2024年北师大版中考英语一轮复习七年级下册 Unit 3 Lesson 8 词汇复测练习(含答案)


名称 2024年北师大版中考英语一轮复习七年级下册 Unit 3 Lesson 8 词汇复测练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 21.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-24 10:58:12



Unit 3 Lesson 8
restaurant (餐厅):
- 例句:They decided to have dinner at a fancy restaurant downtown. (他们决定在市中心的一家高档餐厅吃晚餐。)
- 完成句子:The ___________ is known for its delicious seafood dishes. (restaurant)
- 相关表达:dining establishment (就餐场所),eatery (小吃店)
menu (菜单):
- 例句:The waiter handed them the menu to choose their meals. (服务员递给他们菜单来选择餐点。)
- 完成句子:The ___________ offers a variety of options for vegetarians. (menu)
- 相关表达:food list (食物清单),culinary selection (烹饪选择)
item (项目、品项):
- 例句:They ordered several items from the menu. (他们点了菜单上的几个品项。)
- 完成句子:The ___________ on the menu caught my attention. (item)
- 相关表达:dish (菜品),course (菜肴)
hamburger (汉堡包):
- 例句:He ordered a cheeseburger with fries at the fast-food restaurant. (他在快餐店点了一个带薯条的奶酪汉堡包。)
- 完成句子:I prefer a vegetarian ___________ instead of a traditional beef one. (hamburger)
- 相关表达:burger (汉堡),sandwich (三明治)
hot dog (热狗):
- 例句:She enjoyed eating a hot dog with mustard and ketchup at the baseball game. (她在棒球比赛中享受着加芥末和番茄酱的热狗。)
- 完成句子:The street vendor sells delicious ___________ with various toppings. (hot dog)
- 相关表达:frankfurter (法兰克福香肠),sausage (香肠)
ice cream (冰淇淋):
- 例句:They went to the ice cream shop and each ordered a different flavor. (他们去了冰淇淋店,每个人点了不同口味的冰淇淋。)
- 完成句子:I like to have a scoop of ___________ after dinner. (ice cream)
- 相关表达:gelato (意式冰淇淋),frozen dessert (冷冻甜品)
salad (沙拉):
- 例句:She ordered a Caesar salad as her main course. (她点了凯撒沙拉当主菜。)
- 完成句子:I always enjoy a fresh ___________ with mixed greens and vinaigrette dressing. (salad)
- 相关表达:green salad (绿色沙拉),side salad (配菜沙拉)
sandwich (三明治):
- 例句:He packed a turkey sandwich for his lunch. (他为午餐准备了一个火鸡三明治。)
- 完成句子:The deli offers a variety of ___________ options. (sandwich)
- 相关表达:sub (卷饼),wrap (卷饼)
soup (汤):
- 例句:She ordered a bowl of chicken noodle soup to warm up on a cold day. (她点了一碗鸡肉面汤来暖和寒冷的天气。)
- 完成句子:The restaurant serves a delicious tomato ___________ as a starter. (soup)
- 相关表达:broth (清汤),chowder (杂烩汤)
tea (茶):
- 例句:He prefers green tea over black tea. (他更喜欢绿茶而不是红茶。)
- 完成句子:I would like a cup of ___________ with honey, please. (tea)
- 相关表达:herbal tea (草药茶),iced tea (冰茶)
chocolate (巧克力):
- 例句:She couldn't resist the temptation and bought a box of chocolates. (她无法抵挡诱惑,买了一盒巧克力。)
- 完成句子:The dessert menu includes a rich ___________ cake. (chocolate)
- 相关表达:cocoa (可可),chocolate bar (巧克力棒)
healthy (健康的):
- 例句:He tries to maintain a healthy diet and exercises regularly. (他努力保持健康的饮食并定期锻炼。)
- 完成句子:The restaurant offers a variety of ___________ options for those who prefer lighter meals. (healthy)
- 相关表达:nutritious (营养的),wholesome (健康的)
may (可能):
- 例句:They may have a table available if you make a reservation. (如果您预订的话,他们可能有空桌子。)
- 完成句子:You ___________ need to wait for a few minutes for your order to be ready. (may)
- 相关表达:might (可能),could (可以)
order (订购、点菜):
- 例句:They decided to order pizza for delivery. (他们决定订购外卖披萨。)
- 完成句子:I would like to ___________ a salad and a glass of water, please. (order)
- 相关表达:place an order (下订单),make a selection (做出选择)
would (会):
- 例句:He asked if they would like any dessert after dinner. (他问他们晚餐后是否想要甜点。)
- 完成句子:___________ you like anything else with your meal (Would)
- 相关表达:might (可能),could (可以)
sir (先生):
- 例句:The waiter addressed him as "sir" when taking his order. (服务员在接单时称呼他为“先生”。)
- 完成句子:Excuse me, ___________, but could you please pass the salt (sir)
- 相关表达:madam (女士),miss (小姐)
piece (块、片):
- 例句:She cut a piece of cake and served it to each guest. (她切了一块蛋糕,分给每个客人。)
- 完成句子:Could I have a ___________ of pie, please (piece)
- 相关表达:slice (切片),portion (部分)
bowl (碗):
- 例句:He ordered a bowl of soup and a salad for his lunch. (他点了一碗汤和一份沙拉作为午餐。)
- 完成句子:The restaurant serves noodles in a large ___________ with chopsticks. (bowl)
- 相关表达:dish (盘子),container (容器)
cone (锥形容器、圆锥):
- 例句:She enjoyed eating an ice cream cone while walking in the park. (她在公园散步时喜欢吃一个冰淇淋圆锥。)
- 完成句子:He ordered a scoop of chocolate ice cream in a sugar ___________. (cone)
- 相关表达:waffle cone (华夫锥),sugar cone (糖锥)