

名称 湖北省恩施市高中2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版,无听力音频及听力原文)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-22 17:09:42


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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例: How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9:15.
1. What does the man say is important about photography
A. Shadows and lighting. B. Camera settings. C. Topics.
2. What sport is the man training in
A. Basketball. B. Tennis. C. Football.
3. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A visit. B. A birth. C. A wedding.
4. How does the woman sound
A. Encouraging. B. Depressing. C. Disappointing.
5. What are the speakers doing
A. Buying a map. B. Playing a game. C. Having a geography class.
6. What do the speakers have in common
A. They live in the same area. B. They both have a dog. C. They both are a parent.
7. Where does the conversation take place
A. In a park. B. On a dog beach. C. In a shopping mall.
8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Mother and son. C. Friends.
9. What will the man miss most about his own country
A. His friends. B. His family: C. The weather.
10. Why does the man want to work in this country
A. It’s beautiful. B. He finished college there. C. The people there are kinder.
11. What is wrong with Bill
A. He is short of money. B. He has made a big mistake. C. He is facing a hard choice.
12. What does Bill currently do
A. He studies at university. B. He works as an engineer. C. He serves at a gas station.
13. What does Grace suggest Bill do
A. Focus on education. B. Ask his aunt for advice. C. Accept the well-paying job.
14. Who is the man probably
A. A doctor. B. A skiing coach. C. A teacher.
15. How many students have never skied this time
A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.
16. What happened to the girl last year
A. She lost a skiing race. B. She learned how to ski. C. She got hurt on her arm.
17. How does the girl probably feel about going on the school trip
A. Afraid. B. Sad. C. Surprised.
18. What is the main topic of the talk
A. Man-made meat. B. Methods of farming. C. The price of animal meat.
19. How is the animal industry described in the talk
A. Useful. B. Wasteful. C. Powerful.
20. How much cheaper might man-made meat be by 2030
A. Twice. B. Five times. C. Ten times.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
As you can imagine, there are many types of advertisements all of which run in different mediums, on different channels, and have different goals in mind for their business.
Direct Mail Advertising
Direct mail involves creating and distributing printed materials to a targeted mailing list. These materials can include post cards, brochures, and letters. This method first came about in 1835.
It’s still quite effective, even in the digital age. Not only do consumers enjoy receiving physical mail, but there’s also much less competition compared to the tons of email marketing ads that people receive each day.
Radio Advertising
United States radio stations launched their first commercial broadcasts in 1920. And while we might all drive around with our iPhones for music these days, don’t let that fool you.
Radio is still a workable marketing and advertising platform today for expanding the reach of sponsored(赞助) events and new products. In this ad method, the advertiser pays the radio station to play the ir ad during breaks between music or a radio show.
Social Media Advertising
Social media advertising is a form of internet advertising that combined with the introduction of social media in the 2000s. In this ad method, advertisers promote products, services, or content on social media platforms, such as Facebook and TikTok.
There are also many different ad forms to choose from when advertising on social media, such as image ads, video ads, sponsored posts, and more.
Mobile Advertising
Since the early 2000s, mobile advertising has been a popular method due to the widespread use of cell phones. It involves delivering promotional messages or advertisements through text messages, mobile apps, and mobile websites.
With this method, advertisers can maximize the use of data and create highly personalized ads based on location, behavior, and user interests.
1. What is the advantage of Direct Mail Advertising mentioned in the passage
A. It reaches a large audience quickly.
B. It allows for interaction with consumers.
C. It is the most cost-effective advertising method.
D. It has less competition compared to email marketing.
2. What does the advertisement seen on TikTok belong to
A. Radio Advertising B. Mobile Advertising
C. Direct Mail Advertising D. Social Media Advertising
3. What allows Mobile Advertising to create highly personalized ads
A. Mobile apps B. Text messages
C. The maximum use of data D. The widespread use of cell phones
【答案】1. D 2. D 3. C
细节理解题。根据文章Direct Mail Advertising部分中的“It’s still quite effective, even in the digital age. Not only do consumers enjoy receiving physical mail, but there’s also much less competition compared to the tons of email marketing ads that people receive each day.(即使在数字时代,它仍然非常有效。消费者不仅喜欢收到实体邮件,而且与人们每天收到的大量电子邮件营销广告相比,竞争也少得多。)”可知,与电子邮件广告形式相比,“直邮函件广告”竞争少。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章Social Media Advertising部分中的“Social media advertising is a form of internet advertising that combined with the introduction of social media in the 2000s. In this ad method, advertisers promote products, services, or content on social media platforms, such as Facebook and TikTok.(社交媒体广告是互联网广告的一种形式,在2000年代与社交媒体的引入相结合。在这种广告方式中,广告商在Facebook和TikTok等社交媒体平台上推广产品、服务或内容。)”可知,在抖音上看到的广告属于属于社交媒体广告。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章Mobile Advertising部分中的“With this method, advertisers can maximize the use of data and create highly personalized ads based on location, behavior, and user interests.(通过这种方法,广告商可以最大限度地利用数据,并根据位置、行为和用户兴趣创建高度个性化的广告。)”可知,移动广告可以让广告商最大限度地利用数据,并根据位置、行为和用户兴趣创建高度个性化的广告。故选C。
Inventor, physicist, surveyor, astronomer, biologist, artist... Robert Hooke was all these and more. Some say he was the greatest experimental scientist of the 17th century. In the course of his work, he cooperated with famous men of science like Christian Huygens, Isaac Newton, and the great architect, Christopher Wren.
Hooke’s early education began at home, under the guidance of his father. He entered Westminster School at the age of 13, and from there went to Oxford, where he came in contact with some of the best scientists in England. Hooke impressed them with his skills at designing experiments and inventing instruments. In 1662, at the age of 28, he was named Curator of experiments at the newly formed Royal Society of London — meaning that he was responsible for demonstrating new experiments at the society’s weekly meeting. Hooke accepted the job, even though he knew that the society had no money to pay him!
Watching living things through the microscope was one of his favorite pastimes. He invented a compound microscope for this purpose. One day while observing a cork (软木) under a microscope, he saw honeycomb-like structures. There were cells— the smallest units of life. In fact, it was Hooke who invented the term “cell” as the box-like cells of the cork reminded him of the cells of a monastery.
Another achievement of Hooke’s was his book Micrographia, which introduced the enormous potential of the microscope. It contains fascinating drawings of the thing he saw under the microscope. The book also includes, among other things, ideas on gravity, light and burning that may have helped scientists like Newton when they were developing their own theories on these phenomena.
Hooke made a valuable contribution to astronomy too. A crater on the moon is named after him in honor of his services to this branch of science.
4. Which is the possible reason why Hooke accepted the job as a Curator of Experiments
A. His family needed his support.
B He liked designing experiments.
C. His parents couldn’t afford his education.
D. He wanted to please the famous scientists in England.
5. For what purpose did Hooke invent a compound microscope
A. To please the famous scientists in England.
B. To observe living things through the microscope.
C. To conduct new experiments at the society’s weekly meeting.
D. To impress other scientists with his skills at inventing instruments.
6. What can we learn about Robert Hooke from the text
A. Hooke went to Oxford in 1645.
B. Hooke made a contribution to medicine.
C. Hooke was well paid in the Royal Society of London.
D. Hooke’s book Micrographia may have helped Newton.
7. The last paragraph is to prove that ____________.
A. Hooke was good at making discoveries.
B. Hooke was one of the greatest astronomers.
C. Hooke’s contributions were not limited to one field.
D. Hooke was the greatest experimental scientist of the 17th century.
【答案】4. B 5. B 6. D 7. C
【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了Robert Hook的个人经历和成就等。
推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Hooke impressed them with his skills at designing experiments and inventing instruments. In 1662, at the age of 28, he was named Curator of experiments at the newly formed Royal Society of London — meaning that he was responsible for demonstrating new experiments at the society’s weekly meeting. Hooke accepted the job, even though he knew that the society had no money to pay him! (胡克在设计实验和发明仪器方面的技巧给他们留下了深刻的印象。1662年,28岁的他被任命为新成立的伦敦皇家学会的实验馆长,这意味着他负责在学会的每周会议上展示新的实验。胡克接受了这份工作,尽管他知道协会没有钱付给他薪水!)”可知,胡克接受实验馆长一职的原因是他喜欢设计实验。故选B。
细节理解题。由文章第三段中“Watching living things through the microscope was one of his favorite pastimes. He invented a compound microscope for this purpose. (通过显微镜观察生物是他最喜欢的消遣之一。他为此发明了一种复合显微镜。)”可知,胡克发明复合显微镜的目的是通过显微镜观察生物。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第四段“Another achievement of Hooke’s was his book Micrographia, which introduced the enormous potential of the microscope. It contains fascinating drawings of the thing he saw under the microscope. The book also includes, among other things, ideas on gravity, light and burning that may have helped scientists like Newton when they were developing their own theories on these phenomena. (胡克的另一项成就是他的《Micrographia》一书,这本书介绍了显微镜的巨大潜力。里面有他在显微镜下看到的东西的迷人图画。除了其他内容外,这本书还包括关于重力、光和燃烧的观点,这些观点可能对牛顿等科学家在这些现象上发展自己的理论有所帮助。)”可知,胡克的《Micrographia》这本书可能对牛顿有帮助。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“Hooke made a valuable contribution-to astronomy too. A crater on the moon is named after him in honor of his services to this branch of science. (胡克对天文学也做出了宝贵的贡献。月球上的一个陨石坑以他的名字命名,以纪念他对这一科学分支的贡献。)”推知,本段表明胡克的贡献并不局限于一个领域。故选C。
In the vast Atlantic Ocean, the hogfish is showing a talent that seems straight out of a science fiction novel. This species has the extraordinary ability to observe its surroundings through its skin, without the use of its eyes. The process behind this phenomenon is the subject of in-depth study, with researchers seeking to unlock the potential technologies this vision mode might inspire.
At the heart of the hogfish’s skin vision are special cells’named chromatophores, which are cells capable of changing color. However, the standout role is played by another set of cells, their iridophores. These cells are sensitive to light and send the signals to chromatophores, managing a complex interaction that enhances a visual understanding of their environment.
Exploring the complexities of this vision mode is not without challenges. Scientists are on the verge of fully understanding the complex relationship of these cells. The complicated manner in which these cells communicate and cooperate to create a unique vision system presents a fascinating yet difficult field of study. As Justine Allen, a researcher deeply involved in this study, admits, “We are far from truly understanding it.”
Despite the challenges, the scientific community is buoyant about the potential breakthroughs that might occur from this line of research. Revealing the secrets of hogfish’s skin vision can potentially lead to revolutionary developments in various fields. The horizon seems to be broad with possibilities like the creation of smart clothes that adapt to changing light conditions, or highly advanced cameras that copy the hogfish’s unique visual capabilities. Furthermore, the applications could extend to the car industry with smart cars adapting to changing environmental conditions, or even in the medical field with devices capable of non-invasive (非侵入的) sensing techniques.
As researchers explore deeper into this mystery, the potential seem limitless. Understanding the hogfish’s unique vision can open doors to technologies that are yet to be realized, presenting a future where science fiction might just integrate with reality.
8. What role do iridophores play in hogfish’s skin vision
A. They store nutrients for the hogfish’s skin cells.
B. They help regulate the hogfish’s body temperature..
C. They transmit signals to other cells for visual understanding.
D. They change color to help the fish integrate with surroundings.
9. Why is studying the hogfish’s skin vision challenging
A. The cells involved are difficult to observe.
B. The hogfish’s skin vision is not well-developed.
C. The vision system is similar to other sea creatures.
D. The process of communication among cells is complex.
10. In the 4th paragraph, what does the underlined word “buoyant” probably mean
A. Critical. B. Insecure.
C. Doubtful. D. Optimistic.
11. What is the main idea of the text
A. Chromatophores plays an important role in animal vision.
B. The hogfish’s skin vision is a rare and unusual phenomenon.
C. Scientists explore hogfish’s vision for practical applications.
D. Researchers are struggling to understand the hogfish’s vision.
【答案】8. C 9. D 10. D 11. C
细节理解题。根据文章第二段内容“At the heart of the hogfish’s skin vision are special cells’named chromatophores, which are cells capable of changing color. However, the standout role is played by another set of cells, their iridophores. These cells are sensitive to light and send the signals to chromatophores, managing a complex interaction that enhances a visual understanding of their environment.(豚鱼皮肤视觉的核心是一种叫做色素体的特殊细胞,这种细胞能够改变颜色。然而,另一组细胞发挥了突出的作用,即它们的虹膜细胞。这些细胞对光敏感,并将信号发送给色素团,管理复杂的相互作用,增强对其环境的视觉理解。)”可知,豚鱼皮肤视觉中的虹膜细胞对光敏感,并将信号发送给色素团,管理复杂的相互作用,增强对其环境的视觉理解。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Exploring the complexities of this vision mode is not without challenges. Scientists are on the verge of fully understanding the complex relationship of these cells. The complicated manner in which these cells communicate and cooperate to create a unique vision system presents a fascinating yet difficult field of study.(探索这种视觉模式的复杂性并非没有挑战。科学家们即将完全理解这些细胞之间的复杂关系。这些细胞以复杂的方式交流和合作,创造了一个独特的视觉系统,这是一个迷人但又困难的研究领域。)”可知,探索豚鱼的皮肤视觉是具有挑战性的,因为这些细胞之间以复杂的方式交流和合作,创造了一个独特的视觉系统。故选D。
词义猜测题。根据划线单词的下文“Revealing the secrets of hogfish’s skin vision can potentially lead to revolutionary developments in various fields. The horizon seems to be broad with possibilities like the creation of smart clothes that adapt to changing light conditions, or highly advanced cameras that copy the hogfish’s unique visual capabilities. Furthermore, the applications could extend to the car industry with smart cars adapting to changing environmental conditions, or even in the medical field with devices capable of non-invasive (非侵入的) sensing techniques.(揭示豚鱼皮肤视觉的秘密可能会在各个领域带来革命性的发展。前景似乎很广阔,比如创造出能适应不断变化的光线条件的智能衣服,或者复制豚鱼独特视觉能力的高度先进的相机。此外,这些应用还可以扩展到汽车行业,让智能汽车适应不断变化的环境条件,甚至在医疗领域,使用具有非侵入性传感技术的设备。)”可知,科学家们对豚鱼的皮肤视觉研究前景抱有乐观的态度。选项A“Critical (批判的)”;选项B“Insecure (不安全的)”;选项C“Doubtful (怀疑的)”;选项D“Optimistic (乐观的)”。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“The process behind this phenomenon is the subject of in-depth study, with researchers seeking to unlock the potential technologies this vision mode might inspire.(这一现象背后的过程是深入研究的主题,研究人员试图解开这种视觉模式可能激发的潜在技术。)”、第四段“Revealing the secrets of hogfish’s skin vision can potentially lead to revolutionary developments in various fields.(揭示豚鱼皮肤视觉的秘密可能会在各个领域带来革命性的发展。)”、最后一段“As researchers explore deeper into this mystery, the potential seem limitless. Understanding the hogfish’s unique vision can open doors to technologies that are yet to be realized, presenting a future where science fiction might just integrate with reality.(随着研究人员对这个谜团的探索越来越深,它的潜力似乎是无限的。了解豚鱼的独特视觉可以为尚未实现的技术打开大门,展示科幻小说可能与现实相结合的未来。)”以及全文内容可知,文章主要讲述了科学家们正在研究豚鱼的视觉皮肤从而将其用于实际生活中。故选C。
Recent research highlights that the timing of our meals, particularly the last one of the day, can significantly affect our health. The story is not merely about what we consume, but also about when we do so.
The debate about dinner timing finds substantial, scientific support with a Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) study published in Cell Metabolism in October 2022, suggesting that early dinners could have more health benefits than previously believed. And it defined an early dinner as a meal consumed three to four hours before bedtime, in line with our body’s circadian rhythm (生理节奏).
The BWH study discovered clear differences in metabolic (新陈代谢的) profiles of early and late diners. Early diners demonstrated lower blood glucose (葡萄糖) levels, improved fat-burning capacity, better sleep quality, and higher energy levels. Meanwhile, late dinners led to increased hunger, slower calorie burning, and higher fat storage, posing risks for conditions like diabetes(糖尿病).
The exact timing of dinner isn’t a one-size-fits-all choice, as people’s routines vary widely. Maya Feller, a nutritionist based in Brooklyn, NY, emphasizes that our schedules —ranging from traditional nine-to-five to round-the-clock — are critical when considering “ideal” meal times. Therefore, finding a dinner time that fits into your schedule is essential, rather than sticking to a strict, potentially impossible timetable.
Wendy Bazilian, DrPH, offers insightful tips for those whose routines may not permit an early dinner. She recommends consuming meals or snacks every three to five hours. This regular eating pattern can help . stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing the feeling of hunger. Furthermore, it’s advantageous to leave a gap of two to three hours between your last meal and bedtime. This gap ensures your body has sufficient time for most of the digestion process — letting you get adequate rest and repair during sleep.
So it’s time to reconsider not just the contents of your plate, but also the clock. After all, leading a healthy lifestyle isn’t merely about counting calories but al o understanding when and how to fuel our bodies.
12. What did the Brigham and Women’s Hospital(BWH) study mainly focus on
A. The recommended daily diet. B. Our body’s circadian rhythm.
C. The drawbacks of early dinners. D. The importance of dinner timing.
13. What may be the result of having an early dinner
A. Having a strong sense of hunger. B. Storing up more fat in your body.
C. Having a higher risk of diabetes. D. Enjoying a sound night’s sleep.
14. What advice does Wendy Bazilian give to the late diners
A. They’re supposed to grab some food every 5. hours.
B. They’d better have access to adequate rest and repair,
C. They should allow for digestion process before bedtime.
D. They are advised to keep their blood sugar level stable.
15. What is the best title for the text
A. The Healthiest Time to Eat Dinner. B. We Are What We Eat.
C. Benefits of Good Dietary Habits. D. Eating Less in the Evening.
【答案】12. D 13. D 14. C 15. A
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The debate about dinner timing finds substantial, scientific support with a Brigham and Women’s Hospital(BWH) study published in Cell Metabolism in October 2022, suggesting that early dinners could have more health benefits than previously believed. And it defined an early dinner as a meal consumed three to four hours before bedtime, in line with our body’s circadian rhythm(生理节奏).(2022年10月,布莱根妇女医院发表在《细胞代谢》杂志上的一项研究表明,关于晚餐时间的争论得到了大量科学支持,该研究表明,早吃晚餐可能比以前认为的更有益于健康。它将早晚餐定义为睡前三到四个小时吃的饭,符合我们身体的生理节奏。)”可知,布莱根妇女医院的研究和晚餐时间的重要性有关。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Early diners demonstrated lower blood glucose(葡萄糖) levels, improved fat-burning capacity, better sleep quality, and higher energy levels.(早点吃晚饭的人的血糖水平较低,脂肪燃烧能力增强,睡眠质量更好,精力充沛。)”可知,早吃晚饭的人睡眠质量更好。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章第五段“Furthermore, it’s advantageous to leave a gap of two to three hours between your last meal and bedtime. This gap ensures your body has sufficient time for most of the digestion process — letting you get adequate rest and repair during sleep.(此外,在最后一餐和就寝时间之间留出两到三个小时的间隔是有益的。这个间隙确保你的身体有足够的时间进行大部分消化过程,让你在睡眠中得到充分的休息和修复。)”可知,Wendy Bazilian建议晚吃晚饭的人在睡觉之前要留出足够的时间进行消化。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Recent research highlights that the timing of our meals, particularly the last one of the day, can significantly affect our health. The story is not merely about what we consume, but also about when we do so.(最近的研究强调,我们吃饭的时间,尤其是一天中的最后一餐,会对我们的健康产生重大影响。问题不仅在于我们吃什么,还在于我们什么时候吃。)”、第二段“The debate about dinner timing finds substantial, scientific support with a Brigham and Women’s Hospital(BWH) study published in Cell Metabolism in October 2022, suggesting that early dinners could have more health benefits than previously believed. And it defined an early dinner as a meal consumed three to four hours before bedtime, in line with our body’s circadian rhythm(生理节奏).(2022年10月,布莱根妇女医院发表在《细胞代谢》杂志上的一项研究表明,关于晚餐时间的争论得到了大量科学支持,该研究表明,早吃晚餐可能比以前认为的更有益于健康。它将早晚餐定义为睡前三到四个小时吃的饭,符合我们身体的生理节奏。)”再结合全文内容可知,文章主要讨论了吃晚饭的最佳时间。故选A。
Traveling is an enriching experience that offers numerous benefits, especially for high school students. Exploring new places and immersing oneself in different cultures can broaden horizons, foster personal growth, and provide valuable education al opportunities ___16___ , traveling has the power to shape young minds and leave lasting impressions.
First and foremost, traveling exposes students to new cultures and perspectives ___17___ By encountering different languages, traditions, and customs, students develop tolerance, empathy, and appreciation for diversity. They learn to respect and embrace differences, which is a crucial skill in today’s interconnected global society.
Furthermore, travel provides unique education al opportunities that cannot be copied in a classroom setting. ___18___ Science becomes concrete when observing wildlife in its natural habitat or engaging in ecological projects Art and literature gain new perspectives when exposed to different artistic styles and literary traditions. Students can become active learners, connecting what they have studied with real-life experiences.
___19___ It encourages students to step outside their comfort zones and face challenges independently. They learn to navigate unfamiliar environments, make decisions, and take responsibility for their actions. These experiences foster independence, self-confidence, and adaptability, qualities that will serve them well throughout their lives.
In conclusion, traveling offers high school students immense benefits. It broadens their perspectives, provides educational opportunities, promotes personal growth, and create s lasting memories and friendships. It is an investment in their future, shaping them into-well-rounded individuals who are open-minded, culturally aware, and adaptable to different situations ___20___ .
A. Even though my travel seems really short
B. Traveling also promotes personal growth and self-discovery
C. Moreover, traveling creates lasting memories and lifelong friendships
D. Whether it’s a short weekend getaway or a long international adventure
E. History comes alive when visiting ancient ruins or exploring significant landmarks
F. So, pack your bags, set off on a journey, and let the world become your classroom
G. It allows them to step out of their comfort zones and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them
【答案】16. D 17. G 18. E 19. B 20. F
根据空前内容“Traveling is an enriching experience that offers numerous benefits, especially for high school students. Exploring new places and immersing oneself in different cultures can broaden horizons, foster personal growth, and provide valuable education al opportunities .(旅行是一个丰富的经验,提供了许多好处,特别是对高中生。探索新的地方,沉浸在不同的文化中可以开阔视野,促进个人成长,并提供宝贵的教育机会。)”可知,旅行对高中生有很多好处。而根据空后的“traveling has the power to shape young minds and leave lasting impressions.(旅行能塑造年轻的心灵,留下持久的印象。)”的形式可推测,空处为从句形式,且内容和旅行有关。选项D“Whether it’s a short weekend getaway or a long international adventure(无论是一个短暂的周末度假还是一次漫长的国际冒险)”形式上为状语从句,内容上指的是不管是短途旅程还是长途旅行,都对高中生有好处。故选D。
根据空前“First and foremost, traveling exposes students to new cultures and perspectives(首先,旅行使学生接触到新的文化和观点)”可知,旅行使学生接触到新的文化和观点。选项G“It allows them to step out of their comfort zones and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them(它让他们走出自己的舒适区,对周围的世界有更深的了解)”是上文内容的自然延续,指的是旅行可以使学生接触到新的文化和观点,从而对周围的世界有更深的了解。故选G。
根据空后的“Science becomes concrete when observing wildlife in its natural habitat or engaging in ecological projects Art and literature gain new perspectives when exposed to different artistic styles and literary traditions.(当观察自然栖息地的野生动物或从事生态工程时,科学变得具体。当接触到不同的艺术风格和文学传统时,艺术和文学获得新的视角。)”可知,旅行可以让教育不仅仅局限于课堂环境。选项E“History comes alive when visiting ancient ruins or exploring significant landmarks(当参观古代遗迹或探索重要的地标时,历史就栩栩如生了)”与下文内容一致,指的是当参观古代遗迹时可以更好地了解历史。与本段的主题“Furthermore, travel provides unique education al opportunities that cannot be copied in a classroom setting.(此外,旅行提供了独特的教育机会,这是在课堂环境中无法复制的。)”一致。故选E。
空处为段首句,为本段主要内容。根据下文内容“It encourages students to step outside their comfort zones and face challenges independently. They learn to navigate unfamiliar environments, make decisions, and take responsibility for their actions. These experiences foster independence, self-confidence, and adaptability, qualities that will serve them well throughout their lives.(它鼓励学生走出自己的舒适区,独立面对挑战。他们学会驾驭不熟悉的环境,做出决定,并为自己的行为负责。这些经历培养了独立、自信和适应能力,这些品质将在他们的一生中很好地为他们服务。)”可知,本段讲述的是旅行可以让学生成长。选项B“Traveling also promotes personal growth and self-discovery(旅行也促进个人成长和自我发现)”与本段内容相一致。故选B。
根据空前内容“In conclusion, traveling offers high school students immense benefits. It broadens their perspectives, provides educational opportunities, promotes personal growth, and create s lasting memories and friendships. It is an investment in their future, shaping them into-well-rounded individuals who are open-minded, culturally aware, and adaptable to different situations(总之,旅行给高中生带来了巨大的好处。它拓宽了他们的视野,提供了受教育的机会,促进了个人成长,并创造了持久的记忆和友谊。这是对他们未来的投资,将他们塑造成思想开放、具有文化意识、能适应不同情况的全面发展的人。)”可知,上文讲述的是旅行会给高中生带来巨大的好处。选项F“So, pack your bags, set off on a journey, and let the world become your classroom(所以,收拾好行囊,踏上旅程吧,让世界成为你的教室)”是上文内容的自然延续,讲的是既然旅行对高中生有益,那么让我们去旅行吧,让世界成为教室。故选F。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
My mother came from a traditional Catholic family and was a teacher before retirement. In short, she didn’t do crazy ___21___. That all changed a few years ago.
When she turned 75, she ___22___ us she’d booked a seven-night trip to Turkey. Alone. Of course, that was ___23___. She paid no attention to us. Off she went. When she returned she excitedly told us it had been ___24___. As it ___25___ , she had barely spent any time alone after ___26___ Mustafa, a carpet seller, who showed her around Istanbul for several days. She bought some carpets. Mustafa had taken her address and ___27___ to ship the carpets home. Mustafa and my mother apparently ___28___ quite a friendship and she had told him to please drop by if he were ever in our town. We couldn’t believe how ___29___ she had been and explained that she had been cheated. ____30____ , some weeks later, her carpets arrived. As did a lovely note from Mustafa. To our even greater ____31____ , the following year Mustafa himself arrived and visited.
Still, this year, she decided to get a tattoo (纹身) as her 80th birthday ____32____ to herself. My brother and I ____33____ each other. Was she joking Six days later, she had a tasteful butterfly on her left ankle.
Mum ____34____ straighter than most of us. Her absurd behavior seems to be thoughtfully based on a ____35____ that life is to be lived, and when there’s relatively little of it left, it needs to be lived now.
A. events B. stuff C. incidents D. routine
A. insisted B. persuaded C. informed D. convinced
A. critical B. distinct C. incorrect D. absurd
A. beneficial B. amazing C. boring D. secure
A. carried out B. figured out C. left out D. turned out
A. appreciating B. encountering C. honoring D. instructing
A. promised B. managed C. determined D. advocated
A. brought B. struck C. established D. made
A. mad B. innocent C. honest D. special
A Unexpectedly B. Unfortunately C. Naturally D. Frequently
A. relief B. surprise C. doubt D. delight
A. budget B. comfort C. symbol D. present
A. eyed B. complained C. laughed D. observed
A. analysed B. remembered C. thought D. concluded
A. emphasis B. realisation C. decision D. impression
【答案】21. B 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. A 31. B 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B
考查名词词义辨析。句意:简而言之,她没有做疯狂的事。A. events比赛项目;B. stuff东西;C. incidents事件;D. routine例行程序。根据上文“My mother came from a traditional Catholic family and was a teacher before retirement.(我母亲来自一个传统的天主教家庭,退休前是一名教师。)”可知,母亲来自一个传统的天主教家庭,并且曾经是一名教师,这样的背景说明了她做事循规蹈矩,不会做疯狂的事情。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她75岁的时候,她告诉我们她已经预订了去土耳其的七晚旅行。A. insisted坚持,坚决要求;B. persuaded说服;C. informed通知,通告;D. convinced使相信。根据空后的“us she’d booked a seven-night trip to Turkey”和下文中的“She paid no attention to us. Off she went.(她根本不理我们。她去了。)”可知,母亲已经订好了旅行,根本不听作者他们的反对,由此可知,她是通知作者他们这件事。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当然,这太荒谬了。A. critical批判性的;B. distinct截然不同的;C. incorrect不正确的;D. absurd荒谬的。根据下文中的“Her absurd behavior”可知,母亲独自去旅行的行为很荒谬。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当她回来时,她兴奋地告诉我们这太棒了。A. beneficial有利的,有帮助的;B. amazing令人惊喜(或惊羡、惊叹)的;C. boring没趣的;D. secure安全的。根据句中的“she excitedly told us”可知,母亲的这次旅行非常愉快,她认为这很棒。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:事实证明,在遇到地毯销售商Mustafa后,她几乎没有独处的时间,Mustafa带她在伊斯坦布尔转了几天。A. carried out执行,落实;B. figured out弄清楚;C. left out不包括;D. turned out证明是,……地发展(或发生),结果……。根据句中的“she had barely spent any time alone after ___6___Mustafa”可知,这里指的是事实证明她去旅行时几乎没有独处的时间。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意参考上题。A. appreciating欣赏;B. encountering遇到,偶然碰到;C. honoring尊敬;D. instructing指示,命令。根据空后的“Mustafa, a carpet seller, who showed her around Istanbul for several days”可知,母亲去土耳其旅行时遇到了一个地毯销售商Mustafa。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Mustafa记下了她的地址,答应把地毯运回家。A. promised承诺、答应;B. managed管理;C. determined决定;D. advocated提倡。根据句中的“Mustafa had taken her address”和空后的“to ship the carpets home”可知,地毯销售商Mustafa把母亲的地址记下来,承诺把地毯送回家。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Mustafa和我母亲显然建立了相当深厚的友谊,她告诉他,如果他在我们镇上,请顺便来。A. brought带来;B. struck撞击;C. established建立;D. made制作。根据空后的“quite a friendship”可知,母亲和Mustafa建立了友谊。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们简直不敢相信她有多愚蠢,并解释说她被骗了。A. mad疯狂的,极愚蠢的;B. innocent无辜的,清白的;C. honest诚实的;D. special特殊的。根据句中的“explained that she had been cheated”可知,作者他们认为母亲被骗了,所以觉得母亲的做法很愚蠢。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:出乎意料的是,几周后,她的地毯到货了。A. Unexpectedly意外地;B. Unfortunately不幸地;C. Naturally自然地;D. Frequently频繁地。根据上文中的“We couldn’t believe how ___9___she had been and explained that she had been cheated.(我们简直不敢相信她有多愚蠢,并解释说她被骗了。)”和空后的“some weeks later, her carpets arrived”可知,作者他们原以为母亲被骗了,但后来母亲的地毯如实被送来,这出乎大家的预料。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:更令我们惊讶的是,第二年Mustafa亲自抵达并到访。A. relief宽慰;B. surprise惊讶,惊奇;C. doubt怀疑;D. delight高兴。根据上文“__10___, some weeks later, her carpets arrived.(出乎意料的是,几周后,她的地毯到货了。)”和空前的greater可知,母亲的地毯被如实送来让大家感到出乎意料,而Mustafa亲自来访这件事更让大家惊讶。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,今年她还是决定纹身作为自己80岁生日的礼物。A. budget预算;B. comfort舒服;C. symbol象征;D. present礼物。根据空前的“her 80th birthday”可知,这里指的是母亲80岁的生日礼物。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我和哥哥互相打量。A. eyed注视;B. complained抱怨;C. laughed发笑;D. observed观察到。根据下文中的“Was she joking (她是在开玩笑吗?)”和空后的“each other”可知,面对母亲纹身的决定,作者和哥哥面面相觑。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:妈妈的想法比我们大多数人都要直率。A. analysed分析;B. remembered记得;C. thought思考,想;D. concluded作出结论。根据下文“life is to be lived, and when there’s relatively little of it left, it needs to be lived now (生活是要过的,当剩下的生活相对不多时,就需要现在就过)”可知,这里指母亲的想法很直率。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的荒谬行为似乎是基于一种深思熟虑的认识,即生活就是要过的,当剩下的生活相对不多时,就需要现在就过。A. emphasis强调;B. realisation认识,领悟;C. decision决定;D. impression印象。根据空后的“that life is to be lived, and when there’s relatively little of it left, it needs to be lived now”可知,这里指的是母亲对生活的认识。故选B。
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Reading fiction is highly ____36____ (benefit), and there are scientific studies to back this up. A recent study ____37____ (publish) in the Personality and , Social Psychology Bulletin found that people who grow up reading fiction have a richer and more complex worldview than those ____38____ don’t.
Reading fiction develops your ____39____ (imagine), which allows you to be more creative and helps you with your problem-solving skills. Moreover, the ability to imagine things influences everything a person does, ____40____ (think) about their profession and creates, regardless of their profession. All you need to do to work on this skill is to expose yourself ____41____ a great novel.
Reading fiction improves your mental health. Reading improves people’s mood ____42____ (great) and brings it to a pleasurable state. Moreover, research suggests that regular readers are relatively mentally healthy, ____43____ (show) lower stress levels and higher self-esteem than non-readers.
Reading fiction helps process your emotions: According to In Daily, when a person indirectly experiences ____44____ event associated with an emotion, for example, if they read about what happens to a character and how they feel about it, the same region of the brain is triggered (触发,激发) as if they’d experienced the event ____45____ (them).
【答案】36. beneficial
37. published
38. who 39. imagination
40. thinks 41. to
42. greatly
43. showing 44. an
45. themselves
考查定语从句。句意:最近发表在《个性与社会心理学公报》上的一项研究发现,阅读小说长大的人比不看小说的人拥有更丰富、更复杂的世界观。分析句子结构可知,本空引导限制性定语从句,先行词是those ,指人,关系词代替先行词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词who引导。故填who。
考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:此外,想象事物的能力影响着一个人所做的一切,思考他们的职业和创造,不管他们的职业是什么。think about“思考”。everything后为省略了引导词that的定语从句,先行词是everything,从句主语为a person,本空填think的第三人称单数形式,与does和creates并列,作从句谓语。故填thinks。
考查介词。句意:你所需要做的就是让自己接触一本伟大的小说。结合句意和expose可知,此处使用介词to,expose oneself to“暴露于,接触”。故填to。
考查冠词。句意:阅读小说有助于处理你的情绪:根据In Daily的说法,当一个人间接经历与情绪相关的一个事件时,例如,如果他们读到一个角色发生了什么以及他们对此的感受,大脑的同一区域就会被触发(触发,激发),就好像他们自己经历过这件事一样。此处泛指“一个事件”,且event以元音音素开头,应用不定冠词an。故填an。
考查代词。句意:阅读小说有助于处理你的情绪:根据In Daily的说法,当一个人间接经历与情绪相关的一个事件时,例如,如果他们读到一个角色发生了什么以及他们对此的感受,大脑的同一区域就会被触发(触发,激发),就好像他们自己经历过这件事一样。结合句意可知,此处使用反身代词themselves“他们自己”。故填themselves。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 今年夏天,我国福建遭遇特大台风袭击,造成巨大损失。假设你学生会主席李华,代表学生会写一封倡议书,号召全体学生向灾区贡献爱心。
内容包括:1.倡议原因 2.捐助时间地点及内容 3.号召捐助
注意:1:词数80字左右 2:可增加细节以使行文连贯
Dear fellow students,
The Students’ Union
【答案】Dear fellow students,
This summer, a severe typhoon hit Fujian, causing huge losses. As students, we should do our part to help the disaster-stricken area. We call on all of you to donate generously.
We will be collecting donations on September 23rd at the school playground, where you can contribute essential items such as non-perishable food, clothing, blankets, and basic medical supplies.
Let’s join hands and contribute our love to help the people in the disaster-stricken area!
The Students’ Union
严重的:severe→ serious
慷慨地:generously→ charitably
必要的:essential→ necessary
捐助:contribute→ donate
原句:This summer, a severe typhoon hit Fujian, causing huge losses.
拓展句:This summer, a severe typhoon hit Fujian, which caused huge losses.
【点睛】【高分句型1】We will be collecting donations on September 23rd at the school playground, where you can contribute essential items such as non-perishable food, clothing, blankets, and basic medical supplies.(运用了where引导定语从句)
【高分句型2】Let’s join hands and contribute our love to help the people in the disaster-stricken area!(运用了祈使句以及不定式形式担当目的状语)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
It was a cold winter morning when Lily woke up from her deep sleep. She stretched her arms and yawned lazily, feeling a sense of emptiness deep within. As she looked out the window, she noticed that the once lively and colorful garden outside was now covered in a blanket of snow.
Lily had always been fascinated by the beauty of nature. She loved watching the flowers bloom in spring, feeling the warmth of the sun in summer, and appreciating the golden colors of autumn. But now, with winter’s arrival, there seemed to be empty in her heart.
Determined to bring back the lost spirit of spring, Lily decided to take matters into her own hands. She put on her warmest coat, wrapped a scarf around her neck, and went out into the frozen world. With each step she took, she imagined the scent of fresh flowers filling the air and the sound of birds singing happily.
As she walked through the snow-covered garden, a small ray of sunlight broke through the clouds, casting a soft glow on the barren landscape. Lily’s eyes widened with wonder as she came across a tiny sprout (嫩芽) growing from the ground. It was a sign of hope, a promise of now life.
Eager to raise this fragile little life, Lily carefully dug a small hole and gently placed it in the soil. She watered it with tenderness, whispering words of encouragement. Days turned into weeks, and the sprout grew into a young plant, its leaves unfolding gradually.
One morning, as Lily stopped into the garden, she was greeted by a breathtaking sight. The once lifeless garden was now blooming with rows of colorful flowers. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of nature, and the sound of buzzing bees and singing birds created a symphony (交响乐) of joy.
1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
One day, the weather took an unexpected turn.
Through this painstaking process, Lily witnessed her own growth and transformation._
【答案】 One day, the weather took an unexpected turn. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and a heavy rain was on the way. Lily knew that she should protect the fragile flowers in the garden. She quickly got to work, taking the tools and the waterproof cover from her garage. Despite being thin and tiny, she used all her strength to set several poles into the area around the garden, put the cover above the flowers and fix it onto the poles. As the wind blew, Lily worked diligently, regardless of the approaching rain.
Through this painstaking process, Lily witnessed her own growth and transformation. She had learned to persevere in the face of adversity and to believe in the power of nature. As spring arrived, the garden bloomed with color, and Lily’s heart was filled with joy. She brought life back to the garden, and in turn, the garden gave her exciting rewards. She learned that with patience and dedication, anything was possible. As Lily sat in the garden on a warm day, she smiled, enjoying the beauty of nature.
【详解】1. 续写线索:
2. 段落续写:
3. 词汇激活
②坚持:persevere/stick it out
【点睛】【高分句型1】Despite being thin and tiny, she used all her strength to set several poles into the area around the garden, put the cover above the flowers and fix it onto the poles.(使用了动名词作宾语、不定式作目的状语)
【高分句型2】As Lily sat in the garden on a warm day, she smiled, enjoying the beauty of nature. (使用了As引导时间状语从句、现在分词作状语)恩施高中2022级高二上期中考试
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例: How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9:15.
1. What does the man say is important about photography
A. Shadows and lighting. B. Camera settings. C. Topics.
2. What sport is the man training in
A. Basketball. B. Tennis. C. Football.
3. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A visit. B. A birth. C. A wedding.
4. How does the woman sound
A. Encouraging. B. Depressing. C. Disappointing.
5. What are the speakers doing
A. Buying a map. B. Playing a game. C. Having a geography class.
6. What do the speakers have in common
A. They live in the same area. B. They both have a dog. C. They both are a parent.
7. Where does the conversation take place
A. In a park. B. On a dog beach. C. In a shopping mall.
8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Mother and son. C. Friends.
9. What will the man miss most about his own country
A. His friends. B. His family: C. The weather.
10. Why does the man want to work in this country
A. It’s beautiful. B. He finished college there. C. The people there are kinder.
11. What is wrong with Bill
A. He is short of money. B. He has made a big mistake. C. He is facing a hard choice.
12. What does Bill currently do
A. He studies at university. B. He works as an engineer. C. He serves at a gas station.
13. What does Grace suggest Bill do
A. Focus on education. B. Ask his aunt for advice. C. Accept the well-paying job.
14. Who is the man probably
A. A doctor. B. A skiing coach. C. A teacher.
15. How many students have never skied this time
A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.
16. What happened to the girl last year
A. She lost a skiing race. B. She learned how to ski. C. She got hurt on her arm.
17 How does the girl probably feel about going on the school trip
A. Afraid. B. Sad. C. Surprised.
18. What is the main topic of the talk
A. Man-made meat. B. Methods of farming. C. The price of animal meat.
19. How is the animal industry described in the talk
A. Useful. B. Wasteful. C. Powerful.
20. How much cheaper might man-made meat be by 2030
A. Twice. B. Five times. C. Ten times.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
As you can imagine, there are many types of advertisements all of which run in different mediums, on different channels, and have different goals in mind for their business.
Direct Mail Advertising
Direct mail involves creating and distributing printed materials to a targeted mailing list. These materials can include post cards, brochures, and letters. This method first came about in 1835.
It’s still quite effective, even in the digital age. Not only do consumers enjoy receiving physical mail, but there’s also much less competition compared to the tons of email marketing ads that people receive each day.
Radio Advertising
United States radio stations launched their first commercial broadcasts in 1920. And while we might all drive around with our iPhones for music these days, don’t let that fool you.
Radio is still a workable marketing and advertising platform today for expanding the reach of sponsored(赞助) events and new products. In this ad method, the advertiser pays the radio station to play the ir ad during breaks between music or a radio show.
Social Media Advertising
Social media advertising is a form of internet advertising that combined with the introduction of social media in the 2000s. In this ad method, advertisers promote products, services, or content on social media platforms, such as Facebook and TikTok.
There are also many different ad forms to choose from when advertising on social media, such as image ads, video ads, sponsored posts, and more.
Mobile Advertising
Since the early 2000s, mobile advertising has been a popular method due to the widespread use of cell phones. It involves delivering promotional messages or advertisements through text messages, mobile apps, and mobile websites.
With this method, advertisers can maximize the use of data and create highly personalized ads based on location, behavior, and user interests.
1. What is the advantage of Direct Mail Advertising mentioned in the passage
A. It reaches a large audience quickly.
B. It allows for interaction with consumers.
C. It is the most cost-effective advertising method.
D. It has less competition compared to email marketing.
2. What does the advertisement seen on TikTok belong to
A. Radio Advertising B. Mobile Advertising
C. Direct Mail Advertising D. Social Media Advertising
3. What allows Mobile Advertising to create highly personalized ads
A. Mobile apps B. Text messages
C. The maximum use of data D. The widespread use of cell phones
Inventor, physicist, surveyor, astronomer, biologist, artist... Robert Hooke was all these and more. Some say he was the greatest experimental scientist of the 17th century. In the course of his work, he cooperated with famous men of science like Christian Huygens, Isaac Newton, and the great architect, Christopher Wren.
Hooke’s early education began at home, under the guidance of his father. He entered Westminster School at the age of 13, and from there went to Oxford, where he came in contact with some of the best scientists in England. Hooke impressed them with his skills at designing experiments and inventing instruments. In 1662, at the age of 28, he was named Curator of experiments at the newly formed Royal Society of London — meaning that he was responsible for demonstrating new experiments at the society’s weekly meeting. Hooke accepted the job, even though he knew that the society had no money to pay him!
Watching living things through the microscope was one of his favorite pastimes. He invented a compound microscope for this purpose. One day while observing a cork (软木) under a microscope, he saw honeycomb-like structures. There were cells— the smallest units of life. In fact, it was Hooke who invented the term “cell” as the box-like cells of the cork reminded him of the cells of a monastery.
Another achievement of Hooke’s was his book Micrographia, which introduced the enormous potential of the microscope. It contains fascinating drawings of the thing he saw under the microscope. The book also includes, among other things, ideas on gravity, light and burning that may have helped scientists like Newton when they were developing their own theories on these phenomena.
Hooke made a valuable contribution to astronomy too. A crater on the moon is named after him in honor of his services to this branch of science.
4. Which is the possible reason why Hooke accepted the job as a Curator of Experiments
A. His family needed his support.
B. He liked designing experiments.
C. His parents couldn’t afford his education.
D He wanted to please the famous scientists in England.
5. For what purpose did Hooke invent a compound microscope
A. To please the famous scientists in England.
B. To observe living things through the microscope.
C. To conduct new experiments at the society’s weekly meeting.
D. To impress other scientists with his skills at inventing instruments.
6. What can we learn about Robert Hooke from the text
A. Hooke went to Oxford in 1645.
B. Hooke made a contribution to medicine.
C. Hooke was well paid in the Royal Society of London.
D. Hooke’s book Micrographia may have helped Newton.
7. The last paragraph is to prove that ____________.
A. Hooke was good at making discoveries.
B. Hooke was one of the greatest astronomers.
C. Hooke’s contributions were not limited to one field.
D. Hooke was the greatest experimental scientist of the 17th century.
In the vast Atlantic Ocean, the hogfish is showing a talent that seems straight out of a science fiction novel. This species has the extraordinary ability to observe its surroundings through its skin, without the use of its eyes. The process behind this phenomenon is the subject of in-depth study, with researchers seeking to unlock the potential technologies this vision mode might inspire.
At the heart of the hogfish’s skin vision are special cells’named chromatophores, which are cells capable of changing color. However, the standout role is played by another set of cells, their iridophores. These cells are sensitive to light and send the signals to chromatophores, managing a complex interaction that enhances a visual understanding of their environment.
Exploring the complexities of this vision mode is not without challenges. Scientists are on the verge of fully understanding the complex relationship of these cells. The complicated manner in which these cells communicate and cooperate to create a unique vision system presents a fascinating yet difficult field of study. As Justine Allen, a researcher deeply involved in this study, admits, “We are far from truly understanding it.”
Despite the challenges, the scientific community is buoyant about the potential breakthroughs that might occur from this line of research. Revealing the secrets of hogfish’s skin vision can potentially lead to revolutionary developments in various fields. The horizon seems to be broad with possibilities like the creation of smart clothes that adapt to changing light conditions, or highly advanced cameras that copy the hogfish’s unique visual capabilities. Furthermore, the applications could extend to the car industry with smart cars adapting to changing environmental conditions, or even in the medical field with devices capable of non-invasive (非侵入的) sensing techniques.
As researchers explore deeper into this mystery, the potential seem limitless. Understanding the hogfish’s unique vision can open doors to technologies that are yet to be realized, presenting a future where science fiction might just integrate with reality.
8. What role do iridophores play in hogfish’s skin vision
A. They store nutrients for the hogfish’s skin cells.
B. They help regulate the hogfish’s body temperature..
C. They transmit signals to other cells for visual understanding.
D. They change color to help the fish integrate with surroundings.
9. Why is studying the hogfish’s skin vision challenging
A. The cells involved are difficult to observe.
B. The hogfish’s skin vision is not well-developed.
C. The vision system is similar to other sea creatures.
D. The process of communication among cells is complex.
10. In the 4th paragraph, what does the underlined word “buoyant” probably mean
A. Critical. B. Insecure.
C. Doubtful. D. Optimistic.
11. What is the main idea of the text
A. Chromatophores plays an important role in animal vision.
B. The hogfish’s skin vision is a rare and unusual phenomenon.
C. Scientists explore hogfish’s vision for practical applications.
D. Researchers are struggling to understand the hogfish’s vision.
Recent research highlights that the timing of our meals, particularly the last one of the day, can significantly affect our health. The story is not merely about what we consume, but also about when we do so.
The debate about dinner timing finds substantial, scientific support with a Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) study published in Cell Metabolism in October 2022, suggesting that early dinners could have more health benefits than previously believed. And it defined an early dinner as a meal consumed three to four hours before bedtime, in line with our body’s circadian rhythm (生理节奏).
The BWH study discovered clear differences in metabolic (新陈代谢的) profiles of early and late diners. Early diners demonstrated lower blood glucose (葡萄糖) levels, improved fat-burning capacity, better sleep quality, and higher energy levels. Meanwhile, late dinners led to increased hunger, slower calorie burning, and higher fat storage, posing risks for conditions like diabetes(糖尿病).
The exact timing of dinner isn’t a one-size-fits-all choice, as people’s routines vary widely. Maya Feller, a nutritionist based in Brooklyn, NY, emphasizes that our schedules —ranging from traditional nine-to-five to round-the-clock — are critical when considering “ideal” meal times. Therefore, finding a dinner time that fits into your schedule is essential, rather than sticking to a strict, potentially impossible timetable.
Wendy Bazilian, DrPH, offers insightful tips for those whose routines may not permit an early dinner. She recommends consuming meals or snacks every three to five hours. This regular eating pattern can help . stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing the feeling of hunger. Furthermore, it’s advantageous to leave a gap of two to three hours between your last meal and bedtime. This gap ensures your body has sufficient time for most of the digestion process — letting you get adequate rest and repair during sleep.
So it’s time to reconsider not just the contents of your plate, but also the clock. After all, leading a healthy lifestyle isn’t merely about counting calories but al o understanding when and how to fuel our bodies.
12. What did the Brigham and Women’s Hospital(BWH) study mainly focus on
A. The recommended daily diet. B. Our body’s circadian rhythm.
C. The drawbacks of early dinners. D. The importance of dinner timing.
13. What may be the result of having an early dinner
A. Having a strong sense of hunger. B. Storing up more fat in your body.
C. Having a higher risk of diabetes. D. Enjoying a sound night’s sleep.
14. What advice does Wendy Bazilian give to the late diners
A. They’re supposed to grab some food every 5. hours.
B. They’d better have access to adequate rest and repair,
C. They should allow for digestion process before bedtime.
D. They are advised to keep their blood sugar level stable.
15. What is the best title for the text
A. The Healthiest Time to Eat Dinner. B. We Are What We Eat.
C Benefits of Good Dietary Habits. D. Eating Less in the Evening.
Traveling is an enriching experience that offers numerous benefits, especially for high school students. Exploring new places and immersing oneself in different cultures can broaden horizons, foster personal growth, and provide valuable education al opportunities ___16___ , traveling has the power to shape young minds and leave lasting impressions.
First and foremost, traveling exposes students to new cultures and perspectives ___17___ By encountering different languages, traditions, and customs, students develop tolerance, empathy, and appreciation for diversity. They learn to respect and embrace differences, which is a crucial skill in today’s interconnected global society.
Furthermore travel provides unique education al opportunities that cannot be copied in a classroom setting. ___18___ Science becomes concrete when observing wildlife in its natural habitat or engaging in ecological projects Art and literature gain new perspectives when exposed to different artistic styles and literary traditions. Students can become active learners, connecting what they have studied with real-life experiences.
___19___ It encourages students to step outside their comfort zones and face challenges independently. They learn to navigate unfamiliar environments, make decisions, and take responsibility for their actions. These experiences foster independence, self-confidence, and adaptability, qualities that will serve them well throughout their lives.
In conclusion, traveling offers high school students immense benefits. It broadens their perspectives, provides educational opportunities, promotes personal growth, and create s lasting memories and friendships. It is an investment in their future, shaping them into-well-rounded individuals who are open-minded, culturally aware, and adaptable to different situations ___20___ .
A. Even though my travel seems really short
B. Traveling also promotes personal growth and self-discovery
C. Moreover, traveling creates lasting memories and lifelong friendships
D. Whether it’s a short weekend getaway or a long international adventure
E. History comes alive when visiting ancient ruins or exploring significant landmarks
F. So, pack your bags, set off on a journey, and let the world become your classroom
G. It allows them to step out of their comfort zones and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
My mother came from a traditional Catholic family and was a teacher before retirement. In short, she didn’t do crazy ___21___. That all changed a few years ago.
When she turned 75, she ___22___ us she’d booked a seven-night trip to Turkey. Alone. Of course, that was ___23___. She paid no attention to us. Off she went. When she returned she excitedly told us it had been ___24___. As it ___25___ , she had barely spent any time alone after ___26___ Mustafa, a carpet seller, who showed her around Istanbul for several days. She bought some carpets. Mustafa had taken her address and ___27___ to ship the carpets home. Mustafa and my mother apparently ___28___ quite a friendship and she had told him to please drop by if he were ever in our town. We couldn’t believe how ___29___ she had been and explained that she had been cheated. ____30____ , some weeks later, her carpets arrived. As did a lovely note from Mustafa. To our even greater ____31____ , the following year Mustafa himself arrived and visited.
Still, this year, she decided to get a tattoo (纹身) as her 80th birthday ____32____ to herself. My brother and I ____33____ each other. Was she joking Six days later, she had a tasteful butterfly on her left ankle.
Mum ____34____ straighter than most of us. Her absurd behavior seems to be thoughtfully based on a ____35____ that life is to be lived, and when there’s relatively little of it left, it needs to be lived now.
A. events B. stuff C. incidents D. routine
A. insisted B. persuaded C. informed D. convinced
A. critical B. distinct C. incorrect D. absurd
A. beneficial B. amazing C. boring D. secure
A. carried out B. figured out C. left out D. turned out
A. appreciating B. encountering C. honoring D. instructing
A. promised B. managed C. determined D. advocated
A. brought B. struck C. established D. made
A. mad B. innocent C. honest D. special
A. Unexpectedly B. Unfortunately C. Naturally D. Frequently
A. relief B. surprise C. doubt D. delight
A. budget B. comfort C. symbol D. present
A. eyed B. complained C. laughed D. observed
A. analysed B. remembered C. thought D. concluded
A. emphasis B. realisation C. decision D. impression
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Reading fiction is highly ____36____ (benefit), and there are scientific studies to back this up. A recent study ____37____ (publish) in the Personality and , Social Psychology Bulletin found that people who grow up reading fiction have a richer and more complex worldview than those ____38____ don’t.
Reading fiction develops your ____39____ (imagine), which allows you to be more creative and helps you with your problem-solving skills. Moreover, the ability to imagine things influences everything a person does, ____40____ (think) about their profession and creates, regardless of their profession. All you need to do to work on this skill is to expose yourself ____41____ a great novel.
Reading fiction improves your mental health. Reading improves people’s mood ____42____ (great) and brings it to a pleasurable state. Moreover, research suggests that regular readers are relatively mentally healthy, ____43____ (show) lower stress levels and higher self-esteem than non-readers.
Reading fiction helps process your emotions: According to In Daily, when a person indirectly experiences ____44____ event associated with an emotion, for example, if they read about what happens to a character and how they feel about it, the same region of the brain is triggered (触发,激发) as if they’d experienced the event ____45____ (them).
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 今年夏天,我国福建遭遇特大台风袭击,造成巨大损失。假设你学生会主席李华,代表学生会写一封倡议书,号召全体学生向灾区贡献爱心。
内容包括:1.倡议原因 2.捐助时间地点及内容 3.号召捐助
注意:1:词数80字左右 2:可增加细节以使行文连贯
Dear fellow students,
The Students’ Union
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
It was a cold winter morning when Lily woke up from her deep sleep. She stretched her arms and yawned lazily, feeling a sense of emptiness deep within. As she looked out the window, she noticed that the once lively and colorful garden outside was now covered in a blanket of snow.
Lily had always been fascinated by the beauty of nature. She loved watching the flowers bloom in spring, feeling the warmth of the sun in summer, and appreciating the golden colors of autumn. But now, with winter’s arrival, there seemed to be empty in her heart.
Determined to bring back the lost spirit of spring, Lily decided to take matters into her own hands. She put on her warmest coat, wrapped a scarf around her neck, and went out into the frozen world. With each step she took, she imagined the scent of fresh flowers filling the air and the sound of birds singing happily.
As she walked through the snow-covered garden, a small ray of sunlight broke through the clouds, casting a soft glow on the barren landscape. Lily’s eyes widened with wonder as she came across a tiny sprout (嫩芽) growing from the ground. It was a sign of hope, a promise of now life.
Eager to raise this fragile little life, Lily carefully dug a small hole and gently placed it in the soil. She watered it with tenderness, whispering words of encouragement. Days turned into weeks, and the sprout grew into a young plant, its leaves unfolding gradually.
One morning, as Lily stopped into the garden, she was greeted by a breathtaking sight. The once lifeless garden was now blooming with rows of colorful flowers. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of nature, and the sound of buzzing bees and singing birds created a symphony (交响乐) of joy.
1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
One day, the weather took an unexpected turn.
Through this painstaking process, Lily witnessed her own growth and transformation._