Unit 4 Lesson 12
holiday (假期):
- 例句:They went on a beach vacation during their summer holiday. (他们在暑假期间去海滩度假。)
- 完成句子:I'm planning to take a ___________ to relax and recharge. (holiday)
- 相关表达:vacation (假期),break (休假)
camp (露营):
- 例句:The children enjoyed roasting marshmallows around the campfire. (孩子们喜欢在篝火旁烤棉花糖。)
- 完成句子:They decided to ___________ in the mountains for the weekend. (camp)
- 相关表达:outdoor (户外),tent (帐篷)
tour (旅行):
- 例句:They went on a guided tour of the city's famous landmarks. (他们参加了一次城市著名景点的导览旅行。)
- 完成句子:She joined a ___________ to explore the countryside. (tour)
- 相关表达:trip (旅行),itinerary (行程)
learn (学习):
- 例句:He enrolled in a language course to learn Spanish. (他报名参加一门学习西班牙语的课程。)
- 完成句子:She wants to ___________ how to play the piano. (learn)
- 相关表达:study (学习),educate (教育)
abroad (国外):
- 例句:She decided to study abroad to experience a different culture. (她决定出国留学,体验不同的文化。)
- 完成句子:They plan to travel ___________ next year. (abroad)
- 相关表达:overseas (海外),foreign (外国的)
eighth (第八):
- 例句:He finished in eighth place in the race. (他在比赛中获得第八名。)
- 完成句子:She celebrated her ___________ birthday with a party. (eighth)
second (第二):
- 例句:She came in second in the singing competition. (她在歌唱比赛中获得第二名。)
- 完成句子:He won the ___________ prize in the photography contest. (second)
- 相关表达:runner-up (亚军),placement (名次)
fifth (第五):
- 例句:They finished in fifth place in the relay race. (他们在接力赛中获得第五名。)
- 完成句子:She celebrated her ___________ anniversary with a romantic dinner. (fifth)
ninth (第九):
- 例句:He came in ninth in the math competition. (他在数学竞赛中获得第九名。)
- 完成句子:She will be on vacation from the ___________ to the fifteenth of next month. (ninth)
guess (猜测):
- 例句:Can you guess the answer to this riddle (你能猜到这个谜语的答案吗?)
- 完成句子:I'm not sure about the answer. Can you take a ___________ (guess)
- 相关表达:speculate (推测),estimate (估计)
exciting (令人兴奋的):
- 例句:The roller coaster ride was thrilling and exciting. (过山车的乘坐令人兴奋和刺激。)
- 完成句子:She felt ___________ when she received the job offer. (exciting)
- 相关表达:thrilling (激动人心的),adventurous (冒险的)
fourth (第四):
- 例句:They finished in fourth place in the swimming competition. (他们在游泳比赛中获得第四名。)
- 完成句子:He celebrated his ___________ birthday with a small gathering of friends. (fourth)
seventh (第七):
- 例句:She came in seventh in the marathon race. (她在马拉松比赛中获得第七名。)
- 完成句子:They will be going on their ___________ anniversary trip next week. (seventh)
- 相关表达:ordinal numbers (序数词),milestone (里程碑)
beautiful (美丽的):
- 例句:The sunset over the ocean was incredibly beautiful. (海上的日落非常美丽。)
- 完成句子:They visited a ___________ garden filled with colorful flowers. (beautiful)
- 相关表达:gorgeous (华丽的),stunning (令人惊叹的)
mountain (山):
- 例句:They went hiking in the mountains and enjoyed the breathtaking views. (他们去山里远足,欣赏了令人叹为观止的风景。)
- 完成句子:They are planning a skiing trip to the ___________ next winter. (mountain)
- 相关表达:peak (山峰),summit (山顶)
clear (清晰的):
- 例句:The picture on the high-definition TV was incredibly clear. (高清电视上的画面非常清晰。)
- 完成句子:The instructions were written in ___________ language that was easy to understand. (clear)
- 相关表达:transparent (透明的),crystal clear (清澈透明的)
last (持续):
- 例句:The concert lasted for three hours. (音乐会持续了三个小时。)
- 完成句子:Their vacation ___________ for two weeks. (lasted)
- 相关表达:endure (持续),continue (继续)
trip (旅行):
- 例句:They took a road trip across the country. (他们进行了一次横穿全国的自驾游。)
- 完成句子:We're planning a ___________ to visit historical sites. (trip)
- 相关表达:journey (旅程),adventure (冒险)
sea (海洋):
- 例句:They went swimming in the clear blue sea. (他们在清澈的蓝色海水中游泳。)
- 完成句子:They enjoyed a peaceful walk along the ___________ shore. (sea)
- 相关表达:ocean (大洋),beach (海滩)
penfriend (笔友):
- 例句:She has a penfriend in Japan whom she regularly writes to. (她在日本有一个笔友,她经常给他写信。)
- 完成句子:I've been corresponding with my ___________ for over five years. (penfriend)
- 相关表达:pen pal (笔友),correspondence (通信)
nest (巢):
- 例句:The bird built its nest high up in the tree. (鸟儿在树上高处筑巢。)
- 完成句子:We spotted a robin's ___________ in the backyard. (nest)
- 相关表达:birdhouse (鸟屋),home (家)
tonight (今晚):
- 例句:They're going to the movies tonight. (他们今晚要去看电影。)
- 完成句子:We're having dinner at a fancy restaurant ___________. (tonight)
- 相关表达:this evening (今晚),later (晚些时候)
rock (岩石):
- 例句:They climbed the steep rock to reach the mountaintop. (他们攀登陡峭的岩石,到达山顶。)
- 完成句子:They sat on a large ___________ by the river, enjoying the peaceful scenery. (rock)
- 相关表达:stone (石头),boulder (巨石)
concert (音乐会):
- 例句:They attended a classical music concert at the theater. (他们在剧院参加了一场古典音乐音乐会。)
- 完成句子:She bought tickets to see her favorite band's ___________ next month. (concert)
- 相关表达:performance (演出),gig (演奏会)
postcard (明信片):
- 例句:He sent a postcard from his vacation to his family back home. (他从度假地向他在家的家人寄了一张明信片。)
- 完成句子:She collects ___________ from different countries as a hobby. (postcards)
- 相关表达:greeting card (贺卡),souvenir (纪念品)
project (项目):
- 例句:They worked together on a school project about renewable energy. (他们一起完成了一个关于可再生能源的学校项目。)
- 完成句子:She presented her ___________ to the class with confidence. (project)
- 相关表达:assignment (任务),task (任务)
party (聚会):
- 例句:They threw a surprise birthday party for their friend. (他们为朋友举办了一场惊喜生日派对。)
- 完成句子:We're hosting a costume ___________ this weekend. (party)
- 相关表达:celebration (庆祝),gathering (聚会)
example (例子):
- 例句:Let me give you an example to illustrate my point. (让我给你举个例子来阐明我的观点。)
- 完成句子:Could you provide an ___________ of how to use this software (example)
- 相关表达:illustration (插图),instance (实例)
plan (计划):
- 例句:They made a detailed plan for their vacation itinerary. (他们制定了详细的度假行程计划。)
- 完成句子:We need to come up with a ___________ to improve our productivity. (plan)
- 相关表达:strategy (策略),schedule (日程安排)