Unit 1 Cultural Heritage 单元整合提升 课件 新人教 必修二


名称 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage 单元整合提升 课件 新人教 必修二
格式 pptx
文件大小 2.6MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-02-25 21:50:52



Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
新人教 必修二
Important Phrases
Ⅰ. Important Phrases
Important Phrases
3.保持平衡 __________;
4.导致 __________;
5.提出建议 __________;
6.向·······求助 __________;
7.阻止;不准 __________;
8.向······捐赠······ __________;
9.确保;设法保证 __________;
10.在世界各地 __________;
Important Phrases
11. creative thinking __________;
12. preserve cultural relics __________;
13. the former and the latter __________;
14. promote friendship __________;
15. download an app __________;
16. an application form __________;
17. protest against the proposal __________;
18. be likely to do sth. __________;
19. establish a committee __________;
20. the speed limit __________;
Important Phrases
21. suffer a great loss __________;
22. make a contribution to __________;
23. contribute to __________;
24. raise funds __________;
25. investigate the issue __________;
26. conduct a test __________;
27. my documents __________;
28. sign a document __________;
29. attempt to do sth. __________;
30. make an attempt to do sth. __________;
Important Phrases
31. a worthwhile trip __________;
32. professional knowledge __________;
33. at the entrance to the GreatPyramid ______;
34. in the process of35.the emergency exit ______;
36. a sheet of paper __________;
37. throughout history __________;
38. high-quality digital images __________; 39. by comparison __________;
40. in contrast to _________;
Grammar in Use
Ⅱ. Grammar in Use
Grammar in Use
1.The government established a special committee _____ (preserve)the ancient temples and other cultural relics.
2.If you want to take part in the activity,you may send your _____(apply)to the organizing committee.
Grammar in Use
3.While we promote economy, we don't forget to keep balance _____ development and protection.
4.He often downloads some _____ (app)and documents from websites.
Grammar in Use
5.The former is ______ (important) than the latter and must give way to the latter.[
6. When you investigate an issue, you must think _____ (creative).
Grammar in Use
7. Any useful clue is _____ (like) to help us to find the answer to the problem.
8.The archaeologist put up a proposal that we should make our national heritage well _____ (preserve).
Grammar in Use
9.His careless conduct led to the_____ (lose)of all the documents.
10.A department has been _____ (establish) in order to investigate this case.
Grammar in Use
11.We must do our best to prevent these historic sites from _____(disappear).
12.We decided to donate the funds they had raised _____ the charity.
Grammar in Use
11.We must do our best to prevent these historic sites from _____(disappear).
12. We decided to donate the funds they had raised _____ the charity.
13. In my opinlon,it is worthwhile _____ (conduct) another experiment.
14.Water from the dam would _____ (like) damage a number of temples.
Grammar in Use
11.We must do our best to prevent these historic sites from _____(disappear).
12. We decided to donate the funds they had raised _____ the charity.
15.By_____ (use )dlgital technology,the professional archaeologist observed the entrance,exit and roof of the Great Pyramid.
16. He will _____ (send) overseas to further study the local traditons and customs there.
Grammar in Use
11.We must do our best to prevent these historic sites from _____(disappear).
12. We decided to donate the funds they had raised _____ the charity.
17. his apinion,we can't forgive anyone _____ destroying any cultural relics.
I8 These caves are of good quality and have _____ (preserve) in Mount Jiuhua throughout human history
Grammar in Use
11.We must do our best to prevent these historic sites from _____(disappear).
12. We decided to donate the funds they had raised _____ the charity.
19.On a sheet of paper, the boy drew an image of a dragon, _____ looked like a snake.
20.The organization called for _____ (contribute)from different departments and raised funds within the university.
Grammar in Use
11.We must do our best to prevent these historic sites from _____(disappear).
12. We decided to donate the funds they had raised _____ the charity.
21.But the proposal would likey lead _____ a protest from the workers.
22. According to various clues and_____ comparison, the archacologist identified the fact.
23.In his articles, the writer often quotes the famous _____(say)that history is like a mirror.
Improve Your Writing
Ⅲ. Improve Your Writing
Improve Your Writing
1.一群高中生正在泰山参加一项文化遗产的保护活动。(take part in a cultural heritage protection activity)
(be pulled down,give way to)
3.我们成立这个部门是为了确保一切进展顺利。(establishthis department,make sure that)
Improve Your Writing
4.专家们调查了这个问题,进行了几次测试,然后向委员会提出了一条建议。(investigate the issue,conduct several tests,make a proposal)
5.这个计划旨在防止世界各地的文化遗产消失。(aim toprevent,the cultural heritage sites throughout the world)
Improve Your Writing
6.我们在大金字塔入口处遇到了一位专业的考古学家。(atthe entrance to the Great Pyramid)
7.文化遗产不仅包括寺庙、宫殿和其他文物,还包括其传统、习俗和知识。(Culural heritage includes not only..,but also...)
8.我鼓励我的学生提出自己的想法和建议。(encouragemy students,come up with)
Improve Your Writing
9. 这位考古学家参观了世界上许多著名的历史遗迹。(famous historic sites throughout the world)
10.如果我们不把这些传统传给下一代,也许有一天它们会消失。(pass on these traditions to,there may come a time when)
Important Phrases
1.take part in ;2.give way to ;
3.keep balance;4.lead to;
5. make a proposal;6.turn to; 7.prevent..from...;8. donate..to... ;
Important Phrases
9.make sure; 10.all over the world 11.创造性思维; 12.保护文物 13.前者和后者 ;14.增进友谊 15.下载一个应用程序
Important Phrases
16.申请表 ;17.抗议这个提议 18.可能做某事
19.成立一个委员会; 20.限速;
Important Phrases
23.贡献;有助于;导致;捐款;投稿; 24.筹集资金; 25.调查那个问题
26.进行测试; 27.我的文件
Important Phrases
28.签署文件; 29.试图做某事 30.试图做某事; 31.不虚此行 32.专业知识 ;
Important Phrases
36.一张纸 ;37.在整个历史中
39.相比之下 ;40.与······形成对比
Ⅱ. Grammar in Use
1.to preserve; 2.application 3.between; 4.apps
5. less important; 6.creatively 7.likely; 8.preserved
9.loss ;10.established
11.disappearing; 12.to
Ⅱ. Grammar in Use
13.to conduct/conducting 14.likely; 15.using
16.be sent; 17.for;
18.been preserved; 19.which
20.contributions; 21.to; 22.by; 23.saying。
A group of high school students are taking part in a cultural heritage protection activity at Mount Tai.
The newly-built house was pulled down and gave way to the protection of the cultural relics.
We have established this department to make sure that everything goes well.
Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests,and then made a proposal to the committee.
Ⅲ. Improve Your Writing
Ⅲ. Improve Your Writing
5.This programme aims to prevent the cultural heritage sites throughout the world from disappearing.
6.We met a professional archaeologist at the entrance to the Great Pyramid.
7.Cultural heritage includes not only temples,palaces, and other cultural relics, but also its traditions,customs, and knowledge.
Ⅲ. Improve Your Writing
8.I encourage my students to come up with their own ideas and proposals.
9. The archaeologist has visited a number of famous historic sites throughout the world.
10. If we don't pass on these traditions to the next generation, there may come a time when they disappear.