人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 4 Sharing课件(5份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 4 Sharing课件(5份打包)
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文件大小 5.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-23 13:31:30


Period One Reading and Thinking
1.Some villagers were resting themselves in the shade of a tall tree. (  )
2.As she grows older,she’s beginning to get wrinkles round her eyes. (  )
3.The fields are filled with weeds,which will affect the growth of crops. (  )
【答案】1.C 2.E 3.A
4.When crops are ripe in autumn,fields turn entirely golden.People celebrates the good harvest happily. (  )
5.Rigid methods of education are no longer popular among students. (  )
【答案】4.D 5.B
1.dust n.灰尘;沙土 vi.& vt.擦灰→__________ adj.布满灰尘的
2.chemist n.化学家;药剂师;药房→__________adj.化学的 n.化学物;化学制品
【答案】1.dusty 2.chemical
3.ripe adj.成熟的;时机成熟的→__________ vt.& vi.(使)成熟
4.house n.房子→__________ n.住房;住宅
5.rubber n.橡皮;黑板擦;橡胶→__________v.擦,摩擦;揉擦,按摩
【答案】3.ripen 4.housing 5.rub
a chorus of;be dying for;not to mention;adapt to;drag...out of
1.The self-discipline is required to pull myself out of bed eleven minutes earlier than usual.
=The self-discipline is required to ________ myself________ bed eleven minutes earlier than usual.
【答案】1.drag;out of
2.He was met with a burst of applause from the audience.
=He was met with __________ applause from the audience.
3.Having worked so hard for so long a time,she was eager for a break.
=Having worked so hard for so long a time,she __________ a break.
【答案】2.a chorus of 3.was dying for
4.I love apple pies,let alone apples.
=I love apple pies,________________ apples.
5.The world will be different,and we will have to be prepared to adjust to the change.
=The world will be different,and we will have to be prepared to__________the change.
【答案】4.not to mention 5.adapt to
(  )1.The author worked as a voluntary teacher a long way from her home.
(  )2.The school where the author volunteered in is in pretty good condition.
(  )3.The students in that school seldom did any experiment in the past.
【答案】1-3 TFT
(  )4.The author thinks it unnecessary for the students to do any chemistry experiment.
(  )5.Tombe’s parents didn’t know how to treat the author.
【答案】4-5 TF
(  )1.What can we infer from Paragraph 1
A.The school is located in a remote village in the author’s country.
B.The author misses her home and her family very much.
C.The author does a lot of shopping online when in Africa.
D.The deliverers didn’t take good care of the parcels.
(  )2.What do we know about the school
A.It is intended for high school students.
B.The students are well educated there.
C.It is poorly furnished or equipped.
D.It is a school with a long history.
(  )3.From the chemistry experiment,we can infer that ________.
A.the students seldom did chemistry experiment before
B.the students took no interest in chemistry experiment
C.the author was responsible for chemistry experiment failure
D.all the students respect their teachers highly
(  )4.Which of the following word can we use to describe the students
A.Disadvantaged. B.Confident.
C.Aggressive. D.Pessimistic.
(  )5.How did the author and her friend feel when they left the village
A.Disappointed. B.Excited.
C.Interested. D.Tired.
I once worked as a voluntary teacher in a remote village in Papua New Guinea. The students had to walk a long way to school every day. It took me only a few minutes to walk to my school 1._____ classrooms were made of bamboo.Whenever I walked into the school,I 2.______(greet) by a chorus of “good morning”.
【答案】1.whose 2.was greeted
Unlike 3._____ was in my country,there was no electricity,nor running water in the school,not to mention modern 4.______ (device).Therefore,I had to try hard to adapt 5.______(I) to such situations in this school.I found 6._____ a challenge for me to teach science here since the students had no concept of 7.______(do) experiments.Sometimes,I even doubted whether I could make any 8.______ (different) to them.
【答案】3.what 4.devices 5.myself 6.it
7.doing 8.difference(s)
One of my students lived in a remote village.Last weekend,my friend and I paid a visit to his home.He lived on the other side of a mountain and it took us two and a half hours 9.______(get) there. He lived in a small bamboo hut without windows with his parents. 10.______ they lived a simple life,their life was filled with peace and happiness.
【答案】9.to get 10.Though
1.parcel n.包裹 vt.裹好;打包
(P38)I just got a parcel from home!
(1)parcel n.包袱;包裹;(土地的)一块;一批;一群;(货物的)一宗
a parcel of 一批,一组
(2)parcel vt.分开(若干份小的部分);把……划成部分后分配;给……打成包裹
parcel sth.out把某物分成小部分
parcel sth.up把某物包装起来
He used to parcel out jobs to representatives.
There’s a parcel and some letters for you.
(1)Here is a pile of ____________________________.
(2)You have finished only _________________ all your work.
【答案】(1)parcels for you (2)a parcel of
(3)She ________________ all the nuts and then shared them with others.
(4)He ________________ the two books and then posted them out to his brother.
【答案】(3)parcelled out (4)parcelled up
2.mail n.邮件;信件;邮政 vt.邮寄;发电邮给
(P38)...I’ve been dying to have some of my favourite sweets,and it’s always nice to get mail!
(1)surface mail平寄
air mail航空邮寄
(2)mail sth.邮寄某物
mail sb.sth.=mail sth.to sb.邮寄某物给某人
Is there another mail in the afternoon 下午有另一封邮件吗?
I went to the post office to mail the letters.我去邮局寄信。
(1)Could you forward ________ to us in New York
(2)All these goods will be sent by ________________.
【答案】(1)any mail (2)air mail
(3)He ________ a dictionary ________ his son just now.
(4)I’m going to ____________________________________.
【答案】(3)mailed;to (4)mail this parcel
3.clay n.黏土;陶土
(P38)The classrooms are made of bamboo,with clay floors and roofs of grass.
porcelain clay 瓷土
bleaching clay漂白土;漂白黏土
boulder clay砾泥;冰砾土;冰碛物;泥砾(层)
clay pipe陶管
clay sculpture泥塑
We make bricks from clay.
I went between the walls of clay.
(1)The ________ sculptures are easy to break,so you must take care in transportation.
(2)It took five days before the sailors finally reached _______.
(3)The fruits will drop to the ________ when they are ripe.
【答案】(1)clay (2)land (3)ground
(4)The vegetables are grown in special liquids rather than the ________ that’s used in conventional farming.
(5)The ________ is not rich enough to grow crops.
(6)It kept on raining for a few days and the ground is covered with ________.
【答案】(4)earth (5)soil (6)mud
4.chorus n.合唱曲;合唱团
(P38)I’m greeted by a chorus of “good morning” from the boys.
in chorus齐声地
a chorus of齐声;异口同声
The audience chimed in on the chorus.
