13, Utah
The wheels began to turn for Barrett England when he heard about Karma Bike Shop, a place where young people can earn free bikes by reading and performing community service.
Barrett visited Karma's owner with his idea: He would collect and repair used bikes and donate them to the shop.
He expected to get about 10 donated(捐赠的) bikes. In the end, Barrett received 39.
Zachary Blohm, 15, Wisconsin
The 25 year old playground at an elementary school near Milwaukee, Wis., was so small that only 70 of its 575 students could play on it at a time.
That's when Zachary Blohm saved the day. He and some volunteers wanted to build a huge playground. To raise money, Zac planned T shirt and bake sales, sold tickets and more. He held monthly money raising events for more than a year. Overall, he collected $130,000—enough to finish his project.
Jack Zimmerman, 16, New Jersey
For some people, finding a meal is as simple as opening the refrigerator. For more than 366,000 hungry kids in New Jersey, it's not that easy.
That fact didn't sit well with Jack Zimmerman, who organized a drive to lessen childhood hunger in his state. His goal: create 40,000 packaged meals that could be donated to those in need.
On game day, Jack and his volunteers started their work. After the final count, the team had packaged 47,124 meals—well above Jack's goal.
21.Why was the peacock fountain built in a park
A.To encourage people. B.To cure a cancer sufferer.
C.For the love of animals. D.In memory of a teenager.
22.What did Barrett do for Karma Bike Shop
A.He repaired bikes there. B.He donated bikes to it.
C.He helped it win customers. D.He offered a reading service there.
23.What do the four people have in common
A.They're top students. B.They like various public activities.
C.They care about others. D.They're money raisers for the poor.
The first week of September was a week that I had been expecting all summer. I didn't want summer to end, but I was excited about going to high school for my first week.
When I got to school in the morning on the first day,I realized how large the school was, and how many students went there. I ended up in the wrong classroom because of the size of the school. Luckily, a kind senior showed up and guided me to my homeroom before I was late. I was happy to see that in a class of unfamiliar (不熟悉的) faces, the only open seat was next to my good friend, Casey. My science teacher seemed like a good teacher. She was exciting and fun.
After finishing four periods without too much of a challenge, I didn't feel too bad about ninth grade. However, the fifth period changed everything. I didn't feel ready after all. My teacher's name is Mr. Valassidis but he told us to call him Mr.V. Mr. V told us that we would have to write 40 essays (文章) and read AP level books such as The Odyssey this year. I love reading and writing, but come on, 40 ESSAYS AP level books Now I was afraid.
The courses in high school seem like they're going to get much harder, but they haven't yet. Even though my classes look hard, they look really exciting too.
The first week passed quickly. Although a lot of things were overwhelming (令人不知所措的):the size of the campus, the crowds (人群) and the seniors, having a totally different experience than I had ever had before was really exciting. Now, I'm really happy about high school. I have lots of friends in my classes, I really like my teachers and I'm meeting new people.
24.How did the author feel when his high school life was about to start
A.Happy. B.Nervous. C.Relaxed. D.Helpless.
25.What happened to the author on his first day of high school
A.He was late for class. B.He was praised by Mr.V.
C.He got lost on the campus. D.He met Casey for the first time.
26.What made the author afraid
A.The strict rules in classes.
B.How his science teacher behaved.
C.What he was expected to do with his studies.
D.The reading homework on the first day of high school.
27.Which of the following can best describe the author's first week of high school
A.Hard and unexpected. B.Busy but eye opening.
C.Tiring but meaningful. D.Different and exciting.
The arts, especially music, should be part of every school's lessons at every grade level. Students would be much smarter if they had some musical experience. They could improve their classroom skills, like paying attention and following directions. People develop all these skills when they learn music. Making music also lets children use their imagination. It provides students with a chance to try out their own ideas.
Music not only makes children better students, but also gives them something positive (积极的) to do. In a music program, children can be part of a band. Parents can enjoy listening to their children's music instead of seeing them glued__to a computer or TV screen. In a school band, students get to be part of a team. They can get along well with old friends and make new friends through music.
Music builds self confidence, too. It gives children a sense of achievement and success. Making music is something for them to be proud of, and it lets kids practice performing in front of audiences. Music gives children an opportunity for self expression, and that helps develop their self confidence. Once again, music is important because it can make children better students, give them something positive to do, and build their characters. That is why music should be offered in every single grade in every school.
28.How could music make students smarter
A.By improving their memory and attention.
B.By improving their classroom skills and imagination.
C.By making them brave, knowledgeable and modest.
D.By learning music, making music and trying out their own ideas.
29.What does the underlined phrase “glued to” in the second paragraph mean
A.Unwilling to turn on. B.Always looking for.
C.Unwilling to leave. D.Always playing.
30.What's the main idea of the third paragraph
A.Music brings children success.
B.Music gives children self expression.
C.Music helps children achieve their dream.
D.Music develops children's self confidence.
31.What's the best title of the text
A.Music Is a Must as a Course at School
B.Music Builds Children's Self confidence
C.Music Makes Students Much Smarter
D.Learning Music Is Very Important
It's time to go back to high school. Students are excited about the new beginning. But for many kids, the first day is more about friends than classes, and maybe with good reason. On that day, the teacher takes attendance (考勤), hands out books, and describes the teaching plan. If a student hears the same things in seven classes, you can't blame (责备) them for thinking it's going to be another long year. When the high schoolers' parents ask what they did in school, it's pretty likely that the answer will be “Nothing.”
It doesn't have to be this way. Kids always want exciting changes, and you can give them a taste of how interesting your course will be. One English teacher asks students to write 77 words about what they want to get out of her class. Then she reads their responses (回答) out loud. She keeps the responses until the last day of the school year when she hands them back to students so they can see if they achieved what they wanted. After encouraging kids with a year long game, she begins the English course.
On the first day of science, a teacher gives students 30 minutes to build something to improve people's lives. A history teacher organizes a debate on whether Swiss cheese is better than cheddar. In math class, another teacher puts students in groups of three, and gives them six minutes to come up with as many answers as possible to the question, “What is math good for?”
The new class activities are part of our school wide movement to improve the first day of classes. Many teachers choose to use creative ways to encourage kids from day one. And all students seem to enjoy the changes. Quite a few parents told me that their kids said, “I think English (or math or biology or Spanish) is going to be great!”
32.Which best describes the class on the first day of school in Paragraph 1
A.A bit strange. B.Too boring. C.Really wonderful. D.Quite challenging.
33.What will the students find out in English class at the end of the school year
A.If their expectations have been realized. B.If their writing skills have improved.
C.If they can understand the 77 words. D.If the teacher likes their responses.
34.What do the teachers in Paragraph 3 have in common
A.All ask students to work in groups. B.All choose to do something exciting.
C.All hold discussions on teaching plans. D.All try to improve students' creativity.
35.What is the author's attitude to the movement
A.She shows little interest in it.
B.She feels surprised at it.
C.She is worried about it.
D.She supports it.
Participating(参加) in high school extra-curricular activities is important for personal growth. They can teach you a lot, introduce you to good friends, and give you ideas about what to do in future. __36__
The most important thing to consider before taking part in an extra-curricular activity is: what do you like to do __37__ Once you've made a list of interests, it's time to search for opportunities. Usually, your teachers and parents know more about what is going on in your community than you do. __38__ And never underestimate (低估) the power of a simple online search!
Now you know how to find extra-curricular activities, there is one more problem most high school students have: how to find the time. You need to go to school, do your homework, and maybe even work a part-time job. __39__ However, time is not something too difficult to get. You have to make the time to do extra-curricular activities if you really want to get involved (参与). You can sit down and make your schedule hour by hour and take an honest look at what you do with your free time. __40__
Whether you give up one Saturday every month to volunteer or one hour every week to attend club meetings, you are making the time to make a difference and prepare for your future.
A.They won't mind helping you out a little bit.
B.You'll find a world of opportunities waiting for you.
C.You might be surprised by how much free time you “find”.
D.You don't need to travel far to find extra-curricular activities.
E.You feel there's not enough time to participate in extra-curricular activities.
F.So if you're a high school student, wondering where to get started looks no further.
G.If you're going to spend hours every week doing something, you need to enjoy it.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
That year I was eleven and in sixth grade. In Wethersfield, all sixth graders are __41__ to take part in the R.O.P.E. Program. Its main __42__ is to believe your peers (同龄人), work together, and __43__ new adventures. These programs include falling backward and __44__ peers to catch you, working together to fit into a small circle and something of that kind.
I was ready to take part in these__45__. Falling backward and fitting into a small circle were nothing to me. Crossing over a stream (小溪) with nothing holding me up but a rope was daring, but I could __46__ it. Finally the day came when my sixth grade class would travel to climb and rappel (绕绳下滑) a mountain in Southington. Those people who were too __47__ were allowed to practice climbing and rappelling a smaller area of rocks, but that wasn't for me. I could climb the big mountain.
Twenty minutes later, my __48__ arrived. As I was well __49__, I set off at once. I got a quarter of the way up but couldn't seem to get any __50__. I tried and tried. I began to put myself down and cry. There was nothing more __51__ than my classmates were looking at me. All I kept __52__ was “Lisa, you can do it. Try to fit your foot in there. __53__, Lisa. You're almost there.”
It was then that I thought to myself, “Why am I crying I can do this.” Almost __54__ I went on going up the mountain. Within five minutes I successfully __55__ to the top.
41.A.forced B.reported C.required D.reminded
42.A.idea B.result C.question D.road
43.A.run B.introduce C.experience D.describe
44.A.begging B.thinking C.promising D.trusting
45.A.lectures B.discussions C.stories D.activities
46.A.handle B.discover C.change D.need
47.A.naughty B.noisy C.frightened D.annoyed
48.A.friend B.turn C.teacher D.day
49.A.relaxed B.balanced C.organized D.prepared
50.A.quicker B.warmer C.farther D.longer
51.A.awkward B.amazing C.exciting D.disappointing
52.A.shouting B.remembering C.learning D.hearing
53.A.Watch out B.Come on C.Hurry up D.Walk along
54.A.completely B.carefully C.dangerously D.immediately
55.A.reached B.got C.arrived D.took
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
I've been teaching for many years. My first day of teaching was in a 7th grade classroom. I'd had no training to be a 56.________ (teach) and was very nervous about middle school students, so I turned to a friend 57.________ advice. “Tell them what your 58.________ (rule) and expectations will be,” she said, “and what will happen if they don't follow them.”
The following morning, 34 students 59.________ (enter) the class quietly and sat down. I stood in front of them 60.________ explained the rules. “No 61.________ (get) out of your seat. If you need something, raise your hand, and I'll come over.” As I was reviewing these rules, one after another, the students stood up and stood next to 62.________ (they) desks, looking at me. “Sit down!” I said, and I was 63.________ (complete) nervous. It's an insurrection (暴动), I thought; they're all going to refuse 64.________ (listen) to me!
Then, out of the loudspeaker came a deep male voice playing the Pledge of Allegiance, 65.________ some students sang along with. A minute later they all sat. At that moment, they must have thought I was crazy.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear John,
I am really sorry to hear that you feel bad after entering high school.________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Tom has an aunt who lives in a far off village. He hadn't seen her for two years and he really missed her.
Tom spent a lot of time with his aunt when he was a little boy. At that time, his parents were too busy with their work, so they sent him to his aunt. It was his aunt who took care of him for a long time. He remembered that back then a girl sometimes played with him. But he couldn't remember her clearly. After all, it was so many years before.
Last week, Tom decided to visit his aunt. And he called her first.
“Hello, Auntie. This is Tom. How are you ” asked Tom over the phone.
“I'm fine, Tom. Thanks. I'm just a bit lonely,” said Tom's aunt. Hearing that, he knew he had made a right decision.
“I'm coming this weekend. I want to spend the weekend with you,” he immediately said, thinking his aunt would be surely full of joy.
“Really That's great! I miss you so much,” his aunt said excitedly.
Tom set off on Friday afternoon. He thought he would arrive by taxi in the evening, but there was an accident on the road and all the traffic was stopped for almost an hour. When he got off the bus, it was getting dark.
It's a ten minute walk from the bus station to his aunt's house. The village had experienced a lot of changes. Tom looked around curiously. Just at that moment, another bus stopped and a girl got off the bus. The girl passed by Tom and began to walk into the village. Thinking that his aunt was waiting for him, Tom began to walk into the village, too.
He walked behind the girl. After about two minutes, it seemed that the girl noticed him. She looked back hurriedly, and then continued to walk. Moments later, the girl looked back again and then quickened her pace.
It seemed that the girl was a bit scared. ________________________________________________________________________
Clearly, it frightened the girl even more. ________________________________________________________________________
1~5 CBACA 6~10 CBBAA
11~15 BCABB 16~20 AABBC
(Text 1)
M:It's nearly 4 o'clock. If you want to catch your flight, you'd better go now.
W:Don't worry. I'll drive to the airport. It only takes twenty minutes to get there.
(Text 2)
W:Hey, Jack. Let's go out for dinner tonight. We can go to our favorite Chinese restaurant. I really love their chicken.
M:I'd love to, but I have to finish my work report. My boss wants it by tomorrow morning.
(Text 3)
M:What's the English homework for today
W:Just a minute. I'll look it up in my textbook. Oh, yes. Exercises 5 to 10 on Pages 108 and 109.
(Text 4)
W:I am so sorry I send the flowers to you too late. I'll try to do better next time.
M:Well, my girlfriend's train has already left so I don't need the flowers any more.
W:What should I tell my boss He's going to fire me.
(Text 5)
M:So what do you think of it
W:Well, it has a very interesting beginning, but after reading for about twenty pages, I was disappointed.
M:How come
W:It got kind of boring. But I kept reading and now I find it interesting again.
(Text 6)
M:Hi, Lisa. What do you like doing in your spare time
W:I like reading and listening to music. I especially love reading love stories and listening to pop music. What about you
M:I like reading books, too, but I hardly listen to music. I also like playing basketball. I play it almost every day.
W:I don't like playing basketball, but I like playing ping pong.
M:So how often do you play ping pong
W:I play it every Tuesday and Friday.
(Text 7)
M:Excuse me, could you tell me which bus I can take to go to Winston Hotel
W:No. 7. By the way, are you from America
M:No, I'm from Russia.
W:But your English is very good. How long have you been learning it
M:For about one year.
W:Wow, how could you pick up spoken English so fast
M:Probably because I'm taking a course at a language school and we're encouraged to speak English in and after class. So I think practicing it often is the key.
W:No wonder you picked it up so fast. Here comes my bus. Nice talking to you. Bye.
(Text 8)
W:Do you take long vacations at New Year
M:Yes, we do. We love traveling abroad around New Year. We saw the Pyramids last year.
W:So where are you going for your vacation this year
M:We haven't decided yet. My son wants to go to Spain, and my daughter wants to go to France. But my wife and I want to go to China.
W:So why do you want to go to China
M:We want to see pandas in Sichuan. So do you like traveling abroad
W:Me Well, it costs too much to take a trip abroad. I can't really afford such a trip.
M:Well, you've just worked for a few months, after all.
W:Yes. So how long have you worked here
M:For over ten years.
(Text 9)
W:Hi! I know you were really worried about your first night. How did it go
M:You weren't there I thought you were coming with Peter.
W:No. Thursdays after school is Arts Club, and it finished really late yesterday.
M:Actually, it's probably a good thing you didn't come last night — so many things went wrong!
W:First nights are always like that! I remember when I was in a play in my second year. We all forgot our lines and one student was so nervous she couldn't continue with the play.
M:Surprisingly, I didn't forget my words, but Harry did.
W:So, what happened
M:Well, luckily I knew his lines too, so I told him very quietly. But that wasn't the only thing. Mark fell over a chair. It was supposed to be a sad bit! Oh, and you won't believe this — the lights all went off at the end of the play. It was so funny — we had to act in darkness. In fact, Fred turned off the wrong lights. Our teacher Mr. Tim was very angry!
W:I'm not surprised!
(Text 10)
Hello, Kate. I decided to send you a speaking letter! Today it is very hot here. I hope tomorrow it will be cloudy and not so hot.
I am happy that you have decided to start learning French like me. When I come to visit you in London in the spring, we can talk together in French. Yesterday, I returned from my short holiday camping in Scotland. I went with my friend Melissa. She is from Paris. We camped near Edinburgh but the weather was terrible for the whole four days. Everything was so wet. But while we were there, we visited some village schools and an art museum.
On the last day we borrowed a boat and went out onto a lake. I am starting my new job tomorrow at the library near my house. How is your job at the supermarket Please tell me what you are doing this month. I am going to work out at the gym now!
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了四位青少年的善举。
21.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据John Michael Thomas, 14, Florida部分的第一段中的“When John Michael Thomas decided to honour his friend and classmate Elizabeth Buckley”和第二段中的“He wanted to build a life sized peacock fountain in Elizabeth's favourite park in the city.”可知,建在一公园里的孔雀喷泉是为了纪念一个少年。
22.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据Barrett England,13, Utah部分中的“Barrett visited Karma's owner with his idea: He would collect and repair used bikes and donate them to the shop.”可知,Barrett为Karma自行车商店捐赠自行车。
23.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据文中所提供的关于四个人物的事迹(为纪念朋友建造孔雀喷泉;为车店捐赠自行车;为建大操场筹集资金;为减少饥饿儿童而捐赠食物)可推断出,这四个人物都很有爱心,他们的共同点是关心他人。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者回忆了高一开学第一周的经历。
24.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I was excited about going to high school for my first week”可知,作者在他的高中生活即将开始时是开心的。
25.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I ended up in the wrong classroom because of the size of the school.”可知,因为校园太大,作者迷路走错了教室。
26.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Mr.V told us that we would have to write...40 ESSAYS AP level books Now I was afraid.”可知,老师说这一年学生们要写40篇文章并阅读高难度的书籍。由此推知,这些在学习中要做的事让作者望而生畏。
27.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The first week passed quickly...having a totally different experience than I had ever had before was really exciting.”可知,作者在高中开学第一周的经历不同以往,且令人兴奋。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了在学生的成长过程中音乐的作用不容忽视,音乐应是学校的一门必修课程。
28.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段“They could improve their classroom skills, like paying attention and following directions. People develop all these skills when they learn music. Making music also lets children use their imagination. It provides students with a chance to try out their own ideas”可知,音乐可以通过提高课堂技能和想象力的方式来让学生变得更加聪明。
29.答案与解析:C 词义猜测题。结合上文可知,学习音乐可以让学生专注于音乐而不是沉溺于电脑电视。glue to意为“粘附于;沉迷于”。由此推知,所猜词的意思与C项“不愿离开”意思相近。
30.答案与解析:D 主旨大意题。根据文章第三段第一句可知,本段主要阐述音乐可以帮助孩子们建立自信。
31.答案与解析:A 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“The arts, especially music, should be part of every school's lessons at every grade level”以及下文内容可知,本文主要阐述音乐课应该成为学校的必修课并解释了原因。所以A项Music Is a Must as a Course at School(音乐是学校的必修课)为最佳标题。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。作者是一名高中老师,她的学校开展了一项教学改革,让开学第一天变得更有趣。
32.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据第一段中的If a student hears the same things in seven classes, you can't blame them for thinking it's going to be another long year. When the high schoolers' parents ask what they did in school, it's pretty likely that the answer will be “Nothing.”可知,本段描述的开学第一天太无趣了。
33.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的She keeps the responses until the last day of the school year... she begins the English course可知,在学年末,那位英语老师的学生们会知道自己对英语课的期望是否达到了。
34.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据第三段中不同科目的老师组织的不同课堂活动可知,在开学第一天这些老师都组织了一些有趣的课堂活动,以激发学生的兴趣。
35.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据第二段中的It doesn't have to be this way. Kids always want exciting changes, and you can give them a taste of how interesting your course will be和最后一段中的Many teachers choose to use creative ways... is going to be great!”可知,作者十分支持这一改进运动。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一些中学生参加课外活动的相关事项。
36.答案与解析:F F项引领下文,指导想参加课外活动的学生们该如何起步。该项中的wondering where to get started与下文的The most important thing to consider before taking part in an extra-curricular activity相呼应。
37.答案与解析:G G项内容涉及兴趣爱好,该项中的enjoy it与上文中的like to do和下文中的a list of interests在语义上密切相关。
38.答案与解析:A A项中的They指代上文中的your teachers and parents。结合上文可知,此处是说他们比你更了解周围发生的事情,且愿意帮助你寻找合适的课外活动。
39.答案与解析:E E项承接上文中的You need to go to school, do your homework, and maybe even work a part-time job,描述了许多高中生的想法:需要做的事情太多,觉得没有时间参加课外活动。这个想法与E项中的not enough time呼应,故选E。
40.答案与解析:C C项承接上文表示结果,说明当你坐下来详细计划并梳理你的时间,就有可能惊讶地发现自己还有许多空闲时间。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者六年级参加R.O.P.E.项目时,本相信自己能爬到山顶,最终却在同伴的鼓励下成功地登上了顶峰的故事。
41.答案与解析:C  由上文的“In Wethersfield, all sixth graders”可知,Wethersfield的传统是,所有六年级学生都被要求参加R.O.P.E.项目,be required to do sth. 被要求做某事。
42.答案与解析:A 由下文的“to believe your peers , work together, and __43__ new adventures”可知,相信你的同龄人,一起努力,体验新的冒险,是R.O.P.E.项目的理念。
43.答案与解析:C 由下文的“new adventures”和下文作者的攀登体验可知,此处指R.O.P.E.项目让六年级学生体验新的冒险。
44.答案与解析:D 由上文的“to believe your peers”可知,R.O.P.E.项目的目的是相信你的同龄人,所以向后倒下时,你应该相信你的同龄人会接住你。
45.答案与解析:D 由下文的“Falling backward and fitting into a small circle were nothing to me. Crossing over a stream with nothing holding me up but a rope was daring”可知,作者六年级了,要准备参加R.O.P.E.项目的各种活动了,如向后倒下、共同努力融入一个小圈子和用一根绳子过小溪等。
46.答案与解析:A 由上文的“Crossing over a stream with nothing holding me up but a rope was daring, but”可知,but表转折,尽管只有一根绳子穿越小溪,但作者觉得自己能应对这种情况。
47.答案与解析:C 由下文的“were allowed to practice climbing and rappelling a smaller area of rocks, but that wasn't for me. I could climb the big mountain”可知,相较于胆大的作者敢爬大山而言,只能在一小块岩石上练习攀爬和绕绳下滑的学生很胆小、害怕。
48.答案与解析:B 由本处语境和下文的“I set off at once”可知,作者开始爬了,说明轮到作者攀登了。
49.答案与解析:D 由上文的“I could climb the big mountain.”可知,作者认为自己可以爬大山,信心满满,应该是准备出发的。
50.答案与解析:C 由下文的“I began to put myself down and cry.”可知,与上文作者信心满满认为自己能爬大山相对,作者攀爬受挫,山不是那么好攀爬的,因为似乎无法攀爬得更远,所以沮丧地哭了起来。
51.答案与解析:A 由上文的“I began to put myself down and cry.”和下文的“my classmates were looking at me”可知,作者攀爬受挫,开始哭泣,被同学看到,自觉非常尴尬。
52.答案与解析:D 由下文的“Lisa, you can do it. Try to fit your foot in there.”可知,“丽莎,你能行。试着把你的脚放进去。”是作者听到的内容。
53.答案与解析:B 由下文的“Lisa. You're almost there”可知,这是队友鼓励作者的话语,Come on符合语境。
54.答案与解析:D 由上文的“Lisa. You're almost there”可知,听到队友鼓励自己快要到山顶的话,作者立马重拾信心,攀爬上山。
55.答案与解析:B 由上文的“successfully”可知,作者成功登顶,get to +地点,意为“到达”。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者第一天当老师时在课堂上发生的囧事。
56.答案与解析:teacher 考查名词。根据设空处前的a可知,此处应填可数名词单数。同时,结合语境可知,此处表示“作者从未接受过成为一名老师的相关培训”,故填teacher。
57.答案与解析:for 考查介词。turn to sb. for advice向某人寻求建议。
58.答案与解析:rules 考查可数名词的复数。根据语境可知,设空处与下文中的expectations并列,表示泛指,故填rules。
59.答案与解析:entered 考查一般过去时。根据语境可知,设空处所在句描述的是过去发生的事,应使用一般过去时,故填entered。
60.答案与解析:and 考查连词。根据语境可知,stood in front of them和explained the rules为并列关系,表示“站在学生面前并向他们解释课堂规则”,设空处应使用并列连词,故填and。
61.答案与解析:getting 考查动词 ing形式。“no+动词 ing形式”表示“不准……,严禁……”。
62.答案与解析:their 考查代词。根据语境可知,设空处作定语,修饰名词desks,应使用形容词性物主代词,故填their。
63.答案与解析:completely 考查副词。根据语境可知,设空处作状语,修饰形容词nervous,应使用副词,故填completely。
64.答案与解析:to listen 考查动词不定式。refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事。
65.答案与解析:which 考查关系代词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,指代Pledge of Allegiance,且在从句中作宾语,故填which。
Dear John,
I am really sorry to hear that you feel bad after entering high school.I'd like to talk about it with you.
