

名称 重庆市重点中学校2023-2024学年高一上学期期中质量监测英语试卷(无答案)
格式 doc
文件大小 75.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-24 22:22:49



1.What drink does the woman prefer
A.Tea. B.Coffee. C.Cold water.
2.Where are the speakers
A.At the police station. B.On a train. C.In a car.
3.What is Andy’s suggestion
A.Ordering takeout. B.Making some pizza. C.Dining out.
4.What is the woman worried about the boy
A.His study. B.His work. C.His health.
5.When will the next party be held
A.In April. B.In May. C.In August.
6.What did the woman do last night
A.She went to a concert. B.She worked all night. C.She met a friend.
7.What’s the woman’s hobby
A.Playing musical instruments.
B.Collecting all kinds of CDs.
C.Taking photos with stars.
8.What does Mr. Clark want the woman to do
A.Call the newspaper reporters.
B.Make the public announcement.
C.Prepare the necessary statement.
9.How many media will be there
A.3. B.5. C.8.
10.When will the speech be given
A.At 3:00 pm. B.At 4:00 pm. C.At 5:00 pm.
11.What part of the first job attracts Marta
A.The high salary. B.The business travel. C.The working place.
12.What do the two companies have in common
A.They are related to the computer.
B.They are both not big in size.
C.They offer the same position.
13.What does the man think of working in an office
A.Safe. B.Boring. C.Relaxing.
14.What is the man
A.A salesman. B.A coach. C.A tennis player.
15.In which month did the man go to Dubai
A.February. B.March. C.May.
16.What impresses the man most about Paris
A.The pleasant weather.
B.The romantic atmosphere.
C.The modern white building.
17.What are sharks famous for
A.Their large bodies. B.Their sense of smell. C.Their attacking ability.
18.How long can the biggest whale shark be
A.20m. B.10m. C.2m.
19.What do sharks’ good senses help them do
A.Escape from danger. B.Find their food. C.Kill enemies.
20.Where do most sharks live
A.In warm waters of oceans.
B.In cold areas of oceans.
C.In warm lakes.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
1. Travel
Hi! I’m a medical student and work in London on Sundays. I need a lift. I start work at 7:30 and I mustn’t be late, but I haven’t got transport. I’m happy to share the cost of petrol. I like rock music and computer games. Text or phone 07777531245 anytime. Elena
2. Contacts
Are you self-confident Do you like meeting new people I want to go to Australia in the summer and work there, then visit some other countries. I like playing basketball and I enjoy dancing. Do you want to come with me Email AdrianAB@.
3. Accommodation
I’m a first-year art student and want to share a flat or house in the city center. I can pay up to $300 a month. I like shopping and going out. I don’t enjoy living in the student hostel. If you share my lifestyle and have some space at your place, phone Carola: 07879345621
4. Contacts
Does anyone have friends in Portugal or Brazil I’m a modern languages student and I want to have an e-mail penfriend who speaks Portuguese. I’m not a serious person. I like to party with my friends. Write to Henry.happy.foot@.
5. Accommodation
I’ve got a small house near the campus and I want to share it with one other person. You must be tidy. I like playing chess and listening to classical music. I’m a final-year physics e and see the room on Saturday morning. Maggie,142 Bennett road(behind the Science Faculty building).
21.Why did Elena post on Students Space
A.To find someone who has the same interests. B.To share some information about music.
C.To look for a part-time weekend job. D.To ask someone to give her a lift.
22.What should you do if you want to travel abroad with a new friend
A.Email AdrianAB23@ B.Call 07879345621
C.Call 07777531245 D.EmailHenry.happyfoot@
23.What do Carola and Maggie have in common
A.They are free to meet people on Saturday. B.They have the same purpose for posting.
C.They share the same hobbies. D.They are final-year students.
This past summer, I applied for my very first job at a small bakery in my neighborhood. I knew that if I were hired there, I would learn how to use a cash register, prepare sandwiches, and take cake orders. I imagined that my biggest struggle would be serving demanding New Yorkers, but I never thought that the act of tying a box would become both my biggest challenge and greatest teacher.