When I asked questions,they answered up in chorus.
(1)Students played the lesser parts and sang ______________.
(2) Soon the rest of the class was streaming in,and ________ similar comments could be heard.
【答案】(1)in the chorus (2)a chorus of
(3)“Thank you,” they said ______________________.
(4)“All the best,” the other typists ________________.
【答案】(3)in chorus (4)chorused
5.not to mention 更不用说;且不说
(P38)There’s no electricity,running water or even textbooks,not to mention laptops,tablets,or other modern devices!
(1)mention v.提到;谈到;提名;推荐;传令嘉奖;提名表扬
(2)not to mention 还可以意为“更不必说;不必提及”。
too numerous to mention不胜枚举;举不胜举
don’t mention it不用介意;别客气;不用谢;别提了
mention doing sth. 提及做某事
make mention of 提到;提及;说起;谈到
at the mention of... 在提到……时;一提起……
no mention of 只字不提;闭口不谈
The statement made no mention of government casualties.
Wasted time is a drag on American’s economic and private lives,not to mention infuriating.
(1)Come to think of it,he ________________________ you.
(2)He paled visibly ____________________ her name.
【答案】(1)did mention seeing (2)at the mention of
(3)He has two big houses in this country,________________ his villa in France.
(4)Did you ____________________ the new policy changes in your announcements
【答案】(3)not to mention (4)make mention of
6.to be honest说实话
(P38)To be honest,I doubt whether I’m making any difference to these boys’ lives at all.
(1)to be honest常放在句首作状语,修饰整个句子。
(2)to tell you the truth 说实话;实话告诉你
to sum up总而言之
to make a long story short简而言之
to be frank坦率地说
To be honest,that’s all the money I have.
(1)________________________,I’m not interested in it.
(2)_________________,you still need to improve your skills.
(3)______________________,I’m not an expert.
【答案】(1)To tell you the truth (2)To be frank (3)To be honest
1.(P38)Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get there — first,up a mountain from where we had fantastic views,and then down a shaded path to the valley below.
“from where”引导的定语从句修饰“a mountain”。
(1)在“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中,关系词常为which和whom,关系副词where和when之前一般不加介词,但是介词from 和since比较特殊。它们可以构成“from where”和“since when”搭配,引导非限定性定语从句。
(2)“from where”只用于引导非限制性定语从句,在意义上相当于“and from there(从那儿)”。
(3)“from where”这个结构中,可视为where前省略了the place,即“from where”相当于“from the place where”,意思是“从……的地方”“离……的地方”。
(4)“from where”通常不用于指具体的某个地方,而是指一个大致的、含糊的地方。
There are many websites,from where you can find almost all the necessary information.
My brother graduated from Beijing Normal University in 2001,since when he has worked as a teacher in Qingdao No.2 Middle School.
(1)He hid himself in a tree,_____________ the enemy in the distance.
(2)We went up to the roof,_______________ the procession.
【答案】(1)from where he could see
(2)from where we had a good view of
(3)The car stopped short only a few inches _______________.
(4)The school was only a few blocks from _______________.
【答案】(3)from where I stood (4)where she lived
2.(P39) Later,I noticed a can standing upside down on the grill over the fire.
“standing upside down”是一个动词的-ing形式短语,在句中作宾语补足语,表示宾语can发出的动作。这个动词的-ing形式短语与宾语can存在逻辑上的主谓关系。
I saw Jack being taken away by the police.
The boss kept the workers working the whole night.
(1)While sitting under the tree,I saw a mouse ______(climb) up the tree.
(2)I can hear something ________(sing) in the next room now.
(3)When I passed by the old building this morning,I saw it ________(pull) down.
【答案】(1)climbing (2)singing (3)being pulled
1.Everybody is ___________(die) to have such a wonderful chance to get promoted.
2.This chair is made ________ bamboo and it is comfortable to sit on.
3.It is not a good idea for you to run on this ________(dust) road every day.
【答案】1.dying 2.of 3.dusty
4.All the students waiting at the entrance greeted the guests ________ chorus.
5.This guy is obviously relevant ________ the accident which took place last Friday.
6.____________(tell) the truth,I take no interest in playing football at all.
7.The boy soon climbed to the top of the tree,from ________ he could see everything clearly in the whole village.
【答案】4.in 5.to 6.To tell 7.where
8.Just then,I noticed a wild animal ________(run) out of the forest at great speed.
9.The little boy stood there with his eyes ________(look) into the sky.
10.________(luck),no one was hurt in the accident though the car was badly damaged.
【答案】8.running 9.looking 10.Luckily
not to mention,be greeted by,a chorus of,be rigid about,make a difference,come across,to be honest,be related to,shake hands with,adapt to
1.Don’t ____________ your work.You can make some small changes if necessary.
【答案】1.be rigid about
2.When seeing his old friend,Mr Li held his hands firmly and ____________ him.
3.Your school academic achievements ____________ your success in your life journey.
4.It took me a long time before I finally ____________ the food and weather in that country.
【答案】2.shook hands with 3.are related to
4.adapted to
5.____________,your composition this time still needs improving a lot.
6.Just at that time,we suddenly heard ____________ loud cries and laughter.
7.At the entrance to the village,we __________________ some local villagers warmly.
【答案】5.To be honest 6.a chorus of
7.were greeted by
8.Lots of periodicals in foreign languages have been subscribed,________________ those in Chinese.
9.If we all make some small changes in our life,I’m sure we can ____________ to our mother earth.
10.It is certain that each of us will ____________ some difficulties in our work and life.
【答案】8.not to mention 9.make a difference
10.come across
1.I’m greeted by _______________ “good morning” from the boys.
2.____________ me only a few minutes _____________ to school down a dusty track covered in weeds.
【答案】1.a chorus of 2.It takes;to walk
3.To be honest,I doubt whether I’m ___________________ these boys’ lives at all.
4.Later,I noticed a can _________ on the grill over the fire.
【答案】3.making any difference to
4.standing upside down
5.There’s no electricity,running water or even textbooks,___________________ laptops,tablets,or other modern devices!