In fact, your classmates are also new there and facing the same problem so you don't have to worry too much about it. There is also something that you can do to change this situation. First, try to invite some of your classmates to take part in some activities together after school. This will help you understand each other better. Then, help your classmates when they are in trouble and turn to them for help when you have difficulty.
I believe, you will make many new friends and have a happy school life there.
Li Hua
It seemed that the girl was a bit scared. After all, it was getting dark and there was nobody else nearby. With Tom keeping walking behind her, the girl was afraid that he was a bad guy. Tom realized that and wanted to explain the fact to the girl. So he decided to walk faster so that he could catch up with the girl.
Clearly, it frightened the girl even more. She was so scared that she started running. She ran faster and faster and finally stopped in front of a house. She knocked on the door hard, trying to ask for help. Surprisingly, it was Tom's aunt who opened the door. Seeing the scene, Tom's aunt immediately laughed and explained the truth to the girl. The girl was embarrassed and said sorry to Tom. Then they recognised each other. The girl was whom Tom played with as a little boy. What a small world!单元素养评价(六) UNIT 5 LANGUAGES AROUND THE WORLD
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.Who washed the vegetables
A.The man. B.The woman. C.The man's mother.
2.How much cheaper is the blue one than the white one
A.$10. B.$20. C.$30.
3.What does the man suggest the woman do
A.Go back home. B.Bring an umbrella. C.Check the weather report.
4.What are the speakers talking about
A.A museum's paintings. B.A famous painter. C.A museum.
5.What does the man want to eat today
A.Fish and cabbage. B.Chicken and fish. C.Chicken and a salad.
6.How old is the man
A.16. B.17. C.18.
7.How does the man improve his English now
A.By seeing the movies. B.By watching TV shows. C.By reading English books.
8.What does the man think of Frank Jones
A.Humorous. B.Serious. C.Smart.
9.What kind of questions is the woman good at
A.Ones about music or stars.
B.Ones about math or science.
C.Ones about history or geography.
10.What did the club send to each member last month
A.A magazine. B.A pen. C.A video.
11.How often does the club hold a competition
A.Once a week. B.Once a month. C.Once a year.
12.How much should a member pay half a year
A.Five pounds. B.Four pounds. C.Three pounds.
13.How did Robert go on holiday
A.By train. B.By car. C.By bike.
14.Who spent the summer on an island
A.Michael. B.Helen. C.Katy.
15.Where did Harry spend his holiday
A.On the beach. B.In the mountains. C.On the farm.
16.What does the woman think of Emma's holiday plan
A.Strange. B.Interesting. C.Boring.
17.What can people find on Main Street
A.A bookstore. B.A bank. C.A cinema.
18.Where can people buy a used CD
A.In Market Square. B.In The Palisade. C.In Bohemia.
19.What does the speaker say about The Show ground
A.People can see a film there.
B.It's mainly for children.
C.It covers three floors.
20.How long will the sale last
A.Five days. B.Six days. C.Seven days.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Autumn Reading
Rez Dogs
Rez Dogs, by Joseph Bruchac, is a book written in verse (诗). It's about an eighth grader named Malian. She's visiting her grandparents at their home on a Wabanaki reservation when COVID 19 hits. During lockdown, Malian learns more from her grandparents about her Native family's history.
Omar Rising
Omar Rising, by Aisha Saeed, tells the story of the son of a servant in Pakistan. Omar is excited that he has won a scholarship (奖学金) to a boarding school. But when he gets there, he discovers that his scholarship is offered with special conditions. To stay at the school, Omar must do chores (杂活) and get better grades than the wealthy students. And he's not allowed to join clubs or teams. When his future at the school does seem bright, he and his friends work hard to create fairness for all.
The Ice Cream Machine
The Ice Cream Machine is no common book. It's six different stories rolled into one book. Each story has a very different plot (情节) about ice cream. One ice cream story is about a boy and his robot in the distant future. Another is about a father and daughter who invent an ice cream machine. The Ice Cream Machine is inventive and fun. Its author, Adam Rubin, hopes the book encourages kids to write.
Sugar and Spite
Sugar and Spite, by Gail D. Villanueva, finds 12 year old Jolina newly arrived on an island in the Philippines. It's there that she learns how to make magic. Jolina uses that magic to get a bully (仗势欺人者) named Claudine off her back. Filipino history and culture are shown in the book. Villanueva said that kids should read about places and cultures different from their own.
21.What problem does Omar have
A.He finds it difficult to learn magic.
B.He is unable to visit his grandparents.
C.He receives unfair treatment at scbool.
D.He has no money to buy an ice cream machine.
22.What do we know about Adam Rubin's book
A.It is a guidebook. B.It is a travel diary.
C.It is a verse novel. D.It is a collection of stories.
23.Which book will you choose if you are interested in the culture and history of the Philippines
A.Rez Dogs.
B.Omar Rising.
C.Sugar and Spite.
D.The Ice Cream Machine.
If you find it hard to learn English, think of the foreigners who learn Chinese. The number of people learning Chinese around the world reached about 100 million in 2017, up from 30 million in 2004, according to People's Daily.
But what difficulties do foreigners usually face when learning Chinese And how do they overcome these difficulties Mike has lived in China for nine years and here is his story of learning Chinese:
Like many foreigners, I only knew two words of Chinese (“hello” and “thank you”) when I first came to China, so simple tasks like ordering food or taking a taxi were quite difficult for me.
I knew I had to learn more Chinese, so I signed up for classes. However, I didn't learn enough to have a real conversation. Later I studied on my own, but my progress was still slow and I became upset.
Finally, I found the best way to learn Chinese was to make friends with native speakers and spend time with them. I started playing in a band with a Chinese woman who later became one of my best friends in Beijing. I learned a lot of Chinese by hanging out with her, and she learned English from me too. So it was a good way to exchange language and culture.
Now I've learned enough Chinese to take care of a few complicated (复杂的) tasks, like booking train tickets and speaking with my landlord. However, visits to the bank, and anywhere else that requires technical (专业的) language, are still difficult for me.
24.How many people were there learning Chinese around the world in 2017
A.30 billion. B.About 100 million.
C.About 100 billion. D.Less than 30 million.
25.According to Mike's story, which is the best way to learn a language
A.Practicing the speaking skills by ordering food or taking a taxi.
B.Going to some classes to learn the grammar of the language.
C.Studying on his own to do a lot of readings and writings.
D.Making friends with native speakers and spending time together.
26.Which of the following endings may be the best for the passage
A.Chinese is a fascinating language, and there are always new words waiting to be discovered.
B.So I plan to travel around China and visit as many places as possible in the next few years.
C.Chinese is such a difficult language that fewer people will learn it in the future.
D.It's a pity that many Chinese don't pay enough attention to their own language and culture.
27.Where can we read the passage
A.In a magazine. B.In a travel guide.
C.In a science survey. D.In a school notice.
English language learning and teaching involve more factors than language rules and phonetic (语音的) development. Language learners who pay no attention to the cultural elements seem to meet many difficulties in understanding what native speakers mean. Cultural education makes language learners know cultural backgrounds easily.
Though culture has always been an element in English language learning, it was during the 1960s when linguists began to place cultural education at the forefront of language learning. And most experts believed that cultural education should focus on learning the culture of the target language. In 1974, teachers started to introduce it into the English language learning classroom. In the 1990s,Michael Byram and Carol Morgan published a report, which showed the importance of knowing the learners' cultural backgrounds when teachers taught their students to study a foreign language.
For a student whose cultural tradition involves mostly spoken story telling, reading a text may be a little bit difficult. If the language teacher is unfamiliar with the cultural tradition of this student, he or she may consider the student's reading trouble as a learning problem. However, it's actually the result of cultural differences.
There are many cultural differences affecting English language learning. The most obvious one is the native language itself. A student who follows basic language and grammar rules from his or her native language will have trouble learning English. Because English may not be translated into his or her native language directly. Another cultural influence is learning or teaching style. All of these may cause different learning results.
Cultural education is the most important step in reducing cultural conflicts (冲突) that may arise in the English language classroom. Teachers should be educated in many kinds of instructions that could respond to any student's needs. Classroom time should focus on understandable cultural education; lessons about body language, eye contact,academic language and conversational language also should be the most important elements of the curriculum (课程).
28.What can we learn about cultural education in Paragraph 2
A.It has quite a long history.
B.It faced a lack of teaching resources.
C.It worked better for English learners.
D.It has developed in theory and practice.
29.According to the example in Paragraph 3, what should language teachers do
A.They should encourage students with learning difficulties more often.
B.They should help students realize the importance of communication.
C.They should learn about students' cultural language backgrounds.
D.They should set a good learning example for their students.
30.What are educators advised to do to apply cultural education in English teaching
A.Organize colorful after school activities.
B.Use different forms of language communication.
C.Teach grammar rules through more reading and writing.
D.Find the similarities between English and one's native language.
31.What is the main idea of the passage
A.Culture impacts language learning.
B.Each culture has its unique features.
C.English teaching methods are changing.
D.People's learning habits decide their learning abilities.
Handwritten Chinese characters can be beautiful. I still remember looking at Chinese and not understanding anything it said and yet feeling a strong attraction. In fact, some students start learning Chinese because of the characters. After having studied Chinese for a while, I realised that handwriting in Chinese takes a very long time to learn.
Living as we do in a digital era (数字时代) with smartphones and computers, most students sooner or later ask themselves this question: Is it really necessary to learn how to write by hand in Chinese When using smartphones or computers, we can use phonetic input (语音输入) systems, which choose the characters we want for us as long as we can remember how they are pronounced. Since we enter different characters, we seldom need to be able to recognise the difference between individual (每个) characters in detail: the computer makes the right choices for us. Do we really need to write Chinese by hand at all
I think most people agree that you should learn to write at least some characters at some point as a student of Chinese, although not necessarily straight away and not necessarily all the characters that you can say. But unless you don't care about written language at all, you should learn the basics of handwriting. Without it, it will be very hard to understand characters. You don't need to be a calligraphy master, but you do need basic handwriting skills to do this. Simply looking at things is, as usual, a bad way of learning.
I think learning the most common 500 characters or so is a good idea for all students. If you actually want to write by hand, extend (扩大) that to 1,000. Then learn to handwrite characters outside of the 1,000 most common on a need to know basis.
32.What does the author think of Chinese characters
A.They are less communicative than English words.
B.They attract some foreigners to learn Chinese.
C.They show the greatness of Chinese culture.
D.They are not really that difficult.
33.What can we infer about characters in Paragraph 2
A.Characters are very difficult for foreigners to learn.
B.People believe learning to write characters is important.
C.People doubt the necessity of learning to write characters.
D.Characters may disappear with the development of society.
34.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A.Understanding characters. B.Being a calligraphy master.
C.Keeping a good learning habit. D.Learning basic handwriting skills.
35.What is the author's attitude to learning to write characters in the digital age
A.Worried. B.Uncaring. C.Surprised. D.Supportive.
Anyone who has studied a foreign language knows how difficult it is to become really fluent. __36__
Find a conversation partner
Try to find someone in your school who is a native speaker and ask him or her to meet with you regularly to have conversations in that language.__37__
Watch TV
Try to find a foreign language TV station and watch often. At first the actors will seem to speak too quickly, but try to recognize a few words or phrases. __38__ Pay attention to patterns of pronunciation and the way that the voices rise and fall when questions are asked and statements are made. Children's shows are great for learning and reviewing basic concepts.
Go out and practice
If you are visiting a foreign country and trying to learn the language, you'll want to take every chance to go out and practice.__39__ Successfully making a purchase or getting information in a foreign language will help you become more confident. Going grocery shopping in your hometown may not be very interesting, but in a foreign country things are different. __40__
A.They actually became less fluent speakers.
B.Later it'll become easier to follow the dialogues.
C.Any situation can be an interesting learning experience.
D.Are you trying to learn a new language in a foreign land
E.Here are some suggestions to help you practice your language skills.
F.Each day make a habit of going to a place like a shop, restaurant or bank.
G.Talking to someone with whom you feel comfortable is a great way to get experience with actual usage.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
My cat hospital was very busy. So when the door rang just before closing on a Friday night, and a man walked in carrying a shoebox, I wasn't __41__. I have a little cat, he said. I have __42__ taking it to the shelter, but the shelter won't __43__ the cat because it is too sick.
I looked into the box and found a thin cat. Okay, I said. I'll __44__ the cat. And the cat's road to recovery (康复) began.
Months later, after great care, the little cat grew into a cute ball of fire. I named him Ben.
__45__, the time came to find Ben a forever home. But there was a __46__: After months of taking care of him, Ben had become more to me than __47__ another rescue.
Ben was placed in the adoption cage (领养笼子). Andrea, one of my favorite clients (客户), was __48__ but not ready to adopt. “I'll let you __49__ in a week,” she promised, and I was hopeful.
Over the course of the week, I found myself becoming less and less __50__ Ben's possible adoption. So, when Andrea phoned with her __51__, I really had __52__ feelings. She said she __53__ another cat would be too much for her.
“I understand,” I replied, trying to sound sad.
There was only one __54__ of fostering (代养): You could not keep an adoptable cat. But sometimes rules are meant to be broken, why should this one be any __55__? That night, Ben was put into his carrier for a one way trip to his forever home—mine.
41.A.tired B.surprised C.satisfied D.worried
42.A.tried B.suggested C.remembered D.regretted
43.A.notice B.praise C.allow D.accept
44.A.follow B.take C.discover D.miss
45.A.Suddenly B.Luckily C.Finally D.Usually
46.A.reason B.choice C.plan D.problem
47.A.also B.just C.still D.already
48.A.proud B.healthy C.happy D.interested
49.A.know B.return C.help D.consider
50.A.excited at B.careful about C.thankful for D.patient with
51.A.advice B.skill C.decision D.experience
52.A.mixed B.true C.similar D.natural
53.A.doubted B.proved C.heard D.thought
54.A.example B.sign C.rule D.method
55.A.fair B.different C.necessary D.successful
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Chinese writing is one of the world's greatest writing systems. It consists of thousands of individual characters, each representing its unique meaning. Chinese writing was first done by 56.________ (carve) symbols onto bones and shells. Over the years, the system developed into different forms as it was a time 57.________ people were divided geographically. After Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states 58.________ one unified country, the Chinese writing system 59.________ (begin) to develop in one direction. As Chinese writing developed into a writing system, it also developed as a form of art done with a brush. 60.________ is believed that Chinese calligraphy 61.________ (date) back to at least the Han Dynasty. In the 1950s, the government “simplified” written forms of many “traditional” characters. Simplified Chinese characters make it 62.________ (easy) for people to read and write the language than before.
Nowadays, China is playing 63.________ greater role in global 64.________ (affair); an increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate China's culture and history through this amazing language. Most of the students move to China 65.________ (learn) the language and the way of living.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
One morning, my family and I woke up and went to eat breakfast—until we heard barking and scratching at the door. When my mom opened the door, we saw a puppy (小狗). We looked around to see if we saw its owner, but there was no one. We took it inside and fed it.
Regardless of how badly I wanted to keep the puppy, we decided to look for the owner. We looked all day, but we failed. We talked about whether we should keep looking or if we should look the next day. We all agreed to look for its owner the next day.
So, the next day my family and I looked for the dog's owner. It was so hard looking for its owner. We were looking for flyers(传单)that involved the puppy, but no luck. We wouldn't have quit because it's a puppy.
“We won't stop looking,” my mom and dad said. We were going to take care of the puppy until we found its owner.
When we woke up in the morning, we went to a pet shop to buy the puppy some dog food. After that we went back home to feed the puppy the dog food that we had just bought. After we fed the puppy, we gave it a nice bath. It was so dirty that the fur was black and sticky, but after we gave it a bath, it turned white. And I noticed there was a collar (项圈)on him, which said “Coby”. After we gave him a bath, we went to look for the puppy's owner, but my mom stayed at home, and it was only my dad and me this time.
We continued looking more and more until we found flyers. We looked at it. It said:
“Lost Dog: Please Help if Found.” Then we looked at the picture; it looked exactly like Coby. We were all happy we found a flyer that was for Coby.
There was a phone number on the flyer.________________________________________________________________________
We found the lady's house, and then we knocked on the door.________________________________________________________________________
1~5 ABBAC 6~10 CCACB
11~15 CCACC 16~20 BACAC
(Text 1)
W:These dishes taste very good. Did you make them
M:No. My mother was here this morning. She cooked all of them. I just washed the vegetables.
W:You should learn cooking from her.
(Text 2)
W:What about this white bike It's very cheap. It is 100 dollars.
M:But the blue one is even cheaper. It is only 80 dollars.
W:But it is not as nice as the white one.
(Text 3)
M:Jane, don't forget your umbrella! The weather report said it is supposed to be rainy this afternoon.
W:But I left my umbrella at my room. I will go back upstairs. Wait here, please.
(Text 4)
M:How did you like the paintings in the museum
W:Most of them were amazing. But some of them were so difficult that I didn't quite understand them well. And they looked very strange.
M:I totally agree.
(Text 5)
W:Sir, would you like some fish It is very fresh.
M:Thanks, but I just had some fish yesterday. And today I want to try something else. I would like fried chicken and a cabbage salad.
W:Certainly, Sir. Would you like anything to drink
(Text 6)
W:Sam, your English is very good. How long have you learned it
M:I began to learn it when I was fifteen years old.
W:That's hard to believe. You've learned it for only three years and you can speak it so well now. So how do you usually learn it
M:I have an old video recorder and I used to record movies and other TV shows. Then I watched them later. But now I like reading Harry Potter books. It's a very successful method for me.
(Text 7)
M:Sophie! Did you see that show last night, the one presented by Frank Jones
W:No. Was it any good
M:It was great. Frank Jones always makes me laugh.
W:I think he should be more serious. All the questions are really easy, and just about pop music or movie stars I'm not interested in.
M:Actually, they start off a bit easy but they get harder and harder as the show goes on.
W:Usually I'm not bad at general knowledge questions — especially ones about history or geography.
M:Yeah, you're good at those subjects, but I'm better at math and science.
(Text 8)
W:Hello, Children's Fun Club.
M:Oh, hello! My name's Paul. Could you tell me where your offices are
W:Our offices are in England, but we have members in other countries.
M:What's the club about
W:We want to help children get better at school, mainly in reading and writing.
M:What do you send to the members
W:This month, it's a magazine about films and videos. A month ago everyone got a red pen. It's always something different.
M:How nice. Are there any competitions
M:Are they every month too
W:Just once a year, and this year's competition is next week!
M:Great! And how much does it cost
W:For twelve months it's six pounds. So for six months it's half price.
M:OK, thanks.
(Text 9)
M:Jane, most of our classmates had a very good holiday this year. Robert went with his family to the beach.
W:Did he go by car with his family
M:No, his father was too tired after work, so they went by train.
W:Did Michael go on holiday in the summer
M:Yes, he cycled to the mountains.
