浙江省浙北G2(湖州中学 、嘉兴中学)2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)


名称 浙江省浙北G2(湖州中学 、嘉兴中学)2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-20 09:58:47


浙北 G2 期中联考
2023 学年第一学期高二英语试题
1. 全卷分试卷和答卷。试卷6页,答卷2页,共8页。
2. 本卷的答案必须答在答卷的相应位置上,答在试卷上无效。
3. 请用钢笔或水笔将班级、姓名、试场号、座位号分别填写在答卷的相应位置上。
4. 本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the man talking about
A. His long-lost friend. B. His trip to South Africa. C. His experience at a zoo.
【原文】M: Let’s back up. Where was I
W: You were talking about your trip to South Africa.
M: Oh, yeah. You know what we encountered
W: A long-lost friend
M: Come on! A lion!
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where is the woman heading to
A. The library. B. Her history class. C. Her home.
【原文】M: Hi, Helen! Where are you off to
W: I’ve got a history exam next week, so I’m going to the library to study.
M: Well, I’ll see you later then. Good luck!
W: Thanks. See you later.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What favor does the man ask the woman to do
A. To give him a haircut. B. To help him choose a hairstyle. C. To direct him to a barber shop.
【原文】M: Excuse me. I wonder if you can help me.
W: Sure. What is it
M: I want to have my hair cut, but I can’t find a barber shop.
W: I know where you can find e on, I’ll show you.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
How much should the woman pay for the sweater
A. $47. B. $50. C. $53.
【原文】M: Can I help you
W: Yes, I’m looking for a medium-sized sweater.
M: Here’s a nice blue one. Would you like to try it on
W: Oh, I love it. It fits perfectly. How much is it
M: $50. It will be $53 with tax.
W: Perfect! I’ll take it.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers going to do
A. Draw. B. Play a spelling game. C. Play a sports game.
【原文】W: So … what should we do
M: Well, I like to do arts and crafts, and I’m really good at drawing. What do you think
W: How about playing a board game That would be more fun
M: OK. Let’s play Scrabble! I’m really good at spelling, too!
W: Oh, yeah We’ll see about that!
6. Where are the two speakers
A. In a shoe store. B. In a car. C. On the street.
7. What does the woman advise the man to do
A. Cross the street at the corner. B. Cross the street in the middle. C. Be careful when driving.
【答案】6. C 7. A
【原文】M: There’s the shoe store we’ve been looking for. It’s just across the street.
W: Wait! You can’t cross in the middle of the road! You have to cross at the corner.
M: Oh, come on. Let’s go across here.
W: Look out! You nearly got hit by that car! Now do you see why you should cross at the corner
M: I guess you’re right. I’ll be more careful next time.
8. What are they going to do this Saturday
A. Plan the menu. B. Call their friends. C. Throw a dinner party.
9. What slipped the woman’s mind
A. Sending an invitation to Linda. B. Linda being mad at her. C. The recipe for the salad.
【答案】8. C 9. A
【原文】W: I’ve sent out the invitations for the dinner party this Saturday.
M: That’s good. Now what should we do
W: We’ve got to plan the menu.
M: Oh, that’s right. Do you have anything in mind
W: I think I’m going to make the chicken salad we had at Pompeii last time. Remember how I asked the chef for the recipe
M: Yeah, but did you forget that Linda doesn’t eat chicken
W: Linda Oh! I forgot to invite her! She’ll be mad at me. It just slipped my mind.
M: Well, it’s not too late. I’ll make a phone call. Don’t worry.
W: Thanks! I think I’m getting old!
M: Looks like you ARE!
10. What does Mike think of his roommate
A. Annoying. B. Generous. C. Thoughtful.
11. What does Mike’s roommate sometimes do
A. Cook meals for Mike. B. Share the grocery bills. C. Invite Mike to dine out.
12. What does the woman suggest Mike do
A. Borrow money from his roommate. B. Talk honestly with his roommate. C. Ask his roommate to move out.
【答案】10. A 11. C 12. B
【原文】W: Hi, Mike. How are things going with you and your roommate
M: Not very well. We’re supposed to share the groceries, but I end up feeding him three meals a day. My grocery bill is huge, you know. I really can’t afford it any longer.
W: I know how you feel. I used to have a roommate like that.
M: I’m really fed up with his freeloading, but I just don’t know how to tell him that he should come up with half the grocery bill, because sometimes he treats me to a meal in a restaurant.
W: Well, honesty is the best policy. Maybe you just need to have a heart-to-heart, friend-to-friend talk with him. If he refuses to mend his ways, then ask him to move out.
13. Why is Mr Tips calling
A. His electricity bill is too high. B. He forgot his account number. C. He wants to update his address.
14. What will the electricity company do for Mr Tips
A. Send a technician to his home. B. Update his account information. C. Further check his account.
15. When can Mr Tips get an answer
A. By the end of the day. B. By the end of the week. C. By the end of this month.
16. What is the inquiry number
A. 3417. B. 2371. C. 3471.
【答案】13. A 14. C 15. B 16. C
【原文】W: Good afternoon, Northwest Electricity, how may I help you
M: Good afternoon, this is Robert Tips. I have a question about my electricity bill this month.
W: I’d be happy to help you with that, Mr Tips. Can I have your account number
M: I’m afraid I don’t have that with me.
W: It’s no problem. I’ll just look your name up in our database. Could you give me your address as well
M: It’s 2368 NW 21st Avenue, Vancouver, Washington.
W: Yes, I have your account up on my computer. How may I help you
M: The last bill I received seemed too high.
W: Yes, I see that it was considerably higher than last year. Did you use more electricity
M: No, I don’t think we used any more electricity than the year before.
W: OK, I’ll tell you what I can do. I’ll mark this and have a supervisor take a look at the account.
M: Thank you. When can I expect an answer
W: We should have an answer for you by the end of the week. I’ll give you an inquiry number.
M: OK, let me get a pen ... OK, I’m ready.
W: It’s 3471.
M: That’s 3471
W: Yes, that’s correct.
M: Thank you for your help.
17. What is NOT suggested in most interview tips
A. Learn something about the interviewer.
B. Shake hands with the interviewer.
C. Make eye contact with the interviewer.
18. What quality is expected of someone who is “a good fit for a university”
A. Athletic and positive. B. Socially well-adjusted. C. Smart and hardworking.
19. What do the interviewers prefer to hear from applicants
A. The ranking of the university. B. The reasons they choose the university. C. The popularity of the university.
20. What is the last tip
A. Hand in your homework in time. B. Show your achievements at the interview. C. Match the school to your interests.
【答案】17. A 18. B 19. B 20. C
【原文】W: In any college application process, the interview is very important. Most interview tips will tell you to smile, make eye contact and shake the interviewer’s hand firmly. Unfortunately, few tell you what it is that the interviewer is really looking for. So, what should you do
The interviewer must decide if you’re a good fit for the university. That means it’s important to come off as socially well-adjusted.
Remember that preparation is the key. Interviewers are constantly surprised by how many really smart and hardworking students do so little research before they go into their interview. You should, for example, find out where your interviewer is from, what he or she studied, and maybe even find publications he or she has written. This can be done easily by searching for a few minutes online.
More importantly, you should do a lot of research on the university beyond simply knowing its ranking in league tables. Interviewers hate when you say you want to go to their university just because it’s famous. Instead, you should explain why you choose them over other great universities. After all, you would want this school to choose you over another excellent student.
