Unit 3 Getting Ready
& Communication Workshop
drink (饮料):
- 例句:She ordered a refreshing drink from the café menu. (她从咖啡馆的菜单上点了一杯提神的饮料。)
- 完成句子:I'm thirsty. Could you get me a ___________ from the fridge (drink)
- 相关表达:beverage (饮料),juice (果汁)
banana (香蕉):
- 例句:He packed a banana in his lunchbox as a healthy snack. (他在午餐盒里装了一个香蕉作为健康的零食。)
- 完成句子:She enjoys eating a ripe ___________ for breakfast. (banana)
- 相关表达:fruit (水果),plantain (芭蕉)
beef (牛肉):
- 例句:They grilled juicy beef burgers for dinner. (他们烧烤了多汁的牛肉汉堡作为晚餐。)
- 完成句子:My favorite dish at the restaurant is the tender ___________ steak. (beef)
- 相关表达:steak (牛排),ground beef (碎牛肉)
carrot (胡萝卜):
- 例句:She chopped carrots and added them to the vegetable soup. (她切碎了胡萝卜,加入了蔬菜汤中。)
- 完成句子:I like to snack on ___________ sticks with hummus. (carrot)
- 相关表达:vegetable (蔬菜),root vegetable (根茎类蔬菜)
chicken (鸡肉):
- 例句:They roasted a whole chicken for Sunday dinner. (他们烤了一只整鸡作为星期日的晚餐。)
- 完成句子:I prefer grilled ___________ over fried chicken. (chicken)
- 相关表达:poultry (家禽),chicken breast (鸡胸肉)
grape (葡萄):
- 例句:She snacked on sweet grapes during her break. (她在休息时间吃甜葡萄作为零食。)
- 完成句子:The vineyard produces a variety of ___________ for winemaking. (grapes)
- 相关表达:raisin (葡萄干),vine (葡萄藤)
ham (火腿):
- 例句:He made a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. (他做了一个火腿芝士三明治作为午餐。)
- 完成句子:The traditional holiday feast includes a glazed ___________ as the main dish. (ham)
- 相关表达:bacon (培根),sausage (香肠)
milk (牛奶):
- 例句:She poured a glass of cold milk to go with her cereal. (她倒了一杯冷牛奶搭配她的谷物。)
- 完成句子:Could you buy a carton of ___________ from the grocery store (milk)
- 相关表达:dairy (乳制品),soy milk (豆奶)
pear (梨):
- 例句:He bit into a juicy pear and savored its sweetness. (他咬了一口多汁的梨,品味着它的甜美。)
- 完成句子:The ripe ___________ is perfect for making a pear tart. (pear)
- 相关表达:fruit (水果),Asian pear (亚洲梨)
potato (土豆):
- 例句:They mashed the potatoes and served them as a side dish. (他们捣碎了土豆,作为一道配菜上桌。)
- 完成句子:I like to bake ___________ and top them with sour cream and chives. (potatoes)
- 相关表达:French fries (薯条),mashed potatoes (土豆泥)
tomato (番茄):
- 例句:She sliced the tomato and added it to the salad. (她切片番茄,加入了沙拉中。)
- 完成句子:The ripe ___________ is perfect for making fresh salsa. (tomato)
- 相关表达:vegetable (蔬菜),cherry tomato (樱桃番茄)
watermelon (西瓜):
- 例句:They enjoyed juicy watermelon slices on a hot summer day. (他们在炎热的夏日享用多汁的西瓜片。)
- 完成句子:I like to eat ___________ chilled for a refreshing snack. (watermelon)
- 相关表达:fruit (水果),melon (甜瓜)
fruit (水果):
- 例句:She enjoys a bowl of mixed fruit for breakfast. (她喜欢吃一碗混合水果作为早餐。)
- 完成句子:Apples, oranges, and bananas are all examples of ___________. (fruit)
- 相关表达:berries (浆果),citrus fruits (柑橘类水果)
vegetable (蔬菜):
- 例句:He steamed a variety of vegetables for a healthy dinner. (他蒸了各种蔬菜作为健康的晚餐。)
- 完成句子:Spinach, broccoli, and carrots are all examples of ___________. (vegetables)
- 相关表达:leafy greens (绿叶蔬菜),root vegetables (根茎类蔬菜)
meat (肉):
- 例句:They grilled chicken and beef for the barbecue. (他们烤鸡肉和牛肉作为烧烤食物。)
- 完成句子:Pork, lamb, and fish are all examples of ___________. (meat)
- 相关表达:poultry (家禽),red meat (红肉)
than (比):
- 例句:She is taller than her younger sister. (她比她妹妹高。)
- 完成句子:He can run faster ___________ me. (than)
- 相关表达:compared to (与...相比),rather than (而不是)
snack (零食):
- 例句:He grabbed a bag of chips as a quick snack. (他拿了一包薯片作为快速的零食。)
- 完成句子:I like to have a healthy ___________ like fruit or nuts between meals. (snack)
- 相关表达:munchies (小吃),craving (渴望的食物)
junk (垃圾):
- 例句:He threw away the junk mail without opening it. (他没打开就把垃圾邮件扔掉了。)
- 完成句子:She cleared out the ___________ from her closet. (junk)
- 相关表达:garbage (垃圾),trash (废物)
junk food (垃圾食品):
- 例句:She tries to avoid eating too much junk food for the sake of her health. (为了健康起见,她尽量避免吃过多的垃圾食品。)
- 完成句子:Fast food and sugary snacks are examples of ___________. (junk food)
- 相关表达:unhealthy food (不健康食品),processed food (加工食品)
report (报告):
- 例句:He presented his findings in a detailed report. (他以详细的报告形式呈现了他的研究结果。)
- 完成句子:She will submit her ___________ to the supervisor tomorrow. (report)
- 相关表达:study (研究),analysis (分析)
most (大多数):
- 例句:Most people prefer coffee over tea. (大多数人喜欢咖啡胜过茶。)
- 完成句子:The ___________ important factor is to get enough rest. (most)
- 相关表达:majority (多数),the vast majority (绝大多数)
however (然而):
- 例句:He studied hard; however, he didn't perform well on the exam. (他努力学习;然而,他在考试中表现不佳。)
- 完成句子:I wanted to go out; ___________, it started raining. (however)
- 相关表达:nonetheless (尽管如此),nevertheless (然而)
group (群体):
- 例句:They formed a study group to prepare for the exam together. (他们组成了一个学习小组一起共同准备考试。)
- 完成句子:The research participants were divided into two ___________. (groups)
- 相关表达:team (团队),community (社区)