W:And what about Helen
M:No, she stayed at home this year.
W:Did Katy do anything interesting this year
M:Yes, she always does. She spent the summer on a small island.
W:I think Harry visited his grandma in the summer, didn't he
M:Yes. His grandma lives on a farm. He likes to go and help look after the farm.
W:And what about Emma
M:She wants to be a pilot when she grows up, and she told me that in the holidays she was going to travel in space! It's strange.
W:But it sounds really funny.
(Text 10)
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Our new Merry Center is opening this September. It has 2,000 car parking spaces, so it is convenient. The center has five areas. The first is Main Street. It's a shopping area on three floors. Here, you can buy all the big names. There is also a large bookstore. Then, located on two levels, Market Square is where you can find traditional stores. Next, we have Bohemia. Here, you'll find some shops selling everything from second hand music to clothes.
The fourth part is The Palisade. There is a children's playground. You'll find two banks and a post office just along The Palisade.
Last, we have The Showground. Here, you'll find different food from around the world. There is also an eight screen cinema.
And if that is not enough, we are offering you £10 off if you do some shopping in the Merry Center between 10th and 16th September. You can't afford to miss it!
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了四本图书。
21.答案与解析:C 理解具体信息。根据Omar Rising部分中的Omar is excited that he has won a scholarship...he discovers that his scholarship is offered with special conditions. To stay at the school, Omar must do chores and get better grades than the wealthy students. And he's not allowed to join clubs or teams可知,Omar Rising一书的主人公Omar在学校遭受不公正待遇。
22.答案与解析:D 理解具体信息。根据The Ice Cream Machine部分中的It's six different stories rolled into one book. Each story has a very different plot about ice cream及Its author, Adam Rubin, hopes the book encourages kids to write可知,Adam Rubin的书The Ice Cream Machine包含六个与冰激凌有关的故事。由此可知,该书为故事集。
23.答案与解析:C 理解具体信息。根据Sugar and Spite部分中的Sugar and Spite, by Gail D.Villanueva, finds 12 year old Jolina newly arrived on an island in the Philippines; Filipino history and culture are shown in the book可知,Sugar and Spite一书涉及菲律宾的历史和文化。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了外国人在学习汉语时遇到的困难, 以及迈克学习汉语的经历。
24.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句(据《人民日报》报道, 2017年, 全球学习汉语的人数从2004年的3 000万人增加到约1亿人。)可知, 2017年学汉语的人数达到约1亿人。
25.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第五段第一句(最后, 我发现学习汉语最好的方法是和母语为汉语的人交朋友, 并花时间和他们在一起。)可知, 迈克认为, 学习语言最好的方法是和母语者交朋友, 花时间在一起。
26.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“However, visits to the bank, and anywhere else that requires technical language, are still difficult for me. ”(然而, 去银行, 和其他需要专业语言的地方, 对我来说仍然是困难的)可知, 接下来要说中文是一门迷人的语言, 总有新词汇等着你去发现 。
27.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。通读全文可知, 本文主要讲述了外国人在学习汉语时遇到的困难, 以及迈克学习汉语的经历。由此可知本文主要是关于日常学习生活, 故很可能来源于一本杂志 。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了文化教育对语言学习的影响。
28.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“...linguists began to place cultural education at the forefront of language learning”及“In 1974, teachers started to introduce it into the English language learning classroom.”可推断,文化教育在理论和实践中发展。
29.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据第三段第二句可推断,为避免文化差异带来的学习问题,教师应该了解更多关于学生的文化语言背景。
30.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“lessons about body language,eye contact...also should be the most important elements of the curriculum.”可知,教育者可以在学生学习英语时介绍不同的语言交流方式来传授相关文化知识。
31.答案与解析:A 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文讲述了文化教育对语言学习的影响。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇议论文。作者认为,在数字化时代,学习书写汉字仍是十分必要的。
32.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I still remember looking at Chinese and not understanding anything it said and yet feeling a strong attraction. In fact, some students start learning Chinese because of the characters.”可知,作者认为汉字吸引了一部分外国人学习汉语。
33.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。第二段中作者提出“Is it really necessary to learn how to write by hand in Chinese?”这一问题,之后提到“When using smartphones or computers, we can use phonetic input systems, which choose the characters we want for us as long as we can remember how they are pronounced.”指出人们在手机或者电脑上借助语音输入系统就可以找到对应的汉字,因此可以推断有人质疑在电子时代学习书写汉字的必要性。
34.答案与解析:A 篇章结构题。根据第三段中的“But unless you don't care about written language at all, you should learn the basics of handwriting. Without it, it will be very hard to understand characters.”可知,作者认为,如果不了解书法的基本知识,理解汉字会很难,人们需要通过掌握一些基本的书写知识来进一步理解汉字,因此,此处this指代“理解汉字”。
35.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,作者认为,汉语学习者应该掌握最基本的500个汉字,甚至可以根据自己的需要扩大到1,000个,因此可以推断,作者支持汉语学习者学习书写汉字。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。介绍了几种使外语变得流利的方法。
36.答案与解析:E 空前一句描述流利地进行外语交流很困难, 下文是练习的途径; E选项(这里有一些帮助你练习语言技能的建议)承接上文, 引起下文, 符合语境。
37.答案与解析:G Find a conversation partner表示“找一个对话伙伴”。上文描述在学校里找一个对应语言的母语者进行交流。G选项(和你觉得舒服的人交谈是获得实际使用经验的好方法)同样表示与别人交流, 符合此处语境。
38.答案与解析:B 本段描述观看相关语言的电视节目。上文中的At first与B选项“Later it'll become easier to follow the dialogues. ”中的Later对应, 且前后句语境相符。
39.答案与解析:F 本段描述在国外如何进行语言运用。上文建议学习者找机会外出进行练习; F选项为相关地点的具体举例, 与下文中making a purchase or getting information逻辑相符。
40.答案与解析:C 上文描述在国外去杂货店与在国内不一样; C选项(任何情况都可以成为有趣的学习经历)中的interesting与上文中的interesting相呼应, 语境相符, 逻辑一致。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文,作者的猫科医院代养了一只生病的小猫,在照料这只猫期间,作者与它建立了浓厚的感情,最终决定收养它。
41.答案与解析:B 根据文章首句My cat hospital was very busy及本句中的So可知,作者的猫科医院很忙碌,所以当他下班前看到一名男子端着鞋盒子走进来时,并不惊讶。
42.答案与解析:A 根据句意:我曾试着把它带到收容所,但收容所不接受这只猫,因为它病得太重。
43.答案与解析:D 根据上文中的I have a little cat及本句中的because it is too sick可知,这名男子带着猫去了动物收容所,但是他们不接收它,因为它病的很严重。
44.答案与解析:B 根据上文中的Okay, I said及下文中的And the cat's road to recovery began可知,作者同意接收这只猫。
45.答案与解析:C 根据上文中的Months later, after great care, the little cat grew into a cute ball of fire及下文中的Ben was placed in the adoption cage可知,小猫在作者的精心照料下,身体逐渐康复,最终,作者觉得该给它找个家了。
46.答案与解析:D 根据句意:但是有一个问题:经过几个月的照顾,本对我来说已经不仅仅是一只救助的猫了。
47.答案与解析:B 根据上文中的the time came to find Ben a forever home,本句中的But和After months of taking care of him及下文的描述可知,这只猫身体已康复,可以被领养了。但问题是,经过几个月的相处,它对作者而言很重要,不仅仅只是一只被救助的猫。
48.答案与解析:D 根据本句中的but not ready to adopt可知,Andrea有意领养Ben,但还没做好准备,故interested符合语境。
49.答案与解析:A 根据上文中的was...but not ready to adopt及本句中的I was hopeful可知,Andrea许诺作者她一周之内会给答复,know符合语境。
50.答案与解析:A 根据上文中的I was hopeful及下文中的I understand, I replied, trying to sound sad可知,在接下来的一周,作者越来越不渴望Ben被领养。
51.答案与解析:C 根据上文中的was... but not ready to adopt. I'll let you... in a week, she promised, and I was hopeful可知,Andrea打来电话是要告诉作者她是否要领养Ben, decision符合语境。
52.答案与解析:A 根据上文中的After months of taking care of him, Ben had become more...another rescue, I was hopeful及下文中的I understand, I replied, trying to sound sad可知,Ben的身体已康复,作者想让它有个稳定的家,但同时他又有些不舍,因为这段时间他与这只猫建立了深厚的感情。由此可推断,当Andrea打来电话时,作者的心情有些复杂。
53.答案与解析:D 根据下文中的I understand, I replied, trying to sound sad及That night, Ben was put into his carrier for a one way trip to his forever home—mine可知,Andrea最终决定不领养Ben,故选thought。
54.答案与解析:C 根据本句中的You could not keep an adoptable cat及下文中的But sometimes rules are meant to be broken可知,此处表示代养规定。
55.答案与解析:B 根据本句中的But sometimes rules are meant to be broken及下文中的That night, Ben was put into his carrier for a one way trip to his forever home—mine可知,作者最终决定打破常规,收养Ben,故different符合语境。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了中国文字的发展和演变, 以及如今发挥的重要作用和影响。
56.答案与解析:carving 考查非谓语动词。句意: 汉字书写最早是在骨头和贝壳上刻上符号。carve作介词by的宾语, 应用动名词形式。
57.答案与解析:when 考查定语从句。句意: 多年来, 这个系统发展成不同的形式, 因为当时人们是按地域划分的。此处为定语从句修饰先行词time, 先行词在从句中作时间状语, 应用关系副词when。
58.答案与解析:into 考查介词。句意: 秦始皇统一七国后, 汉字书写系统开始朝一个方向发展。结合句意表示“统一”可知短语为unite... into... 。
59.答案与解析:began 考查动词时态。句意: 秦始皇统一七国后, 汉字书写系统开始朝一个方向发展。根据上文“After Emperor Qinshihuang united”可知应用一般过去时。
60.答案与解析:It 考查固定句型。句意: 人们认为, 中国书法至少可以追溯到汉代。结合句意表示“人们认为……”句型为it is believed that...。句首单词首字母要大写。
61.答案与解析:dates 考查动词时态。句意: 人们认为, 中国书法至少可以追溯到汉代。此处陈述客观事实用一般现在时, 主语为Chinese calligraphy, 谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。
62.答案与解析:easier 考查形容词比较级。句意: 简体汉字使人们阅读和书写这种语言比以前更容易。根据后文than before可知应用形容词比较级easier。
63.答案与解析:a 考查冠词。句意: 如今, 中国在全球事务中扮演着更重要的角色, 越来越多的国际学生开始通过这门神奇的语言欣赏中国的文化和历史。结合句意表示“在……中起作用”短语为play a role in, 且greater是发音以辅音音素开头的单词, 应用a。故填a。
64.答案与解析:affairs 考查名词的数。句意: 如今, 中国在全球事务中扮演着更重要的角色, 越来越多的国际学生开始通过这门神奇的语言欣赏中国的文化和历史。affair为可数名词, 此处前文没有冠词, 应用复数形式。
65.答案与解析:to learn 考查非谓语动词。句意: 大多数学生搬到中国是为了学习语言和生活方式。分析句子结构可知learn在句中应用非谓语动词形式, 此处作目的状语, 应用不定式。
Dear Mary,
I saw you're looking for some suggestions for learning Chinese on social media. Here are some suggestions. Trying to read some Chinese classics is a good idea. Besides, you can listen to some Chinese songs and learn to sing them. Last but not least, making friends with Chinese is a wise choice, which can give you a chance to practice your Chinese.
Learning Chinese will help you to know more about great Chinese culture. I'm sure you will learn it well one day.
Li Hua
There was a phone number on the flyer. My dad called it and someone answered; it was a lady. My dad asked whether she was the one who put up the flyers. She said “Yes! ” with excitement and told us Coby, who was very dear to her, had been gone days before. Then we told her that we had her puppy and we would take him to her. She told us her address at once; then we went to it.
We found the lady's house, and then we knocked on the door. A lady opened the door, and when she saw the puppy, she screamed with joy. We handed her the puppy, feeling proud. She wanted to give us a reward for taking care of her puppy for her, but we said it was OK because we were really happy to help. So we went home tired but content, telling my mom the whole thing. My family became friends with the lady, and we were all happy.单元素养评价(三) UNIT 2 TRAVELLING AROUND
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What will the speakers do
A.Watch a play. B.Go to a concert. C.Go to the cinema.
2.What does the man want
A.Juice. B.Coffee. C.Green tea.
3.What is the man
A.A cleaner. B.A teacher. C.A headmaster.
4.How does the man feel now
A.Worried. B.Tired. C.Angry.
5.How much did the man pay for the coat
A.$44. B.$42. C.$40.
6.What day is it today
A.Friday. B.Saturday. C.Sunday.
7.Who is the woman speaking to
A.A friend. B.A performer. C.A ticket seller.
8.Why will the man go to Germany
A.To do sight seeing. B.To see his girlfriend. C.To visit a friend's family.
9.How is calling a stranger's family name in Germany
A.Normal. B.Impolite. C.Friendly.
10.What did the man dream of becoming as a teenager
A.A writer. B.A college teacher. C.A successful businessman.
11.How many languages is the man learning now
A.1. B.2. C.3.
12.What does the woman think of learning new languages
A.Unnecessary. B.Important. C.Difficult.
13.What did the man do yesterday
A.He went boating. B.He cleaned his room. C.He watched a film.
14.What is spring like in the woman's city
A.It's very cold. B.It's often rainy. C.It's quite warm.
15.What does the woman like doing in summer
A.Going fishing. B.Taking a long holiday. C.Going swimming.
16.What does the man think of living in his city
A.Great. B.Stressful. C.Dull.
17.When was the boy's school opened
A.In 2003. B.In 2005. C.In 2007.
18.How many students are there in the boy's school
A.About 1,005. B.About 2,000. C.About 2,500.
19.Where are most students in the school from
A.English speaking countries. B.French speaking countries. C.Spanish speaking countries.
20.What does the boy think of the teachers in the school
A.Nice. B.Strict. C.Patient.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Long Beach, a 28 mile area of beach, lies in southwestern Washington, and is generally called Long Beach munities there take you back to old days of a simple life. Here, visitors can relax and enjoy the good of a total rest.
Bird watching
There are different kinds of birds on Long Beach. It's best if you watch them from a distance and don't try to frighten them. The Southwest Loop Route Map can be got through the Long Beach Peninsula Visitors Office by calling 1 800 451 2542.
A popular activity on Long Beach is horseback riding. Two businesses in the city of Long Beach offer guided horseback tours along the beach: Black Country Wilderness Outfitters and Skipper's Equestrian Center. You may also bring your own horse. Among the adventures offered with horses is a wagon ride along the beach, a carriage ride through Sea view or Long Beach, a back country pack trip, or a sunset ride by horseback on the beach.
RV and tent camping aren't allowed on the beach. Camp fires are allowed within 100 feet off the beach, but must be away from the dry grass.
Swimming and other activities
Swimming is allowed, but you must be careful. The waters are very cold and dangerous. Surfing is advised only for experienced surfers. Beach driving is allowed at certain areas on the beach. The speed limit is 25 mph. Building sand castles, digging sand to find something, riding bicycles and flying kites are also popular activities in the area.
Enjoy your trip to Long Beach, Washington!
21.What can we learn about Long Beach from the passage
A.Its people live a simple life. B.It is a world famous tourist attraction.
C.It lies in southeastern Washington. D.It is 28 kilometers long.
22.Which of the following is allowed on Long Beach
A.Tent camping.
B.Driving at the speed of 30 mph along the beach.
C.Digging sand to find something.
D.Setting camp fires far away from the beach.
23.Where is the passage most probably taken from
A.A research paper. B.A travel guide.
C.A news report. D.An instruction.
A Pakistani Wildlife team, which runs a breeding (繁育) programme, has been taking care of green turtle(海龟)babies during this breeding season. When a female turtle walked across the Karachi beach late one night, workers from the Sindh Wildlife group in Pakistan watched and waited patiently. The female turtle buried a hundred or more eggs in the sand before heading back out into the sea.
The COVID 19 pandemic (流行病) has led to emptier coastal areas around the world. Sea turtles have used the chance to return to their birthplaces in large numbers, reclaiming the less polluted, quieter beaches to lay their eggs during the main September November breeding season.
“The turtles still have had enough egg laying chances during this period. In this season, we have had a large number of turtles coming here. The result is that we have helped 6,000 eggs so far,” said Ashfaq Ali Memon, who leads Sindh Wildlife's Sea Turtle Unit.
As soon as the mother turtle leaves, workers hurry to dig out the eggs. They move them to a one meter deep hole in a hatchery (孵化处) until the babies come out of the eggs, about 40 to 45 days later. The new turtles are taken to the beach immediately and set free into the sea.
The Sindh turtle unit has set free 860,000 turtle babies into the sea since being set up in 1970. Memon said 900 have been set free so far this season.
Experts say that in the past, sea turtle populations were endangered by demand for their fat, meat and eggs, but in recent years loss of habitat from pollution and land reclamation have also threatened the animals.
24.How many baby turtles have been set free to the sea so far this season
A.900. B.5,100. C.6,000. D.860,000.
25.Which of the following best describes the breeding programme
A.Costly. B.Ineffective. C.Successful. D.Considerable.
26.What caused the decrease of sea turtle populations
A.The loss of their food. B.The loss of their habitat.
C.The effect of COVID 19. D.The demand for their shell.
27.What does the passage mainly focus on
A.The reason why green turtles are endangered.
B.The way the team protects green turtle babies.
C.The reason why the team takes care of green turtle babies.
D.A Pakistani Wildlife team takes care of green turtle babies.
At the foot of the Tianmu Mountain in Zhejiang, a homestay (民宿) is attracting travelers from far and wide, which won architectural medal at the 2021 German iF Design Awards.
The owners of the homestay are a couple in their late 30s who decided to return to their hometown three years ago. Li Xiumei used to be in charge of a division at a company in Hangzhou, and her husband was a sales director. It was an ordinary situation where Li's husband was on business trips a lot and Li still worked on weekends. City life sometimes is not easy.
In 2018, they quit jobs and went back to Dongtianmu village, which lies in a forest of bamboo. The first time they drove into the village was one late afternoon. The cooking smoke was rising from the foot of the mountain, which gave them a very different feeling from the city.
The homestay was built beside her husband's old countryside house. The old house is preserved (保留), while a brand new building was built on its side and the whole site is made up of four courtyards. It has been updated to have a hall, a tea room, a kitchen, a dining room. Japanese cherry trees are planted in the east courtyard. A swimming pool is placed in the west courtyard, with a bar located on one side.
Li and her husband love gardening and music, and their new home gives them enough space to continue their interests and relax in the heart of nature. Li wants to share the quiet country life, so she makes her new home a homestay. In 2019, the homestay became an online hit after guests shared their experiences on social media. “The longer I stay here, the more I feel it was the right choice to come back, and this is more meaningful than making money,” Li says.
28.How did Li feel about city life
A.Satisfied. B.Noisy. C.Attractive. D.Tired.
29.What impressed the couple when first driving to the village
A.The forest of bamboo. B.The smoke of cooking.
C.The fresh air in the village. D.The feeling of loneliness.
30.What can we infer about the homestay from Paragraph 4
A.It is ancient and broken. B.It can hold many guests.
C.It must have been carefully designed. D.It has been rebuilt by the couple.
31.What's more meaningful than earning money according to Li
A.Continuing their music dream. B.Living in the countryside.
C.Staying at the old house. D.Developing a city.
Cuckoos (布谷鸟) are masters of cheating. When it comes to raising young, they don't spend the energy building a nest (鸟巢), protecting eggs or feeding children. Instead, the female passes these roles on to other birds. They don't raise their own young. Usually, they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, fooling other birds into thinking the cuckoo eggs are theirs.
To succeed in doing this, a female cuckoo watches over her chosen nest to observe feeding times. When the host parent leaves its nest in search of food, the cuckoo quickly lays her eggs among those already in the nest. Sometimes, she will even destroy and remove one of the host's eggs to make room for her own.
Cuckoos are medium sized birds with long tails, and often have gray or brown backs. When they hatch (孵化) and begin to grow in a host's nest, the difference between the two can be obvious to an onlooker. Often the cuckoo is twice the size of its foster parents (养父母),but still continues to receive food from them.
The cuckoo imposter (冒名顶替者) is usually the only baby bird that the host parent has to care for. This is because when the cuckoo hatches after around 11 days, it gets rid of all the other eggs in the nest. It will lift each egg onto its back before throwing them one by one over the edge of the nest. Even then, the non biological parent will continue to treat it as one of its own.
Also, cuckoos have developed to produce eggs that are similar in color to their main hosts'. This reduces the chances of eggs being attacked. Female cuckoos have been known to take host birds' attention away after laying their eggs by producing a noise similar to Eurasian sparrowhawks, scaring birds away from returning to the nest and allowing time for the cuckoo to make her escape unnoticed.
32.What do mother cuckoos usually do when it comes to raising their young
A.Attend to eggs. B.Build a new nest.
C.Learn feeding skills. D.Rely on other birds.
33.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A.Other cuckoos. B.Baby cuckoos.
C.Cuckoo's host parents. D.Cuckoo's birth parents.
34.What can be inferred about the cuckoo imposter
A.It usually hatches out earlier than the other eggs in the nest.
B.It throws all the other eggs out of nests with its mother's help.
C.It often makes a noise to scare other birds away from the nest.
D.It looks much larger than other eggs in the nest before hatching.
35.Which can be the best title for the text
A.How cuckoos protect their children B.How cuckoos fool other birds
C.How cuckoos destroy others' nests D.How cuckoos produce eggs
Why do people travel There are many reasons one can think of when asked questions like this.
To travel far enough to meet yourself
Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere. __36__ You find out your abilities. When you are offered a different lifestyle, you can find out what you are made of. The farther you go from your home, the nearer you come to your true self.
If you look back at all the amazing memories of your life, you will realize that most of them were out of your comfort zone. Travelling is dangerous, full of life threatening possibilities and will not always be comfortable, but at the same time, it gives irreplaceable memories.
