Unit 6 Getting Ready
& Communication Workshop
animal (动物):
- 例句: The zoo is home to a wide variety of animals, including lions, tigers, and elephants. (动物园里有各种各样的动物,包括狮子、老虎和大象。)
- 完成句子: The children were excited to see the ___________ at the petting zoo. (animal)
- 相关表达: creature (生物),beast (野兽)
kingdom (王国):
- 例句: The queen ruled over the kingdom with grace and wisdom. (女王以优雅和智慧统治着王国。)
- 完成句子: The prince was next in line to inherit the ___________ from his father. (kingdom)
- 相关表达: realm (领域),domain (领土)
cow (母牛):
- 例句: The cow grazed peacefully in the meadow, chewing on grass. (母牛在草地上平静地吃草。)
- 完成句子: The farmer milked the ___________ every morning. (cow)
- 相关表达: cattle (牛),bovine (牛的)
duck (鸭子):
- 例句: The ducklings followed their mother as they swam in the pond. (小鸭子们跟随着它们的妈妈在池塘里游泳。)
- 完成句子: The children fed breadcrumbs to the ___________ at the park. (duck)
- 相关表达: waterfowl (水禽),mallard (绿头鸭)
elephant (大象):
- 例句: The majestic elephant trumpeted loudly, capturing everyone's attention. (威武的大象发出高亢的吼声,吸引了所有人的注意。)
- 完成句子: The circus performer rode on the back of the ___________ during the show. (elephant)
- 相关表达: proboscidean (长鼻动物)
giraffe (长颈鹿):
- 例句: The giraffe gracefully stretched its long neck to reach the leaves on the tall tree. (长颈鹿优雅地伸长脖子,以吃到高树上的叶子。)
- 完成句子: The children marveled at the height of the ___________. (giraffe)
- 相关表达: tower (高耸),tall-necked (长颈的)
hen (母鸡):
- 例句: The hen laid an egg every morning in the chicken coop. (母鸡每天早上在鸡舍里下一个蛋。)
- 完成句子: The farmer collected the freshly laid eggs from the ___________. (hen)
- 相关表达: chicken (鸡),poultry (家禽)
lion (狮子):
- 例句: The lion roared loudly, asserting its dominance over the pride. (狮子发出震耳欲聋的吼声,宣示对群体的统治地位。)
- 完成句子: The ___________ is known as the king of the jungle. (lion)
- 相关表达: big cat (大型猫科动物),king of beasts (百兽之王)
monkey (猴子):
- 例句: The monkey swung from branch to branch, displaying its agility. (猴子在树枝间荡来荡去,展示着它的敏捷。)
- 完成句子: The children laughed as they watched the ___________ playfully interact with each other. (monkey)
- 相关表达: primate (灵长类动物),ape (猿)
panda (熊猫):
- 例句: The adorable panda lazily chewed on bamboo shoots in its enclosure. (可爱的熊猫在围栏里懒洋洋地咀嚼着竹子。)
- 完成句子: The conservation efforts aim to protect the habitat of the ___________. (panda)
- 相关表达: bear (熊),bamboo eater (竹食动物)
penguin (企鹅):
- 例句: The penguins waddled across the icy terrain, their black and white feathers standing out against the snow. (企鹅在冰天雪地间摇摇摆摆地行走,它们的黑白羽毛在雪地中格外显眼。)
- 完成句子: The documentary showcased the fascinating life cycle of the ___________. (penguin)
- 相关表达: flightless bird (不会飞的鸟),Antarctic bird (南极鸟)
pig (猪):
- 例句: The pig happily rolled in the mud, cooling itself off on a hot day. (猪高兴地在泥浆中打滚,以在炎热的天气中降温。)
- 完成句子: The farmer raised ___________ for their meat and by-products. (pig)
- 相关表达: swine (猪),hog (猪)
sheep (绵羊):
- 例句: The shepherd gathered the sheep and led them back to the barn. (牧羊人将绵羊聚集起来,带它们回到谷仓。)
- 完成句子: The wool from the ___________ is used to make warm sweaters. (sheep)
- 相关表达: lamb (羔羊),flock (羊群)
tiger (老虎):
- 例句: The tiger prowled through the jungle, its powerful muscles rippling with every step. (老虎在丛林中游荡,每一步都展示着它强壮的肌肉。)
- 完成句子: The ___________ is an apex predator and is known for its striking orange and black stripes. (tiger)
- 相关表达: big cat (大型猫科动物),predator (捕食者)
farm (农场):
- 例句: The farm was filled with fields of crops and animals grazing in the pasture. (农场里种满了庄稼,动物在牧场上吃草。)
- 完成句子: The farmer woke up early every day to tend to the chores on the ___________. (farm)
- 相关表达: agricultural land (农田),ranch (牧场)
wild (野生的):
- 例句: The wild landscape was untamed and filled with diverse flora and fauna. (野生的景观未经驯化,拥有各种各样的动植物。)
- 完成句子: The hiker encountered a ___________ bear during his trek through the forest. (wild)
- 相关表达: untamed (未驯化的),feral (野生的)
huge (巨大的):
- 例句: The huge elephant stood tall, its size awe-inspiring to all who saw it. (巨大的大象屹立在那里,它的体型令所有见到它的人都感到敬畏。)
- 完成句子: The construction project required a ___________ crane to lift the heavy materials. (huge)
- 相关表达: massive (庞大的),gigantic (巨大的)
all the time (一直):
- 例句: The child asked questions all the time, eager to learn about the world. (孩子一直在问问题,渴望了解世界。)
- 完成句子: My dog follows me ___________, never leaving my side. (all the time)
- 相关表达: constantly (不断地),without interruption (不间断地)
parrot (鹦鹉):
- 例句: The colorful parrot perched on its owner's shoulder and mimicked their words. (多彩的鹦鹉栖息在主人的肩膀上,并模仿它们的话语。)
- 完成句子: The ___________ squawked loudly, attracting everyone's attention. (parrot)
- 相关表达: bird (鸟),tropical avian (热带鸟类)
hungry (饥饿的):
- 例句: The hiker's stomach growled loudly, indicating that he was hungry and in need of food. (徒步旅行者的肚子发出了响声,表明他饥饿了,需要食物。)
- 完成句子: The stray cat meowed loudly, a sign that it was ___________ and looking for food. (hungry)
- 相关表达: famished (饥饿的),starving (挨饿的)
koala (考拉):
- 例句: The koala clung to the eucalyptus tree, munching on its leaves. (考拉紧紧抓住桉树,咀嚼着树叶。)
- 完成句子: The ___________ is native to Australia and is known for its cuddly appearance. (koala)
- 相关表达: marsupial (有袋动物),tree-dwelling mammal (树兽)
through (通过):
- 例句: The hiker walked through the dense forest, following the trail marked with yellow signs. (徒步旅行者穿过茂密的森林,沿着标有黄色标志的小径前行。)
- 完成句子: We can reach the other side of the river by swimming or ___________ the bridge. (through)
- 相关表达: via (经由),by means of (通过...方式)
guide (指南):
- 例句: The tour guide led the group through the historic landmarks, providing interesting facts and stories along the way. (导游带领团队穿越历史名胜,途中提供有趣的事实和故事。)
- 完成句子: The travel ___________ provided valuable information about local attractions and recommended activities. (guide)
- 相关表达: handbook (手册),manual (指南)