Finally, make sure you “do your homework”. If you are interested in biology, be sure to know the biology professors’ names. If you are interested in hiking and camping, be sure to know the name of the outdoors club at the school. Tie your interests and goals to what that school in particular has to offer.
2023 Holiday Shopping Guide
Many Americans say they are reading more, according to a survey from market research firm Statista. Amazon’s independent booksellers are working hard to keep up, offering sidewalk pickup and sometimes even free shipping, and they’re known for offering booklovers personalized, thoughtful recommendations. Find a store near you at indiebound.org.
Bikes were one of the hottest items of the past year, thanks in part to closed gyms around the country. In fact, for months, specialty shops were sold out of all but the priciest specialty rides, so if a two-wheeler tops your wish list, start shopping soon, before supplies come short again. If you’re not particularly handy, look to buy from a locally owned shop.
Workout Items
Also in short supply this year: hand weights, kettlebells, and other popular workout items. They may still be hard to find or crazy expensive, so consider other health helpers such as exercise bands, jump ropes or shopping at less-obvious suppliers, such as T. J. Maxx, supermarkets, or even Home Depot.
Master Classes
It’s always a good time to learn something new. You can get a virtual seat in a class with a top professional in a variety of fields, such as ballet with famous dancer Misty Copeland or fiction writing with children’s novelist R. L. Stine. Find them and other pros at , which charges $180 per series.
21. What possibly made bikes the hot sale of last year
A. Closed shops. B. Gym’s shutdown. C. Limited supplies. D. Shopping inconvenience.
22. What is special about Master Classes
A. Classes taken online. B. $180 for all classes .
C. A requirement of art background. D. Learning from the best scientists.
23. What is the purpose of the text
A. To advertise fitness equipment. B. To encourage holiday production.
C. To make shopping recommendations. D. To warn against the trap of shopping.
【答案】21. B 22. A 23. C
细节理解题。根据第二段“Bikes were one of the hottest items of the past year, thanks in part to closed gyms around the country.(自行车是去年最热门的商品之一,这在一定程度上要归功于全国各地关闭的健身房)”可知,健身房关门使自行车在去年热销。故选B。
细节理解题。根据Master Classes部分中“You can get a virtual seat in a class with a top professional in a variety of fields, such as ballet with famous dancer Misty Copeland or fiction writing with children’s novelist R. L. Stine.(你可以在各种领域的顶级专业人士的课堂上获得虚拟座位,比如著名舞蹈家Misty Copeland的芭蕾舞课,或者儿童小说家R. L. Stine的小说写作课)”可知,Master Classes的特别之处是网上上课。故选A。
推理判断题。根据标题“2023 Holiday Shopping Guide(2023年假日购物指南)”结合文章主要介绍了四个2023年假日值得购买的物品。可推知,文章的目的是提出购物建议。故选C。
Dad’s comb was jade green. I heard he bought it when he married Mum, which made the comb two years older than I was. Every night, he would smile, hand me the comb and say, “Be a good girl and help Daddy clean it, OK ”
I was more than happy to do it. At age five this mundane task brought me such joy. I would excitedly turn the tap on, then brush the comb with a used toothbrush as hard as I could. Satisfied that I’d done a good job, I would proudly return the comb to Dad. He would smile at me and place the comb on top of his wallet.
About two years later, Dad left his sales job and started his own wholesale business. I started primary school. That was when things started to change. He didn’t come home as much as he used to – just a couple of times a week. And when he did come home, it was always late and I’d already be in bed. I started to get mad. I stopped waiting for him to come home, and stopped going downstairs to check on him.
Today, I’m no longer a kid. I’ve graduated from college and got a job. Dad’s business has got back on track. Things are better now. Yet the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me persisted.
Two days before my birthday last year, Dad came home early. As usual, I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said, “Hey, would you like to help me clean my comb ” I looked at him a while, then took the comb and headed to the sink.
I passed the clean comb back to Dad. He looked at it and smiled. But this time, I noticed something different. My dad has aged. He has wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiles, yet his smile is still as heartwarming as before. The smile of a father who just wants a good life for his family. Dad carefully placed his comb on top of his wallet.
After so many years, he still organizes his personal items in the same meticulous way. I guess some things never change. And for that, I’m glad.
24. What caused the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me
A. Generation gap. B. Dad’s failure in business.
C. My ignorance of Dad. D. Dad’s absence from the family.
25. Which of the following can best describe Dad
A. Gentle but strict. B. Hardworking and caring.
C. Cautious and realistic. D. Demanding but patient.
26. Why did Dad ask his daughter to clean his comb before her birthday
A. To give her a lesson. B. To follow his old habit.
C. To fix their relationship. D. To praise her helpfulness.
27. Which saying concludes the text best
A. Yesterday once more. B. Let bygones be bygones.
C. Some things never change. D. Like father, like daughter.
【答案】24. D 25. B 26. C 27. C
细节理解题。根据第三段“About two years later, Dad left his sales job and started his own wholesale business. I started primary school. That was when things started to change. He didn’t come home as much as he used to – just a couple of times a week. And when he did come home, it was always late and I’d already be in bed. I started to get mad. I stopped waiting for him to come home, and stopped going downstairs to check on him.(大约两年后,爸爸辞去了销售工作,开始了自己的批发生意。我开始上小学。从那时起,事情开始发生变化。他不像以前那样经常回家了——一周只有几次。当他真的回家时,总是很晚,而我已经上床睡觉了。我开始生气了。我不再等他回家,也不再下楼去看他)”以及第四段“Today, I’m no longer a kid. I’ve graduated from college and got a job. Dad’s business has got back on track. Things are better now. Yet the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me persisted.(今天,我不再是个孩子了。我大学毕业了,找到了工作。爸爸的生意又重回正轨了。现在情况好多了。然而,我和爸爸之间令人不安的沉默依然存在)”可知,父亲经常不在家里导致了爸爸和作者之间令人不安的沉默。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第三段“About two years later, Dad left his sales job and started his own wholesale business. I started primary school. That was when things started to change. He didn’t come home as much as he used to – just a couple of times a week. And when he did come home, it was always late and I’d already be in bed. I started to get mad. I stopped waiting for him to come home, and stopped going downstairs to check on him.(大约两年后,爸爸辞去了销售工作,开始了自己的批发生意。我开始上小学。从那时起,事情开始发生变化。他不像以前那样经常回家了——一周只有几次。当他真的回家时,总是很晚,而我已经上床睡觉了。我开始生气了。我不再等他回家,也不再下楼去看他)”以及倒数第三段“Two days before my birthday last year, Dad came home early. As usual, I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said, “Hey, would you like to help me clean my comb ” I looked at him a while, then took the comb and headed to the sink.(去年我生日的前两天,爸爸提早回家了。像往常一样,我帮他把包搬进书房。当我转身要离开时,他说:“嘿,你能帮我清理一下梳子吗?”我看了他一会儿,然后拿着梳子走向水槽)”可推知,父亲为了生意早出晚归,可见他努力工作,同时为了修复和女儿的关系,让女儿在生日前给自己清理梳子,可见他关心他人。故选B。
细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“Two days before my birthday last year, Dad came home early. As usual, I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said, “Hey, would you like to help me clean my comb ” I looked at him a while, then took the comb and headed to the sink.(去年我生日的前两天,爸爸提早回家了。像往常一样,我帮他把包搬进书房。当我转身要离开时,他说:“嘿,你能帮我清理一下梳子吗?”我看了他一会儿,然后拿着梳子走向水槽)”可知,爸爸要他的女儿在她生日前给他洗梳子是为了修复他们的关系。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“I guess some things never change. And for that, I’m glad.(我想有些事情永远不会改变。对此,我很高兴)”结合文章讲述了作者小时候很喜欢给父亲清理梳子,后来父亲因为生意繁忙常不在家,和作者逐渐疏远,后来作者大学毕业参加工作,爸爸的生意又重回正轨了,然而作者和爸爸之间令人不安的沉默依然存在。直到后来在作者生日前两天,父亲提早回家并让作者给自己清理梳子,并且像以前一样,用同样细致的方式整理自己的个人物品。作者想有些事情永远不会改变,感到很高兴。可推知,C选项“有些事情永远不会改变”最好地总结了这篇文章。故选C。
From the age of five, Alison Mbekeani, now in Durham University for her PhD, dreamed of becoming a scientist. But becoming a mother to two children put a brake on her career. She does not expect to return to the lab until her children are 16. Dr. Mbekeani is not alone. One survey in 2019 found that child-care responsibilities led 29% of mothers with a child under 14 to reduce their working hours, compared with just 5% of fathers.
