2024年北师大版中考英语一轮复习七年级下册 Unit 1 Lesson 3 词汇复测练习(含答案)


名称 2024年北师大版中考英语一轮复习七年级下册 Unit 1 Lesson 3 词汇复测练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 21.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-24 11:23:44



Unit 1 Lesson 3
safety (安全):
- 例句:Wearing a seatbelt is important for your safety while driving. (驾驶时系安全带对你的安全很重要。)
- 完成句子:Always follow the ___________ guidelines when operating heavy machinery. (safety)
- 相关表达:security (安全),protection (保护)
bicycle (自行车):
- 例句:He enjoys riding his bicycle to work every day to avoid traffic. (他每天骑自行车上班,以避免交通拥堵。)
- 完成句子:I need to buy a new ___________ because my old one got stolen. (bicycle)
- 相关表达:bike (自行车),cycle (骑自行车)
walk (步行):
- 例句:Taking a walk in nature can be a great way to relax and clear your mind. (在大自然中散步是放松和清晰思绪的好方法。)
- 完成句子:Instead of driving, let's ___________ to the nearby park. (walk)
- 相关表达:stroll (漫步),hike (徒步旅行)
storm (暴风雨):
- 例句:The storm caused widespread damage and power outages in the area. (暴风雨在该地区造成了广泛的破坏和停电。)
- 完成句子:During the ___________, it's best to stay indoors and avoid any unnecessary travel. (storm)
- 相关表达:tempest (风暴),thunderstorm (雷暴)
travel (旅行):
- 例句:She loves to travel and explore new cultures and destinations. (她喜欢旅行,探索新的文化和目的地。)
- 完成句子:He plans to ___________ to Europe next summer for a backpacking adventure. (travel)
- 相关表达:journey (旅程),explore (探索)
online (在线):
- 例句:With the advancement of technology, many businesses have shifted their operations online. (随着科技的进步,许多企业已将业务转移到了在线平台。)
- 完成句子:She prefers to do her shopping ___________ because of the convenience and wide selection. (online)
- 相关表达:internet-based (基于互联网的),web-based (基于网络的)
during (在...期间):
- 例句:During the summer, many people enjoy going to the beach and relaxing under the sun. (在夏天,许多人喜欢去海滩,在阳光下放松身心。)
- 完成句子:___________ the meeting, please make sure to turn off your cell phones. (During)
- 相关表达:while (当...时),throughout (在...期间)
bad (糟糕的):
- 例句:The weather was so bad that they had to cancel their outdoor picnic. (天气太糟糕,他们不得不取消户外野餐。)
- 完成句子:He had a ___________ day at work, with everything going wrong. (bad)
- 相关表达:terrible (可怕的),awful (糟糕的)
lightning (闪电):
- 例句:During the storm, the sky was illuminated by frequent flashes of lightning. (在暴风雨中,天空时常被闪电划破。)
- 完成句子:It's important to seek shelter when there is heavy rain and ___________. (lightning)
- 相关表达:thunderbolt (雷电),electrical discharge (电放电)
stay (待在):
- 例句:She decided to stay home and relax instead of going out with friends. (她决定待在家里放松,而不是和朋友出去。)
- 完成句子:If you're feeling tired, it's best to ___________ and get some rest. (stay)
- 相关表达:remain (保持)
phone (手机):
- 例句:I forgot my phone at home, so I couldn't check my messages. (我把手机忘在家里了,所以无法查看我的消息。)
- 完成句子:Can you please hand me the ___________ I need to make a call. (phone)
- 相关表达:mobile phone (移动电话),cell phone (手机)
kid (孩子):
- 例句:The playground is full of kids playing and having fun. (操场上有很多孩子在玩耍和享受乐趣。)
- 完成句子:I have two ___________, a boy and a girl. (kid)
- 相关表达:child (孩子),youth (青少年)
mean (意味着):
- 例句:His silence could mean that he's upset with you. (他的沉默可能意味着他对你生气了。)
- 完成句子:Her smile ___________ she's happy with the results. (mean)
- 相关表达:imply (暗示),signify (表示)
point (点):
- 例句:I made a valid point during the discussion, but it was overlooked. (我在讨论中提出了一个有力的观点,但被忽视了。)
- 完成句子:Could you please explain your ___________ in more detail (point)
- 相关表达:aspect (方面),idea (主意)
have a point (有道理):
- 例句:Although I disagree with her, I must admit she has a point. (尽管我不同意她,但我必须承认她有道理。)
- 完成句子:I understand your perspective, and you ___________ about the importance of teamwork. (have a point)
- 相关表达:make sense (有意义),be correct (正确)
address (地址):
- 例句:Please provide your full name and mailing address. (请提供您的全名和邮寄地址。)
- 完成句子:I need to update my ___________ in the system. (address)
- 相关表达:location (位置),residence (住所)
smoke (吸烟):
- 例句:Smoking is harmful to your health and can cause various diseases. (吸烟对健康有害,会引起各种疾病。)
- 完成句子:I used to ___________ when I was younger, but I quit several years ago. (smoke)
- 相关表达:cigarette (香烟),tobacco (烟草)
bath (洗澡):
- 例句:After a long day at work, she likes to relax in a warm bath. (一天工作下来,她喜欢在温暖的浴缸中放松身心。)
- 完成句子:I usually take a quick ___________ in the morning to start my day. (bath)
- 相关表达:shower (淋浴),bathtub (浴缸)
away (离开):
- 例句:He's away on a business trip and will be back next week. (他因公出差,下周才能回来。)
- 完成句子:She went ___________ for the weekend to visit her family. (away)
- 相关表达:absent (缺席),gone (离开)
stay away from (远离):
- 例句:The doctor advised him to stay away from sugary foods to control his diabetes. (医生建议他远离含糖食物以控制糖尿病。)
- 完成句子:It's best to ___________ crowded places during flu season to avoid getting sick. (stay away from)
- 相关表达:avoid (避免),keep clear of (远离)