教材 人教版Go For It!九年级全一册 课型 Reading
单元 Unit 11 Section B The Winning Team 学段/班级 班
内容研读 What:本节课授课内容为第十一单元B部分的阅读The Winning Team。该语篇内容属于人与自我主题。语篇主要讲述主人公Peter在一次足球比赛中由于失误错失了射门的机会,导致主人公伤心、懊悔、担心被教练开除。Peter回家后爸爸与之进行了一场谈话。这次谈话成为Peter情感变化的转折点。Peter经过认真思考后,听取了爸爸的建议,找到了解决问题的方法---主动向队友道歉,承认自己的不足,并与队友商讨下一步的做法,得到队友的鼓励后重新树立信心。 Why:作者通过描写Peter遇到问题-解决问题过程中的心理变化,向读者展示了Peter解决“伤心”的全过程,同时通过爸爸与P的谈话、Peter与队友的谈话,向读者展示了爸爸与队友对Peter的关爱与包容,使读者感受到了生活中的温暖,在遇到问题时不再孤独害怕。 How:作者通过故事发展的明线:遇到问题---解决方案---解决结果,以及暗线:Peter的心理变化展开事件描写。开头第一段通过大量的动作及心理描写凸显Peter输了比赛后的沉重心情;中间部分通过爸爸与Peter的对话写出了Peter的冷静;再通过与队友的谈话,描述Peter的心理变化,最后点题“The Winning Team”,引发读者思考,促使读者进一步体会作者的写作意图。
学情分析 907班学生正处于初三紧张复习的阶段,平时学习压力大。在一次又一次的考试后,一些学生考试失利导致遇到和文中主人公Peter一样的心境。本节课内容,对于这些学生来说,正是一场“及时雨”,能帮助他们找到疏导不良情绪的方法,或者分享自己应对不良情绪的妙招。在本单元前面课时中,学生已经学习了如何表达自己的情绪,以及如何来表达关心,安慰情绪低落的人。在阅读中,学生也具备一定的阅读方法和策略。但学生欠缺对于文章深层含义的挖掘能力及联系实际进行创新的能力。
教学目标 学生能通过阅读文本,理解文本内容,梳理故事发展脉络,推断、分析人物情绪的变化; 学生能通过阅读文本获取充足的文本信息,运用思维导图等将知识结构化; 学生能学会调控自身情绪,正确面对失败。
教学重难点 教学重点:掌握文本中涉及到的与所谈论话题相关的新词汇和表达;形成梳理、寻找并积累成语或习语的意识和习惯; 教学难点:根据语篇人物的情感发展梳理课文的逻辑框架,准确理解文章所蕴含的深层含义,尝试有逻辑地分享个人的经历与经验。
资源与教具 教材,课件,板书
Steps Teaching procedures Design ideas
Lead-in Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading Play a game . T: How’s the weather today T: Let’s do some sports to warm up. Look, a football. Who’s good at playing football T: Could you please kick the ball into the box T: Do you think he will score the goal or miss the goal T: What a pity! You lose the game. How do you feel now? Show a picture of a boy and ask students to predict if the boy can score the goal or not. Then lead in the picture in the book, ask students to get some information from the picture. T: Look! The boy is kicking a ball. Do you think he will score the goal or miss the goal T: His name is Peter. Look! Here is a photo. Who are other boys in the photo T: Yes, they are Peter’s teammates. What are they doing How do they feel The title of the story is “The Winning Team”. So do you think they are happy because they win a football game Now let’s read the story quickly and find it out. Ask students to number the paragraphs and divide it into three parts according to the changes of places. Then try to get the main idea of each part within 5 words. Read part 1 and find out the sentences showing Peter’s feelings. Then try to guess the meaning of the verb phrases and idioms according to the sentences. Read the second part and analyze the feelings of Peter and his father. Read the third part and answer some questions. T: What did Peter do the next day T: What did his teammates say T: How did Peter feel after hearing his teammates’ words Group work: Work in four and think about these two questions: Why did Peter say he was on a winning team What makes a winning team Summary: Retell the changes of Peter’s feelings according to the phrases on the blackboard. Ask students to think about how to deal with bad feelings. 以踢足球的小游戏引入话题,通过采访未踢进球的学生,复习滚动关于feeling的单词,同时激发学生的学习兴趣。 通过预测图片人物是否进球引入文本中心人物Peter。解读文本图片与标题的过程中引导学生预测故事大意,渗透读前预测的阅读策略,引导学生掌握正确的阅读方法。 通过快速阅读将文章划分为三个部分,并让学生尝试用五个以内的词归纳各个部分的大意,训练学生的归纳能力。 通过第一部分描述Peter心情的句子反推出Peter的心情,并根据句意猜测动词短语的意思,训练训生的猜词能力。 第二部分爸爸与Peter的对话,让学生分析对话中爸爸与Peter的情绪变化,感知Peter情绪变化的原因,并体会隐藏的父爱。 设置问题链,引导学生获取Peter处理事件及队友回应的细节信息,感知Peter情绪变化的原因和过程。 由文本中的最后一句话鼓励学生发散思维,思考标题的深层含义以及团队精神的具体表现,激发学生的深度思考,适时进行情感教育。 通过板书总结Peter的心路历程,由此引发学生思考:如何应对不良情绪。帮助学生再次梳理文章内容,提升学生逻辑思维和迁移创新思维。
Assignment Write a short paragraph and share your similar experience, including your feeling changes, other people’s advice and the result.
Blackboard design