2024年北师大版中考英语一轮复习七年级下册 Unit 5 Lesson 15 词汇复测练习(含答案)


名称 2024年北师大版中考英语一轮复习七年级下册 Unit 5 Lesson 15 词汇复测练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 23.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-24 11:06:18



Unit 5 Lesson 15
pay (支付):
- 例句:He needs to pay the bill before leaving the restaurant. (他需要在离开餐馆之前付账单。)
- 完成句子:I forgot to ___________ for the groceries. (pay)
- 相关表达:settle (结算),remunerate (报酬)
attention (注意力):
- 例句:The teacher asked the students to pay attention during the lecture. (老师要求学生们在讲座期间集中注意力。)
- 完成句子:She couldn't focus because her ___________ was constantly being distracted. (attention)
- 相关表达:focus (专注),concentration (集中)
pay attention (注意):
- 例句:It's important to pay attention to details when solving math problems. (解决数学问题时注意细节很重要。)
- 完成句子:Please ___________ to the instructions carefully before starting the experiment. (pay attention)
- 相关表达:be attentive (专心),be mindful (留意)
graduate (毕业):
- 例句:She will graduate from university next year with a degree in psychology. (她明年将以心理学学位从大学毕业。)
- 完成句子:He was excited to ___________ and enter the professional world. (graduate)
- 相关表达:complete studies (完成学业),obtain a diploma (获得毕业证书)
middle (中间的):
- 例句:He sat in the middle row during the movie. (他在电影放映期间坐在中间一排。)
- 完成句子:The store is located in the ___________ of the shopping center. (middle)
- 相关表达:central (中央的),intermediate (中间的)
anniversary (周年纪念日):
- 例句:They celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary with a romantic dinner. (他们以一顿浪漫的晚餐庆祝他们的10周年结婚纪念日。)
- 完成句子:This year marks the 50th ___________ of the company's founding. (anniversary)
- 相关表达:commemoration (纪念),milestone (里程碑)
writer (作家):
- 例句:She is a renowned writer and has published several best-selling novels. (她是一位著名的作家,出版了几本畅销小说。)
- 完成句子:He aspires to become a successful ___________ and share his stories with the world. (writer)
- 相关表达:author (作者),novelist (小说家)
proud (骄傲的):
- 例句:Her parents were proud of her achievements in academics. (她的父母为她在学业上的成就感到骄傲。)
- 完成句子:I am ___________ of you for overcoming your fears and taking on new challenges. (proud)
- 相关表达:satisfied (满意的),elated (兴高采烈的)
something (某事):
- 例句:He felt that something was missing in his life and decided to make a change. (他感到自己的生活中缺少了某些东西,并决定做出改变。)
- 完成句子:I have ___________ important to discuss with you. (something)
- 相关表达:a matter (事情),an issue (问题)
beginning (开始):
- 例句:They started their journey at the beginning of the year. (他们在年初开始了旅程。)
- 完成句子:The project faced challenges right from the ___________. (beginning)
- 相关表达:start (开端),commencement (开始)
at first (起初):
- 例句:At first, she didn't like the new job, but later she grew to enjoy it. (起初,她不喜欢这份新工作,但后来她逐渐喜欢上了。)
-完成句子:He was hesitant about the idea, but ___________ he agreed to give it a try. (at first)
- 相关表达:initially (最初),in the beginning (一开始)
test (测试):
- 例句:She studied hard for the upcoming test. (她为即将到来的考试努力学习。)
- 完成句子:He was nervous before taking the driving ___________. (test)
- 相关表达:exam (考试),assessment (评估)
happen (发生):
- 例句:I don't know how it happened, but the vase broke. (我不知道是怎么发生的,但花瓶碎了。)
- 完成句子:It was a coincidence that we ___________ to meet at the airport. (happen)
- 相关表达:occur (发生),take place (举行)
trouble (麻烦):
- 例句:He always seems to find trouble wherever he goes. (他似乎无论走到哪里都会惹上麻烦。)
- 完成句子:I need your help with this problem; I'm having ___________ figuring it out. (trouble)
- 相关表达:difficulty (困难),predicament (困境)
be in trouble (陷入困境):
- 例句:He called his friends for help when he realized he was in trouble. (当他意识到自己陷入困境时,他打电话给朋友寻求帮助。)
- 完成句子:If you don't complete the assignment on time, you might ___________. (be in trouble)
- 相关表达:face trouble (面临麻烦),encounter difficulties (遇到困难)
respect (尊重):
- 例句:It's important to treat others with respect. (尊重他人是很重要的。)
- 完成句子:He earned their ___________ through his hard work and dedication. (respect)
- 相关表达:esteem (尊敬),admiration (钦佩)
heart (心脏):
- 例句:Exercise is good for the heart and overall cardiovascular health. (锻炼对心脏和整体心血管健康有益。)
- 完成句子:The doctor listened to her ___________ with a stethoscope. (heart)
- 相关表达:cardiovascular system (心血管系统),cardiac (心脏的)
begin (开始):
- 例句:Let's begin the meeting with a brief introduction. (让我们以简短的介绍开始会议。)
- 完成句子:They decided to ___________ the project as soon as possible. (begin)
- 相关表达:start (开始),commence (着手)
hear (听见):
- 例句:I couldn't hear what he was saying because of the loud noise. (因为噪音太大,我听不清他在说什么。)
- 完成句子:I could barely ___________ her voice over the phone. (hear)
- 相关表达:listen (听),perceive (感知)
glad (高兴的):
- 例句:She was glad to see her old friends at the reunion. (她很高兴在聚会上见到她的老朋友们。)
- 完成句子:I'm ___________ that you could make it to the party. (glad)
- 相关表达:happy (快乐的),pleased (满意的)
anyway (无论如何):
- 例句:I know it's difficult, but we have to do it anyway. (我知道这很困难,但我们无论如何都必须去做。)
- 完成句子:I don't have time to join the club, so ___________, it's not my thing. (anyway)
- 相关表达:regardless (不管怎样),in any case (无论如何)
review (复习):
- 例句:She spent the evening reviewing her notes for the exam. (她花了整个晚上复习考试的笔记。)
- 完成句子:I need to ___________ the information before the presentation. (review)
- 相关表达:study (学习),revisit (重温)
grade (等级/成绩):
- 例句:He received an A grade on his English test. (他在英语考试中获得了A等级成绩。)
- 完成句子:The teacher is going to ___________ the students' assignments this weekend. (grade)
- 相关表达:mark (评分),score (得分)
loudly (大声地):
- 例句:He shouted loudly to get everyone's attention. (他大声喊叫以引起所有人的注意。)
- 完成句子:Please don't speak ___________ in the library. (loudly)
- 相关表达:noisily (吵闹地),vociferously (喧嚣地)
poster (海报):
- 例句:They put up posters around the city to promote the concert. (他们在城市各处张贴海报来宣传音乐会。)
- 完成句子:The ___________ caught my attention with its vibrant colors. (poster)
- 相关表达:billboard (广告牌),banner (横幅)
buy (购买):
- 例句:She went to the store to buy some groceries. (她去商店买了一些杂货。)
- 完成句子:I need to ___________ a new pair of shoes for the upcoming event. (buy)
- 相关表达:purchase (购买),acquire (获得)