【答案】5.not to mention(共74张PPT)
Period Two Learning About Language
1.He dragged the heavy case across the floor. (  )
2.You deserve a reward for being so helpful. (  )
3.If I were asked to work on Sundays,I should resign. (  )
4.She put the plug in the sink and filled it with cold water. (  )
5.Disabled visitors are welcome;there is good wheelchair access to most facilities. (  )
【答案】1.E 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B
1.disable vt.使……失去能力→____________n.无力;无能;残疾
2.resign v.辞职;辞去→____________ n.辞职;辞呈
【答案】1.disability 2.resignation
3.lack n.缺乏,不足;v.缺乏,不足→__________ adj.缺乏的;不足的
1.These red roses are for you. (  )
2.They found the machine in a bad state. (  )
3.In winter the day is getting shorter and shorter. (  )
4.I examined my paper as carefully as I can. (  )
【答案】1.名词短语作主语 2.介词短语作宾语补足语
3.形容词短语作表语 4.副词短语作状语
1.plug vt.封堵;补足 n.堵塞物;插头;插座
(P40)However,she admitted that she once had a memorable experience plugging holes in her roof in order to keep the rain out.
plug away (at sth.) 坚持不懈地做(指困难的工作)
plug sth.in/into sth.往某物中塞某物
Can I use this plug for my iron
A plug had been inserted in the drill hole.
(1)She ________________________________ and let the water drain away.
【答案】(1)pulled out the plug
(2)She _____________ in her ears,so she can’t hear anything around her.
(3)He _______________________ in the pipe with an old rag.
【答案】(2)has plugs (3)plugged the hole
2.be secondary to从属于;次于……
(P40)But any discomfort is secondary to helping the needy,she believes.
(1)secondary adj.中学的;次要的
(2)secondary importance 次要的
She taught history at a secondary school.
Everything else will be secondary to those factors.
(1)They argue that human rights considerations are now of only ___________________________________.
(2)A distinction should be made between the primary and __________________.要区别主要的和次要的任务。
【答案】(1)secondary importance (2)secondary tasks
(3)Mr Wang ______________________ none in this company.
(4)He is still ________________ his father in this company.
【答案】(3)is secondary to (4)secondary to
3.disabled adj.有残疾的;丧失能力的
(P40)One of my dreams is to work in Africa and continue to help the disabled after I resign from my job.
the disabled残疾人(指一类人)
disability n.残疾
disable vt.使伤残;使无效;使不能运转
enable vt.使能够;使可能
unable adj.不能;无能力的;无法的
His illness finally disabled him for work.
The disabled are well cared for in our village.
(1)The disabled ________(be) dying for more job chances.
(2)Those with ________(disable) usually can’t take care of themselves.
【答案】(1)are (2)disabilities 
(3)Though I have learnt English for half a year,I am still ________(able) to express myself in English.
(4)His good oral English ________(able) him to find a job in this foreign trade company last year.
【答案】(3)unable (4)enabled
4.resign vi.& vt.辞职;辞去
(P40)One of my dreams is to work in Africa and continue to help the disabled after I resign from my job.
resign from/as辞去
resign office=leave office辞职
resign oneself to (doing) sth.听任摆布;使自己安于(做)某事
The minister resigned from office.
He has resigned himself to the possibility that he may never walk again.
(1)He ________________ manager after eight years.
(2)She ________________________ her fate at that time.
【答案】(1)resigned as (2)resigned herself to
(3)We had to ________________________ making a loss on the sale.
【答案】(3)resign ourselves to
5.deserve vt.值得;应得;应受
(P40) I think everyone deserves the right to be happy.
deserve sth.(praise/medal/respect) 应受到某物(应受到表彰、奖章、尊敬)
deserve to do... 应该做……;值得做……
deserve consideration/attention值得考虑/注意
deserve to be done=deserve doing值得被做
deserve to be done与deserve doing的意义相同,用动词的-ing形式的主动形式表示被动意义。
Do you think Hippomenes deserves to win the race
She deserves the honour and we should learn from her.
(1)The report deserves careful ________(consider).
(2)One player in particular ________(deserve) a mention.
(3)What she has done deserves ________(praise).
(4)They didn’t deserve ________(win).
(5)He deserves ________(lock) up forever for what he did.
【答案】(1)consideration (2)deserves
(3)to be praised/praising (4)to win (5)to be locked/locking
(P41)There is no doubt that these activities will leave you with unforgettable memories.
“There is no doubt that...”这个句型中,that引导同位语从句,解释前面的名词doubt的内容。
(1)doubt 作动词时,后接名词、代词或宾语从句。在否定句和疑问句中,doubt后面接that引导的宾语从句;在肯定句中,doubt后面一般接whether或if引导的宾语从句。
(2)当doubt用作名词时,在否定句中,后面接that 引导的同位语从句;在肯定句中,后面接whether引导的同位语从句,注意,此时不可以换成if。
There is no point in doing sth.做某事没有意义。
There is no need to do sth.没有必要做某事。
There is a/no possibility that... 有/没有可能……
There is a chance that... 有可能……
There is no hurry to do sth.不急于做某事。
It is no use/no good doing sth.做某事没有用处/好处。
It is no wonder that...(=No wonder that...) 难怪/怪不得……
I doubt whether the new one will be any better.
There is no doubt that our experiment will succeed.
=There is no doubt about the success of our experiment.
There is no point in arguing with them about it.
There is a possibility that the company will suffer a great loss this month.
It’s no wonder/No wonder (that) you’re tired,you’ve been working for hours.
(1)I doubt _______ Mike will turn up at the meeting tomorrow.
(2)There is no doubt ________ I will keep my promise.
(3)________ is no point in arguing with such an old lady.
【答案】(1)whether/if (2)that (3)There
(4)There is no need ________(stay) up so late every day.
(5)There is a chance ________ his father will get promoted in his office.
(6)There is no hurry ________(tell) him that piece of news.
【答案】(4)to stay (5)that (6)to tell
突 破 语 法
1.They travelled far and wide last month.
2.Mother has warned him once and again not to do that.
3.With the help of his friends,Mike has successfully finished his project.
4.We all felt mad with joy when we heard the news.
5.Hand by hand,the two children went to school happily.
6.You are old enough to learn to look after yourself.
Keys: 1.副词;副词;状语
1.两个前置定语分别为:限定词和形容词。限定词包括冠词、指示代词(this/that/these/those)、形容词性物主代词、所有格等。如:the girl,this book,these cars,my friend,Tom’s father等。
The boy in blue is my brother.
The boy wearing blue jeans is my brother.
The building to be completed this month is our school library.
The students present in the classroom totaled 54.
I like our teacher who is very kind.
The fact that she is good at English makes her the right person for the job.
此外,还有一类由“名词+介词+名词”构成的短语在句中常用作状语。这类结构中的名词是同一个名词。如:hand by hand,shoulder to shoulder,face to face,day by day等。
1.不及物动词+副词。 如:stay up(熬夜),look out(小心),break out(爆发),go up(上升,爆炸),take after(像),die out(灭绝,消亡),set out(出发)。
2.不及物动词+介词。 如:break into(闯入),go after(追求),go through(经历),pass on(传递),run into(碰上),sit for(参与),stand for(代表)。
3.及物动词+副词。如:give up(放弃),see...off(送行),show...around(带领参观),hand...over(转交,移交),put...off(推迟),pick...up(接人;学会)。
4.不及物动词+副词+介词。如:put up with(忍受),stand up to(勇敢面对),do away with(废除),fall back on(求助于),live up to(达到,不辜负)。
5.及物动词+名词+介词。如:make fun of(取笑),take care of(照顾),pay attention to(关注,注意),catch sight of(看见),take no notice of(没注意到)。
6.动词+动词+介词。如:make do with(将就用),let go of(置之不理)。
This splendid ancient Chinese building is still kept in good condition.
He is young but clever.
Your room is large and beautiful.
It is very hot today.今天很热。
The road is long enough.这路够长的。
(long enough是形容词短语,enough在形容词后作修饰语)
The room was awfully dirty.这屋子太脏了。
I’m sure of success.
我确信会成功的。(sure of success是形容词短语.)
The bottle is full of water.
瓶子里装满了水。(full of water是形容词短语)
He is sure to come.他一定会来。
1.两个或多个副词可以由and,but等并列连词构成副词短语。如:again and again。
2.程度副词作修饰语,可与其他副词构成副词短语。如:clearly enough,much faster,extremely quickly,rather slowly。
3.介词及其宾语可与副词连用,与副词构成副词短语。如:back to normal。
4.不定式或不定式短语在副词后作修饰语,可与副词构成副词短语。如:early to rise。
5.名词与副词构成副词短语。如:hands backwards(背着手)。
6.副词与表示比较的结构可构成副词短语。如:as carefully as。
1.简单介词+名词/代词。如:for two years,from the bus stop,to school,on the table,at the end等。
2.复合介词+名词/代词。如:into the hall,outside the house,upon one’s arrival,without delay等。
3.二重介词+名词/代词。如:from behind the door,until after school,from among the trees等。
4.分词介词+名词/代词。如:regarding his hobby,including Mike,concerning our future pay等。
5.短语介词+名词/代词。如:along with his friends,on behalf of all the students,owing to the heavy rain,in spite of his shortcoming,on account of his delay等。
1.They travelled deep into the desert last month.________
2.I have warned you again and again not to do that.________
3.Mike,along with his parents,is going to visit Beijing. ________
【答案】1.副词短语 2.副词短语 3.介词短语
4.The weather here is extremely cold.________
5.They walked forward hand by hand.________
6.You should learn to take care of yourself.________
【答案】4.形容词短语 5.名词短语 6.动词短语
1.The ______________________ (穿着红色衣服的女士) is our English teacher.
2.I have never seen _______________ (那个在树下的男人).
3.You should never ________________ (放弃) trying though you may fail again.
【答案】1.lady dressed in red
2.the man under the tree 3.give up
4.Tomorrow morning,I will ________________________ (给我的朋友送行) at the station.
5.My father is ____________ (足够老) to retire next month.
6.I am really ________________ (讨厌) such kind of people.
7.Just then,I saw a cat running out __________________ (从椅子下面).
【答案】4.see off my friend 5.old enough
6.tired of 7.from under the chair
8._____________________________ (在这条街道的尽头) stands the tallest tower of our city.
9.You must try your best to express yourself _____________ (尽可能清楚地).
10.The old man can still speak _________________(准确并且清晰地).
【答案】8.At the end of this street
9.as clearly as possible 10.accurately and clearly
1.His footprints were clearly evident in the heavy _________ (灰尘).
2.There’s a hole in this ceiling.I’ll have to get something to ________(堵塞) it to keep the rain out.
3.All the ________(残疾的)people in our hometown are now well cared for by the government.
【答案】1.dust 2.plug 3.disabled
4.The pay is so bad that I have made up my mind to _______ (辞职) from my office.
5.Dr Zhong Nanshan ________(值得) our respect and love for his contributions.
6.The boy fell to the ground and hurt himself in his _______ (前额).
7.He volunteered to ________(除杂草) the garden.
【答案】4.resign 5.deserves 6.forehead 7.weed
8.The sunlight is too strong here.Let’s go and sit in the ________(阴凉处) under the tree.
9.The water is boiling in the ________(水壶) and it will be ready soon.
10.The ________(化学家) will give us a lecture on how to do the experiment this afternoon.
【答案】8.shade 9.kettle 10.chemist
not to mention,be secondary to,resign from,transform into,provide aid for,a chorus of,be responsible for,depend on,lead to,be dragged out of
1.After the earthquake,we were called on to ____________ the victims in the earthquake areas.
【答案】1.provide aid for
2.With the help of the villagers,the boy ________________ the frozen river in the end.
3.As we all know,only hard work can__________ success.
4.Whether you will succeed ________________ how hard you work at this project.
【答案】2.was dragged out of 3.lead to 4.depends on
5.In a warm room,a piece of ice will soon ________ water.
6.I have decided to _____________ my job because it offers too low a pay.
7.In this company,Mr Black ____________ none.He is the real top 1 figure.
【答案】5.transform into 6.resign from 
7.is secondary to
8.As an adult,you must ________________ what you do and what you say in your daily life and work.
9.The concert was attended by thousands of people,__________________ the countless viewers who watched it online.
10.At the school gate,all the students greeted the visiting teachers with ________________“Welcome”.
【答案】8.be responsible for 
9.not to mention 10.a chorus of
1.However,she _____________ she once had a memorable experience plugging holes in her roof in order to keep the rain out.
2.But any discomfort is ________________ helping the needy,she believes.但她认为,任何不适都是次要的,首先要帮助有需要的人。
【答案】1.admitted that 2.secondary to
3.One of my dreams is to work in Africa and continue to help the disabled after I ________________ my job.
4._______________________ these activities will leave you with unforgettable memories.
【答案】3.resign from 4.There is no doubt that
5.I think everyone _______________________ to be happy.
【答案】5.deserves the right(共71张PPT)
Period Three Using Language
1.The Chinese were well ahead of all the other teams in the women’s relay race. (  )
2.He played a tune on the violin. (  )
3.She prayed to God for an end to her sufferings. (  )
4.We recommend you turn the input method down. (  )
5.The firm was contracted to build 25 low-cost home. (  )
【答案】1.D 2.B 3.E 4.A 5.C
1.criterion n.标准;准则;原则→________ pl.
(参考:phenomenon→phenomena pl.)
2.consult vt.咨询;请教;(与某人)商议→__________ n.咨询→__________ n.顾问
3.stable adj.稳定的;稳固的→__________n.稳定(性);稳固(性)
【答案】1.criteria 2.consultation;consultant 3.stability
1.Today I __________________________(很高兴能有机会) to make this presentation.
2.Good morning,everyone!It is my great honour to_____ _______________________(和你们分享一下我的看法).
【答案】1.am very glad to have the opportunity
2.share with you my opinions
3.It’s my honour to stand here and _____________________ (说一些关于友谊的事).
4.______________________(我演讲的主题) today is how to protect our environment.
5.As far as I am concerned,I think it __________________ (是一个好主意) to make full preparation.
【答案】3.say something about friendship
4.The topic of my speech 5.is a good idea
6.I _________________________________(想把重点集中在……)the problem of how to study English well.
7.As is known to us all,failure is_______________(成功之母),but few people can really understand what the saying means.
8.Thanks for your ____________________(倾听我的演讲).
【答案】6.would like to concentrate on
7.the mother of success 8.listening to my speech
(  )1.The author of this text is from Tanzania.
(  )2.The author’s mother is a doctor in a hospital in Tanzania.
(  )3.Many people are puzzled about why the Chinese help people in other countries.
(  )4.People in Tanzania live an easy and comfortable life.
(  )5.Now the author has come to understand her mother.
【答案】1-5 FFTFT
(  )1.What does the author want to tell us in the second paragraph
A.The Chinese people offer much help to the people worldwide.
B.The reason why the Chinese people do so much for foreigners.
C.TV stations report a lot about the Chinese volunteers abroad.
D.Many countries are still living a poor life on the earth.
(  )2.Why does the author use two questions in the second paragraph
A.To show us her puzzle.
B.To make a complaint.
C.To introduce her topic.
D.To start her speech.
(  )3.How does the author feel when her mother is away from her
A.Excited. B.Confident.
C.Proud. D.Upset.
(  )4.From the last paragraph we know that ________.
A.the author wants to work in Tanzania,too
B.the author comes to understand her mother
C.people of all countries deserve a rich life
D.poor countries will have better chances for living
(  )5.The author writes this text for the purpose of _____.
A.explaining to us why the Chinese people want to help foreigners
B.showing us how to help the poor people in other countries
C.encouraging us to be volunteers in the poor foreign countries
D.providing a chance for us to enrich our life experiences
I used to be wondering why my mother,a medical doctor,went to work in Tanzania as 1.______ volunteer consultant,as part of a medical team 2.________(send) by the Chinese government. My mother not only cooked for me and took good care of me,3.______ also was my best friend.We spent many happy 4._______ (hour) playing together.
【答案】1.a 2.sent 3.but 4.hours
So I didn’t feel happy when she left for Africa without even 5._____ (ask) for my input.
But now I 6.________(sing) a different tune when I came to know 7.________ my mother is doing in Tanzania.8.________ you know,people in that country are often suffering from many 9.________ (danger) diseases.
【答案】5.asking 6.am singing 7.what 8.As
For lack of medical 10.________(treat),many people would not do anything with their illness and some even died.As global citizens,we ought to reach out our helping hand to these poor people.Therefore,I’ve also made up my mind to help people in other countries.
1.input n.情况;信息;投入;输入 vt.输入
(P44)So I was unhappy about her leaving without even asking for my input.
(1)反义词: output 输出
(3)input vt.输入;投入
I’d appreciate your input on this.
There are several errors in the input.
【答案】(1)Over the last/past few years,he has given much input in educating his children.
【答案】(2)Something must be wrong with the input device.
(3)He has inputted all his personal information into the computer.
2.tune n.曲调;曲子 vt.调音;调节;调频道
(P44)...and now I am singing a different tune.
hum a tune哼一首曲子
sing another tune改变态度
carry a tune唱歌不走调;唱得准
dance to another tune 改弦易辙;改变论调
to a tune随着曲子
tune to a song歌的曲调
out of tune with (与……)不一致
in (good) tune with音调准确;协调;融合
in tune音调准确;一致;协调;和睦
tune out关掉;对……不予注意
tune in on the radio调准收音机
tune in收听;调谐;使……协调
tune up调整;调音;开始演奏
tune out关掉;失谐
The violin is not quite in tune with the piano.
Please tune up your instruments before class.
We always tune in at ten o’clock to hear the news.
(1)She played a tune ________ the piano.
(2)He is now free and is humming a tune ________ himself.
(3)Her singing is not quite ________ tune with the piano.
(4)What he does are quite in tune ________ the times.
(5)He tuned _______ and went to bed at ten o’clock last night.
【答案】(1)on (2)to (3)in (4)with (5)out
3.contract vt.感染(疾病);与……订立合同(或契约) n.合同;契约
(P44)Many dangerous diseases which are rare in China are quite commonly contracted in Tanzania.
A contract has definitely been fixed up.
This village has contracted in recent years.
Let’s draw up a contract and put our relationship on a firm footing.
(1)Yesterday we ________________ with that company.
【答案】(1)fixed up a contract
(2)This lake ____________________ in the last ten years.
(3)The two companies have already _____________________.
【答案】(2)has contracted (3)fixed up a contract
4.take (...) for granted 认为(……)是理所当然;对(……)不予重视
(P44)And,while the country is quite beautiful and has much natural wealth,many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted,such as electricity,running water,cars and good transport systems,and supermarkets.
(1)grant vt. 同意;准许 n. 拨款
grant sb.sth.=grant sth.to sb.给予某人某物
grant sth.同意/许可某事
grant+that从句 承认;确认……
take sth.for granted认为某事是理所当然的
take it for granted that... 认为某事是理所当然的
The firm granted him a pension.
Don’t take your high pay for granted.
Don’t take it for granted that you should live a comfortable life.
(1)You shouldn’t take ________ for granted that you can win the first prize.
(2)She finally granted some money ________ me in the end.
(3)The poor people in this city will receive ________ grant from the government.
【答案】(1)it (2)to (3)a
5.relay vt.转发;转播 n.接力赛;接班的人
(P44)Today,I want to relay to you that I’m proud of the work my mother has done,and I am now supportive of it.
(1)relay vt. 转达;转发;转播
relay a letter接传信件
relay a message转达口信
relay a program转播节目
relay a task下达任务
relay out发送……;转播/传送……
relay to sb.把消息传到某人
relay a message to sp.
(2)relay n. 接力,接力赛
torch relay火炬传递;火炬接力;圣火传递
relay race接力赛
Six teams competed in yesterday’s relay race.
This match will be relayed on TV this evening.
I had to relay the letter many times before the receiver finally received it.
(1)Images of the war ________________ around the world.
(2)I will ___________________________ the headmaster.
(3)She will run the last in the ____________________.
【答案】(1)were relayed (2)relay your opinion to (3)relay race
1.(P44)And,while the country is quite beautiful and has much natural wealth, many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted,such as electricity,running water,cars and good transport systems,and supermarkets.
“while the country is quite beautiful and has much natural wealth”在本句中是让步状语从句。
She was cooking while she was keeping an eye on her baby sleeping in the cradle.
We know usually women stay at home and do all the housework while men go out to work.
While travel can broaden your mind,I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time and money on it.
(1)While ________(do) his homework,Li Ming heard a knock on the door.
(2)The driver suddenly noticed a thief stealing while he _____ (drive) in the street yesterday.
【答案】(1)doing (2)was driving
(3)___________ they are my neighbours,I do not know them well.
(4)I like tea ________ she likes coffee.
【答案】(3)While/Although/Though (4)while
2.(P44)Since this was quite expensive,many people went without medical treatment and some even died.
Since no one is against the plan,we will carry it out.
It is ten years since they married.
I haven’t played rugby since I left university.
(1)—Have you known Dr Jackson for a long time
—Yes,since she ________(join) the Chinese Society.
(2)—What is the price of petrol these days
—Oh,it ________(rise) sharply since last month.
【答案】(1)joined (2)has risen
(3)Mother wanted to be a good provider,a role she ________ (shoulder) since her marriage to Father.
(4)Joseph ________(go) to evening classes since last month,but he still can’t say “What’s your name?” in Russian.
【答案】(3)has been shouldering
(4)has been going
3.(P44)Now,not only are Tanzanians helped by the hospital,but people in neighbouring countries are helped as well.
“not only are Tanzanians helped by the hospital”是部分倒装。其中的are提前放在了主语Tanzanians的前面。否定副词作状语,置于句首时,句子需用部分倒装结构,即把助动词、情态动词或系动词be提到主语之前。
(1)否定词置于句首,要用部分倒装,即把谓语动词的一部分(助动词、情态动词或be动词)提到主语之前。这类否定词或含有否定意义的短语主要有:no,not,never,little,hardly,seldom,scarcely,barely,not until,neither...nor...,not only...but also...,no sooner...than...,hardly...when...,in no sense,in no way,in no case,by no means,under no account/ consideration,at no time,under no circumstances等。
①not until所在的从句不倒装,主句要倒装。
②not only...but also...连接两个并列句时,前者倒装后者不倒装。
There she goes.
Away flew the bird.
Now,here goes the story.
Here comes my list of dos and don’ts.
Not a single mistake did he make in yesterday’s exam.
Hardly had I finished the work when the telephone rang.
(1)Mike has never seen the film before.Neither _______ Jenny.
(2)Here ________(come) the bus!
(3)There ________(go) the bell!
(4)Not until her mother came back ________ she begin to do her homework.
(5)Hardly _______ he got home when it began to rain heavily.
【答案】(1)has (2)comes (3)goes (4)did (5)had
1.The old man suggested _______(leave) the injured woman where she was.
2.According to a survey,many people are allergic _______ shrimps.
【答案】1.leaving 2.to
3.Lately,we ________(hear) about many accidents of such kind on the highway.
4.________(tell) the truth,I take no interest in this kind of sports at all.
5.More _______(important),we should take more attention to our own health.
【答案】3.have heard 4.To tell 5.importantly
6.________ I think this problem is very difficult,I don’t think that we can’t settle it.
7.More than half of the workers are ________(support) of this proposal.
8.We shouldn’t take for ________(grant) that we deserve a wealthy life.
【答案】6.While 7.supportive 8.granted
9.I don’t think the drum goes in tune ________ this song.
10.You can’t take _______ for granted that you can do better than others in the exam.
【答案】9.with 10.it
be allergic to,in need of,take care of,leave for,take (...) for granted,prior to,make a difference,in addition,be proud of,be supportive of
1.He seemed to ____________________ that he should speak as a representative.
【答案】1.take for granted
2.I will ____________ you and stand by your side no matter what happens.
3.When asked,the parents expressed that they __________ their son.
4.Mr Black will ____________ the US next week to attend an important conference.
【答案】2.be supportive of
3.were proud of 4.leave for
5.You should learn to ___________ yourselves in the foreign country.
6.I don’t like this story.It is too long.______________,it is written for small children only.
7.If you work hard,I’m sure that you will ____________ in your lessons in the near future.
【答案】5.take care of 6.In addition
7.make a difference
8.If you are faced with difficulty and are ____________ help,please don’t hesitate to call me.
9.Some people ____________ this kind of flowers.So just stay away from the flowers.
10.____________ the conference,the lady had been busy for about two weeks preparing for it.
【答案】8.in need of 9.are allergic to 10.Prior to
1.They don’t ______ well ______ speakers who read from a manual script.
2.If someone’s life is in trouble,do you just hope and ______________ things will turn out fine
【答案】1.relay;to 2.pray that
3.We just __________________ that he needs no supervision for managing his stuff.
4.________ this old man is over seventy years old,he still works in the fields.
5.She is quite friendly and is _____________ her colleagues.
【答案】3.take for granted 4.While 5.in tune with(共72张PPT)
Period Four Assessing Your Progress—Video Time
1.Firms that are able to relay clearly their message to the public will be in a better position to attract shoppers. (  )
2.Being back with their family should provide emotional stability for the children. (  )
3.She dances well despite her disabilities. (  )
4.What criteria are used for assessing a student’s ability? (  )
5.They will hold a consultation about the matter. (  )
【答案】1.A 2.E 3.B 4.D 5.C
1.If you _________________,you are doing it of your own free will.
2.As we all know,a lot of students__________________.
【答案】1.volunteer to do something
2.suffer from exam nerves
3.It’s said that she___________________ of moving abroad.
4.Now I _______________________ as soon as possible.
5.What I’m eager to know is _________________ on time.
【答案】3.was bitterly opposed to the idea
4.am looking forward to going back to work
5.whether we can get there
1.consultant n.顾问
(P46)This summer,one Chinese volunteer,Liu Fei,will serve as a management consultant for AIDS projects in an African country.
(1)consultant on sth.关于某事的顾问
consultant to sb.某人的顾问
(2)consult vt.查阅;商量;向……请教
a consulting engineer顾问工程师
consult sb.about sth.就某事向某人咨询/请教
consult with sb.about/on sth.与某人商议/商量某事(以得到许可或帮助其决策)
consult sth.查阅/查询/参看某物
(3)consultation n.咨询;磋商;会诊;讨论会
consultation with sb.与某人进行的磋商/商谈
He consulted the manual.他查阅了使用手册。
Of course you want to consult with your doctor before you take any of the tips in this article.
The decision was taken after close consultation with local residents.
(1)She earns more since she repackaged herself as a business ________(consult).
(2)If the pain continues,________(consultant) your doctor.
(3)Have you consulted your lawyer ________ this
【答案】(1)consultant (2)consult (3)about
(4)__________ your doctor ________ how much exercise you should get.
(5)I need to ____________________ my colleagues ________ the proposals.
【答案】(4)Consult;about (5)consult with;on
2.criterion n.标准;准则;原则
(P46)Although he had met the criteria for the volunteer application,his family was opposed to his choice at first.
criteria n.标准(复数)
the criteria for sth.某事的标准
meet/fulfill the criteria for sth.达到/满足某事的标准
No candidate fulfills all the criteria for this position.
(1)Many people will find it difficult for them to meet these three ________(criterion).
(2)The criteria ________ this position seem to be changing all the time.
【答案】(1)criteria (2)for
3.be opposed to反对
(P46)Although he had met the criteria for the volunteer application,his family was opposed to his choice at first.
be opposed to (doing) sth.表示“反对(做)某事”,其中的opposed是由动词oppose转化而来的形容词,在句中作表语。
Tom was strongly opposed to the idea.
(1)Many students are ________(oppose) to assigning too much homework to students.
(2)She is strongly opposed ________ following others in doing everything.
(3)Mr Green is opposed to ________(move) their office to another city.
【答案】(1)opposed (2)to (3)moving
4.contribute to捐献,贡献
(P46)What do you think you can contribute to the cause of building a shared future for mankind
(1)contribute v.贡献;出力;投稿;捐献
contribute to (doing) sth.有助于(做)某事;导致
contribute sth.to/towards向……捐献某物;向……投稿
(2)contribution n.贡献;捐献;投稿
make contributions to... 对……做出贡献
His carelessness has contributed to the accident.
Everyone should make contributions to protecting the environment.
(1)All the teachers and students in our school contributed money and books ________ the school children in the mountainous region.
(2)The great scientist has made great contributions ________ the people all around the world.
【答案】(1)to (2)to
(3)He is considered to be a well-known ________(contribute) in the field of charity.
(4)I want to make more _______(contribute) to our motherland when I grow up.
【答案】(3)contributor (4)contributions
5.(be) committed to... 致力于……
(P47) People’s Shoes is a company committed to creating a better world.
(1)be committed to (doing) sth.致力于;委身于;以……为己任
(2)commit oneself to (doing) sth.致力于做某事
If I have a girlfriend,I should be committed to her only.
China will continue to be committed to the reconstruction course of Iraq.
(1)In order to build a harmonious world,we must be committed to______(realise) the harmonious development of the global economy.
(2)Will China still be committed ________ the new law
(3)Anyone must be committed to ________(make) sure that the practices are performed according to the charter.
【答案】(1)realising (2)to (3)making
6.obligation n.义务;职责;债务
(P48)It’s good to see youngsters from Budapest that feel an obligation to do something in this country...
under no obligation没有义务;没有必要
under obligation被迫地;有义务
sense of obligation责任感
fulfill one’s legal/professional/financial obligations履行某人的法律/职业/财务责任
You are under no obligation to buy anything.
They reminded him of his contractual obligations.
We have a moral obligation to protect the environment.
(1)____________ (没有必要) will you return to work so soon.
(2)She signed the agreement just ________ ________ (有义务).
【答案】(1)Under no obligation
(2)under obligation
(3)Filled with ________________________________ (强烈的责任感),Mr Li thinks it his duty to do something for the village.
(4)You ought to ________________________________(履行你的职责) by the end of this month.
【答案】(3)a strong sense of obligation
(4)fulfill your professional obligations
(P46)Liu has never been there,and his impression of the country is that it is developing rapidly,but suffers from much contraction and violence.
本句中的“that it is developing rapidly”是表语从句,解释主语的内容。
My proposal is that we should hold a meeting to discuss the problem.
Their belief is that this is the only way for them to escape their painful pasts.
(1)My suggestion is _________________________(我们明天开一个会议).
(2)Their proposal is __________________________(在这里修建一座桥梁).
【答案】(1)that we hold a meeting tomorrow
(2)that a bridge should be built here
1.I feel it my responsibility to reach out my helping hand to those with ________(disable).
2.I used to work in a repair shop in a small city,______ (repair) all kinds of farm machines.
3.You’d better consult your parents _______ your application to work in the remote village.
【答案】1.disabilities 2.repairing 3.about
4.My idea is ________ we’d better hold a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow.
5.I’m afraid that you will fail to meet three of the ________ (criterion) to work in our company.
6.Many students are looking forward to ___________(enter) Beijing University in China.
7.We students should study hard so as to make more contributions ________ our country in the future.
【答案】4.that 5.criteria 6.entering 7.to
8.I’m afraid this pair of shoes ________(be) too tight for me.
9.My goal for the new year is ______(set) up a new company in Changsha.
10.The old man is committed to ________(do) his research into a new machine.
【答案】8.is 9.to set 10.doing
set up,meet the criteria,engage in,be opposed to,under no obligation,drag off,relay to,take...for granted,not to mention,pray that
1.I hope and ___________ we all get to hear it in its entirety.
2.Try to share with someone who lacks something we ______________________.
【答案】1.pray that 2.take for granted
3.Many local people ____________ setting up the chemical plant in the plot.
4.What is the most significant message that you want to ____________ your readers
5.We should fight for what we want because life is ________ ______________ to give us what we expect.
【答案】3.are opposed to 4.relay to
5.under no obligation
6.Though the old man has been _______ voluntary activities for years,he never talks about it.
7.To work in our company,you’ll have to ____________ of our company.
8.As night is falling,we had to ____________ our tent for the night on the grassland.
【答案】6.engaging in 7.meet the criteria 8.set up
9.In reflection,my firm belief in the power of the brand was naive,________________ a bit snobby.
10.The boy ____________ his schoolbag from his desk and went to school in a hurry.
【答案】9.not to mention 10.dragged off
1.Most students would like to _________________________ after-school activities to build up their bodies.
2.Please __________ your legal counsel __________ reusing content if you have any doubts.
【答案】1.be/get involved in 2.consult;about
3.My suggestion is ____________ a new school in this town.
4.The wealthy man has ________ a lot of money ________ the poor people in the town.
【答案】3.to build/that we should build
5.____________________________ taking phone calls or sending a piece of short message while driving.
【答案】5.Not to mention
1.For years,China has sent out many medical teams to foreign countries to help them fight against disease.
2.Many people found it difficult to understand this voluntary behaviour.
3.As for me,I think it is necessary for our country to reach out our helping hand to other countries.
4.Each year,college students,encouraged to aid students in the poverty-stricken areas,volunteer themselves in poor villages for a year and try to improve education in poor areas.
