2024年北师大版中考英语一轮复习七年级下册 Unit 4 Getting Ready + Communication Workshop 词汇复测练习


名称 2024年北师大版中考英语一轮复习七年级下册 Unit 4 Getting Ready + Communication Workshop 词汇复测练习
格式 docx
文件大小 22.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-24 10:58:43



Unit 4 Getting Ready
& Communication Workshop
season (季节):
- 例句:I love the colors of the leaves during the fall season. (我喜欢秋天季节树叶的颜色。)
- 完成句子:They went on a hiking trip during the summer ___________. (season)
- 相关表达:spring (春天),autumn/fall (秋天),winter (冬天)
weather (天气):
- 例句:The weather forecast predicts rain for tomorrow. (天气预报预测明天有雨。)
- 完成句子:The ___________ today is perfect for a picnic. (weather)
- 相关表达:climate (气候),forecast (天气预报)
autumn (秋季):
- 例句:The trees shed their leaves in autumn. (树木在秋季落叶。)
- 完成句子:Many people enjoy going apple picking in ___________. (autumn)
- 相关表达:fall (秋季),harvest season (收获季节)
spring (春季):
- 例句:Flowers start blooming in spring. (花朵在春季开始开放。)
- 完成句子:They planted new flowers in their garden to celebrate ___________. (spring)
- 相关表达:season of renewal (更新的季节),blossoming season (开花季节)
summer (夏季):
- 例句:They went swimming at the beach during the summer. (他们在夏季去海滩游泳。)
- 完成句子:I'm looking forward to going on vacation in ___________. (summer)
- 相关表达:hot season (炎热的季节),vacation season (度假季节)
winter (冬季):
- 例句:They built a snowman during the winter. (他们在冬季堆雪人。)
- 完成句子:I like to drink hot chocolate to keep warm in ___________. (winter)
- 相关表达:cold season (寒冷的季节),holiday season (假日季节)
cloudy (多云的):
- 例句:The sky was cloudy, and it looked like it might rain. (天空多云,看起来可能会下雨。)
- 完成句子:They decided to stay indoors due to the ___________ weather. (cloudy)
- 相关表达:overcast (阴天的),partly cloudy (局部多云的)
cold (寒冷的):
- 例句:They wore warm jackets to protect themselves from the cold weather. (他们穿着厚外套来抵御寒冷的天气。)
- 完成句子:The ___________ wind made them shiver. (cold)
- 相关表达:chilly (寒冷的),freezing (严寒的)
rainy (多雨的):
- 例句:They carried umbrellas because the weather forecast predicted a rainy day. (他们带着雨伞,因为天气预报预测会下雨。)
- 完成句子:We had to cancel our outdoor plans due to the ___________ forecast. (rainy)
- 相关表达:wet (湿的),showery (多阵雨的)
snowy (多雪的):
- 例句:The children built a snowman in the snowy yard. (孩子们在雪地里堆了一个雪人。)
- 完成句子:They went skiing in the ___________ mountains. (snowy)
- 相关表达:frosty (多霜的),wintery (冬季的)
sunny (阳光明媚的):
- 例句:They enjoyed a sunny day at the beach, playing in the sand. (他们在阳光明媚的海滩上享受了一天,玩沙子。)
- 完成句子:The ___________ weather lifted their spirits. (sunny)
- 相关表达:clear (晴朗的),bright (明亮的)
warm (温暖的):
- 例句:They sat outside, enjoying the warm breeze. (他们坐在外面,享受着温暖的微风。)
- 完成句子:The ___________ weather made it perfect for a picnic. (warm)
- 相关表达:mild (温和的),pleasant (宜人的)
windy (多风的):
- 例句:The wind was so strong that it blew the leaves off the trees. (风很大,吹落了树上的叶子。)
- 完成句子:They had to hold onto their hats because of the ___________ weather. (windy)
- 相关表达:breezy (有微风的),gusty (多阵风的)
flower (花):
- 例句:She received a bouquet of beautiful flowers on her birthday. (她在生日时收到了一束美丽的花。)
- 完成句子:The garden was filled with colorful ___________. (flowers)
- 相关表达:blossom (开花),petal (花瓣)
village (村庄):
- 例句:They decided to move to a peaceful village in the countryside. (他们决定搬到乡村的一个宁静的村庄。)
- 完成句子:The ___________ was surrounded by lush green fields. (village)
- 相关表达:hamlet (小村庄),rural area (农村地区)
fairytale (童话故事):
- 例句:She loved reading fairytales before bedtime. (她喜欢在睡前读童话故事。)
- 完成句子:The book was filled with magical creatures and enchanting ___________. (fairytale)
- 相关表达:fantasy (幻想),folklore (民间传说)
enjoy (享受):
- 例句:They enjoyed their vacation by exploring new places and trying local cuisine. (他们通过探索新地方和品尝当地美食来享受他们的假期。)
- 完成句子:I ___________ spending time with my friends and family. (enjoy)
- 相关表达:savor (品味),delight in (喜欢)
stone (石头):
- 例句:They skipped stones across the surface of the lake. (他们在湖面上蹦石头。)
- 完成句子:They built a small wall using ___________. (stones)
- 相关表达:rock (岩石),pebble (鹅卵石)
cave (洞穴):
- 例句:They explored the dark cave with flashlights. (他们用手电筒探索黑暗的洞穴。)
- 完成句子:The explorers discovered ancient paintings inside the ___________. (cave)
- 相关表达:grotto (岩洞),cavern (洞窟)
hiking (徒步旅行):
- 例句:They enjoyed hiking in the mountains and taking in the breathtaking views. (他们喜欢在山上徒步旅行,欣赏令人惊叹的景色。)
- 完成句子:I need to buy a sturdy pair of boots for our upcoming ___________ trip. (hiking)
- 相关表达:trekking (远足),trail walking (步行旅行)
island (岛屿):
- 例句:They spent their vacation on a remote tropical island. (他们在偏远的热带岛屿度过了假期。)
- 完成句子:The ___________ was surrounded by crystal-clear waters. (island)
- 相关表达:isle (小岛),archipelago (群岛)
sand (沙子):
- 例句:They built sandcastles on the beach during their vacation. (他们在假期期间在海滩上建了沙堡。)
- 完成句子:I love the feeling of warm ___________ between my toes. (sand)
- 相关表达:beach (沙滩),grains of sand (沙粒)
reason (理由):
- 例句:He couldn't find a reason for his sudden change of mood. (他找不到自己情绪突然变化的原因。)
- 完成句子:He couldn't think of a good ___________ to decline the invitation. (reason)
- 相关表达:cause (原因),motivation (动机)
festival (节日):
- 例句:They celebrated the local festival with music, dancing, and traditional food. (他们以音乐、舞蹈和传统食物庆祝当地的节日。)
- 完成句子:The annual ___________ attracts tourists from all over the world. (festival)
- 相关表达:celebration (庆典),event (活动)
skate (滑冰):
- 例句:They enjoyed skating on the frozen lake. (他们喜欢在冰封的湖面上滑冰。)
- 完成句子:I learned how to ___________ when I was a child. (skate)
- 相关表达:ice skating (冰上滑冰),figure skating (花样滑冰)
ski (滑雪):
- 例句:They spent their winter vacation skiing in the mountains. (他们在山上度过了冬季假期滑雪。)
- 完成句子:I need to rent skis and poles before I can go ___________. (ski)
- 相关表达:ski resort (滑雪度假村),cross-country skiing (越野滑雪)