Unit 6 Lesson 17
body (身体):
- 例句:Regular exercise is important for maintaining a healthy body. (定期锻炼对于保持健康的身体很重要。)
- 完成句子:She felt aches and pains all over her ___________ after a long day of work. (body)
- 相关表达:physical (身体的),physique (体格)
part (部分):
- 例句:Each team member played a crucial part in the success of the project. (每个团队成员在项目的成功中扮演了重要的角色。)
- 完成句子:The puzzle is missing one ___________ that we need to find. (part)
- 相关表达:component (组成部分),element (元素)
ear (耳朵):
- 例句:She covered her ears to block out the loud noise. (她捂住耳朵以阻隔刺耳的噪音。)
- 完成句子:Please speak louder, I can't hear you clearly with my ___________ plugged. (ear)
- 相关表达:auditory (听觉的),hearing (听力)
eye (眼睛):
- 例句:The artist carefully painted the intricate details of the subject's eyes. (艺术家仔细地描绘了主体的眼睛的复杂细节。)
- 完成句子:She blinked her ___________ to clear away the tears. (eyes)
- 相关表达:visual (视觉的),sight (视力)
head (头):
- 例句:He shook his head in disbelief. (他怀疑地摇了摇头。)
- 完成句子:She rested her ___________ on the pillow and closed her eyes. (head)
- 相关表达:mind (思想),brain (大脑)
neck (脖子):
- 例句:She wore a beautiful necklace around her neck. (她戴着一条漂亮的项链在脖子上。)
- 完成句子:The scarf provided warmth and protection for her ___________. (neck)
- 相关表达:throat (喉咙),cervical (颈的)
easily (容易地):
- 例句:With practice, she could solve the math problems easily. (通过练习,她能够轻松解决数学问题。)
- 完成句子:He gets bored easily and always looks for new challenges. (easily)
- 相关表达:effortlessly (毫不费力地),readily (轻而易举地)
mile (英里):
- 例句:They drove for miles before reaching their destination. (他们开了好几英里才到达目的地。)
- 完成句子:She walked a ___________ every morning as part of her exercise routine. (mile)
- 相关表达:kilometer (公里),distance (距离)
lay (放置):
- 例句:She carefully laid the baby down in the crib. (她小心地把婴儿放在婴儿床里。)
- 完成句子:He ___________ the book on the table and walked away. (lay)
- 相关表达:place (放置),position (摆放)
still (静止的):
- 例句:The lake was so calm that the water appeared still like a mirror. (湖水非常平静,宛如一面镜子一样静止不动。)
- 完成句子:The cat sat ___________ on the windowsill, watching the birds outside. (still)
- 相关表达:motionless (静止不动的),immobile (不动的)
spread (传播):
- 例句:The news of their engagement quickly spread throughout the town. (他们订婚的消息迅速传遍整个小镇。)
- 完成句子:The flu virus can ___________ easily from person to person. (spread)
- 相关表达:disseminate (传播),propagate (传播)
wide (宽的):
- 例句:The river was wide and difficult to cross without a bridge. (河流宽阔,没有桥梁很难过河。)
- 完成句子:She opened her arms ___________ and embraced her friend in a warm hug. (wide)
- 相关表达:broad (广阔的),spacious (宽敞的)
bend (弯曲):
- 例句:He carefully bent the wire into a circle to make a wreath. (他小心地把铁丝弯成一个圆圈,做成花环。)
- 完成句子:She tried to ___________ the metal spoon, but it was too strong to bend. (bend)
- 相关表达:flex (弯曲),curve (弯曲)
reach (到达):
- 例句:He stretched out his arm to reach the book on the top shelf. (他伸出手臂去够顶层书架上的书。)
- 完成句子:With determination and hard work, she was able to ___________ her goals. (reach)
- 相关表达:attain (达到),achieve (实现)
ground (地面):
- 例句:The children played soccer on the grassy ground. (孩子们在草地上踢足球。)
- 完成句子:He stumbled and fell to the ___________ during the race. (ground)
- 相关表达:terrain (地形),surface (表面)
fat (肥胖的):
- 例句:She decided to start eating healthier to lose weight and reduce body fat. (她决定开始健康饮食以减肥和减少体脂肪。)
- 完成句子:The doctor advised him to cut back on ___________ and cholesterol in his diet. (fat)
- 相关表达:obese (肥胖的),overweight (超重的)
horse (马):
- 例句:She enjoyed going horseback riding on the weekends. (她喜欢在周末去骑马。)
- 完成句子:The ___________ galloped across the field with great speed and power. (horse)
- 相关表达:equine (马的),stallion (种马)
hold (握住):
- 例句:She tightly held her mother's hand as they crossed the busy street. (她紧紧握住母亲的手过马路。)
- 完成句子:He struggled to ___________ onto the slippery rope as he climbed up. (hold)
- 相关表达:grasp (抓住),grip (紧握)
dear (亲爱的):
- 例句:She wrote a heartfelt letter to her dear friend who had moved away. (她给搬走的亲爱的朋友写了一封真挚的信。)
- 完成句子:She hugged her ___________ grandmother and told her how much she loved her. (dear)
- 相关表达:beloved (心爱的),darling (亲爱的)