人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit5 Languages around the world 词汇1学案(无答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit5 Languages around the world 词汇1学案(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 25.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-22 12:42:36



Unit 5 Languages Around The World
--Vocabulary 1
班级: 姓名:
Learn important words and phrases: native; attitude; base; variety;major;regard;character;appreciate;
Use the words and phrases in daily study.
Step1:Warming-up Check homework.
Step2: Analysis of key words
1.native adj.出生地的;本地的;土著的 n.本地人
[典型例句] 体会native的用法和意义
⑴China is our native country,and Chinese is our native language.
⑵The tiger is native to India. 这种老虎产于印度。
⑶He is a native of Beijing. 他是北京人。
①_____________ 原产于
②one’s___________ 某人的祖国(故乡)母语
①You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the ___________ (native).
②Is her uncle a native ______ Shanghai or just a visitor
③The researcher says the tiger is native ______ India.
2.attitude n.态度;看法
[典型例句] 体会attitude的用法和意义
⑴It’s not his work that bothers me;it’s his attitude. 困扰我的不是他的工作,而是他的态度。
⑵What’s your attitude to this plan 对于这个计划,你有什么看法?
⑶We must take a serious attitude toward(s) our work. 我们必须严肃对待自己的工作。
①_______________ 对某人/某事的态度
②_______________ 对……持积极态度
①The writer’s attitude _____________ online learning is positive.
②His attitude to ___________(play) computer games surprised me.
③It is important ________________________________________.
base vt.以……为据点;以……为基础 n.底部;根据
[典型例句] 体会base的用法和意义
⑴They decided to base the new company in Xiongan,Hebei Province.
⑵The businessman bases his hopes on the good news he had yesterday.
⑶This book is based on a true story. 这本书讲的是一个真实的故事。
⑷He held up a wine glass with a heavy base and said that his arguments had a sound base.
①___________ 把……安置在(某地)
②___________ 以某事物为另一事物的根据、证据等
③___________ 以(某事)为基础的;以……为重要部分(或特指)的
④___________ 以……为根据
①The new organization will be based ______ Paris.
②His new storybook _________(base) on what happened in the school two years ago sells well.
③It was based more ______ German than the English we speak at present.
④There is a door at the ________ of the tower, which is said to be the ________ of the army.
variety n.(植物、语言等的)变体;异体;多样化
[典型例句] 体会variety的用法和意义
⑴We all need variety in our diet. 我们都需要饮食多样化。
⑵A great variety of flowers were on show in the street on the National Day.
⑶There are numerous varieties of peonies. 牡丹有许多品种。
①___________ 各种各样的(短语) ②___________ adj.不同的;各种各样的(单词)
③___________ 由于种种原因 ④___________ vt.& vi.改变;变化
①These bags are made of a variety ______ materials that can be easily treated when they become rubbish.
②It is a pity that some people can’t go back home at the Spring Festival for a ___________(various) of reasons.
③The research team is made up of the pupils, whose ages ________ (various) from 10 to 15.
5.major adj.主要的;重要的;大的 n.主修课程;主修学生vi.主修;专门研究
[典型例句] 体会major的用法和意义
⑴He is a major writer. 他是位大作家。
⑵Do you know what the major cause of the strike is 你知道这次罢工的主要原因吗?
⑶His major is French. 他的主修科目是法语。
⑷Mary is majoring in French at Stanford. 玛丽正在斯坦福专攻法语。
①___________ 主修……;以……为专业 ②___________ majority
③___________ in the/a majority ④___________ the majority of...
①He majored ______ physics at university.
②When it comes to education, the ________(major) of people believe that education is of great importance. 当谈及教育,大部分人认为教育很重要。
③In the nursing profession, women are _______the majority. 女性在护理行业中占大多数。
6.regard n.尊重;关注 vt.把……视为;看待
[典型例句] 体会regard的用法和意义
1.The teacher wishes to speak to you in regard to being late.关于迟到的事,老师希望同你谈谈。
2.Please give my kind regards to your family. 请代我向你家人问好
3.He is regarded as the most promising player. 他被看成是最有希望的球员
①___________________ 向……致意;代……向……问候
②___________________ 关于;至于
③___________________ 把……看作是……
①Please be sure to give your family my ___________(regard).
②I regarded him ______ a dangerous person.
③I have nothing to say __________ regard to your question.
7.character n.文字;符号;角色;品质;特点
[典型例句] 体会character的用法和意义
⑴Her behaviour last night was completely out of character.
她昨晚的行为举止与她的 极其不符。
⑵This is good for building up one’s character. 这有利于 的塑造。
⑶In the story,the main character has left his girlfriend and baby.
故事中, 离开了他的女友和孩子。
⑷Mr. Smith doesn’t know Chinese characters. 史密斯先生不认识 。
[即学即练] 写出黑体部分的含义
①When you call someone a friend, it is mainly his character and interests that make him your friend.________
②(2020·山东日照期末)The characters Stan Lee and the Marvel artists created are so popular that more than two million comic books based on their adventures have been published, in 75 countries and 25 languages.________
③The whole character of the village has changed since the last time I was here.________
④Chinese characters enjoy both practical and aesthetic(美学的) value. ________
8.appreciate vt.欣赏;重视;感激;领会 vi.增值
[典型例句] 体会appreciate的用法和意义
⑴You will appreciate his novels better if you read his autobiography.
⑵I’d appreciate it if you let me get on with my job. 如果让我继续工作,我会非常感激。
① ____________ 感激某事
②____________________ 如果……我将不胜感激。
③____________________ n.欣赏;感激
④appreciate one/one’s doing sth.
[即学即练] 写出黑体部分的含义
①You should say such good music is noise, which shows you can’t appreciate music.________
②I appreciate the difficulty you are faced with but I don’t think I can help you.________
③He highly appreciated their help because without their help he would have failed.________
④We shall appreciate ___________(hear) from you again.
⑤I would appreciate ______ very much if you reply to me early.
Step3: Analysis of important phrases
1.be known for...以……而闻名
⑴He was known for his novels. 他以他的小说而闻名。
⑵France is known for its wine. 法国以葡萄酒闻名
2.refer to指的是;描述;提到;查阅
⑴Please refer to the dictionary if you don’t know how to pronounce the word.
⑵In his speech, he didn’t refer to the problem at all. 在他的演讲中,他丝毫未触及那个问题。
⑶He is referred to as a living Lei Feng. 他被称作活雷锋。
3.date back(to)追溯到
⑴Tomb Sweeping Day dates back to the Spring and Autumn Period.
⑵The earliest money in China can date back to thousands of years ago.
4.lead to导致;引起;通向
⑴Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness.
⑵What led you to this conclusion 你是如何得出这个结论的?
⑶Laziness leads to failing the exam. 懒惰导致考试不及格。
5.a number of许多;大量(修饰number的词除了great之外还有large, good, small等)
A great/large number of tourists visit London every year. 每年有大批的游客游览伦敦。