

名称 山东省淄博市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-21 20:26:35


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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. When will the train to Yorkville leave
A. At 5:45. B. At 6:00. C. At 6:15.
2. What does the woman suggest the man do
A. Paint his car. B. Buy an old car. C. Change his job.
3. How does the woman probably feel now
A. Full. B. Tired. C. Busy.
4. What advantage does the woman’s new house have over the old one
A. It’s better decorated. B. It’s larger in size. C. It’s closer to her workplace.
5. What is the woman talking about
A. Traffic. B. Weather. C. Music.
6. Why did the woman buy so many things
A. They were cheap. B. They were fashionable. C. They were of good quality.
7. What does the man think of the woman’s behavior
A. Useful. B. Unnecessary. C. Acceptable.
8. How often will the buses leave from the hotel
A. Every ten minutes. B. Every fifteen minutes. C. Every thirty minutes.
9. What are the speakers doing
A. Waiting for a bus. B. Scheduling a meeting. C. Making a transport plan.
10. What worries the woman
A. When to go home. B. How to go home. C. Who to go home with.
11. What do the numbers on the boxes mean
A. Different areas. B. Different airlines. C. Different riders.
12. What color card will the woman put in the box
A. Red. B. Blue. C. White.
13. Where does the man want to start his tour
A. From Adelaide. B. From Cairns. C. From Melbourne.
14. How does the first tour go from Alice Springs to Darwin
A. By coach. B. By plane. C. By train.
15 What doesn’t half-board tour include
A. All the meals. B. All the hotels. C. All the transport.
16. How long is Australia’s Best Tour
A. 12 days. B. 19 days. C. 26 days.
17. What time does the shopping center close on Thursday
A. 6 pm. B. 8 pm. C. 10 pm.
18. What can visitors do on the ground floor
A. Watch movies. B. Eat in fast-food restaurants. C. Go shopping.
19. Where is the bookstore
A. Next to the cafe.
B. Beside the supermarket.
C. Opposite the department store.
20. What is the smallest place in the shopping center
A. The bank. B. The shoe shop. C. The mobile phone shop.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Killer Our 100-Word-Story Competition
Our much-loved 100-Word-Story Competition is back! Enter for the chance to win prizes of up to 1,000. It is your opportunity to show the world your storytelling talents!
Rules and prizes
Please make sure that compositions are original, not published before. Just write exactly 100 words (not including title) — not a single word shorter or longer! Don’t forget to include your full name, address, email and phone number when filling in the form. We may use entries (参赛作品) in all print and electronic media.
There are three age groups — one for adults and two for schools: one for children aged 12-18 and one for children under 12. The winner of each group will receive 1,000 and the one in the second place will receive 250.
Terms and conditions
Entries are now open and the cut-off date is February 1, 2024, either online or by post addressed to:
Reader’s Digest 100 Word Story Competition Warners Group Publications West Street Bourne PE10 9PH
The editorial team will pick a shortlist of entries, and the three best stories in each group will be posted online at readersdigest.co.uk on March 1. You can vote for your favorite, and the one with the most votes will win the top prize. Voting will close on March 31. The winner list will be posted online on April 16 and the winning entries will be published in our May 2024 issue.
Enter your story here — good luck!
1. Which of the following will result in disqualification
A. Never being published before. B. Mailing your entry on January 31.
C. Writing a story of 120 words. D. Creating a story originally.
2. Who determines the winning entries
A. Editors and voters. B. Children under 12. C. The media. D. The publisher.
3. When will the winning entries come out
A. In February. B. In March. C. In April. D. In May.
【答案】1. C 2. A 3. D
【导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章宣传了“Killer Our 100-Word-Story Competition”活动。该活动邀请读者参加100字故事创作比赛,有机会赢得高达1000英镑的奖金。
细节理解题。根据Rules and prizes部分中“Just write exactly 100 words (not including title) — not a single word shorter or longer! (只要写100个单词(不包括标题)——一个单词也不要多或少!)”可知,参赛作品只能是100词,写一篇120词的故事会导致取消资格。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据Terms and conditions部分中“The editorial team will pick a shortlist of entries, and the three best stories in each group will be posted online at readersdigest.co.uk on March 1. You can vote for your favorite, and the one with the most votes will win the top prize. (编辑团队将挑选一份入围名单,每组中最好的三篇故事将于3月1日发布在readersdigest.co.uk网站上。你可以为你最喜欢的投票,得票最多的人将赢得最高奖。)”可知,编辑团队先挑选一份入围名单,然后投票人从中选出最佳作品成为获奖作品,所以是编辑和投票人决定获奖作品。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据Terms and conditions部分中“The winner list will be posted online on April 16 and the winning entries will be published in our May 2024 issue. (获奖名单将于4月16日在网上公布,获奖作品将刊登在我们2024年5月的那期杂志上。)”可知,获奖作品将于5月出版。故选D项。
The Chinese pancake, or jianbingguozi, is one of the most common breakfast foods in northern China, usually filled with materials like vegetables, eggs and spicy paste. On the video-sharing platform Douyin, French chef Corentin Delcroix’s video of his own type of jianbing has been viewed about 250,000 times. But just how does his differ It is packed with cheese, ham, pickle (泡菜) and black truffle mayonnaise (黑松露蛋黄酱) — materials typically found in French pancakes, which Delcroix says aren’t all that different to Chinese pancakes.
Delcroix’s addiction to Chinese cuisine started in 2002 when he was studying in Beijing. “The first Chinese dish I learned to cook was scrambled eggs with tomatoes. But my favorites are cooked wheat-based foods such as jiaozi and xiaolongbao,’” says Delcroix. After learning how to prepare some of the popular local dishes, Delcroix decided to share his favorite Chinese and French dishes on social media. And many of his videos show him preparing dishes that marry elements of both cuisines.
But this effort is not just about self-improvement — Delcroix says he has also managed to learn more about Chinese cuisines through the comments that he receives from his viewers. “It is through the viewers that I get to learn how to create truly local dishes. The suggestions are faster and more direct than those from the market,” Delcroix says.
Delcroix is presently a chef, a successful businessman and a food blogger who has millions of followers on Chinese social media platforms. Despite having learned so much about Chinese cuisine over the years, Delcroix is still hungry for more knowledge.
Looking ahead, he wants to do more to spread Chinese cuisine to people overseas. “I always feel that there might be cultural barriers when Chinese chefs introduce their local cuisines to foreigners. It might be much easier for a foreigner to explain,” he adds, “I want to be that bridge.”
4. Which is the feature of Delcroix’s video
A. It introduces Chinese cuisine. B. It mainly shows wheat-based foods.
C. It combines two countries’ cuisines. D. It shares how to make special jianbing.
5. What does the underlined word “those” in paragraph 3 refer to
A The Chinese cuisines. B. The suggestions. C. The local dishes. D. The viewers.
6. Why does Delcroix want to be a bridge
A. To open a Chinese restaurant in France.
B. To get more knowledge of Chinese cuisine.
C. To introduce more delicious food to his fans.
D. To improve foreigners’ understanding of Chinese cuisine.
7. Which of the following best describes Delcroix
A. Creative and determined. B. Professional but negative.
C. Humorous and talented. D. Curious but impatient.
【答案】4. C 5. B 6. D 7. A
细节理解题。根据第一段中“The Chinese pancake, or jianbingguozi , is one of the most common breakfast foods in northern China, usually filled with materials like vegetables, eggs and spicy paste. On the video-sharing platform Douyin , French chef Corentin Delcroix’s video of his own type of jianbing has been viewed about 250,000 times. But just how does his differ It is packed with cheese, ham, pickle (泡菜) and black truffle mayonnaise (黑松露蛋黄酱) — materials typically found in French pancakes (中国煎饼是中国北方最常见的早餐食品之一,通常馅料包括蔬菜、鸡蛋和辣酱。在视频分享平台抖音上,法国厨师Corentin Delcroix制作的煎饼视频已经被观看了25万次。但他的区别在哪里呢 它的馅料有奶酪、火腿、泡菜和黑松露蛋黄酱——这些都是法式煎饼中常见的材料)”和第二段中“Delcroix decided to share his favorite Chinese and French dishes on social media. And many of his videos show him preparing dishes that marry elements of both cuisines. (德尔克鲁瓦决定在社交媒体上分享他最喜欢的中国和法国菜。他的许多视频都展示了他将两种美食的元素结合在一起的菜肴。)”可知,德尔克鲁瓦视频的特点是它结合了中国和法国两个国家的菜系。故选C项。
词句猜测题。根据划线词所在句“It is through the viewers that I get to learn how to create truly local dishes. The suggestions are faster and more direct than those from the market (通过观众,我学会了如何制作真正的当地菜肴。这些建议比来自市场的那些更快、更直接)”和指代关系可推知,指示代词those指代的就是上文中的“建议”,表示“来自市场的建议”。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据最后一段中““I always feel that there might be cultural barriers when Chinese chefs introduce their local cuisines to foreigners. It might be much easier for a foreigner to explain,” he adds, “I want to be that bridge.” (“我总觉得,当中国厨师向外国人介绍当地美食时,可能会有文化障碍。外国人可能更容易解释,”他补充说,“我想成为那座桥梁。”)”可知,德尔克鲁瓦想成为桥梁是因为他想要提升外国人对中国美食的了解。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第二段中“Delcroix decided to share his favorite Chinese and French dishes on social media. And many of his videos show him preparing dishes that marry elements of both cuisines. (德尔克鲁瓦决定在社交媒体上分享他最喜欢的中国和法国菜。他的许多视频都展示了他将两种美食的元素结合在一起的菜肴。)”可知,德尔克鲁瓦创新地将中法两国美食元素结合,并做成菜肴在社交媒体上分享,说明他是一个富创造力的人(creative);根据第四段中“Despite having learned so much about Chinese cuisine over the years, Delcroix is still hungry for more knowledge. (尽管多年来对中国菜学了很多,但德尔克鲁瓦仍然渴望更多的知识。)”和第五段中“Looking ahead, he wants to do more to spread Chinese cuisine to people overseas. (展望未来,他想做更多的工作,将中国美食传播给海外人民。)”可推知,在学习中国菜和传播中国美食上,德尔克鲁瓦锲而不舍,意志坚定(determined)。故选A项。
It’s clear that following a plant-based diet is connected with a lower risk of heart disease. There are many types of plant-based diets, and they are all related to certain foods connected with heart benefits, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and healthy oils. The diets have been most studied for their impact on heart health. These diets are rich in vitamins and minerals that help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of diabetes (糖尿病) and keep a healthy weight, all of which can lower your risk of heart disease.
Yet, the types of plant foods and their sources are also important. For example, white rice and white bread are plant-based foods, so you would think they’re good to eat. But they are highly processed, and so are depleted of many heart-healthy nutrients (营养) and have enough sugar, which means they can make blood sugar levels rise sharply and increase hunger, leading to overeating. Drinking 100% fruit juice is not the same as eating the whole fruit, since juices can be high in sugar.
Do you really have to cut out all meat for your heart’s health Which animal foods could have an impact on heart health Some research has shown that the type and amount matter most. A 2014 study showed that men aged 45 to 79 who ate 75 grams or more per day of processed red meat, like cold cuts, sausage, bacon and hot dogs, had a 28% higher risk of heart failure than those who ate less than 25 grams. However, a study in the January 2017 found that eating 85 grams of unprocessed red meat, three times per week, did not worsen blood pressure.
What is the right plant-based diet for you “For many men, this may be a matter of bettering their current foods,” says Dr. Satija, a researcher from American College of Cardiology.
8. From the first two paragraphs, we know that plant-based diets ________.
A. benefit heart health B. increase hunger C. lead to overweight D. contain enough sugar
9. What do the underlined words “depleted of’’ in paragraph 2 mean
A. Added to. B. Short of. C. Filled with. D. Rooted in.
10. Why does the author list numbers in paragraph 3
A. To prove the result believable. B. To attract readers’ attention.
C. To show the process clearly. D. To make the study popular.
11. What might the author continue talking about
A. Risks of animal foods. B. Disadvantages of plant-based diets.
C. Changes of eating habits. D. Effects of heart-healthy diets.
【答案】8. A 9. B 10. A 11. C
细节理解题。根据第一段中“It’s clear that following a plant-based diet is connected with a lower risk of heart disease. There are many types of plant-based diets, and they are all related to certain foods connected with heart benefits, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and healthy oils. (很明显,遵循植物性饮食与较低心脏病风险有关。植物性饮食有很多种,它们都与某些对心脏有益的食物有关,比如全谷物、水果、蔬菜、坚果和健康的油)”可知,植物性饮食可以降低心脏病风险,对心脏健康有益。故选A项。
词句猜测题。根据画线短语的上文“For example, white rice and white bread are plant-based foods, so you would think they’re good to eat. But they are highly processed (例如,白米饭和白面包是植物性食物,所以你会认为吃它们会很好。但它们是经过高度加工的)”和下文“have enough sugar, which means they can make blood sugar levels rise sharply and increase hunger, leading to overeating (含有足够的糖,这意味着它们会使血糖水平急剧上升,增加饥饿感,导致暴饮暴食)”可知,此处用白米饭和白面包举例,说明这类看似吃起来会很好的食物实际上因经过高度加工而不利于健康。由此推知,这类食物已经“失去”了许多对心脏有益的营养,depleted of意思应该是“失去,没有”,与short of“缺乏”意思相近。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“Some research has shown that the type and amount matter most. A 2014 study showed that men aged 45 to 79 who ate 75 grams or more per day of processed red meat, like cold cuts, sausage, bacon and hot dogs, had a 28% higher risk of heart failure than those who ate less than 25 grams. However, a study in the January 2017 found that eating 85 grams of unprocessed red meat, three times per week, did not worsen blood pressure. (一些研究表明,食物的种类和数量最重要。2014年的一项研究表明,年龄在45岁至79岁之间的男性每天吃75克或更多的加工红肉,如冷盘、香肠、培根和热狗,患心力衰竭的风险比吃不到25克的人高28%。然而,2017年1月的一项研究发现,每周吃三次85克未加工的红肉并不会使血压恶化)”可知,此处是用2014年和2017年的研究结果来证实“对于动物性食物是否会对心脏健康产生影响,取决于食物的种类和数量”的观点。因此,作者提及具体的数字可以证明结果是可信的,从而加强观点的客观性。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“What is the right plant-based diet for you “For many men, this may be a matter of bettering their current foods,” says Dr. Satija, a researcher from American College of Cardiology. (什么是适合你的植物性饮食?美国心脏病学会的研究员Satija博士说:“对许多人来说,这可能是改善他们目前的食物。”)”可知,本段建议通过改善目前的食物来找到适合自己的植物性饮食。由此推知,接下来作者可能会介绍饮食习惯的改变。故选C项。
The dry land in Gir National Park and Wildlife Preserve, located near India western tip, is the proud — and only — home of the Asiatic lion. By the early 1900s, however, their populations had decreased for homo loss and hunting, leaving fewer than 50 known individuals alive. Though their numbers have risen over the past several decades — climbing to around 670 in 2020, a successful story — the lions are still considered endangered.
One of the biggest challenges to keep the lions’ future is to track them, a hard work. Some animals, like tigers and zebras, have special coat patterns (图案) that provide useful marks to the researchers. But for the Asiatic lions, researchers must look elsewhere.
In 2019, Banerjee, who worked for Indias National Tiger Conservation Authority, developed an AI system to recognize the lions with high accuracy (精准). The AI program, SIMBA, has been applied in practice. “It will be a fantastic tool for long-term lion monitoring,” says Banerjee. He adds, “It could help forest officials arrive at a more accurate estimate (评估) of Gir’s lion population. In a few years, the group will have a rich collection of information — how many lions are male, female, how many will bear babies and how many are dead.”
Despite the advantages, Baneijee also adds his worries. He suggests certain rules be made to prevent main information from being stolen. “Where tools like SIMBA really shine”, he says, “is in helping researchers develop monitoring plans that are keys to the protection of at-risk animals,” he says, “otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.”
12. What is the greatest difficulty in protecting Asiatic lions
A. Stopping them from being killed. B. Keeping track of them.
C. Protecting their living environment. D. Increasing their population.
13. How does SIMBA help researchers
A. By locating lions’ homes. B. By tracking other animals.
C. By monitoring the animal stealers. D. By providing accurate information.
14. What’s Baneijee’s opinion about the AI program
A. It needs to be widely used. B. It has saved the at-risk animals.
C. Its possible risks should be aware of. D. Its disadvantages should be ignored.
15. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A. The Application of AI on Protecting Animals. B. The AI Program for the Endangered Asiatic Lions.
C. The Measures of Protecting Asiatic Lions. D. The Biggest Challenge of the AI system.
【答案】12. B 13. D 14. C 15. B
细节理解题。根据第二段“One of the biggest challenges to keep the lions’ future is to track them, a hard work.”(要想保住狮子的未来,最大的挑战之一就是追踪它们,这是一项艰巨的工作。)可知,保护亚洲狮最大的困难是跟踪他们。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第三段“He adds, “It could help forest officials arrive at a more accurate estimate (评估) of Gir’s lion population. In a few years, the group will have a rich collection of information — how many lions are male, female, how many will bear babies and how many are dead.””(他补充说:“这可以帮助森林官员更准确地估计吉尔的狮子数量。几年后,该组织将收集到丰富的信息——有多少狮子是雄性的,有多少是雌性的,有多少会生育,有多少会死亡。”)可知,SIMBA通过提供准确的信息帮助研究人员。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第四段“Despite the advantages, Baneijee also adds his worries. He suggests certain rules be made to prevent main information from being stolen.”(尽管有这些优势,Baneijee也增加了他的担忧。他建议制定一些规则来防止主要信息被盗。)可知,Baneijee对人工智能项目的看法是应该意识到它可能存在的风险。故选C项。
主旨大意题。根据第三段“In 2019, Banerjee, who worked for Indias National Tiger Conservation Authority, developed an AI system to recognize the lions with high accuracy (精准). The AI program, SIMBA, has been applied in practice.”(2019年,在印度国家老虎保护局工作的班纳吉开发了一种人工智能系统,可以高精度地识别狮子。人工智能程序SIMBA已经在实践中得到了应用。)可知,本文是介绍了濒危亚洲狮人工智能项目。故选B项。
Higher levels of optimism (乐观主义) are related lo a longer lifetime. People with the highest levels of optimism have 11 % to 15% longer lifetime than those who practice little positive thinking. The optimists may live to age 85 or beyond.
Optimism doesn’t mean ignoring life’s stress. But when negative things happen, optimistic people are less likely to blame themselves. ___16___. They also believe they can control their destiny and create opportunities for good things to happen in the future.
___17___. Research has found optimists have a 35% less chance of a heart disease. There’s a direct connection between optimists and healthier diet and exercise behaviors, as well as a stronger immune (免疫) system and better lung function.
Optimism can be improved by training. Studies have found only about 25% of our optimism is programmed by genes (基因). ___18___. It turns out you can train your brain to be more positive. One of the most effective ways to increase optimism is called the “Best Possible Self” method. In this period, you imagine yourself in future, and you have achieved all your life aims and all of your problems have been solved. ___19___. Another way is to keep a journal only to capture positive experiences you experienced that day.
It’s not easy to carry out optimism exercises. Like exercise, they will need to be practiced regularly to keep the brain positive. ___20___. But isn’t a longer, happier, more positive life worth the effort
A. It may also lengthen your life.
B. The rest is up to your attitude to life.
C. Being optimistic also improves your health.
D. The optimism exercises may be a hard process.
E. The focus on the positive can reshape your brain.
F. Practicing this daily can significantly improve your positive feelings.
G. They are more likely to see the barrier as a good chance to turn positive.
【答案】16. G 17. C 18. B 19. F 20. D
下文“They also believe they can control their destiny and create opportunities for good things to happen in the future.(他们还相信自己可以掌控自己的命运,为未来美好的事情发生创造机会)”中的also表明空处和下文是并列关系,也是在讲乐观的人如何做,G项“他们更有可能将这一障碍视为转正的好机会”符合,且the barrier呼应上文的“negative things happen”,故选G。
下文“Research has found optimists have a 35% less chance of a heart disease.(研究发现,乐观的人患心脏病的几率会降低35%)”指出乐观能改善你的健康。C项“乐观也能改善你的健康”符合,故选C。
上文“Studies have found only about 25% of our optimism is programmed by genes (基因).(研究发现,我们的乐观情绪中只有大约 25% 是由基因决定的)”指出乐观情绪只有大约25%是由基因决定的,空处承接上文,指出乐观情绪的其他决定因素,B项“剩下的就看你的生活态度了。”符合,故选B。
上文“One of the most effective ways to increase optimism is called the “Best Possible Self” method. In this period, you imagine yourself in future, and you have achieved all your life aims and all of your problems have been solved.(增加乐观情绪最有效方法之一被称为“最佳可能的自我”方法。在这个时期,你想象着未来的自己,你已经实现了所有的人生目标,所有的问题都已经解决了)”介绍了增加乐观情绪的最有效方法之一,即在这个时期,你想象着未来的自己,你已经实现了所有的人生目标,所有的问题都已经解决了,下文“Another way is to keep a journal only to capture positive experiences you experienced that day.(另一种方法是写日记,只记录当天经历的积极经历)”介绍了增加积极情绪的另一个方法,由此可知,空处承接上文,F项“每天练习可以显着改善你的积极情绪。”符合,this代指上文you imagine yourself in future, and you have achieved all your life aims and all of your problems have been solved,故选F。
上文“It’s not easy to carry out optimism exercises. Like exercise, they will need to be practiced regularly to keep the brain positive.(进行乐观练习并不容易。就像锻炼一样,它们需要定期练习才能保持大脑积极)”指出进行乐观练习并不容易,D项“乐观练习可能是一个艰难的过程。”符合,故选D。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Esbon Kamau had a normal Tuesday afternoon picking up passengers in Hoover.
On this particular day, he had the pleasure of driving Alex Tisdale, a 16-year-old who eagerly ___21___ the exciting news of receiving an $8,000 Christmas gift from his proud father to ___22___ a new motorcycle.
During the 15-minute ___23___ to John Hawkins Parkway, Tisdale left Kamau with a heart-warming impression. However, the ___24___ took place when Kamau noticed a blue bag at the back of his seat after ___25___ Tisdale to pick up another passenger.
Upon examining the bag, Kamau ___26___ a large amount of money. Rather than keeping it, he decided to hold onto the money until he could report the ___27___ to the company. Meanwhile, Tisdale, unaware of the missing money then and there, ___28___ went back, wondering where he could have ___29___ it.
Unable to find each other, they both used the company’s app to report the ____30____ article. Thanks to the company’s communication, they were ____31____ over the phone. Without hesitation, Kamau made the admirable ____32____ to drive back to Tisdale.
Tisdale, ____33____ by Kamau’s honesty, expressed his thanks by tipping him $10. This act of kindness left a lasting ____34____ on Tisdale, who advised others to be grateful for what they have. At the same time, Kamau shared a piece of advice for fellow taxi drivers, ____35____ the importance of doing the right thing at the right time.
A. shared B. collected C. ignored D. kept
A. ride B. buy C. borrow D. choose
A. goal B. adventure C. chance D. journey
A. unexpected B. forgotten C. respected D. unavoidable
A. putting down B. learning about C. dropping off D. sending out
A. emptied B. required C. discovered D. guessed
A. opinion B. information C. preparation D. knowledge
A. calmly B. angrily C. excitedly D. anxiously
A. watched B. returned C. left D. searched
A. missing B. wild C. strange D. disappearing
A. introduced B. compared C. recognized D. connected
A. result B. decision C. solution D. purpose
A. surprised B. saved C. satisfied D. moved
A. impression B. debate C. attention D. comment
A. exploring B. exchanging C. stressing D. reflecting
【答案】21. A 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. C
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述描述了司机Esbon Kamau在接载乘客Alex Tisdale后发现一袋钱,并诚实地归还给了Tisdale,Tisdale对Kamau的诚实表示感激,并慷慨地给予小费。故事强调了诚实和善良的重要性。。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这个特殊的日子里,他很荣幸地驾车送16岁的Alex Tisdale,Tisdale急切地分享了令人兴奋的消息,他从自豪的父亲那里收到了8000美元现金作为圣诞礼物,可以买一辆新摩托车。A. shared分享;B. collected收集;C. ignored忽略;D. kept保持。根据下文“the exciting news of receiving an $8,000 Christmas gift”可知,Tisdale跟分享分享了一个好消息。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这个特殊的日子里,他很荣幸地驾车送16岁的Alex Tisdale,Tisdale急切地分享了令人兴奋的消息,他从自豪的父亲那里收到了8000美元现金作为圣诞礼物,可以买一辆新摩托车。A. ride骑行;B. buy买;C. borrow借;D. choose选择。根据上文“an $8,000 Christmas gift”可知,8000美元是用来买摩托车的圣诞礼物。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在前往约翰霍金斯公园路的15分钟行程中,Tisdale给Kamau留下了温暖的印象。A. goal目标;B. adventure冒险;C. chance机会;D. journey行程。