To slow down and relax
A wise man once said that never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. Money is worth nothing if you cannot spend it on a little adventure.While we are deeply involved in making money, we forget that time is going through our fingers. __38__ The feeling of being away from your workplace is pure happiness. The feeling of not having to worry about the never ending piles of files is pure joy. __39__
To celebrate life
Life is short and the world is wide. One day you might wake up and realize that you don't have time to do everything that you have always wanted to do, anymore. Once in a while, make time to appreciate the fact that you are alive, young, free and healthy.__40__
A.To become a storyteller
B.Travelling lets you discover yourself.
C.To break through your comfort zone
D.So, go travelling to celebrate life itself.
E.You can relate to the world and connect to others.
F.And the feeling of being away from your boss for a few days is pure pleasure.
G.Escape life for a little while because experience is far more valuable than money.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
It was 2002. It was suggested that I should learn to drive, so my father decided to teach me. Easier said than done. The driving plan was quietly __41__ after I almost crashed his car into a stone wall. My next __42__ was in 2006. This time, the __43__ was a very nice friend. But after three sessions, he __44__. “I can't teach you,” he said. “You have no __45__ at all.” To be honest, that was __46__ to me. Actually, I thought I was afraid of many things—thunderstorms, forest fires, bears, but these were not the __47__ kind for driving.
Nine years later, I had a life partner—Graeme Gibson—and a baby. One day, Graeme got his __48__ seriously bitten when he helped __49__ a dog trapped in the wire fence. Even so, he had to drive himself to the hospital __50__ thanks to my inability to drive.
This accident __51__ me and awoke my desire for learning. “That's it,” I said, “I'm learning to drive.” I must qualify myself to __52__ and protect my family. This time, I __53__ a professional instructor. Despite various __54__, I got my license finally. I was pleased with myself: it seemed I now had the appropriate kind of fears. Learning to drive makes me a more grown up and __55__ adult.
41.A.dropped B.focused C.advanced D.acquired
42.A.memory B.move C.goal D.try
43.A.instructor B.partner C.adviser D.designer
44.A.went down B.gave up C.turned off D.calmed down
45.A.potential B.desire C.fears D.skills
46.A.humor B.truth C.news D.disaster
47.A.rough B.tough C.wrong D.right
48.A.arm B.leg C.head D.foot
49.A.cure B.find C.free D.check
50.A.red eyed B.one handed C.warm blooded D.cold hearted
51.A.motivated B.alarmed C.improved D.stopped
52.A.balance B.press C.comfort D.support
53.A.spotted B.recognized C.invited D.hired
54.A.regrets B.arguments C.challenges D.exams
55.A.curious B.responsible C.concerned D.normal
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
My last holiday was a five day trip to Prague in the Czech Republic. I know Prague well because I lived there when I was at university, more 56.________ ten years ago.
Instead of 57.________ (stay) in a hotel, I stayed with one of my old 58.________ (friend). It was so much fun, and a little bit like my old life. I wanted 59.________ (do) all the same things I did in my university days, so I visited the university. It has changed 60.________ lot and looks more modern. I also went to the supermarket 61.________ was near my old house. I loved seeing all the different foods. I was 62.________ (extreme) happy to find my favourite cheese (奶酪) and chocolate biscuits but they were a bit 63.________ (expensive) than I remember!
We did some touristy things too. We walked up beautiful Petrin Hill and around the castle. The views of the city were 64.________ (amaze) up there. We walked across the historic Charles Bridge, went to the TV Tower and 65.________ (see) the famous baby statues climbing up it. Those things haven't changed, of course.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是李华, 打算寒假和家人去北京旅行, 你的新西兰笔友Richard对此很感兴趣, 来信询问旅行计划, 请你给他回一封信, 介绍你的旅行安排。内容如下:
2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Tom threw himself on the sofa, sighing. Mother's Day was coming, but he didn't have a present. “How can I buy a present without any money?” he thought.
Tom picked up the newspaper that was lying on the sofa. He noticed a large advertisement (广告) on the front page. The local department store was sponsoring (赞助) a contest. “Tell us why your mom is special and win a beautiful and precious gift for her.” said the advertisement.
“This is perfect!” thought Tom. He ran to his room with the newspaper. After taking a pencil and a blank piece of paper from his desk, he started to write.
“My mom is the best mother in the world. She always makes lunch for me to take to school and she never forgets my dessert. She reads as many books to me before bed as I want her to. She always remembers to check under the bed for monsters (怪兽). And she gives me the best hug, but never in front of my friends, who may laugh at me for hugging my mom.”
Tom liked what he had written. He copied it neatly and got an envelope and a stamp. He ran to the mailbox with his entry (参赛作品). “Mom will love having a special gift,” he thought.
Tom checked his mailbox every day for his prize. Days went by, and then weeks. Soon it was the day before Mother's Day. Tom still hadn't heard anything about the contest.
“What am I going to do now?” he wondered. He didn't have a present, and he didn't have a gift. And he still didn't have money.
He had to think of something. Tom closed his eyes, curled (使弯曲) his toes and thought hard.
Then Tom thought he could show his love for his mother in another way.________________________________________________________________________
On Mother's Day, Tom gave his mother the envelope with the letter in it.________________________________________________________________________
1~5 BCBAC 6~10 ACCBA
11~15 BCCBC 16~20 AAACA
(Text 1)
M:Lily, let's go to the theatre today. I've heard there's a very good play on now.
W:Sorry, but I'm going to attend a concert. Do you want to go with me
M:Why not
(Text 2)
W:Would you like something to drink, sir
M:Yes, please. I'm really thirsty. But let me look at the menu first. Hmm... There is coffee, green tea, Coca Cola and juice. Hmm... I'd like some tea.
W:OK, sir. Just a minute.
(Text 3)
M:Is this your first year in college
W:No. It's my second year. What about you
M:I'm not a student. I teach here. But it's my first year to work here.
(Text 4)
W:Are you ready for the exam
M:Not really. I'm afraid I won't pass it. What should I do
W:Relax! I'm sure you'll do fine.
M:But Mr. Brown said it would be very difficult.
(Text 5)
W:Hi, Sam. You look great today! Your new coat is very nice.
M:Thanks! I love the color.
W:Me too. How much did it cost
M:The ad said that the coat was on sale for 42 dollars, but actually it was $40.
(Text 6)
M:May I help you
W:Yes. I want to buy some tickets for the play. It's on this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, right
M:That's right. Do you want to watch it tonight, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow
W:The day is not important, but my friends and I want to sit together. Do you have three such seats left
M:Let me check... Yes, we do. We have three seats that are together the day after tomorrow.
W:Great! Then I'll take them.
(Text 7)
W:Hey, Mark, I heard you're going to Germany. Are you going there to do sight seeing
M:No. A friend of mine in Germany invited me to visit her and her family.
W:Is she your girlfriend
M:No. Just a friend I met online.
W:Do you know what to do when you visit someone for the first time in that country
M:Yes. As a matter of fact, I do. I looked it up on the Internet. The first thing I should do is arrive on time.
W:Yes. You can bring a gift. And please remember to avoid calling people's family name when you visit them for the first time.
M:Thanks. I won't forget.
(Text 8)
W:What did you like doing when you were a teenager, Sam
M:I loved reading and writing. As a matter of fact, I dreamed of making a living on writing one day.
W:Then why did you give up your dream
M:Because I was very busy with my studies at college. And after leaving college, I was super busy at work.
W:But now you have the time and money to make your dream come true. You can write again.
M:Well, now I'm more interested in learning languages.
W:So what languages are you learning now
M:I'm learning both French and Spanish.
W:Well, I think learning a new language is really hard. I prefer watching TV in my spare time.
M:I think that's a waste of time.
(Text 9)
W:Hey, Charles. Did you go boating at the park as you had planned yesterday afternoon
M:No. I heard on the radio that it was going to be windy, so I didn't go. I stayed home and watched a movie instead.
W:It seems that it is very windy this time of year.
M:That's true. Spring is like that in our city. So what is the weather usually like in your city in spring
W:It rains a lot and it's cool.
M:How about the weather in summer
W:In summer, it's usually very hot, so I like going swimming. What about summer here
M:It's not hot at all. Summer here is a very comfortable season.
W:You must love living in this city, Charles.
M:Certainly. I fell in love with it right after I moved here at twelve years old.
W:Wow, you've lived here for eight years.
(Text 10)
My name is Bob Brown. I'm fifteen years old. Now I'm a freshman in Information Technology High School. Today, I will introduce something about my school. My school is a public school in Queens, New York. The school building is located on 44th Road in Long Island City and was built on the former site of a factory. The school is part of the New York City Department of Education school system. Opened in 2003, Information Technology High School is a high school with about 1,005 students from grade 9 through 12.79% of the students are boys. Most of the students are from Spanish speaking countries. One of my best friends Tim is from Argentina. He is one year older than me. Thanks to him, I quickly got used to the high school life. Besides, all of the teachers are nice and funny, especially my head teacher, Mr. William. I love my school very much!
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了Long Beach这个旅游胜地及其各类度假活动的相关信息。
21.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Communities there take you back to old days of a simple life. ”可知, 长滩的居民过着简单的生活。故选A。
22.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据Swimming and other activities中的“The speed limit is 25 mph. Building sand castles, digging sand to find something, riding bicycles and flying kites are also popular activities in the area. ”可知, 在长滩可以堆沙堡、挖沙找东西、骑自行车和放风筝。
23.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Here, visitors can relax and enjoy the good of a total rest. ”及文章内容可知, 本文都是关于一些旅游活动的介绍。由此推知, 文章应该出自一本旅游指南。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了一个巴基斯坦的野生动物团队负责照顾绿海龟宝宝。
24.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第五段“Memon said 900 have been set free so far this season. ”(梅蒙说, 到目前为止, 本季已有900只小海龟被释放。)可知, 到目前为止, 本季有900只小海龟被放归大海。
25.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据第三段“‘The result is that we have helped 6,000 eggs so far,’ said Ashfaq Ali Memon, who leads Sindh Wildlife's Sea Turtle Unit. ”可知, 繁殖计划已经帮助了很多海龟, 所以这一计划是成功的。
26.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据最后一段“but in recent years loss of habitat from pollution and land reclamation have also threatened the animals. ”可知, 栖息地的丧失导致了海龟的数量减少。
27.答案与解析:D 主旨大意题。根据第一段可知, 这一野生动物小组负责照顾绿海龟宝宝, 下文就此展开, 介绍了团队保护绿海龟宝宝的背景、方式、成果以及原因, 所以文章主要关注一个巴基斯坦野生动物小组负责照顾绿海龟宝宝。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。讲述了浙江天目山脚下的一家民宿吸引着来自四面八方的游客, 该民宿在2021年获得了德国iF设计奖的建筑奖牌。
28.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句可以推知, 李觉得城市生活很累。
29.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句可知, 当夫妇俩第一次开车去村子时, 炊烟给他们留下了深刻的印象。
30.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据第四段中“The old house is preserved, while a brand new building was built on its side and the whole site is made up of four courtyards...A swimming pool is placed in the west courtyard, with a bar located on one side. ”可以推知, 这个民宿一定是精心设计的。
31.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据最后一段中李所说“The longer I stay here, the more I feel it was the right choice to come back, and this is more meaningful than making money ”可以推知, 在乡村生活比挣钱更有意义。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了布谷鸟不筑巢,将自己的蛋产到其他鸟类的巢穴中,欺骗它们为其孵化并养育幼鸟。
32.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第一段“Instead, the female passes these roles on to other birds. They don't raise their own young. Usually, they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, fooling other birds into thinking the cuckoo eggs are theirs.”可知,布谷鸟妈妈自己并不会含辛茹苦地抚育后代,而是将蛋产在其他鸟的巢穴中,让其他鸟类承担养育其后代的责任,故选D项。
33.答案与解析:C 指代猜测题。根据第三段“Often the cuckoo is twice the size of its foster parents, but still continues to receive food for them.”可知,尽管布谷鸟相比它的养父母体形硕大,但是仍然靠它们喂养食物,画线代词指代辛苦觅食,喂养布谷鸟“巨婴”的其他鸟类,故选C项。
34.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“This is because when the cuckoo hatches after around 11 days, it gets rid of all the other eggs in the nest. It will lift each egg onto its back before throwing them one by one over the edge of the nest.”可知,布谷鸟雏鸟通常会比其他鸟类更早地孵化出来,这样才能“独得恩宠”,故选A项。
35.答案与解析:B 标题判断题。根据第一段“Cuckoos are masters of cheating. (布谷鸟是欺骗大师)”以及文章内容可知,文章主要介绍布谷鸟如何欺骗其他鸟类,为其孵化幼鸟,可以作文章标题,故选B项。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。这篇文章就人们为什么去旅游给出了几个原因。
36.答案与解析:B 根据上文“Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere. ”可知有时你会发现自己没有存在感。B项: Travelling lets you discover yourself. 旅行让你发现自己。故选B。
37.答案与解析:C 空格处是段落标题。根据下文可知, 如果你回顾你生命中所有令人惊异的记忆, 你会意识到它们中的大多数都不在你的舒适区。旅行是危险的, 充满了威胁生命的可能性, 不会总是舒适的, 故选C。
38.答案与解析:G 根据上文“Money is worth nothing if you cannot spend it on a little adventure. ”可知, 如果你不能把钱花在一次小小的冒险上, 钱就一文不值。 G项: 逃避生活一段时间, 因为经历远比金钱更有价值, 故选G。
39.答案与解析:F 根据上文可知离开工作场所的感觉是纯粹的幸福, 不用担心那些没完没了的文件的感觉是纯粹的高兴。F项: 离开老板几天的感觉就是一种纯粹的快乐。
40.答案与解析:D 根据最后一段小标题To celebrate life可以推断出本段讲的是庆祝生活, 选项D与标题一致。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者的三次学车经历及其感悟。
41.答案与解析:A 句意:在我差点把他的车撞到石墙上之后,学车计划就悄无声息地停止了。 根据后文的“My next __42__ was in 2006”可知,在作者差点儿把父亲的车撞到一堵石墙上之后,第一次学车计划就悄悄终止了。
42.答案与解析:D 由上文的“It was 2002”和下文的“in 2006”可知,作者在2006年再次尝试学开车。
43.答案与解析:A 根据下文的“I can't teach you”可知,此处说的一个非常好的朋友应是这次的教练。
44.答案与解析:B 根据下文中的“I can't teach you”可知,此处指上了三次课后,教练放弃了。
45.答案与解析:C 根据下文中的“To be honest, that was __46__ to me. Actually, I thought I was afraid of many things”及最后一段中的“I was pleased with myself: it seemed I now had the appropriate kind of fears.”可知,此处指教练说作者什么都不害怕,空格处是“恐惧”,故选C。
46.答案与解析:C 根据后文的“Actually, I thought I was afraid of many things”可知,此处表示作者一点儿都不知道自己什么都不怕,that's news to me表示“对我来说可是新鲜事,我一点儿都不知道呢”。
47.答案与解析:D 由上文的“I was afraid of many things—thunderstorms, forest fires, bears”和最后一段的“I was pleased with myself: it seemed I now had the appropriate kind of fears.”可知,作者以为自己害怕很多东西——雷雨、森林大火、熊,但这些都不是开车真正害怕的东西。
48.答案与解析:A 根据下文中的“Even so, he had to drive himself to the hospital __50__ thanks to my inability to drive”可推知,Graeme被咬伤的应该是胳膊。
49.答案与解析:C 根据下文中的“a dog trapped in the wire fence”可知,狗被困在铁丝网上,Graeme应是在帮助狗获得自由,空格处是“释放”,故选C。
50.答案与解析:B 由上文“got his __48__ seriously bitten”和后文的“my inability to drive”可知,由于作者不会开车,Graeme不得不自己单手开车去医院。
51.答案与解析:A 根据下文中的“‘That's it,’ I said, ‘I'm learning to drive.’ I must qualify myself to __52__ and protect my family”可知,此处指这次意外让作者有了学车的动力。
52.答案与解析:D 根据上文的“I'm learning to drive”可知,此处指作者决定学习开车,使自己有资格帮助和保护自己的家庭,故选D。
53.答案与解析:D 根据下文中的“a professional instructor”可知,此处指作者聘请了一位专业人士。
54.答案与解析:C 根据前面讲作者学了两次车都没成功及空格前的“Despite various”和空格后的“I got my license finally”可知,尽管在学车的过程中遇到了各种挑战,作者最终还是拿到了驾照。
55.答案与解析:B 由上文的“I must qualify myself to __52__ and protect my family”可知,学开车让作者成为了一个更成熟、更负责任的成年人。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。时隔多年,作者再次游玩布拉格。
56.答案与解析:than 考查固定搭配。more than...多于……。
57.答案与解析:staying 考查动词 ing形式。设空处作介词of的宾语,故填staying。
58.答案与解析:friends 考查可数名词的复数,friend意为“朋友”,为可数名词,根据空前的one of可知,此处表示复数意义,故填friends。
59.答案与解析:to do 考查动词不定式。want to do sth.想要做某事。
60.答案与解析:a 考查冠词。a lot很多。
61.答案与解析:which/that 考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句,指代先行词the supermarket且在从句中作主语,故填which或that。
62.答案与解析:extremely 考查副词。设空处作状语,修饰形容词happy,用副词,故填extremely。
63.答案与解析:more expensive 考查形容词比较级。根据上文中的but和下文中的than I remember可知,此处表达比较意义,表示奶酪和巧克力饼干比过去“贵”,故填more expensive。
64.答案与解析:amazing 考查形容词。设空处作表语,表示“令人惊叹的”,用形容词,故填amazing。
65.答案与解析:saw 考查一般过去时。根据语境和上文中的walked和went可知,此处表示发生在过去的事情。用一般过去时,又因主语We与动词see之间为主动关系,故填saw。
Dear Richard,
Glad to hear from you! I'm writing to tell you our travel plan to Beijing. We're going there by plane and will rent a car afterwards. Our first delight will definitely be the Great Wall, where we can appreciate the great wisdom of ancient Chinese people. On the following day, we are visiting the Forbidden City to admire the unique royal architectures. And as big fans of Peking Opera, we won't miss a visit to Mei Lanfang Theatre on the last day.
Would you like to join us Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
Then Tom thought he could show his love for his mother in another way. He searched in his drawers and fortunately found a piece of delicate paper. He sat down straight on his chair, and began to write a letter in his best handwriting as a Mother's Day present. “Dear Mom, I'm writing this to tell you that you are the best mother in the world...” With a sincere heart. Tom finished the letter and put it in an envelope with a smile on his face.
On Mother's Day, Tom gave his mother the envelope with the letter in it. She opened it and found the letter. Having finishing reading the letter, his mom swept him up into her arms (抱进怀里) with her eyes wet. “Thank you, my dear!” she said, hugging Tom more tightly. Leaning against his mother's shoulder, Tom slowly explained why he had chosen to write a letter as a gift. After hearing the reason, his mom gently touched his head, saying, “To me, your letter is better than any other gift.” Hugging each other, they felt happy as if they had everything. Indeed, love should be made known to loved ones.单元素养评价(四) UNIT 3 SPORTS AND FITNESS
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What will the woman do this afternoon
A.Go swimming. B.Study English with Mike.
C.Help Henry with his English.
2.Where does the man want to go
A.To the store. B.To the post office. C.To the hospital.
3.What's the most probable relationship between the speakers
A.Brother and sister. B.Husband and wife. C.Teacher and student.
4.What does the woman mean
A.She dislikes playing sports. B.She wants to be more active. C.She hardly has any free time.
5.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.Going on holiday. B.Cleaning the backpack. C.Preparing for an exam.
6.Where is the man from
A.Canada. B.America. C.China.
7.What's the relationship between the speakers
A.Neighbors. B.Colleagues. C.Classmates.
8.Why will the man go to the airport
A.To see off his boss. B.To pick up his grandparents. C.To catch a flight to Italy.
9.Where does the conversation take place
A.At the woman's office. B.At the man's home. C.Over the phone.
10.What was the man busy doing just now
A.Meeting his boss. B.Answering a phone call. C.Working on a project.
11.How did the woman get here
A.By subway. B.By car. C.By bike.
12.What do the speakers have in common
A.They both like cycling. B.They both worry about their health.
C.They both care about the environment.
13.Who came to David's place this morning
A.Mrs. Brown. B.A repairman. C.A TV seller.
14.What did Mrs. Brown do four days ago
A.She broke her TV. B.She called a TV repair shop. C.She went to the TV repair shop.
15.What did David decide to do in the end
A.Buy a smart TV. B.Ask others to fix his TV. C.Watch TV on the Internet.
16.How long has David had his TV
A.For eight years. B.For ten years. C.For thirteen years.
17.What is the text mainly about
A.How to live green. B.How to save energy. C.How to protect trees.
18.What does the man suggest doing at first
A.Recycling plastic bottles. B.Using reusable bottles. C.Buying cheap glasses.
19.Why should we buy local fruits and vegetables
A.They cost less. B.It's more convenient. C.It's good for the environment.
20.What does Cool Earth do
A.Give money to the poor. B.Produce clean energy. C.Save trees.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Invent a piece of technology to help the planet
The yearly BT Young Pioneer Award (奖) is looking for the brightest technological youngsters in the UK to make a planet protecting piece of technology. Enter to be in with a chance of winning £10,000 to develop your idea.
The BT Young Pioneer Award is part of the AbilityNet Tech4Good Awards, and this year BT is looking for new tech inventors to put their minds towards dealing with the problems of climate (气候) change.
If you need help, the “Count Us In” activity gives advice on ways you can take action to support the planet. You can find out how to help and what everyone's doing at count us in.org. The BT Young Pioneer Award is a key part of BT's Skills for Tomorrow programme, which provides free online resources (资源) to help people make the most of life—just visit /skillsfortomorrow to find out more.
What could you win
BT will help the winner to develop their idea with up to £10,000 and the support of BT experts along the way.