On my first day of work in late August, one of the employees quickly explained the process. It seemed simple: wrap the string(绳子) around your hand, then wrap it three times around the box both ways, and fasten it. I repeated the message in my head, “Three times, turn it. Three times, tie it.” until it became my prayer. After observing several employees, it was clear that anyone tying the box could complete it in a matter of seconds. For weeks, I failed endllessly, only to watch the strong and small pieces of my pride unravel(散开) each time I tried.
As I rushed to push half-tied cake boxes into plastic bags with embarrassment, I could not help but wonder what was wrong with me. As the weeks progressed, my skills slowly began to improve. Of course, there were days when I just wanted to throw all of the string in the trash and use ta pe instead; this sense of defeat was never wanted, but comments like “Oh, you must be new” from impatient customers made me angry and I determined to try even harder.
Slowly I began to realize that I should not be ashamed if it takes me longer to learn. I kept on, and I continued to tie boxes every weekend at work. Even though I sometimes fell back into helplessness, I always rewrapped the string around my hand and started over because I learned that the most satisfying victories come from not giving up.
24.At first what was the biggest challenge the author thought she would face
A.The result that she was not hired. B.The chance of serving the demanding New Yorkers.
C.The ability to master how to tie a box. D.The need to learn how to use a cash register.
25.We can learn from the passage that ______.
A.she tried hard but still didn’t progress much. B.she found it quite easy to adapt to the new job.
C.she had no choice but to quit the job finally. D.she often threw away many strings in the garbage.
26.Which of the following-words can best describe the author
A.Intelligent and confident. B.Rude and proud.
C.Determined and hardworking. D.Easy-going and warm-hearted.
27.What can we learn from the authors experience
A.Well begun is half done. B.Actions speak louder than words.
C.It is no use crying over split milk. D.Where there is a will, there is a way.
Bees have been around for over 100 million years. Despite their tiny size, they have an outstanding ability to survive a lot of changes since they first appeared on our planet. Besides, they can learn and remember things. They can count up to four and recognize human faces. Just one hive of bees will use this amazing flying skill to fly around 90,000 miles each time they collect 1kg of money. However, it’s a sad fact that these wonderful insects are now under serious threat. Around one-third or bee species are in decline (减少) due to habitat loss, wildfire and threat from non-native insects.
It’s high time that we should tackle this big issue because the loss of bees would be a disaster. It would have an effect well beyond their role in providing the honey we eat. Bees are part of our planet’s balanced ecosystem. If a bee species dies out, the plants and trees that depend on it arc affected too, in turn, the creatures who feed or live on those plants are affected, and so is the food chain.
While it may seem that we can’t do much as individuals, we can certainly work together with others to raise awareness about them and bring about changes. If you’re passionate about bees, spread the love. Sha re your knowledge—fascinating facts and a few scary statistics, and see if you can encourage your friends and family to become bee-friendly too. Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and other organizations are working hard to raise awareness of the problems bees are facing. Supporting these groups is one way of helping bees — through fundraising, following them on social media and sharing campaign details.
28.What’s the outstanding ability of the bees
A.Adding up numbers. B.Recognizing various smells.
C.Finding the right route. D.Adapting to the environment.
29.What does the underlined word “tackle” probably mean in the second paragraph
A.Settle. B.Raise. C.Stress. D.Avoid.
30.Why does the writer call on people to protect bees
A.Because the loss of bees will change what we eat thoroughly.
B.Because plants and trees will survive without the bee species.
C.Because the food chain will be destroyed totally without bees.
D.Because bees play an important role in balancing the ecosystem.
31.What does the last paragraph mainly about
A.The knowledge about bees. B.A public appeal to save bees.
C.A warning against harming bees. D.The causes of the decline in bees.
We use a huge amount of single-use plastic each year-we buy one million plastic bottles each minute around the world. Plastic waste, a material that can take centuries or more to disappear, is causing great damage to the planet. However, plastic waste produced in many countries typically ends up in open, uncontrolled landfills(垃圾填埋池) , most of which finally enters the ocean either by wind or through waterways.