根据上文“15-minute”和下文“to John Hawkins Parkway”可知,到目的地Kamau开了15分钟。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,意想不到的事情发生了,Kamau在放下Tisdale去接另一名乘客后,注意到座位后面有一个蓝色的袋子。A. unexpected出乎意料的;B. forgotten忘记的;C. respected受尊敬的;D. unavoidable不可避免的。根据下文“Kamau noticed a blue bag at the back of his seat”可知,Tisdale把东西丢在了车上,这是出乎意料的事情。故选A项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:然而,意想不到的事情发生了,Kamau在放下Tisdale去接另一名乘客后,注意到座位后面有一个蓝色的袋子。A. putting down放下;B. learning about了解;C. dropping off放下,送到;D. sending out发出。根据下文“pick up another passenger”可知,Kamau已经把Tisdale送达目的地,并让其下车,准备去接另一名乘客。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在检查包时,Kamau发现了一大笔钱。A. emptied倒空;B. required要求;C. discovered发现;D. guessed猜测。根据上文“Upon examining the bag”可推知,检查包时发现了里面的钱。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他没有把这笔钱据为己有,而是决定保管这笔钱,直到他可以向公司报告这一信息。A. opinion意见;B. information信息;C. preparation准备;D. knowledge知识。根据上文“report(报告)”和下文“they both used the company’s app to report the 10 article.”可知,Kamau在等待时机向公司报告这一信息。故选B项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,之前没有意识到钱不见了的Tisdale正焦急地往回赶,想知道他把钱留在哪里了。A. calmly冷静地;B. angrily生气地;C. excitedly兴奋地;D. anxiously焦虑地。根据下文“wondering where he could have 9 it.”可推知,知道钱丢了,Tisdale正在焦虑地寻找。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,之前没有意识到钱不见了的Tisdale正焦急地往回赶,想知道他把钱留在哪里了。A. watched观察;B. returned返回;C. left留下;D. searched搜索。根据上文“wondering where”可推知,Tisdale想知道自己把钱留在哪里了。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:由于找不到对方,他们都使用了该公司的应用程序来报告失物。A. missing丢失的;B. wild野生的;C. strange奇怪的;D. disappearing消失的。根据上文“used the company’s app to report”和下文“Thanks to the company’s communication”可推知,他们都向出租车公司报告了丢失物品的情况。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:由于公司的沟通,他们通过电话联系上了。A. introduced介绍;B. compared比较;C. recognized认出;D. connected联系。根据下文“over the phone”和“Without hesitation, Kamau made the admirable 12 to drive back to Tisdale.”可知,通过公司,他们用电话取得了联系。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Kamau毫不犹豫地做出了令人钦佩的决定,开车回去找Tisdale。A. result结果;B. decision决定;C. solution解决方案;D. purpose目的。根据上文“Without hesitation”和下文“to drive back to Tisdale”可知,Kamau做出了开车回去找Tisdale的决定。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Tisdale被Kamau的诚实所感动,给了他10美元的小费以示感谢。A. surprised使(某人)吃惊;B. saved拯救;C. satisfied满意;D. moved感动。根据下文“expressed his thanks by tipping him $10”可知,Tisdale被Kamau所感到,所以给他小费表示感谢。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这一善举给Tisdale留下了深刻的印象,他建议其他人要对自己所拥有的一切心存感激。A. impression印象;B. debate辩论;C. attention注意;D. comment评论。根据上文可知,司机在Kamau发现Tisdale所丢的一大笔钱后并没有据为己有,而是想法联系失主,并主动驾车送还,所以这样的善行会给失主Tisdale留下深刻的印象。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,Kamau向其他出租车司机分享了一条建议,强调在正确的时间做正确的事情的重要性。A. exploring探索;B. exchanging交换;C. stressing强调;D. reflecting反思。根据上文“a piece of advice for fellow taxi drivers”和下文“the importance of doing the right thing at the right time”可推知,提醒同行在正确的时间做正确的事情是Kamau想要强调的事情。故选C项。
36. Words ________ (form) by combining other words are called compounds. (所给词的适当形式填空)
37. Should the brothers have been disqualified or highly praised ________ their actions (用适当的词填空)
【详解】考查介词。句意:兄弟俩的行为应该被取消资格还是受到高度赞扬 根据句意,their actions是兄弟俩被取消资格或受到高度赞扬的原因,用介词for,意为“因为,由于”,符合句意。故填for。
38. With a different theme each year, the day ________ (observe) with a wide range of events that are organized at local, national and international levels. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【答案】is observed
【详解】考查时态语态。句意:每年都有不同的主题,在地方、国家和国际各级举办各种各样的活动来庆祝这一天。主语与谓语构成被动关系,根据后文are可知为一般现在时的被动语态,主语为 the day ,谓语用单数。故填is observed。
39. When you ________ (strike) the match to light your cigar I saw it was the face of the man wanted in Chicago. (所给词的适当形式填空)
40. Last spring in Yellowstone, I followed a path_____ took me through a dark forest. (用适当的词填空)
【详解】 考查定语从句。句意:去年春天,在黄石公园,我沿着一条小路穿过了一片黑暗的森林。“  ____ took me through a dark forest”是定语从句,修饰先行词path,指物,关系词在从句中做主语, 应用关系代词that或which。故填that/which。
41. I gathered all my courage to take ________ bite and was amazed to find it was not bad. (用适当的词填空)
【详解】考查冠词。句意:我鼓起勇气吃了一口,惊讶地发现味道还不错。可数名词bite在句中表示“一口的量”,泛指,空格后单词bite发音以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a修饰;take a bite“吃一口”。故填a。
42. While I was concentrating on photographing this amazing scene, I suddenly had a feeling that I was ________ (watch). (所给词的适当形式填空)
【答案】being watched
【详解】考查时态和语态。句意:当我集中精力拍摄这一令人惊叹的场景时,我突然有一种正在被监视的感觉。watch(注视,监视)是从句中谓语动词,与主语I之间是被动关系,结合句意和助动词was可知,用过去进行时的被动语态was being watched,表示“正在被监视”。故填being watched。
43. Starting in the Yuan Dynasty, work on the terraces took hundreds of years, until its ________ (complete) in the early Qing Dynasty. (所给词的适当形式填空)
44. With his________ (limit) imagination, he created new literature worlds for his readers to explore.(所给词的适当形式填空)
45. How would you feel if moving to a new town meant _____(lose) track of your friends. (所给单词适当形式填空)
【详解】考查动名词。句意:如果搬到一个新的城市意味着失去你的朋友,你会怎么想?根据meant可知此处要用动名词,短语mean doing sth.“意味着做...”。故填losing。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,目前在英国参加一个交流项目,住在Mrs. Smith家。请按照学校要求,用英语介绍一下你的房东。内容要点如下:
1. 外貌特征;
2. 兴趣爱好;
3. 相处感受。
1. 词数100左右;开头己给出,不计入总词数;
2. 可适当发挥,以使行文连贯。
It has been a week since I arrived in England to attend this exchange program.
【答案】It has been a week since I arrived in England to attend this exchange program. I am now staying at Mrs. Smith’s. She is said to be in her forties but looks very young. She is of normal height, with a slender figure, blond hair and big blue eyes. Mrs. Smith shows a keen interest in everything about China. She has a large collection of items that have to do with China, such as books videos, tea, artworks, and so on. She asks me so many questions about my country that sometimes I have to consult my friends to give satisfactory answers. We are getting along very well with each other. I’m so glad to have Mrs. Smith as my landlady.
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。你目前在英国参加一个交流项目,住在Mrs. Smith家,要求考生用英语介绍一下自己的房东。
参加:attend → take part in/participate in
苗条的:slender → slim
物品:item → article
高兴的:glad → pleased/delighted
原句:I’m so glad to have Mrs. Smith as my landlady.
拓展句:I am so glad that I have Mrs. Smith as my landlady.
【点睛】[高分句型1] It has been a week since I arrived in England to attend this exchange program. (运用了since引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] She has a large collection of items that have to do with China, such as books videos, tea, artworks, and so on. (运用了关系代词that引导限制性定语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一个完整的故事。
Amy and Beth were waiting for their mom, Mrs. March, to have a Christmas breakfast.
“Merry Christmas, little daughters! But I want to say one word before we sit down. Not far away from here lies a poor woman with a little newborn baby. Six children were suffering freezing cold and hunger, for they have no fire and nothing to eat over there. My girls, will you them your breakfast as a Christmas present ”
They were rather hungry, having waited nearly an hour, and for a minute no one spoke. Suddenly, Amy shouted, “I’m so glad you came before we began!” “May I go and help carry the things to the poor little children ” asked Beth eagerly. “I shall take the cream and the muffins (松油饼),” added Amy, heroically giving up the food she most liked. Beth was putting the bread into one big plate.
“I thought you’d do it,” said Mrs. March, smiling as if satisfied. “You two shall go and help me, and when we come back we will have some bread and milk for breakfast, and make it up at dinnertime.”
They were soon ready, and the group set out. It was early and few people were walking on the street. They went through back streets and arrived at the destination.
A poor, simple, terrible room it was, with broken windows, no fire. A sick mother, a crying baby and a group of pale, hungry children were hiding under the old bedclothes, trying to keep warm.
How the big eyes stared as the group went in, with a basket of Christmas articles.
“Oh, my God! Here come good angels!” said the poor woman, crying for joy.
1. 续写词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
In a few minutes these lovely angels began their work.
【答案】In a few minutes, these lovely angels began their work. One of the girls, who had quickly carried wood, made a fire, and stopped up the broken panes with old hats and her own cloak. Mrs. March gave the mother tea and porridge, and comforted her with promises if help, while she dressed the little baby as tenderly as if it had been her own. The poor woman was very thankful for what Mrs. March and her daughters did for them. That was a very happy breakfast on Christmas morning.
【点睛】[高分句型1] One of the girls, who had quickly carried wood, made a fire, and stopped up the broken panes with old hats and her own cloak. (由who引导的定语从句)
[高分句型2]March gave the mother tea and porridge, and comforted her with promises if help, while she dressed the little baby as tenderly as if it had been her own. (由while引导的状语从句)淄博市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. When will the train to Yorkville leave
A. At 5:45. B. At 6:00. C. At 6:15.
2. What does the woman suggest the man do
A. Paint his car. B. Buy an old car. C. Change his job.
3. How does the woman probably feel now
A. Full. B. Tired. C. Busy.
4. What advantage does the woman’s new house have over the old one
A. It’s better decorated. B. It’s larger in size. C. It’s closer to her workplace.
5. What is the woman talking about
A. Traffic. B. Weather. C. Music.
6. Why did the woman buy so many things
A. They were cheap. B. They were fashionable. C. They were of good quality.
7. What does the man think of the woman’s behavior
A. Useful. B. Unnecessary. C. Acceptable.
8. How often will the buses leave from the hotel
A. Every ten minutes. B. Every fifteen minutes. C. Every thirty minutes.
9. What are the speakers doing
A. Waiting for a bus. B. Scheduling a meeting. C. Making a transport plan.
10. What worries the woman
A. When to go home. B. How to go home. C. Who to go home with.
11. What do the numbers on the boxes mean
A. Different areas. B. Different airlines. C. Different riders.
12. What color card will the woman put in the box
A. Red. B. Blue. C. White.
13. Where does the man want to start his tour
A. From Adelaide. B. From Cairns. C. From Melbourne.
14. How does the first tour go from Alice Springs to Darwin
A. By coach. B. By plane. C. By train.
15. What doesn’t half-board tour include
A. All the meals. B. All the hotels. C. All the transport.
16. How long is Australia’s Best Tour
A. 12 days. B. 19 days. C. 26 days.
17. What time does the shopping center close on Thursday
A. 6 pm. B. 8 pm. C. 10 pm.
18. What can visitors do on the ground floor
A. Watch movies. B. Eat in fast-food restaurants. C. Go shopping.
19. Where is the bookstore
A. Next to the cafe.
B. Beside the supermarket.
C. Opposite the department store.
20. What is the smallest place in the shopping center
A. The bank. B. The shoe shop. C. The mobile phone shop.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Killer Our 100-Word-Story Competition
Our much-loved 100-Word-Story Competition is back! Enter for the chance to win prizes of up to 1,000. It is your opportunity to show the world your storytelling talents!
Rules and prizes
Please make sure that compositions are original, not published before. Just write exactly 100 words (not including title) — not a single word shorter or longer! Don’t forget to include your full name, address, email and phone number when filling in the form. We may use entries (参赛作品) in all print and electronic media.
There are three age groups — one for adults and two for schools: one for children aged 12-18 and one for children under 12. The winner of each group will receive 1,000 and the one in the second place will receive 250.
Terms and conditions
Entries are now open and the cut-off date is February 1, 2024, either online or by post addressed to:
Reader’s Digest 100 Word Story Competition Warners Group Publications West Street Bourne PE10 9PH
The editorial team will pick a shortlist of entries, and the three best stories in each group will be posted online at readersdigest.co.uk on March 1. You can vote for your favorite, and the one with the most votes will win the top prize. Voting will close on March 31. The winner list will be posted online on April 16 and the winning entries will be published in our May 2024 issue.
Enter your story here — good luck!
1. Which of the following will result in disqualification
A. Never being published before. B. Mailing your entry on January 31.
C Writing a story of 120 words. D. Creating a story originally.
2. Who determines the winning entries
A. Editors and voters. B. Children under 12. C. The media. D. The publisher.
3. When will the winning entries come out
A. In February. B. In March. C. In April. D. In May.
The Chinese pancake, or jianbingguozi, is one of the most common breakfast foods in northern China, usually filled with materials like vegetables, eggs and spicy paste. On the video-sharing platform Douyin, French chef Corentin Delcroix’s video of his own type of jianbing has been viewed about 250,000 times. But just how does his differ It is packed with cheese, ham, pickle (泡菜) and black truffle mayonnaise (黑松露蛋黄酱) — materials typically found in French pancakes, which Delcroix says aren’t all that different to Chinese pancakes.
Delcroix’s addiction to Chinese cuisine started in 2002 when he was studying in Beijing. “The first Chinese dish I learned to cook was scrambled eggs with tomatoes. But my favorites are cooked wheat-based foods such as jiaozi and xiaolongbao,’” says Delcroix. After learning how to prepare some of the popular local dishes, Delcroix decided to share his favorite Chinese and French dishes on social media. And many of his videos show him preparing dishes that marry elements of both cuisines.
But this effort is not just about self-improvement — Delcroix says he has also managed to learn more about Chinese cuisines through the comments that he receives from his viewers. “It is through the viewers that I get to learn how to create truly local dishes. The suggestions are faster and more direct than those from the market,” Delcroix says.
Delcroix is presently a chef, a successful businessman and a food blogger who has millions of followers on Chinese social media platforms. Despite having learned so much about Chinese cuisine over the years, Delcroix is still hungry for more knowledge.
Looking ahead, he wants to do more to spread Chinese cuisine to people overseas. “I always feel that there might be cultural barriers when Chinese chefs introduce their local cuisines to foreigners. It might be much easier for a foreigner to explain,” he adds, “I want to be that bridge.”
4. Which is the feature of Delcroix’s video
A. It introduces Chinese cuisine. B. It mainly shows wheat-based foods.
C. It combines two countries’ cuisines. D. It shares how to make special jianbing.
5. What does the underlined word “those” in paragraph 3 refer to
A. The Chinese cuisines. B. The suggestions. C. The local dishes. D. The viewers.
6. Why does Delcroix want to be a bridge
A. To open a Chinese restaurant in France.
B To get more knowledge of Chinese cuisine.
C. To introduce more delicious food to his fans.
D. To improve foreigners’ understanding of Chinese cuisine.
7. Which of the following best describes Delcroix
A. Creative and determined. B. Professional but negative.
C. Humorous and talented. D. Curious but impatient.
It’s clear that following a plant-based diet is connected with a lower risk of heart disease. There are many types of plant-based diets, and they are all related to certain foods connected with heart benefits, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and healthy oils. The diets have been most studied for their impact on heart health. These diets are rich in vitamins and minerals that help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of diabetes (糖尿病) and keep a healthy weight, all of which can lower your risk of heart disease.
Yet the types of plant foods and their sources are also important. For example, white rice and white bread are plant-based foods, so you would think they’re good to eat. But they are highly processed, and so are depleted of many heart-healthy nutrients (营养) and have enough sugar, which means they can make blood sugar levels rise sharply and increase hunger, leading to overeating. Drinking 100% fruit juice is not the same as eating the whole fruit, since juices can be high in sugar.
Do you really have to cut out all meat for your heart’s health Which animal foods could have an impact on heart health Some research has shown that the type and amount matter most. A 2014 study showed that men aged 45 to 79 who ate 75 grams or more per day of processed red meat, like cold cuts, sausage, bacon and hot dogs, had a 28% higher risk of heart failure than those who ate less than 25 grams. However, a study in the January 2017 found that eating 85 grams of unprocessed red meat, three times per week, did not worsen blood pressure.
What is the right plant-based diet for you “For many men, this may be a matter of bettering their current foods,” says Dr. Satija, a researcher from American College of Cardiology.
8. From the first two paragraphs, we know that plant-based diets ________.
A. benefit heart health B. increase hunger C. lead to overweight D. contain enough sugar
9. What do the underlined words “depleted of’’ in paragraph 2 mean
A. Added to. B. Short of. C. Filled with. D. Rooted in.
10. Why does the author list numbers in paragraph 3
A. To prove the result believable. B. To attract readers’ attention.
C. To show the process clearly. D. To make the study popular.
11. What might the author continue talking about
A. Risks of animal foods. B. Disadvantages of plant-based diets.
C Changes of eating habits. D. Effects of heart-healthy diets.
The dry land in Gir National Park and Wildlife Preserve, located near India western tip, is the proud — and only — home of the Asiatic lion. By the early 1900s, however, their populations had decreased for homo loss and hunting, leaving fewer than 50 known individuals alive. Though their numbers have risen over the past several decades — climbing to around 670 in 2020, a successful story — the lions are still considered endangered.
One of the biggest challenges to keep the lions’ future is to track them, a hard work. Some animals, like tigers and zebras, have special coat patterns (图案) that provide useful marks to the researchers. But for the Asiatic lions, researchers must look elsewhere.
In 2019, Banerjee, who worked for Indias National Tiger Conservation Authority, developed an AI system to recognize the lions with high accuracy (精准). The AI program, SIMBA, has been applied in practice. “It will be a fantastic tool for long-term lion monitoring,” says Banerjee. He adds, “It could help forest officials arrive at a more accurate estimate (评估) of Gir’s lion population. In a few years, the group will have a rich collection of information — how many lions are male, female, how many will bear babies and how many are dead.”
Despite the advantages, Baneijee also adds his worries. He suggests certain rules be made to prevent main information from being stolen. “Where tools like SIMBA really shine”, he says, “is in helping researchers develop monitoring plans that are keys to the protection of at-risk animals,” he says, “otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.”
12. What is the greatest difficulty in protecting Asiatic lions
A. Stopping them from being killed. B. Keeping track of them.
C. Protecting their living environment. D. Increasing their population.
13. How does SIMBA help researchers
A. By locating lions’ homes. B. By tracking other animals.
C. By monitoring the animal stealers. D. By providing accurate information.
14. What’s Baneijee’s opinion about the AI program
A. It needs to be widely used. B. It has saved the at-risk animals.
C. Its possible risks should be aware of. D. Its disadvantages should be ignored.
15. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A. The Application of AI on Protecting Animals. B. The AI Program for the Endangered Asiatic Lions.
C. The Measures of Protecting Asiatic Lions. D. The Biggest Challenge of the AI system.
Higher levels of optimism (乐观主义) are related lo a longer lifetime. People with the highest levels of optimism have 11 % to 15% longer lifetime than those who practice little positive thinking. The optimists may live to age 85 or beyond.
Optimism doesn’t mean ignoring life’s stress. But when negative things happen, optimistic people are less likely to blame themselves. ___16___. They also believe they can control their destiny and create opportunities for good things to happen in the future.
___17___. Research has found optimists have a 35% less chance of a heart disease. There’s a direct connection between optimists and healthier diet and exercise behaviors, as well as a stronger immune (免疫) system and better lung function.
Optimism can be improved by training. Studies have found only about 25% of our optimism is programmed by genes (基因). ___18___. It turns out you can train your brain to be more positive. One of the most effective ways to increase optimism is called the “Best Possible Self” method. In this period, you imagine yourself in future, and you have achieved all your life aims and all of your problems have been solved. ___19___. Another way is to keep a journal only to capture positive experiences you experienced that day.
It’s not easy to carry out optimism exercises. Like exercise, they will need to be practiced regularly to keep the brain positive. ___20___. But isn’t a longer, happier, more positive life worth the effort
A. It may also lengthen your life.
B. The rest is up to your attitude to life.
C. Being optimistic also improves your health.
D. The optimism exercises may be a hard process.
E. The focus on the positive can reshape your brain.
F. Practicing this daily can significantly improve your positive feelings.
G. They are more likely to see the barrier as a good chance to turn positive.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Esbon Kamau had a normal Tuesday afternoon picking up passengers in Hoover.
On this particular day, he had the pleasure of driving Alex Tisdale, a 16-year-old who eagerly ___21___ the exciting news of receiving an $8,000 Christmas gift from his proud father to ___22___ a new motorcycle.
During the 15-minute ___23___ to John Hawkins Parkway, Tisdale left Kamau with a heart-warming impression. However, the ___24___ took place when Kamau noticed a blue bag at the back of his seat after ___25___ Tisdale to pick up another passenger.
Upon examining the bag, Kamau ___26___ a large amount of money. Rather than keeping it, he decided to hold onto the money until he could report the ___27___ to the company. Meanwhile, Tisdale, unaware of the missing money then and there, ___28___ went back, wondering where he could have ___29___ it.
Unable to find each other, they both used the company’s app to report the ____30____ article. Thanks to the company’s communication, they were ____31____ over the phone. Without hesitation, Kamau made the admirable ____32____ to drive back to Tisdale.
Tisdale, ____33____ by Kamau’s honesty, expressed his thanks by tipping him $10. This act of kindness left a lasting ____34____ on Tisdale, who advised others to be grateful for what they have. At the same time, Kamau shared a piece of advice for fellow taxi drivers, ____35____ the importance of doing the right thing at the right time.
A. shared B. collected C. ignored D. kept
A. ride B. buy C. borrow D. choose
A. goal B. adventure C. chance D. journey
A. unexpected B. forgotten C. respected D. unavoidable
A. putting down B. learning about C. dropping off D. sending out
A. emptied B. required C. discovered D. guessed
A. opinion B. information C. preparation D. knowledge
A. calmly B. angrily C. excitedly D. anxiously
A. watched B. returned C. left D. searched
A. missing B. wild C. strange D. disappearing
A. introduced B. compared C. recognized D. connected
A. result B. decision C. solution D. purpose
A. surprised B. saved C. satisfied D. moved
A. impression B. debate C. attention D. comment
A. exploring B. exchanging C. stressing D. reflecting
36. Words ________ (form) by combining other words are called compounds. (所给词的适当形式填空)
37. Should the brothers have been disqualified or highly praised ________ their actions (用适当的词填空)
38. With a different theme each year, the day ________ (observe) with a wide range of events that are organized at local, national and international levels. (所给词的适当形式填空)
39. When you ________ (strike) the match to light your cigar I saw it was the face of the man wanted in Chicago. (所给词的适当形式填空)
40. Last spring in Yellowstone, I followed a path_____ took me through a dark forest. (用适当的词填空)
41. I gathered all my courage to take ________ bite and was amazed to find it was not bad. (用适当的词填空)
42. While I was concentrating on photographing this amazing scene, I suddenly had a feeling that I was ________ (watch). (所给词的适当形式填空)
43. Starting in the Yuan Dynasty, work on the terraces took hundreds of years, until its ________ (complete) in the early Qing Dynasty. (所给词的适当形式填空)
44. With his________ (limit) imagination, he created new literature worlds for his readers to explore.(所给词的适当形式填空)
45. How would you feel if moving to a new town meant _____(lose) track of your friends. (所给单词适当形式填空)
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,目前在英国参加一个交流项目,住在Mrs. Smith家。请按照学校要求,用英语介绍一下你的房东。内容要点如下:
1. 外貌特征;
2. 兴趣爱好;
3. 相处感受。
1. 词数100左右;开头己给出,不计入总词数;
2. 可适当发挥,以使行文连贯。
It has been a week since I arrived in England to attend this exchange program.
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一个完整的故事。
Amy and Beth were waiting for their mom, Mrs. March, to have a Christmas breakfast.
“Merry Christmas, little daughters! But I want to say one word before we sit down. Not far away from here lies a poor woman with a little newborn baby. Six children were suffering freezing cold and hunger, for they have no fire and nothing to eat over there. My girls, will you them your breakfast as a Christmas present ”
They were rather hungry, having waited nearly an hour, and for a minute no one spoke. Suddenly, Amy shouted, “I’m so glad you came before we began!” “May I go and help carry the things to the poor little children ” asked Beth eagerly. “I shall take the cream and the muffins (松油饼),” added Amy, heroically giving up the food she most liked. Beth was putting the bread into one big plate.
“I thought you’d do it,” said Mrs. March, smiling as if satisfied. “You two shall go and help me, and when we come back we will have some bread and milk for breakfast, and make it up at dinnertime.”
They were soon ready, and the group set out. It was early and few people were walking on the street. They went through back streets and arrived at the destination.
A poor, simple, terrible room it was, with broken windows, no fire. A sick mother, a crying baby and a group of pale, hungry children were hiding under the old bedclothes, trying to keep warm.
How the big eyes stared as the group went in, with a basket of Christmas articles.
“Oh, my God! Here come good angels!” said the poor woman, crying for joy.
1. 续写词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
In a few minutes, these lovely angels began their work.