Unit 2 Lesson 6
bank (银行):
- 例句:She went to the bank to deposit her paycheck. (她去银行存入她的工资支票。)
- 完成句子:I need to withdraw some cash from the ___________. (bank)
- 相关表达:financial institution (金融机构),money center (金融中心)
bus stop (公交车站):
- 例句:He waited at the bus stop for his bus to arrive. (他在公交车站等待公交车到来。)
- 完成句子:The nearest ___________ is just around the corner. (bus stop)
- 相关表达:bus station (汽车站),transit stop (交通站点)
museum (博物馆):
- 例句:They visited the museum to see the art exhibition. (他们参观了博物馆看艺术展览。)
- 完成句子:The local ___________ has a collection of historical artifacts. (museum)
- 相关表达:art gallery (艺术画廊),exhibition hall (展览馆)
police (警察):
- 例句:The police officer directed traffic at the busy intersection. (警察在繁忙的十字路口指挥交通。)
- 完成句子:She reported the incident to the ___________ immediately. (police)
- 相关表达:law enforcement (执法部门),officer (警官)
station (车站):
- 例句:She caught the train at the railway station. (她在火车站赶上了火车。)
- 完成句子:The bus ___________ is located near the city center. (station)
- 相关表达:depot (车辆段),terminal (终点站)
police station (警察局):
- 例句:He went to the police station to file a report. (他去警察局报案。)
- 完成句子:If you have any information, please contact the nearest ___________. (police station)
- 相关表达:law enforcement agency (执法机构),cop shop (警察局)
post (邮寄):
- 例句:She stamped the letter and put it in the postbox. (她贴上邮票并把信放进邮筒里。)
- 完成句子:I need to ___________ this package to my friend overseas. (post)
- 相关表达:mail (邮寄),send (发送)
office (办公室):
- 例句:He works in a busy office in the city center. (他在市中心一个繁忙的办公室工作。)
- 完成句子:I have a meeting at the ___________ in the afternoon. (office)
- 相关表达:workplace (工作场所),workspace (工作空间)
post office (邮局):
- 例句:She went to the post office to buy stamps. (她去邮局买邮票。)
- 完成句子:You can send the package through the ___________ across the street. (post office)
- 相关表达:mail center (邮件中心),postal service (邮政服务)
train (火车):
- 例句:They took the train to travel to the next city. (他们乘火车去下一个城市旅行。)
- 完成句子:The express ___________ departs from Platform 3. (train)
- 相关表达:railway (铁路),locomotive (机车)
underground (地铁):
- 例句:He commutes to work by underground every day. (他每天乘地铁上班。)
- 完成句子:The nearest ___________ station is just a few blocks away. (underground)
- 相关表达:subway (地铁),metro (地铁)
way (路、方法):
- 例句:They took a scenic way to reach their destination. (他们选择了一条风景优美的路线到达目的地。)
-完成句子:Can you show me the ___________ to the nearest grocery store (way)
- 相关表达:route (路线),path (路径)
excuse (借口):
- 例句:He made up an excuse for being late to the meeting. (他编了个借口解释自己迟到了会议。)
- 完成句子:She didn't have a valid ___________ for missing the deadline. (excuse)
- 相关表达:pretext (借口),justification (理由)
cross (穿过):
- 例句:They waited for the traffic light to turn green before crossing the road. (他们等待交通信号灯变绿后才穿过马路。)
- 完成句子:Please be careful when you ___________ the busy intersection. (cross)
- 相关表达:navigate (穿越),traverse (横穿)
street (街道):
- 例句:The shops on the street were decorated with colorful lights for the festival. (街上的商店为节日装饰了五彩缤纷的灯光。)
- 完成句子:The ___________ was bustling with activity during the parade. (street)
- 相关表达:road (道路),avenue (大街)
road (道路):
- 例句:They took a long road trip across the country. (他们进行了一次横跨全国的长途旅行。)
- 完成句子:The construction work has caused heavy traffic on this ___________. (road)
- 相关表达:highway (高速公路),route (路线)
corner (拐角):
- 例句:He stood at the corner waiting for his friend to arrive. (他站在拐角处等待他的朋友到来。)
- 完成句子:The café is located at the ___________ of the street. (corner)
- 相关表达:intersection (十字路口),junction (交叉口)
miss (错过):
- 例句:She missed the bus and had to wait for the next one. (她错过了公交车,只能等下一趟。)
- 完成句子:I don't want to ___________ the opportunity to see the concert. (miss)
- 相关表达:overlook (忽视),fail to catch (未能抓住)
opposite (对面):
- 例句:The store is located opposite the park. (这家商店位于公园的对面。)
- 完成句子:The restaurant is just ___________ the street. (opposite)
- 相关表达:across from (在对面),facing (面对)