Now, Nzambi Matee, a 29-year-old woman from Nairobi, Kenya, is dealing with this global, crisis by recycling bags, containers, and other waste products into bricks(砖头) used for construction projects. Before founding her company -Gjenge Makers, Matee worked as an oil-industry engineer. After seeing plastic waste along Nairobi’s streets, she decided to quit her job and built a small lab, testing sand and plastic combinations(结合) Matee managed to study in the materials lab at the University of Colorado Boulder, where she in the end developed a _machine that produces the new bricks.
Made from a combination of plastic and sand, the bricks have a melting point higher than 350℃ and can be used for a longer time than traditional bricks. Matee and her team gain much of the raw product from factories and recyclers, and sometimes it’s free, which allows the company to reduce the price point on the product and make it more affordable for schools and homeowners.
“There is waste that recyclers cannot deal with anymore. That is what we get,” Matee said. Her factory produces 1,500 bricks each day, made from a mix of different kinds of plastic. These are polyethylene(聚乙烯) used for milk bottles, sandwich bags, and ropes. But she does not work with polyethylene terephthalate or PET, commonly used for plastic bottles, which can be made into the same form easily again and again.
The plastic waste is mixed with sand, heated and then pressed into bricks, which are sold at different prices, depending on thickness and colour.
32.What does Paragraph 1 mainly focus on
A.The ways of finding single-use plastics. B.Our dependence on single-use plastics.
C.The wide spread use of plastic products. D.Our irresponsible behavior in using plastics.
33.What caused Matee to make the new bricks
A.Her job as an oil-industry engineer. B.Her awareness of plastic waste problems.
C.Her determination to go to university. D.Her research project in the university lab.
34.What are Matee’s bricks like compared to traditional bricks
A.They take less time to make. B.They bear much more weight.
C.They stay in good condition longer. D.They change their colors more easily.
35.What do we know about PET bottles
A.They are easy to recycle. B.They are few in number.
C.They are mixed with sand. D.They are difficult to deal with.
How to stop technology addiction
Research suggests that at least 64% of people now spend up to four hours daily of spare time in front of a screen. Just as TV watching has been linked to higher chances of being fat and getting diseases, this extra sedentary(久坐不动的) time is bad news for our health. 36
Choose outdoor activities over technology
When you’re at home, make it a rule that you can’t be online if the sun is shining. 37 Then, after taking these health y physical activities, you can take out your phone or laptop, or take a seat at the computer. This rule should be fit for everyone in your family.
Limit social media use
According to some experts, the effect of technology on human relationships is worrying as technology has become a substitute for face-to-face human relationships. And social networks have changed computer and mobile use for people of all ages. 38 Avoid aimless browsing(浏览) and give your time online a purpose: research holidays or catch up on the news of the day. Then log off.
Challenge yourself to read at least 30 pages of a great book before you check your computer or mobile phone. Pick the right reading material and you’ll soon find you’ve discovered an enjoyable pastime.
Create projects for yourself
It’s amazing how much you can achieve when you’re not glued to(全神贯注地看)a screen. 40 Some suggestions are organizing the book shelf and cleaning your bedroom. Then try to do one each evening.
A.Set aside reading time
B.Choose the suitable reading materials
C.Make a list of one-hour evening projects.
D.Here are some ways to stop technology addiction.
E.Whether it’s Wechat or QQ, limit the time online.
F.The following are some ways to make better use of leisure time.
G.Instead, you have to go for a walk, ride a bike, or swim at least an hour.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两小节,满分40分)
第一节 完形填空(每小题1.5分,共20小题)
15 years spent in the field of education has provided me with treasured moments. One of the most priceless happened when I was teaching second grade, 10 years ago.
In May of the fourth quarter, I decided to 41 something special for the children: A Mother’s Day tea. We put our 42 together to come up with ideas of how to 43 our mothers. We decided to hold our tea the Friday before Mother’s Day. Each child took home an invitation and I was 44 to see that every mother was planning to attend. I even invited my own mother.