1.As part of the global citizens,it is our responsibility to share their troubles and difficulties.
2.Each of us will be faced with troubles at one time or another.
3.That’s why we should offer our help to others when they are in trouble just as what we expect them to do when we are in trouble.
4.We not only donate medicine to foreign countries but also help them build hospitals and train medical staff.
5.We ought to work together to finally defeat it in the end.
6.Aid-education has been beneficial in two aspects.
7.Volunteers have opened the eyes of students in underdeveloped regions to the outside world by bringing them new knowledge and thoughts.
8.They are extremely well-received by the children there.
9.College students have received a rigorous training by adapting to the harsh living conditions.
10.They are enjoying the appreciation and no-distance friendship from the children.
1.It is vital for us to provide our aid to others when it is needed.
2.Only in this way can we make the world a better place for us to live in.
3.China’s educational development can’t be isolated from each individual.
4.We college students should take the lead in response to the appeal for offering aid to children in poor areas worldwide.
主题 对外援助 体裁 议论文
人称 以第一人称为主 时态 一般过去时;一般现在时
布局 第一段:开门见山,呈现你的观点
【答案】1.medical team 2.without compensation
3.reach out one’s helping hand 4.earth citizens
China,the only country in the world,has long ___________ to other developing countries without compensation.
【答案】(1)sent out medical teams
Many people found that it was hard _____________________ this voluntary behaviour.
I think that ________________________________ our country should reach out our helping hand to other countries.
【答案】(2)for them to understand (3)it is necessary that
__________ their troubles and difficulties is our responsibility.
We should ________________________ to others when they are in trouble.
【答案】(4)To share (5)offer our help
We also _______________________ when we are in trouble.
We can make the world a better place for us to live in only ____________________________.
【答案】(6)expect others to do so (7)in this way
(8)China is the only country in the world that has long sent out medical teams to other developing countries without compensation.
【答案】(9)Many people found it hard to understand this voluntary behaviour.
(10)I think it necessary for our country to reach out our helping hand to other countries.
【答案】(11)Our responsibility is to share their troubles and difficulties.
(12)That’s why we should offer our help to others when they are in trouble just as what we expect them to do when we are in trouble.
(13)Only in this way can we make the world a better place for us to live in.
One possible version:
China is the only country in the world that has long sent out medical teams to other developing countries without compensation. Many people found it hard to understand this voluntary behaviour. As for me,I think it is necessary for our country to reach out our helping hand to other countries.
First and foremost,as part of the global citizens,it is our responsibility to share their troubles and difficulties.Besides,each of us will be faced with troubles at one time or another.That’s why we should offer our help to others when they are in trouble just as what we expect them to do when we are in trouble.What’s more,through medicine aid,we can promote traditional Chinese medicine to the world and help build the global community of health.
In short,it is vital for us to provide our aid to others when it is needed.Only in this way can we make the world a better place for us to live in.
One possible version:
Each year,college students are encouraged to aid students in the poverty-stricken areas,and volunteer themselves in poor villages to improve education in poor areas.
Aid-education has been beneficial in three aspects.First and foremost,many college volunteers are really enthusiastic about the cause.
They have opened the eyes of students in underdeveloped regions to the outside world by bringing them new knowledge and thoughts.As a result,they are extremely well-received by the children there.In addition,college students have received a rigorous training by adapting to the harsh living conditions.What’s more,they are greatly inspired by the moving and tireless spirit of the children.
In my opinion,China’s educational development can’t be isolated from each individual and we college students should take the lead in response to the appeal for offering aid to children in poor areas.(共16张PPT)
美 文 导 入
Cameron Beck first started volunteering at the young age of 12. To his family,volunteering was simply a cornerstone① of life;a benevolent② reason to spend more time bonding with one another.
【1】The Becks would volunteer annually around the holidays at the Alameda County Community Food Bank in Oakland,California,which distributes③ nearly 25 million meals in Alameda County every year.
Alongside his parents and sister,Cameron used to help sort,organise,and pack food for the needy.You could say he grew up learning how to be altruistic④.
He later volunteered in different voluntary groups.【2】Fast forward to today,Cameron spends every Saturday volunteering at Project Open Hand in San Francisco,California-a nonprofit organisation that provides meals with love to critically⑤ ill neighbours and seniors. Project Open Hand prepares 2,500 nutritious meals,200 bags of healthy groceries,and engages more than 125 volunteers in their volunteer program every day.
Cameron first learnt about Project Open Hand while he was working on Polk Street.As he passed their storefront⑥ on his way to and from work each day,Cameron became eager to learn more,and allowed his curiosity⑦ to fuel his passion.
The stars aligned and Cameron learnt that his friends were working with Project Open Hand to conduct⑧ research on health outcomes for clients in food bank programs.
Cameron quickly learnt of how Project Open Hand got its humble beginning.By serving food to the poor folks and those living with HIV/AIDS in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighbourhood,an area with many very low-income residents and residents with disabilities,they were able to find hunger without much difficulty.
①cornerstone /'k n st n/ n.基础;柱石;地基
②benevolent /b 'nev l nt/ adj.仁慈的;慈善的;亲切的
③distribute /d 'str bju t/ vt.分配;散布
④altruistic / ltru' st k/ adj.利他的;无私心的
⑤critically /'kr t kli/ adv.精密地;危急地;严重地
⑥storefront /'st fr nt/ n.店面;店头
⑦curiosity / kj ri' s ti/ n.好奇;好奇心
⑧conduct /k n'd kt/ v.组织;实施;进行;指挥
【1】The Becks would volunteer annually around the holidays at the Alameda County Community Food Bank in Oakland,California,which distributes nearly 25 million meals in Alameda County every year.
分析:本句中的“The Becks would volunteer annually around the holidays at the Alameda County Community Food Bank in Oakland,California”是句子的主句部分,后面的which引导一个非限定性定语从句。
译文:贝克一家每年假期前后都会在加利福尼亚州奥克兰的阿拉米达县社区食品银行做志愿者,这个食品银行每年会在阿拉米达县分发近2 500万份食物。
【2】Fast forward to today,Cameron spends every Saturday volunteering at Project Open Hand in San Francisco,California-a nonprofit organisation that provides meals with love to critically ill neighbours and seniors.
分析:本句中的“Fast forward to today”是时间状语。“Cameron spends every Saturday volunteering at Project Open Hand in San Francisco,California”是句子的主句部分。
主句中,包含了一个“spend time doing sth.”的结构。破折号后面的“a nonprofit organisation”是同位语,解释前面的Project Open Hand这个组织的情况。“that provides meals with love to critically ill neighbours and seniors”则是定语从句,修饰前面的名词organisation。