How to enter
To give your entry (参赛作品), visit , where you will be asked questions about the problem your project solves, how you plan to develop it and why you think you will win this year's BT Young Pioneer Award. The BT Young Pioneer Award is open to anyone based in the UK between the ages of nine and 18. Entry is free, and you can enter as an individual (个人) or as part of a group of up to five people. The closing date for entries is 9 May 2021.
21.What do we know about the BT Young Pioneer Award
A.It is held every three months. B.It will offer the winner at least £10,000.
C.It includes the AbilityNet Tech4Good Awards. D.It encourages young people to protect the Earth.
22.How can a competitor get free online resources
A.By visiting /skillsfortomorrow.
B.By sending an email to the organiser.
C.By making a call to BT experts.
D.By joining in “Count Us In”.
23.If Steve wants to join in the competition, he should ________.
A.be in a group of over five people
B.sign up before 9 May 2021
C.be older than 18 years old
D.pay for the entry
Basketball had always been a huge part of my life ever since I was little, and it had been my favorite sport until high school. I was captain of the team in my second year of high school. I felt I had to do very well. The stress I put myself under was unhealthy: I felt as if I couldn't make mistakes, and that stopped me enjoying the game I once loved. I finished my second year basketball season and had no fun at all.
My Spanish teacher came up to me after my second year basketball season, asking if I had ever thought about playing Unified (融合的) Basketball. Unified Sports joins people with intellectual or physical disabilities (智力或身体缺陷) (called Athletes), and people without disabilities (called Partners), on the same team. The main goal is to build friendships and encourage inclusivity. I had thought about it before, but there was a rule that said I couldn't play Unified if I played basketball for the school. So, I finally decided to quit basketball.
Quitting basketball was not easy. I received strong opposition (反对) from my parents and the coaches as well as my friends who were on the team. It was not a popular or traditional decision, but I knew it was the right one for me.
Walking into my first Unified practice, I did not know what to expect. I awkwardly introduced myself to a few of the Unified Athletes, but after the first day, it already seemed like we were becoming a family. We won a lot of games, but we also had the most fun I've ever had. All the stress I used to feel disappeared when I played with them. Seeing the Athletes score their first points of the season and then dance down the whole court excitedly is one of my favorite basketball memories (记忆).
Unified Sports opened my eyes to how much more there is to sports than winning and losing. The Athletes on the team thought that I was there to help them, but they did not know how much they helped me.
24.How did the author find playing basketball in his second year of high school
A.It did no good to his physical health. B.It took up too much of his free time.
C.It needed some special skills. D.It brought him no pleasure.
25.What did others think of the author's decision to quit basketball
A.It was unwise. B.It was right for him.
C.It was difficult to make. D.It was too important to rush.
26.How did the author feel after taking up Unified Basketball
A.Awkward and silly. B.Stressed and bored.
C.Safe and confident. D.Relaxed and happy.
27.Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A.My Love of Basketball B.Unified Sports Changed My Life
C.My Memories of Playing Basketball D.Sports Helped Me Make Lasting Friendships
Different weather makes people feel different. It influences health, intelligence and feelings.
In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northeast and the Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these states have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March.
The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a 2018 report by scientists, IQs of a group of students were very high when a very strong wind came; but after the strong wind, their IQs were 10% below. The wind can help people have more intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can make it lower. Students in many schools of the United States often get worse on exams in the hot months of the year (July and August).
Weather also has a strong influence on people's feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They might feel unhappy during cold weather. But fat people may have a hard time in hot summer. At about 18 ℃,people become stronger.
Low air pressure (气压) may make people forgetful. People leave more bags on buses and in shops on low pressure days. There is “good weather” for work and health. People feel best at a temperature of about 18 ℃.
Are you feeling sad, tired, forgetful, or unhappy today It may be the problem of weather.
28.When do people in the Northeast in America have more heart trouble
A.In February. B.In July. C.In August. D.In November.
29.Which is not mentioned in the text that weather has an effect on
A.People's health. B.People's appearance.
C.People's intelligence. D.People's feelings.
30.How can people turn out to be at about 18 ℃?
A.More hesitant. B.More friendly.
C.More energetic. D.More generous.
31.Why does the text mention “People leave more bags on buses and in shops” in Paragraph 5
A.People can feel best when air pressure is high.
B.People may be forgetful when air pressure is high.
C.People may buy more things when air pressure is low.
D.People can't remember things so well when air pressure is low.
The beach may seem like an inviting place to run on a cool summer morning, but is running on the sand good for your body?It can be, but it's important to be aware of the challenges that some beach runners experience before you get ready.
Running on the beach can be a good thing. It's certainly different from running on a track or a pavement. For starters,sand can be a challenge because it has an uneven (不平坦的) surface. As you push off, you're going to lose some of your push as the sand moves. So, you're not going to be able to push yourself forward as you would on a track or a pavement. But this unevenness has an upside. It gives your body an extra workout, forcing you to exercise muscles that don't get as much use during running on firm surfaces. For example, your feet, ankles and lower back might feel sorer and more tired than usual after a beach run just because the surface is constantly moving and changing step to step.
You also might feel sore afterward because beaches tend to slope (倾斜) down to the water. If you're going for a long run on the beach, you might notice that one side of your body might feel sorer because you're putting more pressure on it due to the slope.
Some beach runners prefer to run barefoot—not wearing anything on feet. However, if you're not used to barefoot running, start slowly and don't run long distances at first. That's because running barefoot uses more different muscles than running with shoes, and it's important to strengthen these muscles and adapt your feet. If you want to run barefoot and as long as you run carefully enough into it, go for it!
Running on the sand can be a smart choice for you, because running on softer ground surfaces can reduce muscle damage.
32.Why is it difficult to run on the beach for starters
A.Running on its uneven surface takes much effort.
B.People need to run carefully on its smooth surface.
C.The soft surface makes people fall over easily.
D.It's hard to keep one's balance on its hard surface.
33.Which of the following best explains “upside” underlined in Paragraph 2
A.Character. B.Reason. C.Advantage. D.Challenge.
34.What's the author's attitude to barefoot running
A.Disapproving. B.Supportive. C.Doubtful. D.Impersonal.
35.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Is running on the beach good for your body
B.Do you need to adapt yourself to beach running
C.What are the challenges of running on the sand
D.Why do you feel sore after running on the beach
Taking care of a sick loved one can put stress on your health. When taking care of the other person, you may ignore your own physical needs. You may find that your own health is failing. If you fall ill, you won't be able to help.__36__
Eat well. When things seem out of control, you may have no time to focus on good eating habits. __37__ Both of those put stress on you. Try to eat as healthily as you can, even if sometimes you have to rely on simple meals like salads.
Try to get enough sleep. Sleep can also be difficult when you're caring for a loved one. You may be too worried to sleep at times, or the task may interrupt your sleep.__38__ Therefore, try to get as much as you can.
Take time to exercise. Exercising will also help you keep healthy while you're caring for a loved one. Exercise can reduce your stress level. __39__ So you'll need to find ways to work it into your schedule. You can take a short walk a couple of times a day or do yoga at home.
__40__ It can be easy to overlook (忽视) the health problems in yourself when you're caring for someone else. If you fall ill, that does not do anyone any good. So it's best to make sure you're in good health.
A.Don't ignore signs of illness in yourself.
B.Therefore, it's important to take care of yourself.
C.You may not eat much, or you may end up eating junk food.
D.Not getting enough sleep can make you less effective in the task.
E.However, it can be difficult when you are taking care of a loved one.
F.The best plan is to visit a doctor regularly to make sure you're in good health.
G.Don't be afraid to ask for help when you're ill, as that can help take some of burden off you.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Being a parent is already a life changing experience. However, this 40 year old dad __41__ an astonishing transformation (变化) after a hike with his kids.
Before Jeremiah Peterson looked like a supermodel, he weighed 290 pounds. He was only __42__ to lose weight after he went on a __43__ with his family in 2017 and became aware how quickly he got __44__ from the activity.
“Instead of remembering all the good __45__ we had made on this trip, all I can remember is this one thing that kept playing in my head over and over again: I found myself running out of breath and having to take __46__ way before my 9 , 7 and 4 year old kids,” Peterson wrote on Instagram.
The dad from Missoula, Montana then __47__ himself to get into shape.
__48__, he started by giving up drinking and __49__ a ketogenic diet (生酮食法). Every day for five months straight, he would hike for two hours and spend one more hour at the gym.
After 150 days of a strict diet and lots of __50__, Peterson lost 92 pounds. Not only that, he can now run __51__ up the hiking trail that once made him extremely exhausted (疲惫的).
Peterson now uses his story and fitness knowledge to coach and __52__ almost 100,000 social media followers—but he says that his kids are the real __53__ for his success.
“Finding your reason that is __54__ if you want to achieve success in life,” he wrote in an Instagram post. “If you don't have a strong reason behind your __55__, you are less likely to get the results.”
41.A.discouraged B.experienced C.prevented D.improved
42.A.lucky B.honored C.determined D.careful
43.A.hike B.diet C.program D.project
44.A.upset B.hurt C.rewarded D.exhausted
45.A.changes B.contributions C.memories D.preparations
46.A.turns B.breaks C.photos D.notes
47.A.set B.attracted C.advised D.wished
48.A.Besides B.Instead C.However D.Therefore
49.A.insisting on B.leading to C.referring to D.agreeing on
50.A.practice B.consideration C.exercise D.attention
51.A.suddenly B.non stop C.immediately D.together
52.A.please B.compare C.encourage D.force
53.A.purpose B.reason C.advantage D.direction
54.A.necessary B.simple C.personal D.available
55.A.achievements B.imaginations C.conditions D.actions
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
As is 56.________ (know) to all,the Olympic Games are the most important events in the world.They were first held in ancient Greece 57.________ 776 BC.And the events were named after the city Olympia.Slaves and women could not be allowed to take part in the ancient Olympics,and the 58.________ (athlete) were all from the same country.
In 1896,59.________ first modern Olympics opened in Athens,the capital city of Greece.From then on,the Olympic Games 60.________ (take) place every four years.Athletes from the whole world can take part in the 61.________ (importance) events,whether they are men or women.The five rings on the Olympic Flag stand 62.________ five continents and the union of the whole world.
China didn't become a member of the modern Olympics until the 1950s.And in 1984,Xu Haifeng became the first Chinese that won an Olympic gold medal in shooting.With the 63.________ (develop) of China,Beijing finally succeeded in 64.________ (hold) the 2008 Olympics,during which the five Fuwa mascots 65.________ (deep) impressed the whole world.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
When I was young, my mother was going to Florida to visit my grandmother. I asked her to take me with her. “I'll take you, but remember,” my mother warned me, “Grandma is sick.”
I had seen lots of sick people before, so I thought it wouldn't be a big deal. Besides, by the time we got to Florida, my grandma would probably be okay. Then we would have fun just as we used to. I remembered how important I had felt the summer before when my grandma carried me on her shoulders down the streets of St. Petersburg.
My mother and I took the train to Florida. Then we took a taxi from the train station to my grandma's house. I got more and more excited as we approached (靠近). Grandma was a great storyteller and her stories made me feel special whenever she told them.
“Grandma, tell me a story,” I'd say, and she would always begin the story, “Once upon a time there was a boy named Billy...” Every story started with a boy named after me. When I arrived at her house, my first words were going to be, “Grandma, tell me a story.”
When I got to Grandma's house, she didn't come out to meet me. I went into her bedroom. In a moment, I was changed forever, because what I saw in that room wasn't my happy go lucky grandmother. It was a crumpled (蜷缩的) body, thin and drawn.
That night as I lay in bed, I heard my grandma moaning (呻吟) in pain. It continued all night.
The next morning, my mom said that we would go home that afternoon. She asked me if it was all right if Grandma came to live with us. I said yes, but in reality I never wanted to see my grandmother again, because it hurt too much to see Grandma that sick.
Although my grandma lived with us for the next few months, I never went into her room. She couldn't get out of bed. I didn't want to see Grandma that sick.
One day, my grandma called to me as I walked by her room.________________________________________________________________________
I was about to run out of the room when she spoke, “Once upon a time there was a boy named Billy...”________________________________________________________________________
1~5 CBBAC 6~10 CBBCB
11~15 CCBBA 16~20 CABCC
(Text 1)
M:It's sunny today, Lisa! What about going swimming this afternoon
W:I'm sorry, Mike. I've already promised Henry I'll help him learn English today. What about tomorrow
(Text 2)
M:Excuse me! Could you tell me where I can buy some stamps
W:Let me see. Well, walk straight forward and you'll see a hospital. There is a post office behind it. It's about a twenty minute walk.
M:Thank you very much.
(Text 3)
M:Jim said he and his six classmates would arrive at about three in the afternoon.
W:OK. I'll get the cake ready by three. By the way, honey, do we have any candles
M:Yes, we do. They're right here.
(Text 4)
W:Do you play basketball in your spare time
M:No. I don't really like this sport. But I play football at least twice a week. What about you
W:I'm not an active girl. I prefer reading.
(Text 5)
W:Jack, have you got everything for tomorrow's exam
M:Yes, Mom. I have checked many times. Two pencils, two pens, one eraser, my ID card... Hmm, I've got everything I need.
W:OK. That's good.
(Text 6)
W:Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Alice.
M:I'm Henry. Nice to meet you, too, Alice. So are you from America
W:No. I am Canadian. But I studied in America as an exchange student for two years and I really enjoyed it. Are you Chinese
M:Yes. I was born in Beijing, But I also studied in the US for two years. After I came back to China, I started working here. Since this is your first day in the company, let me show you around.
W:OK. That would be great. And I think I'll like working here. The people here seem very nice.
(Text 7)
M:Hi, Eva, this is Ben speaking. I'm sorry to tell you that I cannot go to your office tomorrow afternoon.
W:What happened
M:My grandparents are coming back from Italy tomorrow. Their flight will arrive at around 4:30 p.m.. I must go and pick them up.
W:Why don't they just take a taxi They've traveled to Italy, haven't they I'm sure getting back from the airport is a piece of cake for them.
M:Sorry, but I've promised them I'll go to pick them up. I don't want to let them down. Besides, they have a lot of luggage. They bought many gifts for their grandchildren.
W:OK. So when do you think you can come to my office
M:What about the same time the day after tomorrow
W:Sorry. But I won't have time the day after tomorrow. What about 10 am tomorrow
M:OK. That works for me. See you then.
(Text 8)
M:I am sorry to have kept all of you waiting. I had something important to deal with just now.
W:So what was so important
M:My boss called me just now. He asked me about my plan for our new project. We talked for about twenty minutes. Where is Mr. Jackson
W:He just called to say that he would be here in fifteen minutes.
W:He said that there was a traffic jam and that he would be here soon.
M:He shouldn't have driven his car. If he took the subway every day, he wouldn't get stuck in traffic.
W:Well, Mr. Jackson loves driving. He goes everywhere in his car.
M:I don't like driving. I love using the public transport. I think it is good for the environment.
W:I agree. Actually, I cycled here. I love cycling. It is not only good for the environment but also good for my health.
(Text 9)
W:Hey, David. Have you had your TV fixed
M:No, not yet.
W:Didn't you say you'd call the TV repair shop three days ago Did you forget to do that
M:Actually, I called the repair shop three days ago and a repairman came this morning.
W:Then why didn't he fix it
M:He was actually looking for Mrs. Brown's apartment. Mrs. Brown called four days ago to have her TV fixed, so he had to fix hers first.
W:So will the repairman come to your apartment tomorrow
M:No. I told him not to come.
W:Why Is your TV working again
M:No. But I've changed my mind. I surfed the Internet this noon and came across a TV that I really like. It's a smart TV. It can even be connected to the Internet.
W:Well, that's a good idea. I mean you've had yours for quite some time. You bought your TV when you were just twenty five. You're already thirty eight now.
M:Yes. I need a new one.
(Text 10)
M:To begin today's class, I'd like to tell you how to protect the environment in some easy ways.
First, stop buying single use plastic bottles and bags. Instead, use a glass or bottle that you can use again and again.
Second, you can buy local fruits and vegetables. This not only supports farmers in your area but helps the environment.
Third, remember to turn lights off. You don't need those lights to be on when you're not in the room. I believe your parents have been telling you this for years.And the heating doesn't need to be on for months.
Fourth, save water. Keep an eye on how long your showers last. A lot of water is wasted just by one person. So take a quick shower instead of wasting water.
Fifth, if you have some extra money, you can give it to Cool Earth and protect trees.
Now please turn to page 183. Read the text and get ready to answer my questions.
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。文章是一则比赛通知。
21.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据文章标题中的help the planet及第一段中的“make a planet protecting piece of technology.”可知,这项比赛旨在鼓励参赛者保护地球。
22.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The BT Young Pioneer Award is a key part of BT's Skills for Tomorrow programme, which provides free online resources to help people make the most of life — just visit /skillsfortomorrow to find out more.”可知,参赛者可访问/skillsfortomorrow获取免费的资源。
23.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The closing date for entries is 9 May 2021.”可知,参赛者应该在2021年5月9日之前提交作品。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了融合运动对自己的影响。
24.答案与解析:D 理解具体信息。根据第一段中的“I was captain of the team...The stress I put myself under was unhealthy: I felt as if I couldn't make mistakes, and that stopped me enjoying the game I once loved. I finished my second year basketball season and had no fun at all”可知,作者在高中二年级时担任校篮球队的队长。他给自己施加了许多压力,觉得自己不能犯错误,球技应特别棒。结果,他一点也感受不到打篮球的乐趣了。
25.答案与解析:A 理解观点、态度。根据第三段中的“Quitting basketball was not easy. I received strong opposition from my parents and the coaches as well as my friends who were on the team”可知,当作者决定不打篮球时,大家都持反对意见。也就是说,大家觉得他的决定不明智。D项中的rush意为“仓促行事”。
26.答案与解析:D 理解具体信息。根据第四段中的“We won a lot of games, but we also had the most fun I've ever had. All the stress I used to feel disappeared when I played with them...is one of my favorite basketball memories”可知,作者接触融合篮球运动后,赢得了许多比赛,感受到从未有过的快乐,也不再觉得有压力了。
27.答案与解析:B 理解主旨要义。文章第一讲述了从小酷爱篮球运动的作者在高中时发现打篮球不能给自己带来快乐;第二、三段讲述了作者决定放弃篮球运动开始接触融合篮球运动;第四、五段讲述了融合篮球运动对作者的影响。由此可知,B项符合本文的主旨,作为文章的标题最为合适。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。讲述了天气会影响人的健康,智力和感受。
28.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第二段的“In the Northeast and the Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these states have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March.(在美国东北部和中西部,有时很热,有时很冷。在2月或3月天气变化后,这些州的人有更多的心脏病)”可知,在美国东北部地区人们容易在2月更容易患心脏病。
29.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第一段“Different weather makes people feel different. It influences health, intelligence and feelings.(不同的天气让人感觉不同。它影响健康、智力和感受)”可知,文章指出天气可以影响人的健康、智力和情感。 “人们的外貌”没有提及。故选B。
30.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“People feel best at a temperature of about 18 ℃.(在18 ℃左右,人变得更强壮)”可知,在18 ℃左右人们会更加强壮,即人们会更加有活力。
31.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“Low air pressure (气压)may make people forgetful. People leave more bags on buses and in shops on low pressure days. (低气压可能使人健忘。在天气不好的日子里,人们会把更多的袋子留在公共汽车上和商店里)”推知,提到人们把更多的口袋忘在公交车和商店里是为了说明低气压让人们健忘。
【语篇解读】 文章主要介绍了沙滩慢跑者有可能会经历的挑战。
32.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知, 对于初学者来说在沙滩跑步会因为表面不平整而无法像在跑道或人行道那样容易前进。
33.答案与解析:C 词义猜测题。画线单词所在句有“But”存在, 说明与前文为转折关系, 前文内容讲述的是在沙滩跑步对于初学者来说的困难, 而画线单词所在句后文“It gives your body an extra workout, forcing you to exercise muscles that don't get as much use during running on firm surfaces. (它给你的身体一个额外的锻炼, 迫使你锻炼你在坚实路面上不经常锻炼的肌肉。)”在讲述其好处。因此“upside”所在句应是承前启后的作用, 可推知“upside”可以理解为“优点; 好处”, 与Advantage含义相同。
34.答案与解析:B 观点态度题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“If you want to run barefoot, it's great, but ease into it”可知,作者对裸足沙滩跑持支持的态度,只是建议不习惯裸足沙滩跑步的人要慢慢适应。
35.答案与解析:A 标题归纳题。文章一开头提出“is running on the sand good for your body”下文回答了这一问题:尽管沙滩跑步具有挑战,但是身体可以得到额外的锻炼,而且柔软的沙滩会减少对肌肉的损伤。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了照顾生病的爱人会给你的健康带来压力, 作者介绍了一些可以保证自己健康的方法。
36.答案与解析:B 上文“If you fall ill, you won't be able to help.”与B项承接自然, 上下文构成明显的因果关系, you和yourself是关键词 。
37.答案与解析:C 上文“When things seem out of control, you may have no time to focus on good eating habits.”与C项承接自然, 因为没时间关注自己的饮食, 所以可能会吃不饱, 或者吃不好。此外选项内容也符合本段中心句Eat well(吃好)的话题 。
38.答案与解析:D 下文“Therefore, try to get as much as you can.”与选项构成明显的因果关系, 且选项符合本段中心句Try to get enough sleep的话题 。
39.答案与解析:E 下文“So you'll need to find ways to work it into your schedule.” 与E项中的it都指的是上文所提到的exercise, 故选E。
40.答案与解析:A 根据空后的内容可知, 本段主要讲述不要因为照顾生病的家人而忽略自己的健康问题。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位父亲在家庭徒步旅行后,下定决心减肥,并最终成功的故事。他认为一件事的成功背后得有一个理由。
41.答案与解析:B 句意:然而,这位40岁的父亲在和孩子们一起远足后经历了惊人的变化。 根据下文“After 150 days of a strict diet and lots of __50__, Peterson lost 92 pounds.”可知,这位父亲减了92磅,所以他是经历了惊人的变化。
42.答案与解析:C 句意:他下定决心减肥是在2017年和家人一起徒步旅行之后,他意识到自己很快就会筋疲力尽。 根据下文“The dad from Missoula, Montana then __47__ himself to get into shape.”可知,这位父亲是下定决心去减肥。
43.答案与解析:A 空处为原词重现,根据文章第一段“However, this 40 year old dad __41__ an astonishing transformation (变化) after a hike with his kids.”可知,这位父亲是和家人一起徒步旅行之后才下定决心减肥的。
44.答案与解析:D 空处为原词重现,根据下文“Not only that, he can now run __51__ up the hiking trail that once made him extremely exhausted (疲惫的).”可知,空处指的是疲倦的。故选D。
45.答案与解析:C 根据下文“all I can remember is this one thing that kept playing in my head over and over again: I found myself running out of breath and having to take __46__ way before my 9 , 7 and 4 year old kids”可知,下文指的是他能记得的事情,所以空处指的是美好的回忆。
46.答案与解析:B 根据上文“He was only __42__ to lose weight after he went on a __43__ with his family in 2017 and became aware how quickly he got __44__ from the activity.”可知,他很容易就会感到疲倦,所以他是要休息。
47.答案与解析:A set oneself to,意为“决心做某事”。根据上文可知,这位父亲下定决心开始减肥。
48.答案与解析:D 根据上文“The dad from Missoula, Montana then __47__ himself to get into shape.”可知,这位父亲决定开始减肥,而下文介绍了他的减肥方法,之间存在因果关系。
49.答案与解析:A 根据下文“After 150 days of a strict diet and lots of __50__, Peterson lost 92 pounds.”可知,他坚持一直如此做,才成功减肥。
50.答案与解析:C 根据上文“Every day for five months straight, he would hike for two hours and spend one more hour at the gym.”可知,他不仅控制饮食,还每天坚持运动,所以空处指的是运动。
51.答案与解析:B 句意:不仅如此,他现在还可以在曾经让他筋疲力尽的徒步路线上不停地奔跑。 这里讲述的是他身上发生的变化,而根据下文“that once made him extremely exhausted (疲惫的).”可知,远足曾经让他很快就疲惫。作为对比,现在应该是可以不停地跑动。
52.答案与解析:C 句意:Peterson现在用他的故事和健身知识来指导和鼓励近10万名社交媒体粉丝,但他说他的孩子是他成功的真正原因。 根据下文“100,000 social media followers”可知,这些人都在追随他,崇拜他,所以他的故事应该是鼓励了别人。
53.答案与解析:B 根据下文“Finding your reason that is __54__ if you want to achieve success in life”可知,他认为原因很重要,所以这里指的应该是他自己减肥成功背后的原因是孩子。
54.答案与解析:A 根据上文“but he says that his kids are the real __53__ for his success.”可知,他认为自己成功的原因是孩子,也就是说他认为找到自己想要做某件事的原因很有必要。
55.答案与解析:D 根据上文的“__48__, he started by giving up drinking and __49__ a ketogenic diet (生酮食法). Every day for five months straight, he would hike for two hours and spend one more hour at the gym.”以及他所说的成功的背后肯定有强有力的原因可知,他认为一个人行动的背后得有原因才能成功。
【语篇解读】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了奥运会的起源以及中国参加奥运会后取得的成就。
56.答案与解析:known 考查固定短语。句意为:众所周知,奥运会是世界上最重要的赛事。as is known to all为固定表达,意为“众所周知”。故填known。
57.答案与解析:in 考查介词。表示“在……年”应用介词in。故填in。
58.答案与解析:athletes 考查名词复数。and之后的分句缺少主语,athlete意为“运动员”,是可数名词,谓语动词是were,主语需用名词的复数形式。故填athletes。
59.答案与解析:the 考查冠词。序数词作定语修饰名词Olympics,前面需要加定冠词the。故填the。
60.答案与解析:take 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。根据时间状语every four years可知,此处使用一般现在时,主语为the Olympic Games,谓语动词使用复数形式。故填take。
61.答案与解析:important 考查形容词。空处修饰名词events,需填形容词作定语。故填important。
62.答案与解析:for 考查固定短语。stand for为固定短语,意为“代表”。故填for。
63.答案与解析:development 考查名词。定冠词the修饰名词,空处需填名词。故填development。
64.答案与解析:holding 考查非谓语动词。succeed in doing sth.为固定短语,意为“成功做某事”,空处需填动名词作宾语。故填holding。
65.答案与解析:deeply 考查副词。此处用副词修饰动词impressed。故填deeply。
Dear Simon,
Hearing that you'd like to work out, I'm writing to recommend the newly opened gym near our school to you.
With professional coaches and various kinds of fitness equipment, this gym is a great place for us to exercise. It opens every day from 9 am to 10 pm. If you apply for membership, you can get a big discount. I'm also considering taking exercise, so if you like, we can exercise together.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
One day, my grandma called to me as I walked by her room. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to see this side of my grandmother. However her voice was so soft and familiar. It was a voice I couldn't disappoint. I followed the voice and went into her room. In her room, I didn't look at her. I just looked at the floor and told myself that this wasn't my grandmother—it just couldn't be.
I was about to run out of the room when she spoke, “Once upon a time there was a boy named Billy...” I raised my head and looked at my grandmother. Although her crumpled body hadn't changed, I could now see her appearance. I didn't fear to see Grandma that sick any more. I went into her room every day after that. Every day she told me another story about a boy named Billy and I told her that little Billy loved his grandma very much.单元素养评价(五) UNIT 4 NATURAL DISASTERS
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What does the man ask the woman to do
A.Finish a report. B.Type a letter. C.Type a report.
2.What do we know about the new English teacher
A.He is strict. B.He is sick. C.He is patient.
3.What is the woman going to do
A.Post something. B.Look for friends. C.Do some shopping.
4.What does the woman want to do
A.Have a swim. B.Watch a game.
C.Look for someone.
5.What do we know from the dialogue
A.There aren't many people in the street.
B.The weather is terrible today.
C.The traffic is heavy at the time.
6.What are the speakers going to do tonight
A.See a movie. B.Have a meal together. C.Chat on the Internet.
7.When do the speakers plan to meet
A.At about 8:10 p.m.. B.At about 8:20 p.m.. C.At about 8:30 p.m..
8.What is wrong with the man
A.He has a running nose and a fever.
B.He has a fever and a cough.
C.He has a cough and a running nose.
9.How long has the man been sick
A.For one or two days. B.For two or three days. C.For three or four days.
10.What does the man want to do
A.Return some books. B.Borrow some books. C.Buy some books.
11.Where are cultural books
A.On the 2nd floor. B.On the 3rd floor. C.On the 4th floor.
12.What can we know about the woman
A.She works there. B.She lives there. C.She studies there.
13.Why did the woman buy the dress
A.For a party. B.For a lecture. C.For an interview.
14.How much was taken off the price of the dress
A.10% B.20% C.30%
15.What did the man think of the book
A.Relaxing. B.Boring. C.Helpful.
16.Where is probably Mike now
A.At home. B.At school. C.In hospital.
17.What was Phillip
A.A poet. B.A teacher. C.A doctor.
18.Why did that old man dial that number the first time
A.He wanted to talk to Phillip.
B.He dialed the wrong number.
C.He was interested in poems.
19.How old was John when he knew Phillip
A.60 years old. B.63 years old. C.73 years old.
20.What do the two men like doing
A.Going out with friends. B.Talking over the phone. C.Drinking coffee together.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
There is no way to stop hurricane or make it change direction, so if you ever find yourself in the path of hurricane, be sure to follow any emergency procedures (紧急程序) that your community has in place. Here are some other hurricane safety tips.
■Be sure you have a battery powered radio, batteries, fresh drinking water and a supply of food. Also, if anyone in your family needs special medication (药物), be sure you have full supply.
■Tell neighbours, friends and family members your emergency plans. Tell them where you'll go if you need to leave your home.
■If you live near the ocean, in low lying area, or in a mobile home, leave your home and travel inland to a safe place. You could stay with a friend or family member, in an inland hotel or motel, or in an emergency shelter area.
■Keep listening to the radio if a hurricane is approaching. If local authorities instruct you to evacuate, do it immediately.
Before a hurricane arrives, be sure your family's car is filled with fuel. If the electricity goes out, the fuel pumps at gas stations will not work.
■Stay inside during the storm. You could be seriously injured if you go outside.
You should always take good care of your pets and keep them indoors during a storm. If you have to evacuate your home, remember that pets are not allowed in most emergency shelters and hotel rooms. If you leave pets behind, be sure you set out plenty of food and water for them. Also, be sure they're wearing a collar with your family's name and phone number on it.
21.What does the passage mainly talk about
A.How to keep safe when facing a hurricane.
B.How to change the direction of a hurricane.
C.The food and water supply during a hurricane.
D.The place to stay during a hurricane.
22.It is better for you to ________.
A.give your pets to your neighbour B.always stay together with your pets
C.leave enough food and water for your pets D.make sure your pets remember your name
23.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage
A.Make a proper plan with your family before the hurricane.
B.Find a doctor to get special treatment after the hurricane.
C.Listen to the radio for useful information about the hurricane.
D.Travel to a safer place in your car during the storm.
Jennifer Mauer has needed more willpower than the typical college student to pursue her goal of earning a nursing degree. That willpower bore fruit when Jennifer graduated from University of Wisconsin Eau Claire and became the first in her large family to earn a bachelor's degree.
Mauer, of Edgar, Wisconsin, grew up on a farm in a family of 10 children. Her dad worked at a job away from the farm, and her mother ran the farm with the kids. After high school, Jennifer attended a local technical college, working to pay her tuition (学费), because there was no extra money set aside for a college education. After graduation, she worked to help her sisters and brothers pay for their schooling.
Jennifer now is married and has three children of her own. She decided to go back to college to advance her career and to be able to better support her family while doing something she loves: nursing. She chose the UW Eau Claire program at Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield because she was able to pursue her four year degree close to home. She could drive to class and be home in the evening to help with her kids. Jennifer received great support from her family as she worked to earn her degree: Her husband worked two jobs to cover the bills, and her 68 year old mother helped take care of the children at times.
Through it all, she remained in good academic standing and graduated with honors. Jennifer sacrificed (牺牲) to achieve her goal, giving up many nights with her kids and missing important events to study. “Some nights my heart was breaking to have to pick between my kids and studying for exams or papers,” she says. However, her children have learned an important lesson witnessing their mother earn her degree. Jennifer is a first generation graduate and an inspiration to her family—and that's pretty powerful.
24.What did Jennifer do after high school
A.She helped her dad with his work. B.She ran the family farm on her own.
C.She supported herself through college. D.She taught her sisters and brothers at home.
25.Why did Jennifer choose the program at Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield
A.To take care of her kids easily. B.To learn from the best nurses.
C.To save money for her parents. D.To find a well paid job there.
26.What did Jennifer sacrifice to achieve her goal
A.Her health. B.Her hobbies.
C.Her time with family. D.Her chance of promotion.
27.What can we learn from Jennifer's story
A.Time is money. B.Love breaks down barriers.
C.Hard work pays off. D.Education is the key to success.
Earthquakes usually happen on the edges of large sections of the Earth's plates. These plates slowly move over a long period of time. Sometimes the edges, which are called fault lines, can get stuck, but the plates keep moving. Pressure (压力) slowly starts to build up where the edges are stuck and, once the pressure gets strong enough, the plates will suddenly move, causing an earthquake.
Generally before and after a large earthquake there will be smaller earthquakes. The ones that happen before are called foreshocks. The ones that happen after are called aftershocks. Scientists__don't__really__know__if__an__earthquake__is__a__foreshock__until__the__bigger__earthquake__occurs.
Shock waves from an earthquake that travel through the ground are called seismic waves (地震波). They are most powerful at the center of the earthquake, but they travel through much of the earth and back to the surface. They move quickly at 20 times the speed of sound.
Scientists use seismic waves to measure how big an earthquake is. They use a device called a seismograph (地震仪) to measure the size of the waves. The size of the waves is called the magnitude.
To tell the strength of an earthquake, scientists use a scale called the Moment Magnitude Scale or MMS (it used to be called the Richter Scale). The larger the number on the MMS, the larger the earthquake. You usually won't even notice an earthquake unless it measures at least a 3 on the MMS. Here are some examples of what may happen depending on the scale:
4.0—Could shake your house as if a large truck were passing close by. Some people may not notice.
5.0—If you are in a car, it may shake. Glasses and dishes may rattle (发出嘎嘎声). Windows may break.
6.0—Items will fall off shelves. Walls in some houses may crack and windows break. Pretty much everyone near the center will feel this one.
7.0—Weaker buildings will collapse and cracks will occur in bridges and on the street.
8.0—Many buildings and bridges fall down. Large cracks in the earth.
9.0 and up—Whole cities flattened and large scale damage.
28.If a 5.0 magnitude earthquake hit your area, what might happen
A.Your house might shake violently. B.People might feel no shaking at all.
C.The family photo may fall off the wall. D.There might be cracks everywhere on the street.
29.What does the author mean by saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2
A.It's still hard to tell foreshocks from main earthquakes.
B.Scientists can't exactly measure the strength of an earthquake.
C.People may ignore foreshocks when an earthquake is not so strong.
D.The earthquake won't cause any damage unless it reaches 9.0 MMS.
30.How does the writer explain the concepts concerning the earthquake
A.By listing examples. B.By giving explanations.
C.By making comparisons. D.By offering data.
31.What's the purpose of the passage
A.To enrich people's knowledge of self rescue in disasters.
B.To stress the importance of earthquake rescue.
C.To issue early warnings before an earthquake.
D.To present facts about the earthquake.
There is hot, and then there is hot! Extreme heat is a period of high heat and humidity with temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit for at least two to three days. Extreme heat is responsible for the highest number of annual deaths among all weather related hazards (危害).
It's not your imagination. Summers have been getting hotter and hotter with extreme heatwaves occurring earlier and more frequently. But why is this happening and can we better predict heatwaves in advance to give people time to prepare
“Climate change is here and it's already been changing human behavior and causing significant influence in the society. As global temperatures rise, historically excessive (过高的) temperatures are more likely to occur.” says Craig Ramseyer, an assistant professor who studies climate modeling in the department of geography at Virginia Tech.
Ramseyer says heatwaves are the most concerning because of the lack of attention they normally receive. “Hurricanes, tornadoes, and flash floods drive more media attention because of the natural attraction with the visual impact of those types of hazards. However, heat does not tend to be as attractive and it becomes very difficult to communicate the danger to the public,” said Ramseyer. “Around the world, more deaths occur due to extreme heat than from hurricanes,flooding, and drought combined. It impacts the most helpless of our citizens who do not have enough access to air conditioning, water, and other important resources.”
Since the Earth is running warmer than it used to, Ramseyer says that when these heatwave related weather patterns take place, it results in higher extreme temperatures than we used to experience 30 years ago.
“As a global community, we need to decrease carbon emissions as soon as possible. We have rapidly developing technologies that are going to help advance the process, but the faster the better, there is no time to waste.”
32.What can we learn from the article
A.Extreme heat is a No.1 death cause. B.People are suffering more extreme heat.
C.A 100 degree heat is an extreme heat. D.Extreme heat is getting better over the years.
33.What will Ramseyer possibly agree with
A.Climate change will soon affect human behaviors.
B.High temperatures happened frequently in history.
C.Air conditioning and water can stop the extreme heat.
D.Garbage sorting can less advance the climate change.
34.Why is extreme heat lack of attention
A.Extreme heat can be stopped by technology.
B.People have enough time to solve the climate problems.
C.The danger of extreme heat is not easily transferred to the public.
D.Heatwave related weather patterns will decrease in the future.
35.What's the article mainly about
A.Complaints about extreme heat. B.Prevention of extreme heat.
C.Characters of extreme heat. D.Technologies behind extreme heat.
Scientists think that more than 1,500 volcanoes have erupted in the past 10,000 years. Mount Saint Helens, a volcano in Washington State, erupted in 1980. __36__
Some volcanoes are on land. Many more volcanoes are under the ocean. Some of these volcanoes are underwater mountains. Some of these volcanoes are big cracks in the ocean floor. There are many volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean.
Volcanoes form only in certain places. __37__
Earth's crust is broken into gigantic plates. The plates slowly slide around on the partly melted rock deep inside Earth. Volcanoes often form at the edges of the plates.
In some places, the plates move apart. __38__ There are big cracks where plates are splitting apart under the Atlantic Ocean. Lava pours out of these cracks. The lava cools and hardens in the water and makes new seafloor.
__39__ Sometimes the edge of one plate slips under another plate. The edge goes deep into the hot Earth and melts. It makes magma (岩浆). The magma pushes up into spaces in the rock. When there is lots of magma, it erupts to make a volcano. Mount Saint Helens was made this way.
Sometimes one of Earth's plates moves over an especially hot spot deep in Earth. The hotspot blows up hot magma. The magma melts through the crust and erupts. The Hawaiian Islands were made by a hot spot. Lava from the hot spot built up into mountains on the Pacific Ocean floor. __40__
Scientists have found volcanoes on Mars and other planets. They have even found volcanoes on moons of Jupiter and Neptune.
A.In some places, the plates come together.
B.Erupting volcanoes have caused terrible disasters.
C.Lava comes out of the cracks between the plates.
D.The Hawaiian Islands are really the tops of volcanoes.
E.It destroyed the forests around it and killed more than 50 people.
F.Volcanoes have existed for a long time on Earth, likely causing too many disasters.
G.They form because Earth is actually a big ball of partly melted rock surrounded by a crust of solid rock.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
After a rough week, all I wanted was a good rest. I went to the beach nearby for some __41__ time with myself. It was a lovely, warm weekend in California, kids joyfully __42__ in the water, or building sandcastles.
As I was leaving, I __43__ a girl playing by herself. She built a little sandcastle with a moat (护城河) around it and was trying to fill it with water. Unfortunately, there was no __44__ around to carry water. She would go to the waves, __45__ her hands and then walk back to her little castle. __46__, not much of the water was making it to the moat. But she kept trying, still smiling and __47__. As I was standing there watching her, feeling helpless, I __48__ that I had a bottle of water in my bag. I quickly __49__, took it out, and walked over to __50__ it to her. Confused at first, she smiled but __51__ her head shyly, saying no. I told her that it would make getting the water much faster. She __52__ and finally took it from my hands after I insisted (坚持). Looking back, I saw her running over to the sea with a big smile, a __53__ in hand.
For me, it was a tiny __54__. But I also know that when she meets someone in need, maybe, she would think of this little act of kindness by a __55__. And maybe she would help create a little gentler world around her.
41.A.crazy B.free C.busy D.hard
42.A.playing B.sleeping C.washing D.skiing
43.A.observed B.caught C.heard D.noticed
44.A.bowl B.box C.container D.spoon
45.A.raise B.cup C.wash D.wave
46.A.Sadly B.Luckily C.Amazingly D.Surprisingly
47.A.lonely B.honest C.safe D.hopeful
48.A.believed B.decided C.realized D.expected
49.A.dug in B.set off C.picked up D.gave away
50.A.explain B.hand C.throw D.point
51.A.hung B.held C.nodded D.shook
52.A.smiled B.opened C.failed D.promised
53.A.castle B.pack C.bottle D.bag
54.A.experience B.act C.idea D.change
55.A.designer B.fisherman C.stranger D.friend
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
On August 14,2021, a powerful magnitude 7.2 earthquake 56.________ (strike) southwestern Haiti on Saturday, killing at least 304 people and injuring at least 1,800 others as buildings tumbled into rubble. Prime Minister Ariel Henry said he was rushing aid to areas 57.________ towns were destroyed and hospitals filled with incoming 58.________ (patient).
The epicenter (震中) of the quake was about 125 kilometers west of the capital of Port au Prince, and widespread damage 59.________ (report).
Haiti's civil protection agency said on Twitter that the death toll stood at 304, most in the country's south. Rescue workers and bystanders were able to pull many people to 60.________ (safe) from the rubble. The agency said 61.________ (injure) people were still being delivered to hospitals.
Henry declared a one month state of emergency for the whole country and said he would not ask for international help 62.________ the extent of the damages was known. He said some towns were almost 63.________ (complete) destroyed and the government had people in the 64.________ (coast) town of Les Cayes to help plan and coordinate (协调) the response.
He said the International Red Cross and hospitals in unaffected areas were helping to care for 65.________ injured, and appealed to Haitians for unity.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Tom,
How are you today ?________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
I was still living in Peru when the earthquake happened. I had had a fight with my parents till midnight the day before because I thought they didn't understand me. Therefore, I was still sleeping in the afternoon. Suddenly, I was woken up by my dog barking at the shaking window next to me. Small and quick earthquakes are very common in Peru, especially in the coastal regions. So I ignored it and tried to calm my dog, then she could fall asleep again. I had walked 4 steps from the sofa to get her when the whole wall length window broke in front of me, huge sharp pieces falling right into the sofa I had been lying in just seconds before.
Fully woken up, I could hear what sounded like a million car alarms ringing from the ground. My parents were still at work, and I was alone in a 10 floor flat with a panicking (恐慌的) dog running circles around me, so I forced myself to get it together. I lifted my giant dog in my arms and ran into the emergency stairs. I just ran and ran until I could see some street lights since the building had no emergency lights and everything was dark. When I finally rushed through the door of the hall, I could see the road below me breaking and trees shaking from their roots up.
I stayed in the streets for about half an hour until my parents arrived.________________________________________________________________________
After the earthquake, I had a heart to heart talk with my parents.________________________________________________________________________
1~5 BCAAC 6~10 ABCBC
11~15 CABCB 16~20 CBBAB
(Text 1)
M:Could you possibly type this letter
W:I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to finish this report for the boss.
M:All right.
(Text 2)
M:How do you like your new English teacher
W:I like him very much. He's really patient.
(Text 3)
W:Excuse me. Could you please tell me if there's a post office nearby
M:Yes. There's a post office two blocks up the street.
(Text 4)
W:Are people allowed to swim here
M:No, they aren't.
(Text 5)
W:Traffic is terrible today, isn't it
M:Excuse me
W:I was just saying traffic is terrible today.
M:Oh, yes. It is.
(Text 6)
M:Hey, Ann. Do you know when the movie starts tonight
W:At half past eight. Where do you want to meet
M:How about the KFC near my home It'll be easier if we meet there.
W:OK. Let's meet about ten minutes before the movie begins.
M:OK. By the way, have you bought the tickets
W:Yes. I've already bought them on the Internet. All we have to do is get them at the cinema.
(Text 7)
W:Take a seat, young man. What's wrong with you
M:Well, I have a terrible cough and a running nose.
W:I see. How long have you been feeling this way
M:For about two or three days. It started the day after I went swimming with some friends on Monday.
W:I'm afraid you've got a cold. Do you have a temperature
M:No. I don't think so.
W:OK. I'll just listen to your chest. Now breathe in and out slowly. And again. Good. That's it. Well, I don't think it's serious. You just need to take some medicine.
M:That's great. I was really worried.
(Text 8)
W:Hi, can I help you
M:Yes, please. I want to buy a book, but I don't know where it is.
W:What kind of book do you want You know, different kinds of books are on different floors.
M:I'm looking for a book on American culture.
W:In this case, you need to go upstairs. Cultural books are on the fourth floor.
M:Thanks. But I also need to find a math exercise book.
W:Exercise books are on the second floor. You need to go downstairs.
M:Thanks. It seems that you know the books here very well. Do you often buy books here
W:No, I'm a volunteer here. It's my duty to put the books back in the right places.
M:No wonder. Well, thank you very much.
(Text 9)
W:I've just bought a new dress. What do you think of it
M:You look really great in it. So are you going to a job interview or a party
W:No. I was invited to give a talk in my school.
M:So how much did you pay for it
W:I paid just 70 dollars for it. I saved 30 dollars.
M:That's really a bargain.
W:You're right. Well, what did you do while I was out shopping
M:I watched TV for a while and then I did some reading. It wasn't a very interesting book, so I just read a few pages. Then I took a shower.
W:I thought you said you were going to see Mike.
M:I'll go and visit him at his home tomorrow. He'll return home tomorrow morning.
W:I'm glad he can finally return home after that accident.
(Text 10)
In February, 2005, my uncle Phillip was teaching his seventh grade students a poem called Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. He liked the poem very much, so he recorded it on his home answering machine. When Phillip and his family returned home from their vacation, he listened to his voice messages. One old man said he dialed the wrong number. But, he added, he'd really enjoyed the poem. A few days later, that old man called. He said that he wanted to hear the poem again. The two men talked. John, now 73, who used to be a doctor, lived in another state. It turned out that his brother's number was almost the same as my uncle's. That was 13 years ago. They've spoken on the phone a few times a month ever since. They haven't gone to a game together or had a cup of coffee together. Their friendship is just to pick up the phone. And to them their best friend is someone they've never met.
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。本文介绍了面对飓风时我们应该如何保障自己的安全。
21.答案与解析:A 主旨大意题。由本文第一段中“没有办法使飓风停止或者改变方向, 如果遇到飓风, 一定要遵循你所在社区准备的紧急程序。”以及下文介绍的一些其他的飓风安全提示的内容可知, 本文主要讲了面对飓风时如何安全应对。
22.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据最后一段“If you leave pets behind, be sure you set out plenty of food and water for them. ”(如果你把宠物留下, 确保你为它们准备了大量的食物和水。)可知, 你最好为你的宠物留下充足的食物和水。
23.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据文章“Keep listening to the radio if a hurricane is approaching.If local authorities instruct you to evacuate, do it immediately. ”(如果飓风要来临, 保持收听收音机。如果当地政府指导你撤离, 立刻去做。)可知, 收听收音机中关于飓风的有用的信息是正确的。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个在农场长大的女孩高中毕业后一边工作一边读技术学校, 并供弟弟妹妹完成学业, 成家后又重返校园攻读学位。她不仅为孩子树立了榜样, 也成为家族的荣耀。
24.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“After high school, Jennifer attended a local technical college, working to pay her tuition...”可知她高中毕业后半工半读完成大学,故选C。
25.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“She chose the UW Eau Claire program...because she was able to pursue her four year degree close to home. She could...be home in the evening to help with her kids.” 可知她为了方便照顾孩子选择了离家近的学校。
26.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Jennifer sacrificed to achieve her goal, giving up many nights with her kids and missing important events to study.”可知她牺牲了很多和孩子在一起的时光以及错过了很多重要的事情。
27.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。全文侧重讲詹妮弗努力克服困难实现自己的梦想的故事, 和C项“付出就会有回报”相符合。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了关于地震的相关事实, 如地震产生的原因、大地震前后会有小地震、地震波的含义、地震强度的测量方式以及不同级别的地震可能会发生的一些事情。
28.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据倒数第五段可知“如果你在车里, 它可能会摇晃。杯子和盘子可能会发出响声。窗户可能破碎。”分析选项可知: 如果你所在地区发生5.0级地震, 全家福相片可能会从墙上掉下来。
29.答案与解析:A 句意猜测题。根据上文内容可知, 一般来说, 大地震前后会有小地震。之前发生的被称为前震。之后发生的称为余震。由此可推知直到大地震发生, 科学家才真正知道这次地震是否是前震。可知画线句子意思为“前震和主震仍然很难区分”, 故选A。
30.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据第一段可知, 在边缘被挤压的地方, 压力开始慢慢增大, 一旦压力足够大, 板块就会突然移动, 引起地震。作者通过解释原因的论证方式解释了有关地震的概念。
31.答案与解析:D 写作目的题。根据文章第一句可知地震通常发生在地球板块的边缘地带。后文主要说明了关于地震的相关知识, 推知这篇文章主要是为了介绍地震的相关事实。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了极端高温越来越频繁,并且造成大量人员死亡,但是得不到关注,最后呼吁尽快减少碳排放。
32.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据第二段中“Summers have been getting hotter and hotter with extreme heatwaves occurring earlier and more frequently.”可推知,人们正在遭受更多的极端高温。
33.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据第四段中“Around the world, more deaths occur due to extreme heat than from hurricanes, flooding, and drought combined. It impacts the most helpless of our citizens who do not have enough access to air conditioning, water, and other important resources.”可推知,拉姆齐耶认为空调和水可以防止极端高温。
34.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据第四段中“Hurricanes, tornadoes, and flash floods drive more media attention because of the natural attraction with the visual impact of those types of hazards. However, heat does not tend to be as attractive and it becomes very difficult to communicate the danger to the public.”可知,极端高温的危险不容易传达给公众导致酷热缺乏关注。
35.答案与解析:B 主旨大意题。通读全文,结合第一段中“Extreme heat is responsible for the highest number of annual deaths among all weather related hazards.”以及最后一段“As a global community, we need to decrease carbon emissions as soon as possible. We have rapidly developing technologies that are going to help advance the process, but the faster the better, there is no time to waste.”可知,作者在文中介绍了极端高温造成的危害,并呼吁国际社会采取措施应对这一自然灾害,所以“预防极端高温”是本文主旨。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章对火山的形成、不同类型的火山运动进行了介绍。
36.答案与解析:E 根据空前一句可知, 圣海伦斯火山于1980年喷发。接下来介绍这次火山喷发造成的危害, 符合上下文逻辑。E项中的“It”指代这次火山喷发。故选E项。
37.答案与解析:G 根据前文“Volcanoes form only in certain places. (火山只在某些地方形成。)”可知, 此处是讲火山的形成, 所以选项G(它们的形成是因为地球实际上是一个由部分熔化的岩石组成的大球, 周围是坚硬的岩石地壳。)切合文意。form一词复现, 也是解题提示。
38.答案与解析:C 根据下文可知: 在大西洋下面, 板块分裂的地方出现了巨大的裂缝。熔岩从这些裂缝中涌出。熔岩在水中冷却硬化, 形成新的海底。由此可知, 此处是讲熔岩喷出, 所以选项C(熔岩从板块之间的裂缝中涌出。)切合文意。
39.答案与解析:A 根据后文“Sometimes the edge of one plate slips under another plate. (有时一个板块的边缘会滑到另一个板块下面。)”可知, 此处是讲板块会聚到一起, 所以选项A(在一些地方, 板块会聚集在一起。)切合文意。
40.答案与解析:D 根据前文“The Hawaiian Islands were made by a hot spot. Lava from the hot spot built up into mountains on the Pacific Ocean floor. (夏威夷群岛是由一个热点形成的。来自热点的熔岩在太平洋海底堆积成山。)”可知, 此处是讲夏威夷群岛, 所以选项D(夏威夷群岛实际上是火山的最顶端。)切合文意。The Hawaiian Islands短语复现, 也是解题提示。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者去海边放松, 偶遇一个小女孩搭城堡, 但没有容器盛水, 作者用随身带着的水瓶帮助了小女孩的故事。
41.答案与解析:B 句意: 我去了附近的海滩享受自由时光。crazy疯狂的; free自由的; busy忙碌的; hard艰难的。根据前文“all I wanted was a good rest(我只想好好休息一下)”可知, 作者去海滩放松休息了。
42.答案与解析:A 句意: 这是一个在加利福尼亚州的可爱温暖的周末, 孩子们在水里快乐地嬉戏, 或者建造沙堡。 playing玩耍; sleeping睡觉; washing洗; skiing滑雪。根据“in the water”可知, “playing玩耍”符合常识和句意。
43.答案与解析:D 句意: 当我准备离开时, 我注意到一个女孩在独自玩耍。observed观察; caught抓住; heard听到; noticed看到。根据句意可知, 作者准备走了, 无意间看到了一个小女孩。
44.答案与解析:C 句意: 不幸的是, 附近没有容器来装水。bowl碗; box箱子; container容器; spoon勺子。根据“to carry water”可知, 小女孩需要容器来盛水。
45.答案与解析:B 句意: 她会走向海浪, 用手捧些水, 然后走回她的小城堡。raise举起; cup使(手)窝成杯状; wash洗; wave挥动。根据前文可知, 没有盛水的容器, 所以小女孩用手捧水。
46.答案与解析:A 句意: 遗憾的是, 没有多少水流入护城河。Sadly令人遗憾地; Luckily幸运地; Amazingly令人惊奇地; Surprisingly出乎意料地。根据句意可知, 用手是捧不起来很多水的, 所以令人感到遗憾。
47.答案与解析:D 句意: 但她继续尝试, 仍然微笑着充满希望。lonely孤独的; honest诚实的; safe安全的; hopeful充满希望的。根据句意可知, 小女孩没有放弃, 结合“still smiling”可知, 小女孩满怀希望地继续捧水。
48.答案与解析:C 句意: 当我站在那里看着她感到无助时, 我意识到我的包里有一瓶水。believed相信; decided决定; realized意识到; expected期望。根据句意可知, 作者想起来自己背包里有瓶水。
49.答案与解析:C 句意: 我迅速地拿起背包, 取出那瓶水, 然后走过去递给她。dug in挖; set off出发; picked up拿起; gave away赠送。由“in my bag”可知, 作者拿起包找那瓶水。
50.答案与解析:B explain解释; hand递给; throw扔; point指。根据“it to her”可知, 作者拿出水瓶递给小女孩。
51.答案与解析:D 句意: 起初她很困惑, 然后笑了笑, 害羞地摇了摇头, 说不用了。hung挂起; held抓住; nodded点头; shook摇动。根据“saying no”可知, 小女孩拒绝了作者的帮助。
52.答案与解析:A 句意: 在我的坚持下, 她微笑着最终从我手中接过了它。smiled微笑; opened打开; failed失败; promised承诺。根据下文“with a big smile”的提示可知, 小女孩笑着接过了水瓶。
53.答案与解析:C 句意: 回过头看, 我看见她手里拿着瓶子, 带着灿烂的笑容跑向大海。castle城堡; pack包装; bottle瓶子; bag书包。根据“in hand”及前文作者给小女孩水瓶可知, 小女孩手里拿着水瓶。
54.答案与解析:B 句意: 对我来说, 这只是一个小小的举动。experience经历; act行为; idea主意; change改变。后文“this little act of kindness”中“act”原词再现。
55.答案与解析:C 句意: 但我也知道, 当她遇到需要帮助的人时, 也许她会想到陌生人的这一小小善举。designer设计者; fisherman渔夫; stranger陌生人; friend朋友。根据前文可知, 作者跟小女孩并不认识, 因此对于小女孩来说, 作者是一位陌生人。
【语篇解读】 海地西南部发生里氏7.2级地震, 该地震造成大量人员伤亡, 并使很多建筑物成为废墟。
56.答案与解析:struck 考查动词的时态。根据时间状语On August 14,2021可知, 此处用一般过去时。
57.答案与解析:where 考查定语从句。因先行词是areas, 指地点, 且所填词不在从句中作主语或宾语, 所以用where引导定语从句, 并在从句中作状语。
58.答案与解析:patients 考查名词复数。医院挤满了病人, 所以用复数。
59.答案与解析:was reported 考查被动语态。因损害是“被报告”, 用被动语态。
60.答案与解析:safety 考查词类转换。形容词safe转换为名词safety(安全地带), 作介词to的宾语。句意: 救援人员和旁观者能够将许多人从瓦砾中拉到安全的地方。
61.答案与解析:injured 考查过去分词作定语。injured people受伤的人们。此处用过去分词作定语, 表被动。
62.答案与解析:until 考查连词。not...until...直到……才……。句意: 亨利宣布全国进入为期一个月的紧急状态, 并表示在得知损失程度之前, 他不会寻求国际援助。
63.答案与解析:completely 考查词类转换。completely destroyed彻底摧毁。副词修饰动词。
64.答案与解析:coastal 考查词类转换。coastal town沿海小镇。形容词coastal修饰名词, 作定语。
65.答案与解析:the 考查冠词。the injured伤者。“the+形容词或过去分词”, 表示一类人或事物。
Dear Tom,
How are you today I'm writing to share with you the information about the speech given on Friday afternoon.
Professor Li, a famous expert on earthquakes, delivered the speech on earthquake survival in the school hall. The most important is to stay calm in an emergency. If trapped indoors, it's better to find a protecting shelter. If outdoors, evacuate into the open air where falling objects are unlikely to strike us. It's from his speech that we've realized that knowing how to behave properly in an earthquake will greatly improve the chance to survive.
In summary, the speech is of great importance to us and all of us keep it in mind.
Li Hua
I stayed in the streets for about half an hour until my parents arrived. Nothing could ever describe my excitement when I found them alive. The world was still shaking but we ran across the fallen trees towards each other without any hesitation. The moment my parents hugged me tightly in their arms, tears of joy ran down our cheeks like rivers that wouldn't stop flowing. With dad leading the way through the ruins, the fear I had before was disappearing. Finding a corner to stay, we held our hands and waited until the earthquake passed.
After the earthquake, I had a heart to heart talk with my parents. It was the first time in years that we truly had listened to each other with patience. Not only did they hear my stresses and anxieties as a teenager but also I got their pressures and responsibilities as adults. Honestly speaking, the earthquake has changed my values of life. Roads could be rebuilt, houses could be repaired and trees could be planted. However, lost family members would never return. Seeing so many loving families torn apart, I found myself extremely lucky to have my family survive. It was only after this terrible disaster that I realized nothing mattered more than the safety and happiness of my family.单元素养评价(一) WELCOME UNIT
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What is the woman's plan for tonight
A.To visit a friend. B.To see a movie. C.To go swimming.
2.What will the weather be like this afternoon
A.Rainy. B.Snowy. C.Sunny.
3.What will the man probably change
A.His jacket. B.His shirt. C.His tie.
4.How will the woman go to the town center
A.By bus. B.By train. C.By taxi.
5.What are the speakers talking about
A.A student. B.A book. C.A language.
6.What will the woman buy
A.A hat. B.A postcard. C.A toy.
7.How much will the woman pay
A.$80. B.$65. C.$45.
8.What does the woman plan to do today
A.Go camping. B.Visit Linda. C.Finish her report.
9.When will the man go into town
A.On Friday. B.On Saturday. C.On Sunday.
10.What is the man
A.A doctor. B.An engineer. C.An actor.
11.What does the man do for the city
A.He builds roads and bridges. B.He designs buildings. C.He designs roads and bridges.
12.What's the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Old friends. B.New friends. C.Relatives.
13.How old is Mary now
A.18. B.20. C.21.
14.What is Mary's brother
A.A fashion designer. B.A model. C.A photographer.
15.From whom did Mary receive the earrings
A.Jenny. B.Her boyfriend. C.Her brother.
16.What will the man most probably do tomorrow
A.Choose a gift himself.
B.Ask for advice on picking a dress.
C.Celebrate his girlfriend's birthday.
17.What day is it today
A.Monday. B.Tuesday. C.Wednesday.
18.Which season is the weather report about
A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Winter.
19.What does the weather reporter suggest people do
A.Wear warm clothes. B.Drink more water. C.Sleep outside.
20.What is the next program about
A.The international news. B.The local news. C.The traffic report.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
What's your feeling when you step into senior high school It is a completely new experience, but you shouldn't worry. We've got some tips to help you.
You're not alone
Remember that everybody else in your grade is in the same boat. You may not notice it, but they're just as nervous as you are.
Moving up to senior high school is a chance, not a problem. Things are different, and all you need to do is to be polite and learn the new rules.
The teachers will help you
If you don't know what to do or are worried about something, then ask for help. Teachers are probably the best people to turn to because they have experience in helping new students. Pay attention to what your teachers say.
Everything changes
There are lots of differences between junior high school and senior high school. You will take lessons with different teachers in different schools. You will have homework for different subjects on different days, so make sure you get organized.
Other points
If you've got an elder brother or sister at senior high school, then ask them for advice. Be yourself! It sounds simple, but things will become much better if you just act naturally.
Going to bed early makes a difference. You'll also find it easier to get up in the morning!
21. What does the author think of moving up to senior high school
A.It is a difficult problem. B.It sounds simple.
C.It's a good chance. D.It's worrying.
22. Which of the following does the author advise you to do
A.Don't be shy. B.Just act naturally.
C.Change yourself. D.Pay attention to what your classmates say.
23.What's the main purpose of the passage
A.To tell students about a new experience.
B.To tell students how to make full use of time.
C.To help students that are going to senior high school.
D.To tell students that teachers are the best helpers.
I am a person who has always loved reading. For me, it is easy to get lost in a book and return to the world a couple of hours later having been on an adventure. As a 6 year old, I could be found reading Harry Potter, a difficult book for a 6 year old, but I enjoyed it all the same. Now, as a student, it is harder to find the time to read books for pleasure; however, I relish the summers where I have the time to read to satisfy myself. Growing up, it soon became clear that spelling for me was not difficult and I had a wide vocabulary. This is because I began reading from such a young age.
My advice for you as English learners would be to read the books that you have often read in your own language in English. Reading, stories especially, is a great way of improving your vocabulary and spelling without noticing as you are lost in the story. For me, I have read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in French and am currently reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in Spanish. This is a really useful way of being able to read in another language because I know the story so well in English, it is easy to follow the story in the foreign language even if I do not understand every word.
This is another important point: it is not necessary to understand every word. If you understand the meaning of the sentence, each word is not necessarily important. Sometimes it is impossible to translate directly from one language to another. Quite often, if a word is used several times in a text, you can gain your own meaning from it and it makes much more sense than if you tried to translate it in the first place.
Give it a try. If you like reading you could be opening up a whole new world of literature.
24.What can we learn from the author's reading experiences
A.He often spent hours taking an adventure.
B.He didn't like Harry Potter any more with aging.
C.He could spare enough time reading for fun as a student.
D.Reading helped him a lot since his early age.
25.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “relish” in Paragraph 1
A.Spend. B.Lose. C.Enjoy. D.Hate.
26.What suggestion does the author give for learning English
A.Reading English stories you're familiar with in your own language.
B.Reading Harry Potter in different languages.
C.Translating word by word.
D.Understanding the story in your own language.
27.What can be the best title for the text
A.Better Ways to Read Stories B.The Benefits of Reading
C.How to Improve Spelling and Vocabulary D.Is It Necessary to Know Each Word
Some high school students think it useless to receive higher education. Therefore, they choose not to go to college. If you're one of them, think again. Here are some reasons why you should go to college and receive a good education there.
Schools and universities are the first places to get knowledge. We take that knowledge later on to build our careers after graduation. More knowledge will be gained after you start working, but without education, that job will not be within easy reach. Knowledge leads to knowledge.
While limited within the walls of the educational places, we openly explore other cultures of the world! We come to know that ours is not the only culture. Other cultures have valuable things to share, enriching our own. Education also makes us want to travel and exchange with various cultures, getting more experience.
When there's a recession in the economy (经济), those who attended college will be more likely to find a new job than those who only finished high school and have a limited skills set. The more education you have, the more chances you will get to improve the quality of your life as you have a better job and earn a higher salary.
When you're skillful and knowledgeable, you gain access to people of similar backgrounds and tastes. It means a good education leads to excellent networking. Good networking can benefit you a lot in your later life.
A good education makes you a more interesting person. You can talk about ideas and events instead of just other people and what's on sale in stores. An educated person doesn't gossip (说闲话), having a preference to discuss ideas and listen to what other people have to say.
28.What can we learn about college education from Paragraph 2
A.It offers you a chance to study abroad.
B.It can allow you to gain more knowledge.
C.It can improve the quality of your daily life.
D.It encourages you to travel around the world.
29.What does the underlined word “recession” in Paragraph 4 probably mean
A.Change. B.Drop. C.Growth. D.Support.
30.What can you benefit from a good education
A.Gossip about others' affairs.
B.Study well at school.
C.Work well with your coworkers.
D.Get to know top people with similar interests.
31.What is the main idea of the passage
A.The benefits of attending college.
B.The exchange with other cultures.
C.The access to good networking.
D.The ways of college education.
Starting a new term always feels a little bit like a beginning of a new year. Last year,as a fresher,I felt a little worried at the beginning of each term. That's why,this year,I want to start the term with a positive (积极的) mind. I have collected some ways that can really help improve my confidence.
It has been found that if we want to succeed,we should break our new plan into smaller tasks. It sounds easy,but how do we start?It is a good idea to write down things you will do every evening. Start with the most important task and then focus on smaller tasks that you are sure you will be able to complete. If you are not a fan of a paper to do list,there are so many fun apps. Sticking to the plan will stop you from doing everything at the last minute.
It is also very important to stay active. Set a goal of 10,000 steps a day or go for a run with a friend. Honestly,you don't even need to go to a gym,because there are different kinds of exercise online. You can even stretch (伸展) for 15 minutes every day. Just choose whatever works for you. Exercise can improve our ability to sleep,reduce stress (压力) and make us healthy.
Before starting the term,think of your goals —not only those towards which you are working,but also those that you've already managed to achieve. Don't feel too anxious,notice your progress and always remember to take a rest. Keep in mind that everything takes time. Take a 10 minute rest between lessons,which can be a conversation with a friend,checking the news,or taking a walk. In short,do something for yourself.
32.How did the author feel when he started a new term last year
A.Anxious. B.Curious. C.Confused. D.Confident.
33.What should we do to start a new term according to the second paragraph
A.Keep a diary. B.Change plans often.
C.Make a to do list. D.Focus on what we like.
34.What does the author say about exercise
A.Online exercise is much better.
B.Taking exercise in a gym is useless.
C.We must spend a lot of time on exercise.
D.It is important to choose exercise that is helpful to us.
35.In which part of a newspaper can we read this text
A.Relationship. B.Lifestyle. C.News. D.Travel.
A good relationship with a teacher today may help you in the future. Teachers are another group of adults in your life who can look out for you and guide you. So it is important to develop a good relationship with your teachers. __36__ Do you dislike the subject Or you like the subject but just can't warm up to the teacher
If you don't like the subject being taught, it can affect (影响) your relationship with the teacher. Some students say it helps them to think of the classes as stepping stones toward a bigger goal, like going on to college. __37__ You may hate math, but learning how to work out averages and percentages can help you in everything from sports to leaving a tip.
__38__ When it comes to working with teachers, personality can come into play just as it can in any relationship. People naturally just get along better with some people than with others. __39__ Learning to work with people you don't connect with easily is a good skill to have in life, no matter what your goals are.
__40__ Just as teachers need to be fair and treat everyone equally, students have responsibilities, too. You don't have to like your teacher or agree with what he or she says, but it is necessary to be polite.
A.It's easy to deal with the problem.
B.What if the teacher is unfair to you
C.What if you just don't like the teacher
D.It's impossible to like everyone all the time.
E.If you're having problems with a teacher, try to figure out(能明白) why.
F.Other students say they try to find the practical value of the classes.
G.Common politeness and respect are basic building blocks of any relationship.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
My teacher Mr Bush is the most positive(积极乐观的) person I've ever met. He has the ability to __41__ positiveness to young students.
He always smiles and never gets __42__ at students. Once I met some __43__ because I felt overshadowed(显得逊色) by my brother, who seemed to be doing great in every way. Hopelessness __44__ me whenever I was in a classroom. But that all __45__ when I met my teacher for life, Mr Bush. Having found out about my problems, he just kept __46__ me. Because of Mr Bush, my world was filled with __47__ and power.
A few weeks ago, everyone in my class was feeling a bit __48__ because of a bad day at school. But things got __49__ after a close of Mr Bush's class. He drew a picture on the whiteboard that __50__ a half full glass of water. He then said, “Class, the point of view in which you look at things will __51__ your feelings. Like this glass of water, some people see it and think ‘What! Only half a glass of water. How __52__ I am.’ Whereas other people think ‘Wow, I'm so thirsty. Great! Half a glass of water for me!’ It all depends on the __53__ you think.”
Mr Bush's __54__ way of thinking always makes me feel glad and __55__. I will always remember him.
41.A.pass on B.apply for C.make up D.give up
42.A.strict B.patient C.mad D.curious
43.A.friends B.needs C.realities D.difficulties
44.A.filled B.surprised C.refused D.relaxed
45.A.happened B.changed C.solved D.included
46.A.forgiving B.calming C.encouraging D.calling
47.A.sunshine B.clouds C.surprise D.flowers
48.A.cheerful B.down C.eager D.afraid
49.A.warmer B.higher C.better D.happier
50.A.served B.filled C.bought D.showed
51.A.hurt B.help C.improve D.affect
52.A.pleased B.unfortunate C.bright D.perfect
53.A.way B.direction C.end D.past
54.A.negative B.optimistic C.special D.important
55.A.proud B.careful C.hopeful D.lonely
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Before leaving for my study tour, I was 56.________ (excite) and fearful at the same time. I could not wait to start all of the adventures (冒险) that I knew Australia could offer, but I was 57.________ (terrible) afraid of being alone and missing out on the events 58.________ would go on at home while I was gone.
Looking back now I feel silly for 59.________ (allow) these worries to cloud my mind. While missing things at home with loved ones did make me feel sad from time 60.________ time, I continuously reminded (提醒) myself that no one back at home was experiencing the new and amazing things that I was in a foreign country.
One of the most impressive 61.________ (part) of studying abroad was the chance 62.________ (make) new friends from all over the world. I now have some of the best friends of my life from places like Canada, Australia, Denmark, Italy 63.________ even Sri Lanka. Spending time with people from all over the world has opened 64.________ (I) eyes to the way things are done in other countries. Before studying abroad I only really knew what it was like to live in the United States. But now I have a 65.________ (great) knowledge of the cultures of different countries throughout the world than before.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是高一新生李华, 你的英国朋友David给你写信, 询问你的高中生活, 请根据以下要点给他回信:
2.可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Mr Brown is a 40 year old man. He had a son when he was thirty years old. However, when his son was six years old, he got lost. Though Mr Brown looked for him everywhere, he just couldn't find him. Mr Brown was extremely sad, but he didn't lose hope. He went into business and was engaged in business deals around the world in the hope that he might find his son someday.
One day, while he was having lunch at a restaurant, he saw a suitcase under his table. “Someone who was eating here must have forgotten to take it with him,” he said to himself. Though he didn't know what was inside the suitcase, he thought it might be something important to its owner. Then he thought of his son. In the past years after losing his son, he missed him so much that he often had trouble falling asleep at night. He knew the pain brought by losing something important, so he decided to wait for the owner.
However, after he finished his lunch, he saw no one come back for it. Luckily, no one came to him to ask him to pay the bill, so he decided to stay there. But several hours later, a waitress came to him. “Sir, sorry to disturb you. But you finished your meal almost two hours ago. Have you forgotten to take your wallet If so you don't have to pay today,” said the waitress. Mr Brown was a bit touched hearing that. He immediately said, “No, I have my wallet with me. I'll pay immediately. It's just that someone has left his suitcase here. I'm waiting for the owner.” The waitress looked down and saw the suitcase by Mr Brown.
“That's very kind of you. But I think I can help. I know who ate here before you. I'll call the man and ask him to come back and get it,” said the waitress.
Mr Brown thought it was a good idea and agreed. ________________________________________________________________________
The man then invited Mr Brown to his home to have some tea. ________________________________________________________________________
1~5 CACBB 6~10 ACABB
11~15 CBBCB 16~20 BBBCC
(Text 1)
M:Would you like to go to the cinema tonight
W:I'd like to, but I've already planned to go swimming with my friend Tina.
(Text 2)
W:It was such a lovely bright morning. I almost wish I didn't have to work.
M:Well, there is snow to come later tonight, but there'll be some heavy rain first in the afternoon.
(Text 3)
M:OK, how do I look
W:Well, the jacket is very nice, and the shirt is all right. But don't you think that tie's rather thick and heavy Perhaps a thin one would be better.
M:Oh... I suppose you're right.
(Text 4)
W:Should I take a taxi or a bus to the town center
M:You can take either, but the train goes there directly. It's cheaper, too.
W:Thanks. I'll do that instead.
(Text 5)
W:Why do you use this book to learn French
M:Why Is there a problem
W:Well, the texts in it are too old. They are no longer suitable for today's students.
M:Well, actually I quite agree.
(Text 6)
W:Excuse me. I am a tourist here and I am looking for something local and special here as gifts. Could you give me some suggestions
M:Well, we have quite a few choices here:postcards with our old buildings, handmade cotton hats and over there some special toys.
W:These hats look very beautiful! How much are they
M:Forty five dollars each or eighty dollars for the pair. The more you buy, the lower price I can offer.
W:OK, but I'll buy one for my mother right now.
(Text 7)
W:Where are you going today, Mark
M:I'm going to the library. What about you
W:I'll go camping with Linda. Why do you want to go to the library today It's Friday. We should have some fun.
M:Well, I have to hand in my report tomorrow morning.
W:Tomorrow morning Didn't Mr. Smith ask us to hand it in next Monday morning
M:I'm going into town tomorrow afternoon. I won't return until Sunday night. So I want to hand it in before I go.
W:Now I see.
(Text 8)
W:So, tell me a little about yourself.
M:Gee uh...I don't know where to begin. What do you want to know
W:Well, let's see...What do you do
M:I'm an engineer.
W:An engineer Hmm, that's interesting. Do you enjoy your work
M:Yes. I like it a lot.
W:Tell me, what exactly do you do as an engineer
M:Well, I design roads and bridges for the city.
W:Oh. That sounds like a very exciting job.
M:It is.
(Text 9)
M:What a nice dress! Mary, you look really good in it! Are you going to a party tonight
W:Yes. Jenny is throwing a party tonight. It's her eighteenth birthday. She has invited many people. I'm sure I'm going to have a great time there. Weren't you invited
M:No. I'm not a friend of hers. So did you buy the dress especially for the party
W:Actually, I didn't buy it. It was a gift from my brother. He gave it to me on my twentieth birthday two weeks ago. He's good at picking dresses, isn't he
M:Certainly he is! What is your brother A fashion designer
W:No. He works for a magazine. He takes photos of models for the magazine. My friends like going shopping with my brother because he gives them very good advice. But he has a very busy work schedule.
M:Oh, I like your earrings, too. Are they also a gift from your brother, too
W:No. They're a gift from my boyfriend James. I'm sure he asked my brother for help. You know, he isn't good at picking gifts. But I love this pair of earrings.
M:I'm considering buying a dress for Lucy. Her birthday is just three weeks away. Do you think your brother could help me
W:Well, I have planned to go shopping with my brother tomorrow afternoon. Why not join us
M:OK. That'd be great! Thanks, Mary.
(Text 10)
M:Good morning, this is Jesse Williams with your Tuesday weather report. We had a hot and sunny day yesterday. The temperature was 36 ℃. It is expected that today's temperature could climb to as high as 38 ℃ by the late afternoon. Right now, only an hour after sunrise, the temperature in our city is already 29 ℃. Unfortunately, there is also no rain for the next five days. This is bad news for the thirsty forest in our city. Wednesday is forecast to be hotter, reaching 40 degrees with a surprising 28 ℃ overnight. It is the hottest August day since 30 ℃ in 2015. The good news is that it will be windy tonight. So it seems that setting up a tent in the backyard may be the only way to catch some sleep tonight if you don't have an air conditioner. When you go out, please wear your hat and sunglasses. That's all for today's weather report. The traffic report in the morning is as follows. Thank you for listening.
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一些帮助刚进入高中的学生的建议。
21.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据You're not alone部分中“Moving up to senior high school is a chance, not a problem.”可知, 升入高中是一个机会, 而不是一个问题。因此, 作者认为升入高中是一个好机会。故选C。
22.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据Other points部分中“It sounds simple, but things will become much better if you just act naturally.” 可知, 这听起来很简单, 但是如果你表现得很自然, 事情会变得更好。因此, 作者建议表现自然点。故选B。
23.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据第一段可知, 当你进入高中的时候你有什么感觉? 这是一个全新的体验, 但你不必担心。我们有一些建议可以帮助你。文章主要内容为一些对刚进入高中学生的建议, 由此可推知, 这篇文章的主要目的是帮助即将上高中的学生。故选C。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自身经历, 论述了阅读的好处。
24.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句(长大后, 我很快意识到拼写对我来说并不难, 而且我的词汇量也很广。这是因为我从小就开始读书。)可知从小开始阅读, 这给作者带来了很多帮助, 故选D。
25.答案与解析:C 词义猜测题。根据第一段“Now, as a student, it is harder to find the time to read books for pleasure (现在, 作为一个学生, 很难找到时间来读书消遣)”可知作者作为学生没有时间阅读来消遣, 结合下一句由however(然而)引导的对比关系, 可推知画线词所在句子意为: 我很享受夏天, 可以有时间看书来满足自己。由此可知, 画线词relish意为“喜欢, 享受”。
26.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第二段“My advice for you as English learners would be to read the books that you have often read in your own language in English.(作为英语学习者, 我的建议是阅读你经常读的母语书籍的英语版。)”可知, 作者给英语学习者的建议是, 阅读熟悉的母语故事的英文版。
27.答案与解析:B 主旨大意题。根据第一段最后两句(长大后, 我很快意识到拼写对我来说并不难, 而且我的词汇量也很广。这是因为我从小就开始读书。)可知作者从阅读中受益良多, 结合全文对如何阅读、阅读带来的好处的介绍可知 “阅读的益处”适合用作本文的最佳标题。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇议论文。一些高中生认为接受高等教育是无用的。因此, 他们选择不上大学。就此作者表达了应该去大学接受良好教育的一些理由。
28.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第二段中第一句可知学校和大学是获得知识的第一批地方。即大学教育能使你获得更多知识。故选B。
29.答案与解析:B 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句可知那些上过大学的人比那些高中毕业、技能有限的人更有可能找到一份新工作。这应是在经济衰退时期, 就业率不高的情况下得出的结论, 故画线词意为“衰退, 下降”, 故选B。
30.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一、二句(当你有技能, 知识渊博时, 你就能接触到有相似背景和品位的人。这意味着良好的教育可以导致好的关系网)可知, 良好的教育可以使人们结识更优秀的, 有相同兴趣的人。
31.答案与解析:A 主旨大意题。根据第一段的最后一句(以下是你应该上大学, 在那里接受良好教育的一些原因)以及全文内容可知, 文章主要内容为讨论去上大学的理由以及大学教育带来的好处。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。作者就如何积极地迎接新学期分享了自己收集的一些方法。
32.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,去年新学期开始的时候作者感到很担忧。故选A。
33.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句和第四句可知,作者建议新学期做一个每日任务列表,并且坚持每天付诸实践。
34.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Just choose whatever works for you.”可知,作者建议选择对我们有帮助的锻炼方式。
35.答案与解析:B 文章出处题。作者以自身的经历介绍了一些新学期开始时在学习和生活方面对于学生们有用的方法。由此可知,本文可能出现在报纸上的“生活方式”一栏。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。主要说明与老师保持良好的关系是很重要的, 无论是你不喜欢某个学科, 还是你只对某个学科的老师不感兴趣, 你都需要公平且有礼貌地对待老师。
36.答案与解析:E 下文(你不喜欢这个学科吗? 还是你喜欢这门课, 只是对老师不感兴趣? )说明不喜欢某位老师的原因, 所以上文应说明如果和老师有问题, 应找出原因, E项“如果你和老师有问题, 试着找出原因。”符合题意。
37.答案与解析:F 上文(一些学生说, 这有助于他们将课程视为通往更大目标的垫脚石, 比如上大学。)说明一些学生对课程的看法, 接下来应说明另一些学生的看法, F项“其他学生说, 他们试图找到这些课程的实用价值。”符合题意。
38.答案与解析:C 上文(如果你不喜欢所教的科目, 可能会影响你与老师的关系。)说明如果不喜欢所教的科目可能会影响你与老师的关系, 推断本段将描述另一种情况, 如果只是不喜欢老师应该怎么办, C项“如果你只是不喜欢老师怎么办?”符合题意。
39.答案与解析:D 下文(无论你的目标是什么, 学会与你不容易联系的人一起工作都是生活中要有的一项很好的技能。)说明你应该学会与你不喜欢的人一起工作, 推测上文描述人不可能总是喜欢每个人, D项“总是喜欢每个人是不可能的。”符合题意。
40.答案与解析:G 下文(正如教师需要公平对待每个人一样, 学生也有责任。你不必喜欢你的老师, 也不必同意他或她说的话, 但礼貌是必要的。)说明学生也需要公平并且有礼貌地对待老师, G项“基本的礼貌和尊重是任何关系的基石。”符合题意。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者的老师是一个极其乐观的人, 总能把积极乐观传递给年轻的学生, 他乐观的思维方式总是让作者感到高兴和充满希望。
41.答案与解析:A pass on传递; apply for申请; make up构成; give up放弃。分析下文布什先生对作者的帮助可知, 布什先生总是会让沮丧的学生高兴起来, 故应是他总能把积极乐观传递给年轻学生。
42.答案与解析:C 根据上文“He always smiles and never gets...”可知, 布什先生总是微笑, 从不会生学生的气。
43.答案与解析:D 根据下文可知作者与他弟弟相比总是稍显逊色, 他弟弟每件事都做得很好。由此可知, 作者是遇到了一些困难。
44.答案与解析:A fill充满; surprise使惊奇; refuse拒绝; relax使放松。根据上文“I felt overshadowed by my brother, who seemed to be doing great in every way”可知, 作者跟弟弟相比总是稍显逊色, 故应是作者内心充满绝望。
45.答案与解析:B 根据下文“Because of Mr Bush, my world was filled with ________ and power. ”可知, 布什先生鼓励作者, 最后作者振作了起来。故当作者见到布什先生时一切都改变了。
46.答案与解析:C 根据下文“Because of Mr Bush, my world was filled with ________ and power. ”可知, 是由于布什先生的鼓励, 作者的世界充满了阳光和力量。
47.答案与解析:A 根据下文的“power”可知, 布什先生的鼓励让作者的世界充满阳光和力量。
48.答案与解析:B 根据下文“because of a bad day at school”, 可知因为在学校糟糕的一天, 感到沮丧。
49.答案与解析:C 根据下文内容可知, 布什先生画了一张半杯水的图, 告诉同学们思维方式不一样, 看问题的角度就不一样, 同学们又都高兴起来。由此可知, 布什先生的课结束后, 情况又好起来了。
50.答案与解析:D 根据下文“Like this glass of water, some people see it and think...”可知, 布什先生的画上显示的是半杯水。
51.答案与解析:D 根据下文的“It all depends on the ________ you think. ”可知, 一切都取决于你怎么想, 布什先生想要告诉同学们, 他们看事情的角度会影响他们的感受。
52.答案与解析:B 根据下文的“Whereas other people think ‘Wow, I'm so thirsty. Great! Half a glass of water for me! ’”可知, 此处表示一个对比, 有的人认为只有半杯水是不幸的。
53.答案与解析:A 根据上文内容和下文的“way of thinking always makes me feel glad”可知, 布什先生给同学们画了一幅半杯水的图, 告诉他们有的人对此持积极的态度, 有的人对此持消极的态度。他是想告诉同学们: 他们看事情的角度会影响他们的感受, 一切都取决于他们怎么想。
54.答案与解析:B negative消极的; optimistic乐观的; special特殊的; important重要的。根据第一段中“My teacher Mr Bush is the most positive person I've ever met.”可知, 布什先生是一个乐观的人, 他的乐观的思维方式总是让作者感到高兴和充满希望。
55.答案与解析:C 分析上下文可知, 布什先生积极的思维方式影响着作者, 故应是让作者感到高兴和充满希望。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者分享了自己在澳大利亚游学的感悟。
56.答案与解析:excited 考查形容词。设空处作表语,表示“激动的”,用形容词,故填excited。
57.答案与解析:terribly 考查副词。设空处作状语,修饰形容词afraid, 用副词,故填terribly。
58.答案与解析:that/which 考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句,指代先行词events,且在从句中作主语,故填that或which。
59.答案与解析:allowing 考查动词 ing形式。设空处作介词for的宾语,故填allowing。本句中的cloud用作动词,表示“使减少乐趣;使不快”。
60.答案与解析:to 考查固定搭配。from time to time不时;有时;偶尔;间或。
61.答案与解析:parts 考查可数名词的复数。part意为“部分”,为可数名词,根据空前的One of可知,此处表示复数意义,故填parts。
62.答案与解析:to make 考查动词不定式。the chance to do sth.做某事的机会。
63.答案与解析:and 考查连词。根据语境可知,Canada, Australia, Denmark, Italy与Sri Lanka之间为并列关系,故填and。
64.答案与解析:my 考查代词。根据语境可知,此处表示开阔“我的”眼界,故填形容词性物主代词my。
65.答案与解析:greater 考查形容词比较级。根据语境和下文中的than before可知,此处表示比较意义,表示作者比之前更了解世界上不同国家的文化,故填greater。
Dear David,
Glad to receive your letter wondering about my high school life, I'm writing to share it with you.
Equipped with all kinds of facilities, our school looks beautiful as well as modern. Here, my classmates and the teachers are really friendly and helpful. As for my study at senior high, I think the courses at senior high are more difficult and challenging than those at junior high. We are encouraged to share our opinions and solve problems by ourselves.
I enjoy my life at senior high. Looking forward to your reply!
Li Hua
Mr Brown thought it was a good idea and agreed. Then the waitress went to the reception desk and made a phone call. About half an hour later, a man came to the restaurant. After making sure the suitcase belonged to that man, Mr Brown handed it to him. The man was very thankful, saying, “Thank you so much. I received a phone call while I was eating here. I was told my son got injured, so I left in a hurry and forgot to take my suitcase with me. ”
The man then invited Mr Brown to his home to have some tea. Mr Brown agreed. The two talked while having tea in the man's home. During their talk, the man learned that Mr Brown had a son who got lost four years ago. Surprised, the man mentioned he had adopted a boy four years ago, and he led Mr Brown to the bedroom of the boy. On seeing the boy, Mr Brown recognized he was his son. He hugged him tightly and couldn't help crying.