Finally the 45 day arrived. At 1:45 that afternoon, each child lined up at our `classroom waiting for the 46 of his or her mom. As it got closer to starting time, I looked around and my eyes quickly found Jimmy. His mother hadn’t 47 and he was looking anxious.
I took my 48 by the hand and walked over to Jimmy. “Jimmy,” I said. “I have a bit of problem here and I was wondering if you could 49 . I’m going to be really busy. I was wondering if you could keep my mother company while I’m busy.”
My mom and Jimmy sat at a table with two other mother-and-child 50 . Jimmy served my mom her treats, presented her with the gifts I had made, and pulled out and pushed in her chair, just as we had practised the day before. 51 I looked over, my mom and Jimmy were in 52 conversation.
Now, 10 years later, I work with students of all ages, educating them about the environment. Last year, I was at a high school to 53 a senior class on a field trip, and there was Jimmy. When Jimmy made sure we were the last two, he said, “Remember our Mother’s Day 54 we had in second grade Thanks for all you did for me, and thank your mother, too. No one knew my mom didn’t make it!” I 55 my work with a hug from a teenage boy who had probably stopped hugging teachers years ago.
41.A.hide B.teach C.cook D.plan
42.A.coins B.heads C.hands D.changes
43.A.honor B.forgive C.hold D.replace
44.A.proud B.pleased C.stressed D.upset
45.A.happy B.sunny C.big D.last
46.A.story B.gift C.performance D.arrival
47.A.shown up B.turned on C.picked out D.got up
48.A.child B.mother C.student D.gift
49.A.run away B.set off C.help out D.catch up
50.A.volunteers B.crowds C.families D.teams
51.A.Whenever B.However C.Whatever D.Wherever
52.A.low B.loud C.brief D.deep
53.A.take B.show C.bring D.deliver
54.A.gift B.talk C.tea D.game
55.A.continued B.ended C.celebrated D.remembered
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Traveling is fun and it gets more 56 (interest) when we take a long trip for the first time, all alone.
For my vacation, it was decided that I would visit my grandparents with my parents. But since 57 unexpected job came up for my parents, I chose 58 (travel) alone. From then on I was nervous and excited about 59 the trip would go. 60 the day of the trip, my mom packed my bags, prepared food for me and then 61 (give) me a 30minute lesson on being careful and staying away from 62 (strange). She also told me that I should phone her at every station that I went through. Throughout the journey, I was not 63 (sleep) at all. I kept reading my book and 64 (watch) people, and didn’t say much to anyone asking me questions.
I kept phoning my mom at every station. 65 (final), I reached my destination after the three hour journey. There, my grandparents were waiting to collect me. I was very happy to have completed my first trip alone and loved it.
第四部分 写作
第一节 单词拼写(共15小题,每小题1分)
66.We haven’t found the ______(解决办法) yet, but I’m sure we’re on right way.
67.The deadline for ______(注册) was brought forward to 2 p. m. instead of the scheduled 5:30 p. m.
68.We would like to find a new employee who is smart, hardworking, and most importantly, ______(负责的) for his work.
69.Life in senior high school is quite different from that in junior high. For example, choosing a proper optional course is really ______(挑战) for freshmen.
70.A laugh can help people over a(n)______(令人尴尬的) situation.
71.The new research has found that creative children have many qualities in common, including being ______(好奇的) about the world.
72.In recent years, China has sent many astronauts into space, whose work will be of great importance to space ______(探索).
73.I would appreciate it if you could consider my ______(apply). I’m looking forward to your early reply.
74.I will feel ______(annoy) if someone takes my book without asking me.
75.English is one of the ______(office) languages used in India.
76.What’s more, beautiful handwriting makes a good ______(impress) on others.
77.This soldier is the only ______(survive) of the fierce battle.
78.As a mother of four children, she has no ______(prefer) for any child.
79.Once they find people in need, they find ______(suit) ways to help them improve their life.
80.Many people went abroad for ______(advance) technology during their youth.
第二节 书面表达(25分)
D ear Harry,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua