

名称 云南省部分地区2023-2024学年高三上学期期末英语汇编:七选五(含解析)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-22 20:09:56



阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Being organized is an important part of being a student. ____36____Recommended approaches include prioritizing your to-do lists, organizing your school supplies and tracking closing dates. You can be well on your way to becoming an organized student.
●Have a morning routine. A great way to stay organized is to have the same routine every morning. It is harder to forget things at home or come to school unprepared if you follow the same routine each day. In addition to showering and getting dressed, your morning routine should include a healthy breakfast and a quick check of your backpack. ____37____
●Begin projects at once. Try to begin working on homework and other projects as soon as you know what the assignment will be. ____38____It will make it harder to organize other parts of your student life. Organizing time for homework every night will help you complete your schoolwork more effectively.
●____39____Separate materials based on subject by using different colors. For math, for example, you might want to have a blue book cover, blue folder and blue notebook. For history, you might choose pink. That way, you’ll look in your locker or backpack and easily be able to get what you need for each class.
●Be aware of the deadline of the project. ____40____ Consider buying a whiteboard or bulletin board to keep track of when you need to turn in your projects. This visual aid can help you remember deadlines. If you’re having problems finishing your work on time, a fun way to get the project done more easily and quickly is to work with friends. Make sure your teachers and parents allow it.
A. Color code your materials by subject.
B. Make sure everything you need is totally in it.
C. Turn to teachers and friends for help immediately.
D. It’s especially important for junior and senior students.
E. Being organized means remembering when your work is due.
F. Getting organized is necessary for improving your family relationship.
G. Waiting until the last minute to finish it will make you feel less organized.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
In this globalized era, it has become more and more common to work, live, befriend, and even create families with people of diverse backgrounds. In this sense, understanding how to bridge cultural gaps among various diverse groups is important. The better we understand each other, the less misunderstanding would occur. 36 ___________
●Recognize cultural differences.
Be as open-minded as possible. Recognize cultural differences among the people you are communicating with. 37____________ before you know the person more in depth. It is a way to respect their differences
●Show respect.
38 ____________. Some cultures show it more physically, like bowing in Japan. Others are less physical, but more on the verbal level, like in most Western cultures. Respect the way people express respect.
●Speak clearly
Speaking clearly means using concrete words, not abstract words, which can often confuse those who speak English as a foreign or second language. Use a calm and soft intonation as well, as people tend to take in information better when listening to a calming tone.
● 39_____________
With awareness and understanding of cultural differences, asking for clarification should not be hard. Offer clarification as well, so the person would feel you are doing your best to communicate meaningfully.
In short, bridging cultural gaps requires a respectful and honest communication where clarifying and asking for clarifications should come naturally. 40_______________. So is the final quality of the results.
A. Clarify and ask for clarification
B. Here are some suggestions which help
C. These points not only decide on the topic
D. People tend to show respect with polite words
E. The way you communicate is of great importance
F. Every culture has a very special way to show respect
G. Know that the behaviors are based on cultural backgrounds
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。
Your guide to a no-spend challenge
A no-spend challenge isn't about total deprivation(剥夺)or freezing your bank account. 16 . ___________ The most common form of the challenge is to purchase only necessities and restrain from buying wants and impulse desires.
Assessing and prioritising needs
Before delving (深入探究) into the no-spend challenge, take the time to assess and differentiate your essential needs from your wants. Identify recurring bills, necessary expenditures and essential items. Distinguish them from free spending on non-essential products and services. This initial step lays the foundation for a realistic and sustainable challenge. 17. ____________
Creating a realistic budget
A successful no-spend challenge is rooted in the development of a well-crafted budget that reflects your financial reality. 18. ____________ Allocate specific amounts for variable expenses such as groceries and bills, enhancing accountability and providing a clear roadmap for responsible spending during the challenge.
Support system
19.___________ A firm support system that understands and respects your financial goals creates a positive environment, fostering motivation and solidarity. Share tips, experiences and celebrate milestones together, turning the challenge into a shared journey towards financial consciousness.
As your challenge concludes, take enough time to reflect on the entire experience. What insights did you gain into your spending habits and priorities Identify positive changes you want to maintain and integrate them into your long-term financial strategy.
The no-spend challenge is not merely a temporary exercise; it serves as a catalyst for enduring financial wellness. Embrace the journey, learn from the experience and watch as your financial goals transform into realities.
A. Establishing long-term habits
B. Understanding the no-spend challenge
C. It ensures that crucial aspects of your life remain unaffected
D. Begin by outlining your income, fixed expenses and any upcoming financial goals
E. Share your commitment with friends and family, encouraging them to support your effort
F. The no-spend challenge serves as an opportune moment to cultivate mindful spending habits
G. It represents a conscious decision to redirect your financial focus and control your spending habits
Think back to the last time you shopped for fruits and vegetables. You may have noticed some items labelled with the word “organic”. 16
“Organic” refers to the way food is grown. To be labelled as organic, food production must meet strict guidelines. These can be different depending on where you live. In the United States, organic foods must be grown or raised without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
17 That changed after the Industrial Revolution. During the 20th century, many ideas that were used by factories and big businesses were put into action on farms. This helped some farms grow larger and produce more.
The organic movement was started to get back to the old traditional ways of farming. Why Many believe the chemicals and pesticides used in modern farming can be harmful to your health. 18 And those who support the organic movement also point to its benefits for the environment.
Have you ever compared organic and non-organic foods at the grocery store If so, you know that organic food tend to cost more. This happens for many reasons. Organic farming produces fewer crops. 19 Additionally, organic farms spend more money taking care of the animals they raise. These and other factors drive the cost of organic food up.
Is organic food worth the extra cost Some people believe it is. They may think it tastes better or just prefer to eat food that has not been grown using chemicals. 20 They are still trying to find a major difference between organic and non-organic food in terms of safety, nutrition, or taste. Still, others argue that the environmental benefits of organic food make it worth the price.
A. Have you ever wondered what that means
B. The cost of production is also usually higher.
C. For most of history, almost all food was organic.
D. Are you wondering if organic food is right for you
E. Many people are willing to pay more for organic food.
F. Some also think organic foods are naturally more nutritious.
G. Scientists have studied organic and non-organic foods for many years now.
The core of an admirable life is respect. When you respect yourself and others, you behave in a way that sets a high standard. 16 Here are some steps you can take toward living a more admirable life.
Learn to be comfortable in your own skin. The real purpose of your life is to evolve and grow into the whole person you are capable of being. It’s easy to get off the path and spend your time trying to be someone you think you're supposed to be, but any effort to change yourself for other people is bound to be worthless. 17
Stop pleasing others despite yourself. How many wasted years, months, and days have you spent trying to please others 18 If they like you for who you are, good; if not, it’s not your problem. Do more of what makes you happy, and in turn you will make others around you happy, too.
19 Take risks and be bold. If you win, you win; if you lose, you’ll still be wiser. Try new things and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way because every risk, every dare, is a victory over fear.
Don’t dream your life; live your dreams. 20 You are powerful when you believe in yourself. When you finally decide to be yourself, you can make your life look any way you want it to. Go after your dream, no matter how unattainable others think it is.
In the end, if you can become a person you admire, you will be able to help others bring out their best as well.
A.Live fully and dare greatly.
B.Treat confidence as a superpower.
C.The best you can do is to be your true self.
D.Honesty is central to any admirable life.
E.Never put off or give up on your dreams.
F.Making everybody happy is never your responsibility.
G.You’ll do things you can be proud of and inspire others to do the same.
【答案】36. D 37. B 38. G 39. A 40. E
前文“Being organized is an important part of being a student. (有条理是作为一名学生的重要部分。)”讲述了有条理是学生的重要部分,D项“这对初中和高中的学生来说尤其重要。”承接上文,进一步点明有条理对初高中学生尤其重要,选项中的It指代前文的Being organized。故选D。
前文“In addition to showering and getting dressed, your morning routine should include a healthy breakfast and a quick check of your backpack. (除了洗澡和穿衣,你的早上日常还应该包括健康的早餐和快速检查背包。)”讲述了要检查背包,B项“确保你所需要的一切都在里面。”讲述了检查背包的目的,选项中的it指代前文中的your backpack。故选B。
前文“Try to begin working on homework and other projects as soon as you know what the assignment will be. (一旦你知道任务是什么,就试着开始做家庭作业和其他项目。)”讲述了要快速开展作业,后文“It will make it harder to organize other parts of your student life. (这将使你更难组织学生生活的其他部分。)”讲述了“It”会让组织其他学习部分更难,由此可知,空处应与拖延作业有关,G项“等到最后一分钟才完成会让你感觉不那么有条理。”符合题意。故选G。
根据后文“Separate materials based on subject by using different colors. (根据学科使用不同的颜色分开教材。)”可知,这里讲述了要根据学科来用颜色区分教材,A项“按主题对材料进行颜色编码。”符合题意。故选A。
根据前文“Be aware of the deadline of the project. (注意项目的最后期限。)”可知,这里讲述了要注意项目的最后期限,E项“有条理意味着记住你的工作何时到期。”符合题意。故选E。
36~40 BGFAE
36.B 考查句间及段间的顺承关系。前面说到“了解如何弥合不同群体之间的文化差异是很重要的。我们越了解彼此, 误解就越少”, 后文给出具体建议, 这里接“这里有一些有帮助的建议”,承上启下,故选 B。
37.G 考查句间解释关系。本句“要知道一个人的行为是基于其文化背景的”与后文“在你更深入地了解这个人之前, 这是一种尊重他们差异的方式”, 形成了解释关系, 故选G。
38. F 考查段落主题句。后面举例说到各个国家不同的表达尊重的方式, 这里用“每一种文化都有一种特殊的表达尊重的方式”合乎逻辑,故选 F。
39. A 考查段落主旨。此部分强调了“澄清和要求澄清”的意义, 文中和选项中的“clarification”和“clarify”也是提示,故选 A。
40. E 考查句间并列关系。弥合不同群体之间的文化差异, 需要尊重、真诚的沟通, 前面强 调了沟通的方式, 这里“你的沟通方式很重要”,与后面“沟通的最终质量也很重要”,呈并列关系,故选 E。
16— 20 GCDEA
七选五:本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了无消费挑战的几个注意事项。
16. G 【解析】根据上文“无消费挑战并不是完全剥夺你的财产或者冻结你的银行账户”可知, 下文解释不花钱的概念 。故选 G项“它代表了一个有意识的决定去重新定位你的财务重 点, 控制你的消费习惯”。
17. C 【解析】根据上文“这一初步步骤为现实和可持续的挑战奠定了基础”可知, 此处继续说 明这么做的好处(它能确保你生活的关键方面不受影响)。
18. D 【解析】根据上文“一个成功的无消费挑战根植于一个精心制作的预算的发展, 这个预算 反映了你的财务现实”可知, D项“从概述你的收入、固定开支和任何即将到来的财务目标开 始”与之衔接紧密。
19. E 【解析】根据小标题和下文“一个能理解和尊重你的财务目标的坚定的支持体系可以创 造一个积极的环境, 培养动力和团结”可知, 此处 E项“与朋友和家人分享你的承诺, 鼓励他 们支持你的努力”最符合语境。
20. A 【解析】本段的主要内容:当你的挑战结束时, 花足够的时间来反思整个经历, 将你想要 保持的积极变化整合到你的长期财务战略中 。故 A项“建立长期习惯”可以概括本段。
16-20 ACFBG
16. A。根据上文“You may have noticed some items labelled with the word “organic”.(你可能注 意到一些标有“有机”字样的物品)”及下文““Organic” refers to the way food is grown.(“有机”是指食物的生长方式)”可知,选项以问题的方式提出“有机”是什么意思,承上启下。故A选项“你有没有想过这是什么意思?”切题。故选A项。
17. C。根据下文“That changed after the Industrial Revolution.(工业革命后,情况发生了变化)”可知,选项说明工业革命前的情况。故C选项“在历史的大部分时间里,几乎所有的食物都是有机的”切题。故选C项。
18. F。根据上文“Many believe the chemicals and pesticides used in modern farming can be harmful to your health.(许多人认为现代农业中使用的化学物质和杀虫剂会对你的健康有害)”可知,选项承接上文说明另一些人的看法。故F选项“一些人还认为有机食品自然更有营养”切题。故选F项。
19. B。根据上文“If so, you know that organic food tend to cost more. This happens for many reasons. Organic farming produces fewer crops.(如果是这样的话,你知道有机食品往 往价格更高。这种情况有很多原因。有机农业生产的作物较少)”可知,选项承接上文,说明有机食品价格高的原因。故B选项“生产成本通常也较高”切题。故选B项。
20. G。根据下文“They are still trying to find a major difference between organic and non-organic food in terms of safety, nutrition, or taste.(他们仍在努力寻找有机食品和非有机食品在安全性、营养或味道方面的主要区别)”此句中的They指代了G选项中的 scientists.可知,科学家对有机食品和非有机食品研究了很多年了。故G选项“科学家们已经研究有机和非有机食品多年了”切题。故选G项。
16.G 17.C 18.F 19.A 20.E
16.根据上文“The core of an admirable life is respect. When you respect yourself and others, you behave in a way that sets a high standard.(令人钦佩的生活的核心是尊重。当你尊重自己和他人时,你的行为方式就会设定高标准)”可知,上文提到了当你尊重自己和他人时,你的行为方式就会设定高标准,由此本句是在说明这一行为所带来的结果和影响。故G选项“你会做一些让自己感到自豪的事情,并激励别人也这样做”符合语境,故选G。
17.根据上文“Learn to be comfortable in your own skin. The real purpose of your life is to evolve and grow into the whole person you are capable of being. It’s easy to get off the path and spend your time trying to be someone you think you're supposed to be, but any effort to change yourself for other people is bound to be worthless.(学会对自己本来的样子感到舒适。你生活的真正目的是进化和成长为一个完整的你有能力成为的人。我们很容易偏离正道,把时间花在成为你认为自己应该成为的人上,但任何为了别人而改变自己的努力都注定是毫无价值的)”可知,上文提到把时间花在成为你认为自己应该成为的人上,即强调做真实的自己。故C选项“你能做的就是做真实的自己”符合语境,故选C。
18.根据上文“Stop pleasing others despite yourself. How many wasted years, months, and days have you spent trying to please others (不要不顾自己的意愿去取悦别人。为了取悦别人,你浪费了多少年、多少月、多少天?)”可知,上文建议不要取悦别人,即让别人快乐,故F选项“让每个人都快乐从来都不是你的责任”符合语境,故选F。
19.根据本段内容“Take risks and be bold. If you win, you win; if you lose, you’ll still be wiser. Try new things and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way because every risk, every dare, is a victory over fear.(勇于冒险,勇敢面对。如果你赢了,你就赢了;如果你输了,你仍然会更聪明。尝试新事物,利用你面前的每一个机会,因为每一次冒险,每一次挑战,都是对恐惧的胜利)”可知,本段主旨是勇于冒险和尝试新事物,故A选项“充实地生活,大胆地冒险”符合语境,故选A。
20.根据上文“Don’t dream your life; live your dreams.(不要梦想你的生活;实现你的梦想)”以及后文“You are powerful when you believe in yourself. When you finally decide to be yourself, you can make your life look any way you want it to. Go after your dream, no matter how unattainable others think it is.(当你相信自己的时候,你就是强大的。当你最终决定做自己的时候,你可以让你的生活看起来像你想要的那样。去追求你的梦想吧,不管别人认为它多么遥不可及)”可知,本段强调实现梦想,E选项中dreams可对应上文dreams。故E选项“永远不要推迟或放弃你的梦想”符合语境,故选E。