Unit 2 Lesson 4
chore (家务):
- 例句:Doing the laundry is one of my least favorite chores. (洗衣服是我最不喜欢的家务之一。)
- 完成句子:She helps her parents with household ___________ every weekend. (chore)
- 相关表达:task (任务),duty (职责)
clean (清洁):
- 例句:I need to clean my room before guests arrive. (客人到来前我需要打扫我的房间。)
- 完成句子:She uses a vacuum cleaner to ___________ the carpet. (clean)
- 相关表达:tidy (整理),sanitize (消毒)
dust (擦灰尘):
- 例句:She dusts the furniture every week to keep it clean. (她每周擦拭家具以保持清洁。)
- 完成句子:It's important to ___________ regularly to prevent allergies. (dust)
- 相关表达:wipe (擦拭),brush off (刷去)
feed (喂食):
- 例句:She feeds her pet cat twice a day. (她每天喂养她的宠物猫两次。)
- 完成句子:Don't forget to ___________ the plants while I'm away. (feed)
- 相关表达:nourish (滋养),provide food for (为...提供食物)
sweep (扫地):
- 例句:He sweeps the kitchen floor after cooking. (煮完饭后,他扫地。)
- 完成句子:Could you please ___________ the leaves from the porch (sweep)
- 相关表达:clean up (清理),brush (刷)
floor (地板):
- 例句:The wooden floor is polished and shiny. (木地板被抛光得很亮。)
- 完成句子:She likes to sit on the ___________ and read a book. (floor)
- 相关表达:ground (地面),surface (表面)
rubbish (垃圾):
- 例句:Please throw the rubbish in the trash bin. (请把垃圾扔进垃圾桶。)
- 完成句子:Don't leave ___________ lying around. Put it in the bin. (rubbish)
- 相关表达:garbage (垃圾),waste (废物)
water (浇水;水):
- 例句:She waters the plants every morning. (她每天早上给植物浇水。)
- 完成句子:I need to fill the ___________ bottle before going for a run. (water)
- 相关表达:irrigate (灌溉),hydrate (给...补水)
busy (忙碌):
- 例句:I'm sorry, I can't chat right now. I'm really busy. (抱歉,我现在不能聊天。我真的很忙。)
- 完成句子:She has a ___________ schedule with work and family commitments. (busy)
- 相关表达:occupied (占用的),engaged (忙碌的)
cup (杯子):
- 例句:She poured herself a cup of coffee to start the day. (她倒了一杯咖啡开始新的一天。)
- 完成句子:Could you pass me that ___________ over there (cup)
- 相关表达:mug (马克杯),glass (玻璃杯)
anything (任何事情):
- 例句:You can ask me anything you want. (你可以问我任何你想知道的事情。)
- 完成句子:Is there ___________ else I can help you with (anything)
- 相关表达:something (某事),everything (每件事)
worry (担心):
- 例句:She tends to worry too much about things that are out of her control. (她往往过分担心那些超出她掌控的事情。)
- 完成句子:Try not to ___________ too much; everything will be fine. (worry)
- 相关表达:concern (关注),anxiety (焦虑)
in a minute (一会儿):
- 例句:I'll be there in a minute; just give me a moment. (我马上就到,稍等一下。)
- 完成句子:I'll be ready to leave ___________. (in a minute)
- 相关表达:shortly (不久),soon (很快)
ring (响铃):
- 例句:The phone rang, interrupting their conversation. (电话响了,打断了他们的谈话。)
- 完成句子:Can you hear the doorbell ___________ (ring)
- 相关表达:chime (敲响),sound (发出声音)
knock (敲门):
- 例句:He knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. (他敲了敲门,等着有人回答。)
- 完成句子:Please ___________ before entering the room. (knock)
- 相关表达:tap (轻敲),pound (重击)
candle (蜡烛):
- 例句:She lit a candle to create a cozy atmosphere in the room. (她点燃了一支蜡烛,在房间里营造出温馨的氛围。)
- 完成句子:The power went out, so they had to rely on ___________ for light. (candles)
- 相关表达:wick (蜡烛芯),flame (火焰)
wonderful (美妙的):
- 例句:They had a wonderful time at the beach, enjoying the sun and the waves. (他们在海滩度过了美妙的时光,享受着阳光和海浪。)
- 完成句子:The concert last night was absolutely ___________. (wonderful)
- 相关表达:fantastic (极好的),amazing (令人惊叹的)
dish (盘子):
- 例句:She washed the dishes after dinner. (晚饭后她洗了碗。)
- 完成句子:Could you pass me that clean ___________ (dish)
- 相关表达:plate (盘子),bowl (碗)
nose (鼻子):
- 例句:Her nose was running, so she grabbed a tissue to blow her nose. (她的鼻子在流鼻涕,所以她拿起纸巾擤鼻子。)
- 完成句子:She sniffed and rubbed her ___________ due to the strong smell. (nose)
- 相关表达:nostril (鼻孔),sniffle (抽鼻子)