In an ideal world, the government would not have to worry about any of this. Based on their preferences, parents would make a judgment over whether to outsource (外包) child-care or keep it in-house. The question for policymakers is whether parental behavior reflects actual preferences or it is driven by constraints (限制).
Constraints are an issue. Three in five nonworking mothers say that they would prefer to work, given the right child-care. Families had to fork out an average of 260 a week in 2021 for 50 hours of nursery care for a child under two. A tenth of households with a child under five report difficulty meeting such costs. As well as price, availability is a problem. Just 68% of local authorities in England report having enough child-care provision to serve parents who work full time.
Besides child-care, the benefits that could flow from evening out the gender (性别) imbalance in child-care could also be pretty large. One recent study estimated the gains from shuffling men and women according to ability, pulling productive women into work and kicking unproductive men out. Astonishingly, it was calculated that Britain’s average output per worker could be as much as 30% higher.
Cheaper child-care and gender-balanced responsibility in it are ways out to help mums into work, but policies would need to be designed to target really constrained parents. However, experts also add that giving children the best start in life means shorter, structured days full of interaction.
28. Why is the story of Alison mentioned
A. To confirm an idea.
B. To develop the plot.
C. To draw a conclusion.
D. To introduce the topic.
29. What is the government’s key focus about child-care problem
A. The influence of parents’ final decision.
B. The difference of children’s preference.
C. The balance of responsibility to do housework.
D. The consistency of parental behavior and actual liking.
30. What does the underlined word “shuffling” mean in paragraph 4
A. Observing.
B. Describing.
C. Rearranging.
D Protecting.
31. Which is a suggested solution to helping mums into work
A. Reducing childcare fees.
B. Strengthening children’s responsibility.
C. Shortening children’s structured days.
D. Offering the best life start to children.
【答案】28. D 29. D 30. C 31. A
推理判断题。根据第一段的“Dr. Mbekeani is not alone. One survey in 2019 found that child-care responsibilities led 29% of mothers with a child under 14 to reduce their working hours, compared with just 5% of fathers.(Mbekeani博士并不是一个人。2019年的一项调查发现,照顾孩子的责任导致29%有14岁以下孩子的母亲减少了工作时间,相比之下,只有5%的父亲这样做)”并结合下文内容可知,第一段通过Alison的故事,引出本文话题:如何照顾孩子以帮助妈妈重回职场的问题。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第二段“The question for policymakers is whether parental behavior reflects actual preferences or it is driven by constraints (限制).(政策制定者面临的问题是,父母的行为是反映了实际的偏好,还是受到了约束)”可知,政府(决策者)需要关注的是父母的行为是否真正反映了真实的偏好。故选D。
词句猜测题。根据倒数第二段的“pulling productive women into work and kicking unproductive men out(把有生产力的女性投入工作,把没有生产力的男性踢出去)”可知,划线词所在的句子意思是“最近的一项研究估计了根据能力调整男女比例的好处”,划线词shuffling的意思是“洗牌,重新安排”,和rearranging意思相近,故选C。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“Cheaper child-care and gender-balanced responsibility in it are ways out to help mums into work, but policies would need to be designed to target really constrained parents.(更便宜的育儿费用和性别平衡的责任是帮助妈妈们工作的方法,但政策需要针对真正受约束的父母)”可知,帮助妈妈们返回职场的建议解决方案是降低育儿费用。故选A。
In the digital age, it has become easy for students to find and copy published material. Copying another person’s writing without giving them credit is called plagiarism. Universities in the U.S. have rules for avoiding plagiarism. But learning to correctly follow these rules can be difficult for some international students.
Copyright law protects original works of authorship including books, movies, images and artworks. However, the law permits the unlicensed use for activities including comment, education and research. Therefore, students can include a small part of copyrighted works in their writing and research if they provide credit, or citation (引文), to the creators of the works. Many universities even urge students to give credit to what they get from conversations with professors or other students. Harvard even warns students about copying themselves. That is, they cannot hand in the same work for more than one class without the permission of their instructors.
It is easy for professors to know whether a student has plagiarized. First, there are computer programs that compare students’ papers to large databases of published writing. The programs can identify whether students have copied published writing. Second, if English is not a student’s first language, a professor might recognize a change in vocabulary and writing style. The punishment for plagiarism can vary. Professors could simply warn a student not to do it again, lower their grade, or they may fail the student in that class. In more extreme cases, a student may be temporarily banned from school.
There are free tools students can use. Zotero is a free, open-source program that helps organize all the research a student may use. For example, it can automatically create citations and combine them into a list. The Purdue OWL is another free resource. Many universities also have writing centers where students can learn the citation rules. And another way is to read published papers and pay attention to how information is presented. Students should observe when and how citations are used, which can help them learn the rules of citations.
32. What must students do when using a small part of copyrighted works
A. Have a conversation with professors. B. Ask for permission from the authors.
C. Offer credit to the original creators. D. Explain the purpose of using them.
33. How can professors know if their students are plagiarizing
A. By making a specific comparison. B. By recording the students’ learning experience.
C. By learning the students’ first language. D. By researching into the database of writing.
34. What does the author want to stress in the last paragraph
A. The tips on when citations are used. B. The ways of making a citation safe.
C. The rules of using free resource. D. The free resources on the website.
35. What is the best title of this text
A. Learning Plagiarism in the Digital Age B. Commenting on copyrighted works
C. Realizing the Influence of Plagiarism D. Following Rules to Avoid Plagiarism
【答案】32. C 33. A 34. B 35. D
细节理解题。根据第二段“Therefore, students can include a small part of copyrighted works in their writing and research if they provide credit, or citation (引文), to the creators of the works.”(因此,如果学生向作品创作者致谢或引文,他们可以在写作和研究中包含一小部分受版权保护的作品。)可知,如果学生向原创作者致谢或标注引文,可以在写作或者研究中包含一小部分有版权的内容,由此可知要使用有版权的内容可以对原创作者致谢或标注引文。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第三段“First, there are computer programs that compare students’ papers to large databases of published writing.”(首先,有一些计算机程序可以将学生的论文与已发表文章的大型数据库进行比较。)可知,教授可以使用特定程序,辨别学生是否使用了已发表的写作。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“There are free tools students can use. Zotero is a free, open-source program that helps organize all the research a student may use.”(学生可以使用免费的工具。Zotero是一个免费的开源程序,可以帮助组织学生可能使用的所有研究。)及“Many universities also have writing centers where students can learn the citation rules. And another way is to read published papers and pay attention to how information is presented. Students should observe when and how citations are used, which can help them learn the rules of citations.”(许多大学也有写作中心,学生可以在那里学习引文规则。另一种方法是阅读已发表的论文,并注意信息的呈现方式。学生应该观察引文的使用时间和方式,这可以帮助他们学习引文的规则。)可知,最后一段主要介绍了可以免费使用的工具,学生可以在写作中心学习一些引文规则或是阅读出版作品,学生应应该观察引文的使用时间和方式,由此推断本段主要强调了使用引文的安全方法。故选B项。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Universities in the U.S. have rules for avoiding plagiarism. But learning to correctly follow these rules can be difficult for some international students.”(美国的大学有避免剽窃的规定。但对于一些国际学生来说,学习正确遵守这些规则可能很困难。)、第二段“Therefore, students can include a small part of copyrighted works in their writing and research if they provide credit, or citation, to the creators of the works.”(因此,如果学生向作品创作者提供致谢或引文,他们可以在写作和研究中包含一小部分受版权保护的作品。)第三段“It is easy for professors to know whether a student has plagiarized.”(教授们很容易知道一个学生是否抄袭了。)、及第四段“There are free tools students can use. ”(学生可以使用免费的工具。)可知,本文的主要话题是要介绍各种防止抄袭的方法和抄袭的影响以及如何使用引文更安全的方法,从而得知本文主要介绍了如何遵循一些规则,避免抄袭。故选D项。
When the British poet Alfred Lord Tennyson described nature as “red in tooth and claw”, he was telling us that the natural world can be cruel as well as beautiful.____36____.
Most people living in urban areas rarely encounter wild animals in their natural surroundings. ____37____ And they are willing to get close to them. But for wild animals, it is “eat or be eaten,” and they can’t distinguish between humans and other animals.
____38____ In Canadian woods lives a dog-like animal, coyote, which is a little bigger than a fox, but smaller than a wolf. They usually avoid humans, but the occasional attacks can be deadly. Every year, one or two people end up getting killed by coyotes.
Earlier this year, a herd of elepants in Yunnan left their home in the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve and went on a meandering journey through the province. They destroyed crops and buildings along the way. Villages in their path had to be evacuated because of the potential dangers they posed to villagers. Animal experts haven’t determined why the elephants went on their journey. ____39____ The wild animals we love are in a constant struggle for survival. Our expanding into the natural habitats of wild animals can be dangerous for the animals and then us humans as well.
Maybe we should try to stay away from them. ____40____ Their lives—red in tooth and claw—are difficult enough without us causing them any more problems than they already have.
A. A walk in the woods can be dangerous.
B. It is a way to protect the wild animals, and it’s also our responsibility.
C. In Canada, people have a more realistic attitude towards wild animals.
D. In simple terms, we should try to keep proper distance from wild animals.
E. Hence they misunderstand that wild animals are just as friendly as Disney characters.
F. Thanks to active environmental conservation, the number of the elephants grew larger.
G. A reasonable possibility is that they probably needed more room and more food to survive.
【答案】36. D 37. E 38. A 39. G 40. B
【导语】这是一篇议论文。文章开篇借由英国诗人Alfred Lord Tennyson的话“残酷无情”,引出观点:我们应尽量与野生动物保持距离。接着以加拿大森林里的土狼和云南大象迁徙为例进行论证,告诫我们应当远离这些动物的生活,这是保护它们的一种方式,也是我们的责任。
设空处位于段末,应具有总结前文的作用。上文“When the British poet Alfred Lord Tennyson described nature as “red in tooth and claw”, he was telling us that the natural world can be cruel as well as beautiful.(当英国诗人阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生将自然描述为“残酷无情”时,他是在告诉我们,自然界可残酷可美丽。)”提到了英国诗人的话,他认为自然界可残酷可美丽,但此处尚未表明作者自己的观点,由此可推知,设空处是作者在总结前文并表明自己的观点。D项“In simple terms, we should try to keep proper distance from wild animals.(简单地说,我们应该尽量与野生动物保持适当的距离。)”恰好能总结前文内容,又表达了作者自己的观点,符合语境。故选D项。
上文“Most people living in urban areas rarely encounter wild animals in their natural surroundings.(大多数生活在城市地区的人很少在自然环境中遇到野生动物。)”提到了大多数生活在城市的人很少遇到野生动物;下文“And they are willing to get close to them. But for wild animals, it is “eat or be eaten,” and they can’t distinguish between humans and other animals.(他们愿意接近野生动物。但对于野生动物来说,这是“要么吃,要么被吃”,它们无法区分人类和其他动物。)”提到了,人们愿意接近这些野生动物,但野生动物只有“要么吃,要么被吃”的概念,无法区分人类和其他动物;由此可推知,人们接近这些野生动物,是因为没有正确的认知。E项“Hence they misunderstand that wild animals are just as friendly as Disney characters. (因此,他们误以为野生动物和迪士尼角色一样友好)”一方面与下文“And they are willing to get close to them.(他们愿意接近野生动物)”构成因果关系,另一方面也与下文“野生动物的反应”对应。故选E项。
设空处位于段首,应具有概述下文的作用。下文“In Canadian woods lives a dog-like animal, coyote, which is a little bigger than a fox, but smaller than a wolf. They usually avoid humans, but the occasional attacks can be deadly. Every year, one or two people end up getting killed by coyotes.(在加拿大的森林里,生活着一种类似狗的动物,叫土狼。它比狐狸大一点,但比狼小。它们通常避开人类,但偶尔的攻击可能是致命的。每年有一两个人被土狼咬死。)”提到了加拿大森林里有一种土狼,有时会把人咬死。由此可推知,此处段首提及的内容与森林有关。A项“A walk in the woods can be dangerous.(在树林里散步可能很危险。)”提到了在森林里散步也可能很危险,恰好与下文提及的加拿大森林对应;而下文内容正是本句话的原因支撑。故选A项。
上文“Animal experts haven’t determined why the elephants went on their journey.(动物专家还没有确定大象为什么继续它们的旅程。)”提到了动物专家也还没确定这些大象迁徙的原因是什么;下文“The wild animals we love are in a constant struggle for survival.(我们所爱的野生动物一直在为生存而奋斗。)”提到了这些野生动物一直在为生存而奋斗;由此可推知,设空处可能是在谈这些大象迁徙的潜在原因。G项“A reasonable possibility is that they probably needed more room and more food to survive.(一个合理的可能性是,它们可能需要更多的空间和更多的食物来生存。)”提到了其中一个合理的可能性,就是它们需要更多的生存空间和食物,恰好与下文的“in a constant struggle for survival”对应。故选G项。
上文“Maybe we should try to stay away from them.(也许我们应该尽量远离它们。)”提议应尽量远离野生动物;下文“Their lives—red in tooth and claw—are difficult enough without us causing them any more problems than they already have.(它们的生活——残酷无情——已经够艰难的了,不用我们再给它们制造更多的麻烦。)”提到了“我们应该尽量远离野生动物”的原因。由此可推知设空处是在进一步解释为什么需要远离野生动物。B项“It is a way to protect the wild animals, and it’s also our responsibility.(这是保护野生动物的一种方式,也是我们的责任。)”恰好与上下文对应。故选B项。
Milo is a rescue dog, adopted by 20-year old Makayla Swift. One morning in November 2021, Swift opened her front door and Milo____41____running. “I couldn’t catch him,” she said.
Milo ran to the house across the street. Seemingly____42____with this house, he ran to the one next door and Swift____43____him immediately.
When it started scratching on the front door, Swift was____44____, because not everyone wants a strange dog on their____45____.But as she tried to____46____Milo away, she could hear a sound coming through an open upstairs window. It was a voice yelling “Help!”
Hours earlier, Sherry Starr, 85, had____47____around 4 a.m., for she had heard the front door bell ring. She walked to an upstairs bathroom, opened the window and looked outside. But there was no one there. Starr turned to exit. “All of a sudden, standing between the toilet and the tub, I____48____,” she said. “I went down hard on the floor.” “I couldn’t move at all,” said Starr, who was____49____between the toilet and the bathtub. Starr was feeling____50____all over, and she was also scared. “I’m thinking that I’m just going to die here,” she said.
Her best____51____, she decided, was to listen for the sound of her mailbox lid when the postman stopped by in the afternoon and scream at the top of her lungs. For the next few hours, Starr____52____yelling, “Help! Help! Help!”
“Her voice was very____53____,” said Swift. “You had to be right at the front door to hear Mrs. Starr cry for____54____unless you were Milo, who had____55____heard Starr the instant I had opened my front door.” Swift called 911 and soon medical staff came to her rescue.
A. took off B. showed off C. came around D. wandered around
A. concerned B. impressed C. unsatisfied D. delighted
A. followed B. tracked C. tended D. prohibited
A. depressed B. discouraged C. amused D. embarrassed
A. way B. property C. own D. business
A. send B. turn C. drag D. throw
A. calmed down B. lain down C. given up D. got up
A. dived B. wept C. skipped D. slipped
A. deserted B. stuck C. hidden D. placed
A. pain B. ease C. strength D. anger
A. move B. result C. role D. guess
A. imagined B. regretted C. practiced D. stopped
A. familiar B. distinct C. faint D. gentle
A. freedom B. help C. peace D. power
A. eventually B. slightly C. randomly D. apparently
【答案】41. A 42. C 43. A 44. D 45. B 46. C 47. D 48. D 49. B 50. A 51. A 52. C 53. C 54. B 55. D
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:2021年11月的一天早上,斯威夫特打开她家的前门,米洛就跑了起来。A. took off匆忙离去,突然离开;B. showed off炫耀;C. came around苏醒;D. wandered around闲逛,溜达。根据下文“I couldn’t catch him”可知,斯威夫特抓不住米洛,所以应该是突然飞跑出去。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他似乎对这所房子不满意,所以他跑到隔壁的房子,斯威夫特飞快地跟在后面。A. concerned担忧的;B. impressed印象深刻的;C. unsatisfied不满意的;D. delighted高兴的。根据下文“so he ran to the one next door”可知,米洛跑到了另一家,所以应该是对这所房子不太满意。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他似乎对这所房子不满意,跑到隔壁的那所,斯威夫特立刻跟着他走了。A. followed跟随;B. tracked跟踪;C. tended打算;D. prohibited禁止。根据后文“him immediately”可知,狗去了隔壁,所以斯威夫特立刻跟着他走了。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当它开始抓前门时,斯威夫特感到很尴尬,因为不是每个人都想要一只陌生的狗在他们的房子里。A. depressed绝望的;B. discouraged沮丧的;C. amused觉得好笑的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。根据下文“Not everyone wants a ________ dog on their property.”可知,不是每个人都想要一只狗在他们的地盘上,所以斯威夫特会因为米洛的行为感到尴尬。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当它开始抓前门时,斯威夫特感到很尴尬,因为不是每个人都想要一只陌生的狗在他们的房子里。A. way方法;B. property房地产,所有物;C. own所有;D. business生意。根据后文“he ran to the one next door”可知,此处指不想要一只陌生的狗在自己的房子里,故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但当她试图把米洛拖走时,她听到楼上一扇开着的窗户里传来了声音。A. send送;B. turn转;C. drag拖;D. throw扔。根据上文“Not everyone wants a ________ dog on their property.”可知,不是每个人都想要一只狗在他们的地盘上,所以斯威夫特会试图把米洛拖走,避免引起别人的反感。故选C。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:几小时前,85岁的雪莉·斯塔尔凌晨4点左右起床,因为她听到前门的门铃响了。A. calmed down平静下来;B. lain down躺下来;C. given up放弃;D. got up起床。根据下文“She walked to an upstairs bathroom”可知,斯塔尔走到楼上的浴室,所以4点的时候起床了。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,站在马桶和浴缸之间的我滑倒了。A. dived跳水;B. wept哭泣;C. skipped跳过;D. slipped滑倒。根据下文“I went down hard on the floor.”可知,斯塔尔倒在地板上,所以应该是在浴室滑倒了。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:斯塔尔被卡在马桶和浴缸之间。A. deserted抛弃;B. stuck卡住;C. hidden隐藏;D. placed放置。根据上文“I could not move at all”可知,斯塔尔根本没法动,所以是卡在了马桶和浴缸之间。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:斯塔尔感到全身疼痛,但最重要的是,她很害怕。A. pain疼痛;B. ease舒适;C. strength强度;D. anger生气。根据上文“I went down hard on the floor. I could not move at all”并结合斯塔尔已经85岁了可知,她倒在地上,应该是全身疼痛。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她决定,最好的举动就是在下午邮差路过时,听着邮箱盖的声音,扯开嗓子尖叫。A. move移动,举动;B. result结果;C. role角色;D. guess猜测。根据后文“listen for the sound of her mailbox lid when the postman stopped by in the afternoon and scream at the top of her lungs.”可知,她对自己的情况想出了一个举动:在下午邮差路过时,听着邮箱盖的声音,扯开嗓子尖叫。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的几个小时里,斯塔尔练习着大喊:“救命!救命!救命!”A. imagined想象;B. regretted后悔;C. practiced练习;D. stopped停止。根据上文“scream at the top of her lungs”可知,斯塔尔准备在邮递员路过的时候大声呼救,所以会先提前练习呼救。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:斯威夫特说:“她的声音很虚弱。”A. familiar熟悉的;B. distinct不同的;C. faint虚弱的;D. gentle温和的。根据下文“You had to be right on the spot to hear Mrs. Starr cried for”可知,人必须要在现场才能听到斯塔尔夫人的呼救,所以她的声音应该很轻柔。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:除非你是米洛,否则你必须在现场才能听到斯塔尔夫人的呼救,因为我一打开前门,米洛显然就听到了斯塔尔的呼救。A. freedom自由;B. help帮忙,救命;C. peace平静;D. power力量。根据上文“Help! Help! Help!”可知,斯塔尔夫人在呼救。故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:除非你是米洛,否则你必须在现场才能听到斯塔尔夫人的呼救,因为我一打开前门,米洛显然就听到了斯塔尔的呼救。A. eventually最终;B. slightly稍微;C. randomly随机;D. apparently显然。根据空后“the instant I had opened my front door”并结合上文搜救犬米洛突然跑出家门可推知,米洛那么迅速地跑到斯塔尔夫人的家门口是因为他显然听到了她的呼救。故选D。
Disneyland is an amusement park in California which features characters, rides, and shows____56____(base) on the creations of Walt Disney and the Disney Company. Although its central building, the Sleeping Beauty Castle, is modeled on Germany’s Neuschwanstein Castle, it is____57____unmistakable symbol of American popular culture. Disneyland is the only Disney theme park to have been designed and built in the charge of Walt Disney.
By as early as the 1940s, Disney____58____(begin) planning themed experiences to go with his Burbank film studio: a backlot (外景场地) tour____59____would include a train ride through a “village” set and an amusement park that would appeal____60____his employees and their children. Financing the construction proved difficult,____61____Disney was able to secure the funding. Construction began on July 21, 1954 and was completed on July 17, 1955.
Disney’s disposition (布置) toward fantasy is____62____(evidence) in the park’s design and construction. The themed areas that____63____(original) opened in Disneyland include various stories from Disney animated features, and Frontierland,____64____(feature) the Mark Twain Riverboat.
Disneyland has become an_____65_____(attract) for tourists from around the world, with 58 million people visiting the park annually.
【答案】56. based
57. an 58. had begun
59. that##which
60. to 61. but##yet
62. evident
63. originally
64. featuring
65. attraction
考查时态。句意:早在20世纪40年代,迪斯尼就开始为他的伯班克电影制片厂规划主题体验:一次外景之旅,其中包括乘坐火车穿过一个“村庄”布景和一个游乐园,吸引他的员工和他们的孩子。根据上文By as early as the 1940s可知表示过去的过去,应用过去完成时。故填had begun。
考查介词。句意:早在20世纪40年代,迪斯尼就开始为他的伯班克电影制片厂规划主题体验:一次外景之旅,其中包括乘坐火车穿过一个“村庄”布景和一个游乐园,吸引他的员工和他们的孩子。短语appeal to表示“吸引”。故填to。
66. 假定你是李华,上星期你班召开了主题为“垃圾分类”的班会。你的英国笔友Mike发来电子邮件想了解班会的相关情况,请给他回一封邮件,内容包括:
1. 班会的主题;
2. 班会的简要过程;
3. 班会的意义。
参考词汇:垃圾分类—waste sorting;班会—class meeting
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
Dear Mike,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Mike
How’s everything going I am writing to share some information about our class meeting with you.
To help the students develop the good habit of garbage classification, we held the class meeting whose topic was “waste sorting”. First, we watched a video about how to sort waste. Then, we were given questions to check whether we could classify waste correctly in daily life. The activity turned out to be meaningful, through which we not only acquired a good knowledge of waste sorting but also raised our awareness of protecting the environment.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
原句:First, we watched a video about how to sort waste.
拓展句:First, we watched a video, which showed us how to sort waste.
【点睛】[高分句型1] To help the students develop the good habit of garbage classification, we held the class meeting whose topic was “waste sorting”. (运用了不定式作目的状语)
[高分句型2] The activity turned out to be meaningful, through which we not only acquired a good knowledge of waste sorting but also raised our awareness of protecting the environment. (运用了介词+关系代词结构非限制性定语从句)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
I knew the fearful day would come sooner or later. However, it came too fast. I was waiting in the dental clinic, nervous about what was to come.
Seeing my nervousness, my parents told me to sit up, and to take deep breaths to keep calm, which worked. However, the peace was short-lived. Almost immediately, my name was called, signaling my turn had come. I pretended to be deaf but my mother gestured at me to stand up. I forced myself to step forward and tripped over a toy left lying around by some kid. My clumsiness (笨拙) got me the attention of everyone in the room.
I had refused my parents’ offer to accompany me. I meant to show them that I was brave enough to face the difficulty on my own. Thankfully, I forgot my anxiety as I looked around the dentist’s room. Tools of different sizes were arranged neatly in a tray (托盘) on the tiny table which was connected to a chair with buttons and a light hanging right over it. I didn’t look at my dentist in the eye as I took my place on the chair nervously. I almost jumped out of the seat when all of a sudden the chair moved and I was lying down facing the bright yellow light.
The dentist spoke in a relaxing voice behind her mask. Everything was going smoothly and I was quite proud of myself. Then something went wrong. I was picking up the cup of water placed next to the chair for patients to rinse (冲洗) their mouths when I caught sight of the dental drill. Panic related to a bad childhood experience involving the drill kicked into me, and I spat out the rinsing water, right into the surprised dentist’s face.
1.续写词数应为 150左右;
I froze with awkwardness and my mind went blank.
Seeing the room was in a mess, I felt nervous and helped the dentist stand up from the ground.
【答案】I froze with awkwardness and my mind went blank. A moment later, I got to my feet and tried to wipe away the water on the dentist’s face with a tissue, only to knock down the tray of tools. The tools went flying everywhere. I pulled off the tissue napkin around my neck and bent over to pick them up. Somehow, my head knocked into the overhead light and unexpectedly, it knocked the dentist off her chair. Embarrassingly, the room was in a mess because of me.
Seeing the room was in a mess, I felt nervous and helped the dentist stand up from the ground. I lowered my head in shame and apologized to her for the reason why I had made so much trouble. On hearing what I said, the dentist breathed a sigh of relief. She calmed me down and comforted me gently, saying nothing is better than we are OK. Afterwards, we cleaned and tidied up the room. When going back home, I told my parents this was the most embarrassing experience I ever had, but I also appreciated what the dentist had treated me in the process.
①.撞到:knock down/push down
②.道歉:apologize/say sorry
①.尴尬地:embarrassingly/in embarrassment
②.感谢:appreciate/be grateful to
[高分句型1]. She calmed me down and comforted me gently, saying nothing is better than we are OK. (运用了非谓语动词现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2]. When going back home, I told my parents this was the most embarrassing experience I ever had, but I also appreciated what the dentist had treated me in the process. (运用了状语从句中的省略)浙北 G2 期中联考
2023 学年第一学期高二英语试题
1. 全卷分试卷和答卷。试卷6页,答卷2页,共8页。
2. 本卷的答案必须答在答卷的相应位置上,答在试卷上无效。
3. 请用钢笔或水笔将班级、姓名、试场号、座位号分别填写在答卷的相应位置上。
4. 本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the man talking about
A. His long-lost friend. B. His trip to South Africa. C. His experience at a zoo.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where is the woman heading to
A. The library. B. Her history class. C. Her home.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What favor does the man ask the woman to do
A To give him a haircut. B. To help him choose a hairstyle. C. To direct him to a barber shop.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
How much should the woman pay for the sweater
A. $47. B. $50. C. $53.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers going to do
A. Draw. B. Play a spelling game. C. Play a sports game.
6. Where are the two speakers
A. In a shoe store. B. In a car. C. On the street.
7. What does the woman advise the man to do
A. Cross the street at the corner. B. Cross the street in the middle. C. Be careful when driving.
8. What are they going to do this Saturday
A. Plan the menu. B. Call their friends. C. Throw a dinner party.
9. What slipped the woman’s mind
A. Sending an invitation to Linda. B. Linda being mad at her. C. The recipe for the salad.
10. What does Mike think of his roommate
A. Annoying. B. Generous. C. Thoughtful.
11. What does Mike’s roommate sometimes do
A. Cook meals for Mike. B. Share the grocery bills. C. Invite Mike to dine out.
12. What does the woman suggest Mike do
A Borrow money from his roommate. B. Talk honestly with his roommate. C. Ask his roommate to move out.
13. Why is Mr Tips calling
A. His electricity bill is too high. B. He forgot his account number. C. He wants to update his address.
14. What will the electricity company do for Mr Tips
A. Send a technician to his home. B. Update his account information. C. Further check his account.
15. When can Mr Tips get an answer
A. By the end of the day. B. By the end of the week. C. By the end of this month.
16. What is the inquiry number
A. 3417. B. 2371. C. 3471.
17. What is NOT suggested in most interview tips
A. Learn something about the interviewer.
B. Shake hands with the interviewer.
C. Make eye contact with the interviewer.
18. What quality is expected of someone who is “a good fit for a university”
A. Athletic and positive. B. Socially well-adjusted. C. Smart and hardworking.
19. What do the interviewers prefer to hear from applicants
A. The ranking of the university. B. The reasons they choose the university. C. The popularity of the university.
20. What is the last tip
A. Hand in your homework in time. B. Show your achievements at the interview. C. Match the school to your interests.
2023 Holiday Shopping Guide
Many Americans say they are reading more, according to a survey from market research firm Statista. Amazon’s independent booksellers are working hard to keep up, offering sidewalk pickup and sometimes even free shipping, and they’re known for offering booklovers personalized, thoughtful recommendations. Find a store near you at indiebound.org.
Bikes were one of the hottest items of the past year, thanks in part to closed gyms around the country. In fact, for months, specialty shops were sold out of all but the priciest specialty rides, so if a two-wheeler tops your wish list, start shopping soon, before supplies come short again. If you’re not particularly handy, look to buy from a locally owned shop.
Workout Items
Also in short supply this year: hand weights, kettlebells, and other popular workout items. They may still be hard to find or crazy expensive, so consider other health helpers such as exercise bands, jump ropes or shopping at less-obvious suppliers, such as T. J. Maxx, supermarkets, or even Home Depot.
Master Classes
It’s always a good time to learn something new. You can get a virtual seat in a class with a top professional in a variety of fields, such as ballet with famous dancer Misty Copeland or fiction writing with children’s novelist R. L. Stine. Find them and other pros at , which charges $180 per series.
21 What possibly made bikes the hot sale of last year
A. Closed shops. B. Gym’s shutdown. C. Limited supplies. D. Shopping inconvenience.
22. What is special about Master Classes
A. Classes taken online. B. $180 for all classes .
C. A requirement of art background. D. Learning from the best scientists.
23. What is the purpose of the text
A. To advertise fitness equipment. B. To encourage holiday production.
C. To make shopping recommendations. D. To warn against the trap of shopping.
Dad’s comb was jade green. I heard he bought it when he married Mum, which made the comb two years older than I was. Every night, he would smile, hand me the comb and say, “Be a good girl and help Daddy clean it, OK ”
I was more than happy to do it. At age five this mundane task brought me such joy. I would excitedly turn the tap on, then brush the comb with a used toothbrush as hard as I could. Satisfied that I’d done a good job, I would proudly return the comb to Dad. He would smile at me and place the comb on top of his wallet.
About two years later, Dad left his sales job and started his own wholesale business. I started primary school. That was when things started to change. He didn’t come home as much as he used to – just a couple of times a week. And when he did come home, it was always late and I’d already be in bed. I started to get mad. I stopped waiting for him to come home, and stopped going downstairs to check on him.
Today, I’m no longer a kid. I’ve graduated from college and got a job. Dad’s business has got back on track. Things are better now. Yet the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me persisted.
Two days before my birthday last year, Dad came home early. As usual, I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said, “Hey, would you like to help me clean my comb ” I looked at him a while, then took the comb and headed to the sink.
I passed the clean comb back to Dad. He looked at it and smiled. But this time, I noticed something different. My dad has aged. He has wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiles, yet his smile is still as heartwarming as before. The smile of a father who just wants a good life for his family. Dad carefully placed his comb on top of his wallet.
After so many years, he still organizes his personal items in the same meticulous way. I guess some things never change. And for that, I’m glad.
24. What caused the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me
A. Generation gap. B. Dad’s failure in business.
C. My ignorance of Dad. D. Dad’s absence from the family.
25. Which of the following can best describe Dad
A. Gentle but strict. B. Hardworking and caring.
C. Cautious and realistic. D. Demanding but patient.
26. Why did Dad ask his daughter to clean his comb before her birthday
A. To give her a lesson. B. To follow his old habit.
C. To fix their relationship. D. To praise her helpfulness.
27. Which saying concludes the text best
A. Yesterday once more. B. Let bygones be bygones.
C. Some things never change. D. Like father, like daughter.
From the age of five, Alison Mbekeani, now in Durham University for her PhD, dreamed of becoming a scientist. But becoming a mother to two children put a brake on her career. She does not expect to return to the lab until her children are 16. Dr. Mbekeani is not alone. One survey in 2019 found that child-care responsibilities led 29% of mothers with a child under 14 to reduce their working hours, compared with just 5% of fathers.
In an ideal world, the government would not have to worry about any of this. Based on their preferences, parents would make a judgment over whether to outsource (外包) child-care or keep it in-house. The question for policymakers is whether parental behavior reflects actual preferences or it is driven by constraints (限制).
Constraints are an issue. Three in five nonworking mothers say that they would prefer to work, given the right child-care. Families had to fork out an average of 260 a week in 2021 for 50 hours of nursery care for a child under two. A tenth of households with a child under five report difficulty meeting such costs. As well as price, availability is a problem. Just 68% of local authorities in England report having enough child-care provision to serve parents who work full time.
Besides child-care, the benefits that could flow from evening out the gender (性别) imbalance in child-care could also be pretty large. One recent study estimated the gains from shuffling men and women according to ability, pulling productive women into work and kicking unproductive men out. Astonishingly, it was calculated that Britain’s average output per worker could be as much as 30% higher.
Cheaper child-care and gender-balanced responsibility in it are ways out to help mums into work, but policies would need to be designed to target really constrained parents. However, experts also add that giving children the best start in life means shorter, structured days full of interaction.
28. Why is the story of Alison mentioned
A. To confirm an idea.
B. To develop the plot.
C. To draw a conclusion.
D. To introduce the topic.
29. What is the government’s key focus about child-care problem
A. The influence of parents’ final decision.
B. The difference of children’s preference.
C. The balance of responsibility to do housework.
D. The consistency of parental behavior and actual liking.
30. What does the underlined word “shuffling” mean in paragraph 4
A. Observing.
B. Describing.
C. Rearranging.
D. Protecting.
31. Which is a suggested solution to helping mums into work
A. Reducing childcare fees.
B. Strengthening children’s responsibility.
C. Shortening children’s structured days.
D Offering the best life start to children.
In the digital age, it has become easy for students to find and copy published material. Copying another person’s writing without giving them credit is called plagiarism. Universities in the U.S. have rules for avoiding plagiarism. But learning to correctly follow these rules can be difficult for some international students.
Copyright law protects original works of authorship including books, movies, images and artworks. However, the law permits the unlicensed use for activities including comment, education and research. Therefore, students can include a small part of copyrighted works in their writing and research if they provide credit, or citation (引文), to the creators of the works. Many universities even urge students to give credit to what they get from conversations with professors or other students. Harvard even warns students about copying themselves. That is, they cannot hand in the same work for more than one class without the permission of their instructors.
It is easy for professors to know whether a student has plagiarized. First, there are computer programs that compare students’ papers to large databases of published writing. The programs can identify whether students have copied published writing. Second, if English is not a student’s first language, a professor might recognize a change in vocabulary and writing style. The punishment for plagiarism can vary. Professors could simply warn a student not to do it again, lower their grade, or they may fail the student in that class. In more extreme cases, a student may be temporarily banned from school.
There are free tools students can use. Zotero is a free, open-source program that helps organize all the research a student may use. For example, it can automatically create citations and combine them into a list. The Purdue OWL is another free resource. Many universities also have writing centers where students can learn the citation rules. And another way is to read published papers and pay attention to how information is presented. Students should observe when and how citations are used, which can help them learn the rules of citations.
32. What must students do when using a small part of copyrighted works
A. Have a conversation with professors. B. Ask for permission from the authors.
C. Offer credit to the original creators. D. Explain the purpose of using them.
33. How can professors know if their students are plagiarizing
A. By making a specific comparison. B. By recording the students’ learning experience.
C. By learning the students’ first language. D. By researching into the database of writing.
34. What does the author want to stress in the last paragraph
A. The tips on when citations are used. B. The ways of making a citation safe.
C. The rules of using free resource. D. The free resources on the website.
35. What is the best title of this text
A. Learning Plagiarism in the Digital Age B. Commenting on copyrighted works
C. Realizing the Influence of Plagiarism D. Following Rules to Avoid Plagiarism
When the British poet Alfred Lord Tennyson described nature as “red in tooth and claw”, he was telling us that the natural world can be cruel as well as beautiful.____36____.
Most people living in urban areas rarely encounter wild animals in their natural surroundings. ____37____ And they are willing to get close to them. But for wild animals, it is “eat or be eaten,” and they can’t distinguish between humans and other animals.
____38____ In Canadian woods lives a dog-like animal, coyote, which is a little bigger than a fox, but smaller than a wolf. They usually avoid humans, but the occasional attacks can be deadly. Every year, one or two people end up getting killed by coyotes.
Earlier this year, a herd of elepants in Yunnan left their home in the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve and went on a meandering journey through the province. They destroyed crops and buildings along the way. Villages in their path had to be evacuated because of the potential dangers they posed to villagers. Animal experts haven’t determined why the elephants went on their journey. ____39____ The wild animals we love are in a constant struggle for survival. Our expanding into the natural habitats of wild animals can be dangerous for the animals and then us humans as well.
Maybe we should try to stay away from them. ____40____ Their lives—red in tooth and claw—are difficult enough without us causing them any more problems than they already have.
A. A walk in the woods can be dangerous.
B. It is a way to protect the wild animals, and it’s also our responsibility.
C. In Canada, people have a more realistic attitude towards wild animals.
D. In simple terms, we should try to keep proper distance from wild animals.
E. Hence they misunderstand that wild animals are just as friendly as Disney characters.
F. Thanks to active environmental conservation, the number of the elephants grew larger.
G. A reasonable possibility is that they probably needed more room and more food to survive.
Milo is a rescue dog, adopted by 20-year old Makayla Swift. One morning in November 2021, Swift opened her front door and Milo____41____running. “I couldn’t catch him,” she said.
Milo ran to the house across the street. Seemingly____42____with this house, he ran to the one next door and Swift____43____him immediately.
When it started scratching on the front door, Swift was____44____, because not everyone wants a strange dog on their____45____.But as she tried to____46____Milo away, she could hear a sound coming through an open upstairs window. It was a voice yelling “Help!”
Hours earlier, Sherry Starr, 85, had____47____around 4 a.m., for she had heard the front door bell ring. She walked to an upstairs bathroom, opened the window and looked outside. But there was no one there. Starr turned to exit. “All of a sudden, standing between the toilet and the tub, I____48____,” she said. “I went down hard on the floor.” “I couldn’t move at all,” said Starr, who was____49____between the toilet and the bathtub. Starr was feeling____50____all over, and she was also scared. “I’m thinking that I’m just going to die here,” she said.
Her best____51____, she decided, was to listen for the sound of her mailbox lid when the postman stopped by in the afternoon and scream at the top of her lungs. For the next few hours, Starr____52____yelling, “Help! Help! Help!”
“Her voice was very____53____,” said Swift. “You had to be right at the front door to hear Mrs. Starr cry for____54____unless you were Milo, who had____55____heard Starr the instant I had opened my front door.” Swift called 911 and soon medical staff came to her rescue.
A. took off B. showed off C. came around D. wandered around
A. concerned B. impressed C. unsatisfied D. delighted
A. followed B. tracked C. tended D. prohibited
A. depressed B. discouraged C. amused D. embarrassed
A. way B. property C. own D. business
A. send B. turn C. drag D. throw
A. calmed down B. lain down C. given up D. got up
A. dived B. wept C. skipped D. slipped
A. deserted B. stuck C. hidden D. placed
A. pain B. ease C. strength D. anger
A move B. result C. role D. guess
A. imagined B. regretted C. practiced D. stopped
A. familiar B. distinct C. faint D. gentle
A. freedom B. help C. peace D. power
A. eventually B. slightly C. randomly D. apparently
Disneyland is an amusement park in California which features characters, rides, and shows____56____(base) on the creations of Walt Disney and the Disney Company. Although its central building, the Sleeping Beauty Castle, is modeled on Germany’s Neuschwanstein Castle, it is____57____unmistakable symbol of American popular culture. Disneyland is the only Disney theme park to have been designed and built in the charge of Walt Disney.
By as early as the 1940s, Disney____58____(begin) planning themed experiences to go with his Burbank film studio: a backlot (外景场地) tour____59____would include a train ride through a “village” set and an amusement park that would appeal____60____his employees and their children. Financing the construction proved difficult,____61____Disney was able to secure the funding. Construction began on July 21, 1954 and was completed on July 17, 1955.
Disney’s disposition (布置) toward fantasy is____62____(evidence) in the park’s design and construction. The themed areas that____63____(original) opened in Disneyland include various stories from Disney animated features, and Frontierland,____64____(feature) the Mark Twain Riverboat.
Disneyland has become an_____65_____(attract) for tourists from around the world, with 58 million people visiting the park annually.
66. 假定你是李华,上星期你班召开了主题为“垃圾分类”的班会。你的英国笔友Mike发来电子邮件想了解班会的相关情况,请给他回一封邮件,内容包括:
1. 班会的主题;
2. 班会的简要过程;
3. 班会的意义。
参考词汇:垃圾分类—waste sorting;班会—class meeting
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
Dear Mike,
Li Hua
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
I knew the fearful day would come sooner or later. However, it came too fast. I was waiting in the dental clinic, nervous about what was to come.
Seeing my nervousness, my parents told me to sit up, and to take deep breaths to keep calm, which worked. However, the peace was short-lived. Almost immediately, my name was called, signaling my turn had come. I pretended to be deaf but my mother gestured at me to stand up. I forced myself to step forward and tripped over a toy left lying around by some kid. My clumsiness (笨拙) got me the attention of everyone in the room.
I had refused my parents’ offer to accompany me. I meant to show them that I was brave enough to face the difficulty on my own. Thankfully, I forgot my anxiety as I looked around the dentist’s room. Tools of different sizes were arranged neatly in a tray (托盘) on the tiny table which was connected to a chair with buttons and a light hanging right over it. I didn’t look at my dentist in the eye as I took my place on the chair nervously. I almost jumped out of the seat when all of a sudden the chair moved and I was lying down facing the bright yellow light.
The dentist spoke in a relaxing voice behind her mask. Everything was going smoothly and I was quite proud of myself. Then something went wrong. I was picking up the cup of water placed next to the chair for patients to rinse (冲洗) their mouths when I caught sight of the dental drill. Panic related to a bad childhood experience involving the drill kicked into me, and I spat out the rinsing water, right into the surprised dentist’s face.
1.续写词数应为 150左右;
I froze with awkwardness and my mind went blank.
Seeing the room was in a mess, I felt nervous and helped the dentist